RUST: How to build the unbreakable Smart Turret



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How to build a Smart Turret

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Tweetch: misterflak86

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My gaming machine:
Acer Predator Triton 500
RTX 2080 Max-Q
16gb DDR4ram
2x512gb nvme SSD’s in RAID0
144hz IPS Predator 15’6 G-sync display from

My streaming rig:
Cougar Gemini S Case
i7 4790k
16gb DDR3ram
512gb SSD
1tb HDD
1tb Cruxial P1 m.2 inside an Orico transparent enclosure
23″ Asus VG248 144hz LED monitor

Cougar Armour black gaming chair
Razer Nari Ultimate Headset
Razer Basalisk Ultimate Wireless
Razer Siren Emote Mic
Razer Ornata Keyboard
Razer Goliath RGB mousepad

Taqs:rust,gameplay,tutorials,how to,survival,turret,electrical,unraidable,Mister Flak,exploit,smart,raid



  • コメント (337)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @MisterFlak
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hope you enjoyed the video, hopefully you don’t give me shit for taking an Ad placement. I got bills my dudes lol. I’ve always vowed to never promo gambling or alcohol and I stand by that, besides it’s a game I’m currently playing IRL. Anyway BOIS, stay home, stay safe <3 Flak out

    • @manasyadav1993
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Improvement: You, don’t need a blocker if you wanna close the door, you can tie the out put of low ammo directly to ‘Close’ on the door controller. If you have more than one door then I suggest and AND gate.

    • @danielsmith3257
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Where do you get that infinite power generator battery thing from?

    • @tylersanders3818
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Someone will just break the heart beat censor

    • @brucebutler7889
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    update pls… some electric components have changed. Thanks for the video!

    • @raviksgaming7550
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Ahh ok, thank u def gonna use this on base trap turrets.

    • @gameslugger
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    what is the power usage of the whole system?

    • @martinsulc
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    if I leave out the switch, 15 will be enough and I can power it with a small battery.

    • @mrshimadax
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    How do you controll if the doors open into the base or outwards?

    • @animalkingdom7849
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I just realized I was using Test Generator with a batery,when I can actually skip that and use the space for somehing else. Thank you Sir!

    • @Ramcat_Vlogs
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I do heating and cooling for a living so the industrial side of this game gets me wondering what I can do. I just started playing 2 weeks ago

    • @alexmendez3681
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This is a great well expained tutorial. What do i do if i wanted to add more than 1 turret, specifically 4 turrets? 🤔

    • @ChaosBW
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This is too hard
    Your tutorial fucking sucks
    I don’t understand
    You go off about lights and shit I didn’t come here for
    This 13 minute video needs to cut down to 1 minute and make it straight to the point
    Place all the structures first then show the wiring, no goofing around and showing where to find things, leave that for another tutorial please

    • @sensuvve
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’m trying to connect it to two doors but it doesn’t seem to work i up the voltage to fit it all but it still doesn’t work

    • @perez720
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    how would this be set up with multiple turrets

    • @YoInJal
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Electricity is just coming to console and I’m the only one on our team currently learning all the electric stuff. Thank you so much, imma go impress my husband lol.

    • @MrMCKlebeband
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    you need to hide your sensors under rocks tho… because this way shown here the whole smart turret is still not any more tanky than a normal turret… i think 49 fire arrows for a sensor… rustlabs says one incen rocket kills a sensor but i tried it on a build server with a field of sensors and only after the 3rd one some started breaking…
    sensor on wall didnt break at all with incen rockets, but with less than 50 fire arrows… is suggest hiding under rock if at all possible, if not, install decoy sensors on splitters… they only receive power so the little light is on on the decoys just as on the real ones

    • @alzathoth
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    GENIUS! ABSOLUTELY GENIUS! anymore cool electrical tips? you got a new sub today!! 😀

    • @nathanmacduff5661
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    how would i do this set up if i had 2 doors with 1 turret?

    • @rcloft86
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I want to implement into this system powered by an or switch. When the turret is empty it turns on and off over and over when the turret is empty

    • @zufrauenextrakorrekt6937
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    3:26 “One of those weird hearthbeatsensor things that look like a microphone” well… maybe because it IS indeed a microphone.

    • @sgt_retiredcharlie4102
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Best and STILL most effective way to set up base defense auto turrets, even in 2022! Love you FLAK!

    • @pablocidade5780
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I always come back to your vídeo. Every wipe.

    • @xardozifyknaz1569
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Still works, love it thanks

    • @Domino705-
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    helpful thank you

    • @aaronterry8150
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’ve some issues where the blockers don’t work for me so I use XOR switches. Any differences in functionality?

    • @water9445
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @Niel1l
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Bro I remember havin 500 hours watching this being so confused and now I have 3k hours

    • @TheCwpan
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    When I Hold E with my hammer on the heart beat sensor it just picks it up , what am i doing wrong?

    • @claytonsmoking
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I thought the low ammo no ammo and targeted was new

    • @expert775
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Alot to ask Sir Flak! any chance you could show us this strat but open say 3 doors? was wanting to use this within my compound with say 2 doors or 3 doors to open up, also any chance there has been any good ideas to protect the HBHF from being grubbed and disabiling this strat

    • @thatslegit
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hmm, very interested in putting a array of sensors and having an actual gun battery with a fully sustained electrical system with just possibly a 1×1 footprint. Put this near outpost and people will rage

    • @armo45gaming45
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Put ur hand up if u saw this vid and went to someone’s decaying base to brake a turret with a AK in it and broke a pickaxe. Then found out that once it broke the AK didn’t drop…..

    • @SteveL11
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    How do I set this up with 2 garage doors instead?

    • @happsong
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    how you get that kind of rust mode

    • @The_Pariah
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I started watching this and was like “This guy is pretty decent at explaining stuff”. Then I realized it’s Mister Flak, same dude who did that other video I liked with the “Double Tap” added in.
    Your content is really impressing me. Gonna have to check out some more.
    Keep up the great work, man. These are comprehensive and easy to understand. You got a knack for this.

    • @sarawrstar3725
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This is amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing I have to try this!!! I need to brush up on my electrical knowledge in game. I’m a lil Rusty 😏🤣

    • @jonathanroberts4615
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Way too fast and bearly even give me one second to freeze the video to write things down.

    • @shibaplays
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    anyway to do this with 2 garage doors simultaneously

    • @spattieball
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Thanks Mnr, jou videos is Befok

    • @gilbertosilva541
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    So if you want to set up multiple turrets this way would you use a splitter between the second electrical branch and the switch? And increase the configuration to a higher amount on the first electric branch?

    • @iamwisard3434
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Ngl, that was the best Raid shadow legends ad I’ve ever seen

    • @flankedsteezy7166
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Helpful af

    • @freakyflow
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    15 Pauses key Rust to youtube ..Still messed it up….Forgot to unlock the door so the door opener would flash green..And you know what pain in the ass it is to pick up something When you are trying to open or turn on is.. lol …Mind you i just started rust with 20 hours in …And boom baby it works ..No way i was doing this In a 100 online player game…Thanks Mr Flak !

    • @coryking5390
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Console players watching like 🥲

    • @SylphidUndine
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    this video is now a year old. has anything changed since then? because i want to use this method.

    • @Zayne-
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    cant u break the heartbeat sensor?

    • @pjtyra2106
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Love that Iron Maiden – The Trooper was snuck in there.

    • @dylanprinsloo5568
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    hey man could u pls do this kind of video again but with many turrets like maybe 40 turrets

    • @brianbliss3826
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    ima bdb! already subbbbed. love the possible traps on here

    • @luismodenuti2425
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    perfect! love the video

    • @andrumm3rmashups
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hey Mr.Flak, this actually explained what happened to me on a server. Door closed because it ran out of ammo most likely!

    I’m curious, with the current building meta, do you think you could optimize a base with electricity for online/offline defenses?

    Keep going mate!

    • @gdgd5194
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Open the doors from the side, break turret, take gun and ammo.
    That’s what happened to me after I trusted this video lol.

    • @Zunip182
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Great video thanks

    • @joey3062
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I have your hammer in game and use it anytime I base build flack!

    • @xiarn1
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    You could just break the microphone looking thing and then the turret is pointless

    • @jrmorrisjr1471
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Bob is a Ginger with a man-bun. Not only does Bob not have a soul, he rubbing our noses in it.

    • @wordta
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    what if they destroy the sensor? then you have no defenses correct?

    • @RuRu-vm6yw
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    So tired of Raid adds! OMG! Its just plain garbo, and mobile games as a whole!

    • @Zack0409
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Can I ever watch a video without someone sneaking in a raid shadow legends ad? Who actually plays that? lmao

    • @gudboigames6640
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    How can i wire it up to 2 doors?

    • @yogsothoth6059
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    maybe a bit late,., but how can i put the alarm light into the circuit

    • @marinoa4765
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What happens when u destroy the hb sensor

    • @ehehehehehe9661
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    That Trooper cover though!

    • @strykervenom1
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @bumwithakeyboard1360
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Can the sensor not be destroyed?

    • @DrTaco3938
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I hate how short the range is on the heartbeat sensor

    • @mathijstersteeg4502
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    can u also open up 2 doors ?

    • @dinglingwang
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    How do u do this with 2 doors

    • @RIG_WELDER_
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    how would you do this with 2 doors instead of 1

    • @iject_qwq6517
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    nice hammer mannn

    • @ceebotf2
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Unfortunately they always come down to the same weakness. Stand on the roof or in a place to activate the sensor where you won’t be shot, bounce 12 grenades or so into the Sentry room, dead sentry.

    • @EthyEth
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Imagine a mega-clan base shaped like an octagon with 2 floors of these turrets spaced 1 or 2 walls from each other.

    Not exactly practical by any means, but shit. that would just be badass. lol

    • @markjasmagy6681
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Didn’t work

    • @tanksmontaje2699
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    The glaring problem is in the censor itself. I havent found many ways to hide it. Large furnaces in a compound seems to work

    • @john440i
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I tried this but with 2 garage doors. How would i make that work?

    • @nithdi1337
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Is there an easy way to open 2 Garage doors with 1 hbhf sensor? The sensor only outputs 1 Watt, which isn’t enough for 2 door controllers obviously. I’ve been using AND Switches for this purpose, but do you see something easier?

    • @johnmanfra4224
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    helped big time pal!, wish it would just off when the doors were closed

    • @shame103
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Excellent video

    • @Tiniz
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    i want to 2 auto torrets to do the no ammo thing closing doors but i dont know how to do it, please help me

    • @hippiedude2232
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Does the auto turret output enough power when out of ammo to plug in a status light?

    • @i_king_fe9l_i200
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    a Sketch on the intro could be meme , to be honest its a great idea to explain what are doing .

    • @raydubz9895
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    awesome vid, i used this on my base

    • @ohgoditsjames94
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Great video thank you very much, any idea on how to get this to work for a turret pod that has more than one more? The heart beat sensor only puts out 1 power which isn’t enough for two doors

    • @aces_are_wild-_-65
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Your amazing I am going to be a solo player on PS4 when it comes out and this will help me so much

    • @cheesegrease6513
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    there is kermit the frog lurking somewhere around here. maybe dancing?

    • @rruiter8843
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I Just build that system and it works great….thanks man you’ve got a subscriber

    • @Yuhui02
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    what if i have 2 doors instead of one?

    • @Lvl18Meep
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    For anybody wondering this doesn’t work anymore. The door just spams on and off. The system required is much more complicated.

    • @Khimmalgura
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    hello mister flak, there is a question I would like to ask to you. When the turret shoots only the ammo loaded inside the weapon, the door closes and does not open again after turret reloads the rest of the ammo. is there are workaround?

    • @edengaming5021
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    It’s just too complicated. I need a video slower. Much slower. Try to explain this to me, as you would a 4 year old kid.

    • @xcbot
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    There is one flaw with this: if you stand outside of the turrets line of sight you could easily destroy it and the door would stay open since the turret’s power output would be gone and the blocker wouldn’t block so they could take your gun

    • @picklezas1326
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Thank u 🙏 very much I only have 100 hours on this game and every person always raids me but now u saved me thanks 😊

    • @Blakestah386
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Wouldn’t someone just kill the hb sensor or trigger the sensor away from the turret? And have a friend compound bow it? I mean its a lot to label it care free raid free Greif free if the setup as you portrayed it is still destroyable very simply

    • @Garbo38
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @dilsherferuzov5084
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Nice video, really helpful. 11/10

    • @crispp4870
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Can sensors break? Like what if someone shoots rockets at the sensor?

    • @214.andrew9
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’m the electricity man for my trio and have 5 turrets and lights in our base makes wires be every where it’s like the worst setup but it works 😉

    • @WORLD-yd6es
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Gotta say. That transition to the sponsor was clean.

    • @ozantekin5613
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    How can I Connect HBHF sensor to multiple doors?

    • @MrGenius2
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What about breaking the sensor?

    • @tamedelement
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Well done this was very well done. All the little details you added to the video did not go unnoticed

    • @johnrambo1755
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    can´t bob destroy the sensor?

    • @cleggydadon
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    can they not just shoot that door sensor ?

    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Great tutorial, how do you wire this with 2 garage doors?

    • @rushingaming8347
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What if I get a couple of guys to bait the turrent and then shoot out the door controller from a distance?

    • @iamtheculprit
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hey man this video was great thank you so much! Was curious if you would know how to do the same thing but with turrets on a triangle building block with 2 garage doors… is it possible?

    • @AdrielLetsGo
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    1:58 why th is my name der

    • @deanllywelyn1098
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    id like to know how to do this with mutiple turrets if its possible

    • @tarmotuominen2877
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    But if you just shoot the sensor from outside its range?

    • @surmachovstandoff2517
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Then garry add simple things but players make fro it deadly machines

    • @cap694
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Imagine if you could make the sensor not since nakeds

    • @mattb7216
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Sorry, but this is wrong. Your freind could of stood to the side of the heart beat sensor whilst Bob destroyed the turret. Sorry. 🙏

    • @vappisuhvero
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Bob and Bill will have no problem taking the ak.

    • @scythblox513
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @incognito6815
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    but then bob grew a brain, he destroyed the sensor rendering the turret useless

    • @guipinus
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I stop playing RAID because every, I say, EVERY women caracter use the same shoes! 👠

    • @EpsilonJosh
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @harru3469
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Destroy sensor no turret no problem

    • @mrsheep1395
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Cant they just shoot the sensor XD

    • @sidewardchart6633
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    There is one way that I could think of that would allow you to get the gun from the turret, if you blow up the turret with a c4 the blocker won’t be able to get power so the doors will open and you get a gun.

    • @blobbowo
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Is it possible to just shoot the heartbeat sensor after the door opens?

    • @yaboialfiestrangwick3957
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Once ammo is out naked can break heartbeat censer

    • @sku36
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Vid started so nice…but no…there had to be a sneaky raid bs legend ad…disliked

    • @michaeloosthuizen2383
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Very nice.

    • @jaygaming7885
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What if they break the heartbeat sensor

    • @xxdeadoutxx761
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Me just shoot sensor to raid 😐

    • @badkarma8411
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Raid Shadow Legends the most stupid and useless game ever 🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕 garbage

    • @Bullminator
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This build is shit. Most raiders just snipe the sensors and everything stops working. A hidden pressure pads work much better.

    • @ironskyheart7749
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @monkeymilesmoo
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Somebody could sit in front of the single door and keep the door open while someone else breaks the turret.

    • @Sabera_Longsword
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I did not expect that ad in the beginning

    • @just_a_kid_bro1123
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This is how u stop door campers

    • @jeanpierreragequit1726
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    great tutorial M8

    • @cya6109
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    1:27 oh no OH NO

    • @itanruiz7828
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    RaId ShAdOw LeGeNdS FFS

    • @mario442
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    fuckin bob POG

    • @hubbe495
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Lol How you come to the ad

    • @volvo2310
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Rid is bd gam

    • @nathanahgum9670
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Can you just rocket the sensor?

    • @alexandergonczi3732
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    But what happens if the heartbeat sensor gets shot down?

    • @1x_rj_x1
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I am returning to rust from before the electricity update and auto turrets need electricity now? That’s gay

    • @jackculshaw6492
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Man that Ad was seamless

    • @akihabaraaccept9350
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @matejmozola2037
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Og why dont you just use and switch, why complicate things

    • @mariusionut4897
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    and what’s gonna happens if someone destroys your hear beat sensor with an ak ?

    • @orestisgeorgatos6725
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Flak you deserve the shitload of cash that raid gives to the sponsored videos

    • @alice20001
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Awesome video!

    • @alice20001
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Why not just shoot at the Heartbeat Monitor Sensor Thinggy?

    • @TheMatthewDMerrill
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Ad ends at 3:19 thank me later

    • @froggy8277
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Now make the turret smart enough to walk around the compound and keep you furnaces running… make it farm too

    • @Kiehuva
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    11:58 that actually made me subscribe

    • @fs_blaise
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I forgot that i’m not watching Linus, when i heard your segway.

    • @ChristopherSloane
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    You know what would be 100X better? A turret that would shoot at the range it should. So when some asshat shoots it It locks on that target and engages at that range.

    • @conradek6841
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This works just as well as an XOR switch if you don’t have a blocker.

    • @commanderfoxtrot
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Flak, I’ve had to subscribe to you 3 times today… something’s fucky in the YouTube servers…

    • @maibster
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Well… if there are 2 people this is still fairly useless due to the turret/hbhf sensor placement, if there are 2 people it can still easily be shot out

    • @_zero_gaming
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    hey flak…would love to see a similar video showing a simplified way of running power in a common cave, ive just used this videos tips to set up my turrets to only come on once target detected but as im sure you know, using small generators is a bit of a mess. looking to have 3-4 turrets and some lights with power lasting 30min – 1hr or more so if any tips plz reply to this comment otherwise very much will be looking out for the next building wizardry….happy reees to you my dude

    • @butterbean7814
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hell of a transition to raid SHADOW LEGENDS I’ll give him that…

    • @rabbiongod
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What if they destroyed the sensor

    • @NoTalker_
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    And I thought Minecraft was complicated

    • @BudakGilerBass
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’ve implented this with the raptor base 3 months ago. Havent been raided the whole wipe. Its a beast. Saves up ammo and power

    • @Q………..-
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Dislike for shadow legends

    • @RedX1II
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Big sigh on the raid shadow legends, Flak – but I understand -_- haha

    • @wintercold4776
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Can’t they break the heat beat sensor then it just won’t shoot

    • @xTOPGx
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    If they can destroy your turret they can do it with the HBHF, so i guess it defensds the turret and the gun but the turret will be useless in a raid, can’t you just put the turret in a cell gate?

    • @marshi8042
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    That was one of the cleanest add transitions I have ever seen.

    • @hardleecure
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’m really good iwth the electricity. How did I not think of this before. It’s simple and brilliant.

    • @ataysgrt2448
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What if I manage to break it before it runs out of ammo

    • @kek207
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    The most op weapon in a turret is the bolt! If placed it does more damage than any other weapon in this game. I one shots nakeds, burlap and even hazmat. A full gear is 2 shot as well as a heavy armor. Yes the strongest armor in the game is 2 shot from that thing

    • @kek207
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I built one of these a few months ago. The nakeds came in hords. The look on their face when your neighbor comes with a flame arrow and thinks he could break your turret is hilarious

    • @MrGibbs-sb3rq
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    but if they destroy the heart beat sensor then they pretty much destroy your turret

    • @salty1853
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This is the definition of beyond redstone engineering

    • @caminam78
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    what happens when there are no more people without raid shadow legends and youtubers go broke

    • @explosive_shart9405
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Love it!

    • @neqpwn7582
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Those two dummies is about to have great time 12:39

    • @2x1_enthusiast
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    The vid is very good but it’s way too long for such a simple thing

    • @gamesilo7515
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Fokin stubborn Bob !

    • @jamessawyer1331
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    3:32 WTF is that Frog doing there?

    • @i-_-am-_-g1467
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Get his friend(s) to bait the heartbeat sensor and he can shoot it out with exp ammo when it opens, or shoot out the heartbeat sensor and just don’t deal with the turret.

    • @Eswie79
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Wtf. YouTube is broken. Never got notification of this video, but did on the newest one.

    • @godgaming4334
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Idk why but i have bean whatching 1 guy running to my trap over and over agaen eaven tho he have nothing on hem he is just using my bullets kuz he have sad life so i had to move my trap

    It thok 3hours and i were all ok for 2hours and that fucking kid found me and starred doing it agaen

    • @4fun257
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @riaanstols6380
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    lol, your avatar looks like Gareth Cliff.

    • @kamarkamikaze1839
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Is this work with garage door too?

    • @ericmicloven246
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    6:48 That transition tho ^o^

    • @mikegamerguy4776
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    My smart turret is a python. But it’s definitely worth learning the electrical system.

    • @alessandrob4542
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Wouldn’t it be better if the hbhf sensor was inside so they couldn’t break it and completely make the turret useless?

    • @joedyhenderson5084
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Raid ad sorry but I had to hop off the video for that

    • @LifeLikeSage
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    The armored double door, which can be found in any locked crate.

    He says as if they’re dime-a-dozen while the camera pans out at sea the distance that most Cuban refugees might swim to escape tyranny.

    • @Gold-jh7od
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What if a duo breaks the turret by baiting sensor then the other guy shoots out the turret free ak ?

    • @CircusFoxxo
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    That fucking transition was perfect, my god

    • @HyperBorean77.77
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Since i’m cheeky sneaky: Would this also work when the HBFB sensor is placed on the ground so it’s out of view (between some pumpkins, hemp & potato plants) ? 🙂

    • @ralseifromdeltarune5256
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    wowwww I wasn’t expecting the RAID ad… sweet

    • @_kendo_8772
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    God damn that sponsor was so smooth.

    • @lwrciwebstore7604
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Awesome! THanks for this I have been trying to figure it out for a while now! Now, can I use this set up to control multiple doors with one sensor or do I need to set a sensor setup for each door?

    • @testtype7686
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    mr flak can you show how make a quad core battery power supply?

    • @Katsuhi50
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    turn based or turd based 👀

    • @samuelm1176
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    hey flak. amazing content!!! 💜 how would you rig this kind of circuit up to a turret pod (two garage doors on a triangle floor)?

    • @catdelnorris
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    how do you spawn in players like that?

    • @misonly5496
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @iseverynametakenwtf1
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    video starts at 3:21

    • @darkfangulas
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    so the turret takes 11 power because it needs 1 extra for the no ammo sensor? is that right

    • @darkfangulas
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    what is that power box ive never seen it in game?

    • @Robert72z28
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Easily beatable with a buddy. Just have them walk near sensor out of view from turret. While you shoot turret from far away……

    • @K162KingPin
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Wow this is pretty bad. I mean I like the video quality and the play acting but the title and general idea of the video is just terrible. This turret is by no means unbreakable or unlootable.
    1) You can easily approach the base from the side of the sensor and peek an angle on the turret to shoot it while it can’t shoot back.
    2) You can walk up around the base and as soon as the door opens toss a satchel on it, rinse and repeat until destroyed.
    3) You can do the same with a single c4.
    4) You can trick the door open and fire an HV rocket in there, rinse and repeat 3 times to break the turret. Total cost equal to 270 rounds of ammo, so cheaper than using standard ammo anyway.
    5) Same as 2 and 3 with bean cans
    6) You can have a friend stand around the corner but in range of the sensor to trick it open then stand back and shoot it as in the beginning out of its range
    7) Depending how the circuit is setup which a raider couldn’t know, you could possibly even walk up to the sensor around the side from the door which opens the door, then destroy the sensor. If the circuit is set up so that the sensor toggles the door rather than holding it open then the door would stay permanently open.
    8) Having seen inside at least once as you died and seeing the gap on the left side you could blow the wall left of that giving you that small crack to shoot the turret through. Which simultaneously puts you one door from loot.

    Its very unlikely that anyone with an ak doesn’t have access to even satchels to raid, That said farming a neighbors auto turret for guns but letting them live that close to you is just out of the question. This therefore becomes about raiding the base despite the turret which is relatively easy. Still even if you only wanted the gun in the turret I think anyone would agree that this setup is neither hard to destroy, nor hard to loot.

    • @wachmore
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Aight Ya got me with that add, didnt expect it caming from that “raid” Direction 🤣

    • @beanieteamie7435
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    1:43 “We fire the WHOLE bullet! That’s 70% MORE bullet per bullet!”

    • @Arclightning
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @hasrulhazen4387
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Halo im new subscribe to your channels. Can i asking something pls about the video.

    Can any one that see the Censor ( that look like Mike/ detected any near enemy) destory the mike on outside the wall ?

    (Item that look lie mike )

    • @cyglox9548
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Thats actually stupidly smart 🤣👌

    • @_Juke_
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I have an questin i made this and it only opens to me why?

    • @Pablo_.
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    If someone would break the turret somehow would the door still open to non authorized people because if so then someone could wear heavy armor and throw c4 on the turret and then on e it destroys he can run in and grab it

    • @wtfuchattin
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I tried doing this and F’d it up so bad that my minicopter exploded and my Pookie Bear started spinning.

    • @boldranger1594
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Wasted my time because raid

    • @straighttothepoint2717
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Or you could have your friend trigger the sensor and shoot the turret with a rocket

    • @Lord.Chadsworth
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    These things are less than useless. You Just destroy the sensor and the doors are stuck shut and you can do what you want on the base without worrying about their defences.

    • @jthibault420
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    so sick of this ad but hey if u can take their money then go for it take as much as you can

    • @whybud
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    this is amazing

    • @Darkhorse77777
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Nice ad hahaha

    • @likemoneysecretly
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Unfortunately it is possible to activate most hbhf sensors without getting shot by the turret that is hiding behind the doors.

    All the naked would have needed to do was get a friend to safely activate the hbhf sensor then compound bow it from afar

    • @qschroed
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    You could put an AND gate between the heartbeat and the has target condition on the turret. This would make it so that it only actually opens when they are close to the door AND infront of the turret. Ofc you would need a timer on the heartbeat sensor to open the door in the first place to let the autoturret check if it really does have a target. This would make it so that people cant just stand close to the heartbeat out of range of the turret and break it that way.

    • @justateddybear951
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    If you put the ammo in before the gun it will automatically load the ammo.

    • @BreakTheRules2011
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    So what’s stopping one person from a duo standing in front of your base entrance while his partner shoots it out? He would be able to still get it as the door will remain open due to it not running out of ammo before being broken

    • @GrandpaRust
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’ve been playing for a 5k Plus hours and I still have only minimal basic understanding of electricity. Like this here I knew that it was possible but I didn’t know how to do it. I already would have ran the door sensor to the heartbeat so that we could all come in and get it out real quick if we’re getting door camped and die the door will shut us up like that

    • @TheBlueTaco_
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Love these electricity videos. Keep it coming!

    • @lennart6920
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hmm. What when they just destroy the hearth beat sensor outside ? 🤔

    • @conspiracyowl2982
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    The Raid shadow legends advertisement was so cool haha. Nice vid.

    • @cajamanual6713
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What server is that where you can spawn random players?

    • @immortal-c4b
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    ωн𝕪 𝐀𝕣𝔼 𝔶𝓸U ţ𝓡𝓨Ⓘ𝓝ⓖ 𝕋ㄖ 𝕣乇α๔ 𝓉ᕼĮ𝐬..

    • @jawalo2kthelast140
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    So I had a similar issue, but mine involved turret towers for a large area my clan covered. Any fudging Easter Bunny with a m2 could silently take out quite a few of our towers before being detected by one of our players. So. What do you do if you have 60+ turret pods with 4 turrets and a sam each over a 6 block area. Well you wire your system to centrally alert your clan of a sneaky intruder working his way through your defenses from a distance. Splitters and RF broadcasters were my solution. Effectively you are going to need to use the automatic power redistribution of a splitter, and the fixed output of the electrical branch to your advantage. i.e one splitter (a circuit) with 34 power to it, 1st and 2nd output to turrets with 11 power (11 to include the no-ammo circuit). The third output connects to an elec branch, configure that to pass off 10 units – do with this 10 units as you please, should pref not be an exposed turret and note the branch itself uses 1. Connect the right output of the branch to a rf broadcaster and configure a freq per pod, flank etc or use a single code for all. Replicate this as many times as needed per pod. Create a small circuit at main to trigger a speaker/light for the team to see or use pagers for when your on the move as a group. This logic can be used for SAM protection too.

    • @skullrak5951
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    doctor: we are very sorry to tell you your wife’s health is critical
    husband: why, what does she have?
    doctor: we will tell you after a quick break with our sponsor: RAID: Shadow Legends!

    • @RoccaaaHD
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @Sentientmad9m
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    3:18 to skip the raid shillery

    • @LoganTeddyBuchanan
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’ve never understand the hate towards ads, don’t like it, skip to where the actual video starts :/

    • @axer7429
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Image a huge compound with alot of those turrests 😀

    • @Overcharge1
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    can you raise the overall sound of your videos i have it maxxed out and i cant hear your voice 80% of the time
    its prolly cuz that voice so damn nice 🙂

    • @pumpikqq_-rm1uz
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    oversimplified by x100

    • @pumped2kamootie988
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    My man you really make the beat fucking vids

    • @RB-zt3wc
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    very cool

    • @thesilentavenger
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I’m glad you finally found a use for the HBHF sensor. Only problem I saw with the model you made was if there were 2 people. One could hold it open from the side and the other could shoot it at distance

    • @kree9446
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    my mans never heard of incen rockets

    • @mad_elf
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    If the door controller is broken when a door is open, does the door stay open?

    • @ComeRee
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I was a little disappointed to find theres a no ammo output, thought you’d hacked the game xD Either way – thank you for creating this! Question is though – have you raid tested the electricity?

    Im no electrical engineer, but I think it would be interesting to see what order from the battery/power source impacts the running of this [or multiple ones] in and around a base.
    Can imagine a whole bunch of these around an Evil Wurst design! But keep up the good work!

    • @identitycrisis6736
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @lothudus
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Damn, I learned a lot with this video! Thanks Flak!

    • @jensknudsen6159
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    When he said “to our switch” i thought he Said “to auschwitz” lmao wtf is Wrong with me

    • @alex5685
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    We need more content! This channel deserves so many more subs…

    • @TheBlackMamba452
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Yesterday’s video sponsored by cringe shadow legends

    • @dragonhowler
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Curious, what would happen if someone destroyed the HB sensor? I assume the door wouldn’t swing open if it was closed, but what if someone were able to use a partner to time the destruction of the HB sensor while the door is open?

    • @dragonhowler
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Brilliant turret design, utilizing its features to their fullest!

    • @imokayiswear.
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Why did i just get this notification

    • @deefjj
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Nice work dude! BTW, still rocking the server 💪

    • @Radji0086
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Amazing solution to a very real problem! And explained very clearly! Thnx Flak, GG

    • @thol3498
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    why is youtube giving me a notification for this video?
    im not even subsribed to this guy and i dont play rust

    • @enhdure8951
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    …but what if he takes the sensor down

    • @monkehgamingofficial
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Bruh, I can’t even be mad at that advertising transition xD That shit got me so good

    • @theredvirus2
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What if I have explosive ammo and destroy the heart beat sensor?

    • @r4mi428
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Wow Man <3

    • @Skyworld5000
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Thank you 😊

    • @bop7186
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    When I try connect something involving electricity, my game crashes do you know how to fix it?

    • @forhim7777
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Can’t they just destroy the sensor for cheaper than a turret anyways?

    • @npar_steve5660
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    good stuff man

    • @Julian-gj8si
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Like the idea, however I would just build more turrets with the hqm those components would cost me. Would work well though if your not planning on using a compound.

    • @MrTbarra
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    • @sjadon5808
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    gRAID video! I love the Rust Electricity, it’s underated and underappreciated!

    • @ZeFatController
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    This is brilliant. I watch a shit ton of rust youtubers, but I cant play until it comes to console, so stuff like this blows my mind. I never see youtubers show this side of it, so I’m glad you made the tutorial for us

    • @SnapSV
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Man, I love your videos, but I’m really disappointed that you advertised Raid. Really. 🙁

    • @dasbronco
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    That’s an awesome intro to ad. GG man

    • @marcocanvasprivat
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Raid Shadow scam? Why you promote this bullshit? Thats really sad

    • @beansunderwear8009
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    this was a really cool educational video i might use this smart turret today!

    • @bigplayer5999
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Amazing Mr Flak. Thank you, will be put to good use. 🙂

    • @JRichens
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What about keeping the heart beat sensor hidden? Does it work from inside too?

    • @pottierkurt1702
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Restarted Rust after a year, it’s like I never played it before. They even implemented horse manure??? What the shit ?

    • @joshuadalton6063
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hahahahaha, I see that sneaky FLAK hidden in the wiring at the start 😀

    • @musamnguni510
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    😂 “ oh my GOD !”

    • @ryhs0
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    From the top of the blocker the heart beat sensor gets 0 electricity, Ive followed correctly and re done it and still I get 0 to the heart beat sensor

    • @kennethjudecarrera5955
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Im too stupid to understand but I liked the video Daddy Flak!

    • @migael581
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Hey my fav South-African youtuber uploaded again, nicccceee

    • @alenbaco
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    can you wip out sammthing like this for 2 gargae doors.. im using a timmer but i like this sistem more..

    • @TheLaluciDaniel
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Alright, time to get myself raided by salty clans

    • @99clean21
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm


    Keep it up Flak!
    Luv ya.

    • @AzraelDraco
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    thats the best Raid Shadow legends Transition i’ve ever seen XD Flak the real legend =) i love the video

    • @edgariux5059
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    but flak what happens if they break the sensor? the turret won’t be able to kill poeple anymore then

    • @40vodka73
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I would recommend changing the NO AMMO, to low ammo. this way, if anyone would drain your turret, he could raid the door and take the ak easier then if there is still ammo inside. you also could fit 2 turrets inside, and make it if the first one is out of ammo, the second one will work. This design is also really sick tho! at first i knew a bit about components but now i understand them more 🙂 accept for the solar panels, if its getting more dark, it wont have enough power for the turrets… But yes this works great for me! Ty i will piss of everyone with this

    • @thesnack7240
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    I really enjoy your videos 👌 thanks for reading comments.👋

    • @Dyexmax
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Think you could of built the circuit with out the blocker, saves you a device.

    Just run the Turret’s empty ammo terminal to the Off terminal of the throw switch.

    Pretty sure this will shut down the whole circuit and save power too.

    • @christophermerritte3176
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Up n until a guy with 3 c4 rolls up hhahahahahaha

    • @Ownrocker
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    As someone that goes crazy about electricity this was super easy to follow! I can barely hook up a turret to a generator lol

    • @nyoducoin7758
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    If they stand at the sheet door the turret cant hit them but a teammate can shoot the turret

    • @jasonwayne1575
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    You kill me everytime you post a video🤣😂🤣😂🤣, Love your humor Mister Flak. Keep up the great videos and stay safe from covid 19. Love from Canada 🙋‍♂️

    • @iseeyou3352
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    so the god song for bob is the trooper. can we have a montage of bob dying to the trooper its an epic song.

    • @DennisHellberg
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Smart move showing it 2 times so you get over 10 minutes =) Cool video like always

    • @cb-wx2nv
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    A blocker for the ammo slots, very smart! Thanks.

    • @Jack-zf5mu
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Add a timer (2-5 seconds) to bait people over closer, you can dodge if it opens instantly

    • @FelitoRS
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Genius,will do when this game comes out on Xbox.

    • @mal7766
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    What happened with that app that lets you know if you’re getting offlined?

    • @mootdamon
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    Ill go away when i wanna go away

    • @CashTheRealest
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    For everyone bitching about the ad, go fuck yourself. Flak we love you, take care of yourself and that beautiful family. We got you!

    • @Phoxxxx
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:31pm

    AWESOME job explaining. Finally fully understand blockers and branches. I thought branches split the amount that you put in. But the thing with this is you could have someone bait the hbs without the turret shooting them and have someone else shoot the turret down. I use the same method to cover my roof.

    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    well unless said roof camper gets a stupid neked to go over to turret wen it was just refilled with all that ammo n rockets said turret wen doors open.then precedes to raid your base well because this is muthr fukn rust.

    • @williamshortreed7609
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    great vid..I have noticed some target the hbhf sensor. To counter this place it low on wall behind a concrete barricade beside the door or raise foundation place hbhf sensor below door frame with a concrete barricade hiding it. Hbhf sensor can see through barricades but is hidden and safe from being targeted.

    • @m.c.gaming4654
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Naw man Ik raid pays a lot to their sponsors but it’s literally the BIGGEST and I mean BIGGEST pay to win game ever. And it gets boring after like 3 matches play CSGO play cod mobile play war zone or rust the list goes on but raid is litterly the worst game ever PS love your vids and mean no disrespect

    • @xxorell
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    can’t they just shoot out the heartbeat sensor?

    • @maramark
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Fuk it im gonna try raidshadowlegends :/

    • @tamura77Rust
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Nice video, I would highlight recommend those at home trying this strat to hide the HBHF sensor somewhere in the grass, ground or rocks etc. You can cover the wires with deployables too!

    • @danieltrimner1470
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    I’m a solo player, so I don’t use turrets. Watched anyway, your videos are good

    • @dablu3gaming258
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    y e s

    • @spark8633
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Your editing is so beautiful

    • @jasonbaker746
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Yeet!! Paid ads! I like it dude. Anyone who cant stand a 30 second commercial can pound sand.

    • @gee35007
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    the mind boggles at the possibilties. Cheers

    • @Solbolt
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm


    • @alecmartin9313
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    What happens if you break the heartbeat sensor

    • @maniac6655
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    wouldnt it be a bit better to improve your setup with another Switch ?
    imagine you reloaded your Turret and someone is infront of the door with some explosives …
    the door will instantly open as soon it recives electricity leave your turret vunerable while booting.
    just place another switch between the second branch and the blocker to regulate the doorcontroller and prevent opening the door while the turret is booting.
    you will just to branch 1 more electricity off from your powergeneration into the grid 😀

    btw cant wait to see Turrets wielding Rocketlaunchers with HVs ^^ or the Noob-Tube

    • @bokkom4386
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    The mere existence of this video woke me from a deep sleep at 4 in the morning.

    • @polishfrog1420
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    I understand m8 your not the biggest yter but thanks for making content small or large ps they changed the raid script

    • @sli-fox
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    You have to hide your HBHF. I learned the hard way that people will destroy it and make your turret useless. I also put two turrets in a door setup. Half wall and floor up so that they are vertical. It’s one shot from each if they’re bolties.

    HBHF can see through concrete and sandbag barriers. You can build foundation high enough to place HBHF on and have floating half walls extending out that shields the HBHF. Doing this over water is even better.

    • @MrUnisteez
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    I literally just finished making this right when you uploaded lol

    • @MrShnazer
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    This would work well for farming players

    • @rigasaurusrex54
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Excellent stuff, one of if not the best guide I have seen. Thank you

    • @muze2361
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    I’m so confused but good video

    • @justjunior5825
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Got the notification as I was watching the Video. GG Youtube.

    • @S4NDS
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Thanks you for another amazing video, I don’t play rust but the amount of effort you put into them means you’d videos are so rewarding, thanks so much!

    • @real_linkw0w
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm


    • @DKVithy
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm


    • @shakyei8283
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Are you going to upload a video surrounding the trust in rust tournament..? Or did nothing too interesting happen there

    • @xanderstuff7
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    *sighs in RAID: Shadow Legends* I get it tho flak, gotta pay those bills!

    • @walfert6318
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Привет из России ! Whats about 2 guys ? When 1 gay trigger a heartbreak trap, but 2 guy just destroy turret ?

    • @jacobcasagrande6177
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Love the Vids

    • @BoulderBoulder_
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    what if they destroy the heartbeat sensor?

    • @invincabruspoodz1968
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    gamer time

    • @dmkfwolf2669
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Raid Shadow Legend! Best trash scam pay to win mobile game!

    Unsubscribe now! 😀

    • @Xue-tu
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Raid… Wait its on pc now?

    • @InsanelyYT
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Damn i’m early, accident but not complaining about it. Love your vids! <3

    • @CoolGuyPlays1
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    That segway though lol

    • @blackbeard9545
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    Notification squad!

    • @cooper4360
    • 2024年 9月 13日 7:32pm

    you guys will never know what i said before this 🙂
