How 200,000 Hour Clan RULES The Server – OT Rust Wipe Progression
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This forced wipe we played on Rustoria US Long, and the plan was to control the snow. We did this by early securing Labs and Launch Site – watch how we profit raided our way to being the richest clan on the server
Thumbnail by Joota – https://twitter.com/designjoota
My Discord – https://discord.gg/BKB5jqc
My Twitter – https://twitter.com/tonzash
My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/tonzaot
My E-Mail – tonzarust@gmail.com
OT Discord – https://discord.gg/oilteam
OT YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/oilteamgg
Use code “OIL” to get 10% off all WALLHACK mousepads – https://wallhack.com/OIL
00:00 – Early Game Progression
3:04 – Raiding Launch Site Group
7:12 – Launch Site Progression
10:00 – Main Base Tour
15:14 – Raiding a new Launch Site group
23:06 – Raiding Underwater Labs group
29:11 – Raiding Sulfur Quarry & Military Base group
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive. Rust Console out now. But this is not Rust Xbox or PS4. This is PC Rust Clan Progression Video.
Taqs:rust movie,rust,warrior rust,rust pvp,rust base,rust survival,rust solo,rust ak,rust ak spray,rust ak recoil,vanilla,zerg,raid,ak,script,recoil,crosshair,duo,speedrun,endgame,raiding,defending,hjune,aloneintokyo,rust zerg,xqc rust,korean zerg,guide,raid defense,ot,oil team,progression,rust zerg progression,zerg progression,ot rust
コメント (88)
12:35 did anybody else notice the Star Wars music
The men that built that base are something else. Such a wild base.
Yo you guys should Inv iok to ot
Are there any Turks in your team?
Is ot on console i have bin in 7 servers where they have vending machines that say we are ot and if not how would one go upon setting up a legit ot clan on console rust?
OT better be on the next FancyOrb Event, Yous were by far the best most ruthless clan on the last event.
Why was there finlands flag at The base tour
Bro, that base. That shit cant be raided online 😀 nice vid
Ot so so bad I can’t even they only have number me and my duo rolled 6 of them
Hey Tonza I remember you from affinity 2x fridays, you played with swaggang, anyways you gave me alot of loot end wipe but great video!
8 main team players get banned in 1 week this wipe?
i hate seeing the opps do good
OT clan scummmmm
Tbh it’s 1 wall 4 doors and 1 window and I’m in the mixing table room
OT should play a wipe on rust console edition
12:36 metal door on hqm frame 😂
The builder is top notch. Who is it
which one is ling ling?
1:55 looked kinda sus
pls pick me for next wipe xd
Why no post of the R2 raid 😭
I wanna see this turret layout for the base. Are they only turning on when people are near?
Me and my team lived right next to you guys down the shore in a 2×2 and the long wipe was the most fun I have had in a min PvP was crazy
OIL <3
What a bunch of nerds lmao
whoever the base builder is needs to be tagged, crazyy
türk 😀 olm ne güzel base lan
Nice video tonza. And nice base design!!!
veri stronk finish aksent
the star wars music during the base tour was perfect
Who is the builder????? that is immaculate
w video
how the fuck did you get 300k uppkeap per day and a 850k base up like what the f
Oil. Add me
Actually makes me throw up being that deep and sitting at a supermarket for progression 🤮
you guys cheating this wipe?
Star Wars is bravo with this setup.
Best cheaters clan :-))))
german flag in the open core. LETS GOOOOO
Holy shit, these potato graphics, 200k hours my ass. 0 skill, just numbers. 80% of those hours are 100% botted obvious as fuck.
Holy shit, these potato graphics, 200k hours my ass. Half of it is botted and you’re not a clan you’re a zerg. Low as fuck.
hacker zerg lololol
ot wipe progression = playing with cheaters
W vid🔥🔥
Only click on your videos to see if you guys bagged cheaters from comments
#OTonTOP! 😎
first day of summer break already got a new OT vid. 18th bday today. summer is already going amazing
the ling called, had to answer
Yeah can you please put the YouTube video as I want to build the base
bro i bought a lot of gears from you. 7 diesels 20 gears. Oil on top.
¨W vid. keep up the good work
suomen lippu openis W
Base tutorial when? coz that base is SICK
Tonza, I am your close follower, we love your videos. I wonder if there is a Turkish player in your team, who is it?
Used to main this server when I played. Most fun imo. My group of 8 tea villagers. 700 pop but it’s huge map so not too bad
hey man huge fan of your videos! i was just wondering where has BeanWater been? i really enjoyed his content and his impact on your squad anyways great video!
within an hour gang
What’s the upkeep on that and how many hours could you get
W base Tour
w video
big raiders
Tonza, this video lookin kinda cute…
worse vid