Cheater Ban Wave Soon 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
Rust Console cheater ban wave incoming soon. Recently the Rust Console Edition Cheating Problem has gotten a lot worse, it seems like every server and every wipe there are so many people using third-party devices (Zen, Cronos, M&K adaptors). Cheating in Rust Console is people are using a Keyboard and Mouse in a game that requires players to use controllers is an unfair advantage to other players playing legit, also any recoil reduction is cheating. For the Same reason using in-game exploits is also cheating (hacking) the game rules to give the player an unfair advantage against other players outside the games base rules. Double 11 will be doing a ban wave soon for anyone using a mouse and keyboard adaptor and recoil reduction for Rust Console Edition on PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Either way we are getting new Rust Console content soon on Rust Console Public Testing Branch (PTB). Looks like we may get the Power Surge (electricity). New building blocks: Triangle Ladder Hatch, Triangle Hatch Frame, Spiral Stairs (square and triangle) procedural corners, procedural roof tile, Triangle roof tile, vehicle ramps, new steps. Rust Tech Tree Update will bring in Larger Maps (3k), Tech Tree, Power Plant Monument, Target Practice & Builders Paradise Servers (Custom Server Types). With Rust Console Edition getting the Tech Tree update soon this is What to expect when the update hits the live branch of Rust Console on PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Some of the things included in the update are: Tech Tree, Larger Maps, Power Plant and PvE servers. Rust Console news update, Rust Test Branch will bring: Larger Maps, Tech Tree, PvE servers, Recoil changes. New content added to Rust Consoled edition that includes: Supermarket, Trainyard, Water Treatment Branch. Update Rust console Edition Now! Rust Console patch has brought in new monuments Trainyard Monument, Water Treatment Branch and abandoned supermarket. Rust Console Edition for PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X, now have new monuments and here is a guide to find them. Rust Console Monuments are back! Train Yard, Water Treatment Plant and Supermarket and now back in Rust Console. Quick Rust console news update. Rust Console on PS4 and PS5 will never be the same with the Power Surge update coming in soon. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console electricity system will bring change they way you raid and the way you build and defend your bases. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Cheating,Rust Hacks,Rust Cheats,Rust Console Cheats,Rust PS4 Cheats,Rust Xbox Cheats,Rust Console Mouse Keyboard,Rust Keyboard Mouse,Rust Zen,Rust Cronos,Rust Kronos,Rust Strike Pack,Rust Exploit,Rust Ban Wave,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console Edition,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (149)
Does anything happened it has been a year
Controllers with back paddles can they get you banned?
Still nothing done and worse than ever.
Any new developments on this ban?
If you plug a ps4 controller into the side of an input device its undetectable. 😊
Well looks like no banwave ever came ;D Still getting to fights with cronus users -.- Just posted a clip of one to my youtube
Brother i got cheaters on critter rt usa server i need help
Hopefully they get rid of all the cheaters even if they lose 80% because I would rather play with 20% legit players then a bunch of losers
Force YQ on console server is full of people using zen and 3rd party thing it sucks 😞.
it’s never gonna happen
They still use zen, who have until now. nothing changed
Tried getting this dude banned named scriptmyak like dude how is he not banned lmfao
They need a auto script check detecting system as when a player gets reported enough the game sends a signal to the player to shoot the gun without actually shooting it (with zen if you shoot with no bullets you can see the script moving by itself ) this is actually a fukn 10 dollar fix the employees could write the code for the script checker in a fkn day but na we have retards making broken video games nowadays
I quit because I found out how many people Zen, some of them even brag on Vendi’s or their player name. Even after reporting they just make a new account. Some of my friends have even left until custom servers. If it gets implemented and works. I’ll probably jump back on to check after next update
Its good they are gonna ban these devices but its also gonna take away much of the compettive scene of rust because of how they play but yes its very much needed to get banned
Jade man I’m so tired of this bullshit
Now u gonna see those crazy m2 no recoil player not be able to control even tommy recoil 😂 can’t wait
Haha a ban system that took years to implementation 😅
Ive had cheating reports pending for people ive reported for over a year on comsole now they just dont care and have said stuff like this before so i dont trust then me and my friends are currently dealing with a cheating clan even now
Whats crazy is 90% of rust console players are 17 and below using zen
Tbh I really hope that they do start banning people and what I heard is wrong just to clarify I heard that there is no ban wave coming as they would lose up to 70 %of the players on console and there just dangling a carrot to keep the player base from quiting completely
This isnt even rust console so how can you talk about something when you dont even play it on that platform?
Hey Jade, have you ever had to deal with players flying around the map on console? Had 3 players flying in the sky shooting us and first time id ever seen someone get banned by rust. Came up bottom left of the screen. Got ourselves some cheater loot and raided them 🙂
The problem with gaming, there are virgins with no life with 50k hours gameplay and then normal people with jobs and sex life.
The ones with a life deserve to use Zen so they don’t have to have no life to be good at the game😂
Where did you find this information?
Thank the Lord its coming soon, i pray it’s a perma ban and completely Bricks your console, can’t tell you how many times I’ve died to cheaters, rust is already a pretty toxic game doesn’t help when you get teabagged by a cheater 🤷🏻
It’s always the American kids they love cheating
11k hours of playing this game finally my skill will actually mean something
They said this 4 time 😂😂
No they cent 😂😂
Is mini live on public? Are horses?
Never going to happen zen is undetectable so good luck with that
Man that is so good to hear! I have had a group of 5 friends just fall off a server from just a couple of people zenning. There should be no acceptance for cheaters and yes there will be less players willing to play but even the playing field a bit.
Btw Xim and zen is different Xim is mnk zen is no recoil scripts letting you know they are not in the same category they both do totally different things
Then you have people like me that works all the time can’t play so when I do zen I suck still anyway cause all I do is work and you can’t find a team cause no one trusts no one so yea
They work so hard to develop anti scripts, but then Zen brings out a new update that makes them undetected within hours. Happened with fortnite believe me.
Zen studios relies on being able to use their products otherwise they become redundant.
Anyone can buy these devices how is it unfair advantage everyone has the same opportunity to purchase them.
Can’t wait for the losers to leave
Good it will get rid of all the dick heads
Ppl who use zen/Cronus and MnK think they aren’t cheating that’s what’s wrong with this community most ppl streaming in zergs and doing YouTube are using these devices to be “better” I’m just glad I won’t be doubled from far af
I know a few cheaters who are genuinely laughing at this.
Bro I literally just bought a zen 😢-100$
When we be able own our own server s
Warzone allows M/K
Mnk is just a play style its not that deep it still takes skill controllers not that hard tho
I’ve got about 75 days on the game (about 2k hours) and I have grinded out so my sprays so they are very good, and it’s really annoying becuase I get accused of zen/mnk all the time and becuase of this I get TC griefed and offlined est all the time and its going to be really nice that that stuff is going to stop becuase people will know that cheating isn’t possible.
Ngl btw not many of their detection systems work cuz I play all of them with a strike pack
The community bouta be gone
Time for these if your not zen your not comp 🤡s to go
Bro I can’t wait to slam all these hopeless zenners it’s so obvs when I get killed by one the other day some guy killed me and my mate in like 15 bullets with a ak from literally half a grid away
So many of these little shitters are going to lose all their discord friends because they will suck so bad now. 🤣 That’s if they don’t get banned first.
Is their not aim assist on console rust I see they have a option for it but all server say aim assist disabled
D11 should get some admins on there ill help
Ya love to see it y’all finally the game may be competitive again rip scumlords
It’s full of hackers genuinely
This is the best news not just for rust but gaming in general less cheaters 🙏
i fought zen kids in close combat and they trash and they have like no game sense at all so if u a duo against a zen in a middle range fight u should be able to win
My base stats will not show up anymore?!somebody know how to fix this ?😢
there is no auto aim but there is 3rd party aim assist which hopefully they ban as well. i mean rust is probably the hardest game i have played (aiming wise) i mean tracking and stuff sucks ass lol. But it needs to be the same for everyone. i hate the excuse that someone has 3k hrs. that’s why their AK spray is amazing. i have over 4 k hours and my ak spray sucks.
I literally stopped playing cause of the amount of cheaters that come up sometimes it’s just the game not rendering some shots and I understand that but the zerging and cheating it’s not worth my time now since I already familiarized myself better with the game so now I wait for customs servers to come and make it more balanced. Love the work you been putting into keeping everyone updated dude thank you.
I’m kinda mad over this I’m legit but I feel like zen users give me more pvp and I enjoy it
I just hope the detection system is good bc ppl accuse everyone of xim I dumped 3k hours in so my shots are decent and pretty much anytime you hit your shots people come and call you xim so hopefully false bans done hit tha innocent
I have a controller with leds on it and its wired does that count third party
Do i get banned if i have weird controller plugged in to my ps4
Thank god I’ve died to some many zen users with zen even in their name
Are they going to be adding recyclers at fishing village
What about when people spin a 360 just to start aiming at me right when my cross hair touches them? Video proof of this happening by the way
ive reported a few, however can’t see a cheat or 3rd party device option
Hey, i was wondering if paddles are an exception or not? (3rd party) and if they are not, will i have to drop a lot of money on an xbox elite controller?
Basically been waiting for this and performance updates to return to console.
I would say this happens a solid 70% of the community will be banned lol
I would be so happy… when gun fights are “equal” like both sides missing shots, the game is actually fun compared to getting beamed.
Lol let’s gooooo!!!! This is something that desperately needs to happen to keep this community sane, should just perma ban them into a server with no one but hackers, best hacker wins….. ready…. Cheat!
dont think zen users will get banned because zen registers as a controller nothing more
Funny a dude who i reported half a year ago still didnt got reviewed even tho he said he uses zen but guess rust dont care
Alot of people use these zens but I think it’s good they are going to go
I’ll take the risk 🙏🏻🙂
Yea they let so many players quit the game before starting this. Like for real it took how long? Years? This took way to long. I guess electric was more important. We wouldn’t be false reporting if this had been addressed from the start.
And it’s a m2 with 4x it has little to no recoil your just making it sound like people are cheating when they arnt
I am slightly worried that when custom servers come out. High skilled players that already get accused of cheating are going to get banned from these servers just because they have good recoil control from many hours of gameplay. Take mclovincaleb for instance, he has almost perfect recoil control and he’s legit. So there’s a very high chance he would get banned from lots of custom servers falsely.
And what happens when I get banned because I can control recoil. Bc it’s not the first time it happened
Lmao gg nerds gl playing without cheats.
Do you know when we can create our own game on console.
Warzone should just ban cross gen… console will always be at a disadvantage against pc
My server is gonna be dead after this 😂
Let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor..
Let the bodies.. hit. The……FFLLLLLLLOOOOOOOORRRR!!!
Finally after 8 years of waiting
Jade I’m a big supporter of your videos but flicking is very possible when using a high sensitivity and m249 is a very easy weapon to use u just pull down skill issue is a thing though
I win most of the fights in Rust but is cheating actualy this bad?? I didn’t know Rust is full of cheaters…
I hope its not like rainbow six siege and bans sony licensed products aswell.. I got mousetrapped on rainbow six siege 1 time XD for using the backpaddelattachment with sonys name on it
Zen cronus macro xim splitter
mnk adapters and zen are two very different things but u keep saying they are the same thing with an mnk adapter you can only use mnk there is no recoil reduction with a mnk adapter ofc it’s easier to control recoil but they still have to control it the same way we do zen is the one with no recoil and afk scripts
Best RUST channel for News, Game-play, Tips, guides and on.
Yesterday when play RUST console.
I was on the second floor in my base.
Not even close to any wall, and i didn’t make any noice.
Did nothing. I stod in middle of the room,
And i see *1* *shot* hits the wall of my base and a white line from bullet going straight at my head,
like cheater *wall* *bang* a player far away.
I hear shots 100-150m away but i don’t know who they was.
There is noway they know that im in the base or what floor im at,
Didn’t lose any health, So i don’t think the bullet hit me.
But it was strange.
Ban all these a holes for cheating I quit playing until custom server’s come out
That’s includes xims I know there very popular for using k&m on console
Can’t wait till there all banned they will all get ripped apart by people who been playing thousands of hours legit
I feel they need to get a different recoil pattern likw i cant play with the recoil i miss like 10 bullets then kill them😂
From a cheater im clad they get do this bc it is annoying i only got it to have fun and have a chance against them but im glad they are getting get banned
I was playing aim train and this guy had infinite health I hit him more then 10 time with an m2 and he didn’t die
pov of target practice servers:
Jade is the frickin man!
will anything really happen how long Cronus been out and they do nothing !!!! I think they talking out there arse the most we will get is community server and we will have to police it our selfs !!!! WHY U GIVING THE CHEATERS A WARNING ? JUST BAN THEM . they have left it to long the whole of the ps4 users are on Cronus !
It is going to hurt the game pop for a while but it will come better with others returning to the game…. Please D11, do NOT give these cheaters ANY warnings… BAN them first time
Also notifications are on and all my reports are pending so I’m assuming it’s already active they are refining it.
The problem with this is it only takes any email to make a new accout so no gonna work maby if the game wasnt free
All I want is to play on jade monkeys future servers for console rust man 😩
Played yesterday and could instantly recognize legit and cheating players. Made me instantly get off. Thank god they are adding this
We are all going to be wondering why there are a bunch of potatoes running around the map after the band wave
Lmao 75 percent of the players are using one of these. The sad thing is it’s so rampant that somet it’s hard to blame the later adopters who just get annoyed and figure why not even the playing field. They should had done this way way way before.
They’re not gonna do anything. Dudes are literally running around with “mp5zen” “beamedbyzen” and they’re not getting banned. Community servers will likely have less cheaters but the officials will stay filled with cheaters
Iv joined 2, 8man clans and both were bragging about how they use it in under 1 hour of joining them ,i say hold of catch them all and ban dont give no warnings cheaters dont deserve it
Okay so I will admit I use a zen but not for scripts I use it to use my Nintendo switch controller as it has buttons on the bottom that I can change to any button I want will that get me banned cuz I’m using zen? But not using scripts
This is good news. Thanks for the info Jade Monkey. Good points made with how to deal with these cheaters.
I hope ppl don’t start getting banned bcuz there actually good + ppl can now just spam report if u kill them a bunch or raid them
Thank u god bro I missed ur live stream so if u built that turret tower with the auto doors and censors I missed it
4:44 m2 4x crouched you just have to pull down but I’ve been beamed by Ak from that distance and it’s kinda fishy🐟
AI has recently solved cheating. Within one year, cheaters will no longer exist in videogames. Hard to believe but completely true.
Ohh hell yea jade ohh wow the poor pricks now have to face us real players who have spent the time learning the recoil. Ohh I can’t wait it’s about time dam we going to lose a lot of players in rust hahaha. I hope they have spent heaps on skins to just to make the ban more sweeter.I can’t stand the fact they would kill u and then trash talk while admitting to using these weak ass devices. Honestly they will still try use them they r cocky like that.
Are under controller paddles that sony and others make, are they considered no no??
YES!!!!! This is great news
I think people are forgetting that at the end of the day this is a business. If they were to ban everyone that used mnk/zen they would kill off a massive part of the games community. Even R6 couldn’t ban people because of how many people use mnk, and still, even with mousetrap, I see players finding ways around it. I think this problem is much more complex then people realize and it will be a VERY long time till we see anything properly done about it.
Look, they can say things aren’t possible. If I’m standing two feet from someone and I give them 4 pump buckshots and they take no damage, somethings going on. Btw I play next gen and have giga net. If it’s server side, facepunch fix your shit!
A sad revelation I’ve come to find out is a lot of up and coming console rust YouTubers cheat really badly and are not even trying to hide it, I’ve joined many of them and they just go “yeah if you can’t beat them join them” and when I ask isn’t that lying to the fans they go “they should know and even if they do no one’s getting banned for it”
The 0 fov players that call everyone zen / xim are cheering rn
Bout time these guys with bows hitting me in the head from a square away are ridiculous
I have a problem with some of this cause like what if they ban someone who is just really good for instance the people who grinded aimtrain and stuff like that this isn’t like pc where they can just debunk if they are using scripts or not
“you pay your taxes Frank?”
You forgot to mention xim
Does console have aim assist or no aim assist like pc ?
So happy to hear this ….. I uninstalled rust cause of cheaters.. now I can play again … What about warzone?
All the devs have to do to stop scripts is down load all the scripts every script has a very special settings they need put the settings in a anti cheat when a player is reported check his settings DC them with warning of settings Zen detected that would stop 99% of scripts only personal non-shared scripts would survive.
Ngl M249 is not a good example it’s heaps easy to control that recoil compared to mnk but yes your point is very true about the no recoil feel
What about scuff controllers?
Didn’t even know it was a thing
YESSS get these Zenners out of here. I can’t wait for the tables to turn 😏
The part when you say you can’t see through walls it happened to me a few times I could see right in the base see the people moving around but it wouldn’t let me open doors or jump
If u want to keep ur skins ur goofy self spent $100 on then stop using Cronus is what he meant to say👍
4:46 a lot of people like myself have trained hours on the ak spray just to hit those 300m shots. If i get banned for being legit then is there a way to appeal the ban? Or will it permanent?
Lol, you kept referring to “custom servers” there at the end as if they were legit thing. People ask about them 100 times a day on discord and the YouTube creators chat. The fact they won’t even address it is disrespectful to their customers. They show some screen shots in November and nothing since other than casually mentioned in a sentence on the dev blog this week.
Finally, now 1/3 of the rust community will be banned for using those hacks
No way double 11 actually cares about its game now
good news
So excited for this thanks mr monkey man sir
You said the same thing last year! Will never happen my guy. Cheating on console is so much more rampant than pc. Will never play rust console again. 🙃
They should ban me due to hitting 1 round to a whole clip.
All those PeePee 9000 kids gone start crying
Yesss I saw the envelope saying pending reports