
FIXING the Most PAY TO WIN Server in Rust History
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In this video we go over a bunch of the problems that have been troubling my Rust servers for years and explaining what I’m going to do to try to fix those issues! Whether or not it will work is yet to be seen, but this is the best I can do.
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コメント (142)
HEYO! Sorry for delay on new vids, I just got back from a quick lil holiday. I will crank out another REGULAR upload hopefully for tomorrow as I know this video isn’t the most amazing thing ever…
With that said, hope you guys like the changes and I hope you’ll consider coming to my servers 😀
pay-to-win should not be in this equation at all lmao wtf… if server owners can’t find a way to profit without giving the players SERVER-SIDED cheats and other abilities like resource boosts then their business model is trash… why not give VIP players access to CONTENT???? create VIP content… quit giving people fucking boosts and server-sided cheats… its literally killing the entire modding community.
Also, to anyone who hasn’t ran a rust server, you don’t understand the headache and time that goes into making a nice modded server. People will bitch no matter what
I may come back and check things out again! Pay 2 Win in modded servers is seriously out of control right now. People getting 50k of everything right at wipe, plus full metal AK kits while others are on the beach with a bow.
I tried to tell the DopeRust guy that P2W will kill his server, he didn’t listen. Pop went from 150 avg with que to 36 in 2 weeks
There shouldnt be kits lmfaoo
All the servers I play on handle Group limits perfectly, just be strict can’t be a pushover admin, solo duo trio no allies, etc .
Never have liked group limits. That being said,I have been in three large clans(12 to 18 members), and very rarely did we have more than maybe 9 at the same time. It’s nice to have that room. But it never fails the clans that I have been apart of always petered out. People get burnt out of each other and people get burnt out on the servers they play on, we actually lost our last clan to Escape from Tarkoff, that’s why we left your server.
i think the reason the group limit killed the population is because only ..not that good of players run in zergs ..because they cant even get past spawn on their own, so when you limit it, it basically removes most of the players desire to play, because wither or not people know, most gamers are avg at best and a lot of them are below avg, like 80% of your server population is going to be bad players, or avg players. 6 bad players isnt enough for them to be able to do anything on the server so they leave. just my opinion. i’m an avg player, but i also hate other human beings and being asked to do things all the time, so i couldnt solo or join a zerg, i just quit pvping because it’s stupid to me.
w/ a jack hammer between 4 people i can have 5 boxes of sulf in 1 hour on vil… just say mike
About time you fix your shit servers.
Maybe half your population were coming from Zergs. That would explain the drop in pop with group limits. Combined with not being promoted as low pop or noob friendly to encourage more Solo/Duo/Trio/small groups. It seems like you’ll have to make a choice between zerg clans, and getting new players on your server.
Mike group limits are great, duo, trio, quad all attract a lit of people if your server is not pay to win and if you have decent admins.
facecam is way too big
“my servers are full of big zergs that ruin it”
“when i implement group limit my pops drop drastically”
“i dont know why”
bro, quit playin. u know why u literally answered ur own question
NO Clan was on top
If I could afford the 25 ducks to pick it up I would definitely play on your servers. However the economic situation of south Louisiana has been declining for the last 12 years. Funny his a market crash in a area can get you stuck in the area.
not a fan of web cam on the vids,,,i want to see the video of the game not you…no offense
the title is way to misleading
the massive zergs is why people leave not because its pay to win lol
it’s a 5x it’s supposed to be easy lol
Its still not fucking fixed.
You can’t nerf sulfur while boosting everything else. Doing so makes it so it’s raid costs increase exponentially.
VIP kits don’t need to go, they just need a major overhaul. Make them have things like teddy bears, /sil, or even just a starter kit (burlap, stone tools, etc.).
Group limit is probably causing pop lost because an 8 man can still roll over an entire server like nothing. I personally find a 4-6 limit to be the best, because a duo and even some solo can take on a 6 man squad using skill, environment and just good combat choices in general.
Another suggestion for the VIP kits that are 100% play to win, if you won’t change them, make them monthly instead of for a full year.
u made a group limit of 8….lmao wtf thats a huge group. if i see a server with 8 man group limits i dont play cause i know im gonna get zergd. drop group limits to 4 and i bet a lot more people would play. unless its still a pay to win server then thats an instant ooofff and i move on to another server and please dont make +loot, events, 1million X, tp, set home bullshit.
Maybe that you allow clans to work together? Just a thought
I played your 2x server recently with a friend and we enjoyed it a lot. teleporting and loot feels just right.
Base building and raid costs are intertwined. And zergs can always split up in smaller grounps? Or do i misunderstand something?
keep the great work mike!
Maybe with the group limit only have it be for online players. For example I was part of a clan that had like 15 players. But due to conflicting work schedules and different time zones and adult commitments we had max 6 on at a time. So maybe have it be there’s no limit on clans but try not to have more than 8 online at a time and have it be more of an honor system thing.
Make a solo only server and a trio server and u will have lots of players
If you had SA severs i would play on it
Just a heads up in lowering the sulfur to 1X. Realize in vanilla there was already a balance determined in the cost effect to raid. Lowering the sulfur won’t make it harder to raid. Just people raiding less in general. Which seems to be why people are on your server in the first place with sulfur kits. Not sure if they added a feature where you can remove BPs. Just make T3 boom and weapons only lootablbes besides rockets or even only c4 craftable and rockets only lootable.
I’m ur 949like
Here’s the truth players will complain and complain about zergs and big player counts and whatever until it gets removed then they find it boring and leave. In my personal opinion rust would not be fun without zergs. The fun of rust is pvp playing with people and of course you get raided it’s the fun of rust
No hate, but servers who offer buyable items with kits are trash in general.
Never been on your server cuz I guess those are US. But if you keep 5x gathering but vanilla sulfur gathering then nobody will be able to farm enough sulfur to raid anyone. Except large zergs. Kit or not if large group splits in duo or trio and go farm the map they will have ton of sulfur before long and/or will feed the excavator.
Same zerg group with 5x gathering stone metal and HQ will most probably build insane structure too expensive for anyone to raid.
No matter what you do large groups will always have large advantage and perhaps thats how it should be. I mean that is the point of playing in group, right ?
At very least FP should make recycler craftable so solo and mini groups can get a chance to profit from farmed components.
Zergs never need to worry about this. Solo never need to worry about being able to recycle and make it back home safely. 9/10 it wont happen if server is populated enough. Unless they build next to recycler as close as possible.
What would really solve this issue imo is digging. Being able to dig underground and perhaps even find mats there (like in 7D2D) could help. Tho different engine and most probably would take agest for FP to pull it out.
Try to make it 4 instead of 8. When you implement 8 ppl limit, player who play solo duo or trio is more concern about it instead of no limit.
no one cares about zergs they can go to official trio severs have the highest population
People left because you got greedy and changed the vip kits from lifetime
I think something you could do is add a roam and raid limit of 8. I’ve seen this on a few servers and it has worked very well. It doesn’t deter zergs but it makes it so they cant run around with a stupid amount of people.
Clearly the server pop reduces when the massive zergs leave because of the group limit
Pay for some advertising i know you makin bank off the vip kits and the sulf nerf is good but you need a couple k sulf in the vip kits for ammo
Are there severs where u are only allowed to go through doors?
People want group limits but as low as 6 or 8. I think a good group limit would be 12
Everything you said made me want to actually go back and give your servers a shot… until the group limit thing. What I think might help you understand is that MOST rust players are not in zergs and fucking hate zergs. An 8 man limit server means “HERE IS A ZERGFEST”. Try a 4 man limit and watch your pop skyrocket.
Like we all really fucking hate zergs, man. They are literally the single worst aspect of rust for everyone from solos to 3 or 4 man teams. They make the game zero fun, since you can kill 5 people and still lose all your shit. also they can all go farm for like 30 minutes and have a massive fortress and be raid ready in no time.
No pay to win, no zergs, and closer to vanilla loot tables will make us really want to play your servers.
SIDE NOTE: Face cam is a really cool addition to your content! Also loved the gun video you made recently. Always nice to learn more about your favorite content creators and their personal interests!
Great vid bro, wish there were more Aussie servers that had this much attention to detail
OMG you really are just 15!!! 😉
You should make your servers , solo duo trio , those tend to be the most successful servers
group limit 8? americans lol, thats not really a limit, try out 3 or 4
Paying for kits is a big deterrent, not just the sulfur but the entire thing. Rust is a game that rewards time put in and you should not be able to just buy ur way to the top and leave all the people who put in the time behind. I dunno what others think about it but me personally wont play there with my group due to this
The main problem with the Rust community is 99.999% of players are toxic as fuck and they will do ANYTHING to ruin your day if they can. You arent going to fix that.
I never understood how people can unironically have fun on modded 5x or whatever servers. It’s just
not rewarding I feel, you kill some farmer on a modded server or some geared guy and you don’t feel it is nearly as satisfying as if it were on a vanilla server because you know yourself it is hard to come by and takes longer to get whatever said loot may be. Idk just my opinion Lad .
As a solo i play on Solo/Duo/Trio. When I see a server of 8 group limit i will simply not join that server… Maybe lowering the group limit or put no limit on the server group…. 8 is allready no limit imo… hope this can help you…
Ummmmm just delete the kits wtf
Webcam too big
your servers have to many hackers
It’s to laggy
yes vanilla sulfur rates. now only zergs can raid. if you need to zerg on a x5 no bp or just a x5 in general you’re all bots simple as that.
Stop with the webcam thing plz
Please blow your nose my dude
Mike if you do the sulfur nurf it would be a pvp server becouse all the bases would be so big becouse of everything being 5x bases and ganna be strong but for the 2x with 1x sulfur i can understand but not the 5x
RGS ??? Cuz thats the moat pay to win
Aye thumbnail W
I have an idea how bout you either make a server that is 3x and is solo/duo/trio/squad or take one of your servers make it the 3x solo/duo/trio/squad and keep the 5x with all the zergs and stuff.
Good Job …I will come play again…But still i play only solo …so Zergs 5+ .,..its all time problem 😀
Hi Mike .. as a VIP kit owner, I’m 100% fine with removing the sulfur. Raiding should require a grind, not be handed to people.
What if u started bringing raid cams and base tours to smaller bases instead of just large bases this would in courage small groups to build up and do well to get in a video as well as more of these if u did more small faster base tours of small bases instead of 2 or 3 large ones u did more like 5 6 smalls in a vid
Do not reduce sulfer it makes the game boring and has a negative impact on the server. Look at bits servers he has reduced sulfer so there’s so much risk raiding bases are 2x as strong but vanilla hard to raid so when you lose profit you really lose
If you made surfer 1x on a 5x then every base will be hard to raid because it will be all hqm n sheet bc it’s 5x
Servers like any solem and rust academy have max pop until last 6 hours of wipe every wipe and they have 8 man limit pay to win kits increased loot tables maybe you’re going about it the wrong way instead of making a modded server harder and more un fun make it more about pvp and enjoying what is the hardest to do on vanilla it’s modded for a reason
0:11 when is it ever? Lol
I want you to run a small map server, smaller than Hapis. like a normal savas︰max 75 players.
that could be a popular server since we don’t have a server like this that much.
never mind, forget it.
How about offering VIP to people who have high playtime? It’s good to reward people who financially keep the server running, but ultimately it is far more reliable rewarding the people who stick with it.
Getting false banned for scripting is a reason too ;(
Face cam is cool but make it a bit smaller 1/4 of the screen is that sexy face but its a little distracting dude.
Miking the Viking
Mike you should make a AU server for all the AU people
What servers do you have?
I would definitely join…if your servers showed up in the server list from where I live.😅 But that’s one of the things you can’t fix obviously…
Keep up the good work!
Mike, as a server owner my self i have some insights.
First, don’t keep sulfur vanilla. You can do it less but never vanilla, ppl will bitch about it (ex: all 2x, except sulfur, 1.4x).
2nd, don’t put limits and new rules that affect gameplay for the worse. No group limits, no more raid protections, etc.
and last.. invest in quality of life plugins. These are what bring the most players and characters.
For VIP i would make it to NEVER spawn resources. Give them some guns, less cooldown on normal kits, locked quality of life plugins (skinbox, bgrade, etc). But never touch the balance of the game (hence if they want something to build and raid, they still will need to earn it).
lol 2:47 on the left side of the screen was my base wit the i heart cock sign lul
Really not fair really not bro vip lol
4:43 I’m sorry but you can. Its not hard. Its easy to add. You want the money. And there is nothing wrong with that its a server and costs money to run and you need money to live. But own up to it. Don’t say you can’t just cut it off because your can. You choose not to. Which again is understandable but don’t pretend.
RIP 500$ vip
Mike, STD clan we gonna stay on your server no matter what. Love ur content man, keep up the hard work. We been playin 2x modded past few wipes
I think the reason group limit causes lower pop is because your servers are already low and you literally have 12+ man zergs running around so when you cut some off the entire clan doesn’t want to play so you loose 12+ people
The thumbnail is some of my group I was chicken nuggets
Finally your server is playable again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People probably don’t like seeing the 8 limit cause than they expect a bunch of them it’s maybe set it to 6 and i bet it goes up bruh you don’t need more than that or you make the game unfun 6 is still a shit ton man
As a person that plays on the 5x server. A buff to the starter kit and maybe some other helpful kits would easily help people have more confidence to play!
Sounds like the ptw stuff killed your server while filling your pockets but backfired. I know servers cost money but they die if the pop is unbalanced with vips that are op, so good moves it seems you have made.
I was banned from ur server and all my friends from FAPA left with me to other servers, yikes
Why do solos/duos complain about offlining/raiding with the sulfur if it was vanilla they couldnt catch up on the zergs and zergs can easilt farm 50 rockets in 2-3hrs
Sulfur isnt the problem ur server is 70% clans dont nerf them
do a group limit of 4 itll work trust me
I’d prefer better loot tables with 1x or 1.5x sulphur
Who’s that model in the bottom left
sorry for offlining! XD !
its because avs is on top and you have teleport ability
Worse Base Tour Ever…..
Hello world. I can see an understand the issues an the pop. Not much of a server owner an all. But yeah kicking down the loots. Is the way to go. I was offlined as a solo on low pop 5x 40 hrs ago. An just as solo even with low pop still smashed all the clans bases total foundation wiped. Lol sorry for the offline boys. Honestly a thing to slow it all down a bit an not change much is to reanimate the Npc’s. That doesn’t slow much down at all. But it does make the larger groups have to use some resources at all times. Much love from Hippi3. Love peace and rust prevention grease brother. Love the servers
From my experience, servers with group limits higher than 4ish usually makes me not want to play on them. When i see servers with group limits of 8 i think there is a higher chance that you will DEFINETLY meet an 8 man, compared to when there is no group limit involved. I think if you lower it to somewhere around 3-4, the server might rise in pop. However, if the server has no group limit, the only way i see it gaining more players is if u remove the “pay to win” aspect. A server with a lower group limit can work with a bit of pay to win.
I hope you get the populations back. I enjoy the raid cams, base tours and often hilarious communities that go with them and the more there are the better.
the population dropped after changing the limit because at that time it was ONLY zergs. If you changed it and waited more than 2 weeks and marketed/advertised the change im sure many more players would come back. (Just an opinion)
I think the sulfur 1x would be the beat thing u could do. It would make pvp a bigger part then the raids.
Its an extreme but, is 40 happy customers better than 150 where 90 are annoyed? If 40 happy is better to you, group limit, if not and more people is better then happy people, then zergs are ok.
to be honest i would never play on a server that has groups grater than 4. as a solo player its just too much espceially depending on how large the maps are, even with a small amount of people (20 people max at one time) a map can get quite crowded and if you have a large group that is taking up a large chunk of the map it just makes things even worse! as for the sulfur… sulfur numbers should be left at vanilla number as well as stack size.
Will never play on a server that has vip kits. Pay to win isn’t fun whether or not you give them sulfur isn’t the point. What do you mean you can’t stop having vip kits? It is not impossible, I actually do not understand your reasoning on that. So many good servers with good population where everyone is equal, your servers are useless in that regard.
Would you consider using straight corners for the webcam?
Hey do you know when it is going to come out on console
you know how to fix a PTW server? Remove all PTW features!
Hey I think you should make a quad no vip 2x with the nerfd loot tables and maybe some tier 1 bps like pick water pipe (etc)
Thank you
Mike the pike!
Try having events to draw people in! Maybe have a end of wipe event to encourage people to play till the end of wipe. I thought of the ideas to implement an last man standing where the playable area shrinks (like lots of battle royal games) where you have a shrinking playable area and the last man standing gets a prize (eg VIP or voucher). This would encourage everyone to roam end of wipe and would encourage new players and add sense of purpose to gather all those items over the course of the wipe. A radiated zone could close in on random spots and base would decay so no roof campers. I dunno just an idea 🙂
While I don’t play Rust, having 1x sulfur rates on a 3 or 5x server is just going to create that whole near unraidable base encounter. What I did with servers I ran mist other games that are near the aspect that is Rust is have costs for explosives higher for the first few days and then turn such over to normal costs. This way players are able to go about playing without worrying so heavily or finding their base raided the next day. While I’m not sure whether or not changing crafting costs is possible, being that I ain’t in your seat as an Owner. I’m sure something like this may help. While I understand the whole need for some sort of incentive to donating, perhaps launching a Patron page or sololy cosmetic based items for kits would sort out the whole P2W aspect of your server(s).
Or ban the people who need to be banned and unban the people who didn’t do anything
keep up the work sir
Server Group Limits don’t work because they are set to such high numbers, Firstly think about it this way if a group is 8 people, that means that a zerg would be about 12-16 people right? So by setting the group limit to 8 you are getting rid off all zergs, but for solo/duo/trio’s It still sucks to play due to the large groups they encounter, A player limit server would work if it was set to like 4, or 3, and put into the server title, to attract smaller players. I personally play the 5x solo/duo and sometimes trio, and with the low pop, the only people I encounter are large groups. The sulfur idea sounds cool, but then also think about it this way. I personally have solo farmed and build 80 rocket raid bases on your 5x server. Now for a 5 man that raid is easy, but for a duo or trio group that is impossible. A few months ago I actually had my group log on and play on your server, we managed to build a base from foundation to build limit, and it was not a tower It was a honeycomb bunker. While I have no solution for the 2x or vanilla server, I will say that I would love the see the 5x turned into a max 4 server and advertised as such. Also, there is a difference between hitting end game and lowering comps. I last played 2 weeks ago due to population issues and spent over 20 hours that wipe with multiple launch runs, and have gathered over 50 rockets. However, I only managed to find 2 rifle bodies the entire wipe. I had done cargo and military tunnel multiple times. (Don’t do Oil because of large clans). The drops on the server seem to be very common for mid-tier weaponry. Something I suggest is nerfing the elite crates in terms of spawning guns and adding more components to allow for more scrap. Bandit camp also needs to start selling lr300’s and l9’s for more scrap. Buff the barrel drops on comps to make people stay, allow for more just stuff to float around but reduce the spawns of the ak. Currently the 5x server feels like someone downloaded the gather manager plugin set it to 5x and then forgot about components. Thanks For the Server, but as rust changes so do we have to. #bringbacklegacy.
TLDR: Group limit 4, change the name to say it. Reduce the ak spawns and give us back our old component drops.
Wassup my fav man
p2w sucks ass
I can’t believe you’ve done this
ooof 6 views im hella early haha
Feels like you’re taking a note from that one kid duping in Minecraft servers that are pay to win
That’s nice to see
how about just removing the whole “pay to win” concept , is not really that expensive to have 3 servers …..
Mike lookin kinda sexy today
Ayyyyu hi
Mike the bike love your server man, cheers
Mike u cute damn
Exc on top
Stop singing first it does it matter
Love you videos I’m first coment
First love your vids