Automatic Door Closing | Rust Electricity Tutorial
Never lose more hair just because some of your teammates are too lazy to be closing doors before going off.
Diagram Link: https://www.rustrician.io/?circuit=727e4ea8cec1c86661983c9ae0e0697e
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#rust #tutorial #rustelectricity #doorcontroller
Taqs:rust,rust electricity,rust electrician,tutorial,rust tutorial,rust base,door closing,base lockdown,automatic,building
コメント (37)
I have no idea on about 90% of what you do but you’re clearly qualified and knowledgeable.
so ill just sub and nod yes 😮
Hi, I have an idea for you, I was thinking about making automatic defense system, that opens doors when player is nearby with autoturret behind it. But I couldn’t manage to make it work properly. I wanted it to stay open if autoturret has target or the player is still in reach of the hearbeat sensor and closed if no player around or not enough ammo. Or somethink similar. So maybe just idea for you, if you are bored. I am pretty new to Rust, so failed miserably on my first tries to achiave this.
Please post the best sorting system or auto smelting large furnace guide you are so goated
hey pookie gonna need an alternative turrets tutorial xoxo
Is this working on console yet?
Very nice 👍🏻
can you do a guide on the turret flip flop/shifter circuit?
Thank you for your dedication to making these guides 😍😍 . Can you take some time and make one of the flip flop system?🙏 I can’t find any video that explains it clearly. thanks for everything.❤❤❤❤
skvělé video👏
Great video bro. Clear,
concise, and demonstrative. I need to see a wipe of you making the most high tech base ever.
Thanks for the video. Your information is getting clearer. I appreciate how in this video you started with the basics of the circuit and explained how and why you are adding in different functions. You’re not giving us a fish by sharing a circuit, you’re teaching us how to fish so we understand why the circuit works and how we can implement it in different ways.
I run lockdown buttons to a 6sec timer and split off that to close doors. So if I’m getting door camped, I can hit the lockdown, have 6 sec to peek and if I get dropped, my door closes itself so I don’t lose kit or allow entry.
Братан, ты самый лучший электрик, таких электриков в rust которые понимаю мехнаннику очень мало, по больше бы таких как ты, твой контент вдохновляет и даëт понять и познать новые для них вещи и механники электричества в раст, спасибо тебе ты лучшей ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Great video!! I just tried wiring the passthrugh to theclose input doesn’t prevent to open already closed doors 🙁 What can be wrong? ( did it to 3 doors, also set the electrical branch to 1)
Best electrician, as a learner I was wondering if you could do a more in depth tutorial on the auto turret limit passer, cheers
I just got into rust purely out of interest in building bases and electronics and these videos teach me a ahit ton and are very easy to keep up with!
I had seen a video rhat made a capacitor in rust that stores infinity power using dlc microhpone
this is crazy
this’ll be great for my garage/farm base, thanks! 🙂
Built the BCN core in my last wipe and loved it, still have no idea how it works aha. I love the more detailed explanation of how the circuit functions in this video, keep up your great work
Yo this dudes a legend
nice vids keep up the good work
Please explain rotating turrets please.
Good explanation, I don’t even play Rust and I love it 🙂
turret flip flop circuit next please n thankyou🙏
love you going into detail keep that up love it
Great information.
Clearly the best electrician in rust, I wish one day I can become the best electrician like you, just such a genius and well rounded wiring man. I hope your channel blows up and lets the rust community know how good you are. The father of rust electricity.
can u do tutorial on turret on/off bait circuit? looks fun and useful
Nice video, can i do the circuit on 3:00 but without the timer that constantly closing it? also can i replce the large battery with a medium and still have the 48 doors?
u know him i know him. the entire team after leaving my hemp base:
Keep it up electric dude!
finnaly ive been waiting for this
how do you make some of ur power lines yellow
Just giving comment cus your a skill