RUST (Electricity): Auto-Closing door BUTTON that only YOU can activate
How to make a safe button for closing all the doors of your base. Only the players allowed on your TC you will be able to activate the button. Of course you can use this function for many other applications.
コメント (23)
Minor detail: it will OPEN all doors for a few seconds before closing them all. That’s a major security hole.
do you have the 2024 updated version? great vid btw
Doesn’t work
2 years later but i beg 🙏 Can you tell me how 3:47 pleease😊
Can I connect 2-3 buttons to this electrical circuit? I want to install them at the exit and inside the base. I tried to connect several AND switches and combine them using the root combiner, but for some reason it is impossible to do this from the energy output on the switch.
Great video could I do the same thing but with a timer on the circuit so that the doors all open and close after a certain time? Also how would I do this with a button at the front door and the tc room could you make a video please?
For 20 garage door? Much volt?
i bet ur from saudi or uae
This si bad since when you are close to the button they can still use it. You have to blacklist not whitelist.
I wish when you explained to a electician noob, you gave some context on what stuff like “and switch” or sensor does… or what you’re doing exactly when connecting the doors. None of this was very helpful as a tutorial, maybe someone who’s more versed in electricity may understand it.
if the button works only for authorised ppl then you can just use smart swich to close all doors because in order to swich it you need tc access
need to try it first!
If you put this outside wont they need only destroy the sensor to gain access tot he whole base?
It’s not safe entirely. You go towards your entrance and a enemy downs you, or you are still around and he presses the button, the doors will open with an enemy nearby. I had a system that detects a authorized person pressing a button as well as detecting enemies that would block of the button, so if you are in the base or are outside and a enemy rushes in he cant press it, you cant either but thats much safer. I used this system for deactivating the turrets inside the base. Imagine a raid and they blow up a few doors, they will see the button to deactivate/switch the autoturrets off using a memorycell, but somehow they cant, even when you spawn in, they wont be able to put the turrets on off.
Why not just use a smart switch? You can only turn it off/on when you have TC auth, even if you are next to it in game.
Power generator -> button -> smart switch -> doors
or Power generator -> smart switch -> doors , if you are sure you wont forget to click it off again.
Have you made hurtworld videos?
Love your way of explaining things and like the intresting ideas so far. Keep up the good work and great things are comming your way!
What if you are near the button and someone else presses it
good video. i got a suggestion for a video, how to do remote sam sites, so u dont get shot down flying back to base. im currently use this setup but curious to see how you would approach this
based on this thing,, could you make an circuit which deactivates the sam site while flying away or landing? with a timer … FI you enter helipad.. timer starts and sam is deactivated… you fly away and after time X sam activates again… same when returning to base.. you pass a detection tower , Sam deactivates time X , you land and sam site goes online after time has elapsed…
I made 3 of your timed pressure pad Tesla’s in my workshop with a switch that turned them on and off before going offline <3 my base was never raided and even if they got in....microwave :) glad to see another vid. Keep up the good work
Mozinor president
Bonne année les amis 😘