The ONLY SOLO guide YOU need in Rust
I’m a Twitch streamer and YouTuber who menaces people in Rust.
• https://www.twitch.tv/yakov
• https://twitter.com/itsYakov
• https://discord.gg/onlyyaks
Editor: Fisuxd https://fisuxd.crd.co/
Music: Midnight Swing – Jules Gaia
Taqs:rust,rust ak,rust pvp,rust duo,rust base,rust best,solo rust,rust solo,rust raid,rust movie,rust plays,rust clans,rust admin,rust hacker,rust update,rust secret,rust fastest,rust raiding,rust console,rust snowball,rust solo pvp,rust luckiest,rust trolling,rust best solo,c4,rockets,rust rockets,gaming,rust sulfur,sulfur,clan,rust clan,loot,secret,gameplay,vanilla,modded,rust skin,eco,stimpee,spoonkid
コメント (510)
Wake up next day raided no point
only do this if your a bot
Aged unhelpful now do to outpost tax
Honestly best solo start is to GO SNOW. Your biggest enemy as a solo is grubs you don’t even see. Snow has no bushes and the the deep snow cold keeps most naked grubs well clear of the area
Please don’t do this. If you’ve played at minimum ten min of a full pop server. You know this is dumb
No, eoka and bow. Make a play. All you need
Nah put that 150 on yellow on the wheel
Bro, I just downloaded rust and these comments make me not want to play😂
Once you get 4000 stone, you get shot in the back of the head with an L9 🗣️🗣️🗣️
This is terrible. Get 50 cloth and make a bow. Get a 1×2 with airlock and you are set.
terrible advice and they are not 150 unless irs day 22
You forgot the part where they updated the shop and now the fucker is like 300 scrap, and even before that you die like 10 times before getting to outpost
This is an extremely terrible solo start in Rust. Maybe a good start for the guy that’s going to rob you after you buy the jackhammer
Nah, get wood, then metal frags from comps, make a eoka, then make that play. 😉
They nerfed the Outpost so much or is it the server that i was playing? What is this (Efficiency and Extra) BS
Had rust once… took be 5 hours to get 150 scrap and had my base destroyed by 6 people.
Sad experience, got refund and never went back
You forgot the part where everything’s going well u til you have to gunfight. I’ve put hours into this game just to lose all my progress
Guys dont trust this. He is manipulating u into buying a jackhammer which if u get killed by will make the already rich richer
try this on anything over 300 pop on wipe day good luck
Lol more like 300 scrap now
Easy yeah if you even live that long without a base to store your stuff in I got killed so many times building a base put the door in first
Buy a yakhammer
Why is wood more importent?
This gotta be the most inafitiant way to start rust ive ever seen
You forgot there sever pop taxe🥲
In my sever it has inflation so it’s 270 lol
And how do you get food or water?
Selling stone for wood is crazy
You will die 80% on normal setvers with kackhammer without any weapon
The new update tho
Anyone wondering the actual easiest way is farm like 75 scrap for a horse saddle then just ride around roads for crates and toolboxes till you get enough for jacky and you might find good loot inthe boxes too 👍🏻
He is correct
You forget the part where you’re into late wipe and there’s nowhere to build your base where roofcampers haven’t already claimed territory
Just bought the game, spent 3 hours figuring it out and soon as I placed the door guy opened it and DB me. Hate that game
These comments are top tier 😂😂😂
Incorrect you take that 150 scrap you buy a shotgun trap craft a little crappy wood bass with a jump down once you get a good kit, take all your shit and run as fast as you can
Like how you built a stone base cuz a wood base would be deleted in 2 mins of building or door camped
U r underrated
No, I’m in a clan😂😂
my favorite is /kit
Thats easy to do. The hard part is to not get killed by a bunch of kids with bows and spears
go to fishing village with diving gear and do the diving quest for a pump shotgun
This eaaasy woood i have in my mind all the time
POV:Just found a naked logged of on the outskirts of outpost in the safe zone but still lootable with 2.5k scrap😄😄😄😄
Jackhammer is 300 scrap
Even with 150hrs of playtime I can see that this is an awful idea lol
You missed the part we’re a trio is camping outpost following your every move like a bunch of deranged neaderthals
Farm sulphur for 700 sulphur ore you get 7000 stone get 20 scrap use drone to make that trade , half goes to wood and rest is to upgrade the base to stone
easier and faster to loot it.
As a newb, I used to do this 😂
This is the equivalent of
Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face
The rest is history
So I got some of that correct starts good enough scrap build up for the jackhammer.
hit some notes very quickly with low grade
But turn into wood I missed that step fk…
I supose the best way its farm 500 sulfur ore for tommy and 140-170 scrap for buying tommy, get blueprint ammo and buy a frag granade in bandit camp, also u can buy cloth and farm some fuel, after this u can farm underground and travel for your base place
Or, just use the scrap to buy wood, stone and metal frags
Or you could just play in a group lol
I wanna play even tho I’m on ps5 and two years late
you forgot the part where my build location is 14 grids from outpost and i die to 10000 nakeds with hunting bow
What’s your really have to do? Is you have to go in front and start off and then what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna go on the map and I’m gonna try to find people who have vending machine normally there for sulfur and sulfur and just farm sulfur for the gun
I am solo but I want to have some body I have no friends to play with what the hell do I’d I try to do this but every time I die 😢
Do this, minus the jackhammer and buy metal and gloves instead.
Never understood this. In the time it takes you to get to outpost from spawn beach with 150 scrap, you’ll already have enough for a 2×2 and more left over
Step 1. Alt f4
Or farm scrap for a pistol
That’s a lot of crap just to start a base.
I don’t even have Rust
I dont know why there are so many negative people here. I do this every wipe, most of the time, without any issues. Occasionally you will get grubs camping outpost, but remember, there are multiple ways out of outpost when you are leaving.
Nowhere near how i start im already 3 mp5s in buy the time i even build anything
Soooo you get stone and use stone to buy wood and build a base with the wood which is clear. But its the part whwte you upgrade the wood base to stone that you dont have lol
What a stupid guide, too much risk and especially solo. Get fact checked.
Farm 150 scrap to get 4 stone nodes? Fail
you forgot the part where you die to hunger after running from russians with ak’s
BIIIIIIIIIIG memory loss. You forgot the squad of 6 locating your every move
I always take fights when I have loot FML IM ASS WITH THE BOW
You forgot the part where clans roofcamp nakeds for fun
Dayz better
Hey, c’mon now guys, this strategy totally works!*
*provided you play on dead or pve only servers.
The chinese zerg with AKs in a van patrolling the barrel farming spots be like:
thankfully facepunch banned me bc i got hacked.. im getting happy without this game
What he didn’t tell you is you farmed that 150 scrap for him
You forgot the part where u due to the same 6 man 12 times leaving outpost
This guy can’t actually play rust lol this is probably the worst way to get a start solo
do not do shit trash lmaoooo
Nah the only thing you need to do as a solo is farm up enough scrap for db and after that just grub you way to find
If you somehow manage to survive the way to the outpost with 150 scrap then manage to farm atleast some stone nodes around outpost without dying. You then can proceed to run to your building location and die on your way their with your base mats and the 150 scrap jacky….
Srsly if someone rly does this:
Make sure you play on a below 40 pop server, else this wont work!
lategame tip unless you have gear fear. when roaming ak always bring a bow/crossbow. prim fighting still most fun. everyone can use a ak hold m1 and ”outplay”
You’ll probably die 79 times before even reaching outpost
Bro are u just tryna trick people into playing as absolute mongs? Cmon now
After about 30 tries you’ll get there with this guide 🙂
this only works on servers with zero population
You forgot the fact that there’s other players
Best start is to NOT farm near outpost like wtf?? 😂
Bro first step takes the whole wipe for me
yeah 150 scrap in the way to the compound… Naked, unarmed and you have to break like 70 noisy barrels… you have to be alone in the server to do that…
bro lost everyone at the word outpost
Isch figge eusch
This is terrible advice 😂 The best way to get a base is to play the game normally and stay away from people
At this point just put down a shack and farm till you can build for real 😂 unless you’re on a low pop server or have the luck of the leprechaun gods this aint happening 😂
Who all agrees we should have atleast one full day of prim? Like it’s hard for people that work and are always a couple hours late to wipe spawning into kids roaming full metal aks
And yes there are the kids around outpost that will take your jackhamer before you can use it😂 usualy they are toxic😂
Don’t forget to get killed 90 times getting there because you haven’t gotten a weapon and everyone else always has
if only it was that simple…
Tell me how to get off the beach
Comprar uma Jack Hammer antes de ter armas vai dar certo
0/5 guide
If you successfully keep the 150scrap and all the plans works sounds good
All nice but I got killed all the time no shit guy this game sucks
On wipe, get green and a fuse, get a blue, go outpost and recycle. Buy an m92 and smokes with the scrap from running the monuments. Then get a red, return to outpost and buy a balloon (or a helicopter if you have teammates who have brought scrap of their own to outpost.) Go large oil.
*hits barrel*
Every single players in a 5 square radius: “allow us to introduce ourselves”
Why not just save time and get all that with a stone
You forgot about the part where there’s 10 kids on the ins and outs of outpost watching your every move until you leave the safe zone
“Grab some wood” builds the base out of stone mmmm
I bet ur talking about 5 ppl online server? XD
Remember to always ban the British off the sever if you want to enjoy the game.
Guys, dont do this, the way is, get 300 scarp, and gamble it all, you will come out with 2000 guarantee
Or buy gun and snowball
Is this on vinilla
You forgot the part where you can’t find a single node
wow so easy! why didnt I think of this
buddy on 1000 pop server hitting barrels is not an option unless you already have a base that you can quickly depo in
If you play console rust join my new server vanilla virtue
Or you buy a chainsaw for 125 scrap then trade rhe wood for stone
Youre bricked
Do starters get raided in rust
first advice if youre solo dont live next to outpost
Smartest thing to do is..get enough scrap even if thats from using your rock on all Signs and barrels within the safezone , recycle and get the paddle learned, then just use this tool akll around the outpost till you get enough scrap to unlock tier 1 stuff before leaving the outpost
thats stupid funny, No way you get a jack hammer and do nodes qaround the outpost.You would be dead in less than 5 minutes
Then you go out from outpost and you’ve been killed by camper
Also pick a server with only like 5 players. I was in one with about 40 and while the people there were cool as soon as I built a base the rivals would raid it. Played there for almost a week and never even got to have a base more than a day. So a low player game is good to figure out the more in detail things. Learn the different monuments and if you need rad protection, how to fight the npcs, where to get guns, reasearch things etc. while the threat of other players is still there it’s not nearly as bad. If it’s a real small server most the time they chill and will leave your base alone.
I made a starter base on wipe day, I don’t know how you all do it. Made it away from the beach on a mountain, fully made of stone and iron door, it didn’t last 2 hours.
Instructions unclear.. never made it to the outpost the first time. 😂
The best way to get started in Rust is … Immediately put a bag down where you know youre going to build. Embrace The suck” and “Don’t be greedy”. This is a game founded on robbery, murder and theft…. log in and hit enough hemp nodes to make stash packs ** Know your build before you start, go to modded servers and practice it until you have it down like clock work.
Since you know your build, farm the exact amount of wood and stone “ and slowly but surely stash it in your cache packs. Once you get about 5k would and stone in your hidden cache… Start building.. Don’t take it all out at the same time. Get your wood first and build the foundation. Know that you will probably die a few times while getting down your starter.
Now that you have a house make a decision *** and stick with it*** Prim pvp, base progression and research or prim raiding with mollys, flam throwers and bean cans.
Know what you want to do so you don’t get caught being add 1/2 ass doing 10 things.
Sell stone for buy wood? Meanwhile you can start 10 time
Every damn time
Do you even play rust?
Wow lethal company took the suit from this and boogie down from Fortnite
In a private solo server .. yea , best way
This is the best way to get a tier 3 from spawn on rust, run from the beach to the outpost collecting scrap at the outpost recycle now you should have enough scrap, metal and hqm for a t2& 3 eeeeeeeezy game
proceeds to make stone base after getting ride of all his stone
I just farm and get an M9
if you create three beds around outpost you have a ten minute bag that cannot be looted.
kill your self in outpost and spawn at bed take out something to hit barrels with and after farming the road for 5 mins head back, recycle and pick up all your stuff from the dead body and repeat x
This is fastest way but u can die everytime
Forgot the part where the second I start mining a node I’m doubled by a guy who somehow has an Ak 2 hours into wipe
Or u can find a teammate and somehow make 10 aks appear
(That happened to me today on a 10x server we raided many bases)
no loot, builds base?? wtf you gonna put in it. Just jackhammer sulfur and buy guns from shops
The amount of time you spend doing all this, you could have made 2 starters.
Bold of you to assume i can aim with a crossbow
What I always do
Bro 1000 stone is 50 scrap ,just get 200 scrap ,or better 300
Seems backwards to me. No thanks.
Yeah not me just getting the game today😮 and i learned how to do some things i don’t even know how to aim a spear😂 but i managed to build a plank base with workbench one died a lot and found some AR with ammo and maken some clothes with animal tommorow im thinking to make a furnace and upgrade base(hope i don t get raided)😅 and sb door camped me but i killed him. Sb sniped me from a tower died alot well this was my first rust experience😊
Ohh i finally built my basev *beep* *beep* *beep*…
The goat 😅😅
Terrible info you’d have an easier time camping gas station with an eoka
I must’ve missed a step. Got killed by a 60 man Zerg roof camping with aks, m249s, and l96s.
Farm scrap on long server as solo so fkin hard. Got killed by peoples that joined clan
I love these clips😂 Just do THIS on wipe! Never (for some reason) mentioning the army of bowkids.
In what fuckin universe is this faster than finding one stone node, making a stone hatchet and cutting down a few trees, like who TF needs more than a few k wood for a starter base
Who trades in stone for wood? Lmaoo
Right ……. Only if life was that simple
A wood door I’m good
I still don’t understand how people can have weapons 10min into wipe and people act like that’s normal
Then i get raided by the 20 man clan thats racist
Where’s the stone?
Yeah ok…
the 4 man with spears *HEHE BOYY* dont do that just get bags down. An hour after wipe all the groups will stop focusing on T2 and they will leave monuments and start focusing on their base. Then you can play the game just focus on grubbing and stealing clans starts
I use this all the time it soooo smort it work every single time an i kill nakeds on the road with the jacky aswell
This is nuts.
why do the jacky and stone when 150 scrap will get you 7000 wood. Farm the road signs for metal and you got enough to get set. half the time!
too many worst guide in yt :”D
I keep getting killed by people just by existing LOL WHEN DOES IT END
Only way I start . I love living near outpost
lol 150 scrap on wipe???? yea not very easy
best way to survive is stay in safezone! this video is scam lol
I need a teammate soo baddd (Europe server)
this will only work if your server is 6 pop
This is the worst guide ever …. Just go to outpost no farming do your crossbow challenge nd head to your build location … . Much faster and way less risk
Hahha yea step 1 farm 150 scrap on the way to outpost HAHAHAAH BRO WTF DID YOU EVER PLAY AS A SOLO?!?!?
You forgot the part where you spawn in and instantly die to roof campers on spawn beach, respawn and almost make it to outpost only to die to an animal, and then log off.
Its hard because ppl kill me all the time i exit my base i never successfully make it back besides a few times
ye man just explained how to play on a low pop server.. also just skip the jackie at the start.. just farm the nodes with a stone pick.. less time,less farm,less rage when you fail it for the 4th time
Instructions unclear, 15 minutes after wipe got HVRed.
Loool low pop server haha
You forgot the part where you sit in outpost for 30 minutes trolling people
let people play their way dude don’t start another meta , or we will end up seeing sheeple doin the same shit over.
Were us the outpost
Or you collect 15 scrap and gamble on “10” 😂
Please never spend your first 150 scrap on a jackhammer. Literally horrible idea lol. Would 100% be safer to buy 3 k stone trade some in for wood and just makes tools. L
What do i do against a guy with ak when i got 3800 stones and no weapon?
also dont farm trees…
just hit a tree 1 time and keep running, get a few stone nodes and trade those for wood lol
This game always comfused me whats the point of a wipe if you’re capable of rebuilding that shit with an airdrop and the no lifers are already back to full strength in less than an hour.
Sounds good. Now make a video of you doing it on high pop.
You skipped so many steps like self defense on your way and from outpost
Just hit a tree…
…or you can farm 400 wood and 200 stone, make a pickaxe and hatchet, farm some more wood and stone, and by then shouldve also found 30 cloth for a bag, and just build your starter base and put your bag down… y’all complicate this game so much and that’s why people are intimidated to try it. It’s so simple and doesn’t require all this risk of dying by traveling to outpost and hitting all these barrels with a rock which will take forever and attract way more attention than just hitting trees and stones
Instructions not clear no longer allowed to play Rust
missing so much
Or just go modded and do /kit build 😆
This is the Only solo guide you need just for me to crossbow + nailgun combo you
Your clips are kool but your voice winds the whole thing.😅
farm those stoned nerds
Quit just making a starter base, just make a base you can expand on.
What a waste of time
What if you run into a geared player and get slammed.
*Don’t download the game, just watch RUST CHADS rust movies*
Sorry but I’m new to rust… I think it would have been Biiiiig if you mentioned the nail gun and that’s a fuckload of scrap without even unlocking bps!!
no. not worth it. do it without the jackhammer.
yeah na i’d rather kill a 8 man b4 i get my base down
Dare someone come and kill you. What will you do next?
Outpost camper left the room
Get wood woth rock about 1000 then get stone with rock about 1000 make tools then ger more stone and wood then make shit base
Literally me everytime I get in a game 😂
FAKE one does not simply farm outside of outpost
If only the outpost wasn’t so used by everyone to point of campers following a killing anyone
hit stone otw to outpost. get the wood and recycle comps from barrels you hit otw as well. go put base down and then get some scrap and buy lowgrade( it’s cheap from outpost as well)
Best solo start wait 2 days into wioe join sever check map run to outpost usually a gun for sale preferably pistol bullet buy gun research ammo boom prim skipped
Nah this is facts, in my 2k hours (ik its rookie numbers still) but this has been the beginning of my best wipes
Best way to start a wipe is to not start at all.
biggest bunch of shit ive seen in ages xD
After then you base will be raid thank you
This really is the best solo start for wood anyways. The wood for stone trade is too good not to use
dawg i just base right by outpost in a shitter and grind the hell out workbench 2 and get 5.56 bp gain 500 scrap and you are now solo lr
Thank you so much this helps alot
how can you collect 150 scrap without dying
As soon as the 500 players hear that jackhammer… you’re a dead boy
Зачем покупать дерево, если его можно нафармить.
Why dont u just get 300 scrap and get yourself a chainsaw and a jackhammer
why you don’t by a Chainsaw and 40 low grade for 140 scrap, and farm trees around outpost, with 40 low grade you can farm full inventory, you can trade some wood for stone and ezz Stone base, not like a vedio wooden base
This would never work on wipe day only on dead servers nobody cares about
Wood is the most annoying thing to farm this video is horrible because you need tons of wood to make the starter. 1000 wood gulped up just by the tc alone.
Get half way into doing that and ur dead turn off console
or get 350 scrap research revo and ammo early and bash everyone
U forgot to add the fact u need the server to be dead to do this “EEEEEEEZZY STRAT”
Yeah don’t do this on official lmao
You forgot the best part where you respawn again
It’s jus dogshit everyone’s jus so dogshit at rust now
Hey forgot the part where there is other people on the server who camp outpost.
thats not a start thats a base
Lmfaooo these comments make me terrified to start 🤣
Def prefer getting stone wood the good old fashioned way and saving scrap to get a revy asap.
easier said then done you playing fucking pve?
Hahahahaha yeah, best start in a server with 0 players
How do farm stone around outpost. Always has 6 dudes taking people out
Just use the scrap to buy wood and stone…
Oh shit is that where I’m going wrong.
Literally Mt start
no beeg 😔
*This is the most unlikely way to get a solo start on rust*
I almost always use this method as a solo. Don’t farm the barrels unless it’s safe zone – just grab the quick boxes and keep it moving. Takes like 30min to get an air locked 1×1 starter down. Should have enough for a workbench and some decent starter gear to boot.
Why not just farm the wood to begin with? Or use the dough for chain saw
I like this strategy but have another formula:
1. get tiny amount of low grade from red barrels or animals
2. go on boat get 300-500 scrap from barrels
3. buy enough wood and metal frags for 1×2 or 2×2 with metal doors
never ever had a wooden base and at this point skip stone too unless just to hide the metal inside
MAKE S TONE PICK AXE and get 4 nodes its way cheaper that farming 150 scrap trade for wood and u got a base, then with the scrap you make nailgun and a bow and stalk the people coming out of outpost for all their goodies.
How to ragequiet Rust as fast as possible.
Immediately make revvy and if you’re decent at the game you should murder anybody you run into honestly the second I get revvy I start hunting ppl
You forgot the part that there is a zerg hunting you across the map with crossbows 3 minutes into wipe
I have the base build way before you get 150 scrap.
Instruction unclear. Gambled all my scrap
Ну или можно купить себе гранат и поехать на нефтевышку, чтобы взорвать там 10 калашистов
Watching ur strim rn mr strimer man
Bro is playing a 0 pop 😂
How this actually goes: you spend the next 2-6 hours farming scrap and dying right before you hit that 150 mark over and over
Wrong collect enough scrap to buy a m9 research the bullet buy smoke Nades craft ammo kill everything make base
*dies from ak*
What about all the sad fucks roof camping the outpost?
well that’s how I play and I don’t have 50 h
you forgot the part where you find no stone for 10 minutes straight
Instructions unclear, I gambled all the scrap and lost
how much wood tho? some of them are gonna trade all 4000 stone for a wood and get no upgrade for their base.
You lost me at “farm”?
I hate rust I just started and was fully stack on guns and sulfer but I got raided by a 3 man team using nothing but Molotov and rocket 😢
For some players they just start chatting everyone up begging for a start😂
Crossy BP how?
You forgot about the part where you’re turned into swiss cheese by some i-rate russian kid with an AK
Wow bad advice
Or if you just use 80 scrap, buy one tactical gloves and 250 metal frags (one unit), recycle the gloves and it’s components (keeping 4 rope) then head to the t1 workbench and craft yourself a crossbow, nail gun, nails, wooden chest, wooden legs and pickup the small 50stone and 50 wood on your way out from the ground to make some arrows and you’re full prim kitted for only 80 scrap.
Credit for this goes to Shots, he is who I learnt this from.
no , no its not
I think it’s faster to simply farm 4K stone, rather than 150 scrap, and then farm stone.
If you get more scrap you could just by a crossbow there
I disagree but I guess it depends on the server. I focus on having crossi nailgun and farm at the location a wanna built at or kill a bunch of farmers like u xD
You will get murdered 8/10 times with your strat on a fresh wipe 😀
the guy whit pump inside the bush 🎉
Do this everytime. Always grab enough metal for a couple doors too. Been my strategy since I’ve started playing 5000+ hours ago. Jacky is king
That’s communism
Or you can just farm the trees?
It’s easier to get the scrap buy the gun at bandit then but smokes at outpost to recycle to make bullets at outpost
yeah this is not the most efficient way lmao.
He must be trolling
Awful advice. I mean truly god awful.
This man didn’t see Shuma’s videos…
Take that 150 scrap and octuple it at the casino, learn basics of blackjack, max bet 3 times. If you win x3 get a revvy and a crossy 4k stone and 2k wood and the rest on metal tools or fragments. Best start in rust ever.
If you loose, pick a new server! 😛
there is no stones aroun outpost, u play on empty serwer, thats why u think u pro!
this is the absolutely worst possible idea… that 150 scrap could be used to build a metal starter base, lol.
If you are a PVP chad, then you need to pick up 50 cloth, make bow and arrows and go get guns, then you build a base.
Actually easier to farm “SOME” wood 🪵 and put down 1×1 with airlock
Good luck trying not to to get some asshole killing you for 5 minutes
Imagine spending that scrap on a jacky and not a revy and bullets to learn at outpost.
let me try real quick
how to be a farm bot
*gets killed 10 min after doing all that by a naked male/female with a firearm*
This will work only on dead server
this guys a pve god
u lost me at the farm 150 scrap on the way to outpost bud.
Repeat collect 150 scrap a few times cause your getting killed on the road lol
a start is having atleast 1 t2 gun and ammo, having a wooden base isn’t a start lmao
and there is no way your doing this on a high pop server
While you’re doing all that, I’ve put cabinets in the best areas of the Map, definitely not a good start, best to focus on the area first =)
I don’t think I’ll get past the jack hammer part
or buy 3k stone (for 150 scrap) and buy some wood
Alright time to go to the road.. *dead.*
Almost to the outpost with the scrap.. oop *dead.*
Spawns in* maybe I should take another approach.. *dead to bolts roof camper*
*loads up another survival game*
You forgot the part where 4 bows guys pull up and chase you all the across the map
Idk a part of me wants to like the game but I never enjoy it. My computers and internet is not that great so its impossible to me to be able to actually compete. It’s so easy to lose everything and there is no guide in game for new players. The game is interesting, just not for me.
You forgot the part where you spend all that time dor a guy just to kill you ine shot and have to start again 5 times
I recommend putting a bag down near outpost just in case the AK kid clan heard you hit the barrel
Can confirm spawn run to outpost if you don’t have enough for a jacky you do a circle take the jacky down to bandit camp mining all the way then lose everything gambling
this gotta be satire lmao
Rust, the most cheater friendly hacker loving game ever created
This has gotta be some of the worst starter advice I’ve ever heard
You forgot the part a bear will chase you down after you get that 4000 stone, eeeeeezzzzz lots
So you are the reason why there are nakeds with >100 scrap just roaming the roads, god bless you hahaha
you forgot the outpost challenges for an hatchet and crossbow for free
This is the worst tip you can ever give to a solo 😂
Imagine taking this adv seriously xD
never go anywhere near outpost when you’re tryna get a start solo lol
What’s the font?
Dog i spawned in ran to outpost and got murked by 3 guys with bows 30 minuts in
Why would you buy a jackhammer to farm stone to turn it into wood?? Just farm wood and turn it into stone, wood is so much easier to get, buy a chainsaw instead. Wood is so easy to get and won’t help that much when making a starter, you don’t need that much wood. Don’t listen to this guy
what a stupid guide
Farm trees and barrels in outpost with a rock, get out at the night time and build wooden 1×2, buy metal frags for scrap and get metal door installed. Then upgrade tc room to stone asap. Then buy a horse (or better steal) and farm poop by placing hitch with pickles bought from outpost. Compost manure and sell fertilizer to outpost.
I hit train yard before I get a base down
This has got to be some of the worst advice for starting out
Soooo basically play the game is your pro tip? Ok thanks really useful
Why would you go to a safe zone with loot where u canno build or even defend yourself the time you leave it, ull get killed with all the resources u hardly managed to acquire, better tip, build a 2×1 next to road with wood or whatever, focus on placing bags and then upgrade your way to wb1 and wb2, if u are struggling around buy a boat and farm water, its easier to get away and save loot.
Idk what server you play on but no mf way I’m making it to outpost with 150 scrap😂
Nice I can easily get like 5 jacks in the beginning! Thanks for spreading the word! 🤧😭
Nah bro farm like 350 scrap and buy an m92 like a real chad
1. Uninstall Rust
Bow, mushies, and cloth for bags is essential to a start…..completely skimmed over that
Hit barrels, get scrap, hit more barrels, get more scrap, hit all stone nodes in outpost, hit more barrels, get more scrap… use the scrap to buy materials needed from outpost. Build your base then wake up raided. Thank me later
you forgot crossbow AND nailgun bb cmon
Bro got the shittiest advice and everyone here knows it, yet somehow has 20k likes even tho everyone comments how shit it is? Hmm
You forgot to add the part where you die 160 times to ak kids 5 mins after wipe trying to do this 😀
If you’re on a solo server than sure 🤣💀
Really. I need metal. A furnace. You stoped honestly at 60% of your tip hehe…cool start
Ahhh yes one small issue you die in between those things Like 4 Times and after that you leave server and if you somehow dont leave and actually get štarte down well than maybe you need rest after Like 3-4 hours and after you wanna log in back rust bé Like i dont meet this man my whole life literally dont show you server you play on and after Like 6th restart somehow server reapier in historky of servers you play so log in to find out you get fucked and can štart over again Like im the only one that still háve problém that fucking rust dont show servers i play just coupe hours ago let mé know
if you cant get guns 40 mine into wipe you suck lmao
wow i would have never thought about this good tip
Bruh anyone within earshot is gonna aggro on you like fuckin zombies if they hear your jackhammer go off on wipe day
Tip: Just play with a group rather than solo.
Sorry, disagree……i will get killed before all that. You need to get to the road, find a hatchet or pickaxe while you farm any red barrels for fuel and any trees or stone on your way.
Get that 1×1 or 1×2 up as fast as possible in the area you wanted to start in. Even if you do that to simply store your goods/farm while farming for the stuff you need for your real base.
I build mountain bases as a solo…..so one half of my base is indestructible terrain that i dont have to honeycomb, saving me a ton in protection costs. But get that small starter up so you dont lose anything while starting out. Otherwise you could waste alot of time.
If on console…..hit me up, i can show and help you
wrong, just spam bags and b line to where you wanna base then farm once you have a few guaranteed spawns in the area
He forgot the part where players watch this and know what your doing
Lol just craft stone tools and make a base without this bs it’s not hard, then just roam with crossbow once your 2×1 is up. My base would be up before u even have the jackhammer
By solo you mean you are the only one in the server, right?
Great idea but usually you will be killed and robbe dof your jackhammer.
I love watching the game sadly I’ll never play it got married work to much but still always awesome watching gameplay and stuff like this
You forgot the metal doors 🙂 😊
All the out post campers kill me every time I leave and it happened three times.
After all this dont forget to cry in the corner below a shower head when your base inevitably gets raided by a group with C4, AKs and full metal kits after 30 min into the wipe
And get fucked by 250 other primal clans trying to live outside outpost for the rest of the wipe with their dbs and crossies
Ive been buying subs and camping smoil and oil with torps its great as a solo
Alternative: farm sulfur, drone buy gun and farm the farmers from this video 😈
How to get a fast start as a solo chad: Kill or be killed. Farm players on you’re way in and out of outpost. Make base. Ez
This guide isnt
misleading 0/10
You forgot that the server population has to be less than 5 players for this to work
Considering your good at pvp or on a dead server!
It’s giving amber heard
you forgot the part where, theres a lot of chad that will try to kill you 🤣
Spawn-rock fight first mf u see-kill mf-get down by some third party mf with a xbow or nailgun-shittalk him-respawn.
Rinse and repeat till somehow it works, also forget like 3-4 times to research the medstick, so you can lose more effectively your kits for some extra salt.
I don’t agree with this
No way your solo rocking a Jacky near op. Just wake up craft spear run to opposite end of the road going to op. Farm all barrels in direction of op. Farm op once use scrap to buy 1×1 expand from there easiest 5 min start
You forget the clan bases roofcamping around outpost
U forgot the part of me grubbing u on ur way out
Yeah boys don’t do this. Get yourself a base then grind scrap and do stuff. Your just giving people a free jackhammer. Best idea for a solo is to build a small base. Build a 2×1 or 2×2 doesn’t matter if it’s wood. It’s somewhere that will protect your base. I recommend running roads to get beginner scrap then run monuments. I always build next to launch on rocket side and run all of the boxes outside main launch area.
You traded the stone for wood and then builder stone base without having any
This vendi right here” doesn’t show where” and yes I’m aware where it is jus sayin
Ya if your server is not full of champers you are goana due like 200 time before you make a base 😂😂😂😂
I get about 5 scrap play blackjack get about 27000 scrap then buy a base of someone and pay people to do everything for me
That shit is so smart, upset I didnt think of it sooner
Why do you keep making different YouTube accounts? You profiting off all the different accounts I’m guessing?
swear… lol
Prim is so fun they need to somehow extend it
Seems like you forgot a few things
Instructions unclear I killed a full metal with my jackhammer and I now own the server
yes on 800 high pop server
Nah best way to start a force wipe is speed run red card get a m92 from bandit research pistol ammo buy grenades craft ammo and do oil then get a 1×2 down and do the other oil rig
This is hands down worst advice I’ve ever heard your first priority should be to get a bag down and a base so you can store your loot scrap is so valuable at the start and you want to spend it on a jackhammer I’ve been playing rust for 2 weeks and I know this is the worst advice I’ve ever heard
“Best Way to Donate a Jackhammer…”
Yeah when you die as soon as you spawn and even get follow by a whole group of naked teammates with a spear💀
I like how he builds a stone 2by2 even tho he spent all his stone on wood. I don’t think even 4k would have completed a full stone 2×2
like what u were doing grubs before?
Very stupid “easy” start. 150 scraps ~ 2/3 deaths, jackhammer ~ 3 deaths, so… Still “easy” eah
Is this the new school way? I still do hidden stashes
Eaaaaaasy wood
You forgot about the kids who already spammed controlling oil 50 times in chat 20 minutes into wipe, they spot you running the road land kill you proceed to make a spot sound in prox chat and then type NPC in chat
no shit, who dosent play like that? except for the part of getting 150 scrap and buying jac. IDIOT
Absolutely troll tip, if you honestly want a great start in a very competitive server then your best tip is to spawn and immediately start running to the snow biome while grabbing hemp then you build your base at an area where you have access to all cards (green,blue,red), since its the first day of the wipe, chances are that there isn’t much people around you since most people use the outpost or the underwater tactic to get a start, therefore you can kinda safely farm a base and a tier 2
Haha not the best. But getting there. Go STRAIGHT to outpost, break the signs for roadsigns and metal pipes. That’ll get you the jackhammer. Alternatively you can buy a metal blade at outpost and make the paddle which is the best nonweapon to break the signs even quicker. You can even use this to buy a revolver, research it and a pistol bullet then build that for free using signs too
Can someone please help me, I’m on pc and I only have 70 servers available on rust, does anyone know how to fix?
Truly blows my mind more YouTubers don’t just buy jackhammers, like Willjum for example, guys sitting there farming nodes forever, when he could cut the time it takes into a fraction if he just spent 150 scrap on a jackie. Makes no sense to me
These comments 😂😂
What if the game doesn’t let you build if you have the materials
id say stay on outpost find yourself a paddle and grind them blue prints…if skilled and lucky youll get most 1 tier blue prints b4 u built
cant you just buy stone with that scrap then turn it into wood?
Best part is rock nodes are so hard to come by on console, better to just farm the wood yourself
ty maybe i kill more noobs now who rush jackhammer dont listen to that guy #stupidstrat
Idk about that one chief. Youre gonna go around mining nodes by Outpost, let alone with the loudest fucking tool next to the chainsaw and be fine? I like how the last step is a crossy. Like my man, is naked jacky farming with no weapons.
I thought homie was gonna make an actual guide, lol. Maybe buy some tac gloves, metal, and low grade for 150? ShEeEeSh
Anyways, my response was more than it needed to be, but im in that mood bruh. Lol.
this is really stupid, dont buy a jackhamer…
I tried this and it worked relly well I got a base down super fast
sike. this dude is playing solo in an empty server lol. u really expect us to believe u can walk in and out of the outpost with all that farmed stuff and live? gtfoh 😂
I feel like by the time you’ve gathered 150 scrap, ran to outpost, got 4 stone nodes and traded it for wood. You could’ve just knocked down some trees.
How to play rust:
The best way to get a solo start is to join a group
Why not just farm like 3 extra nodes with your rock and keep the 150 scrap?
I use this method and usually plop my base down next to outpost so I can keep trading in wood and recycling easily early on. Problem is, it seems like everyone has been super sweaty and raiding my bases day 1 whenever I build near outpost now. This really wasn’t the case like 6 months ago… not sure what changed. I’m like 5 for 5 on getting raided day 1 of a server after putting a base down next to outpost.
Jackhammer isnt priority. Farm stone and comps on the way to outpost and buy/craft a 2×1 and prim kit. Also if youre solo a 2×1 is fine. 2×2 is more likely to get raided.
The guy who made this has never played wipe day on a competitive server
Selling 4000 stone for wood and then build a stone base out of wood? Makes sense
You can do lumberjack quest for a crossbow too.
In my opinion the best form to start its with the fishing village, using misions and fishing or going to boats with crates
this man must only play rust on dead servers. trying to do anything hear any monuments wipe day you will get killed over, and over, and over again much less be able to farm 150 scrap or use a jackhammer lol
Nah youll just get killed before you lay down first wall and get frustrated…
1 find cloth
2 find a good spot and place sleep bag.
3 find stone
4 farm 200 wood to craft a stone axe
5 farm wood till you got your 2×2 or 4×4 or whatever with 2 doors lock tc ecc
6 enjoy your wipe
Bro this is terrible advice unless you’re playing a low pop server. If you use a Jacky people are gonna go to it expecting a full invo of farm from an unsuspecting farmbot 😭😭😭
this is actually the dumbest way to do it so dont💀
Only works on mid and low pop servers and 2x
If you need this then you should probably uninstall rust and save yourself while you still can xD
you should trade scrap for metal frags if doing this strat.. free sheet metal door and nailgun
Or just get a stone pick axe and do the same
/ak kit
Use the scrap to buy f1 nades and kill the guy putting down his starter
Lmao this is shite
hmmmmmmm i think im just gonna make a wood 1×1 with my rock
Wrong! The best way to get a solo start in rust is to kill 2 hogs get some fuel snag a rowboat and be first on cargo and grief every airdrop or crate after 😉
140 scrap = 2000 stone, 2000 wood. Farm another 25 and you’ve even got enough for a metal door on your 2×1 starter.
Use that 150 scrap to buy stone and then convert it to wood. No stone farming involved
The best way to start a wipe is run and run. And never stop running.
Left out the part where you die
He forgot the part where every naked rushes him because they here a jacky
nhaaa itss the last way to use
150 scrapp u can learn amo and gun
I think ill save the scrap for my workbench level 2 thanks lol … making a 1×2 or 2×2 is hella easy even on high pop servers
100th comment
Terrible advice unless you play on 0 pop
Once you spent 30 min doing this then get killed by a guy w ESP outside of outpost and now youve wasted an hour w no base yet. Rust is JUNK. uninstalled
Not gonna lie but I did this in rust console and it really without the new update with land being more flat it didn’t work but in public test branch with the new update it worked (both servers were 70-80/100 on a 3km)
Bro i’m still dying of hunger
THe funniest thing i had to do this four times this wipe bc j kept gettin raided
Tbh I can’t Wait to Kill a Dude with a Jack Hammer and A full base ngl Ty!
im not smart , i do all of this apart from use my rope for a crossy at the t1 lol but thanks for the reminder
Does 400 times before getting to outpost.
*Me struggling to craft spear*
Skip the scrap and farm stone
I like your videos but this is a terrible start
Just do pump quest and f1 in village
its not the best way. the best way is to run wround the map for a good 20 mins untill u find a decaying or base that just been raided. easy start
Thanks bro wipe is in 15 days great information but it seems you forgot about the clan of 13 year Olds calling you the nword as they hit you with arrows
Or just buy the base.. ._.
You forgot the part where you kill a naked with the crossbow while putting down your base and he refuses to sleep, attend school or work, nor see his family until he’s successfully offlined you or made you quit the server.
Instructions not clear. Died to a grub in a bush 2 seconds into leaving outpost.
Nah play 2 x or 3 x
You forgot the part where all the ak kids on the server heard you hit that first barrel and proceed to farm you
u forgot the dying part
You forgot the part where nothing happened
I laugh at the suggestion of “farming”
watch wiljum for perfect solo start tips
I disagree you don’t need a base until you have loot that needs protecting 😅
Jackhammer is needed when you need to extract 60,000 rather than 6,000
u can just buy the wood with that scrap
150 scrap from the road, in a low pop server or not just wiped lol
or u could just farm 2 sulfer nodes go to outpost drone a gun get a full inv then go put down a wood 1×1
Jackhammer is 250 scrap dummy
Can’t you buy materials from outpost with the 150 scrap
a 2×2 with airlock and double doorways is 6.2k stone without the double doorways its 5.1k so u would need like 6k – 7k to get the wood and still have stone for the 2×2
Gets killed after farming the stone
The time it takes to farm 150 scrap you could just farm a couple trees and a few nodes and just slap down a starter in 10 mins??? maybe if your a large group this would be better but not a solo, i got nearly 2000 solo console rust hours, never once have I first farmed for a jack hammer before I put down a base… just asking to get killed and losing 45 mins of progress
Not on a 700pop server 😂
U forgot to say hit some sulfur nodes and crude barrels with it to incase people selling guns ??!!
Make sure you come check me out LIVE ON TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/yakov
M8 you say it like it’s easy 90% of the times people die walking out from there . Unless you on a dead as server
You can only trade a max of 3000 stone per restock.
I get cards run the monuments and recycle have a tier 2 and then some by the time the boys hop on 😂
get a saw to pls cuz i need it
grate advice now i just got to waith for a free jacky ar outpost 😂😂😂
having the luck to do so isnt always easy tho
Crazy how homie wastes 150 off spawn on a jackhammer . How many hour do you have again ?
Me watching this knowing I’ll still only play dayz
Why do people trade stones to wood? Are gathering woods hard or what? (I never played rust. I only watch videos about it)
Duh bruh 🙄
Yeeeeeah I’d rather not run a jackhammer solo. Instead get a shit ton of bags and use outpost as a safe suicide for storage, use basic tools, and build a double-doored 1×1 to be later expanded.
Let’s be honest, this scenario will never happen lol
You forgot the part there’s 100s of grubs around outpost and you’ll die every time
You forgot the part where you get murdered by a geared guy who somehow has guns after 30 minutes lol
You forgot the part where you die as soon as you leave outpost to get starter down
Man you really need more love from the community your content is gold
You forgot the guy who Invested he is scrap into making an eoka and bust your ass while you farm that stone nodes 😅
You forgot the part where you play blackjack