RUST 🛢 More Beta Codes! 🎮 PS4 XBOX PS5 Xbox Series X|S
More Rust Beta Codes to deal out for the Rust Limited beta the tis currently going on now until April 12th on the PS4 and Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. After the Limited closed Beta Ends the Pre-Order Beta should be sometime in April 2021. When is the Rust Console Edition Pre-Order beta going to start? Rust Console Limited beta has been extended till April 12th 2021. This is the limited Console Beta not to be confused with the Rust Pre-order Beta that will be happening some time in April. Rust Console edition release date has been announced along with the price and beta access plus early access for Rust Console Edition pre-orders on PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X|S. Rust Beta codes/invites will be going out for week 4 of the Rust Console Edition Beta! This is wave 4 of the Rust console edition beta that are going out, check your email address you signed up with, most likely there will be a few phases of codes released thru out the day if it is anything like last week. With the Rust console beta currently going on we now have more information about the Rust console edition Beta release date for the PS4 and Xbox One. We have a Rust Beta console date Limited beta will start March 1st and be for the whole month of March 2021, ending on April 12th 2021. Rust Beta codes are going out now to a few selected people that have signed up for the beta on PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. As the Beta goes on more people will be added to the Rust Beta on PS4 and Xbox. With the Rust console beta happening soon for 2021, We go over what is known right now for the Rust Console Beta. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Beta release timing, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. Official word has come from Double 11 studios about the Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta. They are pushing closer to the actual release of the Rust Beta and the Full Rust release for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. This video talks all about New Rust console info, and how Rust is coming to PS4 and Xbox one. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! This is the most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. Rust Console Beta is happening in 2021 and I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Rust was officially announced for beta and full release of Rust in 2021 and is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One! With the Rust Beta getting close for Xbox One and Playstation 4. When is the Rust Beta coming to console, Rust console Beta for PS4 and the Xbox One. Be the first to play in the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust Beta for Playstation 4 and Xbox will be coming before the Rust on console release in 2021. Rust has been officially Announced Rust is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One soon in 2021. Rust is coming to console! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Beta,Rust PS4 Beta,Rust Xbox Beta,Rust Beta Code,Rust PS4 Beta Code,Rust Xbox Beta Code,Rust PS4 Beta Date,Rust Xbox Beta Date,Rust How to Access Beta,Rust Console Beta,Rust Pre-Order,Rust Beta Pre-Order,Rust Beta News,Rust Console News,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5,Rust Beta Date,Rust Beta Release Date,Rust Beta PS4,Rust Beta Xbox,Rust Beta Xbox One,Rust Beta Update,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update
コメント (357)
Noooo I missed biolazers giveaway 😢
Any codes I can use?
Can any1 help me I waited abt 1 month for a limited code and I got sent a email with a code and my ps4 said it was already used
Kitkats are jummy, EU .
Kitkats are yummy 🤤 Region:NA
Iam going to play this game finally on ps4 going to start my new content on rust gameplay
Doesnt beta end in 2 days
If you were talking about the codes did the Middle East people these codes are going to work for them
Playstation NA code fragment A: KXD8-NTN4-
Registered over a year or two ago when they first sent emails
Got another email couple months back
Still havent been invited lol
KIT KATS ARE YUMMYYYYYYYYY, EU, been wanting one of these codes for a long time, i really wanna play rust man
Dude that arena looks sick. After listening to you hype me up for over a year now, you best believe I’m coming to your server on “council” hahaha 😆
Kit Kats are yummy NA
kit kat are yummy NA
I was selected for Xbox and it won’t let me play it?
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Kit kats are yummy
Kit Kat’s are yummy eu
Jade monkey I just want to thank you for being a reliable resource. Whenever i want information about rust, i always just come to your channel. love ya, and KitKats are yummmmy😁 NA
Hhmmmm kit kats are yummy EU. Btw love ur content
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
KitKat r yummy NA 😋
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA yummy yummy yummy 🤤
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA 🍫 but they really are
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
kit kat’s are beyond yummy and na
I hope I get a code also thank you for making these videos they are always amazing
Kit Kat’s are yummy! Can’t wait to see you on the beach! NA
I love you videos please. I would love to play this game and test it out
Kit Kats are yummy. NA
Kit kats are yummy! NA ps4
Kit kats are yummy!!! NA
Kit Kats are yummy 😋 NA
“Kitkats are yummy” NA
Kit Kats are yummy! xbox Na
Side note you fan of the filling or the chocolate more ?
Hello i am thickums
Uhhh today’s my birthday could I maybe get a code dmed to me? If not ty for looking at the comment 😀
Kit kats are okay and I probably wont get a code but here I am
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
kit Kats yummy Na playstation
Thank you jade
Show me the codes baby
Kit Kat’s are yummy/ NA
when will the server your making be out ? as soon as the game is out ?
and when will the Deluxe edition beta release?
I’m late but Kit-Kats are yummy NA-West
Kit Kats are yummy!!! Eu
Kitkats are yummy. NA
NA- Kit Kats Are yummy.
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Dang is there no more codes
What’s up jm!!!
Kit Kat’s are literally so yummy !!!!
Kickats are yummy !!!! NA
Kit Kat’s are yummy ! EU and please don’t raid me! 😉
Kit Kat’s are yummy -Xbox
I submitted my Microsoft email 5 times on all separate emails still nothing on insider app:/
Kit kats are yummy. NA. But for real they are.
I’m more of a snickers guy
Don’t you think potato’s are so yummy
Dude I’ve been wanting to play it for so long please
kit kats are yummy! 🙂 – eu
3:15 bottom right corner there is a EU code. I’m Xbox so I can’t take it.
Kit Kats are yummy, NA
KitKats are yummy eu
Kitkats r yummy na also who else got noties on ?????
Could I pls get 2 ps codes EU I’ve been waiting since February
i wish that if u bought the deluxe u got a inv into the limeted and closed beta on xbox ve wanted to play rust so long now
KitKat’s are yummy NA
You got any uhhhhh…… codes…… I can borrow…. 😉 Kit Kat’s are really good ngl
But Seriously, it would mean so much!
I’ve been waiting for this game since 2018! When they made the announcement for 2020 I was elated then the hype dropped off, I’m so excited with the official release date and preordered the first day it was available! I was signed up for the beta since last year but never got a code 😅 Kit Kat’s are so yummy, I can’t wait to play in the NA servers! 😬
Kit Kat’s are yummy+ Wow Now Brown Cow! NA
Uh that’s weird
Kit kats are awesome lol. NA
Kitkats are yum😋 ps4 NA
Kit kats are yummy I need one for my friend and I’m very late
kit kat’s are very very yummy NA
Are you going to post the split codes? The a and b ones na
Love the content man keeps me updated subbed keep up the good work can’t wait to play
When is the pre order beta coming out?
Kitcats are yummy na
May I please get a code?
I’m late but KitKat na bla bla bla
Unfair for Xbox, ps4 we can just ask and get one, Xbox, whenever a ps4 player gets a code just because they want one, gets a 1 in 5000 chance to get one😑
Kit Kat’s are yummy na
KitKats are yummy NA, I’ve been watching rust videos for years now I would love it if I could get to try it out on ps4 the guides you linked will be very helpful.
So we can’t get a code from the website but the video?
KitKats are yummy ps na
Kitkats are yummy na❤️
But where them xbox codes at?
KitCAT Are yummommmy
Kit kats are yummy they got that “crunch”
Hey Jade Monkey was wondering if you knew when closed beta opens for pre order
I have it on my Xbox insider hub but I can’t get in
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Kitkats are yummy NA😁
Ps4 eu
Lots of love from the netherlands 🙂
I don’t need a code. I just want to say that I have been loving these videos. I’ve been watching these since March 2020. You’ve given tons of useful information. Thanks for everything you’ve done so far!
Kitkat is yummy 😋 , I’m eu , different time zone came as fast as I could to this video! I am Xbox
Kit kats are yummy na
Jade monkey please give me a code man I’ve been waiting to play rust since 2016 when I first saw it. I bought it on steam and my trash pc couldn’t run it and I haven’t been picked for the beta
Ok welp best of luck to everyone that gets a code ill be playing the 3 day early access so if any q want to squad up for like a duo or a stacked squad hmu on ps4 >> Club-Oblivion <
hey hey hey is just me…
Kitkats are yummy (Eu)
Kit Kats are Yummy 🤤 NA
Kit Kat’s are extra deliciously yummy- NA
Ayyyy best rust ytber ever
Any1 know when the beta ends?
So rust servers are gonna be down for the first 2 weeks of release prob. They havent “tested” the server capabilities at all. They said the beta peaked at 12k on release day you can bet 500k+ people are gonna be on it. And the BF squad is they gayest sounding thing you could call each other
Kit Kats are yummy. Canada
Kit Kat’s are yummy ! 🙂 NA
Jade monkey , will we be able to get the twitch prime drops for console ?
Im really confused this only just popped up and its been over 2 hours 😂. lol why not kit kats are yummy 2 hours late EU😅
kit cats are yummy
Fr they are I’m on Na wish everyone luck
What’s the best way to kill the tank?
This is a bummer wish Xbox had codes and I wish they would stop extending the limited beta and give us the preorder beta I’ve been waiting a year!!
Kitkat NA
The empty white bord up front thow
Kit kat’s are yummy NA,
Kitkats are yummy EU
kit kats are yummy NA in my gummy tummy full of honey bunnies
Good luck everyone, hope I get one
Unfair for Xbox imo
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA 😋
Man fingers cross I get one also kitkats are yummy I don’t remember how to spell them na
The pre order beta need to come out I am tired of putting codes that have been used already
Great video thank you this really helped kit kats are yummy EU
Kit Kats ARE yummy! NA.
So they still sending out codes
Kit kats are yummy lol North America.
Been waiting on rust for console for years. Super excited to be a rust playing finally.
KIT kat’s Are YuMmY NA
Lets see if im lucky.
Kitkats are yummy NA
When I check my insider hub the rust beta is there and I enrolled but it doesn’t work any help?
Why is it PS only I find it unfair
Can I just check my email I signed up with or do I have to use insider
Kit kats are yummy na
Jade Monkey how do I get a code??? NA slide me one……………Please…….I’m dying to get in.
me and my girl stayed up forever last night tryna get a code😐
Yooo thank you for telling me to look at my hub I have no idea it was there and I didn’t see the email
Who disliked the video like come on this mans is giveing away free codes and just bc you cant waut to get 1 you dislike . 😢
Bro! Hit me up @ PS EU
Kit kat EU
Kitkat yum eu
Kit kats are yummy na
Kit Kat’s are yummy! NA. Good luck everyone.
Kit Kat EU
Kitkats are nasty na
Love the intro man 🙏🏽
Love your vids been here for awhile Kit Kat NA
Kit kats are yummy Na
Dam I’m late nice vid any way mate
Love all three of your guys streams last night
Jade what time will you be streaming tonight
Jade I know ur loving this rn but suspense is killing us
Kit-kats are yummy indeed na
Kit Kat’s are yucky because I’m on xbox
Kit Kat’s are yumi- NA💜
Kit kats are yummy na west
Where do I enter codes for Xbox
I give up
kit kats are yummy – NA ps4
Who else is just scrolling threw to look for replies
Kit Kat’s are yummy | NA PS4
Doggie have waggie tale North American PS4
Kitkat are yummy 🍫
Eu ps4 !
Hope i get 1, i have 1 but my brother preordered the game thinking he could play the beta and he’s been watching me play and I feel bad that he can’t enjoy the game
Kitkats are yummy ( EU XBOX) LOVE YOU ❤️and I will even more if I get picked 🤫🤫
But I’m a man I’ll use it tho
Sheesh lemme get a code man I been waiting for so long
My children don’t use the code it will give u aids
NA-Kit Kats are yummy
KitKat are yummy but in canada I have Mars bars and those are better NA
But I’ll stay here for 24 hrs I won’t give up
My son I’ve been here for 45 minutes and I’m dying there’s no chance for me to get it
When does the beta end because I thought it ended like yesterday
Kit Kat’s are yummy Na sadly I didn’t get the noti so no code for me today
Kit Kat’s are yummy Na
Kitkats are yummy NA
kitkats are yummy EU (love your vids bro (:
Kitkats are yummy NA
Kit Kat’s are yummy EU
Yummy NA
Dang I work to much…never gonna snatch one lol. Love the content brotha, can’t wait to play this game.
Would love to get a code for a buddy I been injoying the game some much but been by myself can’t wait to see if I can get one for a buddy.
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
KitKats are Jimmy EU stil here from yesterday
Ayo bro slide a code🤲🏾please and thank you my man
You said in the video (don’t worry I gotchu) but you ain’t got me or I would have a code
Any 1 wanna squad if you fet code hmu on ps4
Kit kats are yummy! Na would be real happy if I get one because last night stream I got one but I had a system software error and when I tried typing again it was already invalid
Kit kat’s are yummy EU. Im sooooo hyped.
Kit kats are yummy i love your video,s and i hope you have a nice day
Ayo put the codes man
Kit Kat’s are Super Duper Yum Yum heeeeeyyyyyy NA
This a giveaway or just first come first serve? I’m kinda confused lmao
Ill try kit kats aren’t yummy they’re delicious NA PS4
Also I love u dude
Who else ready to dominate rust
Nooooooo I’m late
Kit kats are yummy NA
Woohoo 🎉 I
Kit Kat’s yummy EU
Kit kats are yummy, EU!
Y don’t double level just let everyone play for the last fuw days
Cupcake you’re really keeping the console support train rolling!! Great info as always and keep up the content!! Love your boooooosh
Kit Kat’s are yummy. Na
Love watching your videos
Kit Kat’s are yummy 😋 NA ps4
Are you stil giving?
Love your vid jade keep up the good work also I think Kit Kat’s are very yummy na 🤤
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Kitkatz are yummy NA ps4
How does the pre order beta work like when do I get it since I pre ordered it
NA-Kit kats do be yummy tho 😋🤤
Kitkats are yummy 😋 EU
Kit kats are yummy
Kit Kat’s are very yummy NA plz
Kit Kat are yummy 🤤 pls can I have a codes
Kick cats are yummy
Kit kats are yummy na
Kit Kat’s are yummy Eu
Kitkats are yummy NA
Where is the na c d fragments
yo jade do u have any codes for ps4 EU pls men be waiting for this game to come out for 6 years now
I havent gotten it on my xbox yet, but I’m still hoping
Kit Kat’s are very yummy NA code
Kitcats are yummy na
Feel bad I miss all the codes be cause I decided to watch the video first 🤣
Kit Kats Are Yummy! EU
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA, love the guides playlist, me and my buddy’s are rust virgins and I’d rather not be lost in the sauce for full release.
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Kitkat are 😋 yummy ps4 and na cant wait for it to come out fully
kit kats are yummy eu
Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat 🎶
kit kat’s are yummy! NA
I cant wait for this been waiting for it to come to ps4
kit-kats are yummy :3 NA
Where is the c fragment
Hope i write this right: kit kats are yummy eu
Kitkats are yummy na west
i was taking a shit so im late damb dude..Kit Kat EU
Kitkats are very yummy. Ps4 eu ♥
Kit Kat’s are very yummy + I love dogs and I’m sad because and also happy for not getting someone else code because I literally had it I only needed to press 1 button please jade im eu
Kit Kat’s are yummy na????
KIT CAT YUMM YUMMY ps if you pick me don’t give code now I will miss out I’m at school
I LOVE the intro’s everytime
Kit cats are yummy na
Have you got any ps codes left bud. Been waiting 4 years fkr this game
Brown cow + kit kats are jummy im eu
I will be flipping through all the stream once again but hopefully I have better luck this time
Kit kats are yummy NA
Kitcat are yummy na
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Kit Kat are yummy 😋
KitKat’s are yummy eu
Kit kats are very yummy forgot the NA lol
Kik Kats are yummy NA
Sounds like prince
KitKats are yummie. EU. Have a break. Give me a code.
The way he starts his videos is unique
Im so excited for rust console i need the pre order to Hurrry up 😩
Love your work man
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
8:03 i think nobody saw that one left corner
Kit kats are yummy NA
Yo Jade liked the video again Need codes for my dudes that I bought a game for we all NA PS only 4 of them I am already in beta thanks if you read this
Kit kat Are yummy NA
Could I plz get a code I love your videos EU
I must be really unlucky lol
Xbox insider go Brrr
Have a good day jade
Kit kats are YUMMY NA also love the content and streams but hey drop the last na fragment to me😉
Kit Kat’s are yummy na
Kit kats are yummy na
Kit Kat’s are yummy
Kit kats are yummy NA Xbox code
kit Kat are yummy na
Wow now brown cow + Kit Kat’s are very yummy= Na code?
Thanks again for the info as always jade
KitKat’s are yummy na
Xbox is better you PlayStation players are struggling for codes🤣
Kit Kats are Yummy NA
kit kats or yummy NA
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA plz
Love your videos
noti gang hope to get in for xbox
Kitcats are yummy na west no code 😢
Yummy 🤤 NA
So you can’t give out beta codes for Xbox because it is through the insider app?
Thanks for making me keep faith on n this port to console now I’m playing rust roaming spear and bow
KitKats are yummy! na
Kit Kat’s are Yummy! NA
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
I got invited n did everything but won’t let me play it since I pre-ordered it
The code above the fragments is invalid 😢
Love your videos and content can’t wait to get in
It said I was the first one to watch the video then I typed in a code and I thought I was going to get rust but then it said the code was already redeemed my mood is ruined now
I got it omg thank you jade
Kit Kat yummy eu
Kit Kats are yummy EU
Imagine being early also kit Kats are yummy NA (I’m Xbox tho so idk how insider hub invites work)
Kitkats are yummy Na I know I’m not gonna win
Kit kats are yummi im ey
Kitkats are yummy EU
Still here since last night
Kitkats are yummy eu
Almost 😩
Kit Kat’s are yummmmmmy na
KitKat EU
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
Kit Kats Are Yummy NA
i got one
Yo thanks jade redeemed a code cant wait to get in
I’d love a code
Hello how yall doing
Yo I’m here everyone!!!! I know you guys have been waiting for me!!
Noooooooo I’m not home to put in the codesssss
Kit Kat’s are yummy NA
wow im early
Kit Kat’s are yummy eu
Kitkats are yummy. NA
Glad I’m noti gang💜
KitKat’s are yummy Eu
How do you confirm your email.
Always love that heyyyyyyy in the beginning 😩
Hi jade monkey thank you for keeping us informed
Will everyone who pre-ordered rust consle be in the beta or will u be chosen.
Could I please get an invite code? It would mean the world to me!!!
Wassup jade
RUST Beta 🛢 Harbor Monument Guide 🎮 PS4 XBOX PS5 Xbox Series X|S