Clan tables and homing missiles Rust Update 4th August 2023
August’s Rust Patch is live! In this update what’s new and what’s coming including Clan tables, and Homing missile launchers??
Enter the Giveaway here: https://gleam.io/06Uk9/rust-brick-building-skin-dlc-giveaway
Linky links
✔️Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shadowfrax
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System specs:
CPU – AMD Threadripper 3970X
GPU – TUF Gaming Geforce RTX 3080
Mobo – ROG Zenith II Extreme
RAM – 64GB D60G RGB 3600
Drives – Firecuda 1TB/Ironwolf 14TB
PSU – EVGA Supernova 1000G+
CPU block – Cooler Master ML360
Case – Lian Li 011 Dynamic special edition
Mic – RØDE NT1
Stay tuned to my channel for tips, tutorials, reviews, news, updates, walkthroughs and gameplay for survival games and city builders
Games within games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCquKn8PnQd7_-fxAHPR8vZ5
Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust PC 2023
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #facepunch #shadowfrax #2023
Taqs:rust update,shadowfrax,rust,concept limbo,rust pc,rust pc update,rust 2021,subject to change,rust review,rust 2022,rust recap,rust console,rust patch,rust performance,rust dlc,rust boat base,brick building skin,rust brick,rust brick skin,brick skin,rust parachute,rust parachutes,rust weapon rack,rust weapon racks,rust skins,building skins,new rust update,rust console update,rust clan,clan table,homing missile,rust homing,rust tug
コメント (441)
Giveaway link, all the best!: https://gleam.io/06Uk9/rust-brick-building-skin-dlc-giveaway
if you play this game avoid Paranoid rust servers
if i die on the way back to my base from a homing missile I’m never playing rust again
Sometimes I wander what facepunch is thinking when they add some new updates but hey,I’m not a developer nor am I paid to think so enough of that I guess🤣
.Might die wont work.. because its a fact you WILL Die without help..
Fix anti cheat
Glass skin
i guess New tier 4 Workbench for homing missile price to craft 3k-5k scarp 350-500 HQM Metal Frags 5k-15k
Football skin for hazsuits!
uploadable emojis…. nothing ever goes wrong with that o_o
3:40 💀
I did wish they’d fix the hp problem with the vending machines. Maybe add a pistol based sniper, as a counterpart to the bolty. And countermeasures for submarines for the tugboat. It’s literally defenseless atm.
In general I think some more long term existing bug fixes would help rust aswell.
Why is fp dead set on empowering zergs?
@shadowfrax can you let the team know they should make a Builder+ mod pleassseeeee, essentially more building capability for PVE players 😁 okay ty byw
Imagine…a cluster of servers that don’t wipe and you use the ferry to travel between them…call it’s “Rust ARK”
“Find something literally no one can be offended by”
Well…. We already know that’s impossible.
Sure makes finding bunkers much easier by having a different skin for foundations vs walls.
I wish they added a landmine detector
3:39 whats bro sellin💀
Nice rust upgrade like it 👌
they should make more vehicles that are buildable, it really makes the game 100x funner, all tug boat wipes ive had so far were brilliant. Some ideas could be buildable trains, buildable semi-trucks maybe even cargo planes lol
i just want to see an AI anti cheat for rust
rust is gettin worse and worse every update.. more laggs, more crashes, more invalids, more buggs… i hope facepunch will change their way from just adding trash content just to push their dlc sales into fixing buggs existing since the game exists… and work on their bad server/game performance some day
Skin skin skin
Not chief this game was terrible before I’d rather just cut my own nuts off then play rust or any of these crappy survival games It’s just so boring right around run around run around get an item run around run around get an item finally make something die or just get bored of doing the same exact thing over and over again with no change up😂
It’s gonna be hells easy for solid to take heli w the homing missiles
Making it easier for huge zerg clans to form is what will eventually doom this game and ruin the experience.
Ark did this. They made links between servers where you could bring over stuff. All the OP players would then go and raid everything on all other servers when they had dominated their own. Making smaller clans and players not have a chance at all and generally being misserable.
Steam Deck Support PLEAAASE
I feel like the homing missile would be great if you can only get it out of heli or brad crates
Man rust just needs to move to a every 2 or 3 month major update schedule, too much stuff keeps getting all to quick
K gib
I miss old metal walls, they should make it a skin
Sprem ket
I would prefer more varied terrain, wilder weather, better climbing, than all this silly stuff….
(The wounded bars are awful, as are the foundations for brick.)
More emphasis on basics and some variety in building blocks?
Ah well… And yes if they are going to cash in on cosmetics, buildings skins, one should be able to coordinate insides.
I would so much prefer some decent mountains!
And mad weather!
Variety, character.
Its all gone a bit bland imo.
(And the ‘dark’ to be more realistic.)
@:46 when you say “It should say might die” No it shouldn’t. Because if you don’t get up when the timer runs out you will die. Why would it say Might? It says ” You will die UNLESS you get help ” Why would it say “You might die UNLESS you get help?”
Literally unplayable lol
I think the new UI update for being downed is very first pass and quite rough, it’s definitely in need of some work, the harsh red & green bars really take up a huge amount of space on screen and impact visibility negatively. At bare minimum I feel an opacity slider should be added, but personally think a toggle should be added just as well.
Hello. I’d like that brick boy bag you offered l. I like brick. I brick. Brick.
so far anything above 49% gets you up, 45 you die
I will take the free brick thank you
Loving these skins!
idk the down mechanic was fun like an actual survival cause you didn’t know the probability of surviving. I get the feeling that Rust is over doing some things than just making it the fun survival game it is of wilderness and 1000 opportunitys to play. Making too many overlays and help signals is just a bigger bother like in darksouls and elden ring its the core mechanic that you don’t get too many hints. Its fun like in rust to uncover or be surprised by things and getting better the more you play and learn about the game.
They’ve never upped the external Walls. They need scrap metal level external walls that look like crushed cars and junk stacked up.
Ugh im so sick of fp throwing handjobs at zergs. I think im done.
Anyone remember the minigun that we saw at the same time when the scrappy came out?
I really like how Facepunch cares about Rust and hope they will keep going! Anyway nice video like always.
I want a meteor shower event where small meteors rain from the sky and can be harvested for greater yield than your average nodes. Or two or three big meteors to incite more pvp around them like air drops! Thoughts???
No performance fixes , loser update
w update
They should really add more little animations to give the game more immersion. Like for example
-Eating candy bar animation or any food.(like minecraft or grounded)
-opening doors (little quick hand wave)
-Flipping switches/turning on furnaces and things (add little hand motion)
I got way more little ideas and such. Hmu for more
castle skin would be epic
brick skin looks cooler than adobe
commenting at random
Dang wish rust console got updated skins lole this !
Why did they get rid of parapets? Made it look good now it’s ugly
i love shaddo frags
They should add a table map like in sea of thieves they should add it as a level 1-2 crafting recipe
Homing missiles are already in the game; well on the [US] The Naked Mile X100 Solo/Duo/Trio server already. And they are free as is Building Skins and lots of other paid plugins that are free to the server players. Many of these are reserved for those that pay to play on certain servers. On TNM they are all free and never pay for any mods! 250+ plugins on this server
I love the shadow man been watching since 2018 🎉😊
imagine rust devs added mortars tho
How about them fixing the games fps problem rather than adding these updates nobody asked for. (I have a maxed out pc i rarely get above 100 fps). Its even worse for people with worse pcs. The real issue is also that the game is single threaded, (meaning the game runs one command at a time). I know that they have to rewrite the whole game to make it multi thread ,but I can wait 1 year or more without these useless updates for them to do so.
Subject to change.
Shadowfrax, where’s the sponsor?
tutorial island feels like a private pve server …
It would be cool if the tutorial island took the form of a private persistent world for playing solo like other survival games. Ie ability to choose seed, difficulty etc.
I’d like to see a HQM building skin dlc, once purchased, will allow you to use all the skins you own for stone or metal on HQM builds.
Viva la shadofraaaaax <3
*_[THE TEAM]_*
Free skins? Huh
they should optimize game lil bit hahah
Since wipe I experience micro lags that make any pvp impossible. Am I the only one or are there any others?
why engineering bricks though think they look off
thank you for letting us know what coming new to rust
Would be cool if recovery percentage was related to the injury inflicted . So a body is shown on screen with gunshots to this area or so.
If u get offended by an emoji, maybe u should not play Rust at all 😀
yay more fps drops
love playing on 40 fps but they won’t fix that
Sucks we ha e to pay for the skin don’t really want to spend $20aud on skins
when is the update for old recoil 😀
That brick skin looks sick
Pick meeeee
nice more update that will give us less frames i get 700fps on apex lenends but on 30fps on rust so ill enjoy my last month of rust
mirror glass walls for armored needs to happen
hehe Nice
Give me that skin 💰
I haven’t been able to play rust in years (went to college now working full time and don’t have the time) but I still love keeping up with the game through your videos.
Grew up with this game since legacy and it’s so cool to see it keep growing
Eyo shadow do u even play rust or just hop on the game to showcase updates and don’t touch it till the next update
Really hope they add the nexus system soon
I watch your updates every month and I haven’t played Rust in like 18 months lol
please give me the brick
I wish they’d fix the hit box on tugboat doors.
Yay parachutes finally 😊
paytow… store item
mini planter? how about a triangle planter that snaps to triangle floors/foundations
Hot air ballons must be undectable from sam sites. Please make them somehow usefull.
Inside skins are def something to looking forward to!
5:07 If the tutorial does not include at least:
3 roofcampers
5 Hungry bears hungry for naked flesh
2 Cheaters
and 1 Kid screaming racist profanities
Is it even a proper tutorial?
imma need that stone like a stoner
How dare you tell us false news. 😂
ready to get bricked up
This game is all but dead to me. They keep adding skins but the pvp is nothing compared to what it used to be. Me and all my friends are all less and less interested with each wipe. All of us are in the 2500-9000 hour range and all of us have lost that burning desire to play. Say what you will about new recoil complainers, but they are right. Rip Rust 🙁
When link is out we gonna sail the 7 seas. Pirate season ahoj😂
Shadowfrax is love, Rust is life.
I want to fly attack helicopter
That brick skin looks so nice
so much effort in clans. What about solo players and small groups?(
Aye I think i should get the brick skin under 10k sub here i think its been so long
I like Rust and the dev team, but it looks like they are going to keep adding things for the sake of adding things. And this can lead to big, complicated game
What about encrase fps when building upgrade ?
I liké all . Only drops parachute no
I’d prefer if the wounded chances were hinted (sound, visual effect) instead of that bar and chrono
wonder what they did about the transferring over other servers
Name me 1 game thats actively updating fixing its issues like rust, i’ll wait. Good job facepunch <3
We need anti cheater updates.
Can we all appreciate how much effort shadowfrax puts in to his videos
they should add a train that you can take like brad
homing missile aka sam sight for your hands XD
What mistake ?
I want a white stone marble skin! Like the houses in Greece!
i hope they add plant shelves with built in lights maybe sprinklers (:
Please don’t change the OG Bradley… 😢😢😢
Boy I love when they update the game in order to make clans stronger once again
i play solo and have not one skin i could sure use it thanks for the updates pal 🙂
Clan tables phew! Love being bent by clans ❤
love you frax id love to win that skin
The timers on the downed screen look so cheap
Dam I need to sleep I just tried blowing the building hammer of my screen 4:07
I want a skin for workbenches and compound bow
just got rust really want that stone building skin been watching your vids for 1 year now
I need the skin I get on my knees please
Love u.
I would love to see biplanes and possibly a cargo plane of some sort which you can take down using missiles shot from the biplanes or boarded when it lands at places like airfield, launch site and similar monuments.
I’m quite glad they fixed the bed under twig bug.
Honestly, I don’t really like the new hud when your downed. Looks like another step in the direction of shooters like Fortnite to me.
Brother I’m a your local grub looking for a skin pls
need that brick skin!!!
There is a reason there are “modded” and “community” servers
wee need one like you to all games
The weapon rack looks nice but the clan table appears to need a lot of improvement. I would introduce like a big painting of the map deployed on a wall were you can pin clan bases and other stuff
Hmm air update might get me to play a normal wipe again to do …air shenanigans
God bless bricks
The “fix” for piping has made it to where my tier 1’s break smh
All is well in your one by two in the future, you’re crafting a furnace and about to place your tier one….off in the distance you hear it….a scrappy. you take a step outside to see a 10 man Zerg parachuting onto your location for your 600 sulfur you have stashed in your Tc.
Just as Rust intended.
I’d love to see something like wallpapers to allow us to further customize the inside of our bases 🙂
Lets hope the clan system actually serves a purpose and doesnt just give power tripping 12 year old zerg owners slave management utility
right on
Was wondering when your vid came out. Been keeping watch.
I dont like the parachute idea, just think its stupid, zerg rolling in to raid you top down. Ofc you can have turrets. Not a fan though.
I would rather have had brutalix skin then a New Stone and once every tier was out they coul ad more skins.
Looking forward to your next update 😁
Btw upon following you on twich it dosent update entry with 2 or before. Its stuck at 0
Habitat 67 scare
Me win?
yeehaw nice vid
nice video as always
I hate the recovery % and timer, Takes away some of the mystery of “am I gonna make it”.
Gimme gimme gimme that skin!
parachutes 😀
Homing missile is the last thing this game needs
Brutalist Halloween Drop
You’ll pin a random comment? Dayumn that’s crazy!
Since this won’t get pinned, but I guess you’ll still see it. Thanks for staying with the rust community to make update vids, you make it so much easier, funnier and interesting then reading their full devblog. Been here since 2017 I think. Keep it up Shadowfrax, and thank you grammar horse!
Woo brick skin
Thanks for my weekend ritual of enjoying all the new things coming to Rust and how it is going to hit my wallet again for another Adobe skin. Have a great weekend with your wipe all.
“literally unplayable”
The term is “naturalist” not “naturist”, a naturist is a follower of a Polytheistic religion where they consider all plants and animals to be their God, a naturalist is a person who believes clothes are in someway unnatural or detrimental to humans and therefore should never be worn, aka nakeds which is what I assume ur trying to specify with that joke
new anticheat…when?
Broo, I hope they add wallpapers. the roleplayer inside me will be hppay af
Amazing video
homing missile?
one of the best Youtubers
rack has to be free
I see a pie shop in Dominic’s future now… endless wall of pie rocks…
Hate to say this, but with the recent poo-storm of terrible releases and failing updates leading to overall failing roadmaps, rust never ceases to amaze me. Facepunch can take my money, as long as it stays reasonable.
lemme get some bricks
Killscreen update is nice. Always happy to see your vids shadow 😉 keep up the good work 👊🏼
they’re adding a whole lotta stuff that just destroys my potato, updates like the inventory model being polished has had such an effect on my fps that when turned off I get 20 MORE FPS. They need to add more optimization features 😢
Will you be able to use the parachute to get down the bucket-lift in the cave?
Who stores pies crust to wall? No one will buy them now.
the powerline fix is my fav ngl
i want building skins to cost less 🙁 i dont think its 10+€ content
Still think we should get PIE in the Face weapon that would blind someone briefly. Your mistake has been noted and will be added to an ongoing list which at present is only one. Many thanks Shadow always fun to watch. Cheers
If facepunch owned youtube, half of the comments would be invalids
The pie wall. Give this man a pie
i wanna have brick
The tool/weapon rack is going to be great even if it’s PTW. You can potentially reload faster with one during PvP. Gonna definitely RP the heck outta some brick! I play on a modded server that has homing rockets, though they are labeled as a work in progress. Thanks for another great video!
Thank You ShadowFrax for always keeping us up dated and keeping us Rusty
I will win 🎉
The clan tables actually gonna be functional? If so hopefully bigger for multi interface and not just another waste of fps
I really hope they don’t connect the above ground railroads with the subway system
@SHADOWFRAX I don’t have the adobe skin😢😢😢please help a fellow survivor just trying to get by in rust🥹🥹🥹
The way you simplify complex concepts is remarkable. You have a talent for making things understandable.
A rework of the airfield would be nice..
rust getting parachutes before battlebit?
Looking forward to the days of crashing a mini into an unloaded base being gone
This game is so insane these updates are soo epic!!!!
What about a rust account giveaway for those who dream to play rust but can never buy it because they are too poor and can only watch people play it on youtube ? 🙁
charging 12 bucks for each building block skin is insanity
Cool video this week, thank you.
i want skin pls
well i think its time for interior update like the wallpaper idea ?
all we want is a brighter night
oi keep up the gud work m8
The new UAP furnace skin in the item store also has a secret message saying MK ll came from us
Pick me.
We need a Military tier Submarine that can fire the MLRS Ammo and be locked with a codelock, etc.
“literally unplayable”
Shadowfrax made a mistake in a video?!
“Literally [unwatchable].”
What Rust needs is Dirt bikes!
Glad to see they keep working on rust! lots of good additions. I will likely pickup the brick skin.
Ive been bugging the Rust Devs for like the last year and a half on YouTube and their discord dms to add a portable Anti Air Rocket Launchers with homing missiles using the SAM Ammo, i even uploaded a 10 things to add to RUST in 2023 video on my channel with it in it. I’m not taking credit for it, but it looks like the RUST devs finally listened to me Lmao. Your all welcome.
Hello from France ! Maybe the best update videos you’r the only one I’m watching ❤
I still think the underground rail network is useless. I’d rather see it gone than linked to, depending on how it’s implemented I guess. Personally, I’d rather see spurs on the above ground network to each major monument. Maybe the need to use the network to loot the giant excavator. Load at the excavator, unload at the train yard, and then you can have the loot. Right now the network is barely even a feature but it could be so much more.
they should make harvestable bear skulls and pig skulls to make headdresses like the wolf. (All different protection values of course) with bear skulls offering the best protection and maybe even add a hangable shark jaw to decorate your home from harvesting sharks in the ocean
Thx frax
Sadly, this “give away” says that there are too many entries and has closed, not excepting any more loos, I mean people.
Waiting for more pve
It will save me some money if I can get it Shadow
if onlu Facepunch would let us build our own boats
What’s else does this skin need? Well it’s kinda red so maybe we make it more brick like? Hmmm, yes! But sell it first!
How about the abillity to dig.. such basic requests.. bet we can do spaceships before we have that lol.. a moat and a drawbridge for your keep, yes please
Excellent video shadowfrax!
@SHADOWFRAX got me bricked up
All these building dlc should have been in 1 package its getting to much
i wonder if theres gona be a HQ skin make my house look like a tesla truck haha
I want build a council estate 😅
Always happy to see your uploads!
Not sure if ya can tell dev team for me, but anyway have them add triangle planters boxes to the game too?
I really want more building options for floors, walls, steps, door and ceilings.
The dying meters are dumb. You should have no idea while you scream for help 😂
I love all of the skin items, but I really dislike the PTW items such as the arctic, see thru doors, etc. It’s a bit much and questions the integrity of the game. Please Facepunch, no more!
Rust turning into a sort of survival battlefield sounds funny to me
Rust slowly becoming minecraft lets goooo
Will there be a skin for the electric furnace one day?
I want brick
Woot Woot!!!
I like the building skip but it getring expe si e 😢
The f**kers remove the focus button an the map..
Haven forbid you doing something offensive in a game where you can kill, butcher, cook, and eat people.
Hmmm I hope I get it cause I’m the builder of my group
Would look better if they added black curved tiles for roof, and shiny plate versions when upgraded to metal. And the window barricades in white so they appear like old shudders for brick houses. Maybe a chimney 😀
1:39 impossible
Thank you for chance to win free DLC
gimmie brick
power lines update is huge
What happened to the pie?
Giv me the BRICK
bring back old ak recoil
fantastic news!
‘Air update’ sounds like a game changing event in future. Hopefully it wont be a 100% ‘pay to have fun’ update
i feel you man, feels like august got here absurdly fast this year.
I will never forgive you
Saw at bandit and was confused af
Need sam sites to shoot parachutes at least for the first week 😂
just a suggestion right, there should be a attachment (like a muzzle break) that decreases aimcone to like previous recoil aimcone state, because on old recoil there was almost no aimcone, (or just turn aimcone down in general without any attachments)
It’s encouraging that fp continue to add content, for better and sometimes worse. Other developers just take all that sweet dlc/skin money and do nothing with it. They’re one of the good ones for sure.
Nice video!
I might win I might not why wouldn’t I comment to see if I can win.
The biggest thing I want to see is honestly some more underground train terminals. Just a few options would add a lot of variety
Homing missiles are an awful idea. Its hard enough to keep minis alive as it is.
You should be able to drop meat for the carnivorous animals within a certain radius and they will go to it. This way you can lead them to another players base or you can stop them from chasing you.
Dude if a homing missile comes to the game… say goodbye to people using air vehicles as much.
Am I the only person that thinks the Nexus System is a terrible idea?
Hello Shadowfrax. I think I should be the winner since I’m a very friendly rustplayer. I dont roofcamp, doorcamp my neighbours and I give tools to nakeds.
£10 for a building skin is too much
Gib skin 🥳
Why on earth the probability of recovering is a red bar and the time left is a green bar, it should be the other way around
Comes to console in 4192
clearly they should add a bamboo skin for twig
Didnt know that about the large med kit that is a pretty nice tip!
Shadowfrax has blessed us on this Friday morning! Have a great weekend!
Man just casually glossed over “player attack choppers” wtf lol 5:45
Guys he was wrong with the weapon rack system this changes everything how can we know what he says is true
This is jokes ofc
Shadow making a mistake? The humanity..
LOVEE your voice so much haha and these update videos
Hi. High. Hii.
17$ CAD for brick skin L M F A O
Nice video 🙂
best video lol
The building skins are hella expensive
rust needs to add the following:
1- airplanes, 1 small 2 seater and 1 cargo style clan airplane
2- parachutes
3- more features for building on the building plan such as curved walls
4- custom buildable roads or dirtroads that you can connect to main roads for your vehicles
Hi love your content
I’ll take it. Thanks brotha <3
Nice stuff
I thought the tug boats were only. Gonna have a life span of 8 hours are they gonna nerd them because they’re completely broken
I love how they are showing love to the good ol legacy rust
How disgusting is the concept of promoting even larger zergs..
It’d be nice if the homing rocket launcher only locked onto vehicles rather than being player controlled, which would work well with the air update if it comes out with it like you mentioned. Good vid as always, keep it up!
Amazing quality when announcing these updates. Keep it up
I counted them. They’re not 57. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
The chance bar on the wounded screen needs to be a circle, 20/80 split with time remaining – bad UI
Where is “the team” meme from? The guy looks like Jason Sudeikis.
Me, pick me. I lost a shoe today and i have been walking in circles
rust emojis lets go
Love the video and info thanks so much!
Bricked my self 😢
I’d like to have the old sheet metal texture back, I much prefer how it looks externally and internally, I’d be willing to pay for it
Shadow dont use brick its bugged right now!!!! We blew up some guys TC through a wall, the Tc was broke in 1 satchel through a stone wall lol it def has problems letting damage through
mmmm pie
pay to win i mean in the shop 😂
I hope you will be able to place fish that you catched on that weapon rack….
Love the look of the new -Tie- Pie rack!
As someone who has little experience in Rust, all the tiny features and quality of life improvements are my favorite part of the game. I just wish the community was nicer.
Player piloted attack heli?!! I’m so stoked!
Stay Rusty good sir.
I’m offended by all emoji’s, facepunch you have to ban everyone now
i’d love to see a twig texture, or a mossy wood upgrade texture.
I hate that Rust is making the game too easy. UI to help u there. Counter here. God. I wish I could have played in the old days 😢
Can we name this famous horse Bessie?
lol at the pan shot of Habitat 67
Shadowfrax Sir, you get a free pass for the odd mistake after being so on point for 10 years! Great vid as always, I’m not a fan of the new wounded screen – it takes the mystery and the ‘praying to the rust gods’ out of it 🙁 . I do however (as a fellow Brit) love the new Brick skin and would love a free dlc lol
Air update: Low-tier craftable aircraft like a hang-glider, analogous to the kayak or boogie board. Could be designed to glide a decent distance when deployed from eg: a climbable pylon, cliff, or tall structure such as the lighthouse, top of Dome, top of launch, etc.
Pie. 🥧
$10???? Jeez thats a bit much, but hey I’ll take it for free!
me me me!
BRUTALIST is what I’m waitin’ for.
If they’re adding Parachutes, it could also mean they might add backpacks in future and completely rework inventory system. They were in concept Limbo since forever.
Fabulous as always. Bummer it’s another month for weapon racks, and you know your boi needs Dem wallpapers to be taken out of CONCEPT LIMBOOOOOO
Pie Adobe Building Skins
No boob emojis but facepunch will sell giant boobed anime girls on door skins…………….
I remember playing ukn and using minis with machine guns and rockets. would be very cool for this to be a thing, either attachments to the mini/scrap or a new heli
And once again another panic update where nothing works like it should be..
Emojis bugged, another scam pack, no chance to get back up again while wounded smh
An update is supposed to improve the game but with rust its the opposite…
I’m a one armed brick layer from the UK. I’ll take the brick skin.
let’s GOOO
I just want a single door frame garage door.. it would be Amazing
Wow nice video
Did that say sperm market??? 😂😂😂
enjoying the rust content keep up the grate work and cant wait for new wood structures
yes i want this dlc
Ive been watching for years and you just keep getting funnier and funnier. The rack of pies really had my chuckling
Still NEEDS changes to the fuel consumption, floating, and steering aspects of the Hot Air Balloons…
still no Pies 🙁
Linked servers sounds awful. hope official aren’t all linked.
The brick skin looks really good!
The new UI when downed honestly sucks. It doesn’t fit rust at all
I hope it’s just a copy past of Runescape tutorial island so I have to inspect some nodes and kill some rats to get off the island.
Would love to see an attack sub
Skin plox
Power suppled by a 3yr old with Sharpie skills 😂
What website was he using for adding emoji tutorial?
I think that to move from one server to another you should do it with a ship, so this tea would serve as a provisional base on the other server and you could take several things with you.
How about a skin for diving suit or being able to skin your car /tug … or a skin for tc …. flippers???. Or salvage ax??? How about doing more in harbor??. Actually make something out of the building s?… just for a few ideas ❤❤ . I ve mentioned all above as all my players on my server talk about all that very often
they really are doing the most to make the game worse aren’t they
we need wall paper
They need to drop the cost of the skins, IMHO. They are horrendously overpriced.
The odd mistake is forgiven! It just means even the updates in these videos can be Subject to Change!
I don’t know how I feel about any of it… yet.
new rust update say : full ur tummy wummy before u fight`
Lots of great things there. As always, thnx!
tutorial island?!?! NAAAH I love rust BECAUSE it was hard, Because the only way to learn was by zerg, because it didnt hold your hand.
some asian type of wood or stone would be nice
“Literally unplayable” had me dying.
Rust.. its been many Years. Good times! Give my best to your loved ones, please. Hope you 3 are alright <3
You can spawn the clan table now as well as the nexus ferry island which is a 2d image of an island as well as enable ferry travel, but when spawning in the ferry boat sadly it’s invisible.. with the ferry island spawned it does say go X distance to travel but nothing happens when you get there.
i would greatly appreciate the british building simulator dlc
pretty good
awesome vid 👍
This week’s video is filled. Amazing
1:40 bro, in this community, there’s no offensed, there’s only offenders my guy
a house skin?
That medkit thing when u get knocked is kinda crazy.
did i hear player piloted attack heli, wtf
Yes, the beautiful legacy building skin…
still no recoil update sadge
Players: fix the lag and project invalids
Rust Mods: Add more features 😂
Multilayered/Mat-type would be cool like reinforced concrete
Reputation system. Bandit attack heli. You target bandit npc, you gain scientist rep. You target scientist, gain bandit npc.
Higher rep, would allow for trading rare loot
But having bandits be random hostile npc would be neat
Large medkit grants 100% recovery chance will for certain be changed. It will 100% be exploited in multiple ways
Ayy looking goos
Ah, a perfectly timed Shadowfrax video. Keep it up my friend!
i hope the clan table and new clan system is good
1:12 are there a “mogus” emoji?
More building skins!!
I dont play rust anymore. Ill take the dlc
Nuh uh
I stopped playing rust. I’m a lot happier now. I still watch your videos though because ❤
Love you man. This comment is not subject to change.
Ayyy Mr Frax love your stuff keep it coming also (First)