In this video i’ll be showing you a 100 tips and tricks related to base building in Rust. I expect most of you already know a bunch of these tips but this video is aimed to be not just for 1 particular group as I hope that even for the most advanced players under us still might not know about some of the tips.
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🗺️ Map provided by Builder’s Sanctuary: https://discord.gg/PeyuSdz
💼 Business: svenytbiz@gmail.com
🎶 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound ► http://www.epidemicsound.com
📷 Thumbnail is fully made by me.
#Rust #Tips #BaseBuild
Taqs:Rust,Gameplay,base build,how to,tips,tricks,usefull,guide,tutorial,explanation,exploits,building,design
コメント (422)
We’re almost at 10.000 subs! 20 more to go, so, if you like the content and you haven’t subscribed already, make sure to do! Enjoy the video!
0:49 what is that server? app? what is it called
Better look how the schoolchildren raided me @TAKUMOTOKITE
It’s wild how much the building meta has changed.
are you swidich
Thank you, on builder site, base design-stable, on PVP RUST server, base was unstable and had the “Phase effect” TC stocked 2k stone/wood, one other odd effect flashing walls and floors, very odd. but having a lot of fun, thank you again for the tutorial. RangeCowboy1 out to build another stable.
2:47 Just for me.
This helped alot thx bro
Just pick up the workbenches
Please Update Video title this is outdated
Ik ruik nederlands
13:00 there’s a tool mark
@time 7:56 the hammer to pick it up: that’s for me to pick up😢
8:31 you don’t have to destroy workbenches they can be picked up with a building hammer
Bro workbenches can b picked up
Tip 95 was my fav
For the destroying the workbenches, you can just pick it up with a hammer, and if you won’t use it again, you can sell it or despawn it
Why not just pick up the work bench
Can’t you just pick up the work bench?
So someone got into my base and built a wall at my door for me to get the rest of the way in, I thought if you had a tc you couldn’t build on someone’s else stuff like that ? Really defeated. Had put like 16 hours into it 2nd time really ever playing. I wanna play but seem to be falling into the void of thinking this just isn’t a great game. I want to love it but am struggling, had a base uo stone w some metal had furnaces and work bench w learning table. Just to cucked out of it when I log back in and go to farm for stuff😂 help
I have 3k hours in rust and still learned from this. This guide is actually extremely well made. It’s not full of useless tips like a lot of videos. Great work. Subbed.
4:05 didnt show the picture
Updaete duh vidgeo? 🙂
8:40 you can pick up workbenches
#1 What is the name of these websits
Er du dansk
ladder hatches are OP what u on about, instead of having stairs put a ladder hatch they will have to raid it cant see how adding more things to blow up is bad
Thx for the tip this is my second wipe and I just got my friends on and I’ll be trying to make a mini compound
I learned a ton thank you
Fun Fact: On console rust you can actually pick up workbenches with a slight damage to its hp
How do you access all flat grass maps by yourself? And is it possible to access at any cost on PlayStation
Ben jij nederlands …
What’s fortify
I smel Nederlands 😂
Workbenches can be picked up now just an update
adding a comment for the algorithm, this vid clearly took time and planning. i learnt a couple i didnt know, tyvm
Really happy workbenches can be picked up now, sad they lose a lot of durability tho!
U can pick up the workbenches??
What weebsite is 0:50 ?
I am a total noob – this video decreased the amount of time I got raided by 200%! Thanks a lot.
So many comments telling him to just use a hammer to pick up the workbench. Use your critical thinking ability and realize he would do that IF it was a feature at the time but it obviously was not so therefore it must have been changed after the video was posted.
odd? i thought stashes despawn after a few hours, i had 2 different stashes with good loot in them got offline and came back to check and both were gone, i couldnt bring them back up so i assumed they just had a time limit or are temporary and disappear after a while unless other players can dig up stashes you put down? is that possible? so if i just go around looking at spots by peoples sleeping bags i could get lucky and dig up their stash? that the only thing that makes sense for my stashes to disappear like that other then they just dont last long
I found your site watching another youtube vid, my question is what is the cool looking build map you guys are on or using?
So much info
Have watched this a few times now. Keep up the great work.
Question, at 18:20 cant you pick up workbenches with a hammer after being placed?
Ik ruik nederlands if heb ik het fout?
I used honey comb so much and people hate me a lot so they target me
Hey Sven, I don’t think camilla is going to be talking to faendel anytime soon.
where is the part where he shows how to build a base ?
hey what did you use to make the base at the beggining at #1 ?
why cant u just pickup a workbench if u have tc priv….?
Tip 101 subscribe
just hold the hammer and hold e no need to break it
R u netherlands?
Does anyone know what he was using in the first tip
great video dude after about tip 70 the tips were insanely useful 😀
forgot #11 ?
The twig to stone thing sounds good but those aren’t hard to take down
Just got the console edition such toxic game I love it this really helps thanks the experience too
can pc not pick up workbenches
btw you can pickup every work bench with a hammer
Intro Song pls
Whats fortify? Is it an app or a pc rust feature? I have a laptop without rust, I play ps4 rust.
Agghhhh the old metal walls look clapped wtf I thought they looked nicer till I saw this video
what’s that base build in #46, I really need those kind of peek downs
Tip number 54 is a good one unless you have a jackhammer they can break a large furnace in 3 refills
There is no tips there is no tricks you can build any base on rust doesnt matter how beefy or how small if you dont got guys online at all times it will get raides no matter what
Yes you talk dutch
when did they allow workbench pickups, i got almost 1000 hours and dont remember not being able lol and sleeping bags
whats the app in the first tip?
I just got the game. so i got a lot to learn. i learned a lot in this video thanks.
u have too be Dutch right?
you can pick up workbenchs dude
just use a hammer
Ey ben je nl
I think the workbenches can be picked up now
Can tool cupboards not be picked up??
Hey leuke video
I heard that #88 isn’t working with the newest update – the hitbox was made a little bit bigger :/
Does not upgrading the floors to hqm still apply?
I have gotten offlined twice, 4 people failed to online raid me, and 2 successfully reverse raided me.
I joined a low pop to get away from toxic people with 80 hours and realised that is not possible.
I just started today can any of the boys help me out I just keep getting killed
4 days 3 overnight offlines they dont want others on the server
When braking a tier 2 just use a flamethrower. It is much faster and should only take 250-350 low grade fuel
I could instantly detect that dutch accent xDD
goodluck upgrading all walls :p
Jeez loud intro
I was fucking vibin on it tho
4:03 nice pics lmao
what was that base building app
you very smart man
Boats and hoes boats and hoes, everyone see my boats and Tips and Tricks with sven
Ur english is so good for a Dutch guy
love watching a rust tip video from PewDiePie
I haven’t even gotten my starter base to metal before getting raided while at work.
Tell me ur Dutch without telling me haha 😂
you sound dutch
Sven je hoort dat je Nederlands bent hahaha mooie keal
POV: You just got console rust
500th comment and 10,000 like
For consoles this game is broken….lag…is something you get used to…but the constant crashes are terrible!!lose progress thats so important…cant find your server, wont load back into your server…broken…
Scary af when your alone at night hearing multiple gunshots then hearing it at your front door finding out theres 5 dudes outside
Wait Sven I have a question!
Are you dutch?
This guy sounds like he is pewdiepies cousin
terdy tree
wtf is a tc
I want to ask #94 where did you find the data software? Thank you
U sound Dutch are u?
Good tips, but I almost closed the tab when your shite, too-loud, cringe, auto-tune music started blaring. It’s really bad.
You can use your hammer to pick up Workbenches… you dont have to destroy them. If you dint want it. Pick it up and scrap it.
The stash under foundation is now patched. They disappear now if detected in same square as a foundation
Haha I heard that Nelk Boys intro music lmao
You can pick boxes furnaces and beds up now and work benches
The song he used at the start is the same music from supercross monster energy 4
tip 1# dont be competitive if you dont find it fun
can you not just pick the tier one up?
You forgot a huge tip. Watch where you log out, because you instantly go into a lying position when you log and your feet will stick outside through your wall. Raiders will know if you are online or not and other info.
Anyone from Rust Console?
i don’t even play rust why am I here
12:33 The low walls are great to add to the top of the base to prevent people from splashing the whole ceiling off.
steve will do it intro
Thank you for the info. The tc keeping upkeep I certainly didn’t know. (among others)
but i have no teammate and really hard solo
Part 2
Those Chinese lanterns are an amazing light source. Its a ceiling lantern which takes up no wall space
Sounds like pewds
You took the name from the series how I meet your mother? Lol. Nice vid btw, very helpful so keep up meen you are doing well
can you just pick up the work bench and let it despawn?
i ruik netherands
What is that program you are using in the start
Hey I have a question, in the video u said we can’t pick up tier 3 workbench, but I saw a lot of videos where ppl actually did picked it up, so I’m a bit confuse 😅
are you Dutch? bc ur name and ur accent are Dutch lol
4:00 which ones the hard side?
1:25 why? I hear this alot but why? seems like inherited “knowledge” because it makes sense, but if you think about it, it doesn’t
#23 : you are now able to pickup the toolcubboard now with an hammer.. wich will allow you to re-use your toolcupboard — this also works oon lvl 2 and lvl 3 workbench`s
Intro song?.
“Strong from the top”.. Or just build the base in a cave XDD Works pretty well.
You can now hammer workbenches
What is this music in the intro!!!
Bruh you can pick up Benjis work benches
Hi, I am trying to honeycomb a base – I have two walls left to do, but can’t fill them in. One of the walls will take a squre foundation, but not a triangle – it will say “too close to another building”. The other wall next to it only has space for a triangle. This would be fine but it wont let me place the saquare and the triangle next to eachother. Only one or the other. There seems to be the perfect space for it though. It’s basically ruined my base – please help!
How to make a pretty house/villa and also make it hella defensive X-X??
Workbenches CAN be picked up
i didnt see any picture of the hard and soft side for each material on step 11
Number 30 is bs
nice vid bro
ur nl f***** guy
*7:47** -* Now it’s possible remove the three works with a hammer.
What base design is at 18:11
Alssoooo telling me not to use something isn’t a tip bro
Honestly why don’t you just put the important tips in and because wasting my time telling me common sense to make it “100” tips bro shits dumb
#24 and #25 tell you about destroying you workbenches, you can just use the hammer and pick them up. Store them at another base in case you get raided. Or scrap them.
u know that u can pick up the workbench right? right
11:42 don’t do that
Ps… if your shit at placing a tc like me you can just demo the floor tile until you get it right. That’s why I make sure to place the tc before upgrading really anything near it so I can always break the floor to replace it
Show me your tips builderboy
5:35 faster way to destroy tc is by using a shotgun trap ( if you have one), deauthorize from it and bait it so the shots hit the tc
Super useful video
Your intro is way to loud, just a tip no hate.
Feel a bit ripped off made it to the 100th tip and THERES NO TIPP!! that’s outrageous false advertising 😂😂
Tool cup board
Work benches can be picked up now
4:08 where is the picture that shows soft side vs hard side lmao?
Thanks for the tips with the roof
Me: *the idiot who used roofs*
This was a lot to take in but super informative! Thanks heaps!
You’re a fucking idiot.
Vgm ben je nerderlands
SWE ???
Skål, Sven! Thanks for the video! 🙂
Holy shit da engels kwist direct nederlander
what ive taken away from this video: know what you’re doing
Great video from a fellow builder! Thanks for the tips.
#73 – you should mention that you can build the halfwall outside and use that to create the half-room squares inside then delete the twig outside
23:06 Nice
watching this while queueing a fresh wipe :p i hate > 100 queues
That was only 99 tips. I feel cheated
Loved the video, I really appreciate good helpful content like this one, thanks!
The pronunciation of Sven triggered my Dutch senses!
Ah, the swedish accent
I’ve gotten offlined 2 times, with 30 hours on the game, and then a clan let me build a 1×2 in their compound nice guys
It was only 99 tips
u think make the into music a bit louder? it didn’t quite blow my eardrums, thx
haha sven sounds so much like an indian:D
What is that 3d base building software at 0:57? Never seen that before
your tips about destroying your Workbenches…don’t you know you can pick them up with the hammer? Wouldn’t that be faster and better to do? Since you could recycle them if you really don’t need them?
Stevewilldoit intro song
23:07 Nice B)
I don’t have the game but my parents are gonna buy it’s soon
Me: Finding this content creater
My brain:I know the name Sven from somewhere.
Don’t get me wrong
workbench update, can pickup now 😀
Having Sven for a name is badass I subscribed
were you ever actually able to pick up the tier 3 ? I know you can now.
2:30 .. Sven, you know a metal node doesn’t give 1000 metal right? O.o You need to do 250 nodes for 150k metal frags..
this is what noobs to rust need
I can’t find those stairs in number 15 , only the other types of stairs :/
I’m at about 358 hours played so basically a beginner, half of that on aim training… I’ve played five wipes and greatly appreciate the tips! I also amazingly made it to 100 thank you for the content hella late!
nice to see pewdiepies dog is enjoying rust too!
I’m using this video to raid an know where the loot is
instead of destroying your lower level workbenches, why not pick them up, and keep them for use later? such as during raids?
14, make sure you place the shop fronts the right way 😂
What is the programme for rust building called?
Een Nederlander met tips? Nicee
23:06 nice 😎
I want to play rust but only have a ps4
just build in caves ull be fine
Is this pewdipie?
I’d say u get raised no matter what , use everything you have to make it harder for them
Thank you now I cant wait to switch to pc and play rust
just pick it up noob lol 😂
I found Flamethrowers to be he fastest way to kill a tier 2 workbench
TIP NR 17 correction: If you recently build the foundations like 10 minutes maximum you can demolish with hamer the foundation where the tc is placed to destroy tc the silent way
Is this pewdiepie😂
What happened to tip 11’s picture ?
RIP #75
Some tips were repeated however, with over 4k hours I still learned a couple of things here.
Hey would you wanna play rust with me I just bought a pc and I have no friends to play with?
I have 14k hrs and I didn’t know 25 lmao
nice vid
You’re gonna take my sub and you’re gonna like it!
As a beginner, I knew like four of these.
Great Video friend thank you! I have over 3k hours in Rust and I didn’t know some of these tips 👌🥰
#17, unlock tc lock, then remove everything and then you can move tc. Welcome.
Will the tc put material in even if the upkeep is less than 24 hours
Putting garage doors side by side like that is a bad idea
Because splash damage.
When you can now pick up workbenches 😔
What is your intro song if been seching for it voor years
Great tips, nice to see vids to help new players.
Make sure to buy rust too
i came to #5 and realised that this moron has no idea about rust and its only clickbait bye
Totally TOTALLY disagree with not adding any excessive fun stuff…
Having the high score on Chippy out of your group for the wipe more important than anything else…period.
I’m a role player and I wear it proudly… Christmas lights are the best thing in the game.. but I have 6K hours so don’t mistake that for not being able to kill you and build awesome bases at the same time…while playing Chippy.
bro its a uselss Video Omg
What is the intro song???
Hello my name is Sven…
*flashback to PewDiePie minecrsft series*
18:17 – You can pick up a chainlink fence gate. Edit: The “don’t use ladder hatches” is kind of bad advice. 1 garage door + 1 ladder hatch + 1 garage door is one rocket more expensive to raid than without. #93 That’s not an unlootable TC because in most cases raiders can put a sleeping bag inside the triangle and spawn in to grab the loot.
I’m watching minectraft modern base building xd
Ben je nederlands
Not that anyone actually cares but I accidentally sneezed right on the intro drop
how is that app called where u can build u base it was tip 1
It is always nice to know more
I havent bought the game yet but im already addicted
fantastisch nederlands accentje
What is that bade design software thingy being used at 0:53?
great video man, tip #69 helped me out a lot
4:10 where is it?
I’m watching this and don’t even have the game it’s just nice to know 😊 thank your for you content
you sounded like pewdipie
Het nederlandse accent door engels heen altijd top lmao
do not do this 11:43 it would be easier for the raiders to pick out the wall and ruins the point of roof honeycomb
wait isn’t that the SteveWillDoIt into music
– “You don’t wanna be a retarded”
Me: “That was rough…”
Me 20 years later: “AAAAhh so he meant A RAID TARGET… You don’t wanna be a RAID TARGET”
First base I ever built had all the honeycomb soft sided. Got spear raided as soon as I logged off. Never made that mistake again lmao.
#43 is rustacademys video has tc knows where everything is. Ty for video helpfull in my 1.3k hours
14:45 “Don’t do this”
16:16 “Do this”
Dutch? XD
I have 2 problems with #29 (9:55). For example if your 2×2 core of the base is armored and the foundations are metal they can shoot 8 rockets and to break the foundation and leave the armored wall half hp and then shoot another 8 under the foundation and take out all the doors inside at the same time with the armored wall (saving 2-4 rockets depending on doortype). Also if that was the loot room and u destroyed the foundation you might be able to loot the stashes dropped from the storage boxes under the wall. This ofc won’t work if the foundations are so close to the ground that u can’t shoot rockets under. 2nd problem is stability. If you don’t have honeycomb and they splash 2 foundations at once the walls will collapse as well making the raid cost half.
0:55 website name???? or maybe app name??
15:10 Totally true! People should really just place traps wherever they can, every corner is valid location! It’s so cheap way to make raids much harder and slower, and ofc deter door campers. And always protect your roof and furnaces with turrets. Ofc, covering all the angles on land will also make base an cancer.
Another tip – You can actually place 2 vending machines in 1 triangle and seal with a window, essentially giving you 2 large boxes in a single triangle!
I made it to 100.
Leatherhatch is so op if u know hot to use it like in a floor taked base
First 10 minutes is waste of time,. it’s like,. when u are hungry go to the shop buy something,..
His game looks so good what are his settings?
Can someone give me the link to “fortify”
Ay sven gang where u at?
Where is the picture?
Half half walls…….
Do you mean.. quarter walls?
Great video, will be watching more!
Ja de tycker jag
Thanks! So helpful
you can use vending machines like doors – one is filled with items facing towards inside the base, the other one is empty and capable to be rotated if you have building privilege. if you really want to be nasty, you put a window frame next to them to prevent foundation soft siding. this is an insanely cheap and effective and hidden way to increase your door raid cost! please upvote 4 sharing
beware, if you fail your placement, it will be very hard to undo the problem – i recommend to do it on twig and test it out (and train on a building server) before actually commiting yourself!
it is also possible to block single door frames with an empty vending machine, though the foundation it stands on can be soft sided, you should upgrade it to armor!
Honestly 6.5k hours … and I didn’t knew only 1 … ( shotgun trap to destroy teir2.. I usually use spas 12 or flamethrower )
pewdiepie dog knows how to play rust and speak english?
wanna have the chance to win a skin giveaway look at my channel
no more stairs and no more roofs
Want are u using an 00:52
this helped, I just started playing rust today
Whats the metal base design???
What is Fortify can someone link it for me I am confused
can someone pls tell me how can i do that thing where you ran foward and look sideways without changing your direction
im bouta make life hell for raiders lol
You got my like <3! Thank you!
Thank you! Very useful tips for a new player
Lekker bezig man
Tja sven
its 3am and I dont even have rust… why am I watching this?
Imagine building a base
Make a backup generator (battery), use your windmill and branch it off to 2 batteries, add a blocker to one and hide it somewhere in the base.
12:50 there is no mark that he hit the half wall but after shooting it you can see he hit the half wall as he couldnt get it to splash through
Thanks man
I never knew that pewdiepie’s dog have a youtube channel. But nice video tho!
Is he Dutch?
I knew everything in the vid, but its really helpful and hard to make so thank you for doing it !
Lol, this video is like a passive aggressive attack towards me. Always mentioning how you need to make sure other people can access stuff, or build multiple bedrooms etc. I’ve never played in a group or even duo. Always been solo. Feelsbadman
27:45 hmmh. I had like 1.2k hqm on vanilla extra in boxes I used like 800-1000 and the upkeep was too high so we had to leave the base.
Great video man dropped a sub
Aye PewDiePie I found ur dog he’s, he’s ummm a human
I need this video 🤣
Oml i see so many people not code locking chests and it pisses me off
Fakka nederlander met een grof hard accent! xD
i watched the whole video and i learned so much even tho i have a OK amount of hours
Sven as in PewDiePies minecraft dog
i noticed that you have an accent . and i think you are dutch
What dafuk was tip 100??
The foundation stairs are gone now rip
I needed this
Pews DOG!
10k my man remember me wen u have 1000,000,000, subscribers k?
unlootable loot rooms are annoying and anyone that uses them loses my respect
Another tip place ur bag XD
What is this? If you use brain, u already know most of these things…
29th tip is wrong, you always want your loot room foundations to be high quality, in the best case scenario, let’s say your foundations are metal and your walls are armored if a raider shoots out a lootroom foundation without tc he will be able to loot the packages the loot room drop, but if he shoots out tc, and you don’t have external tc’s then it’s game over since he can place a bag through the gap and he will spawn inside your base…so yeah, foundations ALWAYS armored
you can skip one roof by tip #34
Are you a dog in Minecraft
get u an adblock
first video i have watched of your and i need to say how are you only on 10k. your gonna be big 🙂
25 and 92 was the new things I learned 🙂 Thanks for the awesome video <3
Are you dutch?
About 25th tip, you could just use a meele with auto clicker and go afk instead of spending shells, pretty sure it would work.
tip 25 is legend, thanks!
You can use 42 incent shells to destroy a tier 2
As for tip 58 you can upgrade door frames more if you plan do to some 100 iq door re places
I watched until the end, nice video!
yoooow NL
*anything exists*
Sven: “you know thats pretty op”
on tip #2 I would recommend hosting your own server locally on your computer instead of renting, it’s really easy and you don’t need to have it running 24/7 since others won’t and can’t join it until you port-forward it (which you don’t have to if you just want to build solo)
rule #0 don’t build 2×2
Burst my eardrums with your intro music. Eish
I liked seeing the soft sides
#95 – I have seen it other places as well but IMO you can still destroy the TC from under the workbench – I tested this on a sandbox server.
For me it was never a problem to place a locker in a triangle even after putting down the walls first.
sound exactly like pewdiepie and ur called Sven
*hey, pssst Cave bases are op btw*
Great video man, keep up the good work.
nice video man taught me a bunch of stuff i didnt know
This is a pretty good vid… I guess I’ll sub
Could you do a video on just using vending machines? I want to use them but it’s hard to understand when you could and when you should lol! Great vid btw!
18:18 you can pick up water catchers they just need to be empty
I thought they patched stability bunkers? meaning you can splash the twig or wood half wall anymore.
Just on the Tier 2 it’s easier / cheaper to destroy with incendiary ammo!
101: you can place a t3 in a triangle good for like 2x2s and stuff look it up on youtube
I havent been offlined raided for about a year with the same base design. Its basically a simple decently strong bunker base. Like 25+ c4 or so to raid. But thats not the reason I not been raided. I generally place my base next to outpost/bandit camp in very active areas with alot of players allways around. I think this is the main reason that I not been raided. Most raiders tend to chooses bases with little risk of being countered, such as isolated bases on the coast or islands. Also im a solo player, and seing that lock on the front door might contribute a bit. I was failed-onlined 3 times in a day by a 4 man on a trio server which got banned after. They spend atleast 50+ c4 since I managed to patch the base, but besides that no one have even tried to raid my base.
subbed,,,lets go
Sws dat je Nederlands bent haha wel leuke vid hoor!
wist binnen 2sec dat je NL was xd
i play on a 3x and i usually foundation raid tall bases cause its cheapest so i personally would recommend upping them to hqm
The tier 3 tc hiding trick is actually a really cool one!
A video I would love to see is tips on freestyling a base, like when your planned base doesn’t work out/you don’t have the terrain for it. If anything, maybe more tips for building on difficult terrain
Regardless, love the video, appreciate it!
Tip 1. Make sure you gather the material
Tip 2. Make sure you have a building plan
Tip 3. Make sure you build walls.
Tip 4. Umm oh make sure you code lock tc.
Err are we at 100 tips yet? No?
Tip 5. Make sure you place door
Great video and tips😎😎😎
& Gratz on 10k
What ak skin
congratz on 10k
Well 150k metal isn’t 150 nodes. You get 600 ore per node
I knew everything already and watched the whole video and wow thats alot of time u put into this ur amazing
Wow I thought I’d know everything but I didn’t know #19.
EDIT: 18:20 Ladder hatches can be picked up!?!!?!!?
Hey, can you so a video where you show your computer specs?
Love the videos! Joinin discord forever
You missed the hardside / softside pic at tip 11
Thanks alot for this man. 👍🥇
Half-Half wall is pretty usefull. Its great for marking concentrate boxes.
Woah just now i see your youtube channel. THIS GUY NEEDS MORE ATTENCION!!!!! 👍
In my 2.2k hours of rust I did not know you could pick stairs lol congrats with 10 k
whats the intro song
Congrats on 10k 🥳
Sven how are u
I am wondering why u didn’t respond I think that ur going on ur vids and seeing what people have comment
Hey can u make a nother electric vid
Are you dutch? Looks like it by your accent
u can place boxes on the small wall, its really good for lootrooms
congratulations on 10k bro
Tips helped alot
10k10k10k10k10k10k10k 10k10k10k10k good job. Well deserved
on how big the building community is on rust idc if ur small u deserve more these vids are amazing
Number 30 is BS SVEN.
10K subs !!
You can’t pick up water barrels.
This stuff is for much newer players, I already knew all of this stuff. There wasn’t anything I was able to learn BUT I do think this is still a REALLY good video for new players because this stuff in really important to know. Good video I’ll be recommending to my newer friends.
Great video Sven keep up the good work bud I love your videos
I thought they patched the stability bunkers so, you can’t splash the expo ammo through the floor you know.
Thanks Sven! Great job on this video keep up the great work!
Is tip #40 and #98 not the same? xdd
12:54 Is that still possible?
Can someone tell me a good trio base?
good vid that help me a lot thx
100 useful tips 👌🏻😂💯
I like this one
I would like a video that can be titled for clickbait “Tips & Tricks” but without tips and tricks
With building principles.
Maybe call it “Building principles” on top of the “Tips & Tricks”, which gets the clicks
Or call it “The Rust Builder’s Manual”
Basically that. What are the most important truths about the Rust build system to understand? Maybe prioritized for less known ones. Maybe sorted from most known to least known.
All up to you. These videos are your art piece anyway.
Good video Sven, I already knew like 98 of them BUT I remembered a lot of them again and I will consider them in my future base builds! Keep it up!
I watched the video in 2x speed just to be the first to finish watching
Steve Will Do It?
btw, tip #11 misses the image, maybe link it in a pinned comment
did i hear someone say tK on top? 😂 havnt watched it yet but must be great
this is the shit
I love watching proper base builders
Ello boiis!!
lol <3