EVERY rust group has this ONE player smh…😑 #shorts
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Im 100% confident about this rust statement!😤
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コメント (366)
If you liked this one, then check out this playlist full of super ultra mega cool rust shorts‼️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqXIvzdvFtw&list=PLpIcyIV-yKFoMkT79GPYqlOvuxitgWoph&index=3
Mfs be out there with the kits you farmed for and then disconnect after losing every fight and putting no real effort into your base’s progression.
The funniest part is how almost the entire rust community is like this, its just only a problem for people if its someone else doing it.
Every server has a liver king!
im to scared that i will use one die and then we loose all guns
Me 😂
as soon as i log off and my teammates are still on 🙁
lol literally my current crew on rust or we just kill each other till we have nothing and than do it all again
Thats why I played on a solo server, I had the opposite problem….by the end of wipe I had 5 boxes full of guns I never use
The 5,500 Hour Rust manifesto of Water Pickle
The good the bad the ugly
This is how you make Rust i mean fix rust
1 Fix Cheating with a hardcore Anti cheat like the one PUBG uses.
2 Fix performance issues on lower end systems, if an rtx 1660 can run DayZ and PUBG it should be able to run Rust
If you cant fix these first two issues for some reason make a rust 2 in Unreal 5 and sell it for 60$ to recoup the cost if its a good game fans will buy it so make a good game and bring back the 50,000+ old players with 8k+ hours that you lost and gave the middle finger to this brings me to my next point on what to tweak in the game to bring back solos and duos as well as long term reoccurring old players and bring in a new and old but primarily less toxic community
1 remove the newer recoil update and bring back the old recoil for the guns as well as the sounds
2 remove the work bench bases tech tree system to bring players back to monuments and having larger teams fight for what they need instead of building by a light house on the coast and farming sea barrels with 15 people to get t3 and AK bp in 30 min
3 remove the green dot team UI this prevents teams larger than 4 or so from forming without very good coordination and allows for more interesting team dynamics and the ability for small teams and solo to ghost clans this makes the game less rigid and more playable for returning by players lessening a clans power which is something that’s desperately in need
4 Remove all drone stations from the game this forces players to go to player made safe zones allowing for more interaction with players and yes more risk that’s what rust is all about and how it should be this leads me to number
5 remove most of the vending machines from the outpost it makes it too easy players flock to the outpost for a start this causes the game to progress too fast and lowers the time for player to player interaction an rivalries to happen if you cant die and lose all your comps than the game is no fun this leads me to number
6 remove the recyclers and all placeable tools like the T1 and oil refinery from the outpost then consolidate the large barn and ranch in to the outpost and remove those safe zones from the map The only safe zone that should have only one or two recyclers is bandit and it should not be 100% safe like outpost give it some danger like it used to be. to sum it up outpost should be where you buy helicopters and horses as well as gamble and do player trades face to face so add shop fronts this space should be 100% safe but you should not be able to progress the entire game from rock to AK while living in outpost this is 100% possible i have done it this is a sign of a broken game and bandit camp should still have a gambling wheel and that area should be 100% safe and the recyclers should be 80% safe and all other places should be less than that.
This is a very short email compared to all the other stuff i have to fix the game and things you can add after to balance progression but you should go down the list in order fixing the game how described above but incase you get bored i will send some ideas down the pipeline
1 make a system to where you can research boats helicopters and bikes/motorcycles by bringing them up to a research table and pressing a disassemble button then waiting 5h or something like that more for helis and les for bikes and boats then unlocking a special vehicle table and then having to get 10 different ingredients to craft these items ea. (boat) 5,000 wood 150 low grade fuel 3 gears 500 metal frags (Heli) 2,000 Metal frags 5 gears 300 low grade fuel 30 HQM you can also add a function to the spray can to paint only crafted vehicles
2 trackers. sticky trackers and dart trackers one for vehicles and one for a player the tracker player dart would go perfect with the blow gun you are adding all tracking signals can so to the camera station and use a code to access the map then anyone who uses the station after application of a dart or sticky would now see it on there map you can apply these to crafted vehicles when you craft them to make them impossible to take off to discourage people from taking them or you will know where they live an get your revenge even if the camera station in your base is broken
3 half or more TC upkeep to allow big bases like what we had 2015-2018
Plz spread the message
When bro says “only 1 gun will do it”
The only I touch are the low tier early to get ones
I gamble it but I acctuly know when to give up so I do make profit
I always farm up all this stuff and he loses it… I am also a solo😅
In Rust, there is at least one teammate who wastes items.
So like… sad to say.. Thats me.
This was my buddy and I. Worked real hard for holo Tommy’s for raid defence. He said nah we’re good at pvp let’s go snow ball (we weren’t good at pvp 🤣💀)
Me talking to the farmers go get some pipes he’s at it again
Bro i had this friend who literally played for 2 hours a day and he would wait for me to get stuff then he would hop on and get as many full metal kits as possible (i had one box) Then i hop of For 30 Mins and when i look at my pixel gap there was only 1 full metal (i had like 30) and then when i got mad at me he insided and changed codes
That is me but I don’t touch it case I’m like what happens if I lost 😮
I hate the teamate that always says “NO That’s MY m429!!!!”
That 1 guy in our group, us : “MOTHERFUCKER YOU LOST 5 AKs in the last hour”.
Im that teamate that will never touch a gun could have a box full of guns and then be going out with a bow because i dont wanna lose it
I just got back on rust console, sadly not pc cuz my motherboard and cpu broke
Rust is for the no job squad
I don’t know how to do anything except farm Wood, stone, sulfur and metal scrap, and the only other thing I’m good at is using a sniper rifle.
My friends give me shit for always taking a custom or tommy instead of an ak or any of the other high tier weapons
Bruv mine does that but with boom and roams with rockets and 5 guns… he only raids 1×1 and unworth stuff too
“Don’t use my kit” BRO WHERE IS MY KIT
Aks boltys mp5s Tommy’s bruhh bro stacked
Actually I am kinda this person I don’t touch it but then my teammates say ” take a Tommy we have too many” so 😅
I feel attacked in this video
This is sooooo f’ing accurate its not funny but still funny.
I was this llayer until i eventually got good ans was the best on our team and they wouls always give me the best guns
That’s why you shouldn’t bag them.. if they want something than they should at least make 1 trip from the beach to your base while farming stuff, even if it’s just pumpkins and berries
bro are those crafted customs 💀💀
Nah, I only solo… I don’t have friends😅😔😂
Gotta love the typical rage community for rust its funny how theirs dif types of ragers too
Nah gimme a pipe and slugs 🗿
Hey! ☝️😎
Im the gambler that just loses all the scrap i was supposed to bring in…
my team mates dont do that
How did bro die so much 😭
I wont be that guy at my first game as i would be prim locked for 5 days until i get my first gun hahaha
That one person who swears they won’t play modded servers
Who organizes the gun box?
lol fr
Nah cause here how it goes:
Plays rust with brother
Gets a good start
Friends join
We log off
Start is gone
Every Zchum video ever.
We had a guy in our clan on Ark that we told he had to start taming his own shit because he kept losing ours 😂 we also made him a few gear sets for the week like an allowance and if he lost them he would have to farm for more
Hardcore rust is not for the soft-hearted or the tryhards hi pop 1000 pop server on launch day and survived the whole week until wipe day again. Good times a lot of fun sincerely Jambit
That is why i stay solo
i remember when I got an M2 from Bradley, the worst player on our team demanded that I gave it to him because hes good with M2s, that whole team was in party chat and we laughed and laughed our asses off, I miss playing with that dumb team
kek iam the opposite tbh, 16 aks in box, full kits everywhere, 2 mates able to back me up in a second.
oh boy here i go naked component run again
That was soo me
Me i never roam with a real gun just using double barrel to do everything 😂
well what’s the point in having it if you’re not gonna use it
That’s mee
I said the same thing about kids
One person in my group said i will always go prim kit although we had tons of guns
I like always go out with a rock even when i got stuff
I almost countered a raid i went with a pistol but ended up with.. 😂
As a solo player, I can’t relate😂
Okay I will sort everything but I don’t lose it all. Can’t stand to see shit in the wrong spot
Ima go back man he is so and he so still here guysssss come on
You know damn well if all the guns are gone, there is no meds left let alone low grade 😂
My go to rule for myself. If i didnt make/get it i ain’t using it without permission
Me planning on using my neighbors boat 😂
better to use them than letting them get rusty and dusty yo
One of the worse is using up the ammo and putting empty guns back in the locker
My team mate even kills respawns fully kitted inside the base and doesn’t bother to put the kit away, i had to set him straight when I caught him doing it
Then they lecture you about “gear fear” as if it’s their shit
It’s always the guy that just logs on to pvp. Lose stuff then log off 😂😂😂
Join my modded console server RustyBox
Guy who has box like this can still possibly run outside with crossy and prim gear
Im a grub. Ill gonnaked and farm a kit and gi for come up. Got two buds who only come on when there is gear.
Lmao totally have a guy in my group that does this
Why do u have so many DBs
I had a clanmate that would buy LRs from bandit camp every time he lost his kit… we had zero scrap in the base 99.99% of the time.
And thats why im solo
I am actually that dude but I never actually touch it and just keep it until I got raided I just feel a satisfaction whenever I see an chest full of untouched gun it’s so satisfying ngl
blud only took 1 pistol 😂
Soooo real
that teammate is me
Devil number comment section need to fix 667
My story of a friend like this
Let’s call him 7 year old as he sound like he’s 7, I met this guy after a team took me in after my team betrayed me after a while we got daisies and our alliance gave me loot for my own base bc I knew we were gonna get raided after a while this guy got power hungry and he had no blue print and not A ounce of ak skill so he needed us as I had ask skill and all vps/blueprints so when we didn’t let home be leader as our British friend was he tired to betrayed us and at the time we also had a other friend problem who got mad bc the same guy kept on killing him and breaking his bags/beds so we had to replace them but soon we had to kick him out of the team the reason I am saying this is bc he would craft cloth shirts or go naked out side with aks hlmgs and out only 2 m2s and very day we farmed 5 box’s of guns then they would all be gone to him soon he found a new team we raided him and he got so mad he spammed reported me so much the I got 1 mouth ban for nothing but uhh yeah.
It’s me but I replace everything in comp form 😂
I mean at least bro uses the weapons. What’s the point of having a box of guns if you never touch or use them?
You ain’t wrong Evan in dayz my teammates do that
Im really bad but give me a p2 and somethings gonna happen i clutched up a raid defense with that thing
you don’t wanna know how much scrap i’m down at bandit camp. i hit 1000 on 20 a year and a half ago and i’ve been trying to relive that day again for awhile
Literally me💀
I’m so dead… That’s totally not me 😅😅😅
When lil bro grinds for you
I play solo lol
That’s why I’m solo
And then I have to door camp for 5 hours to get the loot back
Love how everything looks crafted to lol
A friend I use to play with NEVER let me use a gun. So I have 0 experience with guns and when I need to use one we get annihilated and blames me for dying. So glad I can play without someone gate keeping what I can use
I do a no death challenge basically If I die one time even with a rock I lose all my passion to keep playing
This is a weak weapon selection if you ask me hahahahaha
I wish it was only one…. And they usually grab 3 stacks of bullets two rows of meds and die to the first enemy
I have a dude I play with who loves using raid defense kits “hey man don’t touch these lockers it’s our best gear to raid defend” 30
Minutes later he’s lost it all, we get raided and can’t defend
We have that player. Doesn’t farm anything, waits until we have AK’s, hops on and loses them then logs off.
And they ask me when im always a solo lmao i had 2 box of aks
hes called dunzo
We insided our friend and he had all our guns
We would kick them off team
Joyriders are a pain. Never let them into your group.
soooo true
Bro just go run cargo 5 times and you’ll have a box of guns already
Sad to say I’m not this teamate
Of course I know him. He’s me
Omg lol this is literally me lmao I’ll sit solo for a few hours getting a start, I get guns and everything we need to make a play but then my friends get on and instantly everything starts disappearing lol
He looks and sounds like Macho Man Randy Savage. 🤯💪🏾
Lol it’s me
Yes 😂
“Toucn it, I’ll kill and block you.”
That 1 win for a p2 with a bow so you think you’re ‘him’….
Then empty your groups gun crate…
Turns out you’re not him 😂
That’s me 😂
Rust console players didn’t understand halve these guns
Idk bows are kinda just more fun
Im like this but im the one who gets it
thought it was going to be that teammate who literally never has a gun when you need them to have a gun
crafted all the guns
I argued with an entire team because my friend And I literally farmed 8 hours straight and built the compound BY OURSELVES. The team got mad because we built a 1×2 room for our guns since the team wasn’t helping. After we got raided they all rage quit and me and my friend rebuilt an even bigger compound for ourselves. It amazes me how unproductive people are in games like this
The one that’s always busy, but when he hears the word PvP or raid, he’s logging in. First one out the door, first one back for another kit too.
Some teammates need to learn how to use the thompson or any of the SMGs instead of wasting good kit when roaming. Imagine losing HMLMG to a DB 💀
Nah bro we had 3 boxes of aks and so much more then got offlined bro, what a painnnn
Not 1
When you get door camped
Falso ,se hubiesen llevado las Glock’s antes de las SMG’s 😂😂😂
“what happened, were we raided?”
“no but the neighbour was and i tried to counter the raid.”
“you tried to counter the raid. and in the process they raided us and took all of our stuff?”
“no, i went in and killed 3 dozens of them…”
“that doesn’t explain that only 3 Eoka and 1 revolver are left.”
“first i went out with Tommy and 1 AK…”
“when you specify that you only took 1 AK i get the feeling you took multiple Tommy’s.”
“well, i took 1 with a silencer, the other one with a scope… and 2 more just to be sure.”
“oh yeah, sure.”
during this conversation you clear TC, switch the locks and kick your former friend out of the group.
Bro let’f 2 p2 and dB
I’ve got big time gear fear, so I role out in prim with my fully geared lads and end up being the one clutching with water pipes and whatever they drop
Hey bro what happened to all the scrap, we so close to a tier 3.
Mini go brr
I’m the kinda teammate who literally just doesn’t go in that box.i get my own locker and small box(meds and ammo)i take 1 kit and if i lose it,i grub or farm to make a new one,the only time I touch gun box is if we’re getting raided,have 3 boxes of guns or if im solo,other than that,i practically play solo with my loot and dont use the team boxes ever 😂
That’s definitely me
Gotta love the guys who pretend to be a huge help in the group but literally only join after I research Tommy and T2 gear.
I can’t use any guns besides the water pipe and the SAP😂 it is hilarious though because I get more kills then my buddies with customs and Tommy’s
and that is how it should be… better use your guns
i miss gear fear lmao
I wish I had someone to play with 😔. All my friends just play Fortnite and none of them have a pc.
Its my 😂
Why I play solo
same bro we got door camped after a good start then he just said “this is gay” then logged off
Nah the worst is the teammate who’s refuses to get on until you have ak’s 😭
I hate the guys that refuse to craft any guns but will use them if his teammates craft them
I’m the opposite ngl I go out with ak and my teammates are like wtf r u doing and say it’s our best gun we only have sars and then 1 ak and I come back with like three full ak kits and they’re like how the fuck did u get this
I was going to say me I hoard. But yea we had a guy who loved wasting kits. Ran out died. Ran out again right after died. Ran out again rage quit didn’t hear from him till tomorrow
Yeah for me this guy was SO BAD that he couldn’t even grief us properly. Long story short, he did this to us and we got fed up and started talking shit, so he tried to inside raid us but I guessed the code immediately
He’s our good friend, but holy shit I’m never playing Rust with him the same way I used to
my friend went solo roaming with a blueprinted tomy and he got like 2 ak’s and metal armor out of it
Go to your locker in your bedroom with your good kit aaaaannndd its gone….. wtf
Literally, my friend
im that friend
im the one whos farms and crafts but never uses anything
Only the dbs for me
I’m the guy who farmed it all and is pissed
Bro I swore I had him
yall need to read people betteem Got 500 hours and ive found three great teams already. Those lil squeezers and brits you gotta watch n kick right away when they start.
Dude honestly I hate playing with tier 3 and some tier 2 guns. Unpopular opinon but I like revolver and water pipey.
If you don’t use it to lose it, why are you even playing? The loot means nothing while sitting inside of a box.
Have a friend that would only hop on if a base was already made and had guns already.
i have a freind who litteraly grabs 2 aks and explosives/rockets when he goes ROAMING its genuinely annoying
Thats why i play with my zerg “ 30 man” but live inside the compound in my own massive base😂 they loose guns while i have rn 3 boxs of aks and lmgs
“hey you know that AK kit you just gave me 2 min into me joining the server? your neighbor has it. craft me another kit bro.”
Dude, i would be lucky to even get a water pipe shotgun😂 its not that i suck btw, its that everyone within 3 hours of server wipe have full metal compounds and every single gun and bp, making it inposs to get loot
Lmao 🤣 I’m sorry
Me and my friend live by the saying “High risk High reward” And it sucks but we also are a Very good duo, and end up usually winning. I have 4.5k and he’s at 6.4k atm.
God/Jesus loves y’all
I aint even gon lie this is me😔
Pov its you
Im the one that crafts and finds these in crates, im usually the farmbot and this happens to me every wipe
So true
Haha so true
“dude those gunshots are really close”
Just general manners, if your on a loosing streak go farm rather then use up all the guns, otherwise no one wants to play with that guy.
Yeah I usually run the SAR or the M39 with a Spas. The M39 has never let me down. It’s a great Mid/long range weapon and for up close? That Spas is clearing squads. But I have a rule, if you take a gun and a kit and lose it? You don’t get anymore until you replace what you lost. It’s a great rule to have it keeps everybody pulling their own weight, I suggest every base keep that rule. You can take what you want, but if you lose it you get nothing else until it’s replaced.
reverse gear fear
me be like
Respect to you for replying to comments without copy and pasted responses or just emojis.
My builder be like
Me takes are one gun out because I heard a raid
Me rolls a bunch of ak kids
Elxokas 😂
30 man op 😅
my teamate isnt a kit looser hes just spead bro opened a door to core after he opened all the other ones and says imma kill them watch this we lost box of aks
hehe gotta share this with the boys
Poor teammate if I were that I gotta keep it until the orig playa come back and stack so much ak that already won at proxy wars in mountains cave or any place I keep observant to restore all OP stuff 😎😎😎
Thats when I’ll take a couple of the kits and stash them around outside the base somewhere.
Kicked several of these people off my teams before. They took a few good players with them. But when you have bad friends it’s not long before you also become a bad teammate as well.
Well I’m Mr Gear fear so this isn’t me
Its worse when you the one up keeping a zerg base
I have multiple teammates like this we are like a 7 man 3 sometimes 4 of them lose every thing like once we had a row of aks and m249 i told them to not touch it we also had 20+ rockets 5 c4 next day i logged on we only had 1 ak no boom anymore then i tokd 2 of them that they are getting kicked bcs they lost more after the big lose like our last ak and then they insided us
And those groups ditch that teammate if they have any common sense…
Best rust meme I’ve seen thus far hahaha well played sir!
Just use the dbs to get more loot
yeah the escape from tarkov one was better like a year ago
Jesus Christ saved my life he can save yours to. No body is perfect except Jesus Christ. So he was the perfect sacrifice for the world and he became that sacrifice. So that we can be perfect in God’s eyes all we need to do is. Repent from our sinful wicked ways and surrender our life’s to him. Jesus Christ. Repent meaning acknowledge and forsake your sins. Know you have sinned and know you are not good in God’s eyes. Forsake meaning as in try your absolute best to not sin. We have to be clean and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said we must be born again to enter The Kingdom of Heaven.
God bless you all. I love you all may you all find Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior .
God bless brothas and sisters ❤❤! Thank God ❤️
So true thats why i play solo
i am gear fear so nope
“What all the guns and gear are missing????”
“No fkn way dude I swear I didnt touch it”
Starts looking through every box in the base to find the loot they know they lost lmao
we have one m2 for heli he goes can i take it out with me i’ll get a kit back this is a couple a days in aswell so not everyone is high tier
Sooooo true!!!!!!!!
me when i speed grind tier 2 and buy lrs
backpacks rule ijs
There is for sure a cheater meme burried in there as well hahaha
Can’t even play rust with my teammate that complains too much
Place a turret aimed at their bag. Tell em you’ll auth them on it once you’re on to guide them like a child.
It’s so true though and that’s because that person is me
And the same teammate has all bps and wont replace them
well at least he didnt fill the box with crossbow or bows
Prim life
MaxMears DB for the win, good lad
I’m looking for rust buddies new
Then u look n he the one in everything 😅
This is the reason why I solo cuz I have this guy and another guy who just hates crafting we could have one gun and the parts to craft 10 aks yet he’d say no no crafting is a waste
Thats me
Hahaha i relate to this with my old clan
How did bro lose so many DB’s..
That’s what he said about steroid 😂
Lets go roam bro only got 3 guns an 1 of them almost broke
Lmao why you gotta do this guy like that lmao 🤣 he’s already hated a lot
Whats does smh mean😅
Im the guy who literally doensnt touch the stuff and runs naked
Man this is me because I suck at pvp 😭😅
this is me 💀
I am the one that snowballs then get insided
The grub doesn’t even loss that much almost makes me wanna implode his bag and kick him off the team 😂
“Im just gonna go roam with a p2 for some comps and guns maybe”
bro they always say like “don’t touch this , its mine”
One hour this would happen
i raided a compound and got like 5 inveys of guns and one of my teammates on the clan i own took ak and died to naked like 5 times then started recycling MP bc he was mad. He not in my clan no mo
No team mates. No friends who play rust..
So I am I that one team mate ?
And honestly I rather just roam farm road crap farm monument even nodes..
Where’d all the scrap go.
“Listen, I was so close to doubling it”
This is me except I actually don’t touch the stuff
Thats meeeeeee!!!
POV me
I play solo and if I can’t make a play with a pistol and wood armor I don’t belong on the game
And then he starts to blame you the moment you lost 1 Sars Hasi kit 🙃 which you even farmed yourself together….
And then i had the opposite, the rust group my irl friend plays with had one guy who wouldn’t even touch the real weapons/gear even if his life would depend on it. We would go out all fully roadsign, meds semi’s or tommy’s and he’d rock the crossy & nailgun combo with ofc fully prim gear with FUCKING BANDAGES!!
I asked my friend and the rest of the group if he does it a lot, and apparently he did. They would be having boxes upon boxes of T3 loot and he would rock the python + hide gear.
Worst part being he wasn’t even trolling. He was obviously also the first one to die in battle blaming everything else but himself, as every little bitch does
Only gun I ever touch is Tommy’s idgaf Abt anything else why my teammate loves me
Yep when u left him alone on guard to the base for couple of hours 😂😂😂
idk why but he seems like a very cool dude after this apology video like before it i wouldn’t have cared for any of his content
Literally me
Ok I’ll go farm gonna take this sar out *gets killed
Bro im a racist because i play rust
Its a joke
Freshly crafted too
Me who just runs water pipes and eoka’s as my kit. Then I see teammates who take a FULL STACK of ammo. Like bro, if you hit your shots you only need like 80rounds. 3 mags is all you need. I’ve played with people who run like 500 rounds. Like bro why do you take the entire armory with you when you roam. And those are the same mf’s that don’t even farm or help with raids. I stg
Wait new pistol?
He is called the pvper 😂
if you say that your group doesnt have this guy, then its you.
Me with 4k hours asking if i can take a ak kit even though ill bring back 3 kits
That’s me.
I suck at gaming.
Me and my team with a box of aks going out with dbs to gas station to camp:
Yeah bro just leaves one pistol and comes back with 3 zurgs worth of loot😂😂😂
outpost rev makers don’t have this problem
I always used to go without touching my teams gear… they forced me, but i am always scared to lose the gear… bow it is 😂 lately i have been a lot more comfortable
I had a friend like this we arent friends anymore
Thats me, im doing that rn
This is why I play solo
I’m a little loot goblin take basic kits to steal other people’s stuff lol then never use the good equipment because I’m better with the primitive stuff
I’ve had a friend when we and a group of 4 (including me) we snowballed our way to over 4 boxes of tier2+ guns and 1 of our friends lost 3 WHOLE BOXES of AKs MP5’s etc and half a box of fucking thompsons all within the space of 1 hour
I never go past teir two and just pvp with 2×1 honeycomb and garage doors. Just large enough to keep people discouraged but small enough so its a waste for zergs
bro i’m always the one out of my trio doubling our kits, then the second my other friend gets on it’s just poof 😭
haahahahaaahaahaahahhahaaaha LOL
i play solo, dont roam, dont go oil or cargo all i do is farm sulphur and stone and metal and wood yet every wipe i have 5 boxes of guns but no meds no ammo no kits.
bro better than keepiung it in base XD
Anyone lookong for a partner?
I was the team slave… I got on, farmed, built the base, got the gear and then the 2 idiot would join and absolutely lose everything.
Me who has had a few hundred hours being solo barely taking anything out
After I had a few teammates do that to me I just go solo
I have gear choke, when I have high gear I die instantly when I have wooden armor and a double barrel I steal full kits from other players.
I would never play with that person again if that happen
you should do this but instead of a full box of guns it should be a picture of grass
I don’t touch the stuff cause I haven’t played enough rust to get that far nd I’m only a solo no buddies
Me cus my teammates will make me farm for 2 hours and get in fights they know they cant win and lose all the guns.
Atleast I got to use the guns💀
It was Just 1 Kit🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
just me
For real though
And guess who is the friend that got the guns…
I am worse at pvp, but my homie is the definiton of not knowing when to stop…
I’m the guy who sell them in the vending machine, except for the bolties and ak
Yeah thats my friend when i call it a night and he says he’s just gonna do some base upgrades
nice custom skin 🙂
Yup thats me, go out as a naked come back with anything everything and stash it all but never use it. The solo farm life.
I dono who u guys do teams I personally grind hard caz i have the free time to do so then my mate sees my aweosme set up and wants to join me on the server I say no go away 😂he gets all offended and angry but fuck that
The British kid saying he didn’t put guns in his bedroom
See that’s why you play with someone like me I won’t touch the stuff unless it’s just a semi hand gun because I know I can go out hide in some bushes and get a fully metal and ak kit along with a pumpy and a hazy by sniping them with it 😂 I gotta start posting videos even if nobody sees it because that shits just to cool not to rewatch
My whole group roams with ak the second we get them because an ak isn’t useful in a box but taking on rig is actually beneficial to roam with it
that was actually hilarious 😂
I once had an ally where when we were raiding he’d die lose his kit ask me for another go lose it by the same guy ask for ANOTHER lose it to the same guy and then ask for another then when I’d say no he’s lost to much of stuff that I WOULD have been able to keep losing like 2-3 of my kits and they were ak mp5 or tommy kits then get mad I wouldn’t give him more and he didn’t even live in my base and his team would never really repay me for the kits I gave them to and only gave me like 1-2 total kits
I don’t like using guns but I’m good with them😂
AH yes the Kit Destroyer
And that teamate would be me a couple days ago when I was starting out rust lol
Everyone have that friend who takes the first ak kit out 💀
Yep I have. A trio that won’t even join without me having a base up with at least garage door and tier 2 with gear sets
Now for me all the guns turn into better stuff cause I only us eoka unless we going somewhere
I got that teammate he would always say hey don’t take out the Tommy’s I’m not taking em then he looses all are guns😂
Where da AKs at
Did he fall asleep in a greenhouse? 💚
me and my team have almost 3 full chest of good weapons,but i Always go out with crossy and revolver
im the teamate who is the exact opposite, i only use primitive gear and the only firearms i will use are revolvers dbs wp and a custom if the situation is bad enough. ive never used an ak and never will
Gotta become an m92 glizzy god
Lol there’s those that are like this then there are those like me who genuinely dont touch those kind of weapons because i actually like prim PvP 😅 and prefer to go against higher end players because it gives me a challenge and improves your skill level plus im honestly better with revys and water pipes with slugs than anything else guess im just a grub at heart😂😂😂
Im the type of guy who even if there is 10 boxes of guns i will still use the bow to not loose anything
Tbh I’m the one teammate who even though has aks and full kits will still go out naked with double barrel
I’m the opposite of this. I get told by teammates to take guns when I continue to engage people in prim gear at cargo.
I am kinda like dis. Me and my team grinds to aks and shit right. If there’s a crate we go take it with some high level shit. If we die it’s fine cause I got bp if we win the we get more stuff easy right. Before I get off I make a box of aks I come back not even 20 min later and all we have is 6 SARS a p2 and a revy. LIKE WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING. I’m not even the best pvper
I got a box of lrs from gambling and he single handed lost all of them I a couple days then I got a jackpot again 😑 he lost them again
Nah that happens your kicked from the clan
When you don’t take the game very seriously you start having more fun.
Am I in the wrong for being this teammate😭
and they join half way through the wipe too.. never again 🤣
“There is a full kit outside”
I’m the opposite I am way to scared to take anything with me for fear of losing it then I get raided and lose it all
friend in my group only pvps never farms and doesnt use anything but t2(sar/tommy ONLY)/t3 weapons even if we are prim he wont use revo or shotguns doesnt consider them “REAL” guns and he afks about 60% of the time. If he just honestly farmed and put more effort into helping we would get shit done faster.
But like fr as a stingy man i never bring out a good gun except i have a higher tier gun but even then i would not use 😂
“Im just gonna take a db to doorcamped”
-and thats how you get raided and lost all your team loot
“nah bro you just have gear fear”
The kit finder vs kit loser 😂
so true
Bruh why all the guns crafted
my team rarely doesnt have a box of aks
thats like all my teammates
That is why Solo life 4Ever, 🙂
if i had rust i would make the most tanky base in the whole world and fill it up to the brim with loot and just watch 100 horses in my base poop while im in the middle
It started with “ill just go out with 1 pistol”
That was a lie
So true
I’ve never had a good team
best fucking short i have ever seen
Bro thats why i cant play with a team😂😂😂
«Never gonna touch the stuff» hahahah wtf is the point then? Just have a massive gift ready for raiders? Lmao
bro i had a friend who would literally wait till i had a base setup just enough to make low grade gear and then he’d come on bagged up in the base take as much gear as he thought he’d need and go get killed and then log off immediately cus he has 0 patience
Hahahah so true