Our Next Update, Event & Wipes 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
Wipe schedule for my custom server and Rust Console Weekly and monthly official servers. We have our big Halloween event coming this week on Rust Console Main Branch along with the next update release on the testing branch this week. Testing branch giving a preview into what the Quality of life update will bring us later this month. With the Shop Drone update already in the Rust Console, Testing Branch is ready to receive the next big update that we will be getting. A big change in the way Rust Console edition does updates, along with a lot of exciting additions coming for us still this year. Future updates could include Minicopters, cars. Will we get cars, Minis after electric furnaces (industrial update) on Rust Console Edition. Other modes of transportation that we could be getting in the future are, minicopters, scrap helicopter, hot air balloon, cars (modular vehicles). In this video I go over what we do know so far and what could be on the horizon for us on Rust Console Edition for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Get ready for Rust’s latest update, featuring brand new modes of transportation like horses, modular vehicles (cars), hot air balloons, and mini helicopters (scrap helicopter)! Join us as we explore the exciting world of Rust’s upcoming transportation options and see how they’ll change the way you play. Whether you’re a console player on Rust PS4, Rust Xbox, Rust PS4 Pro, or Rust Xbox One X, or a PC player on Rust Custom Servers, this update will take your Rust experience to the next level. Don’t miss out on the latest Rust news and updates – stay tuned for more on Rust Console, Rust PS4, Rust Xbox, Rust Xbox Series X, Rust PS5, and more! Are Rust Console Cars and Custom Servers soon? With the addition of Power update and now the farming update (cultivator update) on Rust Console Edition PTB it clears the way for the potential of custom servers to finally come to Rust Console. Also with the addition of the farming update there was a terrain update that really leave a bunch of clues that Rust Cars (Modular vehicles) are in active development and are closer than we think. Quick Rust console news update. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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► Razor Tube: https://goo.gl/dg4HOV
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Drone,Rust Shop Drone,Rust Easy Mode,Rust Hard Mode,Rust Secret Update,Rust Console Secret Update,Rust Event,Rust Halloween,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Cars,Rust Wipe,Rust Console Wipe,Rust Blueprint Wipe,Rust PS4 Blueprint Wipe,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (26)
was looking through my old messages and seen yo name, brought back so many memories from waiting for rust
Wait so are severs wiping on the 17
Found the update lol
I wanna make a private server how can I do thar
When will they drop old gen??
All I want is new recoil and minis lol
Bigger maps when??
We need a graphics update !!!
We want train tunnelssss
I can’t find the your trio sever bro, it’s not loading!
rust stream soon?
We desperately need MLRS for bases that spam turrets/windmills
So for monthly main branch will my base be gone the 17th or is there no wipe at all
I wonder when are they going to have a next gen update??
@jademonkey I am an admin on a community server and we have had the holloween event for about a week now, we enabled it in the settings
No air vehicles plz
yessssss heils and cars
pc rust is better lmaoooo
Anyone see what they put on discord does that mean there’s a surprise coming or is the Halloween event the surprise?
Nah we dont need helis or cars or nothing. What we need is the hood and the handcuffs and blackjack and the slot machines.
If they’re going to add a vehicle to the console version of the game I think it should be the hot air balloon just because it’s the easiest one to render in and it’s the slowest one
Even building skins and caves with the qol would be a game changer to
I really want those electrical led signals or hanging lights
Australia no.1
China no.1