RUST Electrical | How To Use THE NEW DOOR CONTROLLER | With Simple Base Lockdown Examples | 2024



A QUICK GUIDE to The New Door Controller!! #rust

RUST Electrical | How To Use THE NEW DOOR CONTROLLER | With Simple Base Lockdown Examples | 2024

This video covers everything you need to know about the new door controller!

Have a question? Leave it in the comments or join my Discord!

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Music Credits:
Main – Rich in the 80s by DivKid (YouTube Library)
Outro – 80S Powerful Cinematic Synthwave [ Synth Stylish Fashion Youtube Ads ] (purchased from Pond5)

Video Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Basic Overview
3:53 – Door Placement & Wiring Tips
5:06 – General Examples With Base Lockdown
11:41 – Hiding Door Controller / Trap Base Example
13:12 – Door Controller TC Loss Security Tip
14:13 – Outro

Taqs:Gneissish,RUST,nice ish,electrical,austin klaila,how to,Electrical Update,door controller



  • コメント (23)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @AustinKlailaGames
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    THIS VIDEO CONTAIN A MISTAKE – I incorrectly stated in the video that raiders can manually pair door controllers after placing their own TC. This is not accurate. A raider needs to be authed on the door in order to manually pair a door controller. There are additional updates and fixes being released in the June update, so I’ll drop a new video that addresses the above mistake and the new updates.

    • @gbxd
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    How to do an automatic door open and the other one will close at the same time using a pressure plate? Btw, i already knew how to wire a single door to automatically open but clueless on how to add another door to automatically closed when pressed by pressure plate.

    • @EngNerdGMN
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Fun tip:
    If you always wire the DC passthrough to close you can change the behavior of the DC depending on the voltage applied.
    Apply 2V+ to the DC and 1V passes to the close trigger making it lock down.
    Apply 1V to the DC and 0V passes making the door cycle open/close.
    This way you can use an OR and the voltage passed determines the door behavior.

    • @TheBrookian
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Great video.

    • @wizzle2222
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    @austinklailagames Can you raid someones base and then put door controllers on a door you do not own and make the doors open? Or do you need to have the door code/own the key lock?

    • @thegreatdelusion
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    I have a pressure plate in my entrance that shuts every door in my base. How can I add a timer on that so that it doesn’t shut the doors right away but after ~2 secs?

    • @Reanimator7336
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    NVM. Trying to trap people.

    • @Reanimator7336
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Why dont you use a sensor instead of a timer or button? Seems like the use of unnecessary items to craft.

    • @risennation1239
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    This makes external tc even more important

    • @kaiohshin2322
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    1) Can raiders use this against you?
    – yes. If raiders place a new TC replacing yours, they can use existing door controllers to open doors without explosives.
    2) Can raiders now open doors without a door controller if they have TC?
    – no. You need to have codelock authority to pair a doorcontroller to a door. Simply placing a door controller on a locked door that you can not open, will not allow people to use said doorcontroller to open the door.
    3) How can you prevent raiders using doorcontrollers against you?
    – As always, external TC’s. They have been a staple of base building in Rust and one can reasonably assume that if you use door controllers you most likely have a base big enough to have external TCs. If raiders do not have building privilege they can not connect to existing door controllers, nor can they place their own door controllers.
    4) Is it worth it to use door controllers?
    – yes and no. It is a QoL addition, making it easier to auto-close doors in your core, or protecting a turret. I would advice against putting door controllers onto important doors (to lootrooms) and only use them on doors protecting turrets.

    • @Invertedworldx
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Just be careful with the HBHF sensor for authorized users if you’re in the area or close to those buttons they can trigger if they’re connected to open Or just use smart switches

    • @idonahoe
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    i think your content is in dire need of a script writing. im a big fan of how you physically prepare your presentation in-game, but i feel as tho there tends to be a lot of rambling and redundancy throughout your explanations. the stream of consciousness style got me fumbling through timestamps until i find what im looking for. there are so many mechanics to learn in this game, i think your content would help beginners a great deal if it was more concise. that being said, youve got some of the best angles regarding electricity that the community could hope for. keep it up!

    • @dylanheredia8520
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Just how you said if you lose power the doors close once you regain power the dooors open is there a way to stop this. Because if I’m not at base my doors will keep cycling open and close as my batteries try and recharge. It’s like a never ending loop of my doors opening

    • @danielregan6871
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Why did they do this ? It seems pointless, you could already do all of this with a memory cell.

    • @runecreationz
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Amazing video

    • @pipeliner3264
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Ok so raiding is now completely broken, if you get tc and place a new one you can literally open all other door without blasting through them. You only need to place door controller and it will open without needing codes

    • @Necrotic99
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Another great video. Devs did good by making it un-pair if TC is destroyed, but dropping new TC and letting them re-bind by pressing E defeats the point of unpairing….

    • @Mr.-Good
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Great Explanation! GLHF Gamer GG’s

    • @ZA-tl3qz
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Next update you can connect the pass through to open or close on door controllers

    • @jrale4597
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    awesome vid once again!

    • @DieKnoop
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    If the raiders replace the TC and pair the controller again, do they need the code lock keys for the doors or would they just be able to hook up the electrics and open your code lock doors just with a button?

    • @DieKnoop
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Keep up the good work! Love it

    • @afghitman
    • 2024年 10月 13日 7:30pm

    Definitely downloadong this episode!
