Crossbreed a God Clone the LAZY Way | Rust Farm Guide
Safe yourself a headache by making a god clone with the help of:
Whether it’s hemp, berries, or potatoes, crossbreeding ideal genetics always takes a ton of effort. With the help of some tools it can be significantly less annoying and your farm output can skyrocket with less effort.
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Taqs:rust,rustfarming,rust farm guide,rust farming,rust hemp,rust berries,rust crossbreeding,rust genetics,rust crossbreeding stage,rust crossbreeding guide,rust tutorial,rust tips,rust guide,rust god clone,rust god clone guide,rust crossbreed guide,rust crossbreeding hemp,rust crossbreeding god clone,rust crossbreeding optimizer,rust crossbreeding berries
コメント (122)
This needs to be reposted every 6 months to teach new players. TY
i got an clone with HHHHYH IS it good?
i dont get enough good splings bro how do i get more saps with 4 or more pref genes
When i put the genes into rust breeder it shows me how to do it but it gives me genes that i dont have to make the god clone
How do you surround the seed? The four corners??
could you show what plants to place where in a planter based on the results of the webpage please?
Super video, thank you 👍✨
Compared to GGYYXX, how worth is it pursuing a god clone? I found a GGGYYX hemp, and I’ve got GGYYXX or better clones of all the berries. Thinking of getting potato as well.
you saved me so much time, last night i spent 1 hour to calculate lmao
thx for the help
oh my god these guides are pure shit. Does anyone have a real guide instead of a faulty website?
I’m still so confused not to be rude I’ve lost even more brain cells tryna follow this
all planter slots are ‘touching’ the plant in the center, so the corners work but so do the sides. the corners are generally better because your clones aren’t touching eachother if you have 4 or fewer, so less area for things to go wrong.
so let’s say you get 5 clones that according to rust breeder make a god clone out of a seed. Plant the seed in the center, wait until it grows a bit, then plant the 5 clones in any spot around it. The center seed will hit crossbreeding before the 5 clones do and become a god clone.
Man… It doesn’t work
What seed do you put in the middle
I need help do I place one in each corner or all around also how do I know where to put each one plzzz help
Should I be planting the future god clone in the center then all the others in a plus configuration or should I put the future god clone in the corner and use the three other spots?
to the point, helpfull, thanks! earned my sub
When surrounding the base do I do it on the corners or on the sides or does it not matter?
which clones do you surround it with? does it matter?
When it says G or Y do I just need 4 G or 4 Ys or YG mixed
I understand having 3 G and 3 Y is called the god clone for having best of growth and yield;however, on large farms it would seem more efficient for 6Y or on small farm 6G. Yield seems to be the ultimate goal. If it’s a large farm it takes forever to harvest and replant. Having max yield would give more product with less rotations(less work on farmer). On small farm, having 6g would allow for quicker turn around giving same yield but more rotations. Just my humble opinion on it but I’m no expert. I constantly hear how it takes hours just to harvest and replant on massive 560 planter farms. Go with 6Y and double your yield but halve your work. 🤷🏼♂️
Do they have to be the same plant
I prefer the ‘get two large boxes full of various clones’ method. Typically can get a god clone in 1 generation after that.
Lots of questions in the rustbreeder discord, H doesn’t count toward good genes. The middle sappling when it is marked “Any other sapling of the same type” means you can use a random seed in the center, no genes are required for the center sapling.
im still so confused but i think thats my fault
i did what the video said and it said “filters you applied return to results” every clone has 4 or more good genes. i’m really confused some help pls
what do u do it there not good? clone them or harvest them?
Uhhh what
I just started playing this game, so this tutorial of yours is very confusing. It doesn’t make sense to me.
can anyone help I followed this and got the message Filters you applied return no results! on rustbreeder
Bruh i was a lil grub and found a random god clone and used it lol
what does it mean by base sapling?
what does he mean when he says clone when its ready
What do i do if it says to surround it qith 5 instead of 4
what does it mean if its says (gen1) infant on one of the spalings
The first gene out of the 4 I need I don’t have and I typed in all my genes
Super dooper helpfull, thanks 👌🏻💙💪🏻
@sigbog hope your see this message
Just a few questions.
Breeder site gives 4 crossbreeding plants so does that mean i dont plant the corners when going for god clone?
Once ive got the god clone howd i go about getting unlimited amount of god clones do i just repeat the process over and over?
Hope you can take the time to reply id really appreciate it. Thanks
I’m eaither dumb or I’m still confused
how did you pick it up?
What do you mean by basic sappling
bro this is de best idk how to make it like normal like men this is best
do plants really spawn with 4 Y or 4G on your maps….
Sure would be nice if you went into more detail about the cloning process. Yes clone when it’s ready is good info but doesn’t really say much if you catch my meaning. I see a lot of your content is under 5 min, not sure why, but sure would be nice if you started beefing up your videos to say 15 or 30 min full of content. Perhaps put out a teaser video, under 5 min, with a link to the full, whatever amount of time, video. There are many aspects to Rust, short of PvP and other things, that many players just won’t do because they simply just can’t figure it out. Those of you lucky enough to just GET IT are truly blessed in life and I’m grateful for those that just know, that actually do share…
I still don’t understand lol
ive got around 25 clones all with a combo of at least 4 preffered genes and this shit still doesnt work. on average how many clones do you get?
Rust breeder doesn’t work on my phone what do I do?
This Is my first time trying to get a god clone I have a clone that is gghyyy and Don’t know which order to put it in with the guns wgyyyw and gggxyh to get a God clone it says I can with those but don’t know the order
Why doesn’t this show us how to arrange the outputted genes into the planter box?
Could use some help decoding what the RustBreeder gives.
For example, what does it mean when:
Line one seed is labelled Gen 1, line 2 is Gen 1, line 3 is #3
Or if:
Line 1 is Gen 1, line 2 is #3, line 3 is #7
I’m not clear how to turn that info into a specific action.
Short video, great info!
this was a little too fast
also let people know they can plant seeds and break them with a hatchet immediately if its not something they want and replant it most ppl think they have to grow for ten min to take a clone literally can just break the plant with a hatchet and insta plant them again
so for the plant in the middle, would it just be a random seed from a berry or does it have to be a seed that the breeder chose?
im still unable to understand how to arrange the clones some people might need a more detailed explaination of the process maybe showing how its all done
Thank you.
writing with a translator – I always did in my head. and only two pieces at a time, that is, you showed here what is possible for 1 crossing, and at first I would make almost perfect, and then only from two I would almost make one perfect, and through the site everything is like cheating))))
This used to be fun when you were limited on how much you can sell to bandit camp vendor.
Why can’t I see ANY of your replies to anyone on this video… it would be helpful 😊
Not to be a sour puss or anything, but you say “keep the ones with 4 or more of your preferred genes”, yet when you show the crossbreeding page, it shows 2 clones with only 3 of the preferred genes though there’s H’s amoung the genes, those are not the ones you actually want since you choose go for 3x G’s and 3x Y’s.
Other than that nice tutorial and I might try and only go for 4 genes I want, instead of the 3 I do when I make my perfect clones – just to see if I can make’em faster that way.
Well for me this is superficial , i don”t imagine how to put them in the planter
Thank you very much for the site calculator, very convenient!!!!!!!!!
I dont undestand you said surround them like 4 in the corners and a base sapling in the middle
can it have 3 good genes or does it have to have 4
I leave a like mostly for the web suggested, it’s pain in the arse to grow genes, that website will work so well 😀
Thanks, watched many overconvoluted videos about this topic. Thanks to this really short one I now have perfect clones !
I’m somewhat new, but I don’t worry about how many good genes are present when planting seeds to get new genes. I look at the First, Fourth and Final gene (remember as Fourth and Final chance at a First down) as those are the hardest to get. If I plant a seed and it doesn’t have a Y/G gene in any of those slots I replace it with another.
So fast, i had to watch it 3 more times. thanks!
This video’s broken…. i can’t get any to have more than 3 good genes.
Any idea how to get 3g 3y in the calculator? Im putting 10 different clones on multiple attempts and it still doesnt give me the 3g 3y or 2g 4y clone. Tried strictly putting multiple Y and G clones but the 3G 3Y clone doesn’t appear. Thank you!
I am confused can you please show us the next step how to place the saplings in the example? do we surround it with every sapling in the list or just choose one of them?
that site is 100% the best way to do it. also the scan feature is great! i managed to make all 3 god clones i needed for pure teas and hemp god clones day 1 of wipe using that site =D takes a bit of work, and admittedly i had help gathering seeds from my village neighbors, but all the same it makes it so much easier.
base seed?
This video got me my first god clone in rust. Thank you so much for such a quick and easily to get understand video.
Bro wtf you made it so easy
How excatly do you mean “Surround it with the clones” do I place it on the corners or cross?
man this is beautiful, thank you
what, if i didnt have seeds with 4 or more G/Y’s ? 🙁
sure the website would help, but to type any seed in this chart is like … lame xD
Decided to finally learn how to do this as I’m approaching 7k hours. I’m so happy I tried your method, It simply works, I created 12 strains today thanks to this. Thank you and the guy who made the breeding calculator. Great method and tool, before I used to plant corners first and add middle at crossbreeding stage and it was way slower.
if the page gives me a YYYYGH can i turn it to a YYYYGG? and how i do that
Whats base sapling that is required to be placed in the middle?
Great simple guide.
Is it possible to get a perfect seed with the random seeds or you have to get at least 3 types of letters each time ?
For people who didn’t understand you fully (because of bad english level or whatever reason) you could (or still can by posting updated video ;)) show how you sow those seeds in planter box and what will be outcome. Clip will be around 30 seconds longer but still better than most of other long ass videos 😉
AYO that’s cheating, and i’m all for it !! thanks lol
holishit this is good
This is 100x better than the 20 minute videos I watched, thank you.
I love you, straight to the point. May your wipes be full of aks
There is no way I just spent 3-4 hours trying to do math for several generations of hemp when this exists.
omg why did i not see this video sooner
how do you get your planterboxes on 100 overall
thanks man
bro thank you for being a good youtuber that doesnt do 10 minute videos for something they can say in 10 seconds
Straight to the point. Most of the 10 minute Tutorials miss the important details, like in what phase should you actually put the clones you want to use for crossbreeding… Good Vid! 😀
damn you earned a subscriber for this. keep this up.
maybe some tips on scrap farming?
Getting god clones of berries and hemp are easy compared to trying to get god clones of corn, pumpkins, or potatoes.
Say whaaaaat
How does one make time for this
like by basic you mean a normal hemp seed?
I know how to crossbreed but its a pain in the a$$, i dont know if this works or not cuz i dont really play rust atm but thank you for the video, but thanks you a lot for the video
never knew it sorted them for you. great vid
Well that was dope
how do i clone with them getting to the crossbreeding stage at different times
You sir are the god clone.
I didn’t get it what is it for?
finally a website for crossbreeding.
My friend sent me this very useful u got my subscribe
easy mode activated. Thanks my dude.
Good video. rustbreeder is so helpful.
autism lvl 1000. thats what i like about rust.
you can play it in 1000 ways
i like your voice and the info , keep the good works up
Thank you for saving my life man. I’ve been trying to get a perfect seed for at least 2 months now and since I found this video,my farm is booming!!!
So basically the easy way 😀
this really help
Love it, great guide
Yoo quick question how do you bot have to hold e to clone the berry?