Salty OTV Rust
Salty Rust moments highlights.
Streamers Featured In Order:
Myth: https://www.twitch.tv/myth
Ludwig: https://www.twitch.tv/ludwig
Shroud: https://www.twitch.tv/shroud
xQcOW: https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow
Greekgodx: https://www.twitch.tv/greekgodx
Mizkif: https://www.twitch.tv/mizkif
Soda: https://www.twitch.tv/sodapoppin
Peepo ending animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAbi2_n8_Mw&t=184s&ab_channel=HeydoubleU
Time Stamps:
0:00 Cracking Codes
1:02 Stream Sniping
2:07 Team Rocket
4:20 Ludwig Horse
4:45 Clowning on xQc
6:33 Soda Truth Bomb
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these clips and will take them down if the original creator wishes.
Taqs:Rust,xqc,twitch clips,otv,myth,shroud
コメント (97)
The forced laughter is so cringe, makes these things so unwatchable
child man
The only content creators I’ve ever seen play Rust like chads and not start drama are Stimpee and Spoonkid, as well as their respective friend groups. Letting a bunch of entitled reaction streamers into one server together was literally never going to end well with how toxic Rust is at it’s core.
If stimpee ain’t involved, i ain’t here for it. He’s the villain and hero we need for these people.
This content was great until zuckles joined. I love him as a YouTuber but he did some scummy rust tactics. Lol
Jesus, these guys are cringe.
most of them so cringe, fake emotions…
kelvin ballsworth by far the best character lol
this shit is cringe thank god for stimpee
Everyone took this way to seriously, even the people watching.
i just got cancer from watching those vain, douchebag, try-hard, wannabe, creepy, toxic streamers….
that shit looked like a stroke or sum at 0:50
2:09 bro predicted it
The ego in those OTV servers…
i feel like poke and the actual rust players were the only ones that should have ever been on that server
Rusty is truely a toxic game an even brings out the worse of the streamers.
6:10 degen creams himself after killing a man who had a snowball launcher with an m92. Such a fucking loser, man
That myth guy has the most nasaly voice I’ve ever heard a fully grown man have bro skipped puberty
I still love to this day they banned,and scolded actual rust players for enjoying the game and not killing in “rp” then we have videos of xqc sniping and shooting without rp. Comments said it best man children and hotub streamers.
0:54 I’m cryinggggggggg, mf just glitched out
bruh i can bet you like 5 modern grubs can wipe this server while its mid wipe lmao
xQc is the cringiest streamer I’ve ever seen. Greek is a close second.
This is way more cringe than salt.
Imagine the salt towards stimpee XD
the shroud clip killed me
Needed more footage from trainwreck getting salty over ser wanker killing him.
that first guy is faking the reaction way too hard. super annoying
The real Chad is Stimpee
4:03 love how the unsettling rust music kicks in straight after xcq has a mental break down and murders someone for no reason, so perfect.
W stimpee and serwinter and any other trolls
Myth fat now
the Otv servers are really boring to watch
Streamers suck man
Crazy how Mizkifs room is fucking empty in his clip
from what l can see sir winter got done dirty
X is a raging beta
i think toast gave lud the slowest horse in the game
Stimpee and Ser winter for life
Sykkuno:*gives X a gun acting friendly*
Me:*knowing full well that Sykkuno secretly likes the chaos he’s about to unleash* welp here he goes killin again
Xqc over here making his code 1111. This man is just asking for it at this point.
I just here for Stimpee.
i do agree that it’s kinda crap of myth to streamsnipe
This people are extremely cringe and salty, Stimpee needs to be here to put them in their place.
shout out gunpug
xqc a big baby
Does Myths laugh seem fake?
xQc kills someone saying toxic sht and its alright because his big
xQc dies: making lies and can’t even take an L
How are we not talking about the guy who dumped his entire fucking bottle of water on himself?
Leave it to Greek and xQc to singe-handedly ruin the server. Well, them and Timmac.
Bro literally put a 4x on an ak 1:03
The “rust youtubers” were the only interesting people in this cringe ass server.
Man….i glad at that time, og rust streamers make a contents out of this crybabies streamers
Does anyone else find the Pepe just so fucking cringe?
xqc and trainwreck are the biggest man children glad ser winter and stimpee got content out of it tho
You gotta love stimpie
3:02 “Friends at J10, don’t kill us.” xQc proceeds to kill
Did I just learn that Shroud was sponsored by Hot Pockets?
Dude, I understand the point of the server was for new rust players to be introduced to the game and play without the fear of streamsniping, however the fact that these man children didn’t allow others to play the game the correct way is nuts. For example when stimpee killed Greek, the entire server was upset at stimpee because he was good at the game, however when Greek kills stimpee the server rejoices. Actual children, plus an average rust player would wipe the floor with most of these players even on their own
LMAO wtf was shroud doing
xQc is a fucking man baby, jesus.
so myth is 90% nonhuman
Defiantly sniping …???
Wasnt code rading against the rules? LMAO
To he honest Its the chat and envment that makes everything worse
Server would be only RP without Rocket Team who became vilans of the server even tho othet goups had way more kills
Also raiding was not really a thing mostly because the chat and cuple specyfics I dont wanna waste time explaining
As 3000h rust player I enjoyed first and 2nd Otv server and I just know complainers are mentaly toddlers who are x100 more toxic on non competetive games and otv was like the most comptive ego and fame boost
I watched mostly vods on most of the pov’s and the whole thing from X, Sykono, Stimpee and Hjune so I think I’m propably the one person who watched +300h of content from 40h server LMAO so I know what I’m Talking about how chat and donos were
Also remember when Memio got Text to speech dono that he is getting raided Lmao this is prime example why Its got ruined also make xqc lose his mind and made him paranoid (also x is getting sniped in every online game since he got so many viewers and hate watchers)
Myth chat were full of xqc hate watchers too they were getting banned for giving info they sniped but there still were example like
“Check the chat” there was logs of players killing players or scientist so if somebody was killing scietist you could find out and go counter
“Upgrade base” before others wanted to raid
Etc which were advices addaptive to sniped info and it was like that the whole time since myth and other smaller streamers had hoppers not only vs xqc but other players specially bigger streamers
I enjoyed the content and thats what matter the most toxic idiots in chat Will always be idots
A lot of people he doesn’t mesh with… thats why rust is beautiful. You can destroy them or start something new with them
The pandemic would end if otv never exist
Love the vid, you got so many amazing clips
I think if the streamers invited all had a few wipes of rust under their belt it would’ve gone smoother, if you haven’t touched a public server then you won’t know how bad the game can really get 😂 nothing better thanfarming and getting enough mats to get a base down and getting murdered
Watching these streams makes me mad
OTV got Rued by XQC Ser winter and spoon should no have got banned
Lmao these “content creators” playing rust and getting mad because someone played the game correctly makes me cringe. Stimpee for life.
man do I despise xQc
This is so booring…
This server could’ve been amazing but it was filled with shitty streamers and people who have never played rust in their life and to top it off almost everyone is incredibly cringe
OTV needed more people like stimpee to keep the man-children and hottub streamers in check.
Rip pinto
When you realise, the only normal people on that server are the yts! /streamers who used to play rust before the trend
xqc is such a child
The server is like a zoo that contains a lot of people that suffer from the Main protaganist syndrome. For few exceptions like Stimpee, Welyn and other normal few fellas.
4:45 smh, that rock was 100% stream sniping. How’d it know he was gonna be there to get in the way?
Unless they have the personality of stimpee, watching these streamers playing rust hurts the soul than it is entertaining.
cute outro
xqc is always the one who starts drama on every game he plays and with any streamer he interacts with, change my mind
1:02 I have the same Halloween shirt as xqc
Myth is the definition of not funy
0:55 tf happen
4:00 people actually like this guy?
Greek was acting like a bitch on this server :p
2:45 cringe
This whole idea was just so fundamentally not gonna work. The whole thing is fascinating. I can’t get enough of it
“code was 1234” I mean the roof was twig, that should’ve been your first thought.
id shit on myth any day of the week on rust he is to cocky and needs to be put in his place
Myth is a beta
gotta love xqc going 4x ak and being confuddled as to how he lost
0:55 did shroud just have a stroke
Twitch streamers are the biggest man-children I’ve ever seen, I don’t know why anyone would want to watch these babies