Can Vinegar REALLY Remove Rust From A Sword?
GET YOUR NEXT KATANA NOW FROM: https://minikatana.com/
If you’re a fan of katana unboxing, then you’re in for a treat with Mini Katana. Witness the Katanas’ elegant slicing, a satisfying experience reminiscent of ASMR. These katanas aren’t tarnished by rust; they embody the essence of sword-making, blacksmithing, knife crafting, and katana production that Mini Katana fervently embraces. Whether you’re a Wild Heart, Blox fruit, or Elden Ring aficionado, or you find joy in anime like One Piece, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Mini Katana’s ninja weaponry will captivate you. Mini Katana’s legacy as a pioneer in katana production, knife crafting, and the iconic mini katana keychain is unparalleled. They’re not just creators; they’re educators, guiding you to wield a pencil like a katana and craft kunai reminiscent of Naruto. Immerse yourself in the world of the last samurai, resonating with Japanese anime, history, lofi melodies, cinematic wonders, and harmonious songs. Collaborations with Let’s Ask Shogo and Cerberusarms ensure high-quality carbon steel katana and a rich samurai heritage. Experience enthralling katana unboxing, brimming with laughter and challenges, at Mini Katana’s store. As masters of kunai and sword-making, they’re a trusted guide to authentic experiences and beyond.
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Taqs:vinegar remove rust,vinegar remove rust cast iron,does white vinegar remove rust,remove rust with vinegar and salt,apple cider vinegar remove rust,doens white vinegar remove rust,remove rust iwth vinegar and salt,remove rust with vinegar adn salt,remove rust iwth vinegar adn salt,japan,japanese,japanese culture,japanese katana cutting,japanese katana training,katana amking,katana care instructions,katana cleaning kit,katana cleaning kit instructions,katana devil
コメント (1248)
DISCLAIMER: If your sword has paint or decals, be careful when using vinegar to remove rust as it can harm the designs. Take caution when applying it to your katanas.
We actually have a katana and it’s kinda rusty
How is it better than it used to be 🤔
Ah yes, the Tetanus Katana.
Just give it to hagnezuka he will fix it.
Use coke
Rust katana:low damage but exchange It will deal infected you opponent and make them what real suffering is.
Can this work on a pocket knife?
does vi🤦🏿♂️ actually remove dust?
Try hydrolic acid it will remove everything
I don’t understand why white vinegar is suggested to remove a patina when white vinegar = forced patina…
I actually got tetnus trying this 😢
Give the chips from KFC
If you really let it soak for 24 hours submerged in vinegar and also add salt it would take it all off and require zero scrubbing with abrasives
First: vinegar and salt
Second : boil water for 40 minutes
Third : scrub it
Like if it work
Using rags is a great idea I think I will use. Thanks
How do I get small scratches off of my katana
I do believe thats a cacoon of a moth 🤓
You said the n-word 😭 😆
You removed the poison damage of this weapon.
Yes it can do that but you would need to scrub hard and there are defenetly better things against rust
If you add Salt to the White Vinegar, the salt creates Muratic Acid and thus is a booster for a deeper rust removal . Use number 4 (0000) steel wool as well. Some people also add Baking Soda to a White Vinegar mix to remove rust.
Life saver thx 🎉
Vinegar will remove rust but be careful to not put the sword in it for too long
Bro thought he could get away with scrub daddy💀
Try rubbing it with salt and lemon
Let it soak overnight for better results
Vinegar also causes erosion. I don’t think its a great method to use. Best to find another way to remove rust.
Legend say he is still trying to take off the rust 😂😂
I’m not gonna lie to you the best thing to use is to let it soak in worcestershire sauce cleanse it completely
Do electrolysis, works perfectly
Second coat!
The 8,5 million people with a sword:
Vinegar is acid
No dont use rhe pickle juice it’s doing damage
This is just surface rust. You could use almost anything that acidic like soda or plain old WD-40 to remove this kind of rust. Preventing it is always the key. And if the rust actually gets into the metal you might as well throw that thing out
Bro leveled up his starter weapon to level 2
For some reason the katana after washing it with vinager looks dope
Still has the Bubonic Plague on it
Does anyone know anyother discount codes other than WELCOME10
Tetanus Sword:
-20 poison reaction
+5 DMG
Fun fact: mouth wash was originally designed to remove rust
Imagine some one stole it while it was outside on the second day
Elden ring new debuff tetnes
Theoretically a tetanus sword would be more dangerous than a regular one
Poor scrub daddy got sliced 😢
bro just pour some coke on the katana
tbh it looks kinda cool
Use light naval jelly for the rest 🙂
A true katan doesn’t rust
That’s the sword which demon slayer players recieve for free in roblox 💀
Do a 2nd round or a 3rd round it might all come of
The amount of katanas this man has left out to rust is insane
They now have a (minor) poison buff
That sword needs hazentengu idk spelling
Short answer : kind of
When you just use google
Try to use WD-40 to remove the rest of the rust
that vinegar removed some stuff, aftermath blade: looks like the eyelander’s blade part
You could have just used beer and salt and it would jabe rusted in a few hours
Put galium on a katana💀
PEPSI: pulls up
Soak it over night. A few seconds does not much.
Does vi WHAT?
Bro enhanced his katana with tetanus
-60% tetanus
+40% sharpness
U need a tank to be exact remove the rust by using vinegar.
bro list his australium
This is NOT how you test something’s efficacy. you need a control…
rust makes for +1 poison damage (tetanus)
Can I have the katana?
Bro said some rust💀
Bro got poison ll
Rusted katana:
-20 slice points
Gives a permanent infected effect when you attack the enemy
+2 damage
The tetanus sword
I would personally use scrub daddy
RIP scrub daddy’s mouht 🤨🤨🤨
Try Ketchup
Bro does 1d8 poison damage
haganezuka can solve it bro
Scrub daddy
Vine- what, where👮
VD 40
Rusty Katana:
Poison effect
Yeah vinegar speeds up the oxidation of the metal causing the roof particles to flake off and bond with the vinegar. It’s important to very thoroughly clean the metal and then apply heavy amounts of oil afterwards. As the metal is still prone to oxidizing at an increased rate so will rust even worse if you don’t treat it and clean it.
New katana power unlocked: tetanus
im more interested to the towel, what happened to the towel?
Scrub daddy got that gawk gawk 💀 📸
I have *”SOME”* rust to remove from my katana
Vinegar can cause rust because it’s acidic
Try monster energy drink that removes rust leave in for
You should ask Haganezuka. He might know.
Vinegar smells really nice
Someone tell Zoro
Thst scrub daddy be deep throating the katana
Bro enchanted his katana with tetanus 1
Scrub daddy you are here😂
now do tomato sauce and be amazed
Paint thinner works better, vinegar works because it is made of alcohol which is a solvent, any solvent would work (even water) but the stronger the solvent the easier it comes out
Bro enchanted his sword with Tetanus V 💀
Mix vinegar with salt
Next time try viniger+baking soda it work’s too.
Use baking soda too it makes the cleaning mor effective
Use toothpaste
“Scrub, Daddy”
I know it’s funny but use ketchup
How i say vinegar vinegar
Leave it in vinegar for 24 hours.
its bc of the scrub daddy
get it right smh
Use oil (petrol)
One slice and you’ll be inflicted with rust and slowly die from it
Bro gave that thing poison damage
Kagaya – we have an hashira
The hashiras – ohhh whats his breathing style
Kagaya – tetanus breathing
attack on titan sword plsss
Apple cider vinegar
Maybe take up chemistry lessons instead of almost ruining a good katana
Just give it hanezuka to sharpen it for you
You need to let it marinate in vinegar overnight, a couple minutes will do barely anything as it did in this video.
Would apple cider vinegar? Work to plzzz respond
U can use Coca-Cola
Tanjiro: mhm……..
From what I was taught from a mechanic friend of mine, vinegar actually adds rust but when you soak in vinegar and then go back over it with a metal lubricant like PB blaster, WD40, diesel fuel, oil, you can wirebrush it and it’ll peel that rust right off. I’ve used it a few times and haven’t tried to alter it, works great with diesel and WD40.
New item in ur inventory :
• Katana | Rust coat
Nah potato and salt performs better
Music is giving me nostalgia from Mario Galaxy
You cheated with the scrub daddy to op
Can anyone tell me what the background music is? It kinda reminds me of Pokemon?
You have to use water and baking soda to neutralize the acid
Get real, that was the scrub daddy taking off the surface rust.
Poison damage
Lockjaw Katana:
Damage: 21
-30% Bleed Damage
+50% Poison Damage
2.5% Chance of Permanently Paralyzing Target.
Use bleach
Try using coke or Pepsi!
Try wd40 and sand paper
Wd40 and sand paper
If the slice doesn’t kill them, the tetanus will
Just use antioxidiser
Lime Away!
Tru andbput it in a big bucket with vinegar it might clean all of it
Viner what?
Rip Mr katana he will be missed
Tetanus Buff +10
Infects tetanus to enemy’s when hit with this Katana for 10 seconds
Katana are made of the best steel :
After 30 minutes of scrubbing
Vinger is acid.
Scrub daddy violations💀
bro took the honor and respekt from the katana to test if Vinegar removes rust from it. Rip Katana
Bro you destroyed a scrub daddy
Bros just starting demonfall
It didn’t remove any of the rust that was just oxidation powder the actual rust is those dark spots
Of course it’s an acid
чем бы дитя не тешилось…..
You removed the surface rust, the scrubber probably could have done that with water and pressure or even rubbing alcohol
You just have to put it in front of an octorock and it’ll spit out a brand new sword
Fun fact : the rusty sword/katana is more deadly
Wait. Is that scrub daddy
Coca cola and pepsi helps.
Can i have that rusty sword ?
Better way is wd40 and high grit sandpaper so it doesn’t also damage the blade
Ruining a sword for nothing
Kitana replicant*^ should have specified 😅
Does acid react with metal like it literally always does? Let’s find out
Vinegar cannot remove rust cuz scientifically speaking acids accelerate rusting while bases decelerate rusting. I dunno if bases can remove rust but surely acids cannot. Try a base and tell us if it works. Using bases have a higher probability of removing rust than using acids because bases decelerate rusting. I’m not saying that this is set in stone but it’s my opinion as a chemistry student. Feel free to comment and if you disagree plz be polite cuz i don’t wanna get in fights. Express your ideas on the subject too. And i apologise if i seem a lil argumentative here but my intention is solely to convey my opinion and not to insult anyone. Please feel free to comment if I’m wrong cuz I’m completely open to suggetions and totally willing to change my opinion if I’m mistaken😊
Pour coke and scrub with tin foil. It’ll remove surface rust
It might work better if you dip the whole thing i guess
Use harpic
Vinegar does remove rust but instead of soaking the katan for few minutes, you should have made a proper Vinegar bath for the katana and have it bathing for couple of hours.
My heart broke a little seeing that poor katana rust up. It’s like leaving a dog out in the rain
317,000th like baby
Man your debuffing it with its poison IV😂
Real swords don’t rust
a rusty katana isn’t compared to a latin american Grandad’s Rusty machete
We all know conifer don’t remove rust it’s just another wine 😂
Sand it down🤦
Vine what
Muriatic acid
Where 👮🏼♂️🚔
Fun fact: some brands of Cola drinks are even more acidic than vinegar.
Try rust remover items
Mr srub daddy what the frick
Or you can use sand paper.
I’m sorry man u have to correct your infos. Chemically speaking the steel doesn’t oxide (that’s why it’s favoured to be used for kitchens utensils), the rust can only come from iron. So your katana has to be iron made.
No one I gonna talk about scrub daddy is getting a katana in mouth?💀
Tip use viniger to get rid of the thick rust then use coca cola to get rid of the caked on rust, (the coca cola of today actually surprisingly more acidic since the 1991 coca cola unlike 1991 where they only used phosphoric acid, today they added citric acid to help replace one of their old ingredients which almost had them shutdown as a company, anyways today coca cola has a ph level of 2.74 compared to the 1991 coca cola which had a ph level of 2.53)
+20 Poison Attack
Try a vinegar and baking soda solution
power of the scrub daddy
Hey man…put salt and vinegar on it💥💥💥💥💥💥
You had a Tetanus IIII forever lasting buff that can kill someone in a slice within a month but you hadd to clean it its only Tetanus I now
Use some CLR
Lemon/lemon juice works the best to clean the rust off metal 👌
Add more vinegar
You have to dose it
Send this vid to haganezuka
Rust breathing: First form,Tetanus shot!
Satisfaction 🎉
Scrub daddy be deepthroating his katana
coca cola will remove rust. my dad showed me once it was really interesting.
I can smell the damn vinegar through the phone
How about salt and vinegar
Nah I ain’t getting rid of my tetnis katana IV
Mix creme of tartar powder with lime juice into a paste.. put it on and let it dry… rinse and scrub
Vinegar+ baking soda
Keep the debuff. 🤤
This is awesome
Use your head to remove katanas dirt
+poison damage
Instant DISLIKE… Didn’t even have to watch more than 5 seconds
Now it does +2 damage for pison
True melee damage
Slow speed
Inflicks rusted debuff
Leave it in vibagar for a night, it works perfectly fine
Try monster
Yes it does.
Use brass
Bro poisoned his katana
That’s because you need to leave it in a bath of vinegar find a tub or something you can fill vinegar up with and then stick it in there and leave it overnight
see even rusty a katana is still sharp enough to cut a bottle but the question is is a rusty katana sharp enough to cut tatami mats?
rust ?
Monster energy removes rust better
Ха-ха. Ето оружие против антипрививочников.
It is very gratifying that the katana culture is loved across the seas, but it is also sad that the katana is treated like this way for the sake of promotion.
Yes it does. No need for hundreds of dollars on de rust
Bro put tetanus enchantment on his katana 💀💀
That poor scrub daddy
It’s a katana!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
What is wrong with you!!!!! 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
Soak it in vinegar
Vinegar can make a steel items with risotto)
Poison +10 durability -8
Poor Scrub Daddy
What a waste
use coocking oil you will take me later
Some WD-40 will do the tick and remove that rust
You used scrub daddy!
Thanks bro it helped me a lot clean my dagger’s all the blood stains I would never forget your greatness last night 2 cops almost got me but you know I added their blood also …..💀
Boy I love vi Niger – 👴🏻
I left a rusty logo of some sort in ketchup (i had old bbq ketchup or smth) for 4 hrs and it worked. Ketchup and vinegar im sure are two best things to use
Use mexican coke
Try vinegar + baking soda + lemon
Use vinegar+salt
gives the katana character AND you get +Poison Damage when you stab someone with it
You really left it for one month and 26 days omg
The vi what ??????
Put it in monster energy
Strangth 5
Speed 5
Durability 1
Poison 10
What, two buck sword rusts
Soak it in vinegar for a day.
Man got a poisoning buff
Does hydrogen peroxide remove rust
Wd 40
That katana has extra bleeding effect
R.i.0 scrub daddy i found on the part of the vid
Was it the vinegar or the scrubbing?
Soda on slice of potato
For everyone saying that rusty katana has tetanus, NO. It will only have tetanus if you leave on a dirty soil for a long time.
Vi what?
Use scrub mummy or scrub hoti, then u see result😂😂😂😂
British people saying Vinegar: 💀💀
Bro did the scrub daddy dirty
“new type of way to demon slay”
You could liturally test it on anything and you chose to destroy an item?
How good is that bloody scrub daddy there actually awesome best kitchen scrubbing device I’ve ever gotten
There are different kind of rust, the one in the surface and the one planted on the material itself, the black dots you see, that’s the rust planted itself into the metal. The only way to fix this is to sand it, and for the surface it should be fine with vinegar or rust removers, however can’t remove actual rust on the metal.
Vegetable oil removes rust I know because I did it on my bike chain
Don’t get rid of the poison buff!
Tetanus 101
Scrub daddy did all the work. Give credit where it’s due!
scrub daddy cleaning the sword:😮🗡️
The anser es no not work wih all same est lie
Rusty katana has poisoning effect
my heart
+3 Elemental
+17 Poison Damage
Put coca cola and that be really good
Vinegar causes rust to return more easily
you are loved by Jesus. Dont click off just bc it’s about Him. Understand that He loves you and is waiting for you to turn to Him. Give Him a try!
Wouldn’t rust convertet be a better idea?
Salute for sacrificing he’s own katana for content
I’d sharp the blade and use the poison effect bonus💀
dudes removing the poison enchantment on his katana damn
Bro just throw that katana away it’s too rusty
Use monsters drinks
Imagine getting wounded by a rusty blade, wouldn’t be a very pleasing experience, I reckon
Wow they added Scarlet Rot affinity to elden ring
✨ tetanus blade !✨
Who else saw the scrub daddy
Dark Souls 2 Manslayer
Soak it in oil and leave it soaked that should do the trick
Scrubby daddy gained a lot of rizz in the katana💀💀💀💀🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
that vinegger is quite useful
Scrubb daddy got some sucking to do
Mario galaxy backroune music
Giving any credit to the scrub-daddy?
Vi Niger
This song hits nostalgia hard
Did you clean it properly after that
Keep it like that then you have 10+ wither damage
Leave it in salt and vinegar
Gotta let it soak for 12 to 24 hr before cleaning
@MiniKatanaStore fun fact some Canadians put vinegar on fries as in the video you use
This video is in Haganezuka’s search history now
It actually looks cooler
It actually looks cool asf now. I’d definitely fray the sageo and the tsuka-ito and chip up the saya to give it an extra grungy appearance.
I’d call it the “Rat-ana”
hopefully the devs don’t see this and patch the glitch.. tetanus side buff is too strong 😔
I say the rust gave it a nice texture
Imagine having this in darksouls 1 (Bleed 300 Poison 300 Toxic 300)
just soak it in overnight in a tub
The can of WD-40 chuckling in the corner:
you should use the scrub daddy power paste
Try petrol
Use gas
Bro is no one gonna talk about how he cleaned the katana with the scrub daddy💀💀💀
good thing he used a Katana for this, i woulda been upset if he used an actual worthwhile sword.
(which is anything thats not a Katana lmfao)
Just Use wc40 and sand paper
Try baking soda + viniger
Put it in pepsi or cola lmaoo
Now you have a years old katana😭
I swear I saw a scrub daddy
300+ year katana from kimetsu no yaiba😂😂😂
Throw away an entire gallon of vinegar just for a joke 😂🎉
Scrub daddy moment
Bro woke up and said “I’m gonna kill my nose”
Bro unlocked Lockjaw
ayo, what that scrub daddy doin wtf he sucking some
All the comments about tetanus…
Y’all do realize it’s not rust that gives tetanus but the dirt.
Try to put in monster energy drink and let it sit there for24 hours
Salt and vinegar
How hard is it to buy a clear plastic container and dip the katana in there for like a day
what did he say?
Idk about wonders
Keep the rust for extra poison damage
salt AND vinegar , cmon bro i learned tis in 5th grade science
Bro just removed the poisen ability 💀
Bro killed scrub daddy 💀
Some 💀💀💀
That’s why you should you scrub daddy
Calm down guys it’s a *balance patch*
Rusty katana
150 dmg
+10 bleed over 10 ticks
+100 poison over 5 ticks
The masters sword
The master samurai fell to his knees his own sword stabbing him in the back his blood stained the blade with rust indestructible stains left on the cursed blade no one has owned it for more then a year
Therefore wd-40 = vinegar, so as red bull = gasoline
0000 steel wool
You soak it in vinegar
The rusty Katana reminded me of Yoriichi’s Katana
How about a vinegar and coke love child?
That katana is about to be smelly asf
Is Scrub Daddy Sponsored?
Imagine seeing someone cleaning a Katana with vinegar and a scrub daddy in their backyard
Surface rust yeah
The way he put the Kantana in the scrub daddy’s mouth😂
The scrub daddy:
Before: 🌝
After: 🧽
Use coke in a large container. Not sure how long it will take.
Me: *scrolls*
Video: “this ni***r
Why bro in scrub daddy mouth for 😂
Ruined katana💔
Scrub daddy 💪
Used motor oil and steel wool works better 😂
“Much better than it used to be”
Try monster
Now you can give your enemies tetanus
viNEGAR? 🤨
Go meet that swordsmith guy form demon slayer he can helpnyou polish a katana
Vinegar liker niger
All I gotta say it, Coca-Cola. That’ll probably get it off.
Drop shippers going crazy
So yeah
Put in coca Cola
We all want to know please do it with WD-40
If you get stabbed just drink milk and the poison effect should go away.
Remove handle from hilt soak in pure vinager 16-24h take out remove with copper wool brush then layer with oil to stop the rust from coming back 🎙 this calls for a redo ❗️❗️❗️🆘🆘🆘 I’ll sub for a redo
Mario galaxy is my favorite game plus the music is good😢
This katana real
Is that a scrub daddy???
It looks like an realy old katana from the ages of the samurai
Use Coca Cola leave it in there for a while
Yes it does butt you need salt with it
The tetanus Katana 35 poison damage
Just use break cleaner or carb cleaner it’ll remove the rust off vinegar will damage the blade over time due to the acidity leaks into the cracks causing serious issues
Do soap
Yes, acid dissolves iron
Apple Cider Viniger
I love your vids please send me a katana
*Rusted Katana*
-10 damage
+Poison Damage
Give it to me lol
No, it is because you used a scrub daddy 😂
I need some edit
Try sand blasting it it will get it off quick
vi- what????
I don’t think it was the vinegar it was probably all the scrub daddy
It hurts my sould to see a rusty katana💀
It hurts to see a rusted katana😢
Use coke
Try monster
Uhh you have to drown it in vinegar 😅
Bro you have to leave it in
You’re supposed to let it soak in vinegar
Bro using scrub daddy for a katana😂😂😅
Bro made meteoric blade from moonveil
rip scrub daddy
Bro Switched Sides
Do the same with just water
With just any cleaning product
With just scrubbing
Im cutting the vi out of the audio😏
This is painful to watch
Genuine advice for rust removal and if you ask how I got this I saw this on a different YouTube channel, use WD-40 and sandpaper and the wipe it with a wool cloth, then repeat over and over again
Do it on a 1 $
Use bang
I love how no one was talking about that scrub daddy gulping that tetanus ridden metal stick katana
Minus 4 wear and tear dmg
Plus 3 poison dmg
Damm. You really said “ I left a steel katana outside for 56 days” what a waste of a katana.
I’d say a rusty katana is better than a not rusty katana because if it cuts someone they get infected and they slowly die
That poor scrub daddy…
Nah the way he was using the scrub daddy 💀
liking the mario galaxy music
Vinegar is not bad, but try Acetic acid 70% (it is more effective than vinegar (which has only 7-9% acid), you can also try Orthophosphoric acid (better after acetic acid, as the metal will be more or less clean from rust) it will help you not only clean metal from rust and protect it from corrosion.
It’s amazing to me the amount of waste that goes into creating all of this redundant “content”.
“Rusted Katana”
+4 Attack Damage
Special Abilities:
“Tetanus Cut”
This move can penetrate an enemy and give them the effect, “Tetanus”.
Do people not know if vinegar is an actual acid?
bro violated that scrub daddy-💀
– 2 Sharpness. Unlocked Poison ability
Tryet with golden eagle
You can use sand paper but make sure to get the most eligible sand paper because if its too rough it may scratch the katana
Coke works to
you should soak it in vinegar and then use a potato to scrub
Try citric acid
Inflict scarlet rot (93)
New weapon acquired:rusty katana,deals 20 damage+6 poison damage per second,effect last for 10 seconds
Finish it with some coke and your back to shiny slicing
If you sharpend a rusty katana would it be considered to have poison damage?
And salt
Good old tetanus breathing
Im in a hotel tomorrow is my birthday
Broke gave that scrubdaddy a “job” 💀
Try wd40 and sand paper
Traits: rusty
=tetetanus debuff infliction
+70% tetanus damage (50% for unvaccinated people)
-70% durability
-50% slice
Try rust remover
Please use toilet cleaner fluid
Results are amazing
Do wd40 spray in it
Is it the vinegar that’s removing the rust? Or simply the scrubbing?
Try to soak the katana in vinegar overnight
Bro should be a insect breather
Say Vin- negar say it
How steal caught rust ?
Well.. Yes.. But it’s not like it regains anything 😂 rust is deterioration, not a formation. Still a cool video nonetheless though.
Tub of vinegar
Bro really enchanted his sword with “Tetanus |||”
You should try coke, I’ve heard rumours that it takes rust off of bumpers, so why not try it with this?
WD-40 and sandpaper
Just give it to Hotaru Haganezuka and he will use his family’s well-known ability
reviving swords that have been damaged by rust
he use this method to fix the sword ( Yoriichi’s sword ) Inside Yoriichi Type 0
Not the scrub daddieee
Wtf- he put the mouth of the scrub daddy inside the kataba
Scrub daddy
Use monster energy
Try coke next
EVERYTHING definitely smelled like vinegar after he finished this video 💀
Poor scrub daddy got violated
Vinegar does work really good but the pro’s are lying
Add salt to make it look better
x4 damage on unvaccinated kids
Day 32 of asking for the storm of clan Sakai
Using steel wool with it is a god solution for anti rust
Tetanus breathing 8 form rusty slash!
Wd -40 and sand paper
…..does vinegar remove rust?? if you don’t know how this works you should self terminate on that katana.
Tip: use salt and vinegar 🤓
« i love saying the vinegar without the v and i » – 👴🏻
What the katana doin in that smiley sponge’s mouth
Bro made the tetanus katana💀
What did you call me?
Use alcohol i think it will be gone😅
you removed the surface rust. wow
Just apply silver paint
HCl is better
Even if you escape, you’ll just die a horrible muscle clenching death if this guy touches you. Fun.
Bro really removed the “infection” effect from his katana 💀💀
Do a complete renovation of this katana
You need to do it overnight, and then you can start scrubbing for its full effect
Why dont you leave the rust on it adds poison damage 😂😂
Vinegar smells like vomit🤮
damn thats crazey bero
do you katanas like salt and vinegar chips
It’s like the cancer ray, but for a katana instead
Unpopular opinion, but a bit of rust on a sword is stylish.
Coca Cola works wonders
You can use wd-40
so no ones gonna comment about scrubdaddy in action?
Dude this can one shot anyone they either bleed out to dead or die of tetanus 😂
Do peroxide
Rust papi
Pull off handle and soak it in evapo rust
yes Vinegar removes rust cause Vinegar is also a Kind of Acid
Rusty crusty mushy dusty
Monster the energy drink can remove the rest
Try gripclean
Rust can damage or destroy even stainless steel
Try diesel
Use salt AND vinegar
Is it because it’s acid?
I actually like the partly rusted look, gives it a cool ancient blade kind of feel, like it was found in rubble of an actually samurais home
”If the wound doesn’t kill your enemies the tetanus will”
White guy with katana is so funny to me
Yepit works really well. I use vinegar to remove rust from cast iron pans before reasoning them.
Any acid will remove iron oxide (rust). Coca Cola is acidic enough to remove rust.
You should get cancelled for saying the n word
try monster energy drink
Soy boy doesn’t patina his blade
Pro Tip: dont leave your katana outside for 56 days
Just a japanese rust eraser should do it
WHAT? What kind of steel was the katana made of? Vinegar is one of the worst things you could use on steel because it speeds up rusting
How about a Flamberg?
Just use wd 40
Tetanus effect chance: 100% ⏬️
To do this properly, you need an identical “control sword” using a different solution like water. At the moment you’re basically showing us what it looks like to scrub a sword with liquid.
Well the katana looks better and still has the tetanus buff
You shoulda cleaned 1 half with water as a control
Vinegar and baking soda mixed rather that helps.
A few minutes isn’t enough
Wd40 and some sand paper works better
Rusted Katana:
Class: Samurai, Strength: 15, Dexterity:25
Inflicts Additional Poison Damage and causes Tetnus Build up.
It worked wonders for something that good I mean I was expecting a good I don’t have a scrub Daddy and I had to use rice vinegar
amazing lol
rip scrub daddys mouth
Try Coca Cola, it works very well too 👌🏻
Apple sider vinegar is the best way to remove rust
Ballistol oil work well too
So sharp😅
WD-40, Sand paper, and good o’l elbow grease
Vinegar will also stain the blade with-a patina, if you want the original bare steel u gotta sand it and polish.
Wd40 and sand paper and cloth 👍👌👌
That hurts me looking at it
Try cocacola👍
30 seconds is not enough, you have to wait longer
How come steel covered in all that rust in 56 days? I have a lot of steel jewelry that i never take off even when bathing etc and for years they are still shiny and clean. Plus wouldn’t steel be a little too heavy, why katanas are not made of titanium instead. I know that would be hella expensive but want to know the actual reason. God i think i wanna get into this fr.
Let it soak for a couple days and it will get better
Why the he’ll would you leave a perfectly OK katana in the open. Definition of a moron, people will do anything for views
Bro he said the N word
Use baking soda bro
Try bleach !
IIRC vinegar barely works because the compound responsible for rust removal, Acetic Acid, is usually just a paltry 6% of vinegar. If there was just a way to concentrate it a little more…
Yoooo i did not know you use scrub daddies
Coca cola will do it
get a scrub daddy
Congratulation, your tetanus katana has become acid tetanus katana
+20% damage
-40% tetanus debuff duration
-40% tetanus debuff damage
+50 acid poison damage
+5% bleeding damage
Try wd40
Apple cider vinegar
the scrub daddy sponge got tetanus in his mouth💀
Rip katana
battle scarred katana
The tetanus katana
Nobody talking about how he used the scrub daddy’s mouth
this could make a badass sword design the blood rusted blade or something cheesy
+25 poison damage
1scrape and it’s cancer 46.0 rare mutation side effect blindness loss of consciousness pain in every slight movement and worse of all an endless scratch on your back.
Wait so the katana cleaning kit is for cleaning and scrub daddy is for roughness
Blud said it out loud💀
56 days of rust is nothing does america have not a simple rust removal solution
Ok. Now u gotta sand blast it
Bro enchanted it with Scarlet Rot 💀
Try boiling the viniger. It makes it more powerful
Just try Out “Elsterglanz Chrom”
wd 40 steel wool and a rag, use steel wool conservatively
I actually cleaned one of my pocket knives with Vinegar, by letting it soak, didn’t scrub and it turned the blade black.
AJAX should do it
Try vinegar lemon and baking soda and if will be Crystal Clear
Vinegar only helps with surface rust the rest on there is really deep in the metal
Try 24 hours
We need more anime characters with rusty katana, it’s kinda cool from a perspective
Bro thought we wouldn’t notice the scrub daddy violation 💀
Best use baking soda and vinegar
Leave it for a while in vinegar bro why 30 seconds?! Give it five minutes at least, or put ketchup and baking soda on it and it’ll do it’s thing
You realize the scrub daddy is abrasive so you’re mechanically removing the rust not chemically with the vinegar
it works.
“does acid dissolve things???”
Wd40 and sand paper work well for rust I normally use 220 grit
Use a brass brush with the vinegar. It will remove (all) of the rust. Brass is soft enough so it won’t leave scratches.
it will never go to its shiny self
because rust eats metal
when you remove the rust you just removing part of the sword it will have bump and dimple on it
My guy enchanted his sword with Tetanus V
If u really wanna see if it works just scrub with water first and if that doesnt remove it use vinegar
just like with the cocakola your supose to let it soke in a tub for at least an hour, personaly recoment 12 hours to be shure
Oven cleaner with scrub daddy 😂
Put wd 40
Rust will deal more damage to human tho
Bro removed the enchantments on a grindstone. R.I.P Tetanus Katana, you will be missed.
Lemon Juice. You’re welcome.
Bro’s having a little too much fun pronouncing vinegar
Wd-40 also helps with rust but it works best with sand paper and wd-40
Vi- What?? Say it like you mean it!
Try wd 30 and sand paper?
Use scotch brite!😃
You wanna keep that rust on there. Any guy who tries to kill you, you not only slice them but if they survive they get tetanus
Use monster Drink
Bro pack a punched a katana with rusting it 💀 | after the vid : NOOO MYY POOR KATANA SORRY I HAD TO SACRIFICE YOU FOR AN VOD😭😭😭😭😭 | no hate btw
Must be a pretty good neighborhood after 56 days in your yard for it to still be there. Careful leaving dangerous items outside..a kid could get to that…Or a crazy person
It’s because vinegar is an acid, which that helps remove the rest because of the acid in the vinegar
People are really “testing” if chemistry works
Use lemon instead
Bro got poison I on his katana spare some books pls
I think monster energy works for some reason
Shocker, acid works….
can I please have that
Water removes rust .
Need baking powder
Try baking soda with vinegar the reaction tends to deal with most things
I heard it works better with iron wool when scrubbing
Get the cleaning vinegar not the cooking one
Motor oil and sandpaper works
finish my word!
Try using hydrogen peroxide
Vinegar can both remove rust and rust it
I can smell this video
Bro really Said:vini**er
Try monster it will work
As a fan of katanas that hurt a bit
The rust is still integrated in the metal
It looks awesome
Rusted katana:
Added poison damage
-40 durability
-20 attack
It helps but citric acid does it better
Where I live marijuana is legal and my friend had a really dirty piece so I told him to clean it with vinegar and he said “dude it’ll always smell and taste like vinegar then” like no dippy vinegar cleans almost anything super well and it’ll never smell like or taste like bro you’re 25 how have you never used vinegar to clean things 🤣
Bit of wd40 and sandpaper
WD-40 will get the job done
It will works
Try WD40 and a wire brush
why don’t you ask Haganezuka to clean it? He has done a pretty good job with the Yoriichi’s nichirinto
Dude, you just rubbed the rust off. Vinegar had nothing to do with it.
I dont understand why people associate rust with tetanus
WD40 and sandpaper
Tetanus enchanting book
Use nitric acid it will be perfect but use concentrated one
Poor katana, my japanese heart aches😢
I had a really rusty Olympic bar gifted to me by my best friend. My brother and I got to work dug a ditch, got some tarp and poured in the vinegar. We left the bar there for a full week, scrubbed it down and godamn was it like new. Sprayed some Rust-Oleum and good as new.
its not the vinegar bro it was the scrub daddy
Yo freind wanna play tag?
Freind: oh OK I’m running no-
*pulls out katana*
Here I come 💀💀
Try evapo-rust
Ayo what you doin with the Scrub Daddy?
Just lay this beautiful weapon to rest
Sorry about my name I can’t change it I have to wait nine days to change it My original and it was a picture of Conor McGregor #Conor McGregor for the win
Scrub Daddy would be like this sword taste like crap 😂
Apple sider veniger
Gotta use atf ( automatic transmission fluid) old mechanics trick
I know it is 100% a coincidence but I did call it on the coke video that vinegar would work.
Mario galaxy music
Dont remove the poison buff
Use salt and vinegar
Put it in coca cola
Mountain Dew
Maybe use baking soda
Woah what was that scrub daddy doing with that sword in its mouth🤨🧐
Why did he use the scrub daddy to blow the katana ;-;
Man is using the grind stone to remove the Poison III Enchantment
I wouldn’t even care if the vinegar gave my sword magical powers i still wouldn’t use it
That stuff smells terrible 🤮
Electrolysis is another amazing way to fight of rust.
use scrub daddy an vin
so you just need another scrub and no more rust
Use sand paper
good tip,reallly
but i dont have a katana
Tetanus Breathing: First Form, Slow Painful Slice
Actual best thing to remove rust is WD-40. It removes rust basically instantly
Sigh any acid strong enouth will remove rust so basically anything stronger than carbonic acid
Try potatoes… 😂
The lawn is dead
When you stab someone with this rusty sword it unleashes a virus and spon infects your entire body and makes you disintegrate into dust
Tetanus Breathing Katana
had my katana for months and there is no rust. is my katana made of worse quality(not from mini katana)
Well, since rusts are oxides, using low concentrated hydrochloric acid would probably ur best bet
Edit: some gasses might form so do this in a highly ventilated area
Vinegar by itself doesn’t do that much, you need to use vinegar and aluminium foil to scrub the rust off, this happens because of a chemical reaction of some sort between them
It’s how I clean my frying pans and cooking knives when they get rust on them
Imagine just making a rusted knight
Cover in baking soda for a couple minutes then soak in vinegar
What’s a good hunting knife I can get.
Sandpaper and wd40
Try wd-40 it works very well to remove rust.
Try Mountain Dew
Pros: tetanus
cons: weak blade
Scrub daddy is choking on a katana😂
Man be violating that scrub daddy bruh
Drown it in coke
The sponge 😵😵
Use monster energy
+10 poison damage
I don’t care what anyone says, the rust spots make it look way better
He got an enchantment
Try monster energy
The vi-what ?
Bro scrub daddy feelt all the rust in his mouth
salt and vinegar might work better
You can use coke to remove rust
I heard if you say their name 3 times you get pinned
Mini katana
Mini katana
Mini katana
Yeah that works. And the explanation is simple. Vinegar is an acid and rust is an oxide. And those two substances can easily react producing water and a soluble salt you can remove after the reaction. Basically you can use any other acid you want. Vinegar is just the easiest to obtain.
Use electrolyte techinuque
whenever u used the coke, your supposed to leave the metal submerged in it not scrub
Thats a lot of vinegar you spilled on your lawn.. did it survive or is there now a dead circle?
Try put it in a vinegar bath for 24 hours
scrub daddy love to see it
vinegar also helps avoid rusting
Poison: +20
Sharpness: -5
Coolness: -30
MF inflicts scarlet rot
Try wd40
any acid can dissolve rust to some degree, even lemon juice. coke should also be able to do it as it contains a considerable amount of phosphoric acid
Leave it in monster energy drink dude
Leave it in the vinegar for a week and it will be restored
Scrub daddy ain’t getting a break
If you sharpen the blade wouldnt rust be like make the katana a poison blade if its sharp
You have to leave it in a tub of vinegar for like a day or so
Ve…. What?
why dont you put this sord into lava and put and end this sad story…
It’s removed it because vinegar is a kind of acid so the vinegar not really burnt it but it kind of dissolves the rust
Just leave it in salt and vinegar
now your katana smell sour you migth wash it up
Use potato
Well I can see y’all can’t soak the katana so maybe just take a grinder to it since it’s almoat ruined anyways
You could also use Salt + Vinegar it works like vinegar but way better
Who remembers the commont section that has breathing styles i was the 65th
Careful on the hard “R” bto
I know the poison effect is a funny joke, but because of how tetanus works it would be more like a stun effect
Lore accurate Muramasa
Put it in redbull for 24 hours
A little tip: Add some baking soda in the vinegar and then soak the katana in that liquid….it works out even better
I tried it at home and it really works
It is better in combat; if they don’t die from the cut, they will from the poisoning of the rust😂
Bro didnt like his Tetanus V so he used the grinder to remove it
It got a plus 20 poison buff and 120 damage against unvaccinated children
Use sand paper and rubbed the katana it’s remove rust
Try putting salt with the vinegar , it should wipe years long worth of rust
Only get the rust off of the blade then go to war and you can have full slicing capabilities and a tetanus effect to torture the survivors
Try acid!
Nah the scrub daddy tho 💀
Apple cider viNiger
your sword barely cut me (dies from tetanus)
How to Remove tetanus from a sword lol.
Wd40 and sand paper
Use w40 I think
Use a cream cleanser
Take care of ur blades kids
Bro got the poison enchanment
You made it weaker
Rusty weapons give +9 poison damage on unvaccinated kids
Id love to have that katana, the patina on it looks so cook 🤩
Yeah it’s basic Chemistry
Katana Blades Are Made Out Of Iron And Iron Reacts Eith Oxygen To Create Rust The Formula Of Rust Is (Fe3O4) So Basically Rust Is A Metal Oxide And Metal Oxides Are Basic
Vinegar Contains Acetic Acid And Due To That Neutralization Reaction Occurs And It Takes Out The Rust.
Get a scrub daddy
I can smell thru the screen
Nice use of the scrub daddy
Try monster energy and soak it for 24 hours
The pain this brings me lmaoo
Can I have all the katanas you destroy plz
It looked cool rusty
Try wd40 and white vinigar that might work well
Put the sword in boiling vinegar. Works way better
Try bartenders friend
Use WD-40
If the blade wont kill you the tetanus will
Use sand pls it works
Rusty katana has a buff called poisoning don’t remove it
Sword of the rust king does 2d6 slashing damage with an additional 1d6 necrotic damage
*”Nowadays having some savings is nice, but having investments is the wisest decision one can ever make, in order to be financially Stable” I’m so excited as I’m involved in an investment where I make 33k biweekly*
The rust would have gone even with dishsoap because of the blade polish. Try it
Someone Report this guy to the admins for using abusing the tetanus buff
Can you try rust remover products?
Guys stop worrying the tetanus buff is still there but the buff got decreased from 50% to 20% but he got a 20% durability buff so it’s worth it
– Bleeding
– Poison
– Illness
– Tetanus
– Hard Bleeding
– Nausea
Try lemon and vinegar then scrub it down
WD40 with vinegar
Please the yoriichi sword funcional 🙏
Hey buddy try your best to use electrical current with vinegar like a bathtub of vinegar.
I think electrolysis would work really well.
Apple cider viNEGAR
The tetanus joke is funny and all but in all likelihood this katana will most likely not result in tetanus as tetanus is (as far as I am aware) caused by dirt and other things being stored in the pores (is that the correct term?) of the rust and this katana seems to have simply been placed on a stand for the duration of it’s rusting and is likely mostly clean
Watching this happen to a sword physically pains me even if it is just surface rust
Bro vinigger works fr
You’re supposed to let it soak overnight
This would mentally scar me if I did this to one of those babies
Vinegar removes rust. Its not a miracle button. It must remain soaked a few days to eat it all.
Idiot kids with their impatient best wisdom showing.
Try mixing coco cola and vinager
I cried while watching that time lapse
Try monster
Much better then coke
wd 40
Bad boy sword 🗡️ sharp and clean ✅
Coca Cola also removes rust well idk if it’s bad for the steel
Bro you did the coke one wrong you’re supposed to pour it on not scrub
Restock laws sword please 🙁
Try setting the blade on fire, I think it could burn away the rust
Every YouTuber is such a wasteful pos just put vinegar in a bucket and use it 10 more dollars or more
Then soak it for longer
For that use toothpaste please trust
Have you tried coke
Try hydrogen peroxide
NGL it would be kinda funny to make a katana build in real life.
Try use lemon juice, or acid
Ohh so that’s how Michonne keeps her katana so clean
It adds character
Soak. In vinegar. Three minutes. Scrub. If still rust, repeat.
Use salt and vinegar
This katana has been out in so many videos wtf
Try wd 40
Bro gave it a poison buff
Try taking off dance for my cortana with asking
That spunge was on sharks
If you fought with a rusty katana wouldn’t you deal more poison damage with the addition of tetanus
Y’all acting like we still in update 303.4. The tetanus status debuff got nerfed a while ago
try acetone and it may be nail polish remover but if i melted the top layer of my sisters desk i think it will work
So the doctor guy pronounced vinegar wrong…
I’d keep it with the rust so it gets the tetanus V enchant
Zoro wants to know your location
11:34 someone please explain to me what a French bullet is.
Leave the katana for 24 hours in ketchup and it will clean the rust
Everyone should have already known that it removes rust..just leave it for a few days and it’s perfect after you flash it off in the water
try using sand paper lightly to remove rust but I’m not sure ab it actually I tried it on a metal rc car
Make jetstream sams muramasa from mgrr
Try Apple cider vinegar 😮
Heat it with fire and beat it with a hammer
Anybody notice the scrub daddy scrubbing the blade😅
This that shut that stabbed Ser Gregor The Mountain
You need to leave this out for like at least 6 months for actual rust to form. You are basically removing a layer as thin as paint that is just as easy to get off
That’s not rem time being rust, just brushing off the surface layer. Rust cannot be reversed as it is a chemical change in the metal that goes beyond the surface
Try leaving it in coke
Just use power tools
Damn looked good with tetanus stats 🤣
Keep the katana like that after sharpening it so you got the damage with the poison effect
Use WD40! It’s a miracle product for saws so it should work for swords well.
rusty katana : 30 dmg with virus effect
thats it what did you expect its a rusty katana
That poor katana -_-
can you slice a tatami mat with it
My preferred method when it comes to blades with rust. Use sandpaper and wd40
What the smily scrub doing!?
Try monster energy drink
Add vinegar and baking soda it will be newww
Rusty Katana
ATK + 8
Applies Poison on strike
I’m surprised the results. That vinegar removed a lot more rust than I expected!
You could probably get the rest if you let it soak overnight. Maybe take a picture pipe and fill it 50/50 with water and vinegar then scrub?
Soak it for 12 hours it will remove all the rust
Committing war crimes so you don’t have too!
Use salt to break down rust it works wonders
bro washing off the tetanus reforge 😭😭😭😭😭
Just keep going at it
Normal katana: sharpness V
Rusted katana: sharpness 1, poison 2
Slightly rusted katana: sharpness 3, poison 1
Put it in Coca Cola
Scrub daddy 🤨
Deep it in beer it helps
I would hurt you for doing this
Salt and vinegar works better
Try cola
Grab vinegar put some sodium(salt) in it to make hydrofluoric acid, then use it on the katana
no way they started making Zanka no Tachi replicas
better use citric acid, it works great
Use bleach and baking soda
I think you can sharpen it and use it rusty. Rusty metal is deadly
use wd-40
Ay what did he say?
Don’t remove that tetanus buff
part 2 of vegetable oil is the wy to remove rust after just pur it in and leave it and wait
See what would happen if you froze it for 1 week
Try vinegar and baking soda
Add monster energy to clean the rust
What’s the name of this song
Nro domt remove the tetanus effect, its super useful in combat (speaking from expirience
Use coca cola👌
Ginger and salt it’s not rocket sience
Better than cola
Stop trying to remove my tetanus breathing…
Use acide
five minute crafts be like
Works better if you disassemble and leave the blade in a tank of it
Imagine getting a cut 🙂
Vine gar ain’t doing nothing
Thats a poison katana
Bro un-enchanted his katana from +5 poison damage to +7 damage
“Blood breathing, Fifth form! Tetanus Slash!
Ok well do is put it in a bucket of vinegar then scrub it and also keep it for a day I’d say
Yes, vinegar breaks down rust on steel, it can also heavily pit the metal.
Keep an eye on it, let it soak for 3 hours or so at a time before pulling it out and wiping it off to check it and make sure you sharpen, polish and oil the blade after removing the rust.
You CAN just let it soak overnight or whatever but you run the risk of damaging the blade more than the rust itself did.
Yeah vinegar works super good Against rust and corrosion
Bro got the tetanus affixes💀👍
Red bull for 24 hours
That it and I can give poison
Sanitizer better
Who needs Sun Breathing when you got Tetanus Breathing
I think the scrub daddy is dead
Just use Citric acid my guy
Plus 20 Tetanus damage
Use baking soda withe vinegar
Try electrolysis
Use wd-40 and a wire brush a hand held wire brush and a drill powerd one
This still Hurts so much
to fix it u need to put it in a large container and put a whole bottle of vinegar and sharpen it
not the scrub daddy😂😂😂😂
if your a samurai Don’t watch this video
Bro still got the poison effect
Bro got the tetanus enchant
Use wd40 and then scrub it with sandpaper then just wipe it with a rag
I saw from some tv show they use tomato u may be try it . i not that much sure is gonna work.
Try bleach
Is this Mario Galaxy music? Sounds like it is
Can you give me that katana for free
“Item acquired” Rusty katana “give your opponents little tetanus kisses
you have to try milk
Gotta submerge it
the rusty katana is my worst nightmare
Yes vinegar works, I tried this with my rusted wrench. Dipped it good for almost a day, rust was all gone but the result was a wrench with a lot of scars. 🥲
Try monster energy it removes rust really good
W40 has left the chat
Slightly less rusty tetanus sword!
Damage 47.5
Durability 50
Sharpness 3
Dot 5/s
Strenghts: antivaxxers, poor communitys
Weaknesses: more vinegar, vaxxers,
rich communitys, white blood cells, tetanus shots
Rarity: rare
Description: with guilt in his heart, a samuri who killed thousands left the sword out and ran from his home, changing his identity, a young traveler found the sword and decided to refurbish, not scrubbing enough while cleaning lead to this cheap sword, but since it was once owned by a master, it has some sort of enchantment that makes it better then the common tetanus sword, that traveler still regrets selling it for 25 dollars to this day.
Samurai 1 : Yo dude my Katana is so good now
Samurai 2 : Wdym its so rusty
Samurai 1 : yeah you see 3 days ago i tried to kill that dude who slept with my wife but i only cut him a little
Samurai 2 : so?
Samurai 1 : his funeral was yesterday
Poison breathing first form – slow death
The tetanus sword
Let’s go to the swordsmith village 😂
Try a laser
First he added harming 255
Now he added poison 255
Vinegar? Tried it but it doesn’t work. Soap n water removes surface rust with an abrasive sponge. My go-to rust remover is wd-40 with a wire brush
Try Russ paper
Lemon and baking soda
Try Coca Cola
When you enchant your katana with tetanus 10
Day 1 of asking for a 2 dollar katana
+10 damage to non-vaccinated children
Try monster energy
Yo vi what????
Hey rusty sword better because you cut and give them tettnis 😎
Soak it for a day
Vinegar enchantment remover
bro used grind stone irl
this would make sure they are dead no matter if they run
Tiny rust is pretty good because of poison or infection
I started hurting after watching the katana gain RUST
Evaporust works better
I can smell this video
What can I do about a slight chip 😭😭
It works soak longer I have restored things with vinegar
Isopropyl alcohol is also great for removing rust
why did u rust it u should have given it to me for free 😭😭
Why do i kinda like the end product
You are doing this on purpose😭you aren’t even trying to actually remove the rust
Try using monster it works
I hear that WD-40 can cure rust
Use bleach
Why are you removing the “Tetanus” Enchantment
Ngl thats i cool design tho
how to ruin a katana in one step:
After rust it again
Do monster energy because it also removes rust then add even more vinegar
That is a Craptana…
Achievement get
Getting back in my shine time
use clorox
bro just use wd-40
Bruh i thought you said something else in the intro for a second
Rip the poor scrub daddy
Uhhh. What??? You’re supposed to leave it for 30 minutes to an hour. And then scrub it.
Poison +100
It looks so cool rusted for some reason tho
Monster Energy removes rust
Let it soak in a bit of lemon and salt and it’ll help quite a bit
RIP scrub daddy
Scarlet rot in elden ring on a sword
Try monster nrg
Poor daddy 😩😩😩
That sword better be called Dokujin (that’s poison blade in Japanese)
Bro that has a buff on unvaccinated kids
Use WD40
This guys special buddy soak it for longer in vinegar if you want the full effect
Katana has a scarlet rot buildup 💀
The rusted katana actually looks cool, and sure it wears it down but imagine getting hit by this
Day 2 of asking for you to use Monster energy
Soak it in coke for 24 hrs then wash of the rust after
Try Monster Energy
Get a sandblaster
-15 poison
If someone gets stabbed with this katana they are surely gonna get cancer 💀
Now its a dark souls weapon
The tetanus blade
Try aluminum foil
You should try lemon juice and aluminum foil to remove the rest. It always works for me
I’ve Said it once and I’ll say it again he invented tetanus breathing
He violated that scrub daddy 💀
Vi What?
Dude is taking off the tetnus enchantment
Bro not can only stab someone , but incase he doesnt die bro got a tetanus poison effect💀
Use a salt and vinegar try it
Even more deadly with tetanus
try the dishwasher bro
So that’s how you add the rot debuff
Do red bull I think it works
You get cut and get poison rust and infection damage 💀
Use wd 40
Weapons afflicted by “Rust” have a durability debuff, but deal 20% more poison damage with the “Tetanus” effect
Try monster drink
Use wd40
Try rust remover
You guys should use scour daddy
try coke and tin foil
Bro’s katana is like what happened to Zoro’s 3rd katana when he fighted the guy with the rust rust fruit 💀
Tetanus breathing 💀
What if u slightly sharpen an rusty katana?
Sharp poison buff
Bro trying to nerf his katana😭💀💀🤦♂️
Use salt and vinegar
Nah bro that’s the new tetenus blade
+10 tetanus damage
Skyrim frost bite venom
I can suggest 1 thing I use monster energy
Watching you ruin the katana made my soul leave my body
Can you try monster the drink on the katana
Low durability but high damage over time if not treated properly 😌
Why do that
Poison breathing: first form: Tetanus
You should try acid
Bro for the “Tetnis V” enchantment 💀
Apocalyptic, katana
Hotaru would be very offended if he saw this
NO! The legendary tetanus blade, it’s been destroyed
+10 poison damage -50 durability
Why did you unenchunted your poison IV katana
now put some wd40 on it
Rust adds poison damage to your blade.
How about… you try a rust remover, like one of those machines with da bristles
Hey if you cut them with a sword they’ll get tetanus
No way this dude just wrecked a perfectly good katana for a video💀
Day 70 of asking for trunks sword
He made a huge mistake …
WHY don’t remove the tetanus buff for damage over time
I’m officially keeping vinager in my house
The sponge 9 months later:🤰
Use a metal foil and water
“Tetanus blade”
Try coke
Don’t forget to soak it in baking soda to neutralize the acid!
Soak in vinegar for you for 56 days
Hydrochloric acid
Bro nerfed is katana
Rusty katana = legendary blade
Try sulfuric acid (my science teacher plz don’t kill me for giving him the idea) it just might dissolve the entire steal blade
1 year and 38 days of asking Mini Katana to make Murasama from Metal Gear Rising Revengence.
Why you put the katana in the scrub daddy’s mouth😂
Sharpness 4
Poisoning 5
Should’ve given the katana to me instead😔
How did nobody realise that this is an ad
Try using vinegar and salt
Use sand paper
Vi what now?
Okay but theres no control to compare it to. You should show how much rust you remove just scrubbing with water or nothing at all.
Rip scrub daddy
Stabbed in the mouth
He removed the poison IV such an waste
It needs a 24 hour soak. Adding baking soda helps too.
Use salt and vinegar
Try orange drink juice
Katana has achieved buff : when attacking someone give opponent tetanus
Ohno It’s too windy two sec 🔪🧍 neighbor get stabbed buy katana
try ketchup it works
Any amount of citrus will destroy katana eventually
Monster energy drink trust me
Stabbing someone with a rusty katana= +3 poison damage
You I’ma use this
It’s yes but kind of no
What Is The Biggest Enemy Of Metals ?
Ans : Rusting
Ketchup, soda, vinegar, lemon juice, lime juice, orange juice… Basically anything acidic
Did anyone notice bro put the katana through the scrubs daddy’s mouth
I know this might sound ridiculous but I kind of like the rusty battered look
Do over night
Two swords both 56 days
Kinda looks cool with the rust
Man just straight up buffed the poison buff on katana with the vinegar
Bro dont clean it, it has a rotting effect on it its op it carried me through the whole world
tetanus blade
Not bad
tetanus plus 10 damage per hit plus poison effect (5 damage every second)
Speedrunning yt shorts: It works pretty good but not fully
this pissed me off
Bro killed darkeater midir to get that katana
The scrub daddy is dead💀
Rubbing alcohol or isopropyl should loose it up
(not the OP) please please please learn chemistry, biology and physics in highschool. i swear i feel like Americans are just refusing science as part of their identity politics (I’m American. I know what im lamenting).
btw, acids and bases and metal salts are the three components of one of the most fundamental chemical reactions of our physical world.
seriously, it’s inorganic chem 101.
*rusty blade*
Deals +25 damage to people without tetanus vaccine
Try Monster
Sharpness -6
Poison damage +4
Bankai Zanka no tachi
Try gripclean 🫣
Now the Katana has True/Fatal Posion Effect
THE POOR SCRUB DADDY, what did it do to be cut into pieces
Rip scrubd daddy 🪦
Watching the Katana rust actually hurt me.
So your a vi-niger
Remember always buy more katanas because ur first one will get lonely
Bruh stop trying to remove the poison effect from the katana
Vinegar solos all anime no cap
Is nobody going to talk about how he made the scrub daddy scrub with its’s body then mouth?
tetanus infused katana
+1 damage
-adds poison effect to targets hit-
Need baking soda dude
Use a rust remover
He nerfed the poison damaged on purpose!
Metal breathing, form 1: Rusting Rend
Buff +7 tetanus
Debuff -3 slashing
Use ketchup
Leave it in monster energy original for 24 hours
Use wd40 and a wire brush and file
Get stainless steel 🗿 🍷
Try soaking the katana in monster energy for 24 hours
Bro I need the tetnes blade
Try leaving it in overnight that might make the result a decent bit better
This really breaks my heart😔I’ve always wanted a katana but could never afford one
What’s the professional way to remove rust?
I don’t own a Battle ready katana and really want to invest onto one, but seeing this rusted katana getting repaired slowly was actually satisfying
Do electrolysis on it
i would have that katana even if it’s rusted i’m way too broke to get a katana
give me a katana.Try 68
Man can kill unvaccinated kids by touching them with the katana.
i’ll take that katana off your hands for you😊
I’ll use tentnus stab ability
USE MONSTER ENERGY. it works I tried it with a rusty nut *do not take it out of context* and it was big, still worked under 12 hours! Try.
Try Coca-Cola
Do a giveaway!!!
Clean it with beer it works
Wd40 sand paper and some kind of rough sponge will clean that thing right up
Weakened the poison effect but buffed the sharpness, pretty balanced
Bro removed the tetanus buff
Bro has poison damage on the blade
Try Potato
Bro a rusty Katana might be better
Poison damage
bro don’t remove the tetanus buff
Image your whole personality is you have a katana
Try clr
Try of monster energy
Baking soda and vinegar it works soooo well
Maybe the ancient samurai could use some rusted katanas to give their enemy tetanus. 😂😂
LEVEL UP poison damage!!!!!!!
No, you must keep the rusted enchantment then sharpen it and give tetanus to everyone
Bro got a Cursed Murky Abyssal Blood Gemstone on that katana
Why is no one talking about what he did to the scrub daddy😅
A monster drink
Try WD 40
It’s like sorry😊❤ play I love it it looks great cleaning it I’m going to make you like I’m going to make you subscribe 💖
The scooter deluxe rufe April fools your Man YouTube bitte lol
That’s closest we have to sabimaru from sekiro
Yoo Vinegar actually Worked!! Didn’t expect that!!
bro obtained the “Tetanus Debuff” effect on his katana
I’m proud of you guys for not saying anything sus about scrub daddy 👏🏻
You have to use ketchup let it sit for 2 hours and the rust is gone
Use hot sauce
Bro used the cancer enhancement.
Alloys like steel should be resistant to corrosion. Are u getting scammed or is that how it’s supposed to be?
If the katana slashing you doesnt kill you somehow, that tetanus definitely will 💀
Or buy rust remover for only 7 bucks, it’s pretty effective. Vinegar is also a good option, you have to let it dip for a day tho.
Try to use rubbing alcohol
Try monster energy drink it will remove rust
The pain from that katana is on god level
First you get watever that diseas was called then you get pain from the vinegar witch is literly an acid
Try baking Soda And Vinegar with a cold scrub daddy or iron brush!
Imagine using the tetanus blade in combat, literally a real poison buff
Do vinegar and baking soda
That Katana has a poison side effect 💀
At this point, it’s not much more work to just use electrolysis.
Why did you waste that perfectly good katana 😢😢😢
Do monster energy drink day 2
keep the rust on
it leaves a poison effect on the enemies
Bruh , I asked to scrub with vinegar and BAKING SODA TOO. Also, rub it with a lemon. 😊
bruh imagine if u covered the edge up to abt a centimeter or so then let the rest rust, u would have sharpness 3 + poison effect lol
Naw I’d leave the rust on for poison damage
Apple cider vinegar
Try cum
Dip the blade in the salted water and run electricity it will remove most of it but it won’t make it shiner so yaa you need to repolish it
Noooo not the debuff
You should try monster energy
Un enchanted
Would you like to discard “Tetanus Sword” ?
hey mini katana when is laws sword getting restocked???
Try using lemons it works way better
Scrub daddy hard at work i see.
Bro it’s a katana with an effect of tetanus it’s like a poison arrow or knife from red dead redemption two if the arrow/knife/katana won’t kill the enemy the poison/tetanus certainly will
“Aw man they nerfed the katana of rust now it does +10 poison dmg instead of +90😢😢”
mini you’re not slick I am on to youuuuuuuuuu……
What is he doing to the scrub daddy
Bro removed fire aspect for sharpness
Imagine stabbing someone with this rusty katana 💀
try the lemon juice or lime juice
pls make mini new tanjiro’s nichirin
When can i buy a rusty katana?
Can it be delivered to czech republic if yes how much
Stop, the tetanus buff is op
Can you guys make sekiros kusubimaru
Can I have the rusty Katana pls
Broooooo dont remove the poison dmg buff
Day 1 Can you make yorichiis katana
Leave one out for 69 days😂
Can you guys forge Yasuo’s(from LoL) Katana? Asking for first time
Bro do you sell your demonslayer katanas in India ?
Vinegar the edible acid
Try salt and vinegar do salt first and the soak it in vinegar
Could use electricity.
You have to leave it in vinegar for 24 hours to break down the rust
Bro can you cut cotton with katana???
try salt and vinegar
that can still cut?!