I Spent 100 Days in Rust… Here’s What Happened
I Spent 100 Days in Rust… Here’s What Happened
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#100Days #Rust #forgelabs
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Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!
I TRIED to Survive VR Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened
Forge Labs
Taqs:Rust,100 Days,Forge Labs
コメント (1448)
This was recorded at the start of 2020. Took a man like me like 2.5 years to upload this
Good job my man ❤️ 1:05:31
They completely changed recoil
Sean’s not very good at math. 😂
Please make more
Because I want to try to download it on my Xbox
Man what is the full name of of this game rust
Y u a nacket woman my guy
We’re trash bit you’re naked :m16 boys 2023
Why didn’t you use the scrap metal to make more guns?
This is literally rust in a nutshell this statement. Rust players are the Most unhealthy gamers in the world 49:51
Its so funny watching people getting kickied in the chat for hacking lol
I miss the good old day when we killed wolves and bears together and build together. Now it’s all this……
You are my favourite youtuber
I remember Rust it is an abandoned game by the devs.
Ggs ma main
I never liked Rust, i just don’t like losing all those hard earned loot for some low-life when i log off for a night.
ah~~~ my fav channel ♥️
your naked and yoir a girl😱😵
Great video I’m from the future
I saw things 😳
Each day n night cycle is an hour each so that’s 100 hrs of rust… Oof
I kinda love these kinda games but at the same time I cant play them because of the stress and lack of a life and sleep while playing them is f uped
I love the series of rust
“If you know thy enemy and know thyself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”
no way my man playing RUST!
rust is only fun with friends. bought it for $50 and since i don’t got friends currently… i immensely regret my decision
th words that made forge labs famous “thats gud🙂”
sean eating the sandwich was the best part of the vid
art of war by shun tzu, now in an illustrated leather bound!!!
bro should do a 100 days of 7 days to die
When did I miss this broooooooooo
Your my favorite minecraft youtuber and rust is one of my favorite games. This is a nice video.
The guy that wrote the book was sun Tsu
Shawn has a gambling addiction
Please stay away from casinos my man 🙏
You can tell how done Sean was at the end of this video
18:48 marker
Please you gotta do a ark 100 days
oh im the m16 boys lol i try to rade yourbace
dam i never knew this is what rust noobs saw and like thought like this is acually interesting
100 days dayz
pt 2 please please please please please please please please please please please
can u invite dream ur vedios?
His name is sun zu
I hope we see 200 days
You should play project nova it’s a fun sever i can help if you ever play it please
What is the server name??
100 days in mid
he gave you 1 scrap because that’s all he had
Epic gamer
punjabi sticks- yup….
200 days pls😊
My cat is on top of me I cannot move
Man if he tries rust he should try are just rust with dinosaur it would be hilarious to watch him play it
Shaun’s best vid
It’s good •10000000
Why ya brightness so low same for minecraft videos I find myself squinting alot bud
21 minutes into the video and as he’s at the top and he’s trying to go back in someone shoots a shot at them if you play it in super slow mode you can see it
Only 500 scrap
8:21 what did he say?!😳
This sounds like a game I would hate
Try to play the forest
What a great video! It takes a man lots of commitment to play a brutal game like rust for 100 days!
9:51 don’t miss out
one of my favorite youtubers plays my favorite game
Adam channel link?
I feel bad for the people that know how to play Rust
“What the hell you only gave me 1” had me rolling
what is the bgm at the main final attack?
He should try out rimworld
Punjabi sticks in india its a thing bro. 9:12 9:12
I seriously just watched that entire thing in one sittimg no pauses or bathroom break or anything-
Love it
i love you man didnt clcik on this vid to see top tier base raides just a guy living his life and having fun with his friends i tried this and i failed im glad to wathyou and see you have fun and happy with friends
Punjabi are people of Punjab state in India
I like how you were running L95 and mp5 but no meds In your hot bar mad man
bro i cant fucking play this game after a 100hours, respects to you
like! 🙂
6:40 the natives said the same thing in 1492
Awesome description of playing rust in the first 2 minutes lol
Honestly shocking
As a rust player to this day he is more toxic than most of the people on the platform still
100k likes for part two?????
I never though you’d play rust
41:26 Sun Tzu, Art of war is the one you probably mentioned
Make more of these please 😩😩😩
its corn a big lump with knobs
200 day in rust plz
To be honest, the man was useless
The difference is they don’t make money. But you’ve made it a fair bit of money from this video
I love the rust content please do more if possible
Lol, rust is toxic as heck. Makes you stop and think “what’s wrong with humanity?”
Y’all look at the chat on the left side of the screen at 23:19 lol
Please do this again
Why am I the guy with bow in a gunfight
– Forge labs
Who wants to start a curch
I don’t think Sean hit a single person
rust is a game for people that are both sadistic and masochists
32:32 savin my spot
Bro that video was awesome
you er de best
H16 base
H16 boys you ment sean
Im just going to say…. that’s not wood. that’s twig
some guy wrote a book on war, sun tzu is rolling in his grave lmao
id never thot ud play this game vedy enjoying
Plz do 100 days in ark it would make my day
Finally I find kaido
Do 105 days in 7 days to die
Do dayz next
Some guy who wrote a book on war- Sun Tzu
Pls more rust
This is the greatest video of all time thanks Sean!
Me in games like this be like: hello who are you I am backbag for mi team and I have no weapons
Punjabi Sticks
Play 100 days of Ark Survival Evolved
This is my favorite game to play play more pls
Ahh rust the toxic player base is a difficulty addon I love it
Play 100 days in ark
I LOVED this vid!! PLEASE do another rust vid😀😀
You can change the settings to make people wear underwear rather than being pixelated
Sorry i forgot that i sub and forget about you and finaly i met you again
i am watching this at 3:37 in the morning
Man I have 1.6k hours in rust the base is ok for beginners but you should check out bunker designs makes your base harder to raid
I like it when he said I don’t like being the gambler and being used to Carrie stuff and 1 of his teammates almost took his job and complains about it
This is my all time favorite video on this channel
I bought rust cuse of this man.
Sean is like the kid and his friends are like his parents
Can you try scum too if you have time for it
Adam czech name good.
That betting was so funny sorry to say.
You guys were broke at that point 😂. Dry af.
The end battle was awesome though :>
Epic and worth it
Suggesion:play among us
100 times
That whole first two letters and guessing the word thing, you’re not an idiot bro, just dyslexic.
I like how you though 1 hour raids were long *laughs in 3 hour+ark raids*
I love u for doing this I’ve been hopping that one of my favorite YouTubers would do this
This was top tier funny and entertaining. You should do more Rust videos in future!
Play DayZ with friends
So close to 5 mil! Sub to Forge labs
I have been wanting to play this game and so has a friend of mine but we both only hav consoles so we are probably gonna wait to get this game when we get PCs
I thought theres gonna be a river monster 🙁
the ending reminds me of the call of duty mission “Breaching the Reichstag”
Hey no hate for you because your learning I love you sean keep making videos
Play more rust
42:00 XD the time in the video is also like perfect xdxdxd
Lydia simulator?
There goes my chance
More. I desire more forge lab rust.
Im about to play tommorow and when i heard ur bad at this it made me sub
Swamp boiis hmm rings a bell
ill play with you my name is ( kermitdaafrog ) on steam and i have 536 hours in rust
23:18 bottom left is sus
I have 4000 hours so no I have never played it
Request game:100 days in Subnautica below zero
Just wanted to figure out how the Super Chat works and I do kind of like your your videos so keep up the good work it really entertains me and the woman
I’m your biggest fan ever forged labs I cannot get your merch though I’m sorry I don’t have enough money
Can you play ark next please
Hello you are a crazy man doing this for 2.5 years thats a legendary title for a man like you i dont know what will happen if you dont keep posting video your but i do know is you will hit 100million subs one day
wait wait i want one of these potatos 🤣🤣🤣
Dude, this content is awesome! Keep up the good work
The most epic video ever. I was entertained the whole way through.
This is the most noob gameplay i have watched but also funny XD
I’m glad you’re branching out Sean, rust’s a fun game. Maybe you could have a 100 days in ark, zanyzebra does a good job but he’s got a lot of experience and I’d love to see you figure the game out for the first time with us
play apex legends
We need a colab between Forge Labs and Frost. Would be sick!
“Nasty swamp I don’t know why someone would build their base there”
Shreck: And I took that personally.
Do you know prince vidz
Make 100 days to 200 days in rust
I only have one wish…
100 Days in DayZ 😍
41:29 Sun Tzu
My man’s you are nailing it at these one hundred days videos and Mabe try one of your personal favourite games
dang son~cold blooded 27:00
Both you and your friends seemed helpess, but it was entertaining xD
hey my man Mr forge bro man
If you do this again I’d love to watch even full unedited videos if you ever decide to do a second channel or even just on here too.
Any ways I love your vids keep up the awesome content my man
love your video.
you should do a stranger things 100 days
I feel this video was good!
make a other one I loved this vid
Drinking Challenge: Take a shot whenever he says “a mans”
*update: Iihngsnss alchkoll poossin
I did not know u played rust im average at rust sadly
Bro please play more rust lmfaooo
Sean : Trash talking the people that killed him
Also Sean : After asks if he can have his rifle back
My man cannot miss with these vids
Can you do ark next
other wise known as greasy poo stains💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
44:20 what is this fortnite?
You should definitely do more rust. I loved the video and would be glad to see more
Could you make a video of you playing stray,it is a really good gam 🙂
I can feel the pain when you grinded all night because i did that in ark survival evolved and it’s pure pain because me and my friend only had foundations laid out but our smithys (crafting station) was stacked to the brim with metal and a shit ton of good blueprints
Hey. Something you should do:
Survive 100 days in Minecraft hardcore with toui’s Herobrine mod, on the original Herobrine seed.
Skyrim 200 days
Play project zomboid it’s brutal too
Isn’t there a SFW thing in rust now so you don’t gotta cencer everything? Lol
He said SAR but he had a bolt actions 🤣
“You’d better hope that no one has broken in and emptied your box”
Literally every time I played Ark with my friends a few years ago. We’d get a lot of supplies quickly and then by the end of the week we’d be raided and all our stuff/dinos would be gone
Play obesecraft 100days
Forge labs rust? Perfect combo try and name a better duo
Have you considered playing the new update of rlcraft?
55:15 if this was real life, that was the moment they all start laughing n crying alittle at the same time.
Hey ForgeLabs I want a 100 Days Zombie Apocalypse Map for Minecraft Pocket Edition is it Possible? My Friend and Me want a Play Something like u
FINALLY. but I gotta feel sorry for you
I want more rust
Video nice
Can you do a Minecraft tutorial
Can you play mobile legends at you’re phone pls if you can reach mitikal glory I in ten days I will leave a like’s all of you’re video’s
Can you play mobile legends at you’re phone pls if you can reach mitikal glory I in ten days I will all of you’re video’s
Bro how u literally braver than me when I play minecraft jurassic world mod I literally get scared
Havent gotten 5 mins in i wonder how many 9yr olds called him the N word, I play a lot of rust and WHEWWWWWW
Play ark please
Play ark
can you do a scrice on genshin impact please🥺
forge labs can you survive the wild fire
It would be cool to see him do 7 days to die
Great video! Rust definitely requiers a lot of work lol
sean can you please beat the ender dragon, please.
Do more 100 days minecraft the same way you did in 2020oct24-2021
If actually like u to post more content on which u play online or with your friends
Do it again
I like Joe video 😀
200 days ?
Free gunker
new video idia: I Spent 100 Days in Ark… Here’s What Happened
Please upload all your Rust footage, it’s so entertaining
A suggestion for another video: Spend 100 days in Doctor Who/Dalek Mod Minecraft. It’s a pretty big mod with a lot of items and planets in it. All the destinations would fit very well into your adventure style of videos.
You should play subnautica, I think you would really enjoy it
Never thought Id see the day 🥲
what is step bro talking bout?
Play ark 100 days
The Walking Dead season 12 looks interesting
Try 100 days in dying light!!!
I think i already know what the blurd part of the body is
Would love to see more rust content
On genshin impact
Can you start a series no genshin impact
this video is a reason im considering getting the game
Please play it more Please
was that boomer you were talking to 43:03
200 days in rust ???
200 days
More rust!!!
200 days
45:43 nah not true you want to bring your best everytime because you don’t know if your gonna get offlined and lose it
This video is one of the best ive seen from you channel. other videos are better qualitywise but you should consider making a Rust series.
Edit: In my opinion of course
Hi Shawn I have been following you on all my accounts for a long time and I was wondering if you could do a ark survival series for me pls I would really appreciate it
Forge labs, i think it would be really fun if you made a 100-200 days in Terraria.
59:27 behold the power of a youtuber and community
Insane video love the content
Are you going to play Poppy Playtime?
!فيديو رائع آخر
i have 2.2k hours lol
Let goooooo
Can you please 100 day in infection mod in Minecraft
@welyn please teach this man
100 days stranded deep
A 100 days in the monsterverse
100 days of raft w friends pls
Lol I would like a part two of this i enjoyed this
Bro you have to do 100 days in Terraria
I want Greasy Poo Stain back >:(
DO 200 days pleaaaaseeee
“Osama did infact make a nationwide impact” -step bro 1:09
haven’t seen you play games for awhile been along time 🍌🦍💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
watching you play is frustrating lmao
My mans Almost 5 millions subs 🎉
you should use this build in your vids for a starter base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa0nxFfN7qM
sean: begs for scrap*
sean: complains he only gets 1 scrap
me: lol ok
That was absolutely diabolicaley awesome I know I’m kinda late to the vedo but I wished I watched it earlier because that was amazing it was like I was watching a movie keep it up mam and I hope you have an extraordinary day😁
41:40 “there getting the gooch”
Halo Infinite Forge videos please.
lol forge i read the same way have the time
Do Day Z next they’ll be fun to watch
Great video can you do a video on ark
Another banger like always
you should do 100 days with a wither storm chasing after you with crackers wither storm mod
I think you should do 100 days in A Quiet Place in Minecraft
im going to play on a world with the musterd virus
can you try subnautica too hehe
This should be age restricted because they are completely “sus”
U should do playing dying light 2 for 1000 days
A man like you should spend 100 day’s in minecraft five nights at Freddy’s it would get a lot of views my man
you shod do a nuther 100 day in rust
u recorded this like 1 yyyear ago
Bro start at being bullied to being the bully
Truly A Strong Player
do a dayZ 100 days
Tip don’t use a sword for killing use a axe
Bro can you do 250 days on esla ungubunga
Did a man play pixlemon?I would like to see you play pixlemon 100 days
If you see this: if you’re ever considering doing a second Rust video I’d kill for a collab with Stevie. I think it’d be a wonderful experience watching you two play. Awesome video as always and keep up the amazing work!
Sean chose a female character, I saw that blurred out tiddy when he died whole they were raiding that small 2×2 near the beginning of the video. Sean you scoundrel
*no way this happened*
Shaun why don’t you do a new playthrough on the between lands, it’s hard ,there’s a lot of cool mobs and bosses,there’s heaps to do and it can be quite involved . I wouldn’t try hard core though
Is it me or “rezourzes”
I have a 100 days series idea for you
100 days in nuclear fallout Minecraft
You should do 100 days ark survive evolved
Hey you should make a video about: 100 days in minecraft Doom
Ain’t no way he played rust bro
100 days in Ark i think would be a hella interesting video
Play more rust pls
You should try ark Aberration next and start at portal
better title – Try not to kill myself challenge EXTREME!?!?!?! (big red arrow pointing at a noose)
100 days on the moon please
best rust video iw seen
Pls do 100 days in ark
Honestly, I’m impressed with the time and effort you’ve put into these videos! 😊✨❤
do 200 days plz
Bro you should do 100 days in 7 days to die!
Rust, more like gambling addition simulator 2022
Yessssss I was wondering if you were gonna play this
Dawg could have turned off nudity and saved so much time editing
At 1:01:00, seeing the heli fly over followed by an explosion and guys jumping out on the roof was the most epic thing I’ve seen in Rust
Can you do 100 days in Conan Exiles on the hardest difficulty. It’s a survival game right up your ally 😭🫶🏽
rust 200 days coming 3038
Sean, I know you must be tired of rust… but PLEASE play more rust! Was better than you MC stuff (although I do remember the early days of 100 days of RLCRAFT. That was also amazing times)
U should try playing 100 days in Dying Light if u haven’t already
watching sean turn into a farmbot is amazing
Finally it’s not age restricted
https://youtu.be/uy9wh0UriFQ?t=142 kill me
Aldo Lets get this Man 5million subs
Best of these 100 days video in my opinion
I dare you to play hardcore dayz for 100days 😄
This was a great video Sean keep it up
i play rust is a cool game
I watched the video where ure hunted and damm ure stupid
1. Use shear’s to make holes in the pumpkin then place it
For the golem
2 to get axolotl u need water in the bucket
You should do a 100 day star wars mincraft mode or somthing
Make a part 2 man, make a part 2
9:00 u went threw the stone wall instead of the wood floor if u want threw the wood floor u woulda used 3 sachels instead of ten
1:03:13 nice shoot ngl
Do the other guys have channels whith the video to watch there POV
Hey forge labs can you make a video that you have to survive a hundred days hardcour mincraft to kill the ender dragon with a pumkin that has an enchantment call’d curse of binding and there’s one rule. If you die the pumkin will take of on your head and your hundred days is over. And if you don’t know what is the curse of binding it means that you cannot take the pumkin off in your head. And the only way to take it off is die in your hundred days. So don’t die or you will lose. So please if you like my idea i will be very happy. A man like will be very happy. But if don’t like the idea its ok. Thats all thanks
This ain’t rush this warzone
Subnautica 100 days when?
Free gunker
The horse name is so funny. P1nto in brazilian portuguese mean d1ck lmao
yasss rust
25:09 pinto
28:20 Dodged a bullet right there
100 days in ark survival evolved please!
do a 100day in ark
I think you should play Project Zomboid. I think he’d like and enjoy 100 days there.
We need more rust like a noob to chad series
was the book about war written by Sun Tsu? – The art of war – somthing liek that
100 days in Dayz
100 days the forest when
Next spend 100 days in actual rusted metal, see how quickly you gain the powers of metal manipulation
Wait if there are the swamp boys does that mean you the forest boys ?
you should do 100 days i pixelmon a minecraft mod
I played rust I’m not toxic because I suck but let me guess 90% of the video you’re screaming because people are bullies
Your friend is a stimpee clone
Any plans to return to Halo Content when Forge releases? I used to really enjoy your forge map coverage during the Halo 5 days.
Play Subnautica plss
Play Subnautica
Play Subnautica boiii
would love to she more rust
I think you should add the muatard virus in diferent places like jungle or something
Seun is a good sniper
Love the vids Lol!!!!❤️😁🤣😂.
mad just mad
we need more of this
rust has changed alot and u needa play it agina
He did all of that for us for everyone if you ask me I respect him
Welcome to rust.
That ending was the best thing I’ve ever seen!! So fucking cool!!!!
Would love to see another vid on this!
at least you played to game befor
When I say this I was immediately like OH GID FUCK YES
Absolutely loved it need to see a part 2 we’re you find the m16 boys and come back for comeback
Rust is a very strategic and fast pace (depending on where you are atm) game and dude you did way better than a man like me has ever wished to do. And actually help me get some ideas. In a way your videos are very educational for games and love em
Yo forge! You should do a video on Ark Survival Evolved!
Do ARK Survival evolved 100 dey
Only you can make me sit through a 1-2 hour YouTube video and enjoy it
now we need DAYZ
You should do ark next
I would love to see you play Monster hunter
23:45 bro is censoring his hips. bruh. shawn is a true christian.
anyone lese cringe on the simple shot he missed or was it just me
These videos are the only reasons in getting these games like Skyrim vr
The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the book you were referring to.
Can u do ark survival evolved
Never thought I’d get a “this may be inappropriate for users” warning on a forge labs video 💃🏾
You should do Ark Survival next!
6:59 I love how sean has a bow while everyone else has super advanced guns it’s like a caveman trying to fight a US marine
Rust is one of those games that if you have a big group of friends that you’re on the road for fun and adventure
100 days in Rust turns Sean into a monster
It was technoblade how made the book on war
When 100 days in ark survival evolved😂
my guy thanked people he just raided
why demonitized
The book is Art Of War by sun tzu
This is given me potato war vibes
Also I couldn’t have stayed on for that long just to win a war y’all have some dedication.
Those are some forced out burps fr.
Every video you upload is entertaining and very well put together. All of them make me feel nostalgic and I get very invested in whatever you are doing in them. I hope you make more videos on rust if its not too taxing.
I know how that feels
Maybe you should do one in live or make a server of your own then we can join
before i have watched the video: Forge will get some good loot then be jumpscared by a geared player and loose all of it
Hey Forge, some Russian minecraft youtuber stole your 2 videos
Here’s the copycat’s name: ТУМКА
Just compare his thumbnails:
And your thumbnails.
I want this game know
Job as a get-well guru them on my car game I watch g w a n a Hayden cake or can I buy you Asian guy in the grey in a game Musa good lunches can you go walk up a playing career of carvel Lane again again again Whitney off of YouTube of I viewed the rules hey in the game is fear and no one I didn’t fit it onto game
Sean sure thing means as animals looking for fun who were either going for a scan at 9:00 at the cinema cafe Meadow a husband’s grandmother scrapman of DOA work Saturday game her saying I will kill for make you for scrap metal
hey forge, you should do 100 days in ark. it feels like RLCraft, but *worse.*
Idk why this borderline reminds me of Technoblades vibe.
You can make traps in that game too also you can make vehicle but this is tooking you so long before the vehicle getting build also you need gasoline on it
100 days in Ark
Why is this now all of a sudden age restricted
Can you do a 100 days on raft
do the mine mine no mi mod
Lol how do you hit some one with that “ the ak “ just pull down bro lol. You definitely did good for a first timer just just takes practice but you definitely did good
more rust pls it so good
My guy I’m going through a rough patch rn but your videos are one of the few things that cheer me up. Keep up the great work my guy
This should be titled “I role played Braveheart in rust for 100 days” cause this ver batum what happens in the movie😂😂😂
Wow you play other game to than just 100 days in minecraft, but also feelling bad for you just in 100 days in what I called pain, ruthless, surprise, and toxic game.😧
Hands down one of the best videos you’ve posted this was crazy
This might be one of the greatest videos you have posted yet 🙂
Can you make part 2 of rust
my question is how did you get it because i cant install on my laptop so idk if its a laptop/pc game
“You give me a scrap & nothing happens to your base later”😭
Suggestion: do minecraft 100 days hardcore with crackers wither storm mod and realistic minecraft combined or just the wither storm mod.
100 days in ark survival evolved
Hello Mister forge did you ever try wolrd of war craft but in minecraft 🤔
oh no.
Do 100 days in Ark next lol
Absolutly amazing and rip to your sleeping schedule
I’m surprised your boys didn’t tell you that tac gloves helps with recoil
Try Ark
I think the reason the AK sucked was cuz it didn’t have a stock
DayZ? It’s realistic than rust no hate to rust
I haven’t seen a video this good in a long time
Man just casually says “we’ll be offline raiding” and gets care comments like @shawn hanshaw’s 😆😆
I have always know you as the man that didn’t know how to make a infinite water source, but now you are rusty man
can you do the same but in ark pvp sevrer
Petition for sean to play escape from Tarkov
Wait so you do 100 days in other games could you possibly do Subnautica hard core mode for 100 days possible please I would love to see you play Subnautica
Forge my man you should play dayz
Yo, will you play 100 days in Ark Survival? Trust me, it will blow your mind. Oh. Also in Ark Survival Fear Evolved2. It’s like phasmophobia but a survival game with mythical creatures
Hey Sean, I have a suggestion for another 100 days video. Can you do a 100 days in 7 days to die? (it actually has a day counter if you didnt know)
Next time play ARK survival evolved
Man: Spawns in and sees people raiding him and then gets shot
Also man as he is dying: “It’s a good amount of loot, though, eh?”
my mans
Really cool vid
When you are so unlucky to get that 1/5 chance.
100 days in red redemption 2
You should play 100 days in THE FOREST it’s a horror game that includes cannibals and horrific mutants and you are a survivor from a plain crash
Quick story recap “I played rust for 100 days and got cancer and am on my deathbed”.
I really recommend The Forest it´s a fun survival game
if it takes this long to upload a rust vid, i wonder how long an ark one will take
Don’t worry Sean, you may be bad at video games, but that’s why we love you, because we’re all bad at video games too.
i feel i saw this base in a video of a rust plkayer i forgot his name
Imagine you played with welyn
I think the most impressive part of this video is, not the commitment, not the struggles but how Sean somehow didn’t make a River Monster’s reference in an hour long video
go back to ark 2:22 jk love the content 🙂
please make more videos of zombie or parasite apocalypse
Could you Try doing ARK 100 days,?1
Bro please try and do a DayZ video with nezar please
Thanks for making amazing content!
Do stray on ps4 and ps5
i love rust upload more on this and your channel will thrive YOU ARE PERFECT FOR THIS
1:03:29, i’m actually really impressed by that spray coming from a newcomer. good shooting sean
Surprised you didn’t see a hacker
Hey love your vids but ehh i can actually say i am not shit at rust compared to you. don’t take it too hard thoh. next time maybe eh something along the lines of 100 days with Minecraft create mod ? or something like that. ight cya next time
How is Sean talking shit about those people making their base in a swamp when he talks all the time about how he loves swamps and making bases in them in his Minecraft videos 💀
Forge, I have a new respect for you. You have a great editing style, but the way you talk bugs me. Big respect though man.
What do you think what happened to there base now
Welyn: Big time Rust Pro.
Forge: Kick butt scripts. This is a dream come true, having both of them. Lol
this is bound to get some views no cap
Like minecraf just real and torture and well HARD
I have a really quick question i noticed that the body bags and the holosight looked like the ones from like 2 years ago. Was this recorded a long time ago?
100 days in Dayz
oh boi its rust tme
why did you spend 100 days in this game, ITS NOT THE POINT OF THE GAME
I swear for most of the video I did not see meds in your hot bar like why no heals
I love how he says “rezources”
This was 🤌 please more rust my man
You should play arc next
You should play ark
That long distance revolver shot was lowkey nice.
100 days in unturned
nooo they made forge a farm bot💀
Very nice
Rust is the only game I enjoy watching but absolutely hate playing
100 Days Ark:Survival Evolved, this man would survive 5 seconds
Stop being horny https://youtu.be/nAbzFhjqZ5U
Great video bro but think u should have teamed up with the M16 boys and I wish u could have played some more
Best vid yet
Ive waited soooo long for this video.
Cmon, you’ve played rust now, so try ark. It’s such a good game and it has a high risk high reward mentality
I can’t believe 100 days has evolved into this…
200 days please
Minecraft – rust.
Forge-labs is evolving, press b to cancel.
I’m not gay, but I absolutely love you
You need to survive 100 in dayz
I loved this, I wish you could do more 😎😉
Play 100 days in the Forest!
amazing!! play some gta I love that you are doing variety now!!
You know what I was thinking? They basically stripped the team at minute 100 when they took the helicopter and their guns and ammo. The only issue was that as sean said, M16 were a big community, whereas Sean and his friends were 4 or 5. They could have negotiated an alliance with the team they killed. In return for some of the guns, they would help them kill M16 for good, and finders keepers for any loot they would find.
Please please 200 days of rust please please
You should do 100 drops/days in warthunder. If you think rust is painful HO BOY you ain’t seen nothing yet
Фурджи Ладс а ты знаешь что тумка у тебя воровал 2 твоих видео и буквально их своровал, я отписался от тумки за то что он у теб своровал это про 100 дней с динозаврами и на острове в Майнкрафт
Somehow, this is more entertaining knowing you don’t know what you’re doing. Amazing video. Do 100 days in another open world game. Day z or something. This 100 days genre is an amazing concept
I see you’re stepping up the danger for these videos huh. Zombie island, mutant island and horror island, but god dam, i didn’t expect THE toxic island.
I swear I remember those actually being called punjabi sticks maybe it was a mistype on a game I played.
My favourite YouTuber playing my kinda favourite game very good content man love your vids
Sean is kinda good at rust considering he is a new player
He should play tf2 for a video
I think you would enjoy doing 100 days in the Betweenlands in Minecraft, it’s a pretty cool mod!
Yeaaah this is a completely different beast then playing minecraft homie
can you upload another horror island vid.
They made you into a farm bot lmfao
Can you bring back the mustard virus
Do another rust vidio
I think the war guy was sun tzu
Best video I’ve watched
Here me out… 100 days in ark survival
My man, PLEASE play ark survival evolved, I think you would like it and it would be really fun. It’s kinda like rust but with dinosaurs
Good video my men
6:51 I was waiting for him to clutch up, he was close.
Sean: idk why they attacked us
Also sean: shoots at them on sight with no aggravation or even a chance for them to do so
I love Sean (forge labs) to death but his aim in the fight during 44:32 was absolutely notorious like i even subconsciously put disbelief into him stating he only got 1 kill because most the chaces he got should’ve been a super easy kill if only he a had even a minuscule amount of skill for aiming instead it was a cosmological disappointment like just pure garbage, it caused stormtroopers to feel pity for how bad his aim was, I’m terrible at aiming on pc aswell (I’ve just never figured out how to do it decently well) but that because I’m a console player (i never really liked pc (yes ik its better every pc player ik when i say that they rant about how it 10x stronger and faster but they always leave out how it costs 10x as much, consoles are just convenient and they work at a satisfying effectiveness which is enoguh for me, im not the type of person to constantly be looking to get the upgrade to things (mainly electronic parts like phones, watches, pc parts etc) but sean doesn’t have that excuse since he normally plays pc
Edit: I’m sorry I was tired idk why I went on a side rant aboutcpart of why I like console more then pc
This man is a talented man who not only goes hardcore at every game he plays but also goes Virtual (Vr)
Finally I’ve been waiting thanks man😅😁
You should do 100 days of ark on the newest map it’s very fun
Wait I thought you play Minecraft
Hey so I usually don’t do this but there’s a youtube ad for a game called “craft world fun robo” using one of your 100 days vids (one of the Minecraft ones) as footage while changing the voice to a higher pitch, just wanted to let you know
Damn forge is a menace to society in this game but oh man does he suck at peaceful talks with the enemy, proceed to threaten and insult them and then immediately asks for them to give his rifle back
I hope forge labs makes 100 days in dayz
Even though he was going to be terribly destroyed in the first 10 days
since this was in 2020, you need to do it again for 2022
Man I’ve been waiting for u to do this
my guy
yoo i love this game
Kenpachi zaraki would not defeated like that!
Hey Forge
A game named blockcraft stole a Clip out of one of your zombie100days vid for an ad
Just saying
that was so cool and nice to watch very good video sean i would love to see more of this 😀
could barely hear your voices with the epic music
Watched this yesterday, but wanted to tell that your different game content is so amazing and i would love to see more games ‘100 days’ videos
Please play stranded deep, it’s a game where you survive on an island 🦈
How about a “I spent 100 Days in Project Zomboid”? The Game looks pretty cool
9:25 I lost it at Punjabi sticks
A little base with workbenches XD
Sun zu sun zi I kinda forget but that’s the book of war or the art of war.
At 19:51 on me. THATS SUS
Play ark next
😂😂ngl this is amazing omg
While I appreciate the epic climax, I really didn’t appreciate the music being mixed significantly louder than all other audio and waking up my neighbors at 2:30 AM.
Loving the rust gameplay. Please don’t stop
Can you please play this game again
Sean: Idk why this small group attacked us
Also Sean: *Attacked first*
Do more vids like this outside of Minecraft
If you enjoyed your time in rust I guarantee you you will enjoy your time in this game called SCUM it’s like rust but more intense it’ll be fun to do a 100 days in it
Most enjoyable video i have watched in a long time, good shit sean!!
I just watched an hour and 5 minute video for my man to end it by nonchalantly saying “there it is, rust”
You should do ark next plz
Dude the moisty swamp boys, Now they were an enemy to be reckoned with
54:31 man knew they got his stuff but he wanted to make em impressed XD
Its ok Sean. I dont even know how to play this game either, i just heard of it :^
“The no Sean.” With the sleeping bag got me lol
play ark
You should play a game called Ark: Survival Evolved
waiting for 100 days in dayZ
“If you clicked on this video expecting a man who knows what he’s doing…”
No, I clicked on a Forge Labs video. I knew what I was in for lol
I personally have never played this game but it looks super fun, I would okay it but I feel like it would be super toxic
The Goochle 😀
I hope having a collab with Willjum hes a comfort rust youtuber
That is not wood it’s twig
you could have saved yourself a lot of editing by just turning nudity off…
this video reminds me of the naked mole rat
i have 2k hour in rust. hmu if u wanna play (like this if u want him to see this)
More rust pleeeasee
It’s possible to take down those M16 bois by building a turret around them and force them to come out tho it was epic sieging, I think it was dumb. Love the video
The fucking punjabi sticks are the best weapon in the history of rust. They are better that a launcher or and m2
Great video
Sean being extremely toxic despite being extremely bad is the best thing
i think the name of the book author is “Sun Tzu”
Omfg I never thought I’d seen the day
Sun tzu
This is what I was waiting for
Can we play rust together forge labs I’m a huge fan
Worst 100 days you could have to play through
(Not criticizing vid just the game)
can you guys maybe do 100 days in “The forest” when you have the time??
200 days ??
Please play Dayz it is like rust but its so much cooler
Hope u make a 200 days of this my man
This wa hellarious
forge labs you started in 2020
Play Ark it’s much better
Alright, now it’s time for 100 days in ARK pvp
Staying a virgin for 10000 days here’s what happened
It’s so easy I promise
Forge labs do the parasite mod in Minecraft please
Bruh, Sean shit-talking people is so fuckin funny. He’s the the stereotypical ‘too nice to be mean’ guy, he has no idea what he’s doing or why he’s doing it, but he’s not gonna back down. Even if it means his mortal enemies come and camp the shit out of them.
Bro I hope he knew how to play rust
I would like to see part 2 of this game i really liked this
That was like watching a movie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🎥
man this must be a hard game but keep up the good work Forge Labs
My guy I hope you realize there’s an underwear mode on this game.
That way you don’t have to constantly edit out nudity.
You should upload more of this kind of content
Do ark next
I loved it when you said punjabi stick lol because i live in punjab.
You should spend 100 days in fallout 4
Wtf was that clear dome I’ve never seen that b4
Rust is awesome tho
This has to be one of if not the best 100 days video you’ve ever made.
My man that was an amazing video I do appreciate it
I would love to see him play The isle . I think that would be hilarious with him and his friends 😂
I wish you’d introduce us to your friends first of, so we know who else is there. Fun video to watch though.
Can you make a part 2 pls
Only 720p?
1:07 Ngl you should’ve called them the shrek squade
do another one it was grate
this looks like a fun game but my anger issues would get the best of me and i would just quit the game…
You should do 100 days in dayz
Sean can u do 100 days in a lush cave….. please 👉🏽👈🏽
What’s that music at 17:00 ?
Can anybody please tell me the name of that song ?
this was intense lmao then theres just sean with a burger
I though this was Minecraft but it was MW Map rust
Brooo do more rust it’s so interesting and fun to watch
I saw this video comming up while gaming and i just cant bring myself to watch it while distracted. But ypu got my like already.
If i were u i would be so embarrassed
Amazing vídeoo
little goblin rat has a really cool personality
my man has return thnaks for the video keep it up ma man
Love this
You should definitely try 100 days in green hell or ARK survival evolved
Rust has taken another
you should do 100 days in ark
You have played rust now play muck
Fun fact Punjabi is also a race of people in south Asia
you should play The cycle frontier
Play Ark Survival Evolved next, seems like a game that would deliver some good content😏
100 days 7 Days to die???
Listen rust is a very rude game when it comes to interacting with people
Comment for appreciation!
How did you know I’ve been addicted to rust content lately despite never playing the game. Man’s has the algorithm on lock.
This was such a great video!!!!❤️😁🔥😆
Do another video on rust that was by far my favorite video you made
are we just gonna ignore the fact that big chungus was terrorizing the server for the first like 25 minutes lmao
You should try the new wither storm mod on Minecraft called “crackers either storm mod”
so loud tho in last part
100 day valheim pleassss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the video would love to see more
Makes my day every time you upload
I feel bad for the man who bet 150 on corner thinking he can beat khabib 🤣🤣
7:15 he enter a gun fight with a knife
i love any video you make
100 days being the most toxic person in the server.
In chat at 37:44
Hundred days in ark survival???????
But can you survive 100 days in Unturned? (I suggest Washington Map)
Im watching this at 10:56 PM
Im tired🥲
25:23 sorry to tell you man, but pinto actually means dick
What a great jorney
You should play ARK survival evolved next
your not that bad for a new player tho
man was farming a tree with a picaxe
25:25 funny to see that the horse sean was riding was named “Pinto”, wich means “dick” in portuguese, so in the end, Sean was riding a dick unfortunately
Spend 100 days in Minecraft with exploration mods but live on an airship you build using davincis vessels mod.
was that Bodusky from the ole RhinoCrunch days when him and Bo played together.. dang that dude still hasn’t got off Rust?
No your good at games well Minecraft at least🤣🤣
play terraria
Forge labs: Yes! I got the Punjabi sticks!
Me who lives in the state of Punjab in India: Wait what ??
You should do part 2
You should do 100 days in ark survival evolved like if agree
Can you please do an other episode ?
This is by far the best representation of what its like to actually get into rust for the first time. Pain, sleepiness, war, love, strife, creativity and pain again.
Why did you pick a female…..what is wrong with people I swear Yellowstone just needs to happen already so we can just hit a HAAAARD restart on humanity cause it’s looking like a mistake. 🤦🏽🤦🏽
should of called Welyn
No cap I enjoy watching you but the Minecraft narration is a nice change to the rust seen
Hey sean try Ark pvp you will suffer even more
You deserve to be crowned king of the 100 days challenges
Would love to see Sean play ark survival evolved
So what I’m learning from this is the Rust community as a whole is toxic as hell, you can’t trust anyone and if you log out you’ll just lose all of your progress.
You know what this means? Now you gotta do 100 days Ark
Insert Half Life 2 No Sound Meme Here.
Do 100 days in ARK
21:41he says me and mah man Sean when he’s Sean but has a best friend called Sean
I was happy
I cryd when you post this
i prefer when you dont edit up all the start so much. Your naive struggles at the start in RLCraft were always the funniest and most interesting!
You can tell he has no clue what happens, he subtitled “Air lock” as “Layer lock” when bagging in at their base.
rip techno, Sun Tzu’s proud of you
my man update the quality to 1080 p
“Mathematically, we can’t lose.”
Words only uttered by gambling addicts.
Hard game for a hard man and hard working
Make a zombie
Now spend 100 days on the moon in minecraft 😉
Poor man, war ruined his sanity
Sean play ark for 100 days.
i have played rust for 1k h
Can u do a video about last day on earth
Absolutely fav vid so far love thise
Bro I love your game plays. It’s funny it’s sad n etc. Keep up the work
Can you play more of rust plsss
Nice cool video. More rust would be legendary! Also is it just me or is the quality not HD? Or is it just a me problem?
Do 200 days in rust i think it will be a great video and good job 👍🏻
This is a great video, id like to see more of this content
I would love to see you play Sea of Thieves. The game is very chaotic and would make a good video
What game is dis??
Fun fact in the settings of rust you can turn on an option that puts underwear on people. Might be better for youtube standards then pixels.
I played rust for half a week and quit immediately after the game is good the community is just terrible
Dood I never got to see you playing rust
Can you do Project Zomboid?
YESSSSSS TYYY SO MUCHH, I love rust and love your videos didn’t expect this from you ty lol.
Please do ark
This video was like GTA SA gang war
Forge Gang against The M16 Gang
can you please do 100 days ark survival evolved (the island) i bet you would like it.
Fucking loving this video
Make more videos of rust
Can you do a zombie apocalypse in vr with your friends?
Love this kind of content! You should try Sea of Thieves too
Also why is your audio so bad in game but so good in the voice overs
Amazing video even though I’m not too big off a fan of rust you made it enjoyable to to watch. Also I would love to see you replay the parasite mod in 100 days since they added new stuff to the makes in so much harder and challenging so I recommend bringing some friends to the challenge if you ever do it
You and your friends should play albion online and see if you could successfully make a guild that could survive the black zone
Hey Labs since you did rust and Skyrim can you try doing a 100 days on ark survival evolve
Is it bad I could just care less about how excessively long this is and rather see Sean do more forge content?
As a dude that’s at least almost 30yrs old. His content ended up being this sort of content. I mean… I don’t want him to be milking forge. But stuff like this to me can be stale and not nostalgic to watch late at night or even gameplay of his own maps or different maps.
I used to watch forge labs alot in lockdown when i got rust I didn’t watch YouTube as much so forgot a bit about him i just cane back to watching and he drops this what a great video
raft ?
Exactly what I asked for :0
I played this game with my friends
I would love to see more of you playing rust
100 days creative mode Minecraft
To 200 days in rust
*I spent 100 days gambling for scrap in Rust
Sean is an ultra gamer
I love the last saying we wasted heaps of their hours and heaps of ours
Forge You Should Try Ark It’s One of the Best Survival Games There also It’s much harder than rust
Sean, your videos, no matter what you play, are amazing. Thanks.
I love this man
This man right here, I would happily be M16 Fodder for this man, what a thing of beauty this video was o7
תעשה של 200 ימים של זה בבקשה
Dang, Sean a lil stinky with betting. Not giving him my Scrap ever XD
P.S He talked about his back hurting from hunching over during the long play sessions. And it reminded me of my own back, how it kinda needs a pretzel maker to twist is back into alignment, and how my back does hurt as a default but not as much during play probably because it got adjusted to the gremlin like position until I stop playing lol. Just one of those things where someone says something and I look in the mirror like “huh…. ya don’t say…”
This minecraft modpack looks good 🙂
I like rust
What Rust are you plaing where Dome is tranparent?
Also in the settings in nudity theres a setting that the character has underwear instead.
Have u ever played ark for one hundred days if u haven’t u should
Honestly as much as I love your Minecraft 100 days videos, I enjoyed this one more. It was so much fun to watch, I hope we will see more rust video on your chanel.
Hey forge why don’t you make a series of rust like playing it to make More surviving videos
Wow, never expected to see you playing this game. Good on you!
5:32 just randomly asks someone for scrap, not only scrap but 500 lol
just gives him “some” as hes walking away finds out its one, “what the hell man you gave me 1???”
the good side of rust, where its not constantly being raided and attacked by bears.
It was tsun tsu that wrote the are of war
I love tou
In monster legends you are the best monster to me you were my first mythical monster you got me very far so keep thinking your a noob nah your even better if you weren’t a YouTuber I wouldn’t be able to get to the 10th island so I’m very thankful you are a YouTuber so ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Thanks Forge labs thanks for being a YouTuber respect I love you man 😇👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
Sean try out ark
We need to see more Rust content from Forge! Phenomenal video.
no way he actually did it lool
Hi forge
Just hearing of how little you guys slept givesme a migraine
Hello, Humans
Society wants you to conform, be just like everyone else, be the void of original thought. Never get lost in the sands of sheep. Move forward and ignore those who wish to hold you back.
He should do 100 days in ark survival evolved to see which is harder
This is one of the intense videos he has in his channel, in fact my favorite so far and would watch it again
Just got into Rust with my dad and uncle about 2 weeks ago and man it’s got a learning curve for sure. At first we were on a server where we got raided only when we were off and the people on it just sucked to put it plainly. Now we found a server though that’s actually not toxic. I know not the real rust experience but for noobs it’s kinda nice.
damn he beat rust by neigefeu in 2.5 years? 😮
Make more rust
bro as a rust player watching him play is painful
pls play ark next
You should have tried to play with frost
Any game you play ..you make it wonderful to watch.. don’t know anything about the game but watched it and it was fun and great video.
That’s how creative you are..
Thanks for hard work and making great video.
Edit: please a long Minecraft video.
I miss those rlcraft video.. I watched those video atleast 6-7 times.
play more
I love rust thanks for making this vid
I definitely wanna see more! Had me captivated.
Oi that music though.. soo loud lol
Do more of Rust please, I really enjoyed it
I play this game, but usually with less people so it’s more chill- interesting to see the extreme side of things
Watching my man’s survive 100 days in ARK would be the greatest thing since sliced bread
100 Days In Ark: Survival Evolved… Official PVP Server, Small Tribes
We want the Minecraft do 100 days in Armageddon
Play ARK please
This is how i feel when playing with my friends. They talking about the best ways to farm and shit and im over there farming resources cause thats the only thing i know to do
Punjabi Sticks 💀
Rust tip do not trust anyone in rust kill anything that move
My man has the first channel I know to change games and video topics and still don’t get any less interesting
2.5 years to upload? Cool
how is it when i post on a youtube channel my comment gets more likes than my videos lol!
after watching only 3 mins i am sorry to say i will not be watching this video
I feel bad because he spent so much time and effort on this one vid
Do terraria next
I challenge you to do 100 days in 7 days to die!
Rust is true torture not sure how you lasted this long 10/10 my mans
When on Rust, Relic server is the way to go for creativity ^-^
You should give Ark survival evolved a try, it’d be interesting to see how you tackle it 😉
5:47 “I just need like 500″🤣
Best video you have ever posted
This shows how rust changes people… this is like the most toxic ive ever seen forge lol
Dude the chat was going off for half the video😂😂😂
My man, loved this vídeo. I think it’s my favorite from your channel. More Rust would be neat
I don’t understand what’s going on but still enjoying 💀-
More than 2 years to upload. Now that’s serious dedication.
This game can be kind of complicated if you don’t know what your doing 😂 lucky you had people to carry you
we gotta need more
I know Sean from Forge Labs did NOT just say he doesn’t know why they decided to build their base in a swamp. The man that LOVES Minecraft swamps.
He always sounds unenthusiastic but I know he’s not being unenthusiastic that’s just his way of speaking
Your not bad at games you just play them differently
You’re too rusty dude
My man experiencing five stages of grief with rust gambling
Poor kyle
you paid them ton lose their stuff… which is still nice of you, but…
rust is a game of pain, change, mic spam, big clans, tedious grinding, suffering, and progress with big rewards or big losses, i learned that the hard way.
next video is “I Spent 100 Days in ARK” 👍
quick tip, if you upload a video in 1080p there will be less compression even if the video is only 720p
also youtube hates when videos are really dark so people usually boost the brightness so there aren’t as many compression artifacts
This was so fascinating to watch! Glad I now know I will always be too sensitive and stressed out to attempt this game! You guys did great!
maybe next time you made a trap bass.
project zomboid with forge and friends would be nice
you should play mindcraft with the cutecore mod cause I can’t find anyone else playing with it .
Image result for cry emoji copy and paste
Bro what bout 100 days in real life without any games?
Without subtitles my life is meaningless
Waaaaaaahhhh ruuuuust 😍
Can you please make a 200 days in rust.
Bro spent over 50 hours as a discord mod for our entertainment. Praise this man
Gabe alls
I would definitely love to see more rust on the channel!!
“”im freakin naked with a dream” said by sex defender, quote of the month
People who keep playing rust like 24/7 all day every day are incredible. My brother is one of those people and playing with him is an experience. I barely get kills and get domed while he takes out a squad of SAR boys with a bow
I wanna see Sean play 100 days of Ark survival evolved and see how far he gets
do it by your self
most due to the Rage.. Rage is good.. I would give myself a heart attack if I played that game.
my man you’re videos are edited so well👌
Lmfao forge lab 100 days rust edition!!! That’s great!!!
my man you’re videos are in my top, really loving them.
100 days in 1 hour…
when he said 100 days, is it game days or irl day?
Toxic gamer
Like monkeh
I’m finally seeing you play my favorite game
When you fell asleep and you have to watch it twice. 😭
Please make 100 days in sea of thieves
100 days💀 that’s like 1/15th of a wipe
I got made at rust in 2 minutes
Funny thing, the horse original name “Pinto” can be translated to “Cock”
i luv how he is so bad at gambling n keep losing n trying to talk bak to de m16 guys
Minecraft 100 day backrooms
Am I the only one invested in the Chat? there was some good drama going on lol. Oh & great video Sean we love to see it 🙂
Sounds like blarg icl lol
Try 100 days ark survival evolved
The tale of the hacking Big Chungus in the chat is so distracting but very entertaining
I have a suggestion for you sean, try 100 days on ark (its a game full of creatures and dinos)
time:19:01 mins In the video it not big base it’s a clan base
ive actualy never played rust before but i love it and have watch hundreds of hours of rust content
No 360p😬
Romans 10:9-10 “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
I play on Xbox and the ak is easy to shoot from me
Honestly, this is the only thing that is keeping me from playing games like this, the pvp, if I could just have an open world to just play with friends that’d be awesome
You should do Ark PVE mode with your friends like this
When you do the blurr is makes it seem more inappropriate then it actually is
This was extremely entertaining lol. Very good job with the edits! Kept me very engaged and I’ve never even played this game.
Its pinto
i want u to play rust again this vid is pretty fun
vwery nice content sean
when I hear Forge Labs I hear RLcraft
You guys should try ark.
100 Days of Sean’s Gambling Addiction
Morale of this video: never gamble & never let your enemy be prepared
Hey can you do video of ocean is home
no 1080p??
Do another hardcore mine craft series
Did you meet Welyn there, by any chance? lol
horrible video quality
Forge Labs, Man i love you and your channel you make such great content and you take all this time on these games just for our amusement, i love you man and i hope you see this have a great day/night ❤️❤️
it was sung tsu the art of war
i think
Yes!!! This is one of my favourite games nice to see big creators play it
Forge my man, this was one of the best videos to watch. It was so entertaining and I think you need to fly the helicopter yourself. Can we please get a second video. ❤️❤️
i love when ur playing rust keep doing ur best 😀
200 day please😁 it was so funny🤣😂
200 days next? Pls
My man filming this for 2.5 years wow that’s amaze me keep it up
btw this is the funniest video i ever watch in your channel
What’s the epic song? Amazing video, I’d watch more of Rust tbh.
Poor fellow
Think Forge has a gambling problem lol
“You know how rare it is that one of the plans I’m involved in turns out good?”
Says the man who also immediately gambled the first chance he had
I’m dumb I mean30:32
Man should play 7 days to die
Sorry I meant 3:32
You should play ark survival evolved
Guys look at the rust chat on 30:37 and read what it says
yes rust
They speed run the game in 100 days and me can’t even get a weapon in that time
I love you ❤️
Ez game. Meh.
You should spend 100 days in Greenhill vr
100 days means at least 100 hours / 100 hours in 1 wipe holy shit like you gotta be addicted af
When my brother and his friend played Rust what the other people in the server didn’t expected was that when my brother slept I was awake and when my brother was awake I was sleeping so our account never log out and we have similar voices so people in the server were going nuts thanks to that dude that never slept 🤣 at some point we were ruling the server and people stopped playing
Future reference try to thinking were they are going next
there was a bad word in the chat
can you do 100 days on Ark? in each map? it might take a while though
you always post at the right time
Broo the chat is Sus
Play Ark me boi u wont regret it
This video took so long wow
W Vid
can you do 100 days in dayz
You are uploading much of content recently, very, very good. I am proud of you Sean. You know, man may not always hear this words, but he always needs them, so i am saying. You do very good and i am proud of you. Keep it up!
dose he know that you can have under clothes on people so he dose not have to censored there you know what
respect for the consistent boob + ass blurs my man
my mans this is good you good rust good approb 🤠
I got 6.5k hours and played with a lot of new people but you are very good for your first time
I remember getting a full inv of scrap from gambling at bandit
My man can you do a the forest survival with robert and kim?
homie playing on the gamecube with those graphics
2 yrs and right on time my mans 🥂✨
Yay!! I absolutely love watching you play other games other then just Minecraft. But I do like the Minecraft videos as well. 🙂
Bro probably your best 100 days in a long time
Bro that first bow shot at the guy on the roof had me rolling
I play Rust because I hate myself.
u should try ark
this game makes people so toxic that even people on the same team will treat each other like pack mules.
Rust players casually playing 8 hours a day and 10,000+ hours
make more one of these please
Would love to see you do a hundred days in The Forest
YT quality in this vid
Where is 360p????
Bro this was a mistake 💀 not rust 💀
As a rust man i will say you need 500 hours to even know what you’re doing in this game
Hi by the way my men if you did rust you should play “day z ” trast me its really good you can do 100 or 50 days it will be absolutely awesome
Honestly, I love watching new players play rust and figure things out. It reminds me that so much of the stuff I see as common sense is actually very confusing to new people
This was legendary, you need to do some more Rust
respect for your friends for grinding with u
He uploaded
My man I’ve been waiting forever to see you try rust, thanks sooooo much Sean
My mans i really miss ur old great content 😭😭😭😭
100 Days in Elden Ring anyone?
Try ark survival evolved hardcore and also…your screwed u play it
Near the end the initial raid was soooooo epic lmao
i’d like to see perhaps 100 days in ark survival
Rust is hard my man I have almost 1k hours on console, and I get offline raided several time and only 1 online raid when I was the only one online on my team kinda suck when it’s a 8 man raiding a 3 trio but only 1 person is on, but hey rust is rust my man
As a player with over 1000 hours in rust I knew this was gonna be full of facepalms but none the less I loved it so much
200 days please I loved this
Can you do 100 days of modded rust
Love it! More of this.
Just hope that it dosent take 2.5 years again 😅💪
oh no… your poor brain must be aching after this..
Please play don’t starve.
Can you play 7 day to died
Thinks the ak is useless
MW2: short controlled bursts.
I was praying we’d get a Rust video, lol. Thanks Sean, I laughed til I cried.
Locked in with blood shot eyes and a castle of Red Bulls- Sean
very cool to see a new game. fresh
yes good game
Play ark next
Now do dayZ 🫠
I really enjoyed watching you play Rust
Ooohhhhh swag
Wow I’m early
Are we going to see more of you and Shadow and your friends playing and more future videos? Your videos are amazing
Hi nice video
You should do an ark one
Please do more variety content that you enjoy or stick to minecraft if u want
People loves you
Pleasssse my good man Pleassssse do another 100 days of rust please for air soft and for all of your subscribers pleassssse
I just need 500 scrsp just 500
1 hour for 2.5 years that sucks
Wow….I can’t speak….THIS VIDEO IS AWSOME! Keep uploading more content like this!
Dude a 100days rust video is such a good idea. I really wish you could do them more often
Other games with that format are such a great change! Please do Subnautica next! 😀
Dick move killing Friendly’s
Forge and spoonkid collab is a need
How about 100 wipes
i wish i could play in a not lame-and-boring group like this lmfao
“The guy that wrote a book on war was Sun Tzu”
– Sun Tzu – The Art of War
There a setting to turn pf nutity
My mans! What a happy day seeing an upload from Sean, makes me a happy man.
Hey Sean how many phantoms did you have on you by the end of this?
I suprise for sure!!! but a welcome one!!!
you should play star citizen
seing ”100 days in ark” would be cool bc it is also a very good survival game and i think it would be very fit for this serie
what a vedio bro loved it
That was a good video!
Now 100 days in ark
That chocolate bar bait from the safe zone is the best thing i’ve ever seen
Did anybody else watch this whole Play through without taking a break
Bruh, forge! Don’t know if you’re going to see this my man but this was absolutely bonkers mate, what the fuck! It brings back to my early days of gaming with all of my best friends playing non stop and only thinking of the game 24/7. You unlocked a memory deeeeeeeeep of the bottom of my brain and i thank you SO much for that! Entertaning as fuck bro
play dayz next
Im sorry for his editor who had to edit all of the people mic spamming the n word
@3:19 I never expect you to know what you are doing Sean…
100 days in ark survival evolved would be a beautiful thing to see sean play.
Come on
Your playing a game named after a car disease
PANJABIE STICKS! God I laughed so hard, Thank you sean xd
My man rust is hard enough to play for a couple of hours… One hundred days man, now that’s insane!
Join us forge join the no life rusters join us join us join us join us join us join us join us
Dude that wheel is fucking evil
question? mind posting the unedited video?
Long live the king
do 100 days in the forest
Pls do a rust 100 days with willjum
I love the new Toxic Sean haha
I wanna see a 100 days dayz play
Would love to see you play more survival games! Like DayZ and Forest
I could imagine Forge telling this story to his grandkids in 2042
I am telling you bro, you need to play subnautica. That game, was made for a man like you.
this was cute ive never seen such nonsense more ppl need to try rust its a really fun time.
omg this video was good the epic music in the last battle made it so much better
U should play Minecraft multi player
Sean got the diplomat skills. 1:00
What Is going on with the dome being see through
try long dark 100 days I dare you forge
Better have been Single Player, MP is complete aids
FORGE LABS! My man, it’s so awesome to see you post new vids!
Try ark Pvp lets see how long you last.
We need more rust
It is tun Tzu 41:36
Do ark next please
Big mistake everyone who plays Rust is a degenerate and I think I am qualified to say thats as I myself have played alot of Rust.
also this rust gameplay old af
you should have soloed this experience
This is so good, Hope you still play it
I have been waiting for this effing video for sometime!! Thank you my mans
Those guys with the stash base are my favorite enemies I’ve ever seen, the guy who was there and was killed was literally like “a lot of loot, eh” in a voice that wasn’t that of an enemy. I would’ve friended him right then and there
they set up cameras just so they
wouldn’t have to go outside and touch grass lol
hem: if you clicked on this video expecting to see someone who knows what thear doing, im not good at this game alr.
me thinking it was a minecraft vid
I spent about 2 weeks in Rust when it came out on consoles. It was 2 weeks of torture. Can’t do anything without getting killed and raided by sweats. Can’t even turn off the game and go to bed without waking up to my base being gone. Constantly starting over. I deleted the game.
22:40 did he just say a chainsaw is less medieval then a jack hammer?
Chainsaws we’re invented for assisting with child birth in 1780
Jack hammers weren’t around till 1846.
This was fucking insane. Loved it!!!!
Play ARK 100 days or do 200 days in Rust….
-Pungabi 😎
-Pungi 🤡
456 th comment
At least now you can’t spawn in stuff.. lol can you?…
I do love your videos though. One of the coolest personalities out there. But I don’t like when you “spawn” stuff in your MC videos. ..
I really enjoyed watching this
Pls dont you play minecraft
Punjab is a state in India
Oh no…
Oh dang just realized you could do a 100 days in the forest or 100 days in raft or maybe possibly a 100 days in ark survival
This is a 1010 video love ti
Want something even worse for the next one? Get rust console edition 😳.
Once agian awesome videoooooooooos!!!!
So you have like 1k pt now?
“Garbo was a sneaky man” yes, in real life he was, Garbo was a codename for a spy during WW2 who is literally my favourite spy EVER
I’m so excited I can’t wait to see
Your voice sounds like a story teller
Shawn, play ark! you’ll have fun i swear, wink wink.
Love your content Forge. You are awesome and I heard Rust can be tough lol. Great video
Welcome to the rust community great vid you should make another one
I spent 100 real days in rust*
100 days in ark survival evolved solo? Fjordur
Sun tzu
This is the content I am looking for
Sean you should record you playing GTA5
Thank you for doing a video on rust i’ve been wanting to get the game but wanted to see a good video on it thanks my man
I just got into rust, and then my man makes a video on it. Perfect timing. Thank you
More man more rust
best vid :0
Part 2 is possible
Ngl I didn’t even know this was a game but this was awesome as always keep up the good content Sean 🙂
My man’s out here playing rust now. Would love to see more
please do this again it was so fun to watch
Nice, is literally 3AM here
Forge labs, we don’t come to watch you do pro stuff we watch you because we want to see you experience the game. Even though you might be bad at the game we like to see that too. It’s about the journey not the destination 😀
Can you do another 100 days with the Scape and Run: Parasites mod since it had some updates since you last did it.
40k views in an hour wow
Forge labs, what recording and editing software do you use? I wanna start a channel but I can’t find a proper tutorial or software.
Woden door is still here
Brooooo thanks so much for this ik it’s a nightmare to do it again but like imagine a part 2😅 like he records it 2022 comes out 2025 🥲 but in honesty thanks for all the effort you are putting in this. We love you ❤️
you should try to survive 100 Days in Star Citizen without dying
I’m watching this vid for the second time
next: 100 days in Scum!
Showing kindness in Rust is always a mistake
Surprised no-one called you the n-word considering this is rust.
PANJABI STICKS, shit killed me
Honestly, bit toxic at the beginning and mid part, but at the same time Rust is probably one of the most toxic games out there so can’t blame the dude.
this is footage from like 2 years ago lol
you know its rust when in the first 40 seconds you see someone typing about osama in the chat
I liked him playing rust. I would like to see more.
this man makes rust sound like narcotics
man I almost never get raided when I log off I just have 3 doors and upgrade to metal
This was single handedly the most intense game play in his channel, this was nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time
Tribulations will come but GODS light will always sustain providing a metaphoric place for your soul to refuge. GOD is Good 🙏.
Early gang :). Now read your coments
))This was actually awesome! I don’t even play rust, and Sean doesn’t even play Minecraft (well) So weird that these things went for such a hilarious video.
If it wasn’t 5 am i’d be watching this,
Ima just assume you did amazing work Sean
Love the video!
You should try playing ark some time
U should go again and but have 2/3 groups of 8, just attack them with a whole army
you should play day Z!
A yo Minecraft is good but rust just hits different man I mean this game is a frickin masterpiece. You should upload more rust videos.
This was pretty good
The chocolate bar thing had me laughing so hard.
love rust
yesss!! pliss do 200days
going from Stevie’s new video to this is a SHOCK lmao
Very bad at games? Says one of the most skilled gamers in the world 🌎
You should play some dead by daylight with the boys
LETS GOOO i love rust content lol.
I wana see 100 days in 7 days to die that would be cool
Hey forge just a tip for a future video there is a setting that puts cloths on the people from just starting
So everyone let him call them Punjabi sticks without saying anything? 😭
Please do 200 days in rust
I audibly gasped when I saw this in my recommended, I love it.
Is their anything this man can’t survive! And my man forge labs you should do a 100 days on ark, it would be amazing
No way you played rust
pls 100 days the forest!!! but i love it!!!😋😍😘🥰
out of all the games sean could make a 100 days vid on, i did not expect it to be Rust
do 100 days in Ark survival evolved
720 p60….OOOFFFF
I’ve been looking for this for a long time
Pls make 100days in valheim
you should do more rust and also try ark
Sean’s talent at games vary between really good and 5yo who is playing for the first time
This is so awesome content, loved it Forge Labs!!
first gour
I haven’t played this since like 5 years passed
Funny how i was already watching a forge labs video! I rushed to this one tho
i love this one
If this man ever finds and play escape from tarkov the video would be just 50+ minutes of him running to extract.
this is the wrong game
You gotta play Ark survival evolved!
Been watching 17 minutes and I love this so far😷
After playing Rust, I’m amazed society even exists. Once humanity upgraded from stone to sheet metal I thought it would’ve been all over.
Omg pls become a rust YouTuber
finally he never disappoints especially him playing my favorite game
More rust
Punjabi sticks? That cracked me up! Hahahahahahaha
I was literally watching one of your videos rn and you uploaded a new vid!! That amazing lol! Love your videos man 😀
Is the audio bugged? I’m not hearing anything
Hello forge labs why dont u look up kuboom 3D fps shooter game its a grate game
You should play The Forest next!
7:55 “big chungus”
If you’re open to suggestions spending 100 days in the SCP 3008 game would be a pretty cool video idea imo
Slowly watching Sean turn into a sweaty toxic Rust player is interesting lol
Maybe you should play rust for 500 days and learn how toxic people are
Please 100 days of ark Sean the people need it
4:30 LMFAO
Can you do a ark survival all maps 100 days
I can tell you love your fans considering of the pain you just went through to make this video..
You should do 100 days in the forest
a like how you still think it’s minecraft
oh no
another rust movie
wellcome to rust
Imagine he encounters wylen.
My mans gonna get real rusty
Its my firdt time coming so early
That’s the most scuffed base ever
I can’t wait to watch this tonight!!
haaaay bro whats up to day
hey man nice vid didn’t watch it but still gud
Whatc Frost he is very god
You should play Dayz
Mincraft but more intese
Lets gooo anothe 100 days video
ahh yes give him 500 scrap very little scrap yes.
Just 100 days? The average for rust players is 4206934 hours
please do 100 days in subnautica pls
nooo way banger
Love the content lol!
If he plays rust he definitley has to play ark
100 days solo in rust full pvp server cx
Bro do mobile ARK it is so Hard
Nice vid
this just made my day so much better
My mans
100 days in ARK?
100 days in gta
Never trust enyone only the team!
Thank you for making rust more popular
I was on my Xbox and I saw this I said you’re a Minecraft Youtubers why are you on rusty But in other words I’m going to watch it
Ooo pog
4:32 normal documentary with vile footage
About time
20 min gang
forgelabs my mans you should do “100 days in the forest” it’d be sick
i was one of the kids in the swap lmao i had no idea it was forge labs
I spent 100 days in Ark Survival when?
Can you do ark next pls
🌈Only for fans over 18 years⤵️
Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Localdate.Asia Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennp ich 4 wählen würde
I’ve been waiting for this vid since the rust stream from over a year ago thanks for the great content
eyyy here we are again another 100 days but not in minecraft-
Second I saw this title immediately liked because of the suffering I know Forge went through
this video is just insane… keep up the good work forgelabs!
Lol it’s been like 14 minutes and they is already 224 wow also you should do some 100 days in ark 🙂
Forge maybe you can make 100days in 7days to die or in ark
Play in the Minecraft SCP foundation Angin please
So cool I was just thinking the same thing. Guess that’s what make you one of the best 🤙
“I spent 100 days in rust, Here’s how I became a racist”
Just the average player
Not the biggest fan of rust but if you are posting it must be a BANGER!!
This is going to be a movie. Let me grab a lot of food before i watch this masterpiece
Pls try ark once
frost berne steve and now forge whos next blu
Rust is a hard game. But nothing stops greasy poo stain
Awesome video, Sean.
my man !
wow this is amazing how can u survive that long
You can just hear his voice degrade overtime, lmao.
u should spend 100 days in the Forest
100 days in day z
w vid
Has a rust fan and a Minecraft fan seeing the 100 days chad in rust is surely something awesome
gooo shawn
Try Ark
W vid idea, I’ve never played rust but like watching it and ur the perfect YouTuber for it
Early and I feel bad for you
Like this game
My mann savee me from my boredom
here in 5 mins lol
yo,4k views in 5 mins?seems impressive to me
is the next video 100 days in ark?
Purple terracotta
Beginner luck lol
3:10 layer lock guy?
I always watch his videos
YESSSS! You’ve made my day….week…month!!!!!!! 😍
Youre layer lock guy
Best subtitles award goes to Sean😂
My idol🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Amazing vid would u consider doing a longer series with legundo and such on it
Rust is the best game but warning⚠ toxic kids are there be careful these can get mad or even cry when you kill them 😮
Hey man it’s been a while, ever since I got a girlfriend 7 months ago I kina devoted my life to her.
4 minutes ago wow
Noti gang . Hey could u do a 100 dayz in dayz by chance
My idol
Bro i was waiting for you to post bro this is gonna be a BANGER! Im in love in ur 100 days siries 🙂
I feel so bad for you, one day in rust is torture enough… You truly are a strong fellow than I
I remember the whole Sean and his 6 friends going to a island back in 2021 Jan4 ahh good ol times
Never thought you were gonna play the game I’m addicted too
H-hey my man’s I’m the 489th like 😂👍🏻
This game is a lot of fun! U should make more about rust and u should use the clothing to cencor instead!
lol I want to see Forge Labs play unturned next
Please do it solo it’ll be funny
why rust?????
I love your videos
Nice! I like how you’ve recently started to not just upload minecraft videos! (not that those are bad, but variety is gret!
Im just miss those days where is 100 days was original and something special.. like RLcraft..
Amazing videos u make
Nice 👍
“Swamp boys”
Edit: even better “YEAH GIVE EM THE GOOCH”
Hi forge
Excellent,one word can describe this video!
Love your content man!
Another time my man Sean saves our day in exchange for 100 of his… What an honor.
Love the idea. Hyped to wach it with my girl.
Much love to Sean ❤️✌🏽
Impressive ✨
Let’s go
Holy sh
I bet this This man is now traumatized and won’t play rust again 😂
Can you survive rust without being called a slur?
I love your videos Forge and have great respect for how you make them and take your time to make them so we can all have good content to watch, thank you
Try ark some time
100 7 days to die d be fun
Edit : i did it
Nice hope you have a great day
Very epic
Let’s go best videos
Noice video
Yo was good
I love your work
1 was 161 like today
Heart this or bad
As a former rust player I would like to say teaming is everything
16 th comment
loved it ! I cant believe im this early
Can’t wait for 100Days in Minecraft 1.19 with Warden
let’s goooo
looks cool
Yo Wasup
This was Unexpected
Lets goooo! Another 100 days video from Forge! Good job. 🙂
Ohhh my god
I love you forge labs
I see we’re switching thing up huh? I’m down for it.
Yo tha og
Lol I just got here and don’t know what to say…
sorry I had to do it…
This man literally keeps me from unaliving myself
I have been waiting for thus
How long till he likes and replies to my comment?
Your a chad😎
I didn’t know you would play rust this is going to be an interesting watch (ignore the bot comments in the replies)
My mans!
You da best Minecraft content creator
Hey forge how are you
Let’s goooooo
Ok here we go
Wait… rust??
Wow I never thought that you where gonna play my favorite game
Rust is just ark without dinosaurs (btech ark)
Can you please do Ark next
So many nude people beating each other with a rock
My mans haven’t even seen the video and I know it’s going to be good
Very good video my man
Nice game love from the Philippines!!
1 min late
1 minute agooo
97th like
Weird Minecraft mod
Are eggs meat
This is going to be a movie. Gotta get some food ready. Can y´all relate to my excitement? :d
The amount of death in this video be like.
No I haven’t, but it seems weird.
7 sec gang
Plz do a Minecraft avp mod 100 days plz do
Love your videos
Love your videos
Damn 1 minute ago
So cool!
Well sheesh
Rust may be brutal but Ark is another form of brutal and rewarding
I loveeee you video
Good work 👏
No. Don’t do it. NOOOO
Let’s gooooooo
What a treat!!
Oh , im early , nice