I Broke Rust for Unlimited Scrap #Rust
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #ChilledVibes
WILLJUM MERCH : https://willjum.merchforall.com/
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Mist3r: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChadeA_eXwpZi-eA2Ecv19Q
CapsCtrl: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=capsctrl
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
BeatsbyCon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIsCdBYkKiDGJxR8ZpeAYqw
Alex: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiYzQlIUDoklHxtRC2Q6_OQ
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,funny,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Shorts
コメント (585)
🎉 b g b
This is the Rust version of counting cards in blackjack
But the boys has the peak in it
wiljum is the best rust player ever
shit wouldnt get patched if you didnt put videos like this up
I did it earlier, and I have 1 million scrap
Is this patched yet
100k metal frags buys a lot of scrap 😆
Is this still working?
is this fixed?
does this still work?
Delightful gambling
Doesn’t this actually still work or has it been patched?
Does this work on console too
Absolute trash job of explaining this “trick”
Did this get patched
Is it patched?
Please everyone
Please please please
Vote in your LOCAL elections. The president means nothing without the support of the house and senate. Put third party candidates in your local offices. This is the only way to combat the two party system and actually garner support for third parties. We need to stop playing into this. RUN for your local office if someone is running unopposed. Don’t just show up to the voting booth every 4 years and go “what can you do”.
Where is the wheel
Just gotta bet on uhhh.. something on that whole side.. 😂
Lol I have only just seen this now, does it still work?
I sat at outpost getting scrap for hours in a high pop server they thought I was cheating I was there so long. Ca ching mfers hahahhaa
Going to log in and try this …
Does it still work?
“brain damaged gamer” had me dead ngl
This still work?
Streamers ruin all the good strats
found out about this when wheel first came out
yet not patched been like this for years
oh god… its always been memeio, there is no willjum,
Can’t even use the wheel in my server. It just spins constantly while some naked sleeps next to it lol
Cant undederstand a thing what he sayw cause of his stupid childish laughter all time
what video is this?
i tried this trick. somehow i owe my bank 2k euros now…
Did it get patched???
can memio do zark dis before pach
It’s work now ?
Me and my friend a few days ago we’re playing rust and we got 1000 scrap from farming and went to gambling and we earned over 163,000 scrap
brain damaged player:d
i guessed the wheel correct 4 times in a row, one of them was a 20
It still works?
I did this, an lost it all
EscrotoRust 2 !! Wipe now🎉
It still sorta works. I turned 500 scrap into about 8000 in a short time betting on the left side
does this still work?
Still works?
Whats wild is aloneintokyo played in rust empires for a bit and i literally befriended him basically and at the time had 0 clue he made videos lol
Is this patched now?
Wiat but how you get the right side?
1 year later and nothing changed cause that’s not actually how the wheel works.
Remember that’s how Rust YouTubers work.
but it didn’t land on 20?
Is it patched?
I dont see ani minus, so how does this make you loose or is it just infinte resources no matter what?
Don’t show this to speedy and side 😂
@willjum bro i love you keep up great work and i know your better than bloopring an frost❤
Man… zergs are lame….
XQCOW knows better
if only the real world was this easy to break lol
does this still work?
i’ve seen it and tested it, does it work, yes. is it reliable? no. but it does 100% help me hit the 20 way more often than i did before. takes a lot of gambling
It’s patched
well this is content but not really cheat 😂😂
I found a better way for rust console the owner of the server can keep the number on 20 and u can just keep getting scrap
Cool, my first Willjum short. (= Keep em coming.
I got another method that works pretty good for me. Works good enough to get all bps then buy whatever else I need. Most times I’ll but a lr do a couple things then be the first one to take cargo/ whatever else
Today on modded star see valley
I have genital herpes
I made 22k with this method had most bps for the wipe
❌❌❌ 🇪🇪🇪 😱😱😱
😯 😙 🇪🇪
🗯 💯 🙇🙇
😺 😹😹😹
💟💟 💔💔 😲😲
😋😋 😸😸😸😨😨
💕💕💕 😅😅 😦😦
😜😜 🇰 😸😸😸
😚😚😚 💟💟
Remember guys 99% of gamblers quit before they hit big
and its still broken
Where can I find the wheel
Why don’t they add the wheel to console lol
Is this on console the Same?
It’s rustoria sea long!!!!
does this still work?
lost 2000 scrap so far
Where is the link??
Rip gabe
@chocotaco Quest should learn this 😂😂
Has this been patched yet?
Who’s better
deos this still work?
Does it still work?
Alone playing and having a good time instead of destroying clans, wholesome
Favorite solo is blooprint
Pretty sure this is patched
is this like a giant troll or something?
It it patched ?
Dose it work on console 😂
Theirs no left and right side too a spinning circle you dumb fuck
It might be broken… but in the past it felt like it took more then it gave. So now it might give more then it takes…
its still broke its kindergarten math 1 can go into any of the numbers 3 can go in to 3-1-5 5 can go into 1-5-10-20 10 can go into 1-5-10-20 20 can go into 1-10-20
Go to track down the road to the
They’ll patch this or ban u 4 exploits but can’t do shit about the insane amount of cheaters. Rip
Omfg😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 ❤❤❤❤
I saw other videos saying this was already patched.
Tokyo’s videos are fake tho
Problem is people dont pay RUST for the Gambling wheel, they play Rust for the Survival part, as well as the PVP.
This is not broken it’s just cheating the casino. legit
damn that comeback was strong
Guys is it still working??
When I speak…..I…talk like this…..this is…the pace….that I talk…..in every video.
Why did you give away this secret? It was fine when it was on a no name channel but now it’s on your channel… This was such a great way for a solo on a clan server to get some freaking scrap man come on Willjum
65 is not double of 35
anyone knows if this has gotten patched?
Sucks it’s not on console
Just put 10 on all slots
i watched the video and still dont know
Еу лонг?
Is this patched yet
Should have added spoon
Most ive ever won is 42k scrap in one spin
still active?
haha nicely done loop
Traz o video em português igual Mr beast
Who is gabe?
Sure it’s not that easy, never works for me, only win on colours .
Did I miss this episode?
These rust youtubers arelosing their minds and they’re in their own world at this point
99% of people stop right after winning big , this just proves that u can win with determination
Has it patched yet?
чизика на вас нет
We love probability
Isn’t that never gonna change anything? I’m confused lol, the left side, I just gonna have the same numbers as the right, besides 20 sometimes
Fan vietnam willjum
Does this still work??
Dude I watched the video right as ur came out told my team mate about it and he didn’t let me do it so I did it next wipe and had the biggest base on the server because outpost and bandit were back to back from each other
Whatever you do don’t tell Spoonkid….
You need to do more aloneinTokyo vids
Almost had the clean transition. Almost
Ya lo parchearon!
Not really i lost over 2k in scrap and didnt win at all
I win on full inventory of scrap and lost it all on rust console
sound is realllllly quiet
Gambling is easy with a little bit of math
40k!?!?!?!? Wtffff bro I finna buy all the lr 300’s bro 😂😂😂
glad to see aloneintokyo getting some recognition
Spoonkid needs to learn
thank you nnow its gonna be patched in next update
i’ve always gone 4 to the left of the last number hit
It’s patched
Gambling wheels always been like that. Its how a wheel work.
Watched original dudes vid n been trying to tell ppl, but they just bet 1… dudes voice caught me off guard but hes brilliant
почему только у меня это не работает. Я вижу, что на зеленой половине 3 пятерки, ставлю на 5, но ни разу мне не выпала 5. Миллион раз я уже пытался в такой комбинации выиграть поставив на 5, но ни разу не смог. Я открыл для себя тактику, что если 3 пятерки, то лучше не ставить на них
Is it patched
Imagine it’s actually completely random but it just happens to work for everyone because there is the small chance that it just lands like that 🤯
Or ur dumb
Bruhhh finally confirmation for my superstitions
Still gambling do you can still lose even with this trick
You should have the link to the full video please 🤗
Seems to have been patched
This is gonna inflate the economy
I miss zuckles
I think i know what server you did this on just by that person sleeping. Its either Rusty moose biweekly or Rustoria US monday…
I tried this on console let’s just say it works
Does this work on console
What’s that music
More accurate way. With math.
120k scrap in a wipe on rustoria monthly
There’s always that one person that just gotta air everything out and ruin it
We need Wall-E out here to pick up this scrap
it was fixed
But you’re my favorite solo!?
Bro buy me the game
i dont understand, what number u should bet? xD
This has been a thing for years now lol..
This has been like this for years. I used to go on and just get an inventory of scrap and toss it out to ransoms keep 1000 go back and do it again. The wheel has patterns that you can memorize.
This right here is why stuff gets patched keep your secrets with trusted ppl in discord
How dare you willjum
Fr I’ll get 100 scrap n turn it into a zerg base
I feel like this is an appropriate time for. “Hoooo ley Jesus”
imagine you get grubbed on the way back to base 😂
There is an even more broken strat but I think they would have to change it if it was told
I need to do this on a vanilla server so I can tech tree everything Lmaoo
Why this short like 4 hours long
Not as good as another trick, you put your money on right before it stops spinning, and boom you win
Главное что бы дд не увидел
Delete this shit assp
Fuckin goat
Bro said this is gonna get patched all you did was memorize the numbers an the chance of it landed on that number you increased it
Someone show this to Xqc lol
Aloneintokyo is my 7abibi ❤
left/right of where the needle currently is? or is there a set left/right?
Wtff and kids still rage in this game?? Get gud noob
shoulda kept your mouth shut. now they are gonna fix it.
Does this still work on console anyone
Your music choice is so good! You’re very chill and cool! Your bases are so cozy and have great views! I love your videos Willjum!
Possible d’avoir les tuto en français les frr j’ai du mal la
Nah, i spawned wheel with 3x even scrap bets to the 3/5/10 numbers and in 2 game days i had about 2k scrap from 100scrap xD
I don’t see why it’s gonna be patched it’s not a glitch or anything wrong with the game it’s just people found it out doing math
Spoonkid is typing…
WTH, why am i just seeing this. sigh , so out of the loop with Rust glitches.
Don’t gamble kids
i always split it between 3 and 5
And then it resets and all your work is pointless
This is the same dude who turned down gambling sponsors
figured this out on my own, holy shit
never say its gonna get patch or its soo op on yt if you don’t want it to be patch.
I never see YouTubers and streamer use the wheel any more what happened?
A whole channel got shadow banned for a video of this dude becareful
bro wtf that guy i just dropping him scrap do yoall not see that its a joke
is it still warking?
You guys could make a wipe about using this method before it gets patched
Can you talk any slower? Youre going to fast
its called hot zone… i saw a video 3 years ago
thats what they get and i hope ppl exploit tf out of it, lame devs. its Rust not Las Vegas.
Meanwhile xcq bet all his clans scrap
Just get pure scrap teas
The griefers waiting for you to finish “Gambling.”:
Almost a perfect transition…. Almost
Gabes vid
if you go in with 2k scrap and put 50scrap on 20 everytime you will make constant gains.
still not patched?
This is no more thanks to you
Keep gambling
Always someone ruining it for the smart and observant players by making a video and making it well know so that it gets patched.
And the video maker ruins it for everyone for cheap views online.
How to get addicted to gambling 101
Been telling people to stop sleepin on Gabe
No way Tokyo or someone else trolling idk killed me!!😂
Pretty sure they already patched it
Somebody tell Welyn, quick!
How long until the video drops
Can’t wait for the full video
Ok, is 65%, but, how you bet the number on thus 65%? How you know if gonna be 1, 3, 5 or 10..? Ty for all
mfker u hit 1m drop the video alreadyyyyy
My luck is so bad that if Rust gave me a chance to bet in every number except one, that wheel will point in the number i didn’t chose
if this still works to this time then its never gonna get patched
Your getting patched dumb ass 😂😂😂
willyj making that solo scrap grind simple
the question is what is not broken in rust 😂
anyone know the name of the song
What’s the name of the song playing
Lol I figured this out a long while ago hahahha, whenever I play with friends I hop in, get like 200 scrap farmed and just go gamble my way up to 20k
Lies! “YOU” didn’t break this… someone else broker it. You used another click-bait title to plagiarize someone else’s work.
I used to enjoy your videos but it turns out they are all click-bait titles with plagiarized content.
Is this patched?
Deserved as a first YouTube short
@memio should do this
already patched
It doessnt work anymore sadly on some servers
FYI be careful about gabes vid, if he still has the bot mentioned in the description FP might consider you shouting it out as promoting cheats. they deemed his bot a cheat FYI
my fwend sayd no
I always lose my ass guys.😢 just save your scrap for the tier 3 work bench and tek tree. I know its hard for us solos to lose our hard earned scrap. Ps I made it 14 days this wipe before the clans got me! I did get a tier 3 and researched c4! I know where this clan lives now maybe I can get them back or destroy there forges.
This has been a thing for almost a year maybe close to 2 now. Thought I was the only one to know ab it ngl 😭. Good video as always!
I’ve seen people doing this for months
How to rig the wheel: Get up and hold it on place
ayowtf i played with a guy named aloneintokyo on tarky before
Does this still work?
Ay it happened to me once
I couldn’t even take all of it
Once I won 20k but already had full inventory and there was 4k left the moment I stood up a guy sat on mine and took it all
And guess…
he died before he could even get 50 meters away from the outpost
Yooo stop u ratubers
I don’t want this to be patched
People gonna get billions
Its patched.
its patched
If I only bothered to play this game
loop 3/10
Boxbox fhind this out like year ago
I guess the problem for the devs is that there’s no true way of absolutely fixing this because there’s no true random in coding.
is this code based ? no way.. this must be code based, that’s why I saw something happening but coldn’t figure it out
Yoooo you doing shorts now im excited to see parts of fotage whike waiting for another willjum classic
ive already made 1million scrap in one day with the wheel im done with it
RIP Gabe
its patched btw
bro delete this
Bro I’ve known about this for months now they going to patch it😢
This is for Spoonkid…..He loves gambling a lot….
if they patch this bc of u imma hunt u on every server
patched probably cause of this, thanks…
dude vanilla’s where it counts
This just denies everythin
all my teachers taught me, clearly gambling is a good idea
its also runs on kindergarten math you have 1-3-5-10-20 thats {1} {1-3-5} {1-5-10-20}
send this to spoon kid immediately
When I played rust I used to make tons of scrap by doubling my bet each time I lose, and gambling only on 3
Just… no. What next. Are you gonna suggest the Martengale strategy??? Lol
cant even get patched lmao
It’s already patched if anyone wonders.
lol nice. i have rust but only managed 9 hours like 3 years ago. i watch most of your videos and a handful of other rust youtubers. makes me want to play haha. only 9 hours cuz idk what i was doing and no one to play with.
ClickBaitApe, The spinning wheel is not broke. LAMEEEEEEEEE……….
Don’t alone in Tokyo make good ass music?
How was that 20, it looked like a 1
a legendary dou
Who will post the video? You or AIT?
Brain damaged player
Shhhhh you were not supposed to tell. 😢
I don’t get it he still was surprised landing on 20
Can’t you complete all the tech trees with like 20,300 scrap?
its patched i think
Patched already sadly
certified spoonkid hood classic
cant wait your next video AIT. i cant believe this is happen
we love u willjum .thanks for playing with one of my fav rust solo the GOD ALoneintokyo
Shhhh! dont make noise … or else Rust Dev. will change this … 🙂
This duo tease has me hype af!
Check out who’s video
What do you mean this is going to get patched so fast how are they going to patch statistics?
Unlimited lrs
Nobody show this to xQc
pretty cool to see you, and Hjune abusing broken mechanics. Think ill give this a try.
And now Gabe’s banned lol
I’ve also broken the wheel myself 😂 it’s amazing
I think I was in a server with you 😂
Rust devs: Sees this and just patches it.
All the people abusing it: loses all their scrap
This is patched don’t try it anymore. The spin time is now randomized.
can’t wait for this Willjum and AIT collab vid
You should be able to kill everyone at the wheel… With a incendiary rocket or Molly or something. I would be on anti wheel duty on any server i join. 😅😅
If you get a few thousand scrap to start you can pretty reliably make as much as you want. Put a bet one 1 and if you lose you double down and put it on one again. Repeat until you hit a one and you will have all your original scrap back plus whatever you would have made from your original bet. High barrier to entry for it to be worth it but it definitely is worth it
I wanna see Alone duo even if he’s silent to us.
broo confusion got to billion scrap
Okay dude hhahaah
Thanks for leaking this to the media
Is this for console too?
The 5 is hot
thats an easier way, i did figoure out whitch one it would land on with a paper and an pen back in days haha did calc witch one it would land on haha i made 270k scrap living out of an 3×3 bunker design next to bandit on vanilla 600 pop server as an duo haha
this got patched btw!
Hey Willjum! 🙂 What do you use for crosshair ? is that legal ? I don’t want to be get banned because of using that
Well DUH 🙄 Of course NOW it’s gonna get patched. 2 High profile Rust YouTubers just put it on BLAST.
ShadowFrax will be announcing the patch by Wednesday.
I’m going to need spoonkid to see this to ease his pain and suffering
Only works on Servers without anticheat
drop the videooooo
My server removed bandit camp 😂 new server time
Willy Jay made it to my shorts feed!!! Let’s go
Aloneintokyo needs to get Miami of hollow 3x bro toxic as hell. Come get yo child
This has been a thing for a long time thanks for showing everyone.. asshoel
@Spoonkid2 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
dont tell em NOO
my only way to get better weapons since im bad is gonna be patched, can no longer get better at the game
youre ruinin it D:
And they fixed it
finally AIT is duoing, cant wait to watch the video
Plot twist: Tokyo is a kid
this isn’t on main cause the wheel is only in bandit camp on vanilla main
Be careful wiljum, didn’t gabe get banned for posting this video and selling the script? Don’t get caught promoting it and risk your own channel brother
was so excited for a new wiljum video, but it was just a short
Full video
Gabe already made this exact same video a while back.
Give credit where credit is due
Does this work on console
It’s gambling so shouldn’t be patched
They should replace it with a real roulette design
video made 0 sense
AloneinTokyo Oh my ghaaadd I fcking love him
😭😭 now it’s gonna be patched and I can’t use it
Bro why u had to make this so popular 🙁
Nooo wayyy
Copied gabe and didn’t give credit
you don’t explain how to do it
Where’s the full vid??
When you’re doing it exactly like him, it takes an eternity, to be honest. I made a little profit, but then I gave up and went farming like normal. Was just no fun. Just like selling horse poop is no fun at all.
link the video bozo
Why did you have to do this. Now there going to change the wheel.
WILLY J. More shorts. Probably may ne easier with your schedule 😊
Yup got patched today
Soooooo excited!!!!
I’ve made 200k scrap from the wheel it’s crazy lol
I’ll be gambling today
Is this only on pc or also on console
YEAH, but i always loooose man
someone else found this before Willjum
its not rly broke its just statistical odds. which its meant to be
Been going around servers and giving away lr’s and thousands of scrap. Safe to say it work. Bet smart and never go all in
U sound like the youtuber sparkles
I started with 2k and made 72k in 6h (it was a 3x so i could bet 5k max)
Wipe day tomorrow bag secured
Gabe did it 1st
Does Tokyo talk????
U should do a video with him
This is actually broken I went from 100 scrap to 4K scrap
fake news
what’s the song? Can’t find it via Shazam
Noooooo now it’s gonna get patched. Ffs
I do win more often using this strat…but I still lose more often than win
Wait so all of those mean multiplied by the number. You can’t loose, the worse that can happen is 1 which is you getting it back.
Your Twitch Drop better be a rug skin or I’m gonna lose my mind.
RIP gabe facepunch isnt happy with him
Thank you for making an actual quality short instead of just compressing a normal video into 9 : 16 (aspect ratio), you’re one of the good ones 🙏🏾
Why did you tell them??? My life was great!!!
No one tell Spoon this.. he is an addict 😂😂
damn lol 💀💀
I saw that video about a month ago and have been doing it since, seeing this video fearing they may patch it but also appreciating the rust community, youtubers like yourself make amazing content with exploits like this, dont get banned for it and they fix it within the week, its all fun and games, although playing the game is frustrating
Alone and willjum?
Thanks for the info willy
konfuzion made 2.8 billion scraps from this method and they used it to wall the entire server.
This is also how people get mini a bunch of guns clear blue to get red and rush oil. Easy start to a wipe.
More shorts pls
Quick everyone thumbs down so no one sees this
strike by facepunch incoming!!!
first short? damn wiljum… we need the full hour long vid now…
I used this, i got loss haha
I love tokyo so i just had to watch this.
Since it’s most likely people are gonna rush to this glitch, they’re bound to be naked.
And with that, the people using this strat are just as farmable as the wheel itself.
this isnt getting patched its part of the game
Cant wait!
WHERE IS THE SOLO DUO!!! promises was made
Can’t wait for the full video! 🙈
Bet I will be one lol
I tried this trick week ago and still lost everything
Shortd a great idea good job
You gotta let the gambling degenerate spoonkid in on this
No stop don’t translate Gabe’s video! You did this for likes dammit 😂 now it might be patched
Two rust super stars ))
Omg, I can’t wait to see willjum and aloneintokyo duo. Wtf, cozy base and peeks base COMBINED!!!!!!!! Willjum defending a raid (possibly) with aloneintokyo??? Will we here his voice?? I CANT FREAKING WAIT!!!
tokyo the goat
He yeah! Tokyo is the best! Tokyo and Willjum wipe is going to be crazy!
Love seeing the Rust Comfy Kings collaborating.
Lol at the console peeps going yo try this
Bro only just found this video ☠️
Willjum became Spiffing Brit for this short lol.
But you’re my favorite solo
When trainwrecks see’s this LOL
I did this for an hour following instructions. I lost my a$$.
mmmmm yummy scrap
Dude. You ducking duck!!!!! Take this down!!!!!!
Gabe got copyright strikes by Facepunch for that video lol
let’s gooooo
I was here for the first YouTube short🎉🎉
i frickin love gabe
If the week spins how’s there a left and right side tho?
ehehhehe… scap
You teamed with Tokyo!?! He teams with people??? 😂 I thought my boy was strictly solo
Didn’t work for me
This is well done my dude.
Wait!! Hold up!!! Ur doin a run with the one and only?!?! Awww man I can’t wait for THAT video to come out!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😅
xqc isn’t aware keep it undercover before the goblino starts crawling towards you ! 💀
Gabe vids got grounded by FacePunch, be careful willy
My two Favorite rust youtubers in one video 😭😭🤗
So sad i saw the alert for a willjium video and thought sweet! Midweek upload! Nope but still looking forward to this weekend
Get our boy Gabe unbanned by face punch instead of using his strat for views….
Btw my teammate tried this for 6 hours and logged everything on a spreadsheet. It works only half the time and you need A LOT of scrap to begin with to make it worthwhile…
Can’t wait your next vid wj, when was it the last time you playing along with Tokyo?
I think gabe got striked by facepunch for this exact video . Will be interesting to see what facepunch will do now
we tried this and it does not work..
Willjum posting a YT short is more rare than finding an AK in a military crate
Giving away the secrets.. tisk tisk.
i just realized that this is his first yt short, xD
I don’t play rust but I hit all of Wild videos. Guys a straight legend
Does it work for Console?
It was amazing to see people get a lot of money here in gambling machine.. but the biggest win I was witness are from Hololive member.. She won more than 48k scraps😌😌 Sasuga kami Matsuri
Wow working on shorts now eh willy boy? Well good on ya
Give us a video about this
Patch incoming. Perfect!
Founder of this and a lot of other glitches, gabe. His channel got strike by facepunch and he cannot upload any rust videos anymore guys please remember that guy he is the real chad. Fp are no more on their way
Oh no now everyone else knows ;-;
Wiljum your my fav and i love you you have inspired me to make my own Solo 2×1 triple stack chad base and i can tell you how to build it its soo tank it holds 21 vending machines and 4 turrets and its a bunker perfect for you 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Do more shorts, this is great
Willjum’s first short video! Amazing.. Love you Willjum🖤
Willjium make short???
Wiljum makes now shorts!?
on console i always just go 5and 20 150 to 100 on 5 and 50 to 100 on 20
Blackjack is faster tho..
Can get all wb1 bps in less than 20mins by just playing in outpost…
And if there are player shops than you can also buy and BP all those things
And than you gota find another server bcuz there is nothing left to do lol
maybe it will work on console
Gabe’s channel is getting taken down by face punch for glitches
you should mention gabe was banned and striked by facepunch for releasing the video and it got taken down and his career is over he can’t upload rust again.
Can’t wait for this Collab!
I love Gabe!
It really sucks this escalated to break his channel.
Bots are bad! mekay.
I was today years old when I learned that outpost has a gambling wheel
Link to Tokyo’s vid?
Got the noti thinking there’s no way we could get another willjum video this fast 😭
A duo wipe with you and Aloneintokyo is something I’m DYYYYING to see!
Imagine, if you will: one of aloneintokyo’s chad solo base designs, internally decorated by Willjum! And the combined power/skill of you two together, would be *UNSTOPPABLE!!* ^^,
Will you gotta do a wipe with alone in tokyo he never does nothing with anyone. It would be 👍🏽
RIP Gabe 😀
can you please keep uploading solo vids your my fav rust youtuber in the youtube history. I respect that the vids take a long time but i kinda wished you posted a lot more often
You should do this more
2 of my favorites
Now, where is the video?
POV: you made a pact with everyone else that noone else could find out. Next day, the top 2 solo players uploads how they broke the game…
WAIT… is there going to be a Willjum/AloneInTokyo duo video coming out soon? 😯🤩
You can also do the counting method and the 1,3, and 5 method where you get on two and what it lands on you skip and put it on the other three
Aloneintokyo reminds me of luckylama lol
Hype hype hype
i saw his video and tried it right after, so stupid that i found it so fun.
Is this ok the next vid ?
You might get lucky i did this for multiple hours multiple times i isnt worth it i got 1k or something in 3 hours. Go ocean is way better 500/1k scrap in 30min
I knew it was aloneintokyo
dont tell me mofo tokyo aint gonna talk in your newest video…
That just makes the game boring!
I dont even play this game anymore but I will still do it 😂
This is a tease false willjum and tokyo duo
someone tell spoonkid about this
Someone show spookid this video😩😩😩
Omg no way
i love you willjum
If you already knew, we where ahead now it will definitely get patched.
ive been doing exactly this on your solo server it’s so easy to get a start this way
When have you ever posted shorts my guy??
Got excited a lil bit bro cmon thought this was a video than realized it was a short..
6K 😂
Noone tell Spoonkid
ive seen the gabe video and tried it, i have lost everything…
Alone and willjum What a great collab 🙂
perfectly balanced
Wait what is there more than one wheel in rust?? I thought there is only one at bandit camp but you are outside in the clip
nooo now its gonna get patched 🙁
Road to 1 mil you’re almost there
Bro this got me excited for a full vid but it was only a short, you got me willy j
Just did that trick, went from 50 scrap to 1.5k, I needed it to get metal face mask, ak, and bolt👍🏻
this will be a fire video can’t wait <3
i liked and commented for the spread of your channel XD also any plans of making more videos when the school is done or do you want to spend time looking for a job and work and youtube on the side?
lol you could legit just buy metal frags and 16x scopes to recycle for hqm and build a chonker
boooo no beach intro boooo
thats so stolen by Gabe… a banned youtuber. BANNED youtuber from STEAM AND YOUTUBE BY F A C E P U N C H ! ! !
What if all these times I won a lot on the wheel was my subconscious figuring this out? And it just did not tell me the trick
I love your videos man. Love the music too. I can’t wait to see your next video.
The gambling wheel is broke
Man when will the whole vid drop?
So I’m assuming that we getting this video soon😅
Well not fair saying you broke it when you’re only crediting the guy who did mid video
Gabe was kick for that😢
Willjum, can’t wait for the 1 mill special ❤️❤️
Gambling works
Yeahhhh WillyJ rust shorts
I misread the title and thought it said “i broke Rust for unlimited Soup” and was like “aw sweet, they added soup to rust, cool. Only to be saddened when i realized what it actually said
how you play with tokyo when he not even speak
So they get in a team for once and it’s for a short LMAO
Oh I’m abusing this. Server I play on my base has a wheel attached to it, I can gamble from inside my base HAHAH
mmmmm free scrap
gonna be 200 nakeds in bandit on every server this week
Quick someone tell spoonkid to step away from blackjack
Harry gard
Thanks for the tips, you have made me a Rust pro without even trying.🙂
Wait willjum makes shorts
W Gabe
Imagine willjum just asking a random dude in outpost to get in a team with him. Or hes juts schitzophrenic. he talking with the voices
Heyyy Wiljum 👋
Pls stop stealing my Rug 🐻
I gotta try this out
will be abusing this