Rust Building Skins are BROKEN
The new Rust Adobe skin has a major problem… so I turned it into a trap.
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro: bbno$
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,trap,base,trap base,glitch,bug,exploit,console,adobe,skin
コメント (326)
youre so annoyin to listen to but this shit good
When’s the next admin trolling???😢
Ayy yo ask bait if i can watch with him😅
That guy at 8:15 has escaped the cycle of rust. He lives freely outside the system.
Facepunch try not to do something completely avoidable and stupid challenge (impossible)
Happy 1 mil
To anyone that dont know the Dude song in the outro its bbno$ btw nice vid
shut up
I don’t know very much about this game and don’t play it, but I’m a fan of all the butthurt he causes, both online and in the comments of his videos! 😂😂😂
Memeio pls play in ROBLOX trident survival v2
the nerd guy was ironically funny
Server name
Again, the mentality of raiding a base because you get stuck in there, when you shouldn’t be in there in the first place makes zero sense to me.
It’s the same as someone breaking into your home and filing a lawsuit because they hurt themselves.
Calm down, I let him sleep S2
Lmao good stuff
Your my favorite trap YouTuber 😘
crust will take longer to publish than gta 6 and karlson
So so so bad
@memeio I found a glitch with the new shipping container dlc your able too rotate the wall even after the 5min cut off
I find a new glitch and I find it on TikTok and it’s easy to do I can send it to your twitter if you don’t like it I get it
Memeio’s “little loot base” is bigger than my main base 💀
People like you are the reason people like me dont play Rust, DayZ , or Tarkov…
rust is pay to win sadly now even with artic hazy and many other things
You know you can watch cams on your phone right
isnt that “skin” from conan exiles?
5:12 Bait really went straight to the hub smh
05:12 OMG hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Wish you’d trap me in there
“you’re such trash, this doesn’t even work, it’s so obvious!!”…………. every single one of them was trapped! XD
by far the most impressive trap base he has made i have to try this out
need admin trolling video again. mr. magic man
Memeio what servers do you play on
Rust: we got a new update. Memeio: You mean a new trap
i love memio first person i watched when i started rust I even got my dad to love him to!
7:24 basement dwelling cockroach discord and reddit mod right there with that mountain dew and Cheetos smelling mouth.
I saw what u put on the computer 5:13
And what a thumbnail too you managed to make rust look like fortnite
Im pretty sure he would react that way to any loot, gets old, and why on a modded server this is lazy content everyone gets loaded on moddeds
🤮pls dont do that kind of intro
I don’t like to hate but he really didn’t need the skin to do this trap, like he could’ve just broken it when they were on the stairs
tbh finding a small clan that can help you defend some fights is pretty good. you could just give them the gear when youre done recording
What bait doing whit the computer?
Watch out for that bait he watches to many ph videos😂😂
love to see people get mad. he thought bear traps used power?
The grub at the door
WAT Is bait watching 💀💀
ey man love seeing the vids, youre doing great stuff 😁💚 would be fun if you kept building the base bigger and bigger with all the loot you get 😀 love the content! 🔥💚
Over 2k hours in this game and havent been Trapped ONCE. I dont get it
hmm.. interesting that guy was an idiot it dint involed with any other traps but adobe skin stairs
Memeio breaking games since wayback
Those people at the end are so funny, come over for 2mins and was like “damn this trap base sucks” but jokes on them that’s why they at end of vid because they not worth the time and you’ve already proved yourself the trap base goat of rust
7:22 why was bro huffin and puffin 😂
siqzera is my hero
what is the title of the song from outro?
7:25 The salty tears are real.😂
I wish I could play rust but my computer can’t handle it
This shows how stupid rust players are
Im trying to encourage my 2 friends to buy rust.
What should I tell them to make them buy it?
Are u ok?
is rust worth buy? Because i wana buy
5:12 nahhh I see you Bro 😂😭
make a reverse trap where its obvious its a trap but you give them loot if they fall for it
Ayo 😂 5:12
I really.. REALLY hope bait is at LEAST making federal minimum wage
Pay to win rust be like:
Is bait camomo
So that guy just happened to have 38 Handmade Shells while complimenting ur trap base and had no weapon on him…? Weird.
at this point im just watching for the outros, gotta love bbno$
bahahha the salty 12 year old . Then begging haha
The steel crate skin is messed up. The roof is upside down. Glad I paid for that.
You never fail to impress us with your ability to find some form of glitch or bug in Rust everyday, hah! Keep up the great work man.
You know you’ve done a trap base right when you get death threats from a 13 year old, lol
I love clickbait thumbnails gives me the motivation to eatch a certain vid but your vids are always worth watching
That outro bro that song was fire!
Trap bases on modded don’t mean jack
Why is it rust always has somthing broken that can be used for a trap lmso
phub community trap bases
Ayo what is bait wacthing
Haha the scene of the doorcamper and how you reacted to it was funny shit lol.
Bro I waited so long for your video…..I don’t know why your video make me feel good… And comfortable seriously I don’t even play rust but I love to watch all your videos whenever I go to sleep I’ll play your rust album and i never get bored I watched all your videos more than 3 times….thanks man iits very hard find peace in today’s worl but you never failed to entertain me..thanks alot your videos means alot to me…Love from India ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Memio I just wanna say I’m a really big fan and if you could like this comment I would love that
There’s a website that tells you
the linda guy made me laugh so hard because the music🤣
The “linda” moment at 1:27 broke me so hard
I was itching waiting for him to upload
It’s obvious most of your video content is a Set-up but it’s fun to watch nonetheless.
A Memeio classic
and you’re baiting too!
Song at the end?
The PHub inteo when bait opened the camera😂
it also broke the 6 large box loot room, the walls are thicker making the placements impossible
Its a beautiful day when memeio upload
why dont you show the part where my friend goes deep on you
Menunio got humiliated
Hé mist a thomsen
Memeio you can crash minicopters into chinook to crash it, it will also drop a chinook crate. I tried this myself and i think it would make great content.
PS you can build on top of the crate aswell!
Admin trolling pls.
You should do a trap base where it’s still your main base but at at roof access put a ladder hatch above and a half wall with a ceiling above the ladder hatch then have bait on cams put ladders on side of base so it looks raided no double door to get into the ladder hatch 1×1 room put a box on top of the base outside for bait then put furnaces or boxes inside as bait then you sit in the ladder hatch half wall area and when they go in open the ladder hatch which makes them stuck in there then throw a grenade i know the instructions look goofy but i can’t really explain it well unless i’m directly talking to you i think you would like it
The ones that get salty and act like it’d a bad trap base are the ones who always die from trap bases. So angry for no reason.
Wow the king of trap base
Memeio is the best
Nothing screams job well done like a 13 year old telling you to off yourself
You ever think the rust devs just have an email dedicated to memeio uploading?
Like.. “Ahhh man, yeah he found a damn glitch, I’m fired? Alright cool I didn’t like this job anyways”.
It’d be amazing if bait had his own channel
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Love the vids
Hilarious ending! Also, I think that you are Bait, on a second PC.
Every video: this actually works very well.
is this rust staging branch or nah
Memeio got trash talked off the server 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hilarious outro
ppl come into your base to steal stuff, then get mad when you trap them and kill them. hmmm, sounds like society.
were is rinsed
slop content
Unsubbed for this video gz make better content
w trap base
What was bait watching 💀💀💀
That is the most evil exploitation of facepunch’s lack of foresight and i wish i could like this video 86 more times xD
Jokes on that last guy, you make a living making trap bases….
memeio never fails to tickle our balls
when Memeio post you know is going to be good love the videos keep it up my guy
The memeio on this channel and the one that’s featured on stimpees channel are two completely different people. The tik tok ass intros are so damn hilarious. He seems like the type of guy who’s friends with a famous YouTuber but doesn’t make any videos, let alone take the time to narrate them lmao.
5:10 corn hub
The new walls look like a prolapsed anus!
Our bro got roasted and he rage quit🤣🤣
this would be a great bunker idea
I laughed my ass off a couple times 👀😂💀
What is that camera?
As a bbno$ and memeio fan, I’m proud of his outro music choices
That stairs is THICCC
memeio i was playing on the same server with u but i was not around outpost
What happened to rinsed papa memeio
Memeio get back to your original posts not this
this man breaks every update or any glitch
what iss bait watchinng?? 5.14
4:10 i did not give you or anyone permission to post my face yo the public i dont know where you got that picture but how dare you
I love your films bruh
Honestly nothing better then waking up to a memio upload, love the content mate can’t wait for the next one 🤘🤘
AYO what was bait about to watch on that PC? 🤨
INTJ- yay I’m going to rob the shit out of this base, it’s my base now dumb a## lol. Then he gets trapped, you are a shit you know that you’re the worse kind of people, here I was trying to steal Evering from you and you trap me! me! that’s it I’m going to raid you, for me coming to steal from you and losing what I had instead. LOLOLOLOLOL
bro memeio you are so scared you run awaay instead of snow ball you need to play console rust becauze your so bad
so funny
I don’t even care if he is scripting he still makes me laugh
memeio: He’S sO gEaRed! 🤤
Me: its a hazmat and a tommy chill 🙄
7:59 capybara!!!
7:23 it’s not me me’s fault he was stupid to throw the satchel on the staircase and he killed himself 😂
congrats on 1mil
Ayo bait you just got caught in 4k
I felt the quit after you got roasted.
That’s me 😅
I love how you find the most toxic people to trap and promptly eradicate. 😂
Imagine playing modded still sad 😥😥
bruh,you have another banger vid.
that’s a mistake
99% sure the rager was a cheater too, he looked right at you through the door expecting you to open it.
(edit: idiots in the replies thinking because hes talking in the youtube vid means hes talking in-game at same time… yikes)
Js when ppl get that toxic u should reveal ur identity and see if they do a 180 with the attitude or not
I will definetly use this as a bunker base when i get the adobe skin
Bruh what is Bait watching on this computer💀☠
Skins for buildings are absolutely and are really expensive 15€ is much for this
i love❤ when you troll kids
5:13 umm what website was bait going onto 💀
I love how Bait sits at the computer and it’s immediately pornhub. 😂😂😂
More RINSED please
definitely not memeio getting bullied at the end
Damn bro got molested by words at the end
pay to win be like
Nice you got john wilkes booth
Bro new bunker
Stimpee’s outros 💦🧴> Memeio’s 🤮🔇
I think bait was watching something other than the cameras..
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
The skin change animation is slick as fuck! This game has some love put into it
Im early before an hour!
They have a bug on the roofs aswell. Normal roof you Can Walk over the edge, on that skin there you can’t..
So sad I don’t have rust
bros cheating again
Memeio is just pure gold 😅
You should try and play console rust and see if it improved for once
yo they are fighting! omg i got 69 ak im so lucky
You watch this bro hes gonna start out with inventory of Rockets, and m2s😂
hi memeio
Think of the bunkers
sup g
Literrally pay to win
🤨 5:09
Yet again completely unstaged video
You know it’s a good day when memeio uploads
Do you read all comments?
That door skin is sick AF
5:12 guys what is Bait watching, is it inspirational content ❤❤❤
I love you from Iraq
I’m gay but the comments will hide it
I never would have guessed this channel would have become a trap base channel.
The fact that they change the hitbox is messed up to begin with, how do they think that wouldn’t cause issues?
bro your videos make me want to keep playing rust LOVE THE CONTENT
Yes the best Youtuber uploaded a new video
No one gonna talk about the computer @ 5:13
Adobe stairs bunker?
I love you memio
They are way more broken than that. You can infinitely upgrade either stone to stone, or metal to metal, and it moves the wall out each time further from your base.
Cheeky raid defense, but if you leave the render zone of your base, it will reset back to normal.
Example below
I Love your Videos Bro it makes me Happy to see a trapbase that works
The funny thing is those guys at rhe end were wrong about everything and would have never expected the trap what a pair of trash talking losers
streamer loot!!!
another amazing trap!! have a great day!
5:12 Niceeeeee.
I don’t play much but I love watching you play. keep it up!
Ayo bait is getting kinda quirky right there🤨
i love your videos Memeio!!!!!!!!🥵
next video of him this is how i teleported someone in space
how tf does he get these ideas
Honestly, its remarkable how he finds a gamebreaking glitch with every update
Did what they said get to you just think of nick eh 30’s intro
Hi memeio can you please say hi
Bro said Theres no Escape
Memio gawd damn
Bro came in clutch 😂
I love pancake nipples!!
Next video is a combined version of every trap base he built
Bait was watching PH. LOL
Memeio never fails to amuse me
im racist
The only that mess up is your voice
and effectively nerfed to shit.
Early gang
How you keep finding out about these…
another day another slay
You don’t start like most people do you? Lol, I can picture you wandering around the map for a full hour looking for someone kitted out with a SAR, then you hit record for the video lol.
does this still work?
hey i got first like on the vid for the first time
this is a certified gupp video
A certified banger!
worlds biggest annoyance
Wait until you see the hqm skin!
Also, amazing use of a broken skin!
This is why we can’t have nice things Barry
memeio never fails to come up with the most unique traps lol
Yo me moo buy me a pc
Memeio finding that u can make stairs 25%bigger: 🤑🤑💵💵💵💸💸💸
Pay to win? Nah, pay to trap!
Early gang
Stairs on hard difficulty
I live your vids
best rust youtuber
Yes sirr
See this is creative and funny 😂 good stuff
First😂😂😂😂(please help me i got no people who love me)
Memio with his trap bases 😂
I’m just leaving this comment so you get blessed by the algorithm, keep on making great videos you absolute chad.
I love memeio
When crust
Another one lmao
anything is a trap base for memeio
i love your vids keep it up
Even tho i dont play rust and never plan on playing it i still enjoy memeio’s videos so much. Keep it up, quality over quantity
Memeo I am first just to say that was smart
Yay another vid
Lobe your videos my favorite more traps lmaoo🎉🎉🎉
Hi am neber 1 0:48
Meameio is a cutie
First comment
W Ly memio
You’re not cool
hi memio
Memeio love your vids man
I love you videos
Yo frist her
Love the vids <3
First and i love your videos
hi now say hi back.
first akjmdfd
Nice video
First comment
First 🫶 love you Memeio
W video
First <3
Hi first comment 🙂