Custom Servers, new development 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
Even more signs that Rust Console Custom Servers are almost here. With all of the progress they have made with custom servers up to this point we already know that we were close, but now with this new development it is right on the edge of release now. Rust Console Edition Custom servers will be coming in 2023. Recent Rust Console Roadmap for 2023 highlights updates and custom servers (community servers) on the front half of 2023. Along with the content updates that will be coming the custom servers have been making a lot of progress. With Rust Console Servers we will be able to make our community servers and custom servers that can be solo and duo servers that everyone has been wanting for a while. we will be able to have our own wipe schedules, example a Monthly server that actually hard wipes at the end of the month like its PC counter part does. Rust community server will also make it possible for us to host events, arenas, raid events etc. Rust Console 2023 Roadmap for 2023. Rust Console Edition 2023 Roadmap includes Custom Servers, Horses and Farming are all covered in the most recent Rust console Dev Blog. We have a release date for Power Surge (Electricity Update) has been announce for Rust Console Edition PTB (testing Branch) for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X. January 2023 will start our first steps into the Power Update on Rust Console. Farming 2.0 will be coming to Rust console and our first major transportation, Horses. A lot of exciting things coming soon for Rust Console Edition. Rust Tech Tree Update will bring in Larger Maps (3k), Tech Tree, Power Plant Monument, Target Practice & Builders Paradise Servers (Custom Server Types). Some of the things included in the update are: Tech Tree, Larger Maps, Power Plant and PvE servers. Rust Console news update, Rust Test Branch will bring: Larger Maps, Tech Tree, PvE servers, Recoil changes. New content added to Rust Consoled edition that includes: Supermarket, Trainyard, Water Treatment Branch. Update Rust console Edition Now! Rust Console has brought in new monuments Trainyard Monument, Water Treatment Branch and abandoned supermarket. Rust Console Edition for PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X, now have new monuments and here is a guide to find them. Rust Console Monuments are back! Train Yard, Water Treatment Plant and Supermarket and now back in Rust Console. Quick Rust console news update. Rust Console on PS4 and PS5 will never be the same with the Power Surge update coming in soon. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console electricity system will bring change they way you raid and the way you build and defend your bases. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Custom Server,Rust Console Custom Server,Rust PS4 Custom Server,Rust Xbox Custom Server,Rust Solo Server,Rust PS4 Solo Server,Rust Xbox Solo Server,Rust Bi-weekly,Rust Console Bi-weekly,Rust PS4 Biweekly,Rust Xbox Biweekly,Rust Console PvE,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (59)
Still not here
I can’t wait
Didn’t happen yet probably end of this year or beginning of next year we still waiting for boat glitch to be fixed the focus on bugs that only are an issue for like .1% of the rust console edition players and its wierd you’d think they would fix issues that a majority of players run into
The community doesn’t show up on the ps5 at all. It’s shaded right now.
When in may
Yeah it’s only been 2 years since they were supposed to be here ON DAY ONE. They robbed many people who were only buying this shit game for private servers.
So its comingoutthia year 100%
When do you think is the final wipe?
As soon as this comes in I’ll be so much happier about this game and will 100% play this again
I’m just excited for x50. Times loot servers.
Maybe they will add them with gardening with main branch cuz why would u have a server on test
I will believe it when I see it dont get your Hope’s up people
I’d be a fan of pvp only on weekends
I honestly will spend $$$ with custom servers lot of cash flow that could be there. Game just sits in library til then
Community will save it for me honestly cause I’m sick of zergs an cheaters
bruh im literally on the xbox console edition an all thats greyed out still..
Great info and exciting times do you think we will ever get mlrs and more importantly MINIS 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😅😅😅😅
I just got on test branch and community servers are ip em now there just isn’t any
Jade I wonder if someone was cheating and we can’t technically prove it but what we should do is if anyone plays sus we should have the whole server take a vote and vote em out unless they come out with kill cams but that’s not even on pc so idk but that would be nice to somewhat combat the cheaters
That HEEyayyeee was on point lol
Sorry but I can’t wait for aim assist servers and if any body knows how to control aim with any gun let me know
Bro do you work for d11 lol also thank you for clarifying on what the servers they was showing actually are. I thought players already created them. I can’t wait, I’m tired of playing with zen users. And it’s my server, so i have the right to ask for the clip and ban them if they don’t wanna comply
Nobody :
Is the building and stability in the PTB going to be the new standered? I can’t do the same builds as before
Love you jade keep it up
@JadeMonkey by any chance do you know if we can send clips of zen users to devs anywhere. If so could be a video topic
On PS5 there is like three 2x servers but the queue is crazy
I have noticed that facepunch like to add subtle hints for upcoming updates to the game such as the ones in this video. I also noticed a potential hint for an update and that’s the power lines in PTB don’t have any loot spawns nor barrels underneath them anymore. And if this were a glitch they would’ve fixed it by now but they havnt even mentioned it being a glitch so maybe it’s a potential hint towards zip lines being added which imo makes complete sense. People have been asking for a way for them to add mobility (referring to horses) which they could be close to completing I don’t know, but I think they havnt sorted out horses yet bc of the old Gen consoles holding them back. However the zip lines wouldn’t seem too hard to do as it does involve mobility but it’s controlled by the game, whereas horses are not. And they aren’t updating the game relative to how pc rust was updated time wise. Because only a few months ago they made the roof change on console which they recently added to pc, and this was before they added the farming update on console. So this could be a potential hint to zip lines I think.
Monkey hype 😂
I’m still wondering when electric furnaces are going to be available
Hello, Thanks for the video Jade. can we also run our own server or is that part of another update?
Yo this is soooo exciting. Question. How do you find out about the special events like farming event or oil rig? I have too many questions about customs to ask here lol
Is farming out on official console servers? With Teas?
Cant wait… Been waiting literally since beta… Good times to come
Where do I find the schedule for these events???
Yo jade thanks for your vids man me and my friends just got rust a month ago and you’ve been so useful to us thank you and keep it up
I just need a custom server I don’t need to jump through a bunch of hoops to play on. I don’t want to join discords and whatnot to play. But us solos and smaller groups need our own servers. Hate being raided for my bow in my 2 by from a group that “controls” the server.
I also noticed the messages working on PTB. Reported a guy using M&K with modded device reported them. Getting on the next day I say a pop up on my Home Screen from the messages that my report was pending.
Are we getting new skins soon
For me it’s the same servers as it is on official servers on ptb
Alot of people stopped playing because no custom servers. This dude been talking about custom servers like they are coming out each month lmao
I think this will be such a big leap for the game and bring alot of people back who stoped playing because of zergs.
I noticed it when it first came out
I agree I think it wasn’t a total accident. On discord for main or PTB can’t remember someone complained about someone teleporting into their base. They show clip, and D11 admin called them out guess they had something naughty on their vendy but the timing of that showed an admin fly in and had the star by their name shows they can do this stuff.
Yo I really can’t wait & thx for the help with me learning the farming
People talk mad crap about this game but there actually doing really really good. I just got a xs and it’s not bad. Game runs smoothly. But can’t wait for some good ole duo and trio servers
PVE can’t wait for it on Ps5
This is a joke at this point.
I saw this on ptb
I’m 505th
I believe that’s a good sign that it could very well come with farming 2.o, I don’t want to jinx it but I’m getting my hopes up just a little bit.
There is a 2x server on test branch which is pretty cool
How long will farm 2.0 be in PTB before it comes to main?
Thanks for the update 😃
Hopefully Custom servers come before September
I saw custom severs and got gere as soon as i can
yo whats up jade