RUST 🛢 Beta Codes! Wave 3! 🎮 PS4 XBOX PS5 Xbox Series X|S
Rust Beta codes going out now! This is wave 3 of the Rust console edition beta that are going out, check your email address you signed up with, most likely there will be a few phases of codes released thru out the day if it is anything like last week. With the Rust console beta currently going on we now have more information about the Rust console edition Beta release date for the PS4 and Xbox One. Looks like multiple times a day. We have a Rust Beta console date Limited beta will start March 1st and be for the whole month of March 2021. Rust Beta codes are going out now to a few selected people that have signed up for the beta on PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. As the Beta goes on more people will be added to the Rust Beta on PS4 and Xbox. Rust beta date range that are possible with the current info that we have from the developers, either way this thing is coming soon for us. With the Rust console beta happening soon for 2021, We go over what is known right now for the Rust Console Beta. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Beta release timing, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. Rust Beta is still happening for PS4 and Xbox. Official word has come from Double 11 studios about the Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta. Is the Rust Beta Downloadable on Xbox One right now? Rust Console Release News for XBOX ONE and PS4! Today’s video is about a potential dates for the Rust Beta and some behind the scenes things show that they are pushing closer to the actual release of the Rust Beta and the Full Rust release for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. This video talks all about New Rust console info, and how Rust is coming to PS4 and Xbox one. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! This is the most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. Rust Console Beta is happening in 2021 and I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Rust was officially announced for beta and full release of Rust in 2021 and is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One! With the Rust Beta getting close for Xbox One and Playstation 4. When is the Rust Beta coming to console, Rust console Beta for PS4 and the Xbox One. Sharing what we do know and giving a good date range to expect the Rust Beta to happen for consoles (Playstation 4 and Xbox One) Rust Console BETA announced and where to sign up for the beta. Be the first to play in the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust Beta for Playstation 4 and Xbox will be coming before the Rust on console release in 2021. Rust has been officially Announced Rust is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One soon in 2021. Rust is coming to console! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Beta,Rust PS4 Beta,Rust Xbox Beta,Rust PS4 Beta Code,Rust Xbox Beta Code,Rust PS4 Beta Date,Rust Xbox Beta Date,Rust Beta Wave 3,Rust Beta Out Now,Rust Beta News,Rust Console News,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5,Rust Beta Date,Rust Beta Release Date,Rust Beta PS4,Rust Beta Xbox,Rust Beta Xbox One,Rust Beta Update,Rust Console Beta,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,BoiFriendSquad
コメント (300)
Signup landing page (Double11) https://www.rustonconsole.com
Oii just bought this game on Xbox when is the closed beta available?
Just signed up for the code hoping i get one bc i rlly like rust but my laptop barely runs roblox and has like 4 gbs of ram
Hope so this chit dont get crosplay until we enyoi i go Pc toxic people dont do nothing just camp spawns to kill what the fckng point game if dont learn right 😤
I’ll be soo pissed if rust doesn’t run on my next gen Xbox I wanted a key to see if it would run on next gen but there prolly going to force me to buy it first makes no sense why this game would run on a shitty og Xbox one and not the brand new one.
We need to pre order it first?
How do I check if I got a code yet? I signed up but idk how to check
How does one get codes for rust on Xbox?
Can u get banned for game sharing on the PS4
How long until you have to wait to get your code?
I signed up an hour ago but no code?
when will be the next wave? please.
Does any have a code for Xbox they can send me please!!!!
I had my beta code in my promotions inbox
Ps4 code plzzzzz
I got in the först wave
I got the code but there are no servers 😔 can anyone help
I got the key 15 march
Hey I got a code but I keep getting connection errors
I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks still havent gotten it ):
How long does it take to arrive? Anyone know the average time it takes?
i just signed up. what’s the chances that i actually get it?
I just got my code!!!!!
How do I play
I never sign up until 2 days ago and got it
Does it work on ps5 it says no servers
Im on ps5
Is this not playable on ps5
I got the code but can’t seem to find any servers on my ps5
Can wait to see all the pc chat just dominating all the noobs
Got the code hype too play it!
Wait rust is coming out in this spring?
It’s stupid that you need ps plus
Singed up now, saw trough my friendslist a guy playing rust beta on his ps4 . Man I been waitting for Rust to come out.
Atx jalen yt on Xbox
I have a question i have got a code from march 3 can i still join?
Yup a got my code yesterday
Can console users use Mnk
Cmon hope I win frl
there are so many broke asses in the comments cus they cant afford a pc lmao
This sucks for Australians…
Got the code yessss
Is it to late to get a code please some one anwser meeee
any1 1 want 2 play Xbox my gt Lucid Lynx3401
since when was rust going to consoles
If you’re looking for a teammate on xbox add me Stadler1227
I have a spare code giving away at 50 subs
Omg im so happy i literally like signed up a day ago and was like “im not gonna win but i guess il give it a go” and i forgot about and just randomly got an email with the code
The question i want to know is this better than Dayz console?
Been playing for the last 2 weeks. It’s really fun. But it needs two things. Anticheat software and horizontal sensitivity
If I get a rust code for PS4 do I need to buy the game when it actually come out?
I’ve just signed up I’m praying I’m getting one it’s my favourite game
I’m so excited! 👍
I got my code for ps5 and I have an extra one for anybody who wants it…
so after all, you can not shoot videos, distribute screenshots and stream the new Rust, it was not written in the letter with the code, or is it already possible?
Got mine yesterday evening 😍
I just checked my emails and the code came. Be wary, it could be in promotions.
Mr postman i got my code
Got one fist round game is so fun just make sure you turn up FOV or it looks like dog
Can i Play Rust closed beta on Ps5 ?
Bruh They sent me a code for Microsoft/Xbox but I picked PlayStation…. I’m depressed..no beets for me 😞
Got my email just waiting on code 🥺
Can’t create game or find sever 😞
I got it I had given up all hope but I got it but I didn’t get a confirmation email tho
I redeemed a rust code but I need ps plus 😕
Anybody know how to remove a construction on console?
I have one code for ps4, I have signed up 2 emails and already have 2 codes, but 1 I already use. If you want, I can give it to you, waiting on telegram @ClausSanta24
All cap
How long is the Beta active
I’ve been signed up for like a month still nothing
I’ve messed up I put my phone email and not my email connect to my Microsoft account rip💀
I got my email yesterday
I signed up months ago
I just got my code. But it’s only one code. How am I supposed to play with my friends? Don’t they usually send out a bunch
I got mine but game chat isnt working for me
I got the rust code 2 days ago and signed up 1 week ago 🤣🤣🤣
I’m in it bois
Just got my email
My friend signed up 2 days ago and got his code
Do i put my profile or my gmail? I put both but just wanna make sure
I’ve been signed up for about 4 months now and still haven’t received a code, does anyone has a spare ps4 code? Is so please add my psn: Restrict
I just got my code redeemed it but no download?
MAN I GOT A CODE LES GOOOO (I signed up like 1 week ago so if you guys sign up now I think you can still get it)
Ey Guys I got a key iam sooooo hyped good luck to everyone:)
Bois I have multiple codes who wants one?
so i signed up todaY march 17th do i have to wait for wave 4 and also will u 100% get a code
I got a code thank you so much dude for keeping me updated for the past year dude you are amazing
I entered it and got it in 24 hours it’s great !!
Somebody give me a code for Playstation <3
Hi I just got a code on ps5 how long will it last once downloaded. Just wondering if I have to pull a all-nighter
I just saw this and remembered to check my email. Got an email asking me to confirm my Microsoft account email so i am so hype
I got or right now and Im so hyped
Just noticed I had my code! Anyone looking to team up?? I’m on PS4
I have only been able to solo rn but if anyone wants to team up add my ps4 @GrandM14. I play the game alot on pc so I know what I’m doing
Will there be a open beta before release?
Wait check gmail or email cuz I think there the same
My ps4 wont even let me record anyways. It places itself in non recordable mode. So they have to unblock that feature before anyone can record directly on ps4.
I signed up 1 week ago still no codes
It’s still bs I didn’t get one
why did everyone else get a code 🙁
Does anyone know if we will be able to use our steam skins in console edition
I got a invite to join the beta sent me Xbox insider email still nothing has popped up any fix?
Letssss gooo I got a code
I got a code
Been signed up for almost a year and I don’t have a code… this is treasonous. I’ve wanted this for 4 years I tell you
Signed up 2 weeks ago still got nothing
Anybody interested in play the beta with me on Xbox
I never got a email for it, just checked my insider hub and it was there. Everyone check!
I got a email saying to confirm my email for my xbox account what does that mean that I might get a code later on ?
Yoo for those who have the beta. Do you guys lag often? For example when you enter your base the game gets very laggy? Or is it just me?????
I’m waiting still for mine if I get one I’m going so happy
What abt the AK spray is it goin be the same?
So i got the code because it dint apear in my primary i had to search it up in my email just hoped this helped anyone out
I didn’t get an email confirmation if your on Xbox get checking the Xbox insider app 👍👍👍
I give up im not gonna get one I signed up a year ago and haven’t got anything so ill just wait 2 months for the full release the beta almost over anyway
Got a code boys, if you are on xbox check insider because I got a code but I didnt get an email you can find the beta in insider if you have been accepted
some one help please i signed up and got my code i know i put in everything right but it doesn’t show up on the xbox insider app
Guys any help I got the code for rust on PS4 but it says: error this code doesn’t work in your country/region
If someone could help me I would be glad
Bro I got two separate codes and gave one to my friend
I always checked for an email from double eleven. And one day I just saw one in my ads files sitting there a few days
Do you have any idea when it’s coming to oce
anyone know if its true that if you game share on ps4 for rust beta you will get banned from the finally game?
Lmaoooo after I watched this video I got my beta code emaillll like immediately
This isn’t a console game, trash decision from the developers
How long does the email take to receive if you do get in
Does anyone now if you can Account share the beta?
I signed up less than 4 weeks ago and managed to get a key, idk if this is lucky but I do feel hellllla lucky with that
Just got my sign up email today 😊
I got a conformation email today but it was saying I need a Microsoft account email I play in ps4 and I know for a fact I put ps4 when I signed up for the form anyone else have this problem?
Bro thank u so much I just checked my spam mail and found it it was there for like 2 weeks thx man love your vids
Its gonna suck that loads of PC players that have played for years and going to stomp console servers full of newbs
So sad but guess I’ll have to wait till release
Been signed up for a week and haven’t got one
I got my beta codes in wave 3
I got one lets go
Signed up two months ago stil HAVENT gotten it and Ik someone who signed up four days ago and has it
Looking for clan members drop your psn name
If you sign up now will you still get one? Would love to know?
I got a code I Carnt believe it
I Got a invite …IM IN!!😍
Still can’t believe I haven’t gotten a code sad days
Hey jade, I’m on the Xbox version and I got a code, where would I find the game available for download once I confirm all my details
I got a email to confirm my email. Does that Mean I’m getting a code?
when is 4th wave
Got my email verification today. How long does it take to get the code after verification?
I Got a code🥳
am i supposed to get a confirmation email?
I barely got the first email
So if i got the email you send my Microsoft email does that make my chances higher
Got confirmation email but probably too late to get in now
I got in, but my internets super slow rn, do I have to update the game after I install it and if so how big is the Xbox edition update?
Got my code but the game won’t let me interact with the start screen. Anyone else having this issue
I got my invite in the insider but I didn’t get a email or invite to the discord server
Do you find the code in your phones mail
When does the wave end?
I’m still waiting for rust on game boy
Hate why every Vid on rust now is people Saying The OFFICIAL RELEASE IS SPRING Everyone Knows that already so stop saying that Unless u actually have a date
Got one but it didn’t work
The game fun asl
I’ve finally got it
BROOOOOOOO…I finally got my Xbox invite today wooooo! I died to a duo but I don’t even care I’m so happy RN.
Lmao I got one
They will send an email out if you signed up but it’s not GURINTED getting in
I finally got my confirmation email so hope I get selected waited for forever
Does anyone know what button the push to talk is on Xbox one?
Everyone: I did not get an email but did get access to the beta, if you’re on Xbox make sure your checking the insider app!
Just want to give a heads up, I got in recently and had no email at all. So for xbox players be sure and check the insider app every wave.
I got an email for confirmation, I can only imagine I’m getting one
Hey 🐒 jade
I just signed up today how long did it take for confirmation email?
I feel so lucky to have a code
Everyone that got a code this wave set a like 👍
Why isn’t rust showing up in the insider app for me? I got an email saying i was chosen
When is Rust gonna be available to purchase like specifically
Jade if I get a email to confirm my Microsoft does that mean I get a code
Bro im on ps4 and been signed up since 2020 around march and still havent got a code
hello, I would like to ask you to make subtitles in Russian, since a lot of people from Russia watch you.
I got the beta
Im on Xbox really Hope i get in. Confirmed my Email.. Love Rust and good luck to everyone
Extra code anybody?
so i got an email but it says sign in to Microsoft so I emailed them and said i play on ps4 so hopefully they reply
Just signed up I’m praying
Dose any one know how long you have to wait once you confirm your email
I just checked my emails and realised I got in. I’m currently installing it. I’ll keep everyone who’s wondering up to date. I may be 6 days late but awell
Will you be playing on the series x?
I got one saying to confirm my email, but it wasn’t a code. When do I get a code?
I’m having no luck at all. I’ve signed up for awhile now too. good luck to everyone tho
I got an email to verify my email from double11
I finally got my code 😍
Hey Jade I just got an email from Double Eleven Ltd to confirm my information, do you know what the next step is?
I got it!!
Jade please help I’m confused on why I was send a confirm email from D11. Why do I need to confirm my email if I already gave it to them.
How much will it be?
I got a email this morning to confirm my details and provide my email that’s linked to my Xbox account. Does this mean I’m close? 👀
Haven’t even got a response email yet 😭😭😭 and I signed up the day of the first wave lmfao
I just got my confirmation email! I’m shitting bricks rn
Anyone want to play together on ps4. Post your psn
Just recieved my code for ps4 beta 😀 thank you jade monkey for getting me interested in rust
Its not that good tbh i dont get the hype and ive played the beta
can someone give me a code
I’ve signed up last year when it first got announced then they gave me a confirmation email I did everything it asked which was about a month or two ago and I still havnt got it but someone who I know who even told me they didnt sign up till this year is on it right now 😡
I’m so happy 😁 I got the got I jumping from. Happiness 😁😁😁
Why don’t I even get a confirmation email sent to me ??
I have the email. I send my xbox email he , how long do I have to wait for their reply ???
After three weeks I finally managed to get a code
Got my codes today cant wait to get off today
No codes for me! What day of the week were codes sent to you all?
Did they stop sending codes
I signed up like 3 weeks ago checked my emails everyday since started to lose all hope and whilst I was watching this video got the email with the codes. 🤣
I wish they will send me a code for xbox
I signed up yesterday and i got a code today OMG (PS4(
I play on my xbox series x and work and plays as good as a beta can
I got one!!!!!!!!
Wooop got my code today!!!!!
No code for me
How long does the code take to send?
omg i got the code finally
How i can play rust mouse and keyboard in ps4 ?
Can anyone with a Xbox or PlayStation say who got a code just wanna see the ratio
I got the confirmation email when would I most likely receive a code?
Hope I get it
I keep signing up, probably over 25 times and it’s been 3 week or so and I still haven’t gotten my code. Anything I should do?
Jade I Love Your Passion So Much. I Come For The Content Always ,The Tooodaaloop Is The Best Part Dont Ever Stop 🤞🏾
Can I talk about it with another beta tester?
I know im never gonna get a code even though i signed up a long time ago
i just got a code today letsss gooooo
My Rust news source
Does anyone know how long it takes to know if you’ve been chosen to be in the beta after giving your email on the 1st email
How many waves will they be doing?
I still haven’t got a code i put my email in like the 27 last month
So I got an email on my phone for me to confirm my details but where do I find the code on my Xbox if they send it
Finally got one today!!! So hyped!
Anyone have extra a extra ps4 code? I’ve been waiting forever and haven’t gotten one
i just got my confirm email my email what does that mean?
i didnt know you had to confirm your email, just did that so hopefully i get in
i havent gotten one yet sadly
I got a message from them saying confirm ur email and now what do I do now?
I got my beta code rn let’s go
Yo jade how do I get the beta codes like sign up and get verified for it
I finally got my verification email and I did it then saw that I needed to make sure you do it correctly and I did it again to make sure. I don’t know if that ruins my chances if I do it twice just to make sure I got it right.
Can you record now and then post it when nda is lifted?
I got one🎉
I still haven’t gotten mine I’m sooo upset 🥺🥺
I got the wave 3 email. Unfortunately I’m at work right now but once I get home I’m going to hop on my Xbox and try the beta
thank you very much thanks and you, for telling us to sign up for the bet today i received a key
Does anyone know what to do if you’ve had an email accepting you into the beta, but it hasn’t shown up on Xbox insider.
Cant wait to play this game this week
I just got an email to confirm my details so hopefully i get in
my friend got a code😭😭😭
I have still not got mines yet
Are you aloud to say how many codes they release every week?
I got a code from last week so does it still work for me?
I love the Tokyo drift at the beginning
Nothing yet but got high hopes
Waited 2 years and no code
If I signed up March 4, will I have a chance at a code?
So will rust be free to play on full release?
I never got a confirmation email but I did sign up early 2020 will I still be able to get in??
I got me code
Yeah I’m not getting a code I’ll just wait for open beta
Jade did you get the same email talking about thank you for taking part even when I’ve not taken part
Haven’t been picked
Jade have you gotten a code?
Finally got a code this Monday im hyped hope to see you on bois!
Still waiting for my second email to tell how to download the game on Xbox
I signed up in January and never got an email back
I signed up for the beta in January am I even going to get invited at all?
Every 5 min to check if I got the code 🤣🤣
I got picked
I got one the hype is real
Man I haven’t got one waiting for my Xbox code
Missing your vids Jade
Good luck to everyone
Still haven’t gotten a code 🥲
Omg I got in finally 😭😭😭😭
Jade a question I signed up 2 days ago when will I get me code
Nooo I haven’t got one yet I hope I do
and still haven’t gotten one, been signed up forever now
love the vids man
good luck everyone!!
PlayStation codes are currently getting sent out and Xbox codes have not been confirmed to being sent out just yet
Jade what if I sign up on the email feb 26 will I still get In?
I’m so sad Jade, I still haven’t gotten one 🙁
i don’t even feel like checking at this time
Damn I’m not first but 3rd will do
I got my code but I’m still in school 😭
Love to everyone
When they out
Edit: I forgot to check my email and got the code, thank you jade for reminding me and the updates since last year 👍