How to spawn in Hackable & Elite Crates 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
Quick and Easy guide for spawn Hackable crates and elite crates anywhere, and change the hackable crate timer, and commands to help maintain hackable crates that get stuck under the map. Make your Rust Console Edition custom server even better with this crate spawn guide. Along with a definitive guide for spawning hackable crate and elite crate learn how to clear crates that are stuck under the map and a great fix for stopping hackable from falling under the map. With the recent update Double11 has added some more commands to make spawning crates and maintaining them a lot easier. Custom Server crate spawning guide for Rust console Edition for Xbox, PS4, PS5 & Xbox Series X. This Custom Server Crate spawning guide will cover two methods for spawning in crates for your Custom Server map. This is a collection of everything we know on how to spawn crates and maintain them for your server, and events that you want to create for yourself with the Rust CE custom servers. Rust Console Custom Servers are now live and we are walking you through how to use the admin tools and commands and how to create your first Rust Console Edition Custom Server. Rust Console Edition custom servers finally give us the ability to find and ban the Rust cheaters. Jump into the thrilling world of Rust Console Edition with our Custom Servers!We’re excited to showcase the dynamic and action-packed gameplay on our Jade Monkey 2x (Solo/Duo/Trio) server. With all blueprints unlocked and crates hackable and elite always buzzing, it’s a prime example of the endless possibilities in setting up your Rust Custom Server. Watch us spice up gameplay and witness the intense action firsthand. Join our Jade Monkey 2x Solo, Duo, Trio server with all BPs unlocked on Rust Console Edition Community tab. Custom Servers are coming next to Rust Console.At some point there will be a new system put into the game to catch cheaters using third-party adaptors and scripts to reduce recoil, M&K adaptors, Zen, Kronos, etc. This quality of Life update brings in larger boxes and some interface things that we will be using with our custom servers. Quick Rust console news update. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles! Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
Rust Console Edition 🛢 Guides
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▬▬▬▬▬[ BoiFriendSquad ]▬▬▬▬▬
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► Biolazer: https://goo.gl/b9Cgyf
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Jade Monkey / BioLazer / Razor Tube
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0:26 Prerequisite to spawn Hackable & Elite crates
1:06 Short names to spawn Hackable crates
1:42 Careful how you spawn crates on an active server
2:38 How to spawn a custom hackable crate
5:30 Best Custom Server! No Admin abuse, anti-cheat & loot events.
6:12 Example loot event setup with custom crates
7:01 How to spawn elite crate anywhere
8:37 Remove crates
9:04 This is how crates get stuck under the map
10:01 How to clear crates stuck under the map
12:53 How to fix hackable creates from getting stuck under the map
15:18 Hackable Crate Custom Timers (No server restart)
18:53 Boost performance during big events (with lots of people)
20:00 Spice up your Cargo Ship events
Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Community Server,Rust Console Crate Guide,Rust PS4 Crate,Rust Xbox Crate,Rust Hackable Crate,Rust Spawn Crates,Rust Add Crate,Rust Elite Crate,Rust Custom Server Guide,Rust PS4 Custom Server,Rust Xbox Custom Server,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console Edition,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (65)
How to get more Locked Crates around the map more randomly
I can’t spawn hackable crate it says invalid entity
What’s up the test geny just curious
After Update, dont work anymore.
“PROHIBITED ENTITY” or what i do wrong?
Hello jade sorry If I can’t post this but I wouldn’t have any other way of finding you to be able to DM you just wondering do you take payments for helping coding on discord?
It didn’t work for me
Can’t use mouse and keyboard without a 3rd party device that’s considered cheating unfortunately can get you banned…
Thank you, this helped so much😊
How can u set pvp zones on a pve server
Jade monkey how can I set up the locked crate to spawn every hour
hey jade how do I fix the cooldown time for heli, airdrops, cargo etc. ?
I spanwed in 2 somehow went to 0,0 and they werent even there, however there was a jerry can and a small wood box lmao
Litrally not one question answered
Litrally says it doesn’t exist
Or do all of this with the VereTech RCE Killfeed bot…
Where do you find the Rust console xbox Commands
Don’t work
Keeps telling me invalid entity
This don’t work anymore for some reason
How did you do the copy paste. You explained it but I didn’t understand stand.
Hey Jade have you worked out how to spawn scientist ?? Tries just gives unknown entity?
How to spawn a vending machine in outpost with that ?
Hey I was wondering, I made a server for my son…I was wondering if you send your overflow his way?? Delete this if not allowed bro. I’ve learned a great amount from you…keep up the good work.
His server I’m the community is below.
PrySuxFrtnit 30 min brad quicker crate hacks
can u do a video on how to control event cooldown multiplier
anybody know how to spawn scientists in
What is a command/code to give a start in game
Is there any way to spawn in monument type items like the couch at bandit camp or the hobobarrels? it says hobobarrel_static_always on is in the game, but it can never actually spawn it.
Could you please tell me what to put in the command boot log for players, who spawn in my server to spawn with an MP5 and ammo and hazzy
Do you need too keep putting commands in after you have dropped crates in to refresh them or put in custom boot commands so it does it automatically also having difficulty with spawning in chinook any help appreciated
@jade I’ve been building a custom monument and I’ve added some elite crates and stuff is there a way to make them so they respond instead of having to type code again
Hey im the owner of rust demons, i love your videos would love to have you come visit my server somtime. its on the fullest settings 😉
Yo @jade monky i wanted to know if there is a way to see what player placed something like a foundation or a ladder or something like that
How do you find an id? I have a large base that needs deleted and i wanna use construct.nuke but you need the id
Whenever I want to spawn a hackable crate I just use codelock instead of typing out hackablecrate and it works the same!
spawn codelock (x,y,z)
Evertyime I type anything in it goes to 0,0,0
How do I copy and paste I’m confused
I get kicked form my own server the reason it saws Reason Wirhheld idk what happn i just use some commands
Hi @jademonkey just quick one I’ve recently bought a rust server but the team I was in is no longer together but it isn’t letting anyone in there bases with a key code lock any ideas thanks?
@Jade Monkey, you do know once you get the coordinates you don’t have to stand there anymore? If you save the numbers you can spawn anything there you want without standing at the spot.
When does the 2x wipe
When does the 2x server wipe?
Do you know any command to remove the safe zone, I mean you can do pvp in the outpost for example?
you can go to Outpost, stare at a turret and type ENT KILL and it will destroy a turret at Outpost !
Is there a way to get stacks higher than 3000🤔
Thanks buddy this helps out a lot. Could we see a video about bradly wanna know if I can spawn him anywhere.?
Great content! Are we able to rotate recyclers yet?
Rust console is dieing game and the toxic community doesn’t help I recommend everyone to not bother with this game it’s nothing like pc
Can you spawn in cargo and scientists
Thank you
Dam he actually listened to me
Thanks to god now i have pc ,rust console is just trash..
Still nothing on increasing vending machine stack sizes? (Ex: selling an ak for 1,250 scrap but a normal vend can’t go pass 1,000 scrap). Also thanks for the video the corpse one will help a lot! I figured out the rest from self testing 😎 also corpsedespawn dosnt work as admin do you have to be owner?
Are you able to spawn scientist 🤔
Spawn codelock (x,y,z) also works
Are elite crates on console vanilla servers?
Great video Jade. Every time I try to access my personal server it just gives me the message service unavailable. That have to do with what’s going on with servers right now?
Any command for airdrops to fall faster?
I remember you told me that having my KB plugged in after i was being accused of cheating that it wasn’t helping my case. Lmaoo just cause my Sensitivity was High af.. lmaoo but theres a couple cheaters on the BiWeekly and Some Guy Pinging 300+ that keeps Lag Switching And Winning Gun fights that hea not supposed to due to All the N/As we get for his Bad Ping… He even puts on Vending Machines that Hes Pinging 300+ and He Still Slapping… He Needs to Be Banned from the Server
Hi I also got a server. Do you know how to fix that people can’t find it if they search it up? Is it because of the colored name?
Hey man i want to get vip for my trio on your server how would i go about doing that
Can u make a 3x server please
16seconds yeah
Miss you jade