Getting offline raided is just part of rust #rustshorts
rust rust 2022 rust base rust cinematic rust clan base rust console rust gameplay rust highlights
Taqs:rust,rust 2022,rust base,rust base design,rust cinematic,rust clan base,rust console,rust gameplay,rust highlights,rust montage,rust movie,rust pvp,rust raid,rust raid defense,rust tutorial,rust update,rust wipe progression,rust zerg,rust zerg progression,vital main,vital rust
コメント (203)
Bro today I got insided it was a fresh wipes so it waset that bad
if it’s like a 50 man+ zerg that’s allied i wouldn’t care, they could rebuild 10 of the same bases in 1 hour and faster if it’s a chinese clan that hired cheaters.
dude i get on for 4 hours make a huge base go offline get on 10 mins later i hear boom outside this is so real
honestly in alot of cases offline raiding is genuinely the smartest move, esp if youre just 2 players vs and 8 man team that raided out everyone else in the area
Got raided today
I don’t play rust.
What’s the point.
Ferrera I just got rated
nah you can seal that
Pussys offline raid. Your not good at the game if you play against an opponent that cant shoot back.
The chinese zerg jackhammering into this type of base
When u don’t know how to build 200 auto turrets and a raid notifier
All those peeks no honeycomb
he grinded soo hard~
but in the end it doesn’t even matter..~
this edit sucks quit
Why’s that so true
Ppl who offline are trash and need to be banned from rust
the nile is a river in egypt
And they put (C11 p4ssys)
My teammates are too retarded they put 500 ROCKETS IN OUR VENDING MACHINES WHEN WE LIVE 5 GRIDS AWAY FROM A 20 MAN
I don’t care about getting offlined I use my boom before I get off. #NOBoomProfit from me 😂😊
The group that off lines you got no bitches Ong 😂
That was my friends ina base like that except it was a online and we got clapped they literally smoked are hole base out and we couldn’t shoot back
Aka you shot at a single Chinese player
This is why I play ark you get more time offline, you can offline too quickly in rust.
People who play rust v2 in tlauncher #minecraft
Denial is a river in Egypt 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
I think blud the means the zerg having a good wipe bc 4 SCRAPIES IS WILD
Base design?
Hmmm and this is why a smart person finds a place no one is as there base including if said base can be heavily armored with one entryway
Yeah I deleted the game after this weekend. Only been playing a month on a weeke d raid server only and as soon as I sleep for 4 hours it gets offline raided. People in this game are pathetic af even the ones who work have 0 fucking life. There honestly should only be online raiding. The fact that all your work can vanish within the 4 hours you finally decide to sleep is so fucking stupid.
Raid in offline💀
One time me and my friends got off and within 24 minutes we got offlined
the nile is river in egy 💀
I spent 10 hours solo yesterday setting up a base for my team and when my friend got on we went and ran roads and came back to it full deep and they had the audacity to call it an online when they waited for us to leave 💀
It’s funny cause I fake log all the time, then log back in right as people are about to raid me. I usually catch them as they show up with explosives, and I hear…
“uhhh… hello?” Sometimes as if they are thinking I literally just saw this kid log for the night wtf. So many cheaters and grubs
Fr 😢
Bring back 2016s base building with triple stacked walls ffs
EU Rust in a nutshell … And still 90% build YouTube-Anti-Onlineraid-Bases and cry the next day because their cool YT base was not able to take more than 20 rockets …
Rust as a solo is dead, you build a 1×2 gets raided by a clan, build a tower and get offlined by a clan, rust goes and tax the workbench and make it so you get less resources when recycling at safespots and clans go and wall every t1 monument, rust is dead for solo’s
Simple: You learn electricity and build a raid alarm
That’s why I live out of my multiple trap bases. They fall for it once and either don’t come back or blow it up to find very little since I spread my loot out.
I usually just keep the pc on, and volume on max, when you hear explosions, wake tf up
To true
Simple. Don’t built a massive tumor like that and you won’t draw attention.
If you build anything bigger than a 1×2 your a cretin
Honestly would love to see a proper offline protection system in place like the one Deadside has. For anyone unaware of it, bases take no damage unless the enemy has a “raid token”, when killing someone, they have a % chance to drop a raid token, if you claim the token you have 1 hour to begin raiding, if you miss the timer they are protected again. You literally can’t offline in Deadside.
Would love to see some servers implement a mod of this. The offlining is just boring and makes the game really tedious. Everything else is great, but the need for bunkers etc to protect loot from sweats who will stay up for 18 hours just to raid you is mad.
I just offlined some people last night 😂
Thats what you get stop playing in 40 men groups
The group that did it rolled up 37 deep with 11 cheaters during 50pop, a fob 7x larger than your actual base and were waiting for you all to go offline on battle metrics.
Now your vending machine will say “ez online, XXX CONTROLLING.”
Than go on Server Bandit Zone
Once I made a base big enough for people to want to try and raid it, but little did they know that base was just a decoy for my 2x2x1 to be filled to the top, manage a week like that without any raid on my 2×2 xD
“Denial is a river in Egypt”💀💀
Lol thats the kinda bases i offline with 34 rockets 20 hvs and 4 c4 1 sachel and some explo
Only pussy raid offline
why is it every rust vid i see is some cringe ass edit💀
I will never online a base like this lmao. When I raid them I specifically wait until they get off because I’m not dealing with the stupid peeks and roof camping
yall expect to get onlined in this base?💀 if they got peeks i aint clappin cheeks ya feel me
This is the hashtag clan getting raided while there raiding harvest
Chinese clans are usually the problem, they’re awake when your off and awake when your awake
I usually play solo but try to make alliances with the nearest group. If I don’t get offlined 3 days into wipe I’ll usually invite them to raid me. Always a good time.
Dude thats to right that happend to me some time ago
I hate offline raids 🙁
Me & my dad build to be onlined “console rust” we havnt been offlined in at least 6mths
And I rated to the other side if I And I rated to the other side if I was an I And I rated to the other side if I was annoying I would rate it And I rated to the other side if I was annoying I would rate it all of it and you are Clan Basement you deserve
That’s called don’t go to sleep
I got off line read it before
Yeah I was baiting this guys turrets
My bro and me won a 2v5 I kept closing the compound walls we took their rockets was my first online defense they had already destroyed tc and I set 1 down outside second air lock they didn’t take anything then they came second time but had already stashed everything 🤣🤣
Me trying to watch the video hearing in the background THE NILE IS A RIVER IN EGYPT
Rust man
pov: you roofcamped a farmer thats part of a chinese 20 deep zerg 😂
I dont get raided but theres one problem i dont sleep
What we used to do as a group of 8 is take turns with each of us In a different time zone we would cover while someone slept and we would wake each other up when we got raided, the good old days
This happened to me last night 10 minutes after I got off
I fake sleep whenever I can, change my name and just fuckin wait
I see that building get destroyedby a YouTube and the owner leak their location
the editing in this video gave me autism
Started playing 6 years ago and let me tell you everyone online raided. now no one does
That’s why I stay on all night
I raid a clans base 30
I offline but only because I’m solo 😭
Face punch should really do something about offlining. Like double the health of doors and walls when u and ur team are all offline. Something like that. And when 1 comes back on it changes to the normal stats again
Denail is a river in Egypt🗣️
My brother locked me out of the wifi so i can’t play rust, So i burned the wifi cord with a lighter. I’m so mad i can’t get on because my base will get raided i have beef with my brothers rust clan and we’ve been at war for 3 weeks
I’ve been learning how to build an extremely difficult base to raid
Ive been onlined 6 times this wipe we 6-0
Real rust chads never sleep
Bro offlining is part of the game. But if they are online. Go for it. Stop being pussies 😂
Trash cans with no job or school to go to
Literally just happened last night🫠
Imagine getting raided online
Last night I hoped on to getting off lined by 12 deep clan and defended and 1 had a zen stay legit😈
Aaaaye 😂🔥
If u have a good wipe people will set trackers on u which cost like £5 or euros a month and a notification will pop up to say u left the server and when u join
autooooo turretttts
Its part of being so bad a at game that u have to off-line I bet they raided yous heaps of times for u to just off-line raid
i play an eu server but i live in america so i always get raided at like 5 am my time right before i wake up
got off lined the other day 😑
This piece is a gem; much like a book that is considered a gem in its genre. “A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age” by Theodore Blaze
If you offline raid that’s just obvious your telling us you suck at the game and can’t go face to face with an enemy
The Nile is a river in Egypt America is Egypt n im your king 👑 fuck what you heard and thought 😊
Me and my six-man group built the tundra this wipe and have been online one time they failed but we try to online every one we can
I don’t sleep😂
It’s rust, Its how it works. Like y’all don’t do this, someone else was having fun.
Literally bro
Yo I’m looking for a builder for a wipe any 1 welcome speek English play on ps
Every time I log off In rust I get raided once I come back online my base is just entirely gone and my loot
Who says im sleeping😏
Cheeze papa cheze
Prolly cuz the base was 7 rockets through the top to all your rockets 😭
Our hours: under 100
There hours: 1k+ 🥲
Pure rust bro
The nile is a river in egypt🗣🗣🗣🗣📢📢📢
Por eso mi server tiene antiofflaneraid es un modificado scrap x3 farm vanilla tiny
My fucking enemy village only offlines and it’s so annoying
So, I’m a rust console player, this is very accurate.
In one server, I have a whole ass bounty on me for escaping with MP5s and AKs.
Bro wipe was thursday. Me and my trio have been on 3 different servers and got offlined every single night. Its so annoyhing. Last night we stayed up all night knowing we had school, and work. And got raided while at school. Like damn its crazy bro
Last song name pls😢
This happens to me every day😢
Jesus Christ loves you he is Lord come to him and trust him, repent and ask to be forgiven.
Offline ruined rust… too many 10 yr old playing rust… after about 3 or 4 wipes, rust is boring..Ark and Conan are much better.
Fun wipe of farming
This just happened to me 🙁
Yeah but there pussies if it’s a 7 man raiding a solo
Just happened to me last night
“Ez online” on the vending machine knowing damn well they offlined
Legit makes me mad like where y’all at when I was online
This is why always have to have raid alarm installed
“The nile is a river in Egypt” 💀💀💀
The only teams that get offlined are the ones using Zens 😂 be real
lol if thts your base dont expect an online
Bro why would I spend my time giving you an online ? I want your loot not a fight 💀
Idk why they dont just increase the walls and deployables so they can take 1,5x the damage when TC auths are offline. I dont see an issue with that at all.
The person who online you: “gg bro I don’t take everything and the code on the door is 5555. I’ll bag you and I should be out by the time you come back in.” ( he may sometimes point out a big flaw in your base so you’ll be hard raid next time)
Guy who offline: “ bro this who server so bad lol. J15 on too”
(Gets mad from all the bullying because he gets called out for being a Offliner .) ( most likely gets online by a 3 clan team made up of a total of 25 players because they don’t like him. And they leave only loot for fresh spawn as he calls them “cowards” for not playing fair)
We tried to give a online a few weeks ago because we we 1 of 4 of the big groups and they all just got on roof with m2 and killed us just no chance at all
That base looks sick bro
Unless u barely sleep I’m going on my 16th hour straight today lol
Average Zerg player’s base
Little do people know my team Dosent get off😏
Some kids tried to offline us but we had an alt in base and we caught them with their pants down. They are bad at the game and they say they are “controlling”
this game fucking sucks for people who can only play a couple hours after work. we built an empire just to be raided right as we get off like how tf can this game be playable for working people not youtubers or kids who can stay home all day
Every wipe I get offline raided
Worst feelling
Went on ukn for 15 minutes, came back to being raided by cheaters on a facepunch server
Solo leif 4 ever
I’ll only online smaller bases because most the time they’ll just despawn the loot
What is the wipe
The kids that build this on wipe day are usually the kids I build away from 😂
It happened last night when I got off we got offlined raced
What base is this? I wanna try building one like this
Bro i had other feeling some dumb ass bulid a raid base just to roof camp me 😂
What da base
I remember before I took a 4 year break from rust, online were very common now like nobody will do it. I attempt at least
Dang that’s a huge base
No point in having a massive base if you don’t build it right …..
Roof camped one person one time
We got raided 13 times in like 4 days or something like that was just silly 4 of us just having fun not really messing with anyone started to mess with electricity and boom raided every time haha all good though we back now
I swear the only time I be having to get active is when I’m shleep ash🤣🤣 ain nobody want to mess with yu when yu active tho don’t make any since 🤣🤦🏻
Nah that’s the base after u let me in ur clan
whats the cool song in the middle of the vid called?
Whats the music in the second half of this?
I may only have a tommy and 4 satchels but i think i control bc im the only onliner on my server😅
Denial is a river in Egypt
No turrets?
Jesus Christ loves you amen lord amen 🙏
I saw an online raid happen across the ocean from my base on an island the team getting raided deserves it though becasue they would just sit up on their roof All day and snipe people
Can’t get offline if ur never offline currently afk TV blasting while I’m on YouTube take notes
I just got raided today I was in the process of moving I had to wait it out for 40 minutes with an inventory full of gear and materials that I was bringing to my new base, thankfully I made it to my new base without being seen💀
>a visible full TC of upkeep for 12 hours
>2 walls to TC
“The Nile is a river in Egypt”
Got online 10 times first day of wipe
Then the group who offlines you says “controlling”
With that kinda base its obvious why you get offlined
As a solo who builds 3×3, this is literally me every time I build. I’ll have two floors done or even the shooting floor and outers in one day and I’m raided by the time I get back on every time🙌🏽😂
i was solo and i got was offlined by like 8 dudes
get beter
if im solo and i see a base like this of course im going to wait until ur offline lmao
Yep I never got onlined unless I had nothing or if it was 1vs30 lmao rust needs too ban offliners
I haven’t gotten onlined in 10 months. The last time I got onlined was by a friend who was playing in a different team and didn’t know I lived in that base
So true it’s so stupid no one can online any more
Insiding worse
Fuk offline raider
The lag cluster 😭
They need 12 hour raid protection once everyone in your team is offline niggas have lives bro
See what you’re missing is all the Saw traps and every single room. I used to do that and I found tons of dead bodies everywhere. It’s cheap to make shotgun traps and it’s even cheaper to make ammo.
just HQ the base GOOFY