Horse and Stables Guide | Rust Tutorial
This video will cover the horses, utilities, safety, and location of the stables. Horses are a great way to quickly travel between locations and escape gunfights. You will most likely find them around the map, in front of players bases. You can sneak up and steal them to acquire a horse for free without the need of purchasing one at the stables. If you want to keep a horse, make sure to feed and secure them within a compound or base so other players don’t steal them.
00:00 – Intro
00:08 – Location
01:20 – Safety
01:54 – Horses
02:47 – Purchasing
03:07 – Riding
04:12 – Stamina & Food
05:55 – Housing
06:25 – Equipment
08:58 – Harvesting
09:25 – Final Notes
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—-Epidemic Sounds—-
1. Changli – Ooyy
2. Leaving Serengeti – Ooyy
3. Octagonic – Luwaks
4. Reversed Beginning – Luwaks
5. Thunderbird – Ooyy
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust,Horses,Rust Horses,rust stables,rust horse stables,rust ranch,rust how to get a horse,rust horse feeding,rust horse riding,rust horse equipment,rust horse trader,rust trader,rust monument,rust safezone,rust horse breeds,rust horse guide,rust stables guide,rust horse tutorial,rust tips,rust jfarr,Jfarr,Jfarr133,Rust survival,rust info,how to play rust,rust horse tips
コメント (66)
whats the name of the skin for a garage door?
my horse is stuck in the stable :c
i was told earlier today that horses cannot go through a double door that has a garage door installed in it, is this true?
So the horses die faster if kept with a roof over their head?
These bot comments are crazy.
Perfekt explanation and Video making thank you so much for this work it helps a lot
I live near the ranch lmao I was running and walking ervwyerh and the guys like go they have free horses. I did . Now I got a horse
Very helpful with them about to come to console everyone is concerned on keeping our new pets alive and we thought it would be impossible because of how fast and much they eat but knowing that if we max out thier health and stamina makes them eat slower at a feed station keeping them from just eating everything in the feed station quickly plus slower eating when asleep it makes it more possible but also leaving them outdoors but then again console players constantly will lob gernades into your yard and or jump it and possibly just grief you for no reason so indoor horses are definitely the way to go on console
I built a chain link fence on the honeycomb bump out/shed I got for my mixing table and tier 3 and used grates over top of the horse not sure if that can help avoid anything happening to them. I thought it was a good idea anyways it’s a square and 2 triangles large of area
Who’s here after console got horses
excellent guide, thank you
you realize it is a war crime to kill a horse in rust ?
I didn’t see any mention of how to take care of them in the snow biome. I have a trough on the ground inside my high wall, I left two horses at the trough, packed the trough full of corn and pumpkins, and went to bed for the night. When I woke up, the horses were gone, and there was still food in the trough. Did they die from the cold?
Your tutorials have been invaluable! Thank you 🙂
how much food is needed to keep the horse alive for 24 hours?? seems like an important point which was missed.
Rust has horses now ? I’m legit old 🤣
bro keep up your good work before you know it you’ll have 500k subs. lov your editing
Stables also have a burning barrel on the upper floor, which gives you 100% comfort
hope they make horses not feel stuffed
So you cant stop them from despawning? t.t I lost a white pure bred
These horses can’t jump nor step up or down down rocks.
I would prefer a Skyrim type horse mechanic.
And a useful way to get scrap combining a composter and sell the furthelizer 😂👍🏻👍🏻thx
Some of the best and most informative videos that i have come across; presented cleanly and concisely. Job well done Jfarr 👍 well worth a SUB.
Thank you jfarr
My map has neither a ranch or barn
How do you craft a horse stable to feed it
amazing!! so if they got enough food, they wont die even if they are inside a base right?
So if u have a hitching post but no food in it will the horse despawn indoors?
So a horse with wooden armor and a high quality horse shoe is a great way to move loot. Nice one!
Great videos, subbed. Thanks.
what is the point of having the lesser horse breeds on sale when you can a better one in the same location?
M grandma is faster than a horse
Can you throw the horse poop at people? Asking for a friend
Raw meat wont heal the horse but it will restore stamina.
your guides are so useful. Thanks for putting in all the work. (:
Does the rider defense provided by horse armor stack with your own armor
Didnt know horse armour doubles as a saddle bag as well!
Your vids are pog
Can you do a guide about minicopters?
Man keep up with the great vid, they are very useful, you are so underrated and will definitely be sharing them with my friends who are new
Make a bradley guide like u did with heli
please make one for electricity
Great vid but I don’t think anyone buys horses
Great video as always. Always come to your videos to learn about monuments.
I miss the vid
Didnt you already do this?
Do a updated version for Junkyard
Horses in the game are setup so stupid. Mmmm…let me see should I pay for a fast or slow horse at same price. If a player buys a slow one, then they need to get a refund on rust.
You should do a video on when each of these update came out, like a list in order of when they cane out so people on console can know the order each of these things came out and what to expect
Jesus Christ, your videos are amazing – only 19k subs…why 🙁 You deserve much more my friend, greetings from Poland.
Don’t know why I’m watching this bc I’m on console but good vid none the less.
You should really do gameplay videos, your editing is so clean that I’m almost certain you could make it work.
holy crap ive been playing solo a lot so ive been using horses and i didnt know some of this stuff
Nice Guide, i hope to see more of this guides!
I love your content and i find it very helpful. Do you mind making a video on components and which ones to recycle and which ones are worth it to keep.
editing is clean, gj
thanks for your tutorials, i use some of them on rust console
So you need to feed your horse? That explains everything
Locked crate and airdrop guide???
wow i love horses