The New Offline Raid Protection
This electrical circuit will give you peace of mind while you’re offline. Protect your base in Rust even when you’re away with the new seismic sensor!
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0:00 Rust+ Raid Notification & Alarm
2:36 New Player Tips
3:21 Auto Door Close Trigger
7:07 Simple Version
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#rust #rustelectrical #rustraid
Taqs:rust,rust raid protection,rust offline raid defense,rust offline,rust offline raid,rust offline protection,rust circuit,rust electrical,rust electrical circuit,rust seismic sensor,rust seismic sensor guide,how to not get raided rust,how to not get offline raided rust,rust tutorial,rust guide,rust electrical guide,rust electrical tutorial
コメント (21)
But wouldn’t it be better to have level 1 Booms notify you as well, because stuff like hv rockets that are shot at your turrets would give you a head start to login and defend? I know other useless stuff like grenades trigger level 1 as well but still could be good to have as a heads up.
I actually did something nearly identical to this myself this wipe, it closed doors, sent an alert to my phone, and powered my internal turrets (to prevent the interference from my gatehouse/external/roof turrets)
what is the keybind to change how the wires hang?
A tip that I did in my base:
You can wired up the door controler at the “close” option with some spliter to a smart switch, then you will only has the option to “close” and never open all the doors. This way, even if the raider cut your power, the door will automatically close. This require some extra work though, but I think is worth the effort.
How to turn its off😂
i aint wiring that
I remember when I set up a system that when the oilrig gets activated lights and sirens turn on, and the main thing is my voice recording all over the base that says viuviuviu the oilrig has been activated, everyone get your kits and stack on roof, viuviuviu.
When the clan heard it they just fell from the chairs
And with that setup, everytime your sam sites go off. It’ll trigger everything
at 7:25 do you actually need the light at all or is this aesthetics?
are u using explo ammo to trigger that or is this just normal ammo too?
Oh that is a cute circut you got there. Let me just take out my trusty Salvaged Hammers 46x to break first 2 doors and removing the sensor. Then i continue with boom 😛
Can you tell me how I open the doors when I get raided? For example when I have turret pods behind garage doors?
U got the best rust guides on youtube rn keep doing what ur doing
Thank you for including the part for newer players who are confused. I am a newer player and I was confused.
I thought it was only smart switches that you couldn’t interact without building privilege, and normal switches can be controlled by anyone. Did they change it?
Nice video!
I setup sesmic sensor only to not waste my time to load into server in chech if iam raided
Thank you for this.
Like who hates offliners <3
Cheers Drizza, solid video and good information for people who haven’t used it before.
Nice use of the blocker too 👍