I Built a Silent Rust Trap
I used a sneaky Rust trick to create a silent but effective Rust trap base…
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Using bear traps in Rust, and using a Rust exploit to my advantage, I built an extremely effective Rust trap base to trap clans.
Second Channel: https://bit.ly/371Gn4e
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro: bbno$
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,trap,base,trap base,rust trap,exploit,glitch,bear,silent
コメント (100)
send me your Rust traps / glitches on Discord, ya boy needs some UNSEEN BANGERS:
discord: memeio
Not hating or anything, is memio actually gay?
Breadstick Billy is a massive W
Hey what’s in here 😂
Does this still work
tried this myself did it got a lot of loot. 5 mins later got raided and spawn camped. I recommend 👍
12:04 / 12:04
Does anyone know if this works on Console ?
does this still work
I want to build stuff like this in a normal base and see someone try to raid it just to die to traps.
Why was I the first person to die 😭😭😭😭
I don’t know if you have done this type of one but you could have a metal double door with twig and someone will break in and then die to a shotgun trap
2:04 is insane
Not a fan of traps that use game glitches.. thats just me though
You talking to ma man like oh shit 😂😂😂😂
BreadstickBilly is the man!
4:51 this part made me so laugh espacily the random laugh at the end made it even better
I watched breadstickbilly and saw that you killed him😊
5:37 the nail gun falling through the ground lol😊
The end —-) whats going on with you
Owww shitt 🏃♂️🏃♂️😂
Free Palestine yes
Dude you should get a few kills and then leave the area and set up a new one!! 😂🙏🏼
I love the thundermostt voice when your about to eat ass
Does this work still? Lol
Stretchy neck 🦒
Go from wholesome straight back to normal toxic Rust 🤣
Did I just get you tubed on? lol
“Did I just get Youtube’d on?”
this game can be wholesome 10 seconds later, N***** N***** N***** N***** F***** F***** F***** F*****
6:58 uhhhhhhhh that dude sus.. calls you gay and then wants to come back and do WHAT to you? hmmmmmm
Gonna love the day when Breadstick Billy meets TeaguyTom
Memeio you r to funny when that guy gliched that music😂😂
I got trapped you😂😂😂 it was in the same spot and everything, i was so confused
Being upset because you fell for a trap is some real beta s#!+
Leaves all the heat on that one dude after the vid 🤣🤣🤣
Nice trap!
What’s the sound at 09:31 called?
Goobfloob did it first🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
Bruh this is the most entertainment I’ve had all week and I got head from a decent-looking woman.
best video ever
More or bread stick billy
@memieo hi
Bro the end was like : 2 types of Rustplayer
you really need to make your loot vault bigger. all that cool loot. 😉
A little insight every trap memio builds facepunch patches it quickly but not on console every trap still works and i still use them
We need a collab with breadstick billy!
Would it work in Rust console?
Every person is salty when they know that they didn’t think of it first.
Does this work on console?
The end bro
Breadstick Billy good guy
Poor naked died and had his neck stretched out
Imagine a bear trap snapping on your head though 😳
The amount of effort that goes into not just the editing but every video recording bruh
Dude does this work on console
Do you just sit still in your base for hours and hours waiting for someone to run in? Or do you go on a high pop server? but then the territory gets claimed by a big group soon or after trapping 10 people nobody will ever fall for it again because those were the only ones running past your base.
the ending is insane lmao you literally cant make this shit up
can’t have 666 comments
The long neck and the end is the best
3:24 memeio got raided that’s he change the server😅😅😅😅
I was hoping you’d give bro all of that. Class
If you want to meet nice people in Rust play on PvE servers. It’s like the exact opposite of PvP. Pretty much everyone is friendly and helpful as opposed to being toxic shitlords.
Man the entire video I kept thinking if he doesnt give this loot to billy im never gonna forgive memeio so glad to see the happy ending!
who is bait
Awesome neighbor!
Bro’s trap base so sick he made a guy Ruffy.
I used to do this with the shelves, use a planter and pumpkins for great success
just comment
I liked this video for what breadstickbilly said at 11:15
Trap buddies <3
Maybe we see a cooperation video XD
Not all servers work like this
breadstick billy is what makes rust bearable lol.
I want to live next to breadstick Billy
This one is hilarious!
9:51 another sesh of memeio not making enough storage space for the trap
shoutouts to breadstick billy
literally 2 seconds after saying “this game can be wholesome” encounters the human embodiment of cancer LMFAO
The best trap base i have seen hahahaha brilliant .
memeio doesn’t joke around LMAO
Hi man, i love your videos, I make TRAP BASE stuff, here is my full of action trap base video. If you support would be very happy, enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SIBbHJmzuM&ab_channel=akuzatif
You know, if you get a friendly neighbor in the future you should have them setup a quick drop box for you to store the excess loot.
the ending was fire lol ohhhhhh shit
what is the server name
You gotta play with breadstick billy again
Breadstick Billy seems/sounds like the real Zeke from Bob’s Burgers LMAO I love him!
5:32 gun has clipped to the backrooms 💀
Thanks you so much you got my trio raided 😭😭
I subbed to breadstick. Good guy
That was me farmer joe
Idk if you’ll see this but you should do it deeper in the base so you can get the loot without going out and the gun dropping out
No way I got played by Memeio
At 9:36 lol
11:42 bro as soon memeio said rust can be wholesome😂😂😂
That’s one way to farm resources