RUST 🛢 Beta Codes! Going out! 🎮 PS4 XBOX PS5 Xbox Series X|S
Rust Beta codes are going out now to a few selected people that have signed up for the beta on PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. as the days go on more people will be added to thes Rust Beta on PS4 and Xbox. Rust beta date range that are possible with the current info that we have from the developers, either way this thing is coming soon for us. With the Rust console beta happening soon for 2021, We go over what is known right now for the Rust Console Beta. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Beta release timing, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. With the Developer version of the Rust Beta on PS4 and Xbox getting multiple updates in the last month it is showing that we are getting closer to the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust Beta is still happening for PS4 and Xbox. Official word has come from Double 11 studios about the Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta. Is the Rust Beta Downloadable on Xbox One right now? Rust Console Release News for XBOX ONE and PS4! Today’s video is about a potential dates for the Rust Beta and some behind the scenes things show that they are pushing closer to the actual release of the Rust Beta and the Full Rust release for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. I also talk about some more news and updates that are happening to Rust on console, and the likely release date of beta. This video talks all about New Rust console info, and how Rust is coming to PS4 and Xbox one. There will be a beta for Rust on console coming soon. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! This is an update on the console version of rust that Double Eleven is currently working. This is the most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. Rust Console Beta is happening in 2021 and I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Rust was officially announced for beta and full release of Rust in 2021 and is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One! The creator Garry of Rust has confirmed that the game will be released in 2021 and now we are left with many questions leading up to the release of the beta and full game for consoles! Our look at the Rust Beta Screenshot. This screenshot was taken by Garry Newman himself while playing on the Rust Beta on the Xbox (Closed Beta, developer version). With the Rust Beta getting close for Xbox One and Playstation 4. When is the Rust Beta coming to console, Rust console Beta for PS4 and the Xbox One. Sharing what we do know and giving a good date range to expect the Rust Beta to happen for consoles (Playstation 4 and Xbox One) Rust Console BETA announced and where to sign up for the beta. Be the first to play in the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust Beta for Playstation 4 and Xbox will be coming before the Rust on console release in 2021. Rust has been officially Announced Rust is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One soon in 2021. Rust is coming to console! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Beta,Rust PS4 Beta,Rust Xbox Beta,Rust PS4 Beta Code,Rust Xbox Beta Code,Rust PS4 Beta Date,Rust Xbox Beta Date,Rust Beta News,Rust Console News,Rust Beta Date Range,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5,Rust Beta Date,Rust Beta Release Date,Rust PS4 Release Date,Rust Xbox Release Date,Rust Beta PS4,Rust Beta Xbox,Rust Beta Xbox One,Rust Beta Update,Rust Console Beta,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update
コメント (249)
Rust Beta Console sign up website: https://www.rustonconsole.com
So I did the code and it’s not downloading
If my friend Ask me to share the closed beta and i Say No, and he gets angry What should i Do?
I just confirmed mine today I hope im not late lol
just got the new series x, saw that rust beta is coming, this is amazing.
Dude so excited I’m checking my emails like every hour for the codes hahaha. Great vids have a good day YEAH!
I’ve never gotten a confirmation detail email
I didnt even get a confirmation email
Is it love yet I already got the email do u think the people that have been waiting forever for this when we first found out do u think we will be chosen first
Hahah you do realise that the game will probably not fully come out because you won’t have all the functions and the servers are going to be horrible, also the proximity chat won’t work and the hole idea of rust is to have a FPS that your able to talk to people within the game 😬😥😥😥
I’m so mad rn I had no idea there was a sign up so I only signed up yesterday
Edit: let’s go boys I was looking around and I found the email. I think I signed up awhile ago
Jade monkey just making sure it said ps4 or Xbox one but I’m on ps5 so I put ps4 was that what I was supposed to do? 🙂
My man says we have no idea im shaking my guy been waiting for legit so many years
I think I am gonna switch to Xbox one again
This comments for algorithm 😽
Am so exited for the full release
The longer they take to test the game, the better the game while be, take ur time Rust. I hate when developers, develop games in a hurry,then it not playable. I’m glad they’re taking their time. I got my money ready when they’re finished.
I think I may have signed up, do I get a verification email instantly? I’m having a mad panic attack thinking that I haven’t signed up properly and should sign up again just for me knowing that I’ve 100% signed up properly?
I won’t be able to play I sighed up after feb 21
I’ve siiigned up yeeeees
i signed up before the 22nd but didn’t confirm till after 24 is there a chance i still get a invite
If I get picked, I’m recording every moment of it
I singed up a few months ago I hope I get in
YES! Our day has finally come!!!
I got the confirm your details here I can’t sleep anymore for weeks now
Console players will accuse 50m beamers of cheating
Is it gonna be free on xbox store
Little disappointing it’s only NA and Europe
do you get the confirmation email right away?
Its coming out on the 2nd of March. My friend just got an email about it.
Will the beta also work for ps5 since I have the ps5
I hate that it’s coming out to console honestly
Can I still qualify
Bruhh you say you have been waiting so long but you playin the game nowwww
You can literally ask razor tube he asked when we thought the game would have a beta or come out I said probably February
Would we be able to play rust in Australia?
i’m so excited the game is just around the corner, i’m ecstatic 😂
i got one literally the day this video was made and i put my stuff in and waiting yayy
i know u said it wouldnt be crossplay with pc but would there be a chance they could since all my friends are on xbox
Why you guys want to play console and not pc?
So do we really have to sign up to get selected to play? I’m confused
Yup! Got my email for xbox one beta, waiting for more info…I’ve been ANXIOUSLY waiting for this 🙂
HMU gamers – XBL @ Redhoot
Just got a code for xbox.. Imput then download. This is insane! What they did with the textures on here. Looks different from computer.
Streaming the beta is against terms soo
Wait so if I got the email I can get it or do I still have to be chosen
Has anyone got a code yet?
No 🧢 u have kept everyone up to date thx bro
Just got my code but I can’t say any details obviously.🤦🏾♂️
Invest in rust skins!
I got a mail HECK YEAH
My psn is ll_OGPurgeAOp_ll
Wanna play with me on ps4 if I get a code
Thank God no pc crossplay.. hackers ruin this game
Please make it cross platform so I can slap console players lmao
I hope been looking forward for rust for years
How much money is it to pre order rust?
Anyone got codes??
I got my email and I can’t sleep so excited been waiting for time long time for console
It’s my birthday today hopefully I get accepted I love this game but I was wondering when I signed up I didn’t receive anything am I supposed to wait ?
What if I’m on console and want to play with my pc friend is it ever gonna be all cross platform
I signed up but didn’t get email confirmation?
I agree No Cross play with PC to many cheaters in there. we dnt want them ruining our console games.
ok, great! now i’ve said this from the start, but i hope they’ve added some lore to the game, and lvl system. and they also need to simplify the total game. and some kind of pve. can’t wait to look it on console!
I applied but i didnt get a confirmation email
*pushes day z aside
@Jade Monkey I have a ps5 and signed up a long time ago when I had my ps4 I sold my ps4 for the 5 can you please tell me that it will work?
Rust was the last game I was looking forward to come out on console for like a year now I got a pc a month ago and they start announcing the beta now
I hope it’s also going to release for ps5/xbox series s/x !!
I’d rather them take there time rather than fuck things up
Got the email 2 days ago. I thought was a scam . lol
Did people already get their Beta Codes?
I did this and got no response 😭😭😭
I got an email to confirm yesterday at like 9am, have been looking on YouTube for a vid since then
The people who signed up for the beta first are those people who got the email. IF YOU TRY and sign up now and or later, you most likely won’t get the email. This page has been up for a year. First come, first serve.
It’s about time 🥱
I signed up at the start I don’t have a code
I got the email where I register my email and region does that mean I will eventually get a code?
This a dream anybody wake me up
will the actual game be cross platform ps4/xbox one
I am so excited for rust on xbox just got my fingers crossed to get a code
One of my xbox online friends is online and says he’s playing rust so 🤷
Yo my dude ive been watching rust console since before it was officially announced last year my head done exploded
hope their is proximity chat on ps4 and xbox
I woke up early in the morning, checked my email, and was have a mild panic attack from the joy of seeing that same email. Im so hyped to play. been sharing info on how to join in all my discord servers.
When the double11 send me the message from the limited beta I took part 2 mins after the send me the email do u thing they might choose me to play lol
Got mine yesterday…Signed, Sent off and now the wait…Lets Goooooo!!!
Do I signup beta notification sorry if its a stupid question
i signed up ages ago and haven’t got an email 😐
I’m so glad that the consoles won’t get pc crossplay. 99% of pc servers are just filled with botters/scripters and hackers. It’d be good to keep the consoles out of the cesspit
Please don’t bring that cheating sh*t to rust, i’v been waiting to freaking long for this game to come out. PLEASE!! DONT RUINED IT!
It didnt tell me to confirm my details ?
Jade monkey big fan one question I’m from Europe in the uk and on Xbox how do I know I got a code I already got the email but when is the code released
My heart stopped the moment I saw a email from double eleven and now any email I get excited just to see it’s a random email :/
FOR EVERYONES SAKE IF YOU GET A EMAIL CONFIRMING YOU WILL BE GIVEN A CODE OR HAVE BEEN GIVEN A CODE pleaseeee comment on here so we all know whether or not to keep up our hopes or wait a few weeks before hoping again
I got my email not long to go
I haven’t had an email yet I hope that they do another wave of it, I love rust but don’t have a pc I would be very annoyed and sad if I dont get one
Dude when I seen the title I was like nah hes doing click bait now.? Then I clicked on and I was like nah nah nah I was shaking saying “nah you’re fucking with me” as I was going to check my email AND YOU WERENT FUCKING LYING LETS GOOOOOOOOO.!
Is rust going to be on xbox one??????
Was laying in bed then seen the notification on my phone. And proceeded to fall out of my bed i. So excited
I’m excited but the page does not appear what so ever
Funny Bc everyone was saying February 23rd and it got revealed on the 22nd. Coincidence ?
Beat each other’s cheeks 🧐
RRREEEE cant wait anymore, my friends are so happy that this hyped up guy will begone soon XD
I got a code 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 well atleast I signed up for one
When i saw the title of the vid i clicked on this vid so fast the fbi whould even cach me
This channel has been the center of rust clickbait news and stuff for the past year, and just stop, tell us when the game is coming out and then stop.
I’m glad that is going to come out soon but there is a low chance of getting purely because of the thousands only playing because of twitch streamers.
Anyone wanna group up let make a group already lol i am on Xbox I am soo hype
Do you think that they’re prioritizing people that have signed up earlier than other or is it just random?
I’ve waited a long time for this
I wonder how voice chat will work
I didn’t get a email like he did 🙁
So do just put my platform and that’s it I wait for another email?
It’s literally right around the corner
I got an email the other day about being apart of the beta
I hope your channel blows up bro you are so consistent just keep grinding man
I was exited when I saw the email but then it said only regions North America and Europe, I’m from Australia, I am depressed
Hey I signed up how long ya think it’ll take to get a code, and if you get a code can you play on the ps5?
why does it say “ps4 & xbox one”. i don’t get it. like no love for ps5 & xbox series x?
I wonder when it will be fully publicized
I got the beta test email
Hey i signed up and everything but still havent gotten a single email a y help?
Bobby shmurda and rust beta on the 23rd? Life is good
How to sub
Haven’t got an email yet:(
I signed up but I haven’t got a conformation email did I mess up
Never lost Faith on you and razor
It sucks because i cant sign up for the beta since i live in new zealand 🙁
I got my email at 9am lol. Here’s hoping.
Wish I didn’t live in Australia
Am so hyped for rust!
I didn’t get one and it sucks because all my friends got one but I didn’t even tho I signed up
Hello future console rust players… I’ll see you all on the beach NOT MajesticP is my name 💙💯😏👌
Just a lil confused
If I got an email does that mean I’ll be able to play the beta
I’m in Arizona u think they will let me in?
I never got an email
I signed up in the first 10 minutes
Got the confirmation at 10:29am est time this morning
Hey jade monkey i got the email for the beta but I live in Australia, do you think its still cool to try the beta, also should I play it on xbox or ps
Do enybody know if the beta test Will cost money
I’m so excited, I’ve never played Rust as I don’t have a PC but I’m crossing my fingers hoping I get picked to play the beta 🙏
I never got an email
I just signed up and I’m waitting for a code rn or email !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoping i get an email soon, been hoping all day!!!
I just submitted my email and name do I wait for a confirmation email now ?
I got a email and I so happy
When do you think the first wave of codes are getting released
the og xbox one is so weak it couldnt even run cod ghost on 1080p, intrested how it looks on there, im on ps5 so im good
So if you get approved for the beta ? If that like a free game ? Or when it comes out fully yours won’t work till you buy it ? Lol
I dont see the link in description 😕. help?
I still don’t have the email is it because I’m in the uk? I signed up on that website early last year
Has anyone gotten an actual code yet?
It’s finally here boys hi-5’s all around 👋
If there is a God please my birthday was a few days ago🤞
Soooo long, its finally almost over
Wishing all the success to you bro thank you for giving the top information it’s been on point tbh thanks bro excited to see more ✌️🙏
Would share play on PS4 be allowed do you think. or no
Been waiting saw a tik tok about the thing came here then check my email and I got the sign up bro let’s gooooo
I got an email and I’m so gassed
So people are starting to play beta w the codes?
I hope breaker broker, gets the beta, he will find all of the bugs don’t worry
Dude dont make me pull up like on server 49 and 293
Count believe I got that email I just recently got a new pc long over due been playing rust everyday with my 3060ti been buttery having fun
Jade can you help me?
Can someone help me
I signed up like in Nov but I’m wondering if I can get it or do ppl who signed up early only get it
Why haven’t i got an email even tho i have 100% signed up like 6 months ago and have had other emails from them but not this one
Let’s gooo baby
Ahhhhhh finally
Plz answer ///
Got the email really early morning (GMT) hopefully I get in, I was talking to some others in your discord about the emails
Bruh I hop I get picked
Hey I have two different emails for my phone and Xbox so do I just use my Xbox email
Do you think that you have a higher chance of getting a code if you signed up for the beta earlier. For example, I signed up to the beta in April of last year.
Dude I signed up this morning and I need a code… if I don’t get one I’m going to cry… cause you can’t record or stream or screenshot 😢
Do u think pc will be cross play with Xbox and ps4?
Is it out already
Don’t stream this closed beta btw because it says in the guidelines you can’t
Hey click in your email and hit allow pictures then you can see the rules. Let me know if this helps jade
Thank you Jade❤️
Bro I’m shaking too
Omg dude I love that intro
I’m just hoping I get a code 😬 great updates by the way, you have kept us well informed 👍👍
I hope I get it I will just have to wait and see if I do finger 🤞
Omg I’m so excited 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Edit:thanks jade I can thank you enough for keeping me up-to-date with this game
Just signed up and hope I get picked I’m so happy to see the game on console
When they say that they will get in touch with the chosen players, are they sending it to the email you signed up with for the beta or ur Xbox Microsoft email? Great video!!
Beta codes arent going out though lol. Good vid tho
Omg just realised cross play we could finally play 😁😁
Just confirmed my email lol
Are they sending codes now
I am so excited for this!
I woke up to my email this am jade ! Was soooo essited to see that!! See u soon on official my friend. Luv ur bush even if u beat my cheeks 😍
Very excited to play this game on console!!
Just got mine
I got a email to confirm, I’m crazy hyped 😁😁😁😁😁
Can you link it pls 🥺
Jade thank you for keeping us updated ive been waiting for so long and when i saw the title I started watching in seconds! Thanks alot man!
Yooo can’t wait
Lets play together jade im from ps4
Omg let’s gooooo
See your bush on the beach!
Wait so people are already launching the game
I Clickt When i Sam the notification
2 steps ahead of you, I got the gmail this morning. Let just say Christmas came early! (Hoping I get in 🤞)
I’m so excited can’t wait
Ooooooo baby. And I think I’m last 🤘👍
I have been waiting for this video all day, lol
Just wanted to say, been watching since Xbox and PlayStation were first announced to get rust and thankyou so much for keeping everyone up to date and you get the videos out so quick and you give all the information quick and easy to understand. Have a good rest of your night
Hi jade my fav YouTuber
I’m shaking too
Thx for these uploades, I got an email from double 11 and I could play beta!!!
I got the email by double elven this morning
I signed up for the code
I sighed up 8 hours ago still mp codes
Hell ya let’s go
Lets goooo
I got an email
I’m not first lol