Counter Raid CHADS 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 Shop Wars PvP
Here is how it all went down when we decided to counter riad a group of Chads on Rust Console edition on PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X. We are on Rust Console Edition official servers and we were setting up to online raid another group and then a group of Rust Chads came in and started raiding our target. So we did what anyone would do, counter raid the Chads trying to gank our raid. Counter raids are very common in Rust and even more common when the server is at max pop. All this happened live on an official rust Console Edition server during our wipe that we are calling: “Shop Wars”. All the footage you see happened live on stream on on my Xbox Series X and on an official crossplay server between Playstation and Xbox players. These Rust console official crossplay servers are great for PvP action and just general Xbox Series X and PS5 gameplay thru the entire wipe cycle. Looks like we will get the beta skins either way and we may get the staging branch soon here either with this patch or the next for the look of it. Wipe day just happened in rust Console Edition for PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X. This will be a soft wipe for all servers weekly and monthly servers on all platforms, that means that the board and all of your loot will be gone but you keep all of the BP (blueprints) from previous wipe. Wipe for June 24th 2021 2 pm EST / 11 am PST / 7 PM BST. Glitch that will let you get all the top tier loot in Rust Console Edition day 1 with out any red card or fuse needed, just radiation protection and some heals and you are on your way to easy rockets, rocket tubes, armored doors, explosives (item) and more. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Patch 1.03 will be bringing in some fixes that the community have been excited for, things like, the 5 second freezing, the skin patch show skins show up for deluxe and ultimate players. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game will go full release on May 21st of 2021. Rust Console edition release date has been announced along with the price and beta access plus early access for Rust Console Edition pre-orders on PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X|S. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. This video talks all about New Rust console info, and how Rust is coming to PS4 and Xbox one. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! This is the most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. Rust Console Beta is happening in 2021 and I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Rust was officially announced for beta and full release of Rust in 2021 and is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One! Be the first to play in the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust has been officially Announced Rust is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One soon in 2021. Rust is coming to console! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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► Jade Monkey: https://goo.gl/6UNl7n
► Biolazer: https://goo.gl/b9Cgyf
► Razor Tube: https://goo.gl/dg4HOV
Jade Monkey / BioLazer / Razor Tube
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Console Raid,Rust Counter Raid,Rust PS4 Counter Raid,Rust Xbox Counter Raid,Rust Raid,Rust PS4 Raid,Rust Xbox Raid,Rust PS5 Raid,Rust Xbox One X Raid,Rust Xbox Series X Raid,Rust Shop Raid,Rust PvP,Rust Console PvP,Rust PS4 PvP,Rust Xbox PvP,Rust Console Shop Wars,Rust PS5 Gameplay,Rust Xbox Series X Gameplay,Rust Console Edition,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (7)
Oil Rig Soon? 🛢 Rust Console News 🎮 PS4, XBOX, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
It bothers me so much that he left that base with less than half an inventory!!!! Why didnt yoy just hold x after picking those specific things?????
Does anybody want to play rust console. Xbox gamertag( DiamondToaster)
Bro do u need active solid team member lol
When is wipe
Your teammate sounds like Obie
Our Rust Console Leader🙌🏽