How to Build Compound Gatehouses [RUST Building Tutorial 2022]
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Simple and effective Rust compound gatehouse designs to go with any Rust base,
From solo to medium and large groups.
4 variations, going from ultra-cheap to a complete minibase with a bunker in it.
https://rustomantic.gg/ 🙂
Check out Gabe’s rust exploits channel:
CHECK OUT eKostiKs channel (designer of the second gatehouse!)
*All music in this video was written and recorded by me, and is copyrighted.
0:00 – Introduction (Song: “Sweetweet”)
1:10 – The Pico: (Song: “Clop”)
2:11 – The eKostiK (Song: “Clop”)
3:26 – The One-Man-Army (Song: “Clop”)
5:33 – The Kitchen Sink (Song: “The Pioneers”)
Taqs:rust tutorial,rust build,rust base,rust best base,rust best solo,rust solo,rust duo,rust trio,rust building,how to build,gatehouses,rust gatehouse,rust gatehouses,best gatehouses,best gatehouse,bunker gatehouse,pixel bunker,rust bunker,build better,build in rust,rust full build,full build tutorial
コメント (86)
I’m new to the game, what do you mean by twig side? 🤔🤔
Nice. Music is almost old western movie on vhs😂. Picture riding a hungry pinto on 4 hp limping into fishing village after being chased by hotdot45 the fastest gun around x22😂
Do i just have to connect them to my main base with the open triangles?
I have a silly request. Can you do an episode on the best ways to build around cars? I love using the Rust cars, but designing a good base around them is incredibly challenging. I was thinking maybe turning a gatehouse into a garage.
Hey Glightz, I love these designs, especially the one man army. If you were going to add auto turrets to this to defend your compound, how would you do it?
Does the bunker still work? I’ve rebuilt it a couple times but I seem to be unable to get it to work. Any tips on making sure it does?
How does decay work with gatehouses? Do they have to be connected with the main base (where the TC is) so it doesnt decay? Last time I played was like 2018 or so and I’m not sure how it works now.
The kitchen sink could be a real base
Less anime characters in your thumbnails will get you more views.
1:14 con el pico es mas rico ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The kitchen sink is great
Love ur vids but overthink the oneman army bc if i get deeped on by one door they can take almost full control over my comp
Bro 💀 said the kids are save
I’m a really advanced console builder and since i saw hjunes streamer bunker 2 ive been watching your vids to add building tricks to my bag. Super helpful thank you
The kitchen you might as well use as a fucking starter
I’m not 100% sure how to keep these gatehouses from decaying. I know just add a tc but I don’t see tcs here? should I just slap a triangle on the side of it or…?
Does the one man army need another tc
I really like the one man army!! great ideas with all of them
Why my gatehouse lost health? And how i resolve?
How do you stop it from decaying when I place walls it doesn’t go to my tool cupboard it just starts decaying
well done video, dude! 👍very informative with chill music
hi, is there a video of you which shows how to make compund/compund gates/disconnectable tcs same time?
can I ask permission for these bases to get added to the TOOLKT code base on builder’s sanctuary with credit?
Im honest. I clicked on the video bc of the anime girl.
do you need a tc for every gate house?
Using the Kitchen Sink this wipe
Love the Dalek reference LOL
Hi weeb
Nah… You’re wrong its not a gatehouses. It is my main base disguised as “fake” decaying clan’s gate house. XD
This guy fucks the shit out of my wife then finishes on my face. we love it!
Love this gate house!! 🥳 good job 👏
i love how the kitchen sink is basically a full base and you can just leave in it xD
my only question is if someone goes over the wall couldnt they pick through the gatehouse as the walls face inward instead of out
how do I incorporate a good gatehouse into the trio heaven design using the satori disconnectable TCs?
I feel a solo could live in the kitchen sink no problem
I will be using the Pico
Many tks, I was realy needing this.
Love all ur base designs bro!! Hands down best builder!!👌👍👍
editing and video quality is excellent ! well done.
love the ideas man! thanks for the content!👍
Do you use a Build Server? Ive been using Builders Sanctuary, but since I saw they banned Gabe after posting his new unlootable lootroom vid its kinda turned me off from there.
my gatehouses are so basic these are sick thanks for the vid
Bro I just came thank you game lights very cool!!! 😀
They’re grrreeaaat! 🐅👍🏻
The counting bit made me subscribe =) funny men
Your “Blessed Be” makes my day every time.
cool ideas and prospects deffo gunna use the kitchen sink hahaha
Why not make the outer tc and the gate house as 1 unit?
Another great video, loving all the gatehouse/compound love in last few videos as it can really be the difference between getting raided and raiders deciding it’s not worth the effort.
hey ancient <3
Simple … my base is simpler than the last Gatehouse 🙂
Can you do a wide gap tutorial? Would be great!
Cracking content as always! Out of curiosity – What build server do you go on that you are able to use spawn player? I wanna test out HBHF sensors and havent found a server that allows use of that command so would appreciate it if you could share! Thank you for sharing!
Nice, I’ve been thinking a lot about gatehouses recently. I like the visibility of that protruding triangle on the Pico
so everyone of them is connected to external, disconnectable tc’s? im lazy and like to use my gatehouse as external, otherwise great video (:
Nice vid man, keep it up 🙂
The bigger gates make it easier to ladder in the compound, but I really love the small ones, especially the first!
Where are you supposed to place the TC?
I do a normal gate house but with the front part raises by half and stairs in front to shoot out of. Also a low wall if they soft side the stairs they can’t get in
When the gate houses is bigger than the base
Nice thumbnail sir WeebLightz
BTW “pico” as in picoliter or the measurement is normally pronounced as “Pee-koh” instead of “Pi-koh”
No hard I <3
Gabe is a goat. He deserves the shoutout.
I hope people realise how much these gatehouses can be mixed and matched. Kitchen Sink + Elostik’s anti-camp. 😍
THUMBnail will made me want to click on it
Another great video brother! Love your style and look forward to your continued growth and success!! Thanks for sharing 👍
Great Video! I think I might subscribe to this guy 😉
That gatehouse featuring the spare kit in the attic should be called “The Anne Frank”
“Not safe for kids” LMAO
Oh hey! Great video man, and thank you for the surprise, wow!
4:10 can we take a moment to appreciate the symmetry in the text pop-up?
mannn they don’t have US servers, otherwise I’d play some wipes on their servers :/
I love all these ideas! Keep up the great work man, you’re quikly becoming one of my favourite rust building youtubers ^^
What do you think about gabes impossible bunker?:)
for the kitchen sink one, what was the point of the 2 half walls on the bottom near the roof as opposed to a full wall?
Why do you put a horizontal embrasure in front of the locker?
The most underrated rust channel
Notification squad has arrived
Mmm Might start using some of these designs for some of my bases XD
What do I do if i have a teammate whose names might or might not be bbraden who gets eokaed no matter the gate house? 🙂
Nickjack commentes 3 hours ago but the vid was uploaded 40 seconds ago???
2nd commnet maybe