Rust Top Skins | Blackout HQ, Sweet Poison & Raptor Aks, Toxic Acid Rock #92 (Rust Skin Picks)
Rust Top Skins | Blackout HQ, Sweet Poison & Raptor Aks, Toxic Acid Rock #92 (Rust Skin Picks)
Check out the Skins Here -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2108901224
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Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
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コメント (82)
How do you take the thumbnail pics? I make skins and the thumbnails are always shit because i dont know a good way to take pics.
as if the poison ak skin didn’t hit the store. glad the raptor one did!
Acid rock looks amazing if it gets in it will be my favourite rock
Why are there no new smg skins ?
Like they heven’t released new skins for smgs in months….
The blackout hqm set needs to be in the game👀👀
Pls just bring them all out best skins in a long time and I need that poison ak
When should these come out
I really hope the secret prisoner door gets added
I love the poison ak!!!! It better get in the game man
NEED that bee garage door!
Is there a server to preview skins in game before we purchase them?
Rocket launcher is sick!
Genuinely don’t understand how you can possibly dislike this video. Thanks so much German for these vids 😤🙏🏽
I think that helk cares a little too much about community market, which in my case WILL force/ make him not choose to install the blackout HQ set… which is going to be definitely sad cause of the black plate carrier being there… im 80% sure that helk will “ignore” that set, even though like 90% of the players want it in… out of all the skins you showed the HQ blackout is the most desired and wanted one, hell its even more wanted the apocalypse hq set lol… lets hope HELK HAS SOME SENSE ONCE IN HIS CHOSING
I hope the cool stuff makes it in this week. See some stuff that I’d pick up.
will the uproar set i.e. rugged jacket and boots (which you’ve already shown) be added?
I commented on the creator of the armored war door to get on making that single sheet door next haha.
Blackout set and conspiracy set both look sick!!!! I love them
paralysed hatchet and pick is also amazing
the large box egyptian is amazing the best box if it gets released 100%
That blackout vest looks too similar to the plate carrier imo
The Sweet Poison AK man wow.. I dont buy AKs but i’d snatch that one up real quick.
Black HQM set, heli large crate, redone police garage door, crossbow, and black camo rocket launcher.
ahahahaha armored garage door – dude u always give a good idea to facepunch – lmfao
i like almost all of these skins this week, people spend a lot of time makin these skins, they don’t give up , and i like that
Imma buy the Rock, Armor double door, thomson, red ak and red mp5 and rocket luncher
love the conspiracy set but while that’s out , i would really like the a rug skin or the Fluorescent box or garage door skin to be in the game, we haven’t had rugs in ages and i want to see another rug skin or the Fluorescent garage door , that will work with the conspiracy set and also now the v2 garage door is really cool also like the bee (SAVE THE BEES)
The rock is just a big jolly rancher
Thanks German! Keep up the good work soldier! *salutes*
As an owner of the plate carrier. I feel straight pissed that they made a nearly identical look alike. Very unsafied.
God damn there’s so many nice skins. I’m betting some of the lesser ones make it in tho, seems to be a common trend. Shame because I’d buy most of these.
Thank you for another feature! actually I went for slightly different color on ads flame but guess it’s not too strong so in the end it looks quite similar to background red, my bad!
Bring the HQ blackout set with the face mask looking “meaner” I think it would like much better but none the less I’ll be purchasing this set if it comes out
helk picks the skins – and he always picks the most boring shit. So dont expect the 2 boxes – black out set – armored double door or anything we want to make it
oh and expect another bow skin for the 10000th time in a row – also a hatchet and pick
So many nice skins this week
Green rock!
Kinda sucks that the garage doors from two weeks ago aren’t included, but I am hoping the stealth hq armor and rocket launcher makes it in.
they should of named the bumble bee door to the honey comb door
i want an arrow skin
24:37 looks like awp gungnir from csgo but still really nice
That German guy when rust comes out on consoles do you think there is a chance that the skins we have on steam will be on console.
That blackout set plate looking way too close to the plate carrier-Black 😬😬
Why skin doesn’t show immediatly when you grab your rock, tools ?
Now those are some sick skins, not a bad one amongst amazing job to all creators. Excited to see what gets in this week. Much love to TGG as always 💜
Blackout will kill plate carrier price tho xd
Nice ones this week
I could easily cop all the AKs and Mp5s they are all so sick!
thanks for the feature, great effort and video like always ***
edit: that asylum garage door is insane.
cant pick top skin to many cool ones good luck to all
The heli box looks like the Morexo box too much
Yeah, let’s release a new plate carrier black to screw all those that spend 100$+ for it on the community market.
I fucking love these videos. I like to look over the Workshop items in my own time aswell but these videos are great too! keep em coming my guy
I swear they pick the worst skins the last 2 months on purpose.
alien shoes pleeeease!
blackout hqm set is fucking sick
im going to be so confused if the blackout hq doesn’t make it in then i think helk is insane
That chest is too close to the black plate carrier
Really cool picks this week, good luck to those on thursday!
When a continuation of an armor set comes out can you show it with the rest of the set?
Thanks for featuring my LR! Name was supposed to sound scandinavian, so in my head it sounded like “moryavick” 😀
Loved the cartoon looking ak and vinyl garage door the most
I thought the peace island door was from adventure time for a second lmaoo
Why is it they refuse to release more that 8 skins a week? There is so many items in game that can be skinned why do they limit it so much? Some weeks I like a few others I dont like any esp During the “themed” skin releases. I see sooooo many skins on the work shop that never get into the game that I would happily dump $$ into. I feel like they are leaving allot of income on the table.
damn didnt expect sooo many skins. Sweet poison ak probably my favorite 😀
I want this Brain Blow SAR
In game
I really hope the blackout hqm set doesn’t get added. I can see my black plate carrier going down in price cause of it 🙁
Can you marry me?
3 weeks of favorite skins deny by Helk.
I am scared of Thursday at this point.
watched 2 seconds so far, see’s bee door…. 😀
I hope they can pick something right this time.. Thanks dude
I hope blackout set gets in 🙂
I’m worried about the blackout armor devaluing the old old black plate carrier chestplate
blackout hqm poors mans plate carrier
Good skins
first wowie owo
Lol, went on my phone thinking “hmmm, is the top skin picks out yet?”
Goes to thatgerman guy “3 minutes ago”
Я первый?
this kev cost a lot :O