Sam Site Turn Remote Turn off. Rust December 2021


Way to stay safe from MLRS rockets and enemy helis while keeping your heli safe.

Taqs:video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload


  • コメント (12)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @lagnarockofficial1018
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    love the intro first time here 🙂

    • @SmittyStackz
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    Hey its beefcake .. sick video man this is awesome

    • @OldManPaxusYT
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    COOL! ← Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d
    #OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆ ½ 5:14 I’d go inside, then start wiring. Anal, yes but every tiny bit counts…. With only the sensor visible, potential raiders and naked idiot griefers might think it’s just placed for no particular reason but if they see wires, they _know_ it has a purpose and well, you know Rusty-cancer-kids will break it just coz they want to grief strangers 😉

    • @raginghounds8191
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    Love the complexity of this… but why not use the smart switch and RUST+. I guess you could forget to toggle the power off and blamo

    • @XxMaTaRiFefornikoxX
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    great video

    • @kea444
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    MUCH simpler than the last tutorial (from before batteries were functional) I saw on this. Thank you!

    • @Crftbt
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    With solar panels I’ve found that either they point north for power or south, regardless of where the sun shows in game or where you are located on the map. Sometimes after a few weeks the polarity flips. This was my experience on official servers.

    • @OldSlackerDan
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    The new industrial lights are great for making lit landing pads. Incorporating one that blinked on and off would be easy, and well-seen in day or night.
    Awesome work as always, my talented friend. Your videos brighten my day 🙂

    • @Peter4475
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    Nice. But what happens when you take off again 😉

    • @AdrianPelaj
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    You could just use an RF transmitter from wherever on the map though.. ?

    • @budsatawny
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    I’ll pass this on to the people I know that play in groups. Nicely done yet again:-)

    • @OldFeller
    • 2024年 6月 27日 7:30pm

    Sorry for the boomy mic. Will be fixed before my next video.