NEW Rust DLC first look! Internet radio, megaphone, cassette, mobile (voice props)
A new Rust DLC is on the horizon, voice props! But what is it? I have an exclusive first look at all the new items coming to Rust soon with everything we know so far.
0:00 Intro
1:14 Cassette recorder & Cassettes
2:53 Cassettes for voicemail in phones
3:33 Portable Boom Box & internet radio
4:46 Deployed Boom Box
5:04 Connected speaker
5:21 Microphone stand
5:56 Megaphone
6:14 Mobile phone
6:50 Disco lights, lasers, mirror ball, disco floor
7:31 New dances
7:48 Cargo ship PA system
Remember, everything is SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
My links:
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Teespring store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
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✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
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System specs:
CPU – AMD Threadripper 3970X
GPU – Strix RTX 2080 Ti
Mobo – ROG Zenith II Extreme
RAM – 64GB D60G RGB 3600
Drives – Firecuda 1TB/Ironwolf 14TB
PSU – EVGA Supernova 1000G+
Distro plate – Lian Li 011D
CPU block – EK-Velocity sTR4
Case – Lian Li 011 Dynamic special edition
Mic – RØDE NT1
Stay tuned to my channel for tips, tutorials, reviews, news, updates, walkthroughs and gameplay for survival games and city builders
Games within games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCquKn8PnQd7_-fxAHPR8vZ5
Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #update #shadowfrax
Taqs:rust dlc,rust new dlc,new dlc,rust update,shadowfrax,rust,voiceprops,voice props,rust cassette recorder,rust cassettes,rust boom box,rust voicemail,rust speaker,rust mobile,rust mobile phone,rust radio,rust internet radio,rust disco,rust disco floor,rust dlc items,new dlc items,dlc items,rust microphone,new rust dlc,rust summer dlc
コメント (782)
My links:
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Teespring store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
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✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
✔️Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/shadowfrax
✔️Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
can i place the cassette recorder in raidable bases so when people do bases they can hear creepy music for example
How do we actually get them tho ?
How do I put my songs in the portable box? I couldn’t paste a link.
they need to make phones better somehow
hey bro i have problems about boombox idk how i can place it and how i can play my own url songs pls can u help me?
How does DLC work for Rust? Can I have it on the server and everyone has access to it or does everyone have to have it to use it with them?
im totally gonna use the cassette to make a bunch of audio logs and leave them all over the map. then rust will have a little bit of that borderlands vibe.
How do you place boombox
Nothing sounds better than a kasette and a mono speaker
Lol you’re the voice from the DLC video 😂
Can you make the boombox loop?
Should not be DLC 🙁
Whoever at Facepunch that decided that adding a megaphone to rust was a good idea has never played the game ever
Lmao imagine playing careless whisper outside someone’s base XDDDDDDDDD
the url doesnt work for me
Hello. I know how to assign a url to the boombox, but how can I assign multiple urls in my server.
IS there any Console command to lower the speakers Volume in game? would still like to listen but its a bit loud. i prefer to keep my volume max to listen out for others.
I’ve searched the comments and doesn’t seem like anyone liked the biro reference.
Or everyone really is too young and has never rewound a tape with a biro 🙁
any word on hapis returning?
can u play a youtube url on portable boombox?
ok so i killed someone with this and it doesnt have a cassette in it but i also cant put in custom urls, is it because i dont have the dlc?
So … you make a recording of 10 people running through your base and rig it to trigger when raiders snoop around ?
how do u dance whats the command
im dispointed i spent 10 earo and i cant play the internet radio thing
Lmao before logging off. Play looped footstep sounds
how do you craft the megaphone
the boom box doesnt work to me that why
I can’t put in custom URLs for the portable boombox like @SHADOWFRAX happens to be able to, how come?
Anybody know if this dlc is on console?
Wait a minute, does the addition of cassette tapes mean that you can make music in game with the instruments and sell them to people?
This game just keeps getting better and better…
you can litereally listen to some anime songs on radio (or vtubers if u r lucky like lmao)
Love it! I also got a new Steppers music vid ready. I invite you all to watch it 😉
how do i play songs on a boom box like put in a URL
we got scammed dude xD
You can’t use custom URL’s anymore 🙁
I can’t update to a custom URL. Any ideas how to fix that? 🙁
how do you put url address in the boom box
Custom radio stations isnt working for me
I cant seem to put a url into the boombox
i cant put URL adress into portable boom box, someone help pls?
how do i get the laser lights to work
Can you only see the lasers at night?
Man, I’m super confused. How do I find URLs that are linked to m3u or pls? I’m having a lot of trouble finding any that actually stream.
heart fm is the best radio on there, i heard gangsta’s paradise, i used to rule the world, and some more good songs on there
the boom box url wont change idk why
Hey Shadowfrax, do you know the gesture name to bind them ?
Is there a way to add custom songs to the portable boomboxes?
Time to Rick Roll some kids.
I will rickroll the server
Please put a volume option for those who don’t wanna hear any of these sounds, censorship is not enough.
Pies pies, piessss, pies pies pies pies, piesssss
Sunshine live!
A proximity sensor, and a speaker to scare away any door campers sounds fun 😂
This is going to be very VERY fun on big servers, can make a god gang disco till someone blows it up
SHADOWFRAX is the boom box placeable?
What a great way to get around being muted. Now I can spam yell the N-word at streamers while being muted 😀
I’m in love
Oh, I have so many wrong and evil ideas..
I already visualized myself with the megaphone giving a speech to my clan before raiding or playing Ride Of The Valkyries before a battle to end up dancing to the song of the minute
7:34, unfortunately I see a lot of morons yelling nonsense and recording troll shitys.
I’m going to play live DJ’ing sets in my admin base on my server… that’s for sure
Jesus loves you all very very much repent and believe and be saved from eternal punishment of sin amen, Jesus suffered for you <3 <3
Boycott any game with Streamer settings.
Streamers are bad for gamers in the gaming industry.
The trolling just got real!
Imagine joining rust after you bought the game and hear pies at spawn
I was the master music man, using FOOBAR. Yes.. I helped build the phaedo82 arena concept for disco floors haha
GG rust devs
wow, this looks like a lot of fun
I’m going to blast some heavy metal to drown out the other People
Can’t wait until some one puts a mega phone on their raid base and calls my team mates Racist slurs
Rust is the best game I’ve played, halo was good but rust beats it
Cassette recorder and player is great. How to leave team mates notes
We got cameras, we good speakers and recorders to playback some news-song. Time for weekly rust-news brought to you ingame and of course not in the slightest bit biased.
Guess I will need an internet raido with an airraid siren as it’s single song. Would make a great addition to the automated base defense electronics.
The most satisfactory update from Rust 😂😂😂
can we remove text chat now .
I am de captain now
disco on the beech while rockfighting
The Cassettes and Megaphone are going to be so funny to use, can’t wait.
Locking more steam achievements behind paid dlc, and a bunch of roleplayer crap. Nice work facepunch..
Can we please get rig of text chat now ?
the amount of trolling that’s going to come from this DLC will be amazing
I can finally pull off some Jigsaw type shenanigans
24/7 Lofi beats to doorcamp to
I would definitely be interested in talking about how this game developer has avoided addressing and allowed so much racism and toxicity to get to this level. Now allow speakers to hurl racism further than a actual voice that MOST turn off because of the terrible words being thrown around, which you can turn off but this is an in-game sound that will not be muted…. So you MUST hear the words???? I want to FACE PUNCH them for thinking this through!!
I said it . I always do.
O ya this will be very fun
Portable racism.
This definitely didn’t appear in my feed unreal
finally, i can have some online raid music to lift the mood trouh the roof
I give it about 5 minutes before someone sets up a mp3 stream to harvest IP addresses of clients that connect to play the audio stream and DDoS people.
I’m making a radio station on Facepunch East, and will broadcast my final messages as I get raided by 5h accounts
Now this is something I would actually get
That’s why it’s called a loudspeaker
this is the greatest update of all time
Not a fan of all these silly new features they keep adding, do they think it will stop the hoards of Rust players from leaving like they are currently? The only people that will enjoy this are the countless toxic kids who infest this otherwise brilliant game and abuse these things to be disruptive.
I am on the fence about this. The sounds of this game is what makes it for me. Listening to foot steps and all noises can save your life in Rust. This will add to much noise pollution in my opinion.
Ayo better believe we are gonna get tvs like in garrys mod like the chrome thing
waiting for rust disco server / rave server
80s theme and we got brick phones, does that mean they can be used as weapons too? Also recording a c4 and using the audio is gonna be cruel 😂
And I still can’t physically can’t play on ps4
Thank the Rust Gods sounds can be muted! This already sounds like another useless DLC. Maybe recycling will be worth.
High tec
Voice mail only stores one Nani
This will be a smart trolls ultimate weapon
I can’t wait to talk smack to everyone on cargo. 10/10 would REEEEEE again.
Oh my God spoon kid viewers are going to have such a good time with this
We’ve been waiting for your updates ); don’t leave us for so long again.
finally something sensible to do for the console players
cant wait to find a nzi base playing the n word on internet stream on repeat.
I feel like this DLC is going to turn up on episode of internet historian one day.
One of the best content updates yet
will you be doing another rust backstory video since some new stuff has been added in
Giving kids a megaphone in Rust is actual insanity.
😂🤣🤣 the kids running around reeeing, the open mic music player, the racist and the salty neighbors now have a megaphone
I cant wait for the 10hr roof camp sessions with the boys 😉
Console will get this feature in 2026, Ona side note. FP needs to helpD11 to get their game working properly for them. What I’ve heard, it’s not looking good
why will we have to pay for this?! i think this shuild be available for all people…
I can finally give my strip club custom monument what it deserves. Nice.
Omg can’t wait.
Me want to shoot thing!! Me don’t need roleplay crap!!
Spoonkid will love this new stuff lol
This will help my Rust band with stage performances
do you know anything about when hapis island will be released?
OH god yes! Finally elevator music!
I don’t even play Rust and still watch your videos to keep up to date on how the game is charging. Cool stuff.
I’m keen for the madness this DLC will bring. Also, the disco raves are going to be fun as!
Cant wait to setup gladiator pit full of speakers and fireworks
Yea I think this is gonna cause alot of shinnanigins.
Can we get a wailing guitar next time you say “change”?
I listen to BriamFM from New Zealand, best out there by far. I’m from the UK.
man i cant wait to get clapped by a naked then rust default danced on
Can’t wait for making air Raid sirene 😂
I will be blaring russian propaganda music from my compound nonstop
Can’t wait for these useless items to be in my brown boxes 🙁
I lowkey actually love this
this will bring so much chaos 😂😂😂😂😂, imagine launch site filled with these all around with annoying sounds, good luck having a fair fight !
Retrowave radio
setting up TCs with megaphones all around a clan base with the most annoying sound in the world playing 24/7
no car radio? no mounted boom box to cars and minis? awww.
this is the best dlc yet
Best. DLC. Ever.
I’m very excited to see that RUST is making it possible to have parties and DANCING… and.. I watched carefully, if a regular radio station stream can be plugged into the radio, I’m in internet DJ, my own stream can be plugged in, which means LIVE DJ-ing!
…you get me?
im definitely going to get this dlc
i can finally create the rust nightclub ive always wanted to do
Cassette tapes.. SAW anyone?
I’M SO THRILLED….. Not really, seems we can’t kill the ESP/Script cheaters and we all need better turrets, no so obvious mines, base defenses and building forms and yet we get this stuff…. Now don’t get me wrong it’s fun for 5 minutes and then we shut the feature off after the 599th zerg passes armed with megaphones screen all sorts of stuff no one wants to hear.
this game has now reached extreme bloat. none of this makes sense anymore, this is like some 12 year old script kiddie started making mods and just wont stop. i think Rust is officially past its peak
I want to build a disco lol
Imagine hiding a cassette by someone’s base on record, go back later and maybe catch them talking about the code to the base🤣
great more dlc with most likely more achievements locked behind them, fun
spoon told me to come here so here I am <3
“say it , or I will say it in your mind”
You already did
You could totally setup some speakers in your base that just play “base noises” so people never think you’re offline
loving this, shut up and take my money!
When are they going to add DJ mixing equipment, something like the MIDI support, I would love to link my CDJs into the game and play some Live sets 😉
“Why is that bush singing aye macarena?”
Now i can record my rust bands hit singles!!!!
“They stole muh stuff”
“Quit door camping”
“My love for shadowfrax isnt Subject to change”
What what in the but
Just think of all the people you can rick roll. OH THE ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!
I really hope that the disable stream radio option actually disables the loading of radio streams and doesn’t just mute them, otherwise i fear there is a huge potential for ddosing individuals on the server.
poop radio
hi i really appreciate your video
we are from spoonkid
Spoonkid told me to show some love!
spoonkid sent me
spoonkid said leave a comment
no need to call me a pesant that was too far man
Liking this because spoonkid felt bad!
sent by spoonkid
to give a like
here from spoonkid
spoonkid told me to comment
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spoon gang
spoonkid sent me
Spoonkid view
thank you
spoonkid told me too
play some drill n dat
The roleplay will step up a lot !
if this cost under 10 $ im buin it
I can’t wait to set up an elaborate disco club only for a group of roaming tryhards to come in, kill everyone, break everything, then leave without saying a word.
It’s actually really nice to see the developers of a game doing something and actually caring about the game, something hard to see in the vast majority of the games out there
Definitely not pay to win.
I’m still going to throw my money at it, for experimental purposes >>
i think its the first time in this channel i say: what a crap dlc so trash xD
Time to blast some NPR at the childrens
general sam is gonna have alot of fun with this i bet
I am the captain now
I’m going to start selling my mixtapes
Rick rolling will be taken to a new level here
0:45 angry astronaut is that you?
I think I a.ready love this DLC…
megaphone…. facepalm
the devs are just ruining the game
WAOOOO!, you did it again Facepunch. Another very important update. Forget about in game problems, forget about people can’t find their server on the list, forget about hackers. This things are most important, youre the best.
I have some songs to scream at people who turned voices off >:))
Omg the trolling has enhanced
Frost is going to have a field day with this
as the mature person i am i will defenetly not be abusing this to an extreme level.
Internet radio? Nakeds? You already know.
I’m sorry not sorry but I’m gonna leave random rickrolls at peoples doors 😏😎👍
I want to use the microphone for if I am raiding someone and you can scream at them
me want shoot funny talking man inside telephone
I can’t wait to see the trap bases with this
Yall finna catch me raiding to lofi to chill and study to!
N word cassette player
Man I love how the rust devs add useless garbage instead of fixing projectile invalids and making the green team don’t show up.
i would look a realy annoying recording and leave it in the honeycomb
Nice. Something no one will use since the devs have effectively legitimized kill on sight behavior on all official servers and servers with pop over 100
SUBjeeeect TO CHANGE!!!! 😀 ha
I can’t wait to be a complete nuisance with this update
Don’t mind me, just going to make a car module with nothing but boom boxes playing De La Mama while cruising down the street at 80 miles an hour
wtf lol
yes!! disco traps here we come!
Now, my dance studio base can be realityyyyyyy!!!
“let’s add stuff that decreases efficiency and fps. but adds nothing to the game.” – Facepunch
I hope my teammates dont see this, in which case they will ban me from using them
Why cant spawn on Stagging private server. Iclicking on item and server dont give item.
Oh no…. next level of doorcamping
Waste of time update!!
Fix the lag instead!!!
What a time to be alive.
what i find very funny about this is, RP items get added YET all what RP’ers really asked for was a character creator and that is yet to be seen lol.
cant wait to spam ram ranch as loud as pos through a loudspeaker
this is the best dlc yet
Can’t wait to be onlined raided then respawn in my bedroom with boom box get my ak kit and turn on “iron man” by black sabbath. The raiders won’t stand a chance. +100% dmg to all raiders.
i can’t wait for the “do you know what time it is?” followed by a salvaged hammer whack sound
And let the Rick roll
I didn’t care until the disco stuff… Secret 24 hour disco room is gonna be a must for me
Lol, imagine this and the intrument dlc
The amount of ppl that will b Rick rolled w those is going to b epic
They seem to be releasing more and more pve related stuff. Maybe a future pve environment to enjoy against good ai and not neck beard 10k hour players?
Poolside FM to go along with the summer mod
Anyone sees the length of the video a sus number
Im deff. Buying this😱
This is such a fun update hahaha
Why do I get the feeling that I’m going to be hearing the “N-word” a lot more often now?
🔥 🔥 🔥
How about some new guns for pvp 🙄🙄
Everything showed here is just gonna make the game more insufferable. Constant noise and trolling by dimwitted 10 year old kids who aren’t getting a good enough beating by their parents.
Cant wait to set up a boom box and speakers to play Aqua – Barbie Girl 24/7 as loud as possible..
Pretty sure I won’t get raided..
Rust devs are one of the best devs in the world
more useless items to add to rust 😀 p.s add a version list so we can play the old rust!
i love it
Thankfully facepunch is releasing content that everyone wants and needs, this is definitely what’s needed with all the amazing new updates and content over the last 4 months.
Ahhh yes I love more role play items. Thanks so much facepunch. 🙂 🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡
Subject To Change!!
I can already see people on the intercom in cargo ship screaming racial slurs repeatedly
Needs TTS because aeiou
Oh so many people are going to get Rick rolled 😂
Bro I always wanted a rave party in rust, this blowing my mind right now.
Rust is not the same, Why does everygame think change is good? 🙁
Why didn’t they add a Cassette/radio player in the cars….
Looks like rust is turning into fortnite… so lame
Totally gonna buy this dlc when it comes out
inb4 facepunch starts releasing new emotes weekly in the steam store
Imagine logging to Rust and in a voicemail:
The time has come … Execute order 66.
GOLD 104.3
cassette check , Death puzzle maze check
This DLC is epic
i don’t really like playing rust anymore but im still gonna get this just because DISCO
can’t wait exploring and see a party in the distance
The way you said Ello Mate killed me
Enardos savas server is going to have more material now
Cant wait to setup a recording studio and host karaoke nights on the beach.
I just wish we could do the robot dance. That ones a winner.
The dance moves kinda remind of me the dance moves in Mass Effect
Yay Megaphones.
Now I can tell people to “not kill me” from even further away (and they wont listen)
ive never smiled at an update before the music one got me excited XD
Squeakers just got even more powerful
I can already see the nightclub role play spam in chat
Thank god you can turn this crap off
I’m so excited for all the disco trap bases and prerecorded raid sounds to come
I can already feel how often the n word will be abused with all this
I’m gonna record a 1 hour video of me and my friends talking, loop it for 20 hours, leave the boombox in my base, so they’ll think I’m always around
hmm cassette in mailbox
They are totally missing those sunglasses that look like they have lines.
Honestly waiting for a nuke patch to set everyone back to the stone age for rust lol
Its a goodway to prank or to just annoy your neighbours with an repeated sheeeesh voice for the whole wipe.
*game infamous for swastikas and edgy teens gets a loudspeaker and microphone podium added*
this is going to get VERY interesting
YAY! Now I no longer have to DJ in my bedroom for no one! Now I can subject others in Rust to my horrible track selection! Oh thank you Facepunch!
Yay! I can have the N word yelled at me through a megaphone
i wonder if people will use it to be racist
Imagine Playing Fortunate Son while Flying Scrap Helli. Hello and take my Money
I laughed a good deal on this one thank you Shadow lmao
Omg I Hope they add the gmod dance.
i love these changes
Pies pies….pies…..piiiies….pies pies pies… pies…
This is what all men want.
Almost as lame as the console version.
2:32 I hope this stays. People could do some really cool stuff with this.
i still have that boom box i got it in the 1980s
now i can scream the N word louder and farther than ever before
Can’t wait to play footsteps in my 2×2 on loop for all eternity to scare off the pathetic offliners who can’t do anything if they hear activity.
1:48 imagine hiding the cassette tape in its base with an annoying sound or a looping song
Oh my god Voice! i need vocice!!!
Now i can screm profane words at intruders even when offline… how wonderful
I’m way to excited. This looks like heaps of troll material plus some dance emotes for when you down an enemy
İ am going to make deal with tamagachi radios
Freaking legendary DLC which we deserve!
If I ever had reasons to never play Rust again. Becomming more of a KOS sims game for angry kids these days
ShadowFrax radio station when?
Discoball need change! Like in real disco with lights and stuff
We all know what’s going to be said/recorded the most…. Right?
and also … people are not able (psycologically) to avoid voip service like Discord, TS and similars, for use only the audio in game; really, are very unable to do this gaming atmosphere 🙁
OMG im absolutly hyped, i want all of it..! ALL!!
yeah, ok, Rust “steal” (its not really stealing, just others not apply obv ideas) many ideas from others and put everything in a arcade game, with 0 realism, just arcade, its not bad, but not the best; anyway … WHEN MORE WEAPONS AND ADDONS, AND THE GRAPHICAL FIX TO THE SCOPES, LIKE YOU HAVE SEE HOW ITS PLACED UP ON THE WEAPON?!
Oh God.
I came here for the “TEAM” and you did not disappoint old bean
It’s not like I will start my own internet radio with rick roll music only and play it on my boom box, no…
can only imagine what Stimpee will do with these………
Always be able to tell the Russian base from the Hard Bass Euro beats
Lofi hip hop bests to relax/raid to
It’s funny that Facepunch didn’t add a new weapon to the game in the past two years, but thank god, we now have voicemail in case someone calls us.
This is a huge deal! Although it would be cool to have a side A and a side B for the cassette tapes.
*Runs into swamp*
Loudspeakers every where: WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?
Oh this isn’t going to be abused at all
Time to become a rust Dj. Dj Booty Burglar coming through with the bangers
I Finna sell alot of sulphur now
step 1. buy the dlc
step 2. craft 10 casettes
step 3. record
step 4. stick them to ur neighbours base
step 5. “2021 rust rickroll event”
itll be nice for the reeee tards to give us advance warning of there presence “Ssssh Im hunting Reee Tards”
M*A*S*H main theme to the masses!
somebody is 100% going to do a SAW Rust edition with those cassettes
Trap bases are gonna go off the hooks
Rust is becoming such a wonderful wonderful; game
getting that
Yea im excited for this haha.
This dlc is awesome although with voicemod you can already do most of this I already know I’m going to camp gas station call the phone and say something funny and snipe them
Great… now the edgy kids can leave tapes with racial slurs all over the map and blast them over megaphones… Im gonna have to ban soo many kids… Soooo many useless kids.
Build your base with a boom box, wire speakers all around and playback footsteps…LoL
The megaphone is now my fav weapon.
The Rust concerts are gonna be lit
I gotta be honest me want to ug normally but i can help but get excited for these items
I just got to the voice mail part xD xD xD10000% yes hahah
tremenda mierda de update
I think its dumb but on the other side eh who cares
I remember when rust was about killing people. I lost interest when electricity arrived. Barely any new weapons and lots of useless stuff to fill up your crafting menu 🙁
Now this is the quality of DLC i like to see, Dosn’t add anything thats gamebreaking and it’s super fun looking!
You must buy the DLC to turn off the DLC. Is how it should go.
Почему. Так. Охуенно!
Finally I can listen to Women’s Hour on Radio 4 whilst playing Rust!
Please tell me I can leave the tapes in the mailbox!
the items i didnt know we needed but absolutely do
i need this dlc
“Biro”, your showing your age 😅😂
Good to have u back shadow frax!
2:42 just like mr bean
We NEED a crossplay update for rust. I would love to play with my ps5 friends
9:00 not disturbing at all o.0
so I use the megaphone in ear shot of my team mate, he has his speakers pointed at his mic and uses a megaphone also, and I have my speakers pointed at my microphone. I think I can rip a hole in spacetime; I’ll call it the Brian Blessed effect.
been waiting for this a long time
I used to have a bug that made my mic in rust like the chipmunk mode on the mega phone
This is going to be fun…….
The production value of your videos is just unmatched. 🙂
Might be Kool to play music in rust while I’m doing base stuff and such
looks sick
Thank goodness you can turn it off so streamers do not get griefed.
I am a quiet person so at first I was like 🥱 voice props, whatever…. then 🤩 DISCO?! RUST never disappoints! 💖 Thanks for the update!
how much useless nonsense can you pack into one game? Rust Devs – hold my beer
Double down radio 📻
Trap bases are going to be the in thing again, you jump into a base and the speaker goes on and says i want to play a game hahah @princevids this one is for you im sure you will make a great trap base with this dlc
this is the best update to rust ever made
Can’t wait being wounded and having 3 guys dancing on top of my body
Incoming repeat of the N word for 30 seconds
i love this dlc best one for trolling
i am having heart palpitations looking at this
Hustlers are gonna go around selling fake mix tapes in rust now
Man, now you really can get your freak on!
Ugh. More DLC?
Wow that’s pointless
are the submarines included in the update
Finally, my techno bard build will be a reality!!
They need to add remote activated explosives like a stationary c4 to be detonated by phone call
Wait, they keep playing until they get turned off? Guess having something annoying recorded and throwing it on someone’s base so they can’t reach it will be fun 🤓
Can’t wait for a looped cassette saying the n word to be placed
Rust is a way of life
I AM tha cApiTan… Now
I could already see Prince Vidz using the Cassette for his traps
Great so now i can hear a zerg call me the N-word from a mile away from there base….. gg but lights are cool
Love it. Grief here we come! Surround your enemies base with external tc’s…walled off but inside you toss repeating recorders with c4 explosions…
They missed their chance to add the orange justice dance F
Oh it’s gonna be incredible to set a speaker system to auto trigger whenever someone walks in your base. New wave jigsaw trap based here we come
Pie pie pie piiiiiiieeeeeee pie PIE PIE PIIIIIIIE pie pie pie pie Pie pie pie piiiiiiieeeeeee pie PIE PIE PIIIIIIIE pie pie pie pie!!!!!
What an epic waste of time and energy by rust makers fix your console game and continue to add every feature thats on pc console is king
Oh I’m gonna have a lot of fun leaving a message for cheaters inside their bases and having It “self destruct” 🤣🤣
umm. these DLC’s should include an item that will be useful all the time. Most of the time the stuff is only good for 1 wipe, then its forgotten about.
no new underwear? ):
Its freaking amazing. Fp is literally the best game dev out there. This dlc will become mine no matter the cost. This will soon become the most annoying game out there and i love it. Although the boombox electricity cost is redicoulusly high for no reason whatsoever. 10 power? I can wire a freaking auto turret with that cost. I hope its *s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e*
Imagine a russian clan having an open air concert with gopnik music and flashing lights
This is lit!
I hope next thing they add will be call detonated explosive
Cheaters: exist s
Bugs: exists
Need for optimization: exists
Facepunch: Ok, casette players guys. Casettes.
No megaphone? REALLY?
step 1: pre-record your entire Hotbar with your favorite gamer word earrape on repeat.
step 2: throw each one at the top of a group’s high walls.
step 3: get banned.
step 4: get banned? 👁️👄👁️
Now get them to add a new monument where players can fight for the right to broadcast over one single map wide radio station that all these devices can tune into.
You can spread the word of delicious pie across the map.
imagine using the tapes to record racist people to get evidence to get them kicked from the server by the admin
will be there a way to listen to own uploaded songs?
Every thing I’m about to tell you is …………………………………………………………………………………………………. go no, say it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. say it, or I’ll say it in your mind …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Could you trouble them for a double cassette boom box, pls? Very useful to make copies back in the day.
This will perfectly fill my musical stage I am building.
Oh D*mn that’s a reason to spend my Money!
I’m not going to lie. I kind of like the idea of being able to listen to music in my base.
This is just mind-blowing! I’m done. Awesome
It’s sad that I can just use sound pad from steam to have any MP3 file already besides the disco stuff
First dlc I have ZERO interest in. Oof
Epic DLC!!!
You say to post internet radios in the comments but you auto delete links… GG
A trap base that forces people to listen to the worst song in existence
Holy crap what a great video dude! You’re awesome dude! And I love the new DLC that’s coming. Disco room! Yay!
I already imagine the trolling with the megaphone
Internet radio is an extremely bad idea. I used to host one on shout cast for a gmod server and you can grab ips through them if they don’t get proxied through the server which I doubt they will.
Revenge online raiding will now be even more satisfactionary >:-)
You did not have to say it in my mind, you said it out loud.
i know what imma do with this… i’m going to earrape a clan and throw the cassette onto a clans base
the rp servers are gonna go nuts with all of these
Time to go clubbing in Rust! xD
Yeees. Survival game. *wink*
Omggg!!!! I’m getting this ASAP
Now I can Livestream straight from my base onto a computer station lmao this is gonna be great
epic tbh
I’ll have a car and a speaker phone to encourage everyone to join my raid campaign 😂
2:35 the pie thing reminds me of the “flan” episode of courage the cowardly dog
I need this in my life :/
We need wall and ceiling mounted turrets and other items
*spoonkid entered the chat*
There should be like a tv and camera so u could make your own news station, talking abt raids that are happening lol.
Seriously? I recommend a buildable junk bike to no avail ,but this totally useless thing is a good idea? Lame
well, rust has secured my money.
Yo I’m soooo hyped to party!!!
Audio seems good. God help server Performance with the lighting and other crap
Oh I’m am definitely buying this
Time to make my base a disco floor with loud music and blinding lights so whoever raids me has an epileptic attack
So fun but… WE NEED NEW GUNS
what happend to this game got 4k hours since legacy but this game is becoming more and more retarded every update
if only this was on console edition
San Diego Rock 105.3 is a pretty good station
Can’t wait to constantly hear “look at me look at me. I’m the captain now” 24/7 on the ships PA
Me n the boys blasting flight of the valkryies raiding from a military transport copter
Everyone’s getting this DLC only cuz of the dances, epic xd
ah this will be great, no bad stuff through the speakers as you walk by the buckwheat bases, nooooo nothing like that, just happy dance parties and pie yelling.
Definitely picking this one up
rgb rust confirmed
If rust turns anymore into fortnite i’m fukin gone. 3k hours I will leave
So do I understand this correctly? Can you just play any music from youtube on the boombox?
Take my money already!
Haven’t played Rust in about a year but still never miss a video.
Nice for a FPS want to be game! Roleplay stuff that no one will ever use on a official server ahahahahah
Use me as a “I want to shoot things button.”
Wow this dlc is just must have
Can’t wait for raiders to find boxes full of cassettes with me just saying “deez nuts”
Great! Now I can listen to the 13-year-olds scream racial expletives in a variety of ways! tHaNKs fAcEpuNCh!
Shop front drop party Disco here we go
That’s the same dance animation they have in MORDHAU, I guess it must be a stock animation that was purchased
Now I can ear r*pe ppl even when I’m offline or far away. Nice
I wants it. I wants it so so much!
Its almost as if you and only you get this exclusive.
Why? Are their not others who make content about Rust? Or just you.
I’ve wanted this for so long!
im just here for the TEAM clip
I want all instrument can connect with speaker so i can make a little big concert.
They need to add a car related auido thing. I’m so excited either way, super cool.
Can’t wait to rick roll a bunch of people after i down them
Anyone know price?
EarRape DLC for sure ….
I for sure will not rig the entire server with chains of speakers and blast the NFL theme EarRape Bassboosted
This DLC = turn of sound or you regret sooner or later
We’re gonna do like the CIA and blast Nancy Sintra
buying the dlc just for the dances
The new dance emotes looks like assets from GTA5
Oh god
Thats it, I’m making a disco base on a official server. Probably will go horribly wrong tho
OMG he didn’t actually say subject to change my mind has just been programed to hear his voice when ever I see those words ;(.
Rule #1: dont feed the trolls
FP team: “and I took that personally”
Maaaate… You can actually have elevator music in your elevators now.. would be so cool if they added a fusebox to every subway entrance so when you took the elevator you would get music.
Keep up the wonderful work and STREAMS go watch the streams!
Now people can stick N word bombs on my base! Nice
best dlc ever in rust
First thing I’m doing is making an Ocean Man tape.
yeah because this is what we need to save this dogshit game
Cant wait to just blast copyrighted music to any streamer that might have forgotten to mute their boomboxes
Who Is not going to pick this one up?
So many possibilities to rickroll the server Truly a good DLC
Would rather be able to do my own rust radio station
Audio warfare has changed.. we are in gods hands now
Slowly moving into the industrial era
Oh my god I can finally make a proper saw themed trap base with a voice recording whilst I watch on camera
I can see the SAW maps or trap bases coming already with these prerecorded messages. This shall be fun
Thanks as always for the content 🙂
Wtf. Okay I can’t watch this yet cuz I’m at work but driving to work earlier, I literally VISUALIZED a ghetto blaster prop for people who blast music through their mic. It’d be funny if mic input volume also made the speakers vibrate instead of the player’s mouth moving
Yay a new DLC to waste money on
oh god Shadowfrax can read my mind
Finally a new absolutely useless dlc, I can’t imagine paying 💰 for
me want to shoot things, no need roleplay crap ugg
Mind games coming to rust!
gonna sell my asmr recordings on tape and become a scrap millionaire
*runs into trap base, doors close. Audible click, “Hello… I want to play a game…” proceeds to be stuck in a room with Ayaya song stuck on loop*
Ive been waiting for this type of thing to happen when i heard a radio playing at the bandit miniheli shop, now i can finally become a nightclub owner.
Subject to chaaaaange <3
Me want modular weapons
Awesome, now I can be trolled in HD
Lol I feel bad for all of you all who for some God awful reason play on official servers where 11 year Olds run unsupervised 😂 idk why yall do it to yourselves
Heyy at 7:39 it’s the same dancing animation that Mordhau uses. Neat
Combine all of this with the small pool, and you can have your own hot tub stream inside of rust.
Not paying 10$ just for the camera this time eh?
I’m going to hook up a boombox to a heartbeat sensor, so when someone walks by, they just hear a OI what are you doing here mate
Roleplayer joy!
Ahhh next wipe I’ma make a dance floor for the neighbors
Once this comes out people like me are going to be vary annoying raids. I for one plan on covering the place lasers and flashing lights to mess with people while at the same time blasting ‘Never going to give you up’ over the intercoms
Murdered on the dance floor by the Killers.
Oh no, I can’t wait till the racist people use boom boxes
This is the stupidest DLC yet… There is so much broke in the game and they focus on this? ugh But thanks for the video and updated, not your fault 🙂
Amazing. Disco dancing will be a great success
I wonder if you can use this with a turret to say something when it has a target
me want to shoot things, no need roleplay crap ugh
are you dısco?
Amazing st1uff. Cant sait to see what people will do with these
Im going to record the saw guy saying ” do you want to play a game?”
lol just lob it on the roof or awkward place and loop it xD
Gensokyo Radio station
I don’t like the emotes because now footnote kids will dance on u
This is going to be so cancer. I can’t wait!
Can you deploy the cassettes on building block?
When I was getting sucked into the void of pie I started to think of how cool it would be if they had a cooking system like baking or grilling but make different things you know? Yeah you know what I mean.
Number one source of news for Rust right here!!!!!
great video
Lmao I was expecting to see a record of the booms first idea that came to mind 😂👌
2nd idea is to record a 90’s car siren just to annoy your neighbors and let it run on repeat.
I’m already terrified of me jumping into a trap base, then hearing Welcome to the Jungle start blasting through the speakers
you do trap base videos with that voice u will go right to a mil
Can’t wait for someone to set up an internet radio station with “I’m an alabama ******” on repeat 24/7 and have it blasting out of speakers around their base
lol More roleplay stuff it triggers the small brains hahahaha
I can Rick roll raiders. They might have my entire base but I think I’m really the winner in this situation.
It’s freaking awesome, and this is not subject to CHANGE
Fallout 4 radio Diamond City 😀 !
This game is turning into a warzone VR chat
What about console updates?
Omg this game is Crackkk xd
i lobe it xD
Классное обновление!
now we can make a trap base Jigsaw style
Imagine Someone rickrolling with the boombox
Bruh imagine there’s a trap base and some duo is roaming, one of em in the duo get trapped and his friend on the megaphone is screaming let him go now
Finally a good (fun) update,
Me want to shoot things, no need roleplay crap. Ugh.
Do you think you’ll be able to hook the speaker up to a heartbeat so it’ll play a recorded cassette anytime someone triggers you heartbeat?
Japanese karaoke nights! 😀 😀
I have built multiple festival stages in Rust and thrown Rust ‘raves’ on many different servers.
This DLC speaks to me.
Prob the one of most bests updates in rust
This megaphone is a dream for me and my soundboard
This only benefits clans :/
this is THE dlc that i am going to buy, i am an audio maniac irl (using two 1000w rms speaker boxes as pc speakers) soooo having an audio system and lights in rust is a dream made true for me
ShadowFrax. Love your videos. I was two percent off from getting my pie rock skin. How can A fan get one. When is the ocean DLC coming out? I can’t wait
I can already hear the N-word being spammed through these
YouTubers when this update releases:
“I made a trap base inside a Disco?!?”
One of the dance emotes reminded me of VrChats default dance options
shooting people much more fun lmao
We can now make quests like in Saw movies
this is one of the most degen but awesome features this games ever added cant wait to get my hands on it
Looks verry useless 😭 rust is goin the wrong way
Clan propaganda is gonna be stupid
Oh goodie, can’t wait to get “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” Raided.
Well, I guess we can have a rave party in Rust now. Who’s with me? 😀
omg i am hyped for disco at the naked beach
Meh sound stuf…………………………………………….DISCO!!!!!!!!1111111
What was the hecking great discobeat at the end?
This a free dlc
imagine finding cassette with the N word
were going back in time now
disco raids with boom boxes and megaphones? ok facepunch, ill take it
The pie-eating horse should start a second Rust channel for consoles as this is all irrelevant to a whole bunch of new viewer peasants
Where is old Rust 🙁 This is end of the line
Wow they are really throughing every idea into rust now.
perfect thing to get after a false ban
But where is fart channel?
Will record rick roll and give the cassette to randoms
This is pretty cool!
So we have phones, helicopters, C4, tape recorders etc, but still no craftable backpacks…
Instrument dlc will take a hit
Every video you make updating the “progress” of rust puts me off rust even more. This game has been utterly shagged.
Imagine placing these all over the map in bushes and around Zerg bases, So much power in my hands.
zenith classic rock…..great radio station
Why…. voice spam and reeing not enough?
Can’t wait to get in someone’s compound and hid a audio recording playing “Never gonna give you up” by Rick Astley
how about the hackers ,suck this game
Zergs be doing a disco party after raiding the naked that hit them with a rock in a 2×2
SHADOWFRAX are those speakers for free or do you have to buy them?! because I would really like them
Still no community servers 😐
This is the best DLC yet!
I am going to really hate the next weeks on any server… On the other end, now when you grief people you can just drop one of these recorders playing Rick Roll inside a full armoured TC triangle, or 20 of them.
I don’t mind the extra stuff (the last one was good) but this one is just the ability to annoy other people endlessly.
I Love it
This is so cool
i don’t know if i am excited for what we can do with this, or in true fear of what we will do with this.
With tape recorders I can now record my explanation of my art next to each canvas in my Art Museum.
this isn’t going to be annoying at all lol 🙁
7:35 I can’t wait to kill someone and start doing this while they beg to be picked up kekw
I wasnt convinced to get this DLC until 6:52 when I learned that I could blind raiders and boogie on them at the same time
Missing the purple 2 piece windbreaker.
i have never seen better devs …they are such smarf mofos..it’s insane
this is gonna be great for raids
overlay your audio and sound like a zerg 😀
Doom radio 24/7
Why ? More annoyng kids ?
Me and the boys finna be raising the roof after a successful online raid, lemme tell ya.
Boogie Bomb
abc grandstand radio on loudspeaker to keep the nakeds updated on the cricket
Can’t wait to dance over the people I have killed
Can’t wait till your average rust player get the hold of these. 😂😈
I literally had dream of leaving a failed raider a voice mail bahahaha
2:36 ok I thought he was saying “fight” for waaaaay to long 😅😅😅
Great. Now I have to buy this horse crap to make a disco room in Rust. And yes it WILL be playing disco fever on loop through the loaders thing I can get.
nice new memes
Rust take my money ASAP!!!!!
Time for some psychological warfare tapes.
Can we get a friggin electric guitar and amp? I wanna shred!
This is by far the coolest dlc
Frost is gonna make a badass video with these
This game just got a lot more toxic lol
Do they actually want ppl to play the game?
ShadowFrax likes the drum and bass, +10 coolness
best believe im blasting the mad max doof warrior soundtrack in the tray of a car while my team mate shoots a flamethrower into the air
Plz don’t cost more than $5, otherwise it’s not worth
Now my trap base can play Trap Music and have Music Traps.
Can’t wait for soundpad kids with the megaphone 😑
Who when i’m countering cargo i can just spam the ship microphone xD
Other things taken from Day Z
YEPP there goes more money from my pocket ( awsome video too! )
Can’t wait to start my N Word cassette collection every wipe.
7:54 “I am the captain now”
Wow facepunch found another way for me to pay them even more, impressive
Seems like a waste
24/7 Lofi beats to raid to
SAW: “wanna play a game”
Not gonna lie I was like meh…… nope…. then the disco light came up and was like ok I needs it
Dude, what can go wrong?
Instant buy
They stole that emote from Mordhau >:(
I like the disco stuff, not so much the voice props
If the disco lights works the same as the turrets, this is going to be amazing! We can set up like 6 of them and people will think there will be a ton of auto turrets in the base. Lol
Finally we can have POOL PARTIES
roleplayers dream dlc
I soo can’t wait for this. So many things to troll with! My bases are gonna be the most obnoxious ones on the server
pojebało was do końca… 🙂
So, ahum
This is the OTV DLC
So now we have some sort of walkie-talkie in the game but it’s behind a paywall.
Can’t wait to Rick roll people with this
i want my f***** submarine
OMFG this is so hype!!!!
I will record never gonna give you up and put it into the answering machine and advertise my phone number in chat and on signs everywhere on the server
so… psychological warfare is on the plate now. I LOVE IT!
i wan megafon
All servers will have at least one guy playing rick asley 24/7
I knew there would be a megaphone!! Now I can finally scream at my neighbors from the comfort of my base!
Time to play Chinese servers and record a Chinese audio recording of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and just start kicking people off the server
i can feel the amount of earrapes coming
Would love to see this on console
Finally blasting some god dnb 😀
I cant wait to fly around in a mini and yell at people with a megaphone
the 80s vibe is real
Oh my god, the cassette is gonna be so bad. I can hear the looped screams of 12 year olds already.
POV: new exploits
This is why i love rust 🙂
how stupid and such waste of money
I can not wait to be that dreadful neighbour that plays music way too loud at night
I can see everyone buying this.
wish DLC was FREE
Say it… SAY IT !
I know you want to :
This is gonna be good
You deserve more ads my man .
Looks fun can’t wait to see what people do with it lol
Shenanigans will be had.
who else is gonna buy the second it comes out?
I can already hear the russians playing their patriotic anthems
How FUN! 😀
I can’t wait to play Darude-Sandstorm during raid defense 😀
Hahaha poor horse always a victim xD
The cassette player would be so useful in faking c4 placements just imagine placing one to lure the defenders away from the wall that you actually want to breach
Not even a pvp game anymore
Please tell me you can dance over downed people.. PLEASE
I wonder if you can put tapes in mailboxes?
Hey wait… I want to have my own radio station on the server, where i will invite public intellectuals and talk about french wine.
This is WAY better than having my sla…..i mean worker constantly playing the piano in the compound to provide us with music.
RP just got an upgrade!
It’s going to be great. I will be setting up a ton of speakers and playing death metal while I raid.
mobile tele’s might be a little p2w but that’s alright
I lost it at Teffies ELLO M8!
*continues to suffocate on the floor laughing*
Thats sick
Tell Teffi her “allo mate” made me choke on my crisps 🤣
I for one welcome our Rust stand up comic overlords.
give me it now
I am exited to see what people can do with this feature.
Like imagine using a recording to lure people to your base by playing gunshots.
A whole new way of rick rolling people.
You’ll hear me be bopping to NPR in game lol.
Well, time to cut my vacation short. Imagine me thinking living my life was better than Rust
Now spy gadgets next !
Aren’t they work to add spray paint to the game ?
Mobile phone trap incoming
lol coconut b is so screwed
Dear god,”it’s enough for I make a grown mans cry”
Just realized you could literally run your own rust internet radio station on rust using a web SDR
theres no reason to ever get off this game now
Nice , cant wait
custom mp3s to rust?? oh no 🙂
hello mate! XD
Gona be so cool playing music all across a compound
Can’t wait to play coast to coast AM or Infowars Alex Jones on rust
Can’t wait to record Baby by Justin Beiber and just knock on someone’s door and drop the cassette by the door!
This game is definitively the best game ever created, all my kid dream for a game are here
Well, that pre set song was annoying enough I’ll be coming to raid England, thanks Shadow.
there is absolutely no way they thought adding this stuff would be a good idea… Yes it is very cool but custom recordings…. and internet radio…..
Imagine a car module that had a bunch of boomboxes. The part bus potential.
i WILL fart into peoples answering machines
biggest RP dlc ever
Now we can make audio museums.. and other cool stuff I probably didn’t think of.
0:00 Intro
1:14 Cassette recorder & Cassettes
2:53 Cassettes for voicemail in phones
3:33 Portable Boom Box & internet radio
4:46 Deployed Boom Box
5:04 Connected speaker
5:21 Microphone stand
5:56 Megaphone
6:14 Mobile phone
6:50 Disco lights, lasers, mirror ball, disco floor
7:31 New dances
7:48 Cargo ship PA system
I can now leave a recording for door campers to go make love to themselves.
I always hear you say “subject to change” in my head before you say it
Oh no…
lol i just thought about having a sort of voice message in a box for raiders
0:57 he said the thing
*Oh..I expect the mature & responsible Rust community, won’t use this power for evil*
I will use megaphone to roof camp
Black lies matter
“This is a prerecorded message, I wanna play a game”
sooo fast
Megaphone definitely won’t be abused 🙂
pretty early >:)
Second (nvm third T^T)
Never clicked out of hanime so fast