Rust Top Skins | Blackout Roadsign, Poison Clothing, Wolf’s Lair Shutter #94 (Rust Skin Picks)
Rust Top Skins | Blackout Roadsign, Poison Clothing, Wolf’s Lair Shutter #94 (Rust Skin Picks)
Check out the Skins Here -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2123313796
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Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Other Music- Happy ride magnus, ES_Happy Playground 1-3 – Merlean
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
Taqs:rust,rust skins,rust new skins,rust top skins,rust top 10 skins,rust glow skins,rust marketplace,rust skin unboxings,rust store,skins,rust weapon skins,rust gameplay,rust game,rust update,rust updates,rust devblog,rust survival,play rust,lets play rust,rust lets play,rust pvp,rust building,rust epic,rust news,rust tips,facepunch,playrust,rust thatgermanguy,thatgermanguy rust,thatgermanguy
コメント (87)
Pq essas skin não se acha no mercado?
Not interesting skins. Almost everybody vote for your picked skins and It’s sad. Please try to pick another categories of skins. Not Just boxes, metal wear and hoodies. Show us more deployebles like purifier, rug e. t. c
Next video tomorrow morning?
the star box looks really cool, aswell the roadsign kit and the kids memory wooden door and also almost all the rest is cool, tho i really want the fluorescent garage door or box and the python
Why didnt u rate the tempered garage door
The blackout coffee can looks really nice. The poison clothes are SWEET. The metal furnace. I’m sick of skulls on clothes but I gota say they look good on that thompson. I could be broke this week.
when does the item store actually update on a thursday?
I knew the blackout kilt was gonna get released. I’m still holding my 4 blackout hqms
Probably a dumb question, but what is the process to get these?
I see these skins on your channel, but cant find them on the market?
Do you show skins that have not been accepted? Or is that they have been accepted but just not available yet?
You didn’t liked my SpecOps combat Knife?
F*ck yeah, my Blackout gear set will finally be COMPLETE! Made some decent profit flipping Blackout gear.
I want to see Blackout weapon and tool skins now 🤤
Tell FP they need to make the roadsign and tactical gloves skinnable as well.
Also need that metal furnace to go along with my sulfur furnace 😁
That all black road sign set and the electric python are amazing. Anyone know when there is gunna be another charitable rust event?
I think we can all agree that we need that loot room large box though! 100%
finally the kilt to go with my blackplate and big grin with my blackout hoodie and pants
Happy Land & pumpkin Door pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeee
Will there absolutely never be another glowing ironsight or could there possibly be a vote or something in the future to see if the community wants them to be allowed again
What’s up with the 88 on the top left of the cartoon sheet metal door?
When these are gonna come out?
i wanna cry when u were looking at those pictures not recognising dome, launch, mil tunnels
the wolfs lair shutter is hands down the best skin I’ve even seen to be showcased, if this piece of art doesnt make it it, I’ll have lost all faith in helk
Blackout roadsign set!
Almost all of this was dogshit. There’s so much quality stuff on the workshop and none of it is being picked I don’t get it.
awesome skins!! The raod sign gear + kilt is awesome! The LRs are too many now.. cant handle the colors..
Great sets! My fav is the fighting gear and the sporty set!
Table skin please!!!
lol 1500 blackout metal chest plates are up for sale, who da fuck were the morons thta picked them up in such high numbers
When coming
comic sheet metal door blends well with the new cool sheet metal walls, minus the terrible looking plywood, should have kept that the same.
Oh no come on I can’t afford more blackout skins they’re just too cool
Can you tell who ever made the octopus AK that I would LOVE to see more graffiti ocean stuff? Maybe a set? The cute but deadly is amazing,cartoon but bad ass and not too cute
It would be sick if someone made a sheet metal door that looked like the puzzle doors
wait the no mercy jacket is a snow jacket?
I really like the Rust gear set would be fun to set up cage fights haha
Finally a Full black roadsign Kilt ❤️
Anyone recommend some metal sets for 6$
I NEED that comic door.
That scorpion pistol is nice
Does this guy even play rust I could see what those pictures were so easy 😂😂
look at hypno SAR!!!!!!
I’d love to see the rest of the shinobi set, the mask and footwraps are so expensive now. Its kind of a dick move to leave it incomplete.
Do skins that don’t make it ever get a second chance?
Love the mma gear and the tools!
im just waiting on that blackout jacket now 😛
Thanks for recommending my fighter gear 🙂 Good luck all!
Question. How do you get other people’s skins and use them in the game or can you not? Can you only use the official ones they sell through rust?
imagine how long this shit takes. I am truly amazed by you
your volume is so low guy
If the Black Roadsign kilt isnt in im sueing
Hopefully poison and blackout get excepted
Wow such a great skins this week 🙂 I also see a few new sets for a couple of months, but I want to ask if we can get again some completitions for skin sets? As we had 1 year ago? Just for some of older skin sets, scrapper, tactical etc.
Would love to see the road sign set, the eoka, and the SAR in store. Thanks for the vid
Koop jij al deze skins de hele tijd😱
Danke German! Nice skins everyone!!
Great video! I can tell you put a lot of work into it.
1. Airfield
2. Militery tunnels
3. Power plant
4. Dome
5. large Oil
6. Launch site
Scorpion SAP is epic!
we already have nightvision, could as well stop with the glowing sights rule, it’s kind of bullshit anyway
All I like is the Blackout Kilt and the Golden Scorpion SAP.
Blackout roadsign kit, Aries zodiac box, winter storm garage door, and thompson skin. Kinda like the stealth S.A.P. too.
thanks for showing my skin! a lot of nice skins this week, Fury Guardian Box on the next week i guess? 🙂
furnace epic
Thanks mr.TGG. A lot of nice skins. Good luck all )
Can someone please explain, are these some of the skins that could be in the store this week or are they all going to be in the store? Thanks
awesome skins everyone. Thanks for making the video and compiling all the cool weekly skin!
The LR cloud skin was awesome!
Great video man! You always offer an entertaining and informative Skin showcase, and I wish you the best during these times
love the jacket and the roadsign set
I believe the photos on the childrens memory door (from left to right, top to bottom) would be quarry, mili tuns (entrance to the underground area), sewer branch, dome, oil rig, and launch!
Very sorry that I did not get, with my stone
Mine Package, although I was in the collection for 30 minutes(
good luck to all who are in the selection!
Thanks for showcasing my skin! It’s hard to pick my favorite! Skins are becoming better week after week! Good luck everyone!
Blackout Roadsign ♥
thanks for pick our door! nice skins on this week!
I still wish the “fur” jacket made it…. and maybe a bears head skin for the wolf headdress… dare thoughts of the scene from Super Troopers pop into anyone’s head….
6:30 that isn’t water treatment. that’s power plant XD
a lot of cool stuff, good luck to everyone !
really hope that semi comes in 😀
tysm German
Thanks for the showcase! loving most of the skins this week some really cool mix of fun and different and ones that fit rust’s gritty feel, good luck to all this week!
Another awesome looking Thompson that will be skiped oh well
Can we get XPOINT boxes ☹️
5th comment
Thanks for the feature! I wasn’t sure about ads glow either, when you message Helk about it can you tell us on discord if we can/can’t do it?
i love the phoenix mp5!!! its a colorsheme we just didnt had yet 😀