The Most Feared – Rust Console
MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/mclovinrust
@mclovincaleb on Instagram
@mclovincaleb on Snapchat
@mclovincalebs on Tik Tok
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/mclovincaleb
SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCUeSqzFryqPZ_iIeObV4pA
Background Music – https://www.epidemicsound.com
コメント (248)
Name the base plis😅
Actually, can someone tell me how Caleb is this good? No shit, I geniuenly wanna learn
Keep up the work
Can I play with you as a trio even if there are two of us and can I get your settings?
2weeks now…
Bro post a fookin video
I need a video Caleb I’m jorking my gooner just waiting for you to post
Settings pls
Isn’t this a repost 🤔
Wait I fing know f8turttlejucie or wtv. OMGG I played them so long ago like og rust
Wise words “my ak hurts🤓 thats a spas dumbass 🙂”
Bros not playing with Obie
Unban me bro you banned me for bs it’s been months I’m legit and everything I was just banned for things I said let me hop on the duo server
What monitor do u have that allows u to see at night
i use to be you but i quit
i love your videos
Stop tryna dodge. Run the 1s for unban. Banned for “association” bc my allies teamed w someone else.. even tho I didn’t know. Banned me from the discord too cause you’re scared.
played against ur neighbors on another server😭there offlined us misses our good loot and we onlined them n took our shi back
Caleb Ngl I wanna see u use that boom and grief toxic clans like u did in that one video with a clan with like 8 layers it was hella intertaining watching you mess with them especially when they think their untouchable
I feel like ur cheating so feet cam to proof ur not
Bro casually let 120 explosives despawn
and rust wonders why its blowing up on xbox cuz its old recoil on here from the looks of it wow i wish it was like that on pc fucking disgusting
Ommggggg mclovinnnn run a wipe with meee😩
“stay legit”
W video like always, I have been watching for years keep it up man, I wish I could still play but I’m still on old gen❤
On the loaded trade did u not see the 100 explosions
Hey man could you do a settings video please
Yo your aim is crazy bro❤
Yo keep up the good work
Hey can we play a dou wipe I’ve been watching for a little over a year and love your vids❤
Yo Caleb hop on whip 2m, your best friend Q gunner Q lives m3. Hope to see you on😁
Get a PC pussy you’re fucking trash with console anyway
Yo Mclovin try my custom serv “New Phantom QS” i know you remember the name
Yo Caleb love watching your vids and have over 5k hours and would love to play a whipe with you sometime just hit me up if your interested my user is LR 4X OT
We were the last base you raided with all the aks and m2s and we got the loot by raiding a base that offlined us twice and then messed around after
Need a settings video ❤
cronux …😢
How about you unplug that thing from your console 😅 and we will see how bad you really are must have to suck to update your device every day lol can’t wait for karma 😂😂😂😂 good luck…..
this shit ass brodie take it down
day 3 of asking for a ps5 to be caleb’s farm bot
Hear me out! Everyone and Caleb so I was on his server this last weekly with a team I played with for 3 hours and I went out of town with those 2-3 days while I was gone this kid added about 3 other players remind I’m not even playing at this point so I come back and they were raided, so I decided to hop on as a duo with my buddy named Kash as I’m playing I get banned out of nowhere and Caleb says because 5 people were on a codelock that’s cheating I said I was even playing he still over authorities my claim to why I’m banned .. long story short he bans me for 2 million days when I have an explanation and was also being nice he bans me on his discord chat also for 24 hours because I’m asking for a fair unban remind this is your guys favorite rust console YouTuber! Please tell him to unban me I didn’t do anything wrong.
Fuck u and ur shitty as laggy server.I Usto be a fan till u showed that u rather false advertise on your server and steal people money then make better videos fuck u from the bottom of my heart.
Base build ?
pistole bullets for ak is new metta
Im thinking of buying rust console thats why im watching vids on it is it any good is it dead? Lmk
Caleb can i have your settings?
Great vid
W video but what is your quality setting on the game, your game look amazing
Day two of asking to play a wipe with caleb by august 14
Crazy how obie got off after the first day caleb was solo the whole time obie should never play with such a goat like caleb
Settings ?
Wdym u never got raiding In ur vid? what about rez and British kid it was a year ago
U inspire me to make yt but idk like how any tips
Yo Caleb you should play r6 more often
And by the way, the launch site group you have been fighting 90% of them are cheating I know them
Wheb mclovin post you know you gonna be lovinit
W vid side note, why do you give me moist critical vibes 🙏👀
Pls settings
Bro how do you know you are getting offlined?
i love your vids so so much it truly make my day when you upload 😊😊😊😊
Nastyyyy, we should play tg sum time lmk
I can’t hear Obie idk if I’m tripping or what
So we missed 100 explosives
Caleb we had a box of aks and every time I woke up a row was gone and tons of full kits I still don’t know who lost bro💀
U still playing this goofy ass game bro just switch to pc
Its a banger but ob needs to talk man
Goated vid as always!
i was so glad to see an upload, i was fiening for a new mclovin caleb rust classic 🙏
Bro zombie slayer was my neighbors on winter em and they door camped for 3 hours they roof camp it was crazy and then they off-line us but thanks for humbling them👍
5:27 we were gonna take these tummy’s😂
Need a see drew x Caleb
Base design?
Anyone got some official servers to recommend I’ve Been tryna find a good one for a min now
When Settings?
Settings pls your the best
You missed 100 explosives 😢
can i have you next wipe base mclovin?
It would be nice if we could hear Obie
😂my friend linpyskywalker got killed by u and sent a clip saying your cheating😂
Bro where is obies voice
when josh and riin finna come back
Been watching since day one let’s dou fr😘
Need a recent setting vid
14:30 this sketch convo is WILD
no one fears u lil bro
hi bro i have question what is OT means?
i have to know if u ever grabbed the 100 explosives from that first raid u did when u got the two rows of aks
😅I’m am imkhaos_yt teammate when we rocket PvP you my bad your aim crazy tho
how many hours you got?
free m2
wanna get into content creation your a big inspiration im gonna be playing on your server solo oh yeah
You said about a video with obie is it already recorded
Recoil a little sus ngl
Can you do a locker tour of your main account
Great video Fr always bangers
Best mclovin Caleb video this year
how do u know when ur getting raided? pls i need this info
Is he finally sick of zenners and starts zenning himself ? Ak spray looking crazy good
I died like 11:30 doubled instantly
obie not a real one after getting off
when is the obie collab
The neighbor never given up to door camp or roof camp
Hey Man U always been wanting to play with you I joined your discord and have been watching you since the video all of nothing!!
Seen the video name and then seen it was from Caleb knew it was gonna be a banger
Rip paddle kid
Who are playing with?
Why do you never hold x to loot i must know
Your a bully lowkey, but all that aside I been watching since the start you are by far the best legit player to ever touch the game!!
Can u do a tut for the turret g door System??
Ur server is so free 😂
7:45 you should have killed him bc your hole was on his head but aim cone is a bitch
Leaving the foundies stone when they are player height 💔
Wayno ontop
How did you know you were getting offlined just curios
That brad fight were u killed 2 black full metals we were the cleanup crew and killed like 6 kids after that
Can u A play wit me or B play Ona serv I’m on
Nah Tone is Right though but Caleb is also right though ion know who to agree with but fire vid Caleb shi making me wanna play rust again im in my 2 week mc phase rn
Bros King in the North MclovinCaleb w vids
Day one of commenting on mcaleb video that’s good aim with mp8.5 outta 10
*3 ak shots, tone: put that shit down bitch 😂😂
Commenting cuz your TikTok said you were reading all comments 🤷
I love rust but it’s just so addictive
I wanna know where blue finds these servers bc I go on qd weekly and monthly’s and rarely see Tommy kids dude
Bro defended a raid without shooting a bullet
Day 3 of asking for a unban from the dc because im sorry😢
Who’s here from tiktok story?
Do you play on Xbox or PlayStation?
The despawning hurt my soul
When you picking up I’m legit and can show clips ik 17 and chill trying to make content
25:46 outplayed like a mf 😂
New vid now
Can you make a video on the turret this like how do you open them doors please and thanks
Always a good day when caleb uploads
My day just got way better after seeing Caleb posted‼️
11:44 did you loot that hazy when you got back out of base?
W vid
No way you were top2 w Allie
how do you bait an offline
Bro how can i be as good as you man. Anyways W vidéo
Oil up at 55K
another mclovin classic
(can you buy me rust coins since they’re on sale 😣😣)
Always a good day when Caleb posts
Love the vids is there going to be another full vid with Obie?
Yo can I get on you private server i suck and my friends don’t have a server
Gg top2 this is NPC Marc I don’t have as many hours as turtle and monkey but I could tell you were insane🔥 (they could too)
Caleb you wanna join my brother and his friends rn? They need help on a official high pop
obie just doesn’t talk?
how do we know its even him
Around 2:43 i got a ad and it cut of and it sounded like you said the n word
Please tell me you picked up those 100 explosives on the floor at 36:27😂
love you man
Caleb goes from whiffing to aim train to straight beams keep up the good work❤❤
No reaction to tripling whole teams
This comment won’t get 1 like
Caleb is to good
One of the main issues with rust rn is no one wants to come out for some reason unless they in a 5 man
Right before I have to go to work😔
8:02 bro aims like iPad kid
How do you bait an offline?
Videos are getting so repetitive it’s always live near launch fight launch most of the time then go back to base log off probably get offline attempted I like watching you but it’s just the same stuff over and over
Best console player
Caleb i understand you dont like 3x’s but you should play wonkaland 1-8 man its such good content ❤❤
It would mean the world to me if you would run a wipe with me
30 min
I’m curious on what you use for a monitor, it seems you have great vision in the dark
I watch ever vid do u remember we played together when u were smalll
No glaze but he’s just the best
Caleb Rust pc VIDEOS PLEASE 🙏
honest opinion on walruses
L zen
what’s the server called
big fan but sometimes the ego is a L even if it’s true
please play a wipe on pve server (im joking)
I already know it’s gonna be a banger🥱🔥
Could we play duo (u liked my vid a few days ago and I have 16.7k followers on TT)
Yo bro great video keep it up also wondering if we could give a wipe ago some time
W video
Why can I not hear obie W vid ❤
Love your content celeb and also why is there so much hate in the rust community it’s just a game yk
Caleb how much did u pay the actors this time
Beautiful video
Moist or dry meat🤔
Show settings pls
30 views in 3 seconds bro fell off
Do a wipe in a tugboat
Yo can i play a wipe
how you find so much pvp on every server
I love your vids bro much love
W video
I love you Caleb
Can I play a wipe with you 😊😊😊😊
Bro aims like an iPad kid
Here from snap story
i think this is minecraft
How do you just know when your getting offlined
stay true to your snap story and respond to me king ❤
Caleb finally quit yapping and got to clappin
15 sec in and I can already tell this is a mclovincaleb classic
Told you to post a week ago 😂
Ngl the aimtrain was kinda crazy
Opinions on racial slurs?
hi caleb
do you have a settings video up?
Why is the thumbnail curving to the left are you trying to tell us something 😏😏
Lmao look just a a cheater with no recoil standing lol. Your a joke bro just like all console cheaters. Can’t wait for the day they finally ban xenzen😂😂 act like your not but you are a cheater an when they ban cheaters all be lmao
44 mins 🫤
You have no idea how fast I came to yt when I checked your snap story
i dropped a vase on the ground and my mom yelled “what’s that!” i screamed back “Mclovin caleb” she was angry she knew it fell off
i have all of bro videos watched 😭 i’ve been watching obie and blooprint waiting for this upload
So you didn’t play on your server or you did?
3rd vid of trying to play a wipe with caleb
Dang u slammed him
There’s not 128532938 views in 15 min Caleb fell off
W vid
im eating texas bbq pringles
Wsg Caleb love the content can u pin my comment please it will be my first time
Who else is here from the snap story 🫵
It’s been a while since we’ve gotten a movie
150 views in 6 mins bro fell of😭🙏
W Caleb keep up the good work
Can you play with Obie and drew pls
Early yes sir
Aowsome sowuse ❤
Damm keep up the good videos bro ❤😎
I love the vids man keep it up you always make my day when you post
Thoughts on bacon cheese burgers
Bro we gotta team on day
W vid
44 mins Caleb come on now we need more
Banger 💪🏽
i watch every vid start to finish, cant wait for this one
noti gang
Bro Caleb this video is crazy love your content and would love to play with you but I’m in Australia so I cant
Love u Caleb keep up the hard work
Let me and my duo play with you we insane
Always a good day when Caleb post
On skib
I’m here
Yoo caleb w vid
Oil up lil bro
Erm what the sigma