RUST Electricity Tutorial | A Beginner’s Guide to Power Management – Includes Examples 2022
How to get started with RUST Electricity! A beginner’s guide on how to manage the power from batteries!
RUST Electricity Tutorial | A Beginner’s Guide to Power Management – Includes Examples 2022
In this video I show you how to manage the power you get from batteries. Using the Branch Switch, learn to divert power to anything you need!
Series Links:
#1 – Power Sources https://youtu.be/aPmUYVN2sos
#2 – Batteries https://youtu.be/tO4bD7MrhKw
#3 – Power Management (this video)
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Music Credits:
Main – Rich in the 80s by DivKid (YouTube Library)
Outro – 80S Powerful Cinematic Synthwave [ Synth Stylish Fashion Youtube Ads ] (purchased from Pond5)
Video Contents:
0:00 – Topic Intro
0:38 – Power & Battery
4:42 – The Branch Power Tree
7:52 – Power Management Examples
14:00 – Electrical Room Tips
15:09 – Electrical Room Example
19:46 – Outro
#rust #howto #tutorial #gneissishgames
Taqs:Gneissish,Ganesh,RUST,how to build,nice ish,rust,electrical,electricity,root power,solar panels,wind turbine,batteries,power management
コメント (27)
Man I am retarded but this video really helped me understand how to save some electricity power. Thx and you got a sub.
Really great explanations. Is it better to place switches first in the chain before the branches? That way the branches aren’t spending the charge if the switch is turned off? If branches are before the switch won’t the battery still be draining from those branches even if the switch is off?
Beginners to rust electricity like me really need your videos to understand it from the basics. Your subscribers and view count are gonna blow up for rust players because of your content. I hope my comment and like are the butterfly effect that does it!
Not sure this works now. I have the exact same set up but 4 solars into 2 then 1 combiner. Mine say 1 all the way up and the top says 1 also. Even though the power shows 75 or 76
Super video mate, very helpful. Thank you
New to thé electrical side of rust and this just helped a lot I feel confident to set my base up now
Amazingly simple explanation in laymen’s terms
Wow. This is so good. I feel like I actually understand fundamentally how to wire things up. Thank you!
This was an amazing hidden gem of a video. So glad I came across it. Thank you for the effort you put into making it! Useless to just say, but you definitely deserve far more views. This is some quality stuff.
Been watching all your electrical videos so I’m ready for when they drop the electrics into the console, been playing around with everything on test branch and have followed your exact method with the tree of branches and counters but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. I have two wind turbines hooked up to 1 root combiner going to a large battery which is taking in a combined value of 226. I’ve then came off the power out on my battery to the power in on my first branch and then added more branches and counters. For some reason none of my counters seem to be displaying what I’m configuring each branch too and the final counter is also the same. Can’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Love the vid never understod power untill now ama start adding turrets now
great tutorial thank you, i watched most of ur tuts and a noob at electricity thanks to u im setting up 20 turrets and sam sites, 3 diff power sources.
way better than Jfarr vid
With this set up couldn’t some ruin the whole wiring by shooting the first part of the tree but also if you have it in core that doesn’t really matter anyway
Is there a way to only allow a certain amount of power to be used from a large battery? For example I only want to use 22 watts from a large battery and send 50 from power generation to keep it charged. When I use the branch it uses all 100 watts that is available.
Your videos should have a lot more views. Everyone I have shared them with have commented that you explain the details very clear. Do you have a video of all of this applied in an actual base? I’m curious what your electrical room would look like for a large base with triple battery back up.
The release of electricity on console is gonna bump your views up, everybody in my clan and locally on my server is talking about you, awesome videos!!😁😁
thanks bro electrical just came to console test servers🙏🏻
Thank you very much for being so good at describing everything!
Today I’ve made 4 circuits(started to learn electricity) before watching your video, I didn’t knew that you have to connect power out to power in always, connect stuff to the branch out plus, in some cases one thing take one power per connection.
I was thinking that I was not using that kuch power but the battery is still showing me that it’s is using 70% of its power while I only switched on one turret. Just to save that, I disconnected the battery from the turret & connected it directly to the turret with maybe one electrical branch in between that I gave 10 & it showed me 22 in use on battery.
What I wanted was to not use power of the things I’ve not switched on but for some reason it was still talking that much power but after switching it starting taking much more.
Thank you, I’ve been wasting power & in also every circuit i’ve made now I atleast know where I was wrong.
Your guide was most helpful. thanks. though i have one question…what are you using to color your electrical wires?
ez bad electricity
I do HVAC controls irl, it is 70% the same thing in Rust but your videos make it very easy for me to understand the rest. After watching your videos im able to create a circuit to power 18 turrets using 2 windmills with also a 8 hour back up battery.
Very clear, efficient explanation! Thanks
only getting 100 volts from battery how do i increase that
UPDATE – The Solar Panel information here is out of date! Please see the updated video -> https://youtu.be/MzgsXAfceyw
Great vid.