Interview With Sr Rust Developer | Prime Reacts
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Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGfQu0bQTKc
Author: https://www.youtube.com/@programmersarealsohuman5909
MY MAIN YT CHANNEL: Has well edited engineering videos
Have something for me to read or react to?: https://www.reddit.com/r/ThePrimeagenReact/
Taqs:programming,computer,software,software engineer,software engineering,program,development,developing,developer,developers,web design,web developer,web development,programmer humor,humor,memes,software memes,engineer,engineering,Regex,regexs,regexes,netflix,vscode,vscode engineer,vscode plugins,Lenovo,customer service
コメント (293)
How does Rust make People that use it grow blue hair? All Rust developers yi know have blue hair. How is this happening, I cant even believe this is happening.
Well, 2024 is kinda the year of Rust. Cosmic DE babe!
“… essentially you’re being tazered when you make an error…” 😂🤣☠️
Actual tears. Though I can imagine some Rust-a-farians wanting stricter punishment 😂
…Rustaceans… Whatever. I didn’t think that sounded either cool enough or religious enough…
Of course the guy has tie dye colored hair. I wouldn’t expect any less from a Rust developer
This one is up there with his Emacs video
This guy’s a genius
What is it with the blue hair thing?
Did he ever go back to that book joke everyone in chat talked about?
After seeing this unfriendly and woke leftist Rust community I turned to C++
prime in 2023: “2024 is rust’s year”
prime in 2024: “let’s just start with Go”
The chatter at 6:02
“In C++ we don’t worry about anything because we don’t fix anything”
“the year of rust is 2024” this hits different after the cloudstrike incident
Rust looks like the developer spit their Monster and Cheetos on the monitor.
me:”I can do a hello world with a single thread”
me:”I need 64 threads for this”
rust:”feels better now?”
CPU: fighting for his life
one of the best reactions, a gen!
dozens of games for those 50 game engines is not much better thatn 5 games for 50 game engines
“I actually have a macro for the unsafe command, it’s called trust me”
“I let my threads panic for pleasure” is an all-time joke 😂😂😂😂
Pity you turned away when the “Rewrite everything in Rust” book was shown. Best joke in the video
this guy looks like Brad Pitt from fight club but different color of hairs !
What kind of chair is that?
All i wanted to do was put a webcam in a rc car and stream the output to a virtualised vehicle…. so it looks cool. Cant do it in unity cant do it unreal cant do it in godot. So what is next? C++ or rust? I dont know either well. So i am gonna have a bad time .
Ngl Rust sounds awful.
Prime missed one of the best jokes in the video: “People say ‘choose the right tool for the job.’ In the Rust community we say ‘choose the right job for the tool.’”
Why am I listening to blue haired Tyler Durden
choose the right jobs for a tools 😂
Just remember: a thing about low-level languages is that they’re used for low-level things, they’re gonna be used for dealing with other languages a lot.
You need to watch “Interview with Senior JS Developer 2024” its mind blowing.
Would love to see your take on his latest video on Javascript Ecosystem!!!
This was pure gold.
Just want to say, this is hilarious, all of it… the same compilation error…😭🤣 and.. That’s one thing about Haskell that i thought was strange; that it didn’t really seem to care much for sustainable resource consumption in large programs that have large data structures. i mean, doing stuff in haskell seems elegant to me but at the cost of the copies
Comic genius
Profile picture? …😂
Blue Haired Freak!
Wow, Pokemon Rust is actually a thing.
I Wonder what is His opinion of Elixir. He thinks Haskell is the King of functional lang.
Agen you missed the Rust mug.
Is this guy Russian?
His hair has a bug.
I don’t know anything about coding but prime somehow keeps me coming back
Please go back through his old videos. The JavaScript and c++ are hard to get through because they’re so funny
Damn u think with ur thumbnail what u wish to do with the rust blew hair???
yea but why the fuck is he wearing a blue wig
I’ve been looking at Rust recently, and wondering if its my dream language. In a way, I like things that things that do things in a strict, opinionated way. I do have those sort of compulsive urges, sometimes. But I think I usually eventually get over them. I’m not completely sure yet, but at the moment I’m kind of feeling that the dream language would probably not borrow check. I think it might just reference count by default (without garbage collecting, just release something as soon as it’s reference count reaches 0), but allow raw pointers and manual memory management where those things are explicitly called out.
“You mean like unsafe {..}?” Eh, why bother tangling with the Rust borrow checker at all if in the end you’re just going to use unsafe? Reference counting by default doesn’t require such mental gymnastics and if it doesn’t GC, would it actually reduce performance by more than say, 0.1%?
Am I wrong? Probably. Maybe. I dunno.
Rustafarian humor
I’m still watching and enjoying this every time the algorithm bring it up again.
Rust is shit
never trust a blue haired engineer. never trust a “blockchain” engineer
def dont trust this goober
I wont use a language who’s senior engineer looks like that, sorry
I will learn rust to enjoy this video again ( I have just started right now).
His emacs video is great too.
12:01 The man predicted blue haired Primeagen
Think this is the hardest I’ve ever seen prime laugh, so funny.
Third rewatch. Anyone else?
lol prime has that same hair now prime really is sr rust developer
sorry to disappoint you all , but “BrainFuck” is the prefect language
Why is this nerd shit on my feed?
“Webassemly. What was the question?” had me rolling
The dude went out of his way to mock up fake O’Reilly and No Starch Press books is amazing. Also, the fake O’Reilly book is written by ‘Bootcamp Graduate’ 🤣🤣
Prime is going to dye his hair blue!
Walking into the rust community feels like walking into Hot Topic to me
I know this is late but the idea of a safe macro called “trust me” really resonates with me
Seen this maybe 18 times by now and still returning
Horseshoe theory predicts we will go back to VBA
I am laughing too hard to catch a breath 🤣
When he says “It’s not a cult” and then covers a business card, it’s got “Illuminati” written on it (from the Angels&Demons book by Dan Brown, prequel to Da Vinci Code). Called an Ambigram.
He represents the narcissism in a very profound way !!! :). “Five games written in Rust and fifty game engines.” phrase speaks volumes. The man is really a genius.
That guys emacs video is funny AF.
These reactions are SO fake. Don’t be that person Prime – you’re wayyyyyyy better than this.
First joke is honestly the funniest Rust joke I’ve ever heard.
I’m literally him, but I’ve only used rust for like a month
11:06 Like child on Christmas morning lmao
This video is an eye-opener. GCC has improved its C++ error messages over time (still often times useless though) and so has Clang (worse than GCC imho). So far Python for me offers the best feedback especially if the underlying module/class/function/whatever uses docstrings to document it, allowing you to call help on that specific item and giving you all the information you would normally need.
I find it curious how Rust, that claims to improve things, has such poor error reporting.
J-Diesle is also a perfect programming language
It’s absolutely necessary to make an idiotic face on the thumbnail to get people to watch your video, right? Didn’t watch it, only opened it to leave this comment
Goed gedaan
It always feels so awkward to see people with blue hair, and normal color eyebrows and beard.
If you are going to do it make it realistic man!
I misheard CVEs as CVs so it came out as “30% of all CVs are due to memory leaks”. I don’t know which one is funnier. 🤣
how can people enjoy this tryharding rotfling every stupid line. dubious
I have no experience with Rust. Every one of his jokes went over my head.
I only know he told jokes because The Prime Time is laughing hysterically.
this first joke references Henry Ford’s famous quote: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
just in case.
It’s not the matter of RUST vs C++. Human thinks before acting, always been this way, we have to be carefull to the consequences of our acts. Acts are consequences of our thoughts or are driven by our thoughts could it be RUST or C++ or whatever…
RUST vs C++ or whatever is not a subject. We can benchmark the different languages or compiler about same codes translated betwenn them, it’s the only way to make comparisions but that’s all we can do. All others suggestions are up to the algorithmics in the code to make a task done.
One day we will hear that Javascript is more efficient than assembly language (lol)….
This vdeo was kinda funny. Reminds us that man might be THE failliure we always try to find out when a situation occure….
dev comedy gold.
This kinda makes me think of the Pikey (Brad Pitt) in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 😉 Not sure why.
“the year of rust”
“the year of the linux desktop”
The blue hair tells me that 4chan’s tranny jokes have gone mainstream.
Omg that is sooo accurate!
Truly the Bill Burr of coding
If MOJO was written in Rust, it would kill both Rust an C++
I could tell he’s a senior Rust developer by the blue hair
Man don’t drink while watching this videos, it’s pretty dangerous haha
Of course it’s his best video, it’s been written in Rust
0:04, nah, it’s already fast enough. I would ask for a way to easily catch UB.
1:35, without inheritance? I think not.
2:28, people use to think so. I think quite the opposite: macro should has more freedom, be more powerful, to do really magic stuff!
The blue hair haha
The boomer cto video is also a very good one.
Buk Rust bro garbage lang
“a faster C++”, genius
Now do same guy for Sr JS dev, please.
Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for sharing @ThePrimeTime <3
“That might have been the funnest joke I have heard in an exceptionally long time.”
That about says it all.
“I actually have a macro for the unsafe command, It’s called trust_me” 🤣🤣
Fucking cringe reaction video dude. Make your own content or actually make it transformative
“Will you program the front end or the backend?” “The browser” 😂😂😂😂😂
Cpp crowd is bigger but not as organized as ours is another double entendre about memory management across the two languages i think.
pokerus is a virus that is very rare to get in the Pokemon games
Nice tearing bruh
“Bounded polymorphism” 😂
Although I’ve watched this video twice, YouTube keeps putting it in my recommended feed for some reason. Wow, the algorithm is pushing this one *hard*.
I dont know a single programming language but I started watching this channel just cause. Its like watching an old spanish soap opera where you have no clue what theyre saying but you know stuffs going down.
4:18 i lost it. dying laughing. – is rust good for game development? there are 5 games already and 50 game engines. 7:59 “breaking changes are only introduced in rust english 2015, 2018, 2021 edition”
The name? Nut
pub struct TodoEntryProps<'a> {
set_todos: &’a UseRef
id: u32,
do you see that good !! what the fu***ck is that <'a> i hate write ‘ on text editing even if programing! ooh look &’a loool
It is like Java interface ? No, we don’t mention Java anymore . This killed me 😀 😀 😀
It looks like you were laughing too hard to miss my fave near the very end: “at this point I’m fully oxidized” 🙂
Why are Rust developers so scared of bit arithmetic?
Bro looks like and sounds like Brad Pitt, but hair
Is this animated by AI?
the ffmpeg one was funnier imo.
Choosing the right tool, for the job, should be referring to the people(tools), right?
Henry ford? 🤔
6:16 is I think a big reason why OOP used to be so popular. It has very little to do actual design and everything with knowing the names of the functions you can use on an object just by typing object.
THat Laughter in starting for Rust Operating system in no time is Full of life..😆
This has come up a bunch in my feed and I genuinely didn’t know it was a farce. I was like “yeah that haircut looks about right”.
i lmao, please make interview with Senior Golang Dev.
“We compile the entire company at runtime.” ROFLMAO!!!
Laughed so hard!!!! 5 games and 50 game engines written in Rust…..
Not gonna lie, I’m a little called out (though I love he said it) when he talked about writing out trait bounds being a pain in the ass and to just “stuff it into macros”. Often when I’ve encountered a scenario where I’d need to write a function with generics that I needed to have complicated trait bounds for, I would just create a macro to inline the code for me so I wouldn’t have to write the generic trait bounds out in a function. Is it best practice? Maybe. Maybe not. But trait bounds are one of the biggest pain in the asses in Rust.
Rust has started by rewriting religion
Bro looks like gay tyler durden
I am dying 🤣🤣🤣
If this was real the rust dev would be trans and a cat girl/boy
“5 games written in Rust
… and 50 game engines.” 😂
Man… _Rust_ *is* THE ultimate game in itself.
Games written in _Rust_ are mere mini-games within the _Rust_ environment.
I’m going to write a game in Rust using one of those 50 engines – I don’t care how crappy it is – I’ll get it on steam greenlight by some miracle – i’ll over promise and under deliver – and I won’t even charge a penny. Watch. The question is – how many people will try it – let alone bother writing a review. No promises there. Then you have to ask yourself, well if you make some stupid game – and no one plays it – did you really even make a game? Well I have a story about trees falling for them.
Libraries, Compilers, Debuggers, hardware mods > Programming Literacy
Dedicated Rust IDE
@fireship humor lmao
Is been the year of rust ever since America shipped their manufacturing to China. So is already here baby.
this is brilliant lol
Ultra liberal woke piece of tr@sh
Rust, a fine language that will be ruined by blue haired sex maniacs.
Hahaha this was hilarious
I’ve watched this a dozen times already. Prime’s reactions are priceless
Hmmm yes Harrison Ford, the Chuck Norris of programming.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they discredit you, then they join you.
hahaha. I love the blue hairs. Looks like an anime hero😂😂😂😂😂😂
“Is not a cult.” LMAO
const const const DreamBerd is the best programming language!
His best video is ffmpeg – but this one comes real close
Is this guy on crack? He sounds like some of those crackheads down in the subway here….
“Rust is just better” you don’t use rust you ain’t programing
His interview with a scrum coach is the funniest it’s so on point
5 games and 50 game engines 😂
chat did not pass the vibe check
the web assembly propaganda is the best bit for me , 1:16 and the comment about mediocrity is some deep irony I have to assume it was intentional.
He hides the crab pic. What do you program in? I can’t tell you, or I’d have to kill you. We hide everything under trademark and macros.
How do you know if something is written in Rust?
Don’t worry, They will tell you.
How does Prime just miss the best damn joke by DRINKING 🤯
Borrowing in Rust is not new… objective-c has retain/release autorelease etc.
And I thought I am the only one to hate that error
Rust sucks! Uselessly verbose…
5 games and 50 game engines. 😅
BLUE HAIR!!!!!!!
While this video is clearly satire, I actually tried to use Rust for some quite simple application (curtains microcontroller). So after two weeks with Rust, I still couldn’t finish it, and, with some sense of faioure,I had to revert back to C++ and finished the job within a couple of days.
The ideas in Rust language are interesting, but the investment you need to make to actually apply them well is extremely high. I have several decades of experience and I started when Pascal was big and Fortran was still a thing, so I know a thing or two about computer languages.
Rust is surprisingly difficult to use in a kind of simple everyday use cases, and so this guy’s rant is 100% warranted.
We’re so bless to have you Prime, every day is laughter and learning 🥰💜
Interview with Senior JS Developer next! It’s hilarious
I had no idea Brad Pitt was also a software engineer!
9:02, there’s “Create GitHub issue” in Quick Fix menu, that’s why
Reaction videos are so cheap. Gotta downvote this low effort trash.
There is a channel that I won’t mention, that attempts to do dev satire like this but is so lazy and cringe. THIS is amazing.
Hey prime – It’s interesting to see our talking points in their video, right? (Including some mistakes I made last year being repeated verbatim!) I’m beginning to think they’re not experts in all the languages they make videos about!🤓
The name must be the crustaegen
I will wait for the day you went blue hair :)))
Those guys work so hard with their editing. Hats off to them. Just ah, is blue hair considered normal in the Rust cult I mean community?
This is too funny!
Real talk… his best video is the EMacs one. Second place is the Chat-Jippity one; third place is the vim one – but to be honest there’s about 20 that are pretty much equal.
His GNU/Linux one is a bit of a letdown, but it ends strong and true: ” *I use Arch btw* “.
Why do Rust Devs reeks of Chris Chan?
I’m not familiar with Rust yet but by your laughter, he must be spot on … which is typical for him. He is a goldmine of software jokes. My favorite though is: Interview with Computer Security Trainer (https://youtu.be/xP1KEIqF_BM).
I really like the moments when you pause people mid sentence. Then I pause you mid pause. Then I eat a sandwich. Then we can all proceed.
There are currently 5 games written in rust and 50 game engines 😂
I am not surprised the guy knows many language but surprised he took the time to video really the annoying error messages from practice hahah 😀
This was good, but his emacs video was his all time best
OMG I feel like I have not laughed this much in so long. This was great.
i love this guy’s channel but he has way too many jump cuts. like, jumpcuts are fine, but dude is putting jumpcuts where there shouldn’t be jumpcuts. like 2016 commentary adhd editing. it’s actually unbearable after you notice it.
No Sir 2024 is the year of the Linux Desktop.
wtf is going on with his hair
I love how he references gluon at the end. The entire video he’s talking about how haskell is great and it turns out he uses an embedded language instead of rust which is effectively Haskell.
Naa….Kotlin is the perfect programming language!
4:36 Nah, 2024 is going to be the year of Iodine scripts!
My god. The book entitled “Rewriting Politics in Rust”….ha
Is it real? LOL
comment for prime
Thew man hasn’t seen flappy birds
This is accurate. But he left out that the rust compiler yells at you when you don’t think-speak like the rust community.
This bit actually low-key says some correct points about the pitfalls.
Jokes aside, I’ve been getting ready to play around in rust a d python. I’ve been taking programming seriously for about a year now and been learning c++
But man rust’s compiler is so goddamn good. The compiler alone makes me want to learn it.
When I saw you were reviewing this video, I knew you’d be laughing all the way through it.
rust makes i harder to shot in the foot but when you do you lose the whole foot
This is the happiest I’ve seen Prime since guzzling milk on a wake board. Most genuine laughs of almost any of the videos.
amazing thumbnail
I had a good time rewatching it over and over again just the first 1 and a half minutes, just crying and laughing, what a great guy, what a top comedian.
hey prime great video btw this comment is not in fortnite terms for now.
Rust is overrated anyway. So is Zig. REAL PROGRAMMERS use DreamBerd. their advanced HOLISTIC approach to memory management makes it BLAZINGLY FAST.
I too do think emacs video is the best…
Nice hair, typical for America
WebAssembly, what was the question?
I was waiting for this. I am so happy.
Ps. I subscribed to your channel because of this
I refuse to acknowledge that tokio violates any safety guarantee and I will lock everyone who does
this man is the Tommy Wiseau of programming
If there weren’t 50 different ways to do the exact same task, c# would be the perfect language.
Meanwhile me trying to reward the video by dragging the slider of the video Prime is reacting to
For the algo
Of course this would be his best video. It’s about the perfect language.
I’ve always wondered how long he prepares for these
What is primeagen watching himself in the video?
PLEASE do Interview With a Senior JavaScript Developer next 🙏
.unwrap.next.unwrap.into(dez nutz)
I understood at most the half but RFLMAO
Lol I laughed non-stop through this video when it came out. It hurt a little bit… so glad you covered it!
checkout his senior js interview – by far the funniest i saw he did
Brainfuck is close to perfect 🙂
2:55 no, its APL
BTW Turbopack isn’t fastest, Parcel is. Coincidentally also written in Rust, so the point stands.
I love how it’s all about learning to rewrite your code to rust. LMAO
Wow, his dead pan answers make it so darn real.
9 mins video to 15 mins reaction. Asmongolding it much Prime?
Missed opportunity to call yourself the “R[bleep]agen”
I bet nobody knows he is from germany.
the fact that i dont know nothing about rust but i enjoy this video is just crazy
Ah man, finally the reaction video I was waiting for.
The guy looks like he’s not real. Like he’s AI
I think the emacs video was the funniest.
Prime having an orgasm the whole time
I wish I could love rust. Ive made multiple attempts to only use it. I struggle to produce good and maintainable architectures with rust. And i dont like the errors where the implementations are split between many modules so you have to import many modules just to use it. And I also dislike how the solution for several common problems is to just use a macro. Then theres those annoying borrow errors. I cant even make a temporary variable pointing to a variable which needs a lot of typing to access. Not to even mention the compile times. That said, I love match expressions and object enums. The issues I have with it greatly outweighs what I like about it
Into().into().into().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap() … 😂
LOL! That guy on the video has a channel that is indeed hilarious, he jokes with tons of stuff ..worth watching! His channel is: Programmers are also human
emacs video is the best
Wait a minute. Get Micheal Reeves on a video where he gets tazed every time he makes an error in compiling his code. I wanna see that.
This is hilarious! Also why I am MOJO/ZIG curious in getting them Message Passing Interface (MPI) support to federate memory. Drucker’s Practice of Management applies to memory management too – federation is the only free lunch.
Is … he just parroting things from programming forums?
You should take a look his video about VIM 🙂
Prime talking about the overlap between Haskell and Rust devs.
Me, mainly using Rust now, after switching from Haskell… I feel called out lol
Prime you should interview him!
This guy’s videos are great but when it’s on a language you’re really familiar with then it’s absolutely nuts.
I waited for this 😂
I just wanted to say that there’s no way in hell I’ll ever use crabs
“Is that your coffee?”
“No, my build is ready”
2024 lets get rusty
rust is over hyped
Why is the blue hair on the wrong person?
I like the funny cyberpunk kurt cobain man
Not realistic at all, we know all Rust developers are cat eared femboys with long socks.
Hey Prime he did a video on vim, pretty funny. You should do a react video on that.
1:05 the worst moment to look away from the video
I have my own macro for unsafe code, it’s called `trust_me!`
He really missed opportunity for the hoodie
10:18 Rust has born from Haskell, that’s why
As soon as I saw the original video in my recommended, I’ve been awaiting this reaction!!
Saw this when it came out – still funny watching it again
11:57 Prime nearly done goofed taking a drink during this react lol
this is soo good🤣🤣🤣
Whats incredible to me is his depth of knowledge on such a wide variety of languages
i went back to c++ idk why but i think its coz im going back to school soon..
7:30 there’s actually a Haskel monad implementation in the Rust server. It even does >>=.
Ive been waiting for your reaction since seen this interview
Funny as hell this guy
“Choose the right job for the language.”
– some blue haired ultra instinct Sajajin.
Rust is always two years away from finally killing C++
Is this video endorsed by the Rust Foundation? I can’t tell.
Does you marking your video as not endorsed count for the Video you were watching?
Although the “we have 5 games and 50 Game Engines” part had me laughing.
The fact that he actually knows so much about the language is just crazy. That’s like two+ years of Rust coding experience just for this video.
How does someone know this much about multiple programming languages in order to be able to make this superb satire is amazing
The hair color is partially correct
They should make a game where you build rust game engines.
Is it just me, or this guy would look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club (Tyler Durden) if his wig was blond?
The Doc of Programming
I am gonna use Go for my next project
As a Haskell dev I… something…
In the thumbnail, the blue hair guy looks really CGI.
when I saw this video I thought you might have a fun time reacting to it. Glad to see I wasn’t wrong
I laughed so hard
A faster C++
Wouldn’t that be C++++?
can rust fix screen tearing?
2:17 well MacOS update made bevy leak memory.. Well more like gobble up the memory untill the game is turne off. It’s quite silly situation.
Jokes on you. I’m writing my own game with a custom engine. Keeping that ratio at 1:1.
( . ) ( . )
Rewrite everything in Rust book lol
Day 60892, still figuring out async in Rust…