RUST 🛢 Beta Access Pre-Order Release Date 🎮 PS4 XBOX PS5 Xbox Series X|S
Rust Console edition release date has been announced along with the price and beta access plus early access for Rust Console Edition pre-orders on PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X|S. Rust beta has been extended by one more week, along with some exciting news that will be announced later this week. Rust Beta codes/invites will be going out for week 4 of the Rust Console Edition Beta! This is wave 4 of the Rust console edition beta that are going out, check your email address you signed up with, most likely there will be a few phases of codes released thru out the day if it is anything like last week. With the Rust console beta currently going on we now have more information about the Rust console edition Beta release date for the PS4 and Xbox One. Looks like multiple times a day. We have a Rust Beta console date Limited beta will start March 1st and be for the whole month of March 2021, ending on April 5th 2021. Rust Beta codes are going out now to a few selected people that have signed up for the beta on PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. As the Beta goes on more people will be added to the Rust Beta on PS4 and Xbox. Rust beta date range that are possible with the current info that we have from the developers, either way this thing is coming soon for us. With the Rust console beta happening soon for 2021, We go over what is known right now for the Rust Console Beta. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Beta release timing, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. Rust Beta is still happening for PS4 and Xbox. Official word has come from Double 11 studios about the Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta. They are pushing closer to the actual release of the Rust Beta and the Full Rust release for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. This video talks all about New Rust console info, and how Rust is coming to PS4 and Xbox one. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! This is the most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. Rust Console Beta is happening in 2021 and I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Rust was officially announced for beta and full release of Rust in 2021 and is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One! With the Rust Beta getting close for Xbox One and Playstation 4. When is the Rust Beta coming to console, Rust console Beta for PS4 and the Xbox One. Sharing what we do know and giving a good date range to expect the Rust Beta to happen for consoles (Playstation 4 and Xbox One) Rust Console BETA announced and where to sign up for the beta. Be the first to play in the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust Beta for Playstation 4 and Xbox will be coming before the Rust on console release in 2021. Rust has been officially Announced Rust is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One soon in 2021. Rust is coming to console! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Beta,Rust PS4 Beta,Rust Xbox Beta,Rust Pre-Order,Rust Console Release Date,Rust Price,Rust Early Access,Rust PS4 Beta Code,Rust Xbox Beta Code,Rust PS4 Beta Date,Rust Xbox Beta Date,Rust Beta News,Rust Console News,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5,Rust Beta Date,Rust Beta Release Date,Rust Beta PS4,Rust Beta Xbox,Rust Beta Xbox One,Rust Beta Update,Rust Console Beta,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update
コメント (256)
Do you get rewards for playing early?
Am I stupid earlier when I look at the date for my PS4 when it comes out I swear it says May 1 is that correct or am I dumb
I’m happy as hell cant wait to play it
When’s the closed beta coming out?
I DONT WANT TO Wait give it to me now
The Australian prices are so much more the ultimate is $120
5 years it has come and i spent 80 dollars for the ultimate then i saw the 43 days count down
Will it be cheaper if i dont pre order it
I pre-ordered the ultimate edition just waiting to play the closed beta
Immm sooo happyyyy, I’ve waited soooo many years for rust console
100 players omggg this shit gonna be lit 🔥
How do you gain beta access if you pre ordered?
Okay whatever you say it in the video. Israel but the the game appear in 2021 alright month 5-day 18 ismene after 48 days so that was a long time and I don’t love that no one love that
does anyone know when i can play the beta, they announced “sometime in april”. i’m just so excited to hop on and play rust. preordered so quickly
Does anyone know if you pre order it on console when it officially comes out will you have to buy it again???
I’m boutta be heated as shit if y’all PC players start playing on xbox just to shit on new players
When can i actually play it without preorder because i bought standerd
will it be cross platform with pc
Do u know if u will be able to play keyboard and mouse on xbox?
Wish you could play the beta rn if pre order
I bought it but I can’t play in the closed beta that it came with? How do I play in the closed beta? Thank you
Finally woo 🥳🥳🥳
Ok sony this game is not cheap but xbox give game a so cheap why u giving price a expensive wtf sony
Omg I’ve been waiting for YEARS!
will u be able to use mnk?
I seen that shit on the Xbox dash and my heart dropped 🤣
So what does it mean 3day early access
I wonder if there will be open mic
Whens the beta
Can u play bete if I pre order the delux
Does anyone know if there will be proximity chat on the console edition
Ok so i bought the ultimate edition and it said i would have access to the closed beta and didnt get anything to download it so do we only get to play on the 17th
I really hope they don’t pull a cyberpunk and have the game run terribly on consoles
If I buy the deluxe edition will I be guaranteed the closed beta
If I pre order rust can I play the beta rn????
Do you have to pay when it come out
50 $ for a 8 year old game that’s not next gen
Anyone wanna team ?
Any1 know when the pre order beta comes out?
See u there buddy
lets gooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stg if they make it crossplat.
Im on ps4 and i got the ultimate and i dont know how to get the closed beta access can anyone help me? Thanks
What region can you use the codes?
I’m just a little confused I pre-ordered the $80 version so I get access to the closed beta and early release on the 18th of May I should have access to the game so what’s going on with the closed beta stuff cuz I don’t know everyone saying that we don’t have it we’re supposed to get it soon
You can’t play on ps5??
If u had closed beta will h be able to play the next beta
What’s the best version of rust should I buy I play ps4 and planning on playing this game a lot and pre ordering it
I think its nice they do rust for console, but its really a pc game, i played the early access and i really dont like how the mechanics work, still for the people who cant afford a pc this is going to be nice for them 🙂
When will the closed beta start for pre order? Because I have preordered and can not join the beta
So I bought a ps5 just so I can go back buy a game on my ps4
Anyone know if it’s cross play?
So if I pre-order can I play the beta now
Finally! I’ve been waiting 3 years for this
It comes out on my birthday May 21
Anyone know why I can’t get my closed beta? I pre ordered but nothing happened.
I really bought a pc just for it to come out on xbox
So we still don’t know when people get access to the beta who’ve pre-ordered?
I bought deluxe on PS4 directly from ps store and I can’t find the beta. People on Reddit have said it ain’t out yet and it should come out mid April but I don’t know
So is the beta available for people who’ve pre ordered? If so, how do I download it?
I already have rust beta ps4 the video title is confusing
Feels good that we won’t have to worry about fucking hackers feels so so good 😭
Your literally so helpful
When does beta open up?
Imma get the deluxe
May 17th????? Bruh I can’t wait for that long 🤦🏻♂️
Console players will be playing rust at 8 fps lol
is or will there be mnk input allowed?
for the smooth brains who would say its unfair there would be specific servers for specific inputs like modern warfare does
When is the next beta coming?
What’s the pounds uk price
I pre ordered the deluxe
Jade seriously thank you so much for updating us since the beginning of rust on console
Is it going to be cross play with pc?
How is closed beta going on I’m on Xbox and says I’m to early
Is it bad that I think this is fake. Not sayin it is, but it’s finally time, it don’t seem real.
The real question is, is it going to be a cross platform game?
The game is coming out may 21st so far away
Also no oil rig n shig
I’m testing the beta it’s alright gun machanics and recoil are terrible on controller there’s no Helis and yu can’t ride horses but it’s still super fun
I pre ordered the $80 one but I still can’t do the closed beta when it come out ?
So it’s backwards compatible 🤔
May 18 is my B day soooo I’m getting rust boyyyssssss
If you preorder do you get access to the beta that’s going on rn?
I cant wait
imma start a server on rust when it comes out hmu if you wanna join
I’ve been waiting since 3rd grade for this
anyone know why I can’t pre order it on my ps5?
Is it in April 21
When is closed beta
You can’t lee order on ps5🤦♂️ fml
This game is gonna run like shit unless you have the new Xbox
Dude its 63.99 for me 😔
Okay so if i buy rust deluxe edition can i play the beta if so how do i download it
When do the people who get ultimate edition get the closed beta
Can we have a vid explaining when we can upload content on it
If we buy the standard one can I play rust online with people like 30 days early?
So if we pre order now they we get access to closed beta how does that work
I can’t wait to aim assist some people 😂
No word of a lie for about 2 days I was refreshing fir the rust console beta on PS4 I have £60 waiting for it and it randomly popped up I was soo hyped u don’t know
So what’s happening with ps5?? I went to buy it on ps5 and it says it’s not playable on ps5 and only on ps4
Rust is in store for ps5 but can’t order it yet😭
i cant buy it on ps5? says only for ps4 and cant click on it….
I’ve been waiting 3 years for this and when I saw it on the ps app last night I shouted so loud my mum generally thought I hurt my self
I got 3700 hrs in the game, there is no other pvp games that can compare to rust, best game ever gotta love facepunch.
I bought the deluxe edition and it says it comes with the beta but how do I download it
Jade thanks for the content. Love you
I would play this but none of my friends like paying for games
hey I also test the game on ps4 and I have this question, what should I do to prevent the walls and the rest of the base from breaking down by itself for no reason?
me with a ps5 and not being able to buy it
I’m not following a guide I wanna learn by my self
Jade if I already got the beta code do I still need to buy it?
Took long enough
If u have the Rust Beta version, then can u play Rust when it comes out?
Just pre ordered
Jade monkey if I buy the most expensive do I get the close beta entry
What the limited branch access mean
Sorry to say but, I’ve already moved on to pc. I wanted this game so bad I built a pc and played it for 500 hours lmao. I can officially say I’m bored of the game now. It’s funny because it’s still baaaaaarellyyyyyy coming out 💀
Pls i need to know
If i pre order the rust game for the ps4 since you can play ps4 games and stuff on ps5 does that mean if i pre order rust i can play on the ps5
boys I have been playing rust beta for like 3 weeks now on console u just need to look up rust beta download put email and they will send u a code but its rare gd luck 🙂
If it doesn’t have proximity chat I’m not getting it
I’ve bought the ultimate edition, how do we get access to the current beta?
Got the ultimate edition let’s gooo
will the price ever drop?
Legit never clicked so fucking fast in my life
Hey jade i don’t know if you read your comments but I ordered the rust ultimate pack and in it. It sead something about access to the rust bata how do I play the bata if I can if you can help me with issue I will reallllllly appreciate it thank you !
How do I play closed beta I bought the Deluxe addition
I just pre ordered rust and was wondering how to play the beta and was wondering about beta keys but surely I wouldn’t need a beta key to play a game I preordered that included access to the beta so how do I play the beta.
(I preordered The Deluxe edition)
So you can’t play this in ps5 or The new consoles?????
so if i preorder now would i be able to play the closed beta this week? or i don’t get access to the beta happening now
Just bought the ultimate edition for $120 aud it’s all finished downloading on my Xbox I can’t wait to play 🥳🥳🥳
We have to wait till may ;(
So if you buy can you play beta now or you have to wait ?
I’ve already pre ordered it
Is it gonna come out for the ps5
So if u get the ultimate can u play the current beta out rn?
Got the beta pretty fun all in saying
I played the beta on ps5 , if you got email code on ps4 you can run it on ps4 orps5 also, it was mind blowing Rust, it run good! Its chill game untill some gang raid you !!
I got the ultimate addition 🤭
So how the console beta
I been waiting since 2015
So hyped I was talking about this with my brother earlier I have been waiting 5 years to finally play rust
It says you get the closed beta access if pre order does that mean if I pre order I can play the beta rn?
It says access to closed beta access I got it but how to I get in the beta
So if I buy the deluxe I will be able to play beta until it fully comes out or until March 29
How much will price drop
Hello I just Preordered the Ultimate edition and it says I get closed beta access but I can’t play it yet why is that??
People complaining about 50$ I just pre ordered the ultimate 😂
What about ps5
What kind of server will you play on console?
A just preorder the game but dont have access to the beta feels bad man
is it cross platform between ps5 and xbox
I hate in beta there’s a bug that don’t let you spawn in you insta die every time and it happens over and over until you close app
So is the preorder beta different to the closed beta right now ?
Can you preorder it now?
Fkn end of may?!?! Should’ve just released it in Oct. Ffs
Fuck it I got my stimulus 80 bucks is ezzzzz
I pre ordered it and it gave me a closed beta but it says I’m to early
Jade I want to take a moment to thank you for you amazing content and keeping us updated on rust console thank you and keep up the work 😁
me want, me want now, give now
should I buy the pre order online on my phone or do it on my Xbox ?
50 dollars this game is not worth 50😂
Just preordered
The hero we don’t deserve
Will we be able to free look?
My bday is on 20 of may😀😀😁
He k yeah man just preordered it now
I pre order rust console edition 🥳🥳🥳
Pre ordered ultimate edition instantly
I pre ordered the Deluxe to get the closed beta access. How do I get it??
how do you play on the beta i bought the deluxe but when i try to play it says you’re too early
I bought the ultimate edition how do i access the closed beta?
just got the ultimate, i msg them about the closed beta for pre orders they said it hasn’t started yet. i was thinking it was the current beta is saw people playing but no they pre purchase beta not open yet
Hey man do you know if they will have proximity chat??
i just bought rust deluxe edition on my new xbox
My question to you good sir is… if I purchase the Ps4 version will I be able to download it to my ps5 like I can do with any Ps4 games (that are compatible of course)
Game may be old on PC but NEW on console….stop crying about price and buy the damn thing
will it really be the 2018 version?
I might bust a tear
Pre ordered.Ultimate edition. Hyped.
Just pre order
Just preordered it
45 pounds 🤦♀️🤦♀️
Its not even playable on ps5, cause I was tryna pre order and it said not playable
Jade can I put this on my yt and tag u in it
How do I access the closed beta? Not the limited beta as it states there are two different betas
Why do you eat your mic in every video bro, back it off your face and speak up if people cant hear you but damn 30 videos later and your still eating it hard every single word you pop your mouth so hard. Its the easiest thing to fix i mean fuck man. People with headsets are getting raped by it so dear god please do something about it
if they make this game free it will go to shit so fast
Dude I am so hype hopefully I am able to play it on my ps5 I couldn’t preorder on my ps5 so I had to go on my ps4. Also I thought it gave you the beta or is it talking about a different beta.
if the game is not well optimized on pc imagine on console Lmao
That’s so Hot
I hope it works good on my older Xbox one. I’ve been waiting on rust on console since I saw my first stimpee video on it.
May 21st is my birthday. Happy birthday to me.
Can I buy it on PS4 rn?
That’s hot -Paris Hilton na scratch that
the console build of the game is a much older version it seems. watch where the code locks are located
It’s not playable on ps5 ? I went to the store and it says ps4 only
I legit bought the delux edition and I diddnt get a code for the preorder server
I played THE beta it is actually Good to play but There are a lot of bugs and crashes
I pre ordered the ultimate version of the game but when I try to access the beta it says I’m too early, anyone know how to fix it?
Ohhh I can taste it!
I’m not new at rust but I’m a bad builder
Will there only be 100 players?
Can someone buy it for me I’m on Xbox and broke
So you mention realease date in the title… what is the date for the beta
Now this is what I’ve been waiting for
if I buy the deluxe edition I can play the rust beta rn ?
What if you have the closed beta will you get the regular one for free?
Already pre-ordered it
I bought the deluxe pre order as soon as it came out. It couldn’t more clearly have said “access to closed beta” however it took them 10 minutes to tell us all that it was a different closed beta, and that we have to WAIT longer. How’s your day going my man jade?
Anyone got the link pls
Its not even coming up in ps5 store
May 21 is my birthday
You think it will be cross play with pc?
So I pre ordered because it said closed beta access but when I go to open the beta it tells me I’m too early and to wait for the release 🤣
I bought the deluxe edition and it won’t let me play the beta. Do I have to wait till the whole game gets released?
Let’s fucking go
I’m so excited
Well there goes $80 let’s do it
Rust 50$
Prob gona pre order tomorrow cause even if its bad witch it will not be am too huped not to buy it
Im on ps5 how do I order it it won’t let me preorder? Anyone kno? It won’t even let me order it for a ps4 game on the ps5 playstation store.
I pre ordered deluxe In uk can I play the beta atm or do I have to wait
What about the digital copy, will we be able to buy that? If so, do you know when?
Help guys I can’t buy it 💔
Let’s gooooo
When I try to pre order on ps5 it says it’s not playable is that going to get fixed?
If you pre order do you get the beta ?
Ok so I am well informed about this game, wanted it for YEARS but I can’t afford a good gaming PC and everything but I dont understand one thing and can somebody help me? So a Hatchet is a BP right? Ok, well I’m confused, BPs are learned or experimented on via workbenches through tier 1 to 3 with scrap. Ik that, but if u need the item to research it then how does somebody originally obtain it? Or any other BP item if it requires to exist to learn and make a BP for. I dont understand or maybe I just missed critical info on crafting BP Items and how u can obtain them originally. Remember I do know that you can experiment for scrap to maybe get the BP but is that the way u get it if your the 1st person to or no? Also just curious if I was to try and play on a creative mode or have admin powers in my own server whether it be offline or online how would I do that? I’d hope console has that feature as I want to do weapons testing, build ideas, and mechanical testing solo on my own personal server to get a feel for the game in general.
Brah I’m shaking
How do you get in the closed beta I just pre ordered it
Why may 🙁 ????
50$? Lmao ill just wait until the price drop.
Edit: Honestly not even about the money they just tryna swindle me when pc gets it for 40$.
So if I pre-order now do I get in the beta now???
Been waiting since 2017 for this
I really hope we can redeem twitch drops on rust console because I have xqc ak and blooprint sar.
Reales date of rust console ?
No code 😫😫😫
I preordered on Xbox and it doesn’t let me access the closed beta, is it maybe a different one that will start after this one ends?
People are really complaining abt it be $50🤦🏿♀️
Ima get the deluxe
I can’t wait for this
I got the beta but I have no one to play with🥲
Man you beat me too first comment
I’m buying this once I get home when it gets out
Never clicked so god damn fast
Not first
First yay 😁
8 seconds ago🤩