Rust Top Skins | Become a Cow, Bee Hive, Tools Tools, Tools #87 (Rust Skin Picks)
Rust Top Skins | Become a Cow, Bee Hive, Tools Tools, Tools #87 (Rust Skin Picks) – Join Me on my preview of Each Week’s new Rust skins in game before you buy them!
Check out the Skins Here -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2068930266
Get the Game- http://www.playrust.com/
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Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Other Music- Happy ride magnus, ES_Happy Playground 1-3 – Merlean
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
Taqs:rust,rust skins,rust new skins,rust top skins,rust top 10 skins,rust glow skins,rust marketplace,rust skin unboxings,rust store,skins,rust weapon skins,rust gameplay,rust game,rust update,rust updates,rust devblog,rust survival,play rust,lets play rust,rust lets play,rust pvp,rust building,rust epic,rust news,rust tips,facepunch,playrust,rust thatgermanguy,thatgermanguy rust,thatgermanguy
コメント (70)
Neither the thompson skin nor the keycard room door skin made it in. Helk is on something tf is up with these amazing skins not making it?
Finally a new thompson skin. I will be getting that. Maybe the keycard room door
How do we use these?
They’re taking quite some time to update the store, quite interested in what makes it through this week.
Only problem with colourful guns is it easy for the Enemy to find it in the bushes when you drop it on death 😂
Is the hulk door wearing a big grin face mask?
You sound baked as bro 😂 hope you’re doing well in quarantine my guy, good video with some great skins this week
Bandit door ftw!
Wow a YouTuber that gets straight to the point damn hard to find those these days.
keep up the good vids
Man if that cow don’t make it, I’ll be pissed
I need the BP ak
Oh hi Mark <3
That Thompson is AMAZING!
I want the key card door to go through!!
Get that Golden AK in there Helk!
Lmao the teddy bear face is upside down
I would like to see as well the skin icons in the inventory
Doja Cat designed a set?
Rusty with no brim needs to make it in
LOL I love the Love Nest set, that cow set is hilarious, That table is awesome, my inner fatty loves that chips bag.
Skipper suit from AndyBo not from me Dude:)) great video as usual!
bag of chips is funny, alien door is super cool and death rocket is brutal! I want them alllll
Venomus SMG is very nice and Blueprint AK is also Beautiful, I would buy them both, and probably nothing else, I hope they made it in
I’d buy the desert camo set. That’s it.
I’d def get the death rocket, the apocalypse tools and the mp5
I see some big profit in these skins
Thanks for showing off my bag of chips! i’m glad you like it. good stuff this week all!
Thanks for recommending my rocket launcher! so much good stuff this week!
I want that skull rocket launcher sooo baaad
stop cringe laughing
lots of cool shit this week! Personally I liked the bandit door, death canon and shark tank the best!
blueprint ak is lit
Damn I like the Thompson skin and the Alien garage door!
Amazing skins, love them all its going to be a tough week choosing which ones. Great job guys and TGG for showcasing the talent ❤️
I saw that the blueprint AK had a white sight, does it glow in the dark?
Ak and garage dooor
Thanks for featuring my skins german 🤙
You sounded a bit tired on this one German, are you doing alright?
Desert camo, keycard door and constructor ak stockless
Thanks for featuring my set! 😀 Nice video as always!
I like many of the things!
Thanks for mentioning my skin 😀😁😁😁
Desrt camo Yes!
tools and guns are gonna DESTROY my wallet
it says rad suit not bad shit
only the tools are good
Keycard door was hands down my favorite
I want that Thompson, Helk its not about what you like its about what we like put that Thompson in
Damn, that thompson skin is super clean, i really hope he makes an ak or hqm armor for the same set, would be so epic
OMG Hope the Alien Garage door makes into the game. I am buying 3. 1 For me 1 for a friend and 1 to resell later.
Rooting for the Cow Hoodie + Pants, the Keycard Door and the Cargo Heli Table 💓💓💓💓
Lol the chips bag is hilarious
love bandit armored door its awesome i hope to get in
14:40 what kind of table is that. You can’t even do lines off of it
Really glad to see u liked my ak so much 🙂
I wasn’t expecting these many clothing sets but i definetely like how creative some poeple got with them
Thanks for showing off the Talon SMG! love to see more military themed items coming in like the Desert camo set and really dig the look of the blueprint AK very original! good luck to all skin makers
The blueprint ak is so cool
ufo Garage door :))))))
thanks for featuring my ak 🙂 gl to all
both sleeping bags are awesome
Thank you mr TGG
Very nice skins,love the talon smg. 🙂
Really like the idea with the key card door. I hope the Blueprint Ak, and a few other skins make it in this week. Awesome skins and good luck to All! Hope you guys are staying safe and healthy during this lovely quarantine.
the clothing sets never look high quality
thanks for also showing the night time
I Hope the Alien Garage Door make it in it Looks sooo epic
Do u remember my burnt pizza?😂
How did u make your youtube banner
So we are just not gonna get any more xpoint boxes??
i love your channel i liked shared and subbed and i hope im first thanks for reading