We can lock our cars! How it works | Rust update 19th June 2020
We can now lock our cars! Here’s a full breakdown of how it works and what you need to do. Vehicles are live on staging and will be merged to the main release branch on Thursday 2nd July.
My links:
✔️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shadowfrax
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
✔️Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/shadowfrax
✔️Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
New convars for admins:
dof_toggle and dof_debug_toggle commands for easier input binding
‘carwrecks’ var. Setting to false makes modular cars gib right away, bypassing the “wrecked” state.
carsdropiloot convar, can be set to false to stop modular cars dropping storage items on death
meta.if_true and meta.if_false let you make binds do different things for presses and releases
Gameplay footage from Rust
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #shadowfrax #update
Taqs:rust triangle,triangle ladder hatch,rust+ app,rust app,rust companion app,rust,vehicles,rust vehicles,vehicles in rust,modular vehicles,rust modular vehicles,rust news,rust update,rust latest,rust vehicle news,shadowfrax,concept limbo,rust cars,rust car,cars in rust,modular cars,rust modular,rust modular cars,animal art,rust animals,rust bear,rust wolf,rust locks,vehicle locks,car locks
コメント (430)
Hah. Wow thought the thing was new-ish since it said July. And thought this l was this year… Then i read the comments, TWO years ago…
Anywho I’m a noob, your videos are helpful, literally just got my first car cause walked by I’ve with boxes on it and thought was perfect for putting things in it. Abd i died as soon as I got the keys….
So we wondering about so… Lost my car x’D fukin Christ. Players make this game awful for me to have fun x’D
Fun stuff just gets denied when a player finds me
2 socks?! I am glad you know of dances with wolves
2 Socks?!?! I am glad you know of Dances with Wolves
I would love the ability to tie a note an a arrow haha
What if I made a key but it still says locked on my car and there is no ID on the key when I made it
Ok hear me out. “Message arrows” do no damage and when they are picked up they have a note attached to them. Imagine shooting your roof camper neighbor a note with an arrow saying you have a proposal 😁
Electric parts would be great if we could add labels to them. As in … this Electrica Branch is for the Security System. This Electrical Branch is for my Toaster. This Electrical Branch is for the CCTV Bathroom system. etc … it would be easier to follow Electrical system we create.
i accidentally placed my keys in car storage… now my armored car is locked
soooo people can still jump into your armored cabin and kill you even if the car is locked
makes sense…
No one uses cars
The car locks are useless. If you lock it, you need a key to drive it. That means if you die in the car, you still drop the key.
the id of key doesn’t match the lock. pls help
ps. im playing on a modded server
If they make rust into how brutal Mad Max is that would be awesome.
Hey shadow-babe every time i make a key for my car, it says ID 0 but the car has a diff id but idk hot to fix it plz help
Finaly RUST again !
They should make a coat hook thing that you can put keys on so you can put keys by the door that would be a nice addition
I do have a code lock on my salvaged car actually….
They should add keys for helis now that we have to buy them
Some cars DO! have code locks tho at least here in USA.
Oh and what we need, are Pins for PIGS, And Chickens, THIS WOULD BE COOL!< Oh and DUCKS< I hear ducks on some servers so WHERE ARE THEY!! OMG!!! We need PETS!! PWEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO And lower your insurance! NICE!! YES being able to mark items would be so COOL!! I forget were stuff is, so… “lol” Thanks for this info video!! BE SAFE GOOD SIR!!
Ur amazing!
I have been watching your updates every month for the past 4 years and I finally subscribed. You’re welcome.
Technically certain cars have a code lock pad where u can input a number to unlock it but u need key to start it
Please I need to know what music you use
Hi, tell me how to install Pump Jack
Oooh slottys… I’d love to set one up at my base, make them so they have a jackpot prize, like an ak or bolty or whatever you want. just spitballin here.
amazing, because I hate playing wipe after wipe and almost every heli and mini is monopolized.
When’s the game coming to console.
If you die with the key they can jack your car? Yikes to the little guy.
Role players be creaming there pants right now
One of my favorite update vids so far @shadowfrax
I would put notes onto horse dung
Add a note to rocket, so people knows you’re here, funny hm?
Can we get a small car in a scrappy
Notes on arrows! Pick it up and read the threat of an offline raid.
ive long since said this game is gona get massive..with visuals and gameplay etc cant wait to see this game in a year or 3 what would be added by then and look like XD
Would love a Stadia port when it comes to consoles
Locks for treasure hunts?
I can’t wait for the console port
When he said the “do you have a code lock on your salveded car in real life” I thought about my cousin who can unlock his car with a code
Now we can make a custom rust server that’s just normal life!
Sooooo console release
Can you fit a car into a scrap heli?
Do you have any news on when rust is hitting consoles 😂👌😅✊🏼
I’d put a note on a rock and throw it at my neighbor’s window.
Rock: ” At dawn… Raid. ”
Neighbor’s: ( O_O)
Do the keys work like house keys? If someone kills me and takes my key can they steal the car?
My parents car have a keypad yes
Time to make a key and write “Q6” on the note then eventually get killed and lead that random person on a wild goose chase.
What is “Concept Limbo”?
I’ve never played rust, cause my potato cant handle it. Can’t wait to see the videos after this gets inacted.
Most Ford cars for about the last 20 years have had a keypad on the door you can use to unlock the doors and open the trunk
I would add my notes to my chickens cause yes I have a chicken farm
actually some cars like ford trucks have code locks 😀
Shadowfrax! Most new cars now comes with a codelock in case you forget your key! And I also would like to introduce my server in the comments. Look for Satoshi’s rust server under your community tab!
EA Games…makes you buy a game, and you still have to buy the other half of it when you have installed it to play it.
GoooooooOOOOOooo Facepunch!
What about mobile version?
I working train around the map. Hijack a train for all the loot
This keeps looking like rules of survival on mobile and pubg
I’m kinda bummed still no news on the console version, I’d like to get access to the alpha or beta ASAP to see how it runs.
Doesn’t really makes sense cuz the code lock is looks like being made of some simple electronic elements but still needs no chips or any components to craft just metal. So why not do the same ^magic^ for a car?
Actually a car does have a code lock idk what it is but it does
What if you could tame the animals for attacking purposes
Seen more code locks on cars irl then doors
To all the consul players rust is set to be released dec 31 2020😁
Note arrow!!!
5:06 (you feel as your parched throat yearns to be quenched by the adjacent plastic container’s continents)
Wait, is rust driving side right or left???? Also when are they adding working radio stations??
Never stop the team meme
yall got cars?
Bold of you to assume i have a car
anyone else thinking they should add more animal tames to the game? maybe if you raise a wolf cub till maturity it acts as lookout or guard dog
Any news on when rust is coming to console
we need note rocks that go through windows
Can you drive them into a scrap heli?
2:03 What movie?
I forgot about Console release until you mentioned it near the end of the video… Any news on when that’s going to be released?
Hahaha the code lock
You can tell how many active players are on rust by how many subs Shadowfrax has hahaha 🙂
Rust Car Dealerships here I come 😎
I hate that I misheard it as “poker tables will be functional”
Again it would be nice to mention that they have to add when players interact with controls in first person
Did Car Can Break Wall :V? Also Rest In Peace To Horse 😩
Imagine if we didn’t have shadowfrax I wouldn’t know about half the stuff in rust
Yes, the ford in general have had code lock some time ago why don’t rust cars have it ?!
crown vic will allow you to get into the car with a code
On my brothers truck theres a code lock on the door
5:05 ngl that’s racist af and racism is not fun shawodfrax delete the video please
Literally like every ford has a code lock
Actually I do have a code lock on my real life Car
everybody (nobody): shadow show us ur face!
shadow: f r o g
Most of ford cars have a codelock
Do you know what happens if you blow up the car while it has items inside? Do they drop on the ground?
If you push/crash your car in the water,will it explode and can i get the loot inside?
will they be doing a remake on the wolf head dress
Locked cars will be huge.
Now we just need craftable “door ajar” chimes that play “Africa” by Toto 🙃
(Kudos if you’ve seen that Volvo door chime video)
Many Ford/Lincoln/Mercury models have a codelock on the driver’s side door… and those are basically scrap.
The Rust Historian
Some cars do kinda have code locks doe
Hello all, I’m new to this game and I’m searching info about it on the internet but it is overweight the amount of thing I must know.
Do you recommend me a place where I can learn the thing that this game have step by step? Ty.
Pls rust mobile
DO u have a codelock on your car irl?
because this game is just like real life br0
Will the texture on the wolf headless change?
cars will distroy the game … idiot
Lmao you show that bleach on the server I play on and your getting raided. We play our own mini game of find the bleach. Admin builds some random 2×1-3x1s and places a bottle in one, a week after a wipe. Come end of wipe whomever has the bleach either gets a T3 bench or their own personal recycler the next wipe. Sadly no pies though
Can you not just find someone’s locked car and then chuck down the car lift in front of it? I haven’t played with them so idk if there’s restrictions on where you can deploy car lifts
Smash the windows
0:26 fortnite players be like.
These changes and updates are great but I would love one monument more like maybe a island that is whole a laboratory full of blue guys and even the big ones and like some bigger loot
So like is no one talking about the blueprints on official not wiping for like almost 2 years at this point
When will the beta of rust for console be released?
We need this game on the switch
Ford use to put code locks on certain models lol. Facts💯
Did you know there’s actually a car or truck that has a digital code on the door
Oh no . Plz no cars
Can they just add bleach plz I’m so thirsty
if i could add a note to an item i would want notes on arrows so i can have a private text chat with someone and a noted arrow would be seperated from the rest of the arrows
I’m afraid to play Rust when it comes to console. I played DayZ when it came out and it ruined it for me. I like watching others play Rust too much. Idk if I want to lose that..
1:18 Looks like a noetail
Shadowfrax: “Do you have a codelock on your car?”
Tesla: *exists*
Hey look guys more team jokes, everyone point and pretend to laugh
1:28 LOL
am i a friend or a survivor
Simon Whistler? Is that you?
Blah. Rust is a PC game. Not a Console game. More Game Devs need to realize that. Stop dividing up workers.
I’m surprised cars came after both helis
The amount new roleplay ideas are going to be sick
Rust is so far away from its roots
Texas Hold ‘Em in Rust would be amazing. 🙂
Now everyone in real life is going to make their salvaged cars have a code lock because of what you just said, just wait and see 🙂
Making it harder to get hellis, why do they keep making the game perfect for zergs and impossible for solos, they just keep making the game worse for the past year or so
Actually there are cars with code locks usually luxury cars
do you have a code lock on your front door in real life ?
It would be pretty cool to attach notes to arrows. You could fire them into people’s windows, deliver secret messages, or stick them on trees in the middle of the woods…
When’s console version coming I won’t be able to afford a PC for a long time
I would add notes to me
Yes I will join your Steeeeam group.
Yes codlocks are a real thing in real life.
I can’t wait for
“In me zergs car, vroom vroom”
Actually my truck does have a code lock
Zerg Tow Service
We’ll move it, YOU’ll lose it
Hi so about rust for console
The only company that still dishes out updates for a five year old game. Hats off face punch!!
I’m going to start a garage, I think it would be profitable.
I have some ideas for rust but where’s that console news 😊
shadowfrax sounds like hes tired of making these videos
So basically someone can kill you and just steal your car because you have to have the key on you that’s why it’s useless that’s why they should move to code lock for the cars it’s so ridiculous they didn’t even do it first
Fix the bug where u can die instantly by walking to a cave system. I died trice yesterday getting my loot back
This sucks it needs to be a code lock.
they should hella rework the characters models in the game there getting kinda stale.
Great vid as always. How do I spawn a car chassis on my staging server? I can spawn other items fine. Using “spawn 2module_car” and “spawn 3module_car” and “spawn 4module_car” now give “entity type not found” – drat!
Any news about NPC bases.
allow us to mix bleach and ammonia for gas grenades!!
i honestly do not care about cars.. we have minicopters which are fair enough but cars? why, fix your optimisation before worrying about adding new stuff , the rust devs are so wierd man like who wanted a farming update… only roleplayers , honestly might just quit rust for a while and see if it gets any better
Console player here, checking in, yet again……
And yeah
HV rockets
I really don’t want rust added to console. console players don’t deserve the complex and beautiful game we call rust
actually yes cars have code-locks irl.. dummy
Fords have had SecuriCode keypads for 40 years and my Tesla has a PIN, but ok Britonian.
This game lost its way years ago
God I hope they can HAULT…. ADD MOSS MECHANICS. If you know what moss is 😘 IMPARITIVE WE GET PVE also… It’s 2020 and multiple islands via servers.
Really lacking pies lately, not cool man
When is rust coming to other platforms?
Great video, thanks!!!!
When’s it coming to Xbox
Ford owners with code locks be like 👀
There are code on cars before
We need a mad max server no building just living in your car and murdering everyone for their stuff
All my dawgs love Wayne’s world. Only I got the vhs tho
If you can access your inventory while driving can you start a car with a key, and then remove the key from your inventory and still keep going?
Subject to change.
Is that frog ur mum??
I wish guns told you the original creator and kills with it
If this is coming in July’s update would the main servers full wipe for it?
Rust? Pfft. Too busy shipbreaking to play Rust.
actually code locks on a car is a real thing 😀
Word *TEAM* never gets old
Dont change helis they are good as they are they will just be ruined if they change them
They better have skins for cars
if they add poker i swear to you that i will start playing rust and spend 1:30 playing poker
Shadow, might you do clan on clan fights again, I really liked those and it’s been forever since the last one
if they add poker in rust i’m pretty sure more people will play poker instead of the actual game
The notes are pretty useful especially when u have over 20 cars.
Sound system plsssssssssssss wanna ride with my beats
The girth mobile would be my cars name
Get ready to get cleaned out in poker boys.
Bruh if they make it possible to play Poker at the bandit camp with other willing players, hoooooo boy i’m gonna clean house for sure.
thanks for the update
Hey now, lots of cars used to have code locks. They were dumb but they *were* code locks.
Because key for doors have been such a nifty useful feature they should be dug up again and used for something else. People don’t kill me irl for my keys to my car like in rust. All t his adds is more jank and useless steps. Inb4 codelocks get introduced later.
I can’t drive 🙁
Blackjack would be even better, because it’s a fast paced game compared, and great for fast runs/games, or while waiting for a few minutes
I’m still waiting for you to do what I suggested
A lot of ford cars have “code locks”
1) IRL cars actually do come w/ code locks.
2) If they are salvaged cars, and you lived in a neighborhood where your team *cue clip* needs access but everyone else in your neighborhood were killers who were usually well-armed and KOS… a keypad might be the natural evolution (like if the Purge came to IRL, on Hapis Island)
everybody’s cool until you hear “nothing on one, click on two” coming from your garage
2:50 technically there are car’s that have number locks on them and have been in use since the 90’s
won’t start the car but will definitely open the door so Shadowfrax i can proudly say you’re wrong!
Lincoln’s and Ford do this just to name a few!!!!
Day after my birthday
2:50 actually yes, my F150 has a code lock on the door.
dam if helis also gonna need parts to run <.<
when new uplode for hardspace shipbreacker
imagine joining a server on full wipe, collecting scrap and go play poker with the other nakeds. THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL
It seems as though Hapis does not have a Bandit Camp, can we be seeing these updates for Bandit Camp elsewhere on the Hapis map? For example, at Outpost?
Yes they are Some cars has Code lock
i would put notes too my bumpkin seeds cause my team keep stealing it.The note would say “If i were you i would not touch it ;)”
Hi Shadowfrax, I know I keep asking but please could you leak when the new series of “come dine with me” is released?
They need to fix cardboard sheet metal
Broke my heart. Again. Absolutely disgusted. No ” triangular later hatch” graphics and sound bite.
I’m looking for a server with a cool custom map.
Is yours still up?
Yes, Yes I do have a code lock on my salvaged car, in real life.
Shadowfrax’s name signed on my ak would be amazing
wow those new animals look awesome! thanks for the vids
Any news on console versions?
So you gonna spend hours getting a car all nice for yaself. Go out in it, to only get killed instantly by a clan with AK’s, they take your key n your car. Time well spent XD
Heh, “nicely”.
any update on hdrp? /s
2:50 have you looked at an ak47 blueprint script and built it in 1 minute and 30 seconds i dont think so
Hapis tunnels????
But Rust pvp is so wibble-wobble-ick.
“Do you have a code lock on your salvaged car?”
I have a counter question:
Do you have a key lock on your salvaged car?
Cool something to actually look forward to on my birthday!
There are functionally poker tables on rust GTA
Yes my wasteland beater does have a keypad to enable the ignition and fuel systems lol.
Weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather Weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather Weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather Weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather
You need to be able to put a note on a rock
i would add my note to a rock and call him. Rockey. The rockiest rock to ever rock the world which is technically made of rocks
Now we just need weather!
add notes to my bollox
I don’t play Rust but Your videos are just too cool to not watch them!
Who just LOVES in the intro how it’s going from far away directly to his face ?
2:03 HAHAHAHAA I lost it there
They actually do make code locks for cars!!!✅✅✅⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Ford Escape has them I believe 🤔🤔🤔
they should add the codelock version like i bet tons of losers are going to use the storage unit and drop thier key inside it by accident. And before you know it you have gone from driving a hunk of metal to pushing it.
Ah yes the rock! It presuades everyone to give you any key.
Can I build a Chevy Silverado 98
How about that facepunch soon optimize game to run 144 fps. Because game is so facking bad optimized that minecraft 0.01 alpha was better optimized😡😭😭
Savas hapis is like WW3 in a game that never ends.
2:50 i do… but not Salvaged
Console HDRP? 😉
I would Put a stamp on my kits so the People killing me would know Who their farming kits from
we want rabbitsssssss back
Hey any idea when Rust will be coming to consoles???? asking for a friend
notes on snap traps is what id go for ………ha!
My beat up f150 2001 has a codelock on the side for entree purposes
Türkler burdaysa like atsin gücümüzü gösterelim
I do actually have a code lock on my car sooooo
Now we need locks for the helly
Should make a mountable chair on top of the van
Yo I love your vids
Without Code-locks I feel like cars aren’t going to be used very often, especially on high pop server I mean think about the resources you have to put into the car then for it just to be stolen when you die. By the way, a lot of cars from 2005 to 2016 have Code-locks on them. Think about it how often do you make keys for wood locks? Never? Exactly because if you die it’ll get stolen and people can get in your base.
Who else always gets excited for rust updates even though you’ve never even played the game
They should add message birds, you attach a message onto a bird and chose the player you want it to go to
does this mean we have to close our tab at the 18 second mark now ?
Know any thing about console rust?
Notes delivered by pigeon would be cool too
i would add notes back into my wallet…
My old jeep had a codelock. Well. Not exactly. Had to use the stereo code lock when i get a new key battery or change the car batery or wont start
Yes I do have a code lock on my car
Any news on console rust release?
Can’t wait to start a car dealership. Vending machine dispense keys and have a parking garage lol
Lmao yeah there are code lock cars, there are plenty, and how is a code lock any more logical on a door you piece together with metal and feces
what would i add notes to? the backs of other players :p
Ehhhmmm yes, there are electronic locks… Havent you heard about finger touch electronic locks on new cars????
Lots of Fords have code locks
I think a simple glider would be cool
we shouldn’t be able to lock without crafting keys ı miss the old days of having a keylock and that risk of loosing your key when you die
I own a Lincoln Navigator that has a code lock and electric start on it
I just wish with the bandit camp, what you sell to it like frags etc… the bandit camp upgrades itself.
1 Rope 1 Note 1 Rock Crafts: Rock With Note
Not lookn fwd to being solo spending countless hours on my car then getting merked with my key.
well actually I did make an atv/go-kart that needs the proper code from one of those arcade keypads to come off and let you put the key in
plz helk gib us code car
Racing servers? Anybody?
If someone kills you he takes all your staff and drive your car away, you don’t even have a chance to get it back. Helicopter is still better than car
there should be skins for your tool cover
Add notes to people’s skulls and leave it at there door steps.
Hey Shadowfrax, looks like you’ve got the bug I had where I single line runs across the screen. I saw it in some of the edits of this vid, if you’d like it fixed reduce parallax mapping in settings. Just thought it can be annoying for editing. Keep up the good stuff your voice is butter <3
Ford cars have codes to open them…….
– or you can ask the owner for a key…
-with a rock….
– I deaf xddddd
No but seriously when is console coming
Some cars do come with code locks
I am not looking forward to cars…
My 1999 Peugeot 306 xrtd has a code lock . It is at the bottom of the centre console, you need to put a 4 digit pin in to unlock the immobiliser. It even has a guest code you can put it for mechanics so they can’t change the master code. In fact I think one of the face punch devs maybe worked at Peugeot in R and D once. Good video as always.
That two socks reference was awesome love that movie!
i still thinking they have to put the possibility to build elevators inside the base. With elecreticity will be amazing bra
If you’re gonna spew, spew into this.
Sending my regard in every bullet I fire
Many modern cars have code locks these days lol
*hears heli* *SPAMS THE LIKE BUTTON*
Don’t mind if heli’s get harder to find, but then they shouldn’t decay indoors at all.
FacePunch Plz for the love of God and foxes to the island! 🦊
But will they let us pick up chickens?
Rust is the new Grand Theft Auto 6
Oog want note on rock so Oog can talk to neighbor over wall but no move mouth
me opening my car with its code lock: G’day sir
Oh my god that voice…ohh yahhh
I hope this animal upgrade means more animal spawning. I never see animals around.
where did you get those frog boots!
Poker in rust sounds so fun my whole wipe would be spent there
Citroen zx had a keycode lock so i don’t see why we couldn’t in rust
I like bleach.
my ford has a key pad
If we could gamble scrap in poker at the bandit camp would be awesome
This is very cool and all but whens the console beta dropping. I’m just asking for a friend
Hhahahahahahahhahha hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahabahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahabhahahahhahahababbabababbabababbabahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahakabahahhahabahbabahababagahaggahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaahhahahhahhahahahhahhahahhahahhahahhaha
They need to have codelock versions. Will make ppl use them more
Could you possibly contact Facepunch and have some sort of interview where you ask questions made by the community?
Here is my question: What is the progress of the HDRP update and what can we expect from it?
A note on my body, to say I’m an organ donor
I miss being able to see the history of an item. you used to be able to see the names of it’s previous holders and how long they had it for I believe
Alot of Ford’s and Lincoln’s have their little SecuriCode keypads so I think they should add keypads where as not alot of people have keypads to get into their houses that that kinda makes your argument not valid.
imagine they add sans skull in caves and if u collect it and crush it u got one shot of gaster blaster that kill player instantly
(only one use then its gone form invenyory and the skull is rare af xd)
What about cars that actually have code locks like the ford explorers
I dont even have rust, but its still fun looking at shadowfrax vid lol
I really love the new animal models. Rust is a beautiful game and they fit so well 🙂
I can see all the people selling cars…..
Been watching your awesome videos for rust updates for the past multiple years. Thanks so much for the quick and informative vids! Keep it up champ, much love
I’m pretty sure if u google it rust is coming out for ps4 in like July 13th that’s what my buddy said.
this is not going to go down well
Dead easy to sit in wait for a driver – kill him and steal his key
So may as well not add keys tbh
Defeats the purpose
Who needs keys, when you can get the russian bias to lock it for you.
if i could name an arrow it would say “did it hit” if yes they will send it back via headshot
My Bday is tomorrow, I was hopping they would come out with the consul Beta, oh well
I once bent my car key in half when I went to get out of my car and the lanyard yanked it while it was still in the ignition. Thank goodness it didn’t snap off I’d have to replace the entire cylinder and it would have cost four times as much to repair.
I still think cars need a vanity plate or heck even a bumper sticker!
i miss items telling you who crafted them.
what happens when you get knocked while in or driving a car?
Add radios so we can jam to bohemian rhapsody and I’m sold, party on Wayne!
Rust looks different
4 minutes ago
I’m glad they added carjacking? Sort of?
Paper airplanes with notes
My Tesla has got a codelock
Rust modded server: So we Gonna put a Sam Site on the hood that lock on players
Ah yes
“Do you have a code lock on your car?” Why yes my 2002 525i bmw did have a code lock option… still need the key tho but if u messed 2-3 times an alarm will go off lol
ohh the RUST update voice gives us a Rust update news… I love it 😍😋😁
YES ! Poker at the casino is 100% a must !
when hdrp?
when is rust coming to xbox?
Thank you for the happy vibes Shadow! Your puns make my day
yO sHaDoWfRaX, wUt AbOuT hDrP aNd CoNsOlE rElEaSe?? TeLl Me WhEn!!!
Fluffy animals!
I still genuinely enjoy watching these, even tho i stopped playing the game years ago. I think it has to do with how you make those entertaining, and i still like knowing what’s happening to my once favorite game
What if you put the key inside the storage box of the car?
I dunno man but i always watch rust gameplays,updates and toturials even though i dont have a pc and rust i just find it entertaining
jokes on you SHADOWFRAX my dads friends car had a code you had to enter to turn on for security measures cause his car was expensive
well US ford pos truck have had code locks for the doors
I dont see these vehicles being used that much. Clans and groups will stick to heli and nakeds will stick to foot and horse. Will be similar to excavator, looks interesting and never used.
i would add notes to my arrows if i could
hi shadowfrax happy midsummer
That stag looks so majestic
Ford Securi-code. It’s a 5 button keypad on the drivers side door for keyless entry.
Love watching your videos. Super entertaining
The rock note idea is great
This seemed like an obvious choice. I was surprised they didnt have keys and locks to start.
I have not played this game in years and I am not going to, yet I still watch each and every one of those videos.
What’s wrong with me??
Cars are going to be such a stupid thing. They won’t succeed. Happy to eat my words.
I know you hate console questions buttttt since the commits for console haven’t been updated in 15 days do you think that could be a sign of near release?
Some cars have code locks in real life
I like how they work on the animal looks and not the actual important stuff like game lag, projectile invalid, and shooting through trees lmfao
I’ve never been so excited for a YouTube notification before Shadowfrax. I get so giddy when I see the notifications on my phone.
Cars ruin rust for the SOLO player!
WhEn Is CoNsOlE rElEaSe
cars are gonna be the worst thing for this game
CoNsOlE RuSt LimBO
Greetings survivors and friends
I can’t wait to run over nakeds on the beach with the geo metro looking one
When is rust coming to ps4
Im panicking WHY DONT YOU KNOW EVERYTHING! 1/10 liked the jazz
To be fair i dont have a code lock on my door to my apartment either XD
Ford’s have code locks soooo
Peugeot 106’s used to have a “code lock”, I had one for my first car and it actually had a code input for the immobiliser.
me when i get a car/ I AM SPEED 🚗
The rust news correspondent is here and he brings us goodies
Wait…. I do have a code lock on my car lol….
If I could name items I would put the name of my raid target on every bullet and rocket I’d be planning to use on the raid, just for good luck.
My ford has a codelock. Why cant my car in rust. Checkmate
Whens vehicles comming?
Great vid, i watched it on 15x speed
KEY feature
Sees ShadowFrax notification: Me and the notification squad: Fastest hand in the west
Gonna be running over the nakeds all day long
We early boyssss
I’m here early for once
first dislike lets go!
Uploaded 23 seconds ago **dab**
Aye can’t wait
Bored of rust
Notification squad
first, now give me a heart!