100 RUST Tips that 99% Don’t Know
in this video i share 100 rust tips that 99% of players don’t know!
Let me know in the comments how many tips you didn’t know 😀
join my discord: https://discord.gg/KXSGdSuDgf
0:00 – Intro
0:37 – Game Sense Tips
6:30 – Settings and Keybinds
8:30 – Monument Tips
12:01 – Building Tips
17:15 – Trap Tips
20:27 – Streamer Tips
Website Links:
37.) http://playrust.io/
38.) https://rustmaps.com/
26.) bind x slot6;+attack2;+attack;+slot6
28.) bind mouse1 “+fov 90;+attack2;fov 70”
29.) bind mousewheeldown +use
30.) bind mousewheeldown +attack
34.) bind x craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382; craft.add -97956382;craft.add -97956382;
About Rust: The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Taqs:rust,rust tips,rust build,rust base,rust base design,rust pvp,rust how to,rust tutorial,rust trap base
コメント (1117)
If you have some tips I missed, join my discord and let me know! (Link in desc.)
Chain link fences have been fixed. As of 2024
1k hours and I liked at 22
For number 75 imagine if they are epileptic.
Do these still work?
I guess I have more hours watching videos of Rust than playing it and when I read the the title I was meh thats BS! went to the gym doing cardio I’ll watch anything and the video was there so let me see, aaaannnd there is lots of things amazing here. good video mate! Cheers from Brazil!
now 99 percent do know
after 5 tips all of my fingers were down
I don’t know all the tips, so thank you.If I buy rust cause we don’t have it 😢😢😢😢😢😢 It’s still good though i’m giving you subscribe
I put 5 fingers up and they all went down in first 5💀💀
i learnt alot thank you
learned alot but I wonder how much of this has been patched by now.
This is just a full explained trello for rust developers haha, but thank you it helped a lot🙏🏼
11:52 crazy
I knew 56, u get no like from me, you absolute buffoon. I did have a mild impression number one was true but I didn’t really know it so…
This video has so much power..
1:20 body through door glitch
5:00 triangle clipping to see where tc is
2:09 swap gun with build menu up
3:50 clap for quiet
effects.naxgibs – 1
Booty clap KC ??
I dont even play rust why am i here?
#86 also applies to the Chippy arcade machine. This means that if you close a door that phases through the carácter model whole they’re interacting with the arcade machine, they can’t exit the UI. This means that they can’t even defend themselves while you do it!
I bet this comment can’t get any like 😢
oh Shacky…
do you have to put these into command every time you start playing?
How are vending machines more stronger then missile launchers
bro your a golden GOD
way 2 much stuff in this game for a newbie i wanna play but all of this stuff makes me not want to play kinda difficult!
how do you find teammates in rust?
So I put a finger back up if I knew the tip so now I have 105 fingers up
This aren’t even rust tips more like pc tips
6:07 that upgrade bind work when there is no TC or wall/roof twig have more then 10 min, otherwise u demolish existing twig.
last tip opened my eyes
i knew The first 5
tip 61 is definitely gonna get someone banned
Out of everything shown, I ‘ve put shotgun traps on high external walls and I have put landmines under rocks, but everything else, no. The right clicking in que when making multiple things helps. Everything else is still melting into my brain, will probably have to watch it 100 times to let it sink in. A few things got patched. Like the flipping walls with explosive, not sure if it’s in effect yet.
KCMO back on rust?! only just seen this video cause of the algorithm, used to watch your vids with suspect back in the day. glad you’re back dude.
I might get this as soon as i can afford it been watching it since there was still zombies and a blank map. Gonna have to bookmark this incase i do.
maxgibs -1 is broken. Some guy killed me while the destroying animation was going off on my screen and I thought he was cheating… lol.
“Don’t be a little bitch” – The most wuss looking guy I’ve ever seen in my life
I dont play rust
Most of these are known by most. First 5 were super common.
I thought the Scooby do laugh was my phone going of
Great tips
My 5 fingers went down on 57. 2k hours
the twig wall rocket raid defense doesnt work anymore evere since they patched people from online raiding
10:22 was absolutely diabolical
The gate compound is crazy
That tip on moving the crafting Queue position changed everything . Thanks man .
Squirt gun OP 😂
hq note outpost guns
Who is 99%?
how do i unbind this bind mouse1 “+fov 90;+attack2;fov 70”
the one thing that 99% of people didn’t know is when you say subscribe to the channel at 22:00 the subscribe button does a multi colour animation
A lot of people need to know about that last tip
you must really hate your neighbours
I no noob anymore. Yay!
First best tip: It takes a person who’s high on the autism spectrum to really get into Rust. It’s super grindy, is focused on a build mechanic, and involves lots of griefers, clans, and generally hostile neighbors who won’t ever let you just play and enjoy the game in peace.
Had 3 fingers up by the end, great video thanks man, new sub 💯
can you please link the study you are referencing that shows that 99% dont know those tips?
How to do the key binds?
The 25 scrap for 72 bullets at outpost is a nice tip
Is that’s stuff still working? Or did they changed some of it?
how do you remove the keybind that when you right click it changes your fov to 70
Dobre, śmieszne;)
Are we not going to talk about number 66?
They patched nr.5
ill play that game
was deeep when watching and got the loot out from the door
That are more facts than tips.
I didn’t know most of this, thanks man!
This vid be cray cray.
I never place my TC in a triangle
This guy is on another level from all the videos I have watched
So a sprinkler would keep my base from burning down?
Rust is such an agressively exploitable game that playing in any official server is basically a nightmare. Beginners have absolutely no chance in hell and everyone is sweaty as all fucks combined. Which is sad, cause rust is cool, but sweatness ruins it.
Hi ! Thx for tips !! I going to rustoria now )
I wanna know how to do that strobe light
I thought it was fair enough so i did and i lost
On tip 3, if you scream before placing a ladder, might as well just show up to their base with a parade to claim your intention to raid, no?
I knew 13, managed to make a total of 6 spawn points. Of course this ability is a bit useless because the 4 beds share the same cooldown when you respawn.
33 would had been useful to me, will give you that.
Knew 78, when I wanted to prepare for a purge after days of PvE, I just started placing mines, some of them inside rocks and small grass. Shame nobody raided me that day. 😕
82, I can see that being useful to open garage doors while driving inside, maybe a timer before it closes on it’s own again.
Knew 94, someone gave me a tip about that at some point, even considered making a fenced in base around my house, but never got to it and stuck with stone walls instead.
Knew 97, I’ve been seeing people with red names over some, green names over allies and grey if they never met in other videos.
6:20 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
How long is a body stored in the safe zone with and without HQ?
Someone used the small base smoke grenade thing on me
how have the walls be built to place a garage door like this, looks like a half
some things are really strange, did you test it all or is it experience from playing?
OMG LOL This is awesome!
Broooooo I forgot about this man
Love it
Yooooo I have a great tip when u in game in high action press alt F4
God Bless Everyone, Have Faith In Christ Amen ✝️❤️🙏
bro the pressure pad and door controller is game changer. thank you
I can’t figure out 30 how do I pick up my Loot faster
6 is op ngl
16:53 not nice explain
When he called me a little bitch I felt that
I was never book smart I’m money smart beat in the background
Bro I was wondering what happened to you! I used to watch all the fortnite videos and then you disappeared. But now your playing rust and I’m on a rust binge! Let’s go booty clap!
If homie told us he helped to develop Toss the Turtle id believe him
over-editing does not = comedy, just a critique, can u just get into the tips without all the extra bs?
3k hrs and still 90% was new for me O_o amazing work
How to unlock ladder?
Man this editing is annoying.
Brother. The Super Mario Legend of the 7 Stars was legit!!! Love the fact that you chose this song for such a great video.
that is a hella fair like offer i accept
Scream so they don’t hear your ladder🤣🤣
This was actually very helpful. You didn’t disappoint
Be careful with who you use that strobe light on because I had to look away from the video for a second out of fear of triggering my epilepsy. It would be very unfortunate to trigger a seizure on someone just because you wanted to be a troll. But overall this video was awesome and very helpful 👍
Kc u play rust I remember ur fortnite from ages
Even with My kids future kids I won’t have enough fingers left.. Awesome video!
0:15 now lets play *MY* game
i b!tch slap you everytime you beg for engagement
We just started playing rust and u don’t even know how much this helps. Thanks 💪🗣️
im new to rust so everything is a tip
As of September 26th 2023:
– Being able to see after you’re dead by spamming Escape: CONFIRMED. And you can continue to do it after the map loads
– FOV keybinds confirmed, and they’re GG. It’s basically free zoom. I used:
*bind [key] ~graphics.fov 60; graphics.fov 90*
– The upgrade-building keybind macro confirmed, and it’s amazing (6:30)
– Right-clicking in quick-craft doesnt work (at least on a build server)
– Binding bandage crafting to a key is GG using:
*bind [key] craft.add -2072273936 1*
– Hiding your TC with a vending machine: CONFIRMED
– Holding L-click while you spam R-click with the hammer to keep upgrading: CONFIRMED
– Buttons dont need electricity: CONFIRMED
– Sticking a grenade to a wall before flipping it, or a door/shutters before opening: CONFIRMED
– Glitching your head into the ceiling by using the siren light: CONFIRMED
– Cannot shoot through multiple chainlink fences: BUSTED (you can)
– Bow running bug: BUSTED (I couldn’t do it)
Ngl KC- was gonna just ignore the “Rules” and hold off on judgement for Like. But as soon as we realized you had entered a “Settings & Keybinds” chapter (even though we’re actually a console player 😂), immediately gave you a Like. Stellar organization, fantastic tips, and awesome content brother!
Edit: Shoulda used our rl account to comment 🤣- our Core Self is actually named Casey/KC in rl! XD
Tip 11 and I’m already removing my like…
best game ever and best videos
avatar twinsiiiees
i didnt do the 5 finger thing the video was just good there is too many tips i cant remember them all
Me when my annoying neighbor says they have epilepsy: 17:03
Tip 3… NO. Don’t. Just. Don’t.
This game made me crazy mad at time,swhile playing,i will never return to this time consuming game,but i am tempted
6 7:22 7:22 7:22 7:23 7:23
6:90 is a funny tip
wait so it’s 5 tips that rust players don’t know?
6:20 😂😂
can you please send me a link from tip 75??? i dont know how to do it
Turrets on Christmas eve 😈, great video i also subscribed!
Ain’t no way I just found booty klap cacey I used to watch man shit on people on Fortnite back in the day
Bro all of this video is so dirty I hope these still work 😂
Damnn it’s been a HOT minute since I’ve watched a kcmo video.
as someone who quit rust over a year ago, i approve this video
Lmfao great video kcmo keep them coming!😂”also tip 💯 lol”
Dub vid
Watching this video made me realize I’ll never enjoy rust as much as I could because I have a life
Tip 100 is a game changer. Gotta try that out someday.
pls i need the song used in the video. is it from super mario rpg? or runescape?
3:35 who is this scouser?
how tf did you know these😭😭😭 really good vid man!£
tips are awesome but the comedy is painful i had to take a few breaks to get through this
Dude the squirt gun shit is actually crazy.
i got 5 in the first 5 i knew every single one
For 75 tip i give like and sub this tip make roof campers quit game XDDD
amzing video,so many usefull stuff. thanks 😀
this all are so common bruh
61,71 are cool
What about console
tip 61 is the one i’ve been looking for over 5 years 😀
It was such a great game back in 2013 when anything of this existed lol
i have 900 hours in rust.. i legit didnt know a single one of these… You have my like sir 🙂
The scream to hide the ladder noise made me die with laughter, you sir get a like and a sub!
u did that shit light troll and u didnt showed how to do
Watching this without even owning the game or playing it 😅
My fingers just started going down in the first 5 tips😂😂
im at like -32 fingers
effects.maxgibs -1
18 on a custom server with bgrade 2 is hilarious…
21:50 ded
u sound like jschlatt..
I didn’t know the ladder trick, you deserve many subs and likes
15 has been useful to me for every wipe now
The little fucking tree trunk goblin holy shit.
19:00 or you can use the trick wich hides the solar panels in walls or foundations
99% of Rustkids don’t know your Mother, but the Playerbase is huge.
last one was spot on actually 😂 longer you act like a little bitch, more time other people have to get geared 🤷🏻♂️
As a console player. 99% of these tips don’t apply, like the water gun isn’t in console rust but all of this trolling by turning off furnaces sounds really damn fun!
At the end of the vid I had –100 fingers up
12:30 13:30 13:40 14:00
Song @1:20
I learned to not be a bitch
Isn’t it no longer possible to loot a body through a wall? 🤔
Ive been playing this game since 2015 and i still dont know most of the stuffs here (well most things are new)
Me thinking “good luck getting 5 i dont know 😎”.. just to realise im a complete noob that learned 80+ things about rust today 😅
Tip 47 I’m stuck step bro 🗿
I had forgot about the Ramp thing, same for the window thing too
Bro aint u booty claps or sum💀
Why do you turn full inventory of wood to tc?
JOKES IN YOU I DONT USE A TRIANGLE WITH MY TC (I have less than 500 hours)
Started last week and this has been very helpful.
Im the only one who watches tips and foesnt even have rust???
This can help because im new
It’s sad I literally knew everything here apart from the clapping night vision
Knew about 70% of this but still good compilation. Thank you.
6:15 for keybinds
8:00 for server seeds
10:30 for free launch site
Im suprised i actually knew all of these, except for the last one of course
You can use the contacts menu to track down where people’s bases are by using the proximity to them as you roam the map with the menu open.
Awsome vid. So many tips man. That is a very much appreciated share of your knowledge. Would you also be so kind to update us on some tips that are no longer useful due to patches?? that would be awsome
Now i know 100 rust tips even tho i don’t play the game
The last one is the best one
shackyHD is so unfunny
Bro wtf that’s so broken 11:24
I dont own this game
17:04 hey my friend seems to like it! He’s even dancing on the floor!
It’s wild how much of this I didn’t know wow
Holy shit the first tip made me cry just because of how many times I’ve been flame raided and didn’t know… thank you!
what server do you play on?
omg that shopfront scamming one is evil. Ima try it. Thanks for this video man
holdup one the one where u put a locker to hide a secret entrance,it was a one floor base on the outside but it had 2 floors. explain
how do i unbind mouse wheel down attack? i cant unbind it im stuck with it
Wowwwww this is really gonna up my game
The wall being placed infront of the hazzy with a rocket launcher got me good.
The “Mario RPG, Search for the seven stars” music from the woods where you find Geno instantly made me a fan of you and then the video didnt disappoint. Bravo my dude
How does this guy only have 30k subs he should have way more with all of the helpfull content.
Hello , can u explain how number 75 done ?
You can tell if youre being doorcamped by placing a campfire in your airlock right next to your outside door, turn it on, and the comfort will let you know if theres another player if it goes over 50%
that tip on the end is
No headset warnings jeeesus
was the some Yoshi story music at the beginning.
The 27💀💀💀💀💀
Here is a tip for yourself. Work with your sound emotions, for real you speak with 30% volume, and random sound 150%… volume up, volume donw… just makes quit watching.
Last one is the best
Worth every bit of a like. I’m still fairly new to Rust and this is an absolute gold mine. Appreciate it 👍
Bro I haven’t watched you since way back when fortnite was good 😭. Good video!
A deal is a deal I liked this video,
12:39 only works if the doorway is stone, else if metal it doesn’t work.
game is broken
This video is a collection of all the reasons I dont play rust anymore lol
I think most of the playerbase needs to listen to tip 100
Damn. That 99% seems to have missed a thing or two whilst playing rust 😢
(This tryna be advanced humor meaning the 99% being a player’s name or some sht)
Holy crap my sense of humor is ass
I think squirt guns can even put down heli debris fire
Bro who doesnt use the contacts page? I report from it all the time lol.
How did you gather all these tips?
I have a great tip
Uninstall 👌
Is butt cheeks a instrument?
on tip 57 you’re wrong, but i’ll keep my secrets safe 🙂
Uh I tried making my right click zoom in or whatever but now I can not zoom in with a gun
This game is so broken lmao so many glitches that shouldn’t be possible
what is the website to check the mortality rate
I have over 2k hours in Rust and I’ve never heard of most of those tips. Thanks a lot! 😀
Yeah a lot I didn’t know, the tree stump is broken imo lol, Fridu talks about you alot, def will sub
with number 46 is you click ESC it closes the trade and you get your stuff back
I’m here because of the wolf hat
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life. Died on the cross. Rose from the dead three days later so you can have eternal life. You just have to accept his gift of salvation. Repent from your sins and surrender your life to him. Jesus Christ for eternal life.
God Bless Everybody and Everyone !!
the hitbox of a searchlight is sticks out of the floor underneath and if you’re close enough to the roof you can move the light around while you shoot
Give me a damn seizure warning loool that light!!
that stupid jet sound got me fuckin killed causer i couldnt hear this guy run up on me while playing rust and for that i dislike
i didnt learn anything
if u dont know 5 take down a finger he said i was down on 6 lmao
This is why I hate Rust. It’s a game of experience
11:20 you can climb up through that little rail with a boost where the empty cone bit is. Also at 16:04 you can just spam both left click and right click at the same time. If someone seals themselves into a wall in their base while you’re raiding and don’t know where they’ve gone, if the base is in snow and they’re up against the wall you’ll see their breath.
yes sir
How can u build in someones base if they have tc lol
all fingers down in the 6th tip
Number 3 is the best tip thanks i didnt know that one 😆 😂
100 tips that I learned but then forgot 99% of them
2500hrs…. bruh, i knew barely any of these
100 rust tips that saved 99% of players…
you can find servers that are working only 4 hrs in a day. So you can devote not more than 4 hrs/day and not be raided offline 😉
delete this vidoe pls.
#22 was patched the hammer still makes noise but the foundations no longer break the stash, I’ve tested this quite a few times #63 you can put an armored door before the vendy as well
when i place the vending machine in front of the TC in the way you describe in the video everything works fine, until i go into the vending machine’s storage. Then it just gives me the prompt to rotate it and i can no longer access my TC. What mistake am I making?
Dome slide has never patched dude, its allways been working at least the way i do it, i just run towards the right side pipe and 0 damage…
I thought this video will be about programming language 🙁
Now that deployables can be placed through doors again, does that mean that the Gong is even more OP than before?
since i found your channel something about ur voice has been erkin me cuz i couldn remember who you sound like……til now the douche kid off of Morel Oral lmao
alt f4
using a vending machine for a bunker is an anti tip. terrible
Last one was the best
should combine the random door timer tip with recordings on repeat of people running on the appropriate floor type…
all the begginers in this video panicing 😰
When you’ve played for years but also haven’t played for a year and watch this video you think to yourself, wow I’m pretty stupid.
I got all my fingers down in the first 6 tips but i appriciate the other 94 so i still like
I still had 3 fingers up but damn the memories.
37 doesnt work anymore 🙁
Damn. Nice vid
I know five in six questions 😂
I want to subscribe but there’s no videos for over a month ? And only five vids on the whole channel plz upload more rust content…. Fuck it I’ll sub anyway with bell 🔔 on so I’ll keep an eye out for your next vid mate 🇬🇧
I love this thanks bro I don’t have enough fingers and toes for these tips nice one mate
This is unfair how much they have on pc n not Xbox or PlayStation
Broken game
When you’re picking with a wooden spear, you can upgrade it using just a little bit of stone and you have a brand new spear to use, plus its just as effective
i play like 4000h and didnt know sooo many things
3:31 funniest thing ever
The squirt gun one I think it doesn’t work anymore
how to unbind something??
Good video but I just spent $100 on skins lolz thanks 😬😉
I got 6k hours in rust. I thought this video would be such a waste of time…. It really isn’t, I new like 1/3 of there’s tips… amazing stuff man
This is actually excellent – nice one!
the best tip is to not play rust
Wow! Lots of NEW tips.. I mean almost all of them are new. I can’t wait to watch the video until the end and get back into the game!
i knew 20% of them cuz i just watched one of your other vids lol
loud does not equal funny dude
the sound effects are nice and all but you dont need to turn them 5000% higher than your own voice
i knew every single tip so im disliking 20 times
I need 94 more fingers to put down
7:40 ty
Did you just teach how to set a macro? Not sure, but i think thats cheating
Only 3 fat fingers closed 😁
I havent played since legacy and just watched this now.. omg there is sooo much to learn
did the finger thing just for the sake of it, you lost me at 9, but to be fair, i’m a 2016 player, with hours that look like they’re botted, mainly cuz i always leave my pc on 😅
absolute genius tips
I have 2.3k hours and i only knew like 3 of these 😮
the only one i didnt know was the nvg clap glitch
Nice, i have -95 fingers now
😭I’m on console
i wonder how much of this stuff works on console, cuz i dont have a pc 😭
this better be fucking good. it was alright lol squirt gun is a lot more useful than i thought.
6:20 💀💀💀
God is king accept him into your life before it’s to late God is coming soon amen
11:23 im speechless bruh that’s probably the best way to troll and get online raided since everyone can see it on the map
Shacky worst streamer so far.
guy at 7:30 looks like naked
Damn bro came for the tips and realized it was bootyclapkc. Haven’t seen a video from you since your fortnite vids, glad youre still around 🤞🏻
Y’all better be subscribed to starguard
Hilarious and educational video! Earned a sub my friend can’t wait to watch more of your content.
Does someone have a list of key bind commands and the other commands in the video?
This video is GOLD
in my 5k hours didnt think this would offer much, but instead more then half of these i either forgot about, wasn’t using, or completely unaware about. well done
well fuck me running the king is back
I like the SCREAM while placing a ladder! HAHAHAHA!!!
I don’t even own rust but I still watch these idek why
I finally learnt not to be a bitch
Man I was down in less than 7 tips xD
I’ve been playing for 3k hours and didn’t know half these thanks man
It’s nice to know you’re alive and still recording. I remember I have watched you 3-4 years ago KCMO it was a god damn good video
I been hiding my tc Behind a locker when i didnt have mats for vending machine. You do need to put some rugs and similar crap over it to distract the eyes so they dont look for door frame. Heck you can place your tc at entrance and make it look, like you fucked up vending machine placement or make it look like you were grifed with a wall being placed so it looks like raided base.
i remeber one with insta craft bandage without going to inv but i can’t find it any one know what im talking about if so please tell me the command or where in the vid it is
You went against the last tip in the video.
the last tip is the most useful one
Slips in water squirtin a damn bean can.. a beaaann can?!
Bold of you to assume that my trap base isn’t my main base
2k hours and you earned that like my dude
Bro you can push locked crates is gotta be the most mind blowing tip
Shakky always speaks the truth
6 tips in and unliked
thanks alot bro,, ur a legend !
your edits are fire dawg had me geekin the whole video lmao you dont over do them either
What’s the name of the website that show where people are killed?
Great vid
Me an absolute Rust veteran: I will know all of these
Me an absolute Rust veteran: 5min into video shit
Shacky’s tips is the only one i didnt know, 😆😆
10:42 @slv_sounds 😂😂😂
no 80% of the players know
i dont get Tip no 28.
Is it right that i have to hold rightclick when i have the hamer in hand and then pressing x? Isn’t this command very useless then?
Oh shit!! Nice. Everydays a school day lol
I watched the vid and had to put down all 5 fingers
11:24 that killed me 😂😂😂
Should be called 100 RUST tips that 99% already knew!
Really ? I knew 5 but it was wierd and fun (:
is it just me or i knew like half these
damn, rust is an awesome game
Realllllu good vid
Should’ve told him alt+F4 🤣😂
That was a really good video. The speed of it was good. Actual useable tips and of course Shacky at the end hahaha
these tips are very useful thanks KC
Wtf KCmo is back on rust? Wooo
Edit: The tip about the furnaces is HILARIOUS. I had no idea you could do that
how to play this game
32 with five fingers down no like for you today
I knew 5 tips after you showed just 6
100 things that rust developers need to fucking fix …
i came into this expecting some cringe zoomer youtube video with obvious known mechanics listed as “99% don’t know” but I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I knew maybe half of them, the other half were crazy good. Actually useful too. Some more than others.
still had a finger up at the end but since it learned me 4 new things i wont unlike<3
Great video mate, worth every price of clout you get
bro i needed50 fingers
take this fuckin like my dude!
Had no idea about most tips in this video lol, gonna have to re-watch. 75 is my favorite and Im def gonna troll someone next wipe 😀 i laughed out loud at tip 76
at 14:57 how did you have the base underground im fairly new to rust so would be grate if someone could help
Vending machine in door frame is genius
Holy shit this is gay
0:32 i’ll play your game
Actually only knew about 15 of them
Bro died a frog 🤣
1 tip thats been known for years – You can setup an area in your base for an Oh S**t situation using siren lights. On 10x and 20x servers i make 1 hex 1/2 wall room with 100’s to 1000’s of siren lights basically maxing out 1 test gen cap. This is then tied to a remote switch synced to my phone. If we cannot defend the raid i activate the siren lights which drop the FPS to single digits. We have also crashed many servers with siren lights
i know this 18~20+ tips already hahahah dislike!
I’m new to pc I don’t understand how to put in the key binds can you give me more details or someone please reply
Was glitching in and out of vending machines fixed? I used to use doors and ladder hatches to get in and out from my tc/main loot room.
Here is the proper keybind to zoom when shooting – bind mouse1 +attack2;+meta.if_true “fov 70”;+meta.if_false “fov 90”
i have still one finger up ..wanne guess wich one 😉
thanks for the tips man + 1 subscriber
I knew like 3 of these -_-, fucking great video mate
This is not even a fun game. It’s a stupid game. And no thank you. Why would I like your video for it’s lame? Anyways, that’s just my opinion
I had one finger left but the last tip got me 💀💀
I had no idea KC played rust lmao I hope he has gameplay. Gonna look rn
lmfao kc you’re the best. saving video for later use
Stopped watching at 2 minutes and only put one finger down. Guess I gotta dislike.
I bought the mummy underwear but can’t get in a stump, how do you do it?
I have 500 hours and only knew about 10-15 of these tricks.
I never played rust 😢
This shit was dope! Thanks man! Didn’t know any of that! Lol
6:54 how the fuck do I put it back
Fun video and music reminded me of the very first console I had. Good old days. Subscribed.
Shacky´s tip is god tier 21:50
I’m soooo making a light house with the whole purpose of just annoying my neighbors
I’ve been playing this game since 2015, that’s like 8 years, and I didn’t know about 80% of all of this. That’s crazy bro.
u deserve this like wow
thanks for all the tips damn
Press alt F4 to clear lag
ive gotten into rust a month ago and i used to watch ur fn vids not tryna be zesty but ily im glad u post rust
Just got raided 2nd day of weekly as a solo. Was absolutely loaded 😢
Don’t eat yellow snow …. It’s red rocket pee
It makes me SO SO SO happy to see someone providing tips that are more toxic than chernobyl. My god this was an entertaining watch; I love you sir, I love you.
How do I get mummy underwear or is it not available anymore
if you need to upgrade to metal with the auto upgrade bind what should i change
equip a python with a weapin flashlight or laser for extra night protection.
you can protect the turret by placing it behind a metal frag high ramp that is affixed between multiple chain link fences.
you can add a second (but less protected) by placing a shelf (wall suspened floor tile) directly behind the ramp.
upgrade the foundation the ramp is on and the shelf for second turret to armored; wall frames to stone; the foundation the turrets are on (square or triangle) to at least metal frag.
adding a python for (inner compound defense) and a bolty (for outer compound defense).
TIP: equipping the weapon with a weapon flashlight or laser gives AND THEN equipping said weapon to turret will activate those weapon attachments by default. however, you must equip the attachments BEFORE inserting the weapon into the turret- or it wont work.
edit: furthermore, turrets dont require power to for the attachments to activate. theyre just on
*99% of noobs doesnt know*
Legendary intel
i dont play rust in fact ive never tried it or watched any videos about it but im coming here clicking on your video giving you a view and a comment for the sheer purpose of saying the title is cap
Knew most of these useless video
I did not know a lot lol farmer boy here lol
Can we get one for console
What’s the right for 37-38
Great tips
Missed your rust content
How do I build 17:07
Many of these I didn’t know. Great video and great content. 👍
Thanks for not dragging the video out.
after 18,600 hours of playing rust im still learning new tricks lol . 37,28,14 only
ok so i mostly didnt knew any of them , damm i feel knowledge 🗿
Really cool video, I like the editing too
Dropped my fifth finger at tip 100. Guess I lost.
The 500k people watching need to sub damn
This video helped a lot I just got the game only thing I’m missing is a duo
Watch this at 0.5 speed, you won’t regret it 🫠
2k hours and never tried any little exploits likes these I knew about 10 of these 😂
7:37 saving
Bro I need another one of these this video was awesome
17:05 lmaooo this is hilarious
yeah ive been got with number 26, felt like a zero IQ clown after :/
Thats a good one
Question: how do you get in the bunker if you place a vending machine before getting in
What was the need to add in all the screaming like seriously wtf where u thinking
The zoom in when aimed one is bugged someone help me it doesn’t reset it after I aim out
Tip 65 is insane
didnt you use to do fortnite
just a half million views on this video what could go wrong!
Ok, I didn’t know 5 of the first 6. He earned my like.
Well played
what was the song you used at 17:29
nice vid, i have over 6k hours in rust and there are accually a few things I didnt know/ thouht about earlier. All these 100 hour experts saying they know all of them is kinda funny.
I didn’t understand the 96 rule, can someone help me, i can’t understand nothing.
I can’t believe a rust tip video can be this good
I got 1.6k hours (not much compared to most) but some of these are insane…. I knew like 12 👍
somebody has WAY too much time on their hands
Epic channel, we definitely need more!
I dont play rust but thank u🗣💯
Shane Gillis started playing rust
Was done dirty by the trade trick! Some kid took my sar from me that I purchased from a vending machine
How do I pull up the console menu thing
So many things I didn’t know in This. great video, thank you for the tips!
Time codes for the future
dont understand how bind x slot6;+attack2;+attack;+slot6 works tho
I still had my 5 fingers up but I still liked the vid and I subbed
17:29 what’s that song from? I forgot
38 op fr
how about some beginner tips for progressing??
You sound just like Dan soder
Welp none of these are applicable for us console gebronies😢
If you just thumbs up or point it does the same. Especially nice if you want to keep quiet
How do I rebind my mouse wheel so next slot
I ended up watching the video again a second time and didn’t put down a single finger.
Mother lover where is the new video?? I need to see you play with Blu or surge or sob or vidZ
4K hours and still extremely helpful
This comment section is fucking gay
had to fold both hands .. so ill allso leave a comment . 🙁
Bro I headshotted some fuck head wearing that riot helmet bandana wet suit with a crossbow 3 times I was confused when I looked at combatlog
well take my like, I don’t even play rust how tf should I even know 5 facts
You can run from a bear or any animal if you run in a circle ⭕️
Tip 101 Don’t buy $1000 in skins and then get hacked through the steam app and expect those aholes at facepunch or steam to replace them. 8500 hours Ill never touch the game again.
53 got me realy good
One rust tip people don’t know is to uninstall the game bro and just don’t look back because the game is over populated with wannabe pc players who are just no life cheaters breaking what the game could be. Yes im talking about console rust too because most gamers play on a console still. Like if you’re reading this and you wanna play M&K on rust soooo bad then just sell your console and get a PC dude please. Stop playing weenie hut jr rust by choosing to face mostly controller players with your 10k dpi mouse & K! Who am I kidding tho most of them are still virgins so there’s no hope they’re even mature enough to grasp what im saying and do it..
With 4k hours, I actually didn’t know about half.
What a ridiculous amount of Rust knowledge. Thank you for putting this together dude.
What is the website called where you can check the mortality rate
i didnt know any of those
love that kcmo is back, nostalgia man… aussie nostalgia
tbh there are some banger tips here but im out after 10 tips because most of these definitely doesnt hold up to the 99% title
0.30 pov you have 4 fingers
Wow… 5k+ hrs and I didn’t know over half of there
at 15:42, how the heck did you set a window wall infront of the ramp? when I try to do it, it just says there isnt enough space. Im able to put walls on the sides, but not in front of it
man im not gonna like, like 99 of those i didn’t know
i have over 2000 hours. might as well have 0. i knew about 6
the funny thing is #69 is probably one of the best tips here
How do you use the resource map where do I past the seed in?
I straight up have strobe lights i can craft and I put those fuckers EVERYWHERE!
alt enter . . . you mf forget five fingers you can have that like button for just that
Really cool video! But the sound effects are WAYYY too loud dude!😳
Song Name ?
This is a good tip and also funny
For a min I thought schlatt was a rust player
Rust Devs watched this probably fixed some, had to fix some of them like damn
5:54 im not 100% sure but I think this is coconutB
Tip 20 was very very nice
You have earned yourself a sub
Great tips brother 💪🏼 These are a game changer coming from console rust to pc!
You can build Christmas lights with unlimited length so you can cover your entire Base and consume just 5RW, start placing Christmas Lights and while your stash go to zero, just enter your inventor and drag another stash on it, this also works while your crafting Christmas lights, this would cause the stash to constantly refill itself
You forgot to mention that getting a job helps in funding new rust skins. But that tip would fall of deaf ears anyway.
I literally have 7k hours and I can confidently say a good chunk of these I did not know at all I’m shocked
Ayo tf this KCBootyClap from Fortnite I remember ur Fortnite vids when I was younger lmao
Amused that a trick of mine is not in the video. Ever wanted to watch a zerg build up their base without their knowing or being able to do anything about it? There is a way and it requires no BPs, crafting, building, anything.
had all my fingers down by 2 min, but still a good vid so ill let u keep my like
shacky tips is the best so far!
These tips really help for new players.
how do you unbind the fov thing tho
The Waffle House Has Found Its New Host
Pro tip 99% of people don’t know: a naked that has a sash is an armed naked. Good for finding hazzy baiters
Fucking a1 my man…
When did kcmo come back I rember when he switched to Fortnite for a litlle bit and stopped doin rust
did you play with shacky a min ago?
how do they not know about alt enter? it’s been around for 20+yrs lol
For this command, how do I reset, I don’t like the zoom ; bind mouse1 “+fov 90;+attack2;fov 70”
my guy has mastered the art of rust
#53 its very nice
The shacky ending haha
10:24 bros a freaking frog XD
kcmo comeback
100 tips that won’t be available next update
These Goofy ahh sound effects make it so much better
one of the best, informative but also funny videos ive seen so far
thank me later xD
Knew all of em.. So 👎
This video is amazing!
The turning off large furnace shit is why I subbed
The Christmas lights are insane with the turrets I’m going to do that
best rust video i seen in a while.
Didn’t know a lot of these, awesome video
damn 89 fingers went down
Awesome vid! Thanks very much man. Glad to hear the dulcet tones of Kcmo
Can I ask how to access your own bunker after you place down the vending machine?
Nah the furnace water guns is wild 💀😭
LMAO driving the loot crate back to base is so cheese. thats funny as hell
Went into this thinking I would know every trick but was amazed to see many were new to me. Well done!
One of the best tip videos I’ve seen for rust, at least in awhile. However according to your request I cannot thumb up, glad you didn’t request a thumb down. I’d say about 12-15 of these were new to me.
This was amazing keep it up! Also subbed!
damn kc i didnt know you did rust now
my god the sheer quality of this video. i got 6000 hours and i only knew few of them!
kcmo is back???? wtf i would have never expected that lol. i grew up with you. i had like 500 hours when i first started watching you..i got 6000 now damn!
dude the guy that threw his shotgun in the air to get the guy to open the door was spoonkid
6:23 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dead
Great vid, I thought it was yet another clickbait vid but the tips were actually good
I used to use the scroll wheel to loot in fortnite, it was such a dick move because off drop I’d pretty much get all the loot from a chest even though another guy was right next to me trying to loot it.
Kcmo legend is back
How to apply stone skin when respawns ?, without crafting
I’m a walking w
For that map thing where you can see the node spawns. Does it work for console aswell?
Bro the locked crate one was the one I didn’t know In my 1k hours of rust, I never knew you could move it ? But does it show up on the map still ?
You use the same crossair as me. The konfusion one
1.5k hours. I was playing the game wrong the whole time…
I actually ONLY knew nuber 60. all others I had no idea we’re a thing
good man
This was a highly entertaining video
Muchos tontos dando dislike por que no les agrada que compartas estos datos! je
-1 gibs… <3
If you place a landmine on twig, it’ll explode when the twig breaks. So, if you place a landmine on a twig ceiling and someone’s standing it, you can break the twig and kill whoever’s under it (as if they were standing directly on top of it) Very funny trap design, and pretty effective as well. I have a video on my channel where I abuse this
I knew a good number of these, but not all. Glad to see you back after a long time KC 🙂 Still liked.
brah you just lost the like at min 3 come oon…. xD
(I have 5500 hours, just a joke, It would be weard if I didnt knew at least half of these)
Did anyone else have to do the opposite and count how many tips you did know, or just me?
Hey old friend how are you? I just subbed good to see you are well 😀
100# tip is the best one ngl
48 you can just fly there with good angle and you can survive
These aren’t so much tips or hacks but game glitches/workarounds to have an advantage over others. Scammy and the reason I’ll never learn to play this game…
bro this is gold
Bro I watched you when you played fortnite and when I found out you played rust bro I was so excited
This video is gold man. Thank you
Clip 26 with a shotgun being thrown is coconut b
I used the FOV bind but accidently binded it to middle mouse as well as right click. I do need middle mouse so I was wondering if anyone knows how to unbind the middle mouse one, and put it back to normal. cheers
you shoot a lot slower with mousewheel do not do that
I give a like for the chrismas light+ Turret💀💀
are you genious or smth, how did get all these tips wtf O_O
WOWZA, By far the best tips video I’ve ever seen. Amazing Job !
very nice 😀 af
clicked off as soon as i heard jennifers voice 😀
I didn’t know barely any of these. I was literally going into the video to laugh at your title but it’s actually true lol
Damn these were really good tips
u r so annoying
Console players watching this: 👀?
great video thanks
I knew 23 of the tips but you still got my like! Great vid!
Also really helpful tips! Did not know like 75% of them
I really enjoy the effects in the video😂😂
I lost at five
WTF. I’ve been playing for 3 years and have almost 2k hours and i know like 15-20% of all these, thats insane!
where is the song from?
The one where you place a wall as they rocket is hilarious
I downvoted cause of all the click bait and tic toc noises. 99% of players have an attention span of more than 10 seconds.
I clicked on the video feeling arrogant from the title.. finished feeling satisfied and humble! Great tips brother ✌✌✌
man a sub well deserved 👏
im at -79 finger, guess i’ll like
did number 3 yesterday 100% recommend my tm8 screamed so loud they where turning off their voice chat and standing still 😂
normal ppl are online raidin, pussies, losers, lowlifers and rats are offlinin, thats the answer to that
dope vid man
I have already gotten 5 by min 6:22 BUT to be fair I have played for over 5 years, and have near 8k hrs. So to be at 27 and only knowing 5 is ACTUALLY insane. I learn NOTHING from most videos, so it was nice to be schooled on many new things as a Rust Vet. I am already subbed, but U earned a like and a ragingly good comment ! Thanks for the work u do. I know making videos is not an easy task, nor is playing Rust !
Console players: 😐
i love you
there is so many tips on how to just be a huge dick to people i LOVE it
bro the thumbnail is phenominal
why does the goblin have my first name
kc bro why u gotta be telling everyone the good shit
2000 hours on rust. Only 15 fingers down. (I counted the minicopter in outpost as one). Lots of usefull commands though. Thanks for the vid man.
a fellow scouser i hear 😉
i sub and i like ur content very helpful
wait im retarded do i reset it to 0.2 or 0.02 like the 0.01
anyway i can make the upgrade thingy to stone insta not wood?
Actually great content man awesome work
We need a sequel to this
i have 3k hours and some of those AMAZE me lol .. im gonna do those and impress my friends >:)
6:23 had me howling
7:44 what website? He never actually says it lmao
I knew about 15 but still liked
Take my subscription you Rust God
Me knowing 76% of em
Didn’t know you played rust too, nice video
I already know most of them, but nice vid bro. The monument tip where you get the drop box with you at home, that one got me. Haha
8:05 (39) I knew that this command existed, I read it sometime somewhere but I have never found it again, finally
For the molly part and the sams u can bait the like 6 rounds in there because of the hit box of the car in front
2300 and you just made me feel like a newb. Thank you.
I feel like I just opened Pandora’s box
What a goatee vid ima have to share this with like my whole disc lol
im new player all though this is a bit much to take in because i am new i find this veryy helpful
I have -99 fingers
I thought this vid was gonna be shit but it was actually really good, nice job
Love your rust skls Kc so glad your making rust youtubes again
Its incredible how many of these i never knew. You sir are a genius! BTW with the client.lookatradius tip it can ALSO be used for reaching unlootable tool cupboard stashes which is pretty cool
I actually learned a lot. Thanks ✌🏻
Adding a door before you place the tc and vending machine makes it alot stronger, but still very effective, i love this technique, loved the video man
15:44 how did you get the ramps to overhang like that? I am trying to make it overhang and I can’t
you have a scouse friend! 😮
top tier editing, love your humor
sick video bro u deserve much more support 🙂
This is actually amazing holy
Dude this is amazing
Mean video bro
actually a tip video that isnt filled with pointless shit like “weapon do dmg. get weapon :)”
I learned not to be a little B**** today mommy
how do i unbind the fov one
The door and window tips are my favorite so far bro I’m gona make so many peaple rage because of it 😈😈
Even after 10 k h you still learn a lot lol nice video bro
What website was that with the hotspots for pvp???? That’s actually sick and very informal
effects.maxgibs -1
About too make the best trap base off all time with these tires
wow gj xD
I didn’t really know that last tip bro
Bro, you really, deserve those likes )
17:00 You could actually kill him irl if he has epilepsy 😨😱
well now we know
Your a Legend bro… I have 3k hrs on Rust and only knew a few of these tips. LMFAO. I found you when u and paddy were live streaming the latest floor glitch trap base and the sofa peaks, PLS DONT RAID ME I GIVE U SKINS AND PAYPAL BRO. wtf hahahahaha… Deffo hit that subscribe button and enjoyed all your content so far. Keep up the good work 🙂
Bro, I have 5.6k hours, and I didn’t know that you could push the locked crate
at 06:37 – this iis the key bind: bind mouse1 +attack2;+fov 90;fov 70
yeah there was something , ty !
Best trick is the last trick
this is by far the DIRTIEST, GRIMIEST, RATTIEST rust video i’ve EVER seen, and i absolutely fucking love it
The lag one what were the keybinds?
Imagine raising someone and the doors just open for you 😂
what happened to the fortnite channel
Math VS KCmo
*”99% Didn’t know”*
*is equal to* “1/100 viewer don’t know any of the 100 rust tips”
*which is equal to* ” (on average) every viewer only know 1 of all 100 rust tips”
I smell liiiiiiies <3
I watched this, but im sure, i wont remember something
disliked because u told me to like…. dont be a f&*&* head
You will get to know me… sooon muhahaha
best video i have ever seen
Excellent video
Someone please tell me what song it is at 17:28
I was expecting some generic tips everyone knows but damn.
The vending machine bunker with the wooden floor under only works with stone door frame btw
Booty clap Kc that you??????????????
Jeez so many good tips
I’m like 4 minutes in, been gobsmacked for 2 minutes and planning which friends I’m goin to share this with. This is my crack cocaine. Thankyou.
the strobe search lighgt is mean but there is worse. you can use an RF broadcaster to project any chosen frequency, you can set pagers to that frequency and surround their base with tc griefs thbat also contain a small box with a pager in it. the sound is general game volume so u cant isolate the beeping
And here.Take this additional comments cus this shit is dope. And the algorithm loves it.
– That didnt come out right. it almost sounds like im trying to “upvote” this vid in the algorithm. Thats totally not the case. nope.
defo recomended — watch it
And who needs hacks when we have KC?
Waitwhat.. KCbackforMO?
Ah yes, I have been watching Rust content for years and learning silently but this!
This is a fucking gold mine for me!
Really good video
I’m both proud and disappointed in myself because I know over 80% of these.
Tip 76 I use in cave base
damn man’s back to rust?
I have over 4000 hours in rust and I swear to god I didn’t know nearly half of these.
criminally underated
Tip: if your ever in a fire just squirt.
This is amazing and some of the dirtiest stuff I’ve seen. I’m just getting back into playing rust since quitting 2016 it’s a whole different game
what a silly video
how do i unbind the right click thing please help
ur not funny .
if someone does the flashlight to me i willl unnistall
6:30 6:37
100s tip is the best
17:11, u can buy this shit at mp, 3-4 dollars..
Is 66 even real? The base design appears stable on the ground so how can it have a secret bottom floor??
dayum. I have almost 2k hours and I didn’t know 90% of this.
I thought this video was gonna be bs and obvious shit but holy fuck… there some important shit that can help you win raids
You just gave grubs a loaded gun bro… some of these are just dangerous 😅😂
The trick where you get someone to accidentally open their door should probably be credited to coconutB. Not 100% he invented it but he’s been doing it for years and is well known for “let’s play a game”
Great video. I got 8k hours and learned a ton of cool tricks. The grenade on window shutters or outward doors was my favorite.
Glad to see you back on Rust.
That reddit clip might have been coco
6k hours and learned a few new things. Subbed and Liked my man.
does the smallbarn shooting thing work on people inside the safe zone?
Me here watching without even touched the game
Hm didnt know kc can get a Video over 100k views again
Your voice is so nostalgic.
I have like 10 really good ones that were missed if you make another vid
me with 3k hours knowing like 15 of these
6:00 was Picco
the amount of god awful sound effects and shitty jokes makes me think i’m in a swarm of 9 y/o quoting shit from the internet they heard. if mushrooms infected a guys brain i’d imagine this is what he’d watch exclusively.
Shacky tip at the end is the most true for 99%
Don’t be a little b**ch
If the triangle foundation is completely protected by the vending machine, then why not just leave it as twig? That way it will be way easier to reopen the bunker.
Bruh this all is actually helpfull
6 years ago, you taught me how to play, now there are new tips that i did not know. yet im still trash
adding this one to my bookmarks to do some devious things later
now I dont even want to play
Nice tips, but for the bunker vending machine one, couldn’t someone just go through the stone doorframe and then molly the wood floor?
Facepunch hate to love you, there new years work load list just grew hahaha
can some one tell me about bind x slot6;+attack2;+attack;+slot6 this cuz sometimes i have to wait for it to work
new them all… 🤓
These tips are so good , great job
I don’t psy rust
really cool tips, thanks king
you shouldn’t have done this… now they will patch it and everyone wins
i knew most off thelm😏
How do u not know this if ur an experienced rust player 😂
At tip 11 maybe you can throw an smoke grenade in it aswell
66 is fake, cutscene
those christmas lights were insnane, defo trying hhahahah
Omg what?!?!?! 3000hrs and I’m just learning this!!!
8:10 very helpful
7:30 gud
6:21 bro really used a john roblox audio
I already knew 5, but what’s the point in un-liking it? This made me laugh really hard lol
Thank you for all tips. Could you please add in the description the site where we can found the map of death ? 🙂
I enjoyed all but the scaming part where you change the amount lol , in WoW they require you to click accept so it gives time to see if the other party changed the amount before you clicked , but i guess thats the nature of Rust xD
Ngl i thought i knew a lot before watching this vid lol good job
this is so facts
wow amazing i might get banned on some servers but just amazing
Rilizes when somebody posts this video the number goes down
Nobody is gonna talk about how he build a base in the ground with the locker entrance
how you do the n. 70 i dont get how you get the windows and all that
Shacky at the end 😆
Damnnn I’ve got around 500 hours and only know a handful of these tips
KC You’re a madman. Im glad you’re back on Rust. I knew more than 5 of these tips but you can keep the like <3
I dont play Rust but I do watch a lot so thank you for this. Now I can judge people more accurately! 😊👍
bind x slot6;+attack2;+attack;+slot6 doesn’t seem to work
dude you earned that like. thousands of hours and didnt know the majority. subbed as well. well done
This is legit very helpful, and I DON’T EVEN PLAY RUST
This got a like coz I’m a scouser
I wish I could give you multiple likes. 2000 hundred hours on rust and i knew like 10 of those lol
Holy shit nice work KC 👌
did the thumbs down and 5 fingers up when 5 fingers down i push thumbs up 😀 ended up with thumbs up
Awesome video, can safely say at least half of those tricks were new to me.
Why lookatradius needs to be swapped back to 0.2? Is there particular reason for it or?
6:21 legendary moment
I like how he says use this website then hides the url
Back in the day, we called these ‘exploits’. But hey, that’s Rust. lol
I have 3.6k hours and this was actualy helpfull
I refuse to believe that some people didnt know 32, 33 and 34
the longer your character stays alive the more animal fat you’ll drop which is useful to know if ur desperate for low grade
I dare someone to tell me that Facepunch don’t need to focus more on quality over quantity. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the free (some of the paid) updates this game gets so often. And it’s important they continue to provide awesome new stuff, but there clearly is a need for more Quality Assurance (QA). Quality over Quantity please Facepunch.
maybe 99% don’t know cuz they’re useless
Great video! Love the electricity tips! I made an offline raid protection tool like the door one last monthly wipe I played but for large bases with compounds/turrets where you can’t hear doors as well… It worked flawlessly, no raid attempts and all you need is… wood!* Before the furnace update I would stack wood in a large furnace and turn it on overnight. Furnace on = players on and offliners didn’t want to attempt to hv out turrets or raid the base. After the update you can only stack 2k wood which equals 70 minutes of burn time, or 70 minutes of base protection per large furnace! Must be guarded by turrets to be believable. You build a 5 minute timer and use igniters after X timer cycles start the next igniter for 5 seconds (so you don’t have to replace the igniters each time) protects the base for 6-8hours each night.
More than half these tips just proves why people don’t play it.
I have a dirty one, if you use the car horn you attract every wolf in your area and they all will come
Im gonna forget 99%
what KCmo still alive? holy! wonder where Phaedo82 is
Thanks Dan Soder
this was awesome, i thought i was watching a developers tip video for rust with how crazy some of these tips are! i heard that they nerfed the crouch dance trick to move without footsteps is that true?
that p2 spam made me sad thinkin of how it used to be
just got the game yesterday
great content, you better blow up, leaving a comment for the algorythm 🙏
Daaaamn, 4 yrs 5k hrs and 2/3 of it was foreign to me, impressive.
In the beginning: “And vending machines cost more that a metal wall ”
In the middle: “Vending machines are the same as a metal wall ” XD 🤣
Apparently you can update the game🗿
wait..? kcmo is back?
Another usefull trick for big oil. Take two inciendary rocket with you, shot one on the landing pad, call heavy scientist, shoot them to let them aggro on you, run to the L4 and there is a room just next to stairs where you can hide and shoot a second inciendary rocket in front of the doors. You will kill most of heavies this way.
i’m actually shocked! Feels like i started playing yesterday.. Have 4k hours and will definitely save this vid for later. Learned easily like 30+ tips here
Alt f4 also helps with lag
some of these tips actually blew me away i got so shocked
amazing video and tips.. 👍
im confuzied on 6:34
1.3k hours played since frog boost and i dint knew the first 2
Tip number 100 was definitely one I didn’t know. Thank you very much sir!
17:03 thanks for turning on the epilepsion attacks m8 aahahhahaha.
(imagine doing this IRL blinding like russians or terrorists with the biggest flashlight making them have to look away and pop their headies and now u can push with the flashlight still flickering in your back ez gg i would say)
I thought it was going to be another one of this tip videos with common knowledge tips. Boy was I wrong. Btw, you can shoot out tc behind the vending machine, there is a way using a rocket. I have had it done to me and tried it on a build server and it’s possible if you know the angle and where to shoot.
Earned an sub love the video
Kcmooooo !!
the ladder scream strat is the next meta
if i had 50 fingers up, all of them would be down.
A few tricks i didnt know about nice ! subbed
dang pretty good man..
effects.maxgibs -1
11:20 this is wild man
Upvoted purely because of the music from Mario rpg.
how do you get into the wooden stump with Mummy Wraps?
Dang, been playing since like 2016. Around 7k hours. Learned more from this video then all like 500 rust videos I’ve ever watched lmao. Good stuff
if you see this comment dont ignore it. rust will ruin your your day to day life. Get off the game and make something of yourself. You have a choice to be a loser or to stop being a fat fuck and change your life. you make the choice
Viewers just remember KC hates Canadians that’s why so many have UN-Subbed Karmas funny that way, keep douching bro…
This is legit game changing on so many levels
Nice man. Nice.😂😂
Extremely helpful. Cheers..ill throw you a sub👍
wo 75 %
shaqy the goat
*gets roofcamped*
Very informative and high quality video. Liked, subscribed. Thank you.
i got a spare tip for you kc cause you gave me some nice advice the other day 🙂 molotovs deal double damage to wooden double doors, BUT THEY ALSO deal double damage to wooden high external gates
if i die to some douchebag in ranch i know who im coming to
Lots of cool tips but 57 is a bit awful imo, your bunker costs 20 hqm and 3 gears every single time … with an offset bunker all you need is 7 hqm
there are many things you can do with the Rust + app like setting up alarms to real life alarms or even lights. For instance, you can set up lights on each wall of your room and when a sensor is activated on that side of the base, it will light up your room on the corresponding side.
1 finger up at the end but good enough
13:23 i don’t think this one works anymore – pls let me know – didn’t work last time i tried it….but that was aaages ago… maybe it’s back?
1:43 yeh, anything not bright, and u can hide in a stump ; )
(Remember to look down kids!)
I mean i am a OLD vet and knew heaps of these but SOOO many even i didn’t know (w 13k+ hours) – THIS IS WHY WE NEED YOU KCmo!!! ← ↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d
#OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ + SUB’d – *_ship! i didn’t even realise, till the end that this was a NEW channel of yours!_*
Might be the most legendary Rust video ever.
genuinely cracked content 💜
Dude number 6 just changed the grub game to a whole different level
Stash’s will despawn under box
franky dont give a fuck
Alot of players need the 100th tip
Tip 60 can i rotate the wall back than?
i thought this guy was a fortnite youtuber..Never knew he played rust
Beware of the forest mushrooms background music
The thumbnail really got me gj!
i fucking hated the edits, they are so cringe
Underrated video. Good work dude
Vending Machines no longer destroy loot inside when it breaks fyi
the locked crate one is hilarious
I have 3.5k hours in this game and didnt know a majority of these
valid video 👍
Didn’t this guy play Fortnite and trash kids? What happened?
@ 6:02 it’s BChillz!!
I have 3k hours and didn’t know like 15-20
Dude Im ngl I thought this would be massive clickbait but I actually learned so much from this… Legendary video!
i won the finger down game at 34 but still really good tips
100th tip
Really good video
fantastic music choice and video
i have to watch again and write down the good ones another one is with the cave bucket you can jump down with a med kit in hot bar and get revived by it
great video i have 8k hours and learned alot
Great video. Another tip I know is to de-auth your self on TC when taking heli so the heli dosent rocket your base. Then get auth after you take it. Dont do it if you have multiple traps tho.
I mean. . . . I knew 16 of the 100 tips, but i will let the like stay, because . . damn 84 things I didn’t knew.
Cool video. (and stimpee used the grenade wall flip mechanic in one of his videos too)
Never played rust and never will but still watching this
Make a video about ALL the tips yk, or atleast tell me them 😁. Ur god
I dont understand #28 how do i do this
Good tips!
I got to #13 lol before all fingers were down lol
2000+ hours and i diddnt know half of them LOL
Damn, that was a lot of knowledge
i actually didnt know so many of these, and i got 2k houurs, dam
ngl i only know 3 or 4 of them, this is actually sick
Another useful tip is the jump at smoil from the lower containers above the ladders (the ladders from ocean to rig) to the upper container by using the yellow pipes joining the two
This video is going straight to face punch so that they could fix their shit 😤
I knew 22 of these
what the fuck
Did you used to play Fortnite?
99.999% dont kno the #100…
I have 9k hours in this game.. And you sir, taught me something! Subbed and smashed that like button!
damn there was actually so many cool tips amazing video!!!
Thank you, this wipe is now going to be extra damn grubby
i have 1.5k hours and i didnt know 80% of them thanks a lot!
Im surprised at how much stuf there is on pc and not on playstation
good one kcmo! now there’s gonna be many more trolls in rust cuz or ur trips and trap bases hahah
You definitely earned the thumbs up!
I’ve been playing rust for over 3 years and dont know half of these
I can’t image what rust players will do with all this knowledge
Shacky had the best tip. Which is don’t be a little bitch💀
Bro you were that Fortnite Youtuber I used to watch years ago. I knew you played Rust. You used to add the Rust headshot sound. Damn
hmmm guess need to change my name to dofladi KEKW
bootyclap kc, from fortnite to rust
i recognised u from ur editor art style
happy that ur enjoying rust cuz its my fav game now instead of fort
As someone who’s actively experimenting to find new tricks in this game, about 10% of this video was unknown to me. I’m amazed by how much content you put in this video
Does this apply… to console😬😬
i knew about 1% of these
KCmo is dead.
Long live KCmo!
You playing again>? Haven’t seen you in a long while. You should do some teamups with Fridu. Those were some great games.
KCMO??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! 😃
I didn’t know that water guns would actually put out fires, bc I’ve only ever tried to use them against Heli or Bradley crates and they don’t work.
The grenade part is nasty.. i am going to abuse this… and maybe the flash lighting… well that one is not for me, but for a “friend”..
4:45 but you will not hear what and where object break(
This is hella helpful I have 4K hours and didn’t know half lol
I HAD 3 finger left
Damn you won 💀 didn’t even know the first 5
big dislike
I have over 3k hours in Rust still didnt know over 50 from this list. Damn, Thanks!
does the scam only work at trading window if the other guy locks in first, kind of wondering so i don’t get scammed myself
Got more then five but still deserve the like! Those are great tip
What is the song you chose around timestamp 17:30-17:35?
I now have zero fingers and zero toes thanks @KCmo Build Channel
How am I gonna remember all these
HBHF Sensors have a certain range/hitbox . You place them INSIDE your base/wall, or external TC’s and that prevents people from building twig on the outside wall/ceiling, to jump into your base/compound
If you’re eco raiding with spears, you can change from one spear to another one right after the animation/hit, and you’ll hit the wall/floor faster than if you were using only one
( And you have a lil bit of stone, you can use the wooden broken ones to craft a stone spear and use it again )
Wait at 17:30 what the hell was that giant battery?? Was that server specific??
Also that was Bchillz that did the shotgun strat to open the door, i saw it live but its been dumbed down so much and reused with no sound
Can twig work for #57
Best rust video put on this platform in years…. Thank you good sir, as a 6k + hour player there’s tons here I’m shocked by still.
The head thing does not work all the time. Was raided a couple weeks ago and tried desperatly to get my friend to put his head thru the door to give me cloth to bag him in to help me pick out a roof to get back base and only way i got a body part was him jumping while opening a double door slamming his body into the door and i got a single toe
Use our smoke grenade for Trading in a shopfront, people really thinks its a Supply signal
I have 8k hours and have actively tried to discover all there is to know in this game and i only knew 75% of this. Putting out flame raids and furnaces with water guns is amazing lol.
I only subscribe when I think someone deserves it… guess I gotta switch account to subscribe twice 😀
how can i cancel number 29?
if i wont to cancel this (bind mouse1 “+fov 90;+attack2;fov 70”) what i need to put because i dont like it
Ah nose
dude that’s awesome 🤝🏽
can you do tips for new noobs rust player like me?
I learned 13 things today
Personally tip 100 is a really good tip that not many people know.
God damn Kcmo is alive?! Jeesus the man was the OG rust video maker
I literally NEVER comment on videos, but this was amazing dude 🤘
Junkyard is useful I use it a lot
Can’t wait to hear these from spoon
at the 95th tip I got 5 I knew, but im still liking my man 👍
Number 101 First tc placed is king, can break all other tc’s within 7 foundations of the outside of your base. Nicely done nonetheless!
I knew 19, I still liked the video because the things that I did learn here will be very useful
got 1500 hours and there’s at least 15 that I didn’t know hehe well done .
Holup thats me!
Fair play you win. Liked & subbed
whats the name from the website with the mortality rate?
That was super useful, hope for a part 2
nice video
Now the game will be even more cancerous nice 😄 Thankfully my tricks will die with me, I wouldn’t sell them for a few subs or likes
i lost 100 fingers tf
5k+ hours and my man was schooling my ass with this video lol, i knew quite a few but very impressive with the rest
For tip #48 you can just bait the sam site on the truck and fly up normally, althought you do have to be a bit skilled.
I’ve actually found a way to evade tip #44 as a professional outpost grub, you can jump out and there is an invisible floor so you can just keep jumping out and jumping back in, I would recommend going to one of the high towers
serious suggestion do a video on things players do every day that don’t work like that think they do like speed crouching doesn’t exist moving while looting pointless using such terms as whiffing useless this is not a troll comment is a serious one
I love using some to hide it is probably my favorite monument to play at bc of all the spots you can have advantages
Bruh… So much useful stuff. Thank you!
so much info and this is like gold mine
i am happy you are back, your tips helped me a lot in old rust 😀
Hi! Thanks for the video, very useful. How do you turn on your green dot crosshair? I’m a new player and It’s hard for me to play without it
Half of this tips need to pay 😭
You can also use contacts screen to find that guy who just door camped you in their base by looking at the last seen when standing outside a bass
That spotlight circuit had me losing my shit. Now I gotta figure out how to do that …
11:23 lmao this is actually a crazy tip
bro chill with the canccer edits and aids voice overs its just annoying
Used to watch you on Fortnite but stopped playing awhile ago picked up rust recently and it’s nice being able to watch your vids again on a game I play
nice to know that i will forget 90% of these 🙁
Why do you have to change back lookradius 0.01 to 0.2? What is higher value needed for?
.37 web site adres ?
well I thought I will count less than 5 that I don’t know, but actually, I found out that this game is full of hacks and tricks, I counted like 10 of which I don’t know, or I haven’t seen but look logical.
I dont like this video…. It showed me how little i know in my 5k hours of rust 🙁 Thank you <3
usually don’t learn much from these but this was packed with useful stuff. thanks bro!
Kc makes these videos cuz hes trash at rust and too scared to make solo videos
red button actually gives 2 energy so you can setup HBHF sensor and a blue light to check for door campers
i got 53 out of 100 but im keeping the like
i knew 5 in the first 10 lol
Whats that command you use to spawn the nakeds at 15:36
i found some really useful tips papa kc thanks bro,still watch some of youre old rust videos for a taste of nostalgia,old days were just something different😂
Now this is a certified hood classic
they should really make placing beancans without igniting them a standard thing in the game. So many people would set up beancan traps.
The only problem is that most of these are only on pc rust
you forgot a great one for compounds, if you place signs on the external walls you cant ladder over the wall since the sign prevents you
number 16 got me
The last tip is the most important
awesome video man, gained a sub!
how to bind these lines?
is it in f1 menu or what?
i think caves buckets go up and down now, so the fps command is a little outdated, nice video!
I found this while getting raided, I accidentally rotated the wall with a ladder on it and it transferred the ladder, this can be used and abused so hard and it makes it impossible to ladder
13:41 I could see some idiot admin thinking that’s a Spider-Man cheat
There is so much stuff that I wish I could remember, but never will
26 was picco, you can hear him talking after he makes the play “dont let them in” its 100% picco lol
How does he have that crosshair
9:18 You can also cook them at burning car in outpost, easiest to fly as it’s wide, it’s on ground so you don’t even have to fly and also funniest 😀
#37, what is the website??
Wasn’t expecting to learn anything but man i learned a TON earned yourself another sub
Nice informative video, with over 7k hours in Rust, I didn’t know about many of these myself.
what is the site on 37
What’s the setup on the searchlight blinking really fast I have some shit neighbors in my area lol
21:55 Low testosterone, no muscle tone and pale as a ghost, but flexes anyway. I love it. What a loser.
Liked and Subbed as I did not know 99 of the things on here. Number 100 I knew since birth.
Treasure trove of info. Thanks 🙂
19:10 xp system trap base 🙂
Actually quite a lot in here that I could see myself abusing I mean using in the future… Nice.
You got the like, im gonna be using water guns 24/7 though now.
yep you got my like and sub. i thought id know these and i didnt know alot actually lol.
you didnt know you can put ladders on cargo ship
Thumbs up, and subbed. That was a no brainer. Only problem I have with this video is that it’s too much information to digest this fast.
Good video!!
14:52 how tf u but a 4×4 under this? im so confused
nah that locked crate one is different
Awesome video! Keep up the great content! New sub!
does tipp 91 actually work? Wi remember tring it on a build server, being happy it worked, joined a real official server and the grenade attached to the door killed meand not the enemy even though the door pushed the grenade trugh the wall
Awesome tips, most I never heard about. Thanks for sharing!
i haven’t seen a video from you in a while you play rust now
i feel like i would get banned for using a lot of these 😅
why am i just finding out KC plays rust
i think so many things will get patched now XD
7K hr here and learnt allot
21/100 good ratio for me
whats the website called that lets you see where people die
i learned the fps limit falling trick because i used to actually get 2 fps on mac and it would take like 20 seconds to jump lmao
Too much information to handle man
For the nvg one, you can disable the sound of it if you equip or take off any clothing while its on, im pretty sure it isnt fixed yet.
I did’nt know about 4 tips, but man i still liked and subbed keep posting this
Edit: 10:00 u can left click on the number on the slide bar and u can choose what number u want, its very useful for furnaces and ofc scamming people
65 be like: Rustoly Rulkin in Base Alone
good content ,gl
shacky being the last and best tip is the highlight
Love shacky’s tip 😂
You missed one, you can place ladders on the cargo ship. You cwn use them to get on anywhere you want or even get high on the shipping containers
my man i got 5k time play and i need more Finger thx you love
What was the website for tip 37 at start
the twig building on other people bases is retarded and the devs need to remove it.
yeh negl, one of the most useful rust vids ive every watched hahahahah, i probably learnt 90 things from this
Was out by twelve. The 2 fps one and the f1 kill with the head out of the door was good though.
great tips!
Kcmo back from the ashes?
There’s a new, much safer way to get someone out of your mini at outpost. While facing the two level 1 work benches, there’s a phone booth along the same wall in the right hand corner. Drive your mini along the ground into that phone booth corner and it will instantly kill your front passenger.
time stamps would be amazing on this video
i knew 1 of these i think
Bro this was VERY well done for a YouTubers with only 2k subs…
+1 bro you earned it
if u didnt know u can throw rocks through ceiling if u thro it the right way
Yo that number 5 tip was pristine
Ive never played rust and knew all of these.
i knew almost all of them i didnt know like 4 of them
stick to fortnite fam
Way to rep KC. Go chiefs!
KCMO this video is a gold mine. I had absolutely zero idea that you could right click an item and bring it to the front of the crafting queue lmaoooo.
#57 can that bunker survive 10 scrap heli bombs? The fire goes through the whole base lol
Typing in your own number, OMG WHY DID I NEVER find this!?
im very ashamed of myself for only learning 3 things, i need help.
Hi KC that horse hotel was a banger
Very helpful you earned a sub
For the spear in the door tip, its actually better if you start shooting arrows at their door and when you notice they’re picking them up, you start grabbing it before them so they accidentally open the door.
i lik an sub 🙂
@5:55 is definitely CoconutB
number 75 and 76 AHAHAHAH
Love it every time Trevor puts his two cents in 😆
dude i used to watch ur old fortnite 1v1 videos but moved onto rust a while ago and only recently did i find out you play rust now lmao
Still makes no sense to me but over the last 4 years I’ve had people in game ask if I’m kcmo and then try to “get in videos”…I don’t think I sound like you but it never stops 😂
Great video, i really liked that.
I ran out of fingers, a well deserved like and subscirbed!
This is actually a really cool vide.
I normally don’t sub to rust YT-ers, but you got a like and sub from me today sir!
5:58 Picco or Bchillz
Dude I wondered what happend to u from fortnite! Shi this content is actually fire keep it up please 🙏
Actually good tips thanks
i knew the first couple but ill still give you the sub and like for blowing my mind with some.
Wait KCMO is back? Fuck yes!!!
what’s the website name of the 37 ?
what is the website name at 7:49?
i knew 3/ first 4
You live in Kansas City?
i played rust back when there wasnt anything so i gave you a like because that chin is the yams ive been looking for 😉
In 12:50 why can’t you keep it twig?
“Don´t be a litle b1tch” xD
how do i unbind: bind mouse1 “+fov 90;+attack2;fov 70”
pls help
delete this video now!!!!
perfect timing, just booted up this game yesterday for the first time in I don’t know how long
Only thing I now know is that water guns ptw
i have 4.5k hours and there were so many i didint know and that actually were really helpful
when you ads it moves open door down/out of your way
global.hideinteracttextwhileads True
100 actually useful tips❤
Nah the locked crate moving with the car is so goofy looking😂
you should have added the glitch where you can infinitely stack deluxe christmas lights
you deserve more subs
I have 12k hours, and I can say that alot of these are fake
these are some good tips
that thumbnail tho
Bootyclap wit the banger videos🦍
Shaky at the end 😂😂😭
i knew 37 tips from this video
number 17 and i already won the game, there goes your like man. consider this that I only have 1191h in this game
6k hrs in rust, and didint know 70% of these tips lol, definitely using some of these
8k hours and I actually learnt some things ..well done video.
Dead channel 2.5k views LOL
For 57, could you not use a twig floor?
22 – you’re braindead
Some absolute gems in here 👌 Merry Christmas🧑🎄
merry christmas kc! they may have already patched the bunker vending machine thing? am in the builders sanctuary and dont work
5:55 I saw CoconutB doing this like 3 years ago, not too sure if he’s the one who came up with it or he learned it from someone else 🤷♂
7:43 on this website you can see the mortality rate…..
No we cant because we cant see the website adress
use mouse wheel up and down for shooting 😀
And subscribed
I have over 2K hours and I only knew around half of these tips- particularly the stuff related to building was all new to me. Awesome vid
NO F WAY.. tnx bro !
3k hours and most of these I didn’t know… grats KC
what’s the link to the mortality rate where people are dying the most
Absolutely got me with 6 or 7 my man well done
Oh man the strobe light one is something I did once to a poor guy. I setup a tower outside of his base powered with a windmill. I think I had 5 lights strobing on his base. Can’t even remember why I decided to do this to the guy. It was also a vanilla server.
I feel like a noob after watching this! Around 90% of them was unknown to me. Thanks KC <3
Now I just want to run around smoking random active small bases 🤣 and that pager trick is fucking gold man, need to start doing that
Honestly this shit is pretty helpful
However what is number 37 called pls lol
What is the url for number 37?
Merry Christmas KC
75 and 76 r absolutely filthy 🤣
100 rust tips that 99% of players now know👌
dude best tips ever
do you have another channel called bootyclap Kc?
w tips daddy
Goat kc
im not even half way through and im subbed to you now, so many things i didnt know in my years of playing XD your a G
KC your cute
omg lets kill the enderdragon together itd be great
here early foo