low pop modded servers be like..
low pop modded servers in #rust be like.. #shorts
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Taqs:rust,rust shorts,rust clips,rust survival,rust female,female in rust,rust funny moments,rust voice chat,rust vc funny moments,rust trolling,tahliaaj,rust admin,rust admin trolling
コメント (269)
Lmao when people are bad at rust pvp they go for free no armor no guns people to make themselves feel good 😭😭💀
Oh, is that what hitting things does? I had no idea. I thought I was building a new box.
Can’t be nice in rust
Obviously an admin. Naked on Dome is a death sentence as it is…
She has zero and I MEAN ZERO00000 😂 00o0o 00 brain cells everyone 😂
You cumstain now we’ll never know what the box was meant for 😂
Is this the rusty servers
This is why girls shouldn’t play rust 😂
RIP Gavin 😢 You were a brave soul
The spin off show looks better then the original
nahh she tought she was playing console edition
Brah…it’s Rust! She did exactly what you need to do in Rust; she shot a person who was trying to help and then did something stupid! Rust is one of the most violent and frustrating games I have ever played. Most players are thieves, liars, petty, ragers, cowards who gang(sorry Klan up) and bigots…you are all posting like you are angels. Go merc yourself. You all know it’s a toxic game played largely by toxic people. Keep posting “women” comments…writing the word will as close as most of you will ever get to a woman. 😂
Okay…. 🤓
What if we used 100% of our brain:
classic women someone trying to help ” i have a bf” xD
You can’t spell Trust without Rust
That was such a womanly thing to do. Granted, he shouldn’t have had his crossbow pointed at you if he was friendly
Sexy af
not a girl game
You are the type of person who plays on role play servers and have admins simping over you😂
my wonder is how he made it to the top of dome with no rads
-1 braincell
Why in the ever living duck are you carrying comps and materials IN YOUR HOTBAR, save that for heals, guns and protection you NUMPTY
We see two rust things in this video and comment section, a hatred of women and ruthlessness
I litterly buy rust yesterday and have no plan how to build😭
This is your average women
Women ☕️
this is a rust thing not a female thing, she knew it was going to break the box obviously she wanted it to break so she could get the loot inside
Iq 2
Paddler tut tut tut
Quit rust
Women ☕
Typical moronic chick tell them not to do something they do it
Is she special or something?
Didn’t know SpongeBob plays rust, but ig u learn sumn new everyday
Sad how bad of a player you are
“Ha, Women”☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
This clip has no business having this many views
I dont think this girl is even playing, she is probably just talking and someone else is playing
i hate u now
most useless video i saw today
400 com
Servers are more important than you know. 😮
Whats the point in playing if u play like this especially low pop u can tell its below 50 pop probably even lower and u play like that sad bro
Imagine being a dimwit lmao 😂😂
Yes Im a GAmeR and iM a PRO, girls is just as good as boys😅😂
Women in a survival game just sounds like the worst thing ever
Damn right your not gonna shoot me😂😂
classic dumb female
Dude shes hott af….thats the only thing that matters
Try out special ops 10x
typical women don’t listen to a man giving helpful advice, shocker not really. smh
She’s so sped for that bro💀
first i got a question why are u playing a low pop server
What low intelligence looks like.
A bully
incels in the comments
>Play rust
>Kill somebody
Bruh grow up
Imagine killing that guy
Her aim sucks ngl
POV when women play rust
I have a feeling this was the admin
avg female player
Women. ☕️
I dislike just for this
This is why video games are for men 🤦♂️
Typical women either cheating in games or acting restarted and kills everything that moves even friendly people
Her intelligence: 📉📉📉📉📉
Hate from belarus
What a dumb woman
This is exactly why I KoS almost everyone I see on PvP lmfao
You have 1 brain cell
why would you even post this
She clearly isn’t that smart…
What a woman😂
love the little rat looking at chat after the kill
Accurate representation of Rust players. Mouth breathing weirdos that have social issues from being on their computer 16 hours a day
Spoonkid kills a naked and y’all think it’s the funniest thing in the world but a women does it and suddenly it’s a “women moment” 😂 y’all are so lame
“stop resisting!” Moment
How is this even fun 😭
she looks like she has no thoughts
R.I.P Guardian of the box
The incel community really showing up here 😂 embarrassing
Females playing Rust. The west has fallen
Woman moment
Dead memes in the comments fueled by incels its so sad to see how they’re plaguing the minds of little kids
Bruh it was literally unloaded he was trying to help lol
Rust is adding Kernel-level anti-cheat. Rust has fixed their game code so that servers will only send storage box loot location data client-sided when the player client is in line of sight of the storage box. Rust will offer a premium option server which are professionally monitored anti-cheat servers like CSGO FaceIT servers.
Rust fixing their game and taking anti-cheat seriously. This is what would bring a lot of players back to Rust.
Lol why I hear Steve Irwin not gonna hurt ya mate, not gonna hurt ya BOOM
I hate this , but it is kindof funny
Living proof women don’t listen 😅
this video made me so mad 😡
Women 😢
Hey guys I’m friendly, let’s normalize being friendly in rust
Gavin didn’t deserve that.. 👎🏻
People you dont wanna play with
zero thoughts going through this girls head
Women ☕️
look at her braindead face!!!!!!!!!!!! man you can see there is nothing in that little skull!!!!!!!! POV of kill on sight player
where is the joke
☕️ Sabia que no tenia oportunidad… luego regresa el loco y la hace ir se del server
Ha women
Well I would a broke the box and anyone who plays rust would have as well and if you think you wouldn’t you don’t play rust and if you play rust and you wouldn’t you might be some kinda dumb and if you wouldn’t have killed the dude with the crossy you haven’t played rust long enough to know he woulda killed you given the chance
Get off the game bro you don’t know anything
It’ll break the box? Oh, is that what smashing something with a paddle does? Who would have known
He should of said “Only fans” 😂❤
Not nice.
To be fair this is exactly what I woulda done
Get back in the kitchen and stop hitting his box.
i hate her
Nah she’s a b word fr
why ruin it tho? just shit
Typical women not follow a man’s directions. He told you not to hit the box that you’d break it
Bro you are so dogshit shooting the guy who is literally 0 threat trying to talk to you on low pop with a crossbow
Airhead gameplay
Women in video games 🤦🏼♂️
If that was a guy these 2 would be hanging out on the beach cracking a cold one as we speak
Lol admin is a simp
-15 IQ clip. Reported for mental terrorism
No brain in that head of yours eh
Lmao if she were a man it would’ve been funny tho huh? Pussy ass comment section
My brother locked me out of the wifi so i can’t play rust, So i burned the wifi cord with a lighter.
Rusty servers
“What’s that ?” Guy comes to explain what that is, instantly kills him. Ok regard
Low pop server and you killed your only buddy 😢
Dude coulda killed u 4 times over😭 y so toxic?
Women in a nutshell
That’s the way the game is played. Kill first or be killed first. Her game play is epic.
Why did u just shoot them that’s so boring I thought this was rust
Women will literally not listen🙄
You gotta do the opposite always. You break it you buy it.
Mindless wine of a woman
Ofc its a girl playing on mf large box on dome server
Ok so all of y’all haven’t played the game it seems 😂 chill tf out
I immediately hate her
You just missed out on shit loads of boom
Lol that box tends to have like 10 c4, lr, 20 rockets and a launcher. Spawns every like hour haha
a lot of weird comments in here, prob made by people who never played the game..
Everything she did is normal in rust..
You gather loot and kill others for loot.
Why kill him shoulda let it play out lame af
she hates content haha
Bro this girl didn’t even make this video she just slapped.herself on top of it
My guy spawned gave advide and died
two things were said by her
1. “what’s that”
2. “ok”
So clearly her intelligence is shining wit this one
Why are people getting on her for doing this like dudes don’t do it as well
Most intelligent woman rust player
I find this amusing
God she’s staring at the screen smiling like she don’t know what’s going on
Dude wtf? First off bad sport hella. 2nd of all it says EXPLOSIVE right on the box. I don’t even play rust and I wouldn’t be close to it
U will find the strangest specimens on theese servers
Lmao love to see u guys only shitting on women we get it your incels. Go on grindr or something already there a reason why women don’t interact with you and these comments are proof of that 😅
Each clang of the box was another braincell popping
Clearly just wants to kill peoppe ruins others time playing for her max 55 viewer
He should have led with, “I’m not gonna shoot you” & definitely shouldn’t have had a weapon drawn. People in the comments haven’t been betrayed by enough by people who pretended to be friendly just to bait you. She’s got a ton of loot, why risk losing an hour of work? Also, if he didn’t want the box broken, he shouldn’t have labeled it explosive. Any loot goblin would assume it has high value loot.
Bro women🗿
Dumb shit womens doesnt listen
It’s a women. She probably just likes material goods and does nothing herself in life.
Poor guy…
everyone in the comments obviously has either never played rust or is just a new player🤣 advice for new players, dont trust anyone
This is why rust players are fkng brainrot 💀
You’re too cute to be playing rust
Why did you kill the guy you have to be the most toxic person on Earth
The single ingot of HQM in her hotbar tells me all I need to know about how she plays lol. Most definitely plays like a bot
How’s he naked on dome?
Why kill the dude?
You broke it
Loooool low iq gameplay, on a low pop server, seems quiet awakward to even post xD
This is how server rivalries are formed one person just being jerk
Wtf was that
Dumb female
L post
Then girls are like we get no respect in games lmfao i would rather play with bro then spend 20 seconds trying to explain to her abt the box
She,s racist she shot a black person RIP😢
Woman 😭
how fucking stupid someone showing you what to do and you kill him you should uninstall it
I used to play on this server or atleast a similar one. The box usually has about 3 locked crates worth of loot and some times a test gen
Kos on low pop is crazy (like every rust player)
Lmao that poor fella, seemed like a good guy 😂
domes the admin lmfao
My fellow kiwi bro was tryna give a hand and ya merc’d em?!
This is why female cops shouldnt be on the force
I really want to know what went through her mind when she shot him… oh – I know the answer – it’s nothing lol
What a stupid bitch turns around to see a dude now inches away from you that could have killed you that was clearly giving you advice stupid cunt for real
Nah i wish you would do this on my server😭 id port up right in the middle of some heavys at large oil 🤣🤣
This is why I quit playing this game…
Did someone say: Woman? 😂😂
Looks around for a solid 4 seconds just to shoot the poor guy with an unloaded crossbow 😔
His YouTube started with a c
Ain’t that the rust YouTuber moderated c
Lies box not explosive. Next server.
Stupid khuent of a women
Go play dish washer sim
How rude. No compassion. He lost his things for his kindness, it’s a pity
Rust and DayZ have the most toxic players 😂
I hope later on they find and raid the fuuuck out of her base
not even ur vid
Fuck these people’s hate 😂 Rust is normally brutal, if you trust people I guarantee you’ll get fucked over at times.
Women ☕
Better players than you blooprint and Wally and willjum
Isn’t this just the epitome of female intelligence.
The quality💀
Well, this is how toxic ps look like
Join Rusty Aks 3x Brad Events Cobalt Events all Recycler’s .1x speed for recycling starts at outpost fast starts
I hate her
Brain dead women.. ☕
No comment..
This is why we cant have nice things around women
Women Hahaha ☕
women just be ruining shot that ain’t theirs
Novody know who this is.
Typical rust intelligence level: someone talking to me? Someone giving me advice? Clearly a threat
What a cunt manoeuvre.
“Ha, women ☕️”
Fuck communty servers , theyre dead and full of admin abuse
Dare i say, women?
Thats a admin
hope u get offlined
Call me what you want, idgaf, this chick is one of the hottest chicks I’ve even seen. Muy Bonita! Exquisite! Damn! 🔥😂
Still never seen someone that stupid
Women ☕️
Bloody idiot
can tap dat from behind.
Your woman and you suck so that’s why you play on a low pop server
Lol that’s hilarious
a woman playing rust, no way
Why dont you listen….
Women 😣
incel comments are crazy, if a man had done the same thing they would have laughed but instead they hate
Rubbish content.
Dang that dude coulda killed you so easily, he just watching you and you don’t even realise yet you turn and kill him.
You broke his box ☹️
Someone slap her with a baby wipe
Would you be willing to test out my server (Watermellama Servers)? Server name is Avocado PVE Purge. It would be much appreciated! 🥑 😊 Thanks!
You are to sexy
He tried to warn you lol.
Let’s play
lol cold hearted woman, I love you lol
What a meany
Omg that’s me u were talking to omg
The fuck is wrong with you?
It was my first time in one of these servers 😂