Rust Electricity: User Request – Cave Base Low Power Turret Trigger
So many of you asked about using a lower power HBHF to trigger the turrets. Because of the limitations of Rust’s very unrealistic electricity (and batteries) it is technically challenging to gain any advantage here. However, here is one possible way to make that work and possibly gain some efficiency and run-time in certain situations.
Original Release date 9/11/2019.
Rabid Rabbit Discord: https://discord.gg/FDTYxhv
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thumperbun
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/
Taqs:Rust,Rust Game,Facepunch,Electricity Update,Electricity,Rabid Rabbit,Thumper,Power,Battery,Generator,Auto,Cave,Turret,Bucket,HBHF,Low Power,Efficiency
コメント (17)
Hey @RabidRabbit – Any modifications to the circuit for better efficiency since this was posted?
When the fuel and all power in the small batteries run out, you cannot get the circuit running again.
What is the timer set to on the bottom left of the circuit? @rabidrabbit
Thx man. this is just what I needed! solo’s are still fucked in cave bases but for people that play in a small group like me this is perfect.
But there must be a way to use one or more timers that powers a hbhf sensor for like 1 second every minute. this would solo’s still get a chance.
Most efficient way of charging battery’s in cave base is… pressure pads.. if you got enough team mates to jump on them the 1 pulse power will charge them 🙂
if you use, 4 Large battery’s , set to go off one after the other, then you get 16 hours. Trying to find out how to set up where the first battery to get recharged by the other 3 before it kicks back on…
Just pointing it out:
Using only power generators for the turret is the best option. The battery will waist power at all turns… Just use power generators.
You can use memories to direct the power towards the turrets you need. by example, you root your 7 units to one triggering circuit… which when activated start a generator which will, depend on the state of other sensors, root the power where it need to be rooted. one generator, a thousand turrets… IT IS CONSTANT! O(c) !!!
RABID! By flicking on and off a battery, using its own power to shut it off constantly, you can get 4x the charge. It changes the way you can use your power, so that you might mostly use that to power sensors and doors. using the sensors, you can trigger a generator when needed.
Great videos 1k subs ….. now! congrats.
Is there a way to run lights and sam site using solar panels battery back up obviously for night time
would be easier to just have 2-3-4 large batteries (1st stopping the 2nd, 2nd stopping the 3rd, etc). could also power 8+ turrents out of it.
Thank you for this. YOU ARE THE MAN ! Yes, NOT what I wanted to hear. They basically just nerfed the crap out of cave bases. I just robbed two cave bases easily because of no turrets. lol My cave bases are just going to have to utilize more armored doors, more SG traps, and more HQ walls / honeycomb. I am pretty pissed. Rust needs to fix this for the cave dwellers.
Mr Rabbit, you are awsome! I hope Rustified recognizes you & uses your video’s. Low grade is not a problem for me I am a master with fish traps & hemp farming
Thanks for this, not perfect but should be good enough to figure something out.
can you juse 10 power frome a lage battery and splitt off 90 to charge a nother lage batery whit a timere on it to switsh it so after lake 2 hors it starts the oher batery that have gotn the exses 90 power the do the same whit that one were it charge the furst batewry whit 90 ? and repit ?
cant you juse 2 big baterys then jusing a blocker to seperate them ?
Why can’t you make an electrical branch (which gets power from the large battery) that splits 10 power to the turret and the other 90 back to the charging port of the large battery? It will deplete the battery much much slower.