The Cheeky Camouflaged Forest Base in Rust
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” The Cheeky Camouflaged Forest Base in Rust ”
I went deep on a clan, deep on a roof camper, deep on a raid whilst living in a secret forest base. Such a fun wipe!
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#rust #rustpvp #rustsolo
Taqs:rust,sebbyk,rust movie,rust gameplay,rust sebbyk,sebby k,rust console,blooprint,eco raiding rust,code raiding rust,sebby,rust trap base,rust eco raid,wally1k,willjum,sebbyk rust,rust wipe,spoonkid,rust base,rust hardcore,rust base design,rust tutorial,hjune,rust solo base,rust update,facepunch,rust trio base,rust bunker base,rust duo base,rust legacy,rust gambling,rust hard mode,rust pvp,base build,best start,eco raid,forest base
コメント (251)
I will be playing on my server this wipe: http://www.ecokingdom.gg for full details
Wow. Were externals preventing you from placing a TC and slapping on doors?
Watching you make TCs you dont need to is like a drinking game.
Ah yes, Tony, we know who that is
This video was very entertainging
It´s pay day boys
1000% scripted you could’ve Authed yourself on the turret ?
Imagine being that player: “The Pussy”
Traits: Despawns everything when he sees he won’t make it..
17:32 it’s time to learn some explosives to raid it, but to raid it we need to learn some explosives😂
41:00 there’s a tc in the box lol
Love it keep up the good work!
sora “ i got up! “ hahahaha
At 25mins they had a bunker In there base under the ramp was a twig wall
Okay what you want to do is try to put a hole like a hole through there barbed wire
They made a mistake by taking everything I had and killing me when I had codes and I cleared tc
Yea those HV rockets are basically anti personnel ballistics. Great for firing into a group of players especially when defending a raid or raiding. They don’t do too much damage to deployable items.
Sebby if you build by a rock in the desert and use the skin it all blends into the rock because even the roof is the same color
With a base that’s labelled “unraidable”, just sneaking in and eating their corn is lol af. 😂
Gambling websites suck. Stop luring kids into gambling. All you want is money? Bad content creator.
it was a bunker base the car ramp had a twig half wall
You should try a console video
there was a god damn tc and door in the box 😀
No One:
Sebby every single video: “This is the best start I ever had in Rust”
at 40 minutes in the box u jack hammered had a tc in it which you then said you didnt have and had to craft. its ok ur still a goat
GG dude… so good
He didn’t have to destroy the TC at about 34:00 in lol it was unlocked. Clear auth then auth yourself
The one in the bag is a streamer called Illojuan, and “a mimir” means sleeptime
After a shit day at work nothing hits quite like a sebbyk mischief video. Keeps these up my man
why wouldd be hardd when u start playing on 4 days old server
Sebby laughing just stealing the mini from the start made the entire video already for me lol
Andysoami? Lol. He didn’t find 10000 c4 this time…?
Base at 24 min might have had bunker under the car ramp.
Part two?!
follow gods comandments love each other
I did the forest also snow color they look cool I just need to do the desert
Just finished watching what a video man, that was awesome
what was the red text at 33:19 about/
Wait, you can eat the corn directly from the stalk? I never knew that
Yo that’s my country men, Filipinos hahaha
The loot from those counters was hidden under the second floor. Look back through your footage, there’s twig under the ramp. I’d bet you break the twig it opens a ramp or a floor to a hidden loot room.
41:01 there is a TC right there! lol
300 hours, never had an AK
The creator code doesn’t work
First like first comment first view
19:58 that moment when we can all agree , we need another row on the inventory
about 45mins to a hour but i got 4.1K Hrs lol
The hotel owners are Filipinos Damn
What is that on the top left of the screen at 33:15?
SebbyK when you tried to go deep on one base and you were wondering where all the loot was it was under the floor. 25:16 look at the ramp
25:32 you dont see the twig of ramp man.. is bunker..
All “Andys” needs to die in this Game ! 😉
what does he mean when he says the rocket can trigger on bodies it confused me?
im confused. why didn’t you auth on their turrets when they were off??? or at leat take the guns from them?
Keep up the good work sebby , love the vids
HI sebbyk i just started rust on my laptop im trying to get youtubers to play with me i was wondring if you want to play
41:20 Sebby literally broke the box that had a TC in it, to go get the wood to build a tc lmao
What is the red script at 33:13?
this is the type of video to watch before going to sleep, love you sebby!!
Sebbbyy it takes me the hole wipe 😂 i have skill isue 🎉🎉
lol this guy off 1 hr of sleep every 47 hrs type shit rust jesus type shit sweatyk type shit LEGEND TYPE SHIT
I passed out a couple of times when watching your vid🍷🗿
Anybody else see the tc in the box
Love you to death bro. Enjoy your content but holy shit can you please learn how to loot faster. Like you take 10 minutes to loot 🥹🥹🥹😂😂😂😄 nothing but love homie.
sebby scripted hahaha
Keep up the good content man
Such a great voice and narration! IMO that’s what sets Sebby apart from other channels.
Always a great day when my favorite Rust YouTuber uploads!
you just got raided by a zerg of filipinos 🇵🇭 🇵🇭
At 41:00 on the dot you can see a tc and then he goes and craft one
Anyone else catch the TC in the box at 41:01 when Sebby was looking for wood to craft a TC 🙂
Just ruined that roofcampers chance of ever being on that team again
Found u today already love your vids
Sebby please stop going deep on bases its scaring me
the full UI team was all filipino team
time to get a full team ui full of patreons and have a wipe!
‘I need wood for a TC!’
(Opens box with a TC in it)
(Closes box, gets wood, crafts one instead) xD
fake and dumb.,
I would like to see Sebby make a base using only triangle pieces. Not a cave base..
I don’t know how to get go at rust because everybody is mean to me because I 9 and i thought this was the best place to come to.
Funny guys
0:21 we all can confirm you were “entertaing” stream
nice video found it funny at 41 minutes there was a TC in the box as you desperately looked for wood to build one! Big fan keep up the good work
Can i give you a tip —- Take down all Windmills, Sams, Turrets to 1 HP so to speak pre-intended wipe of the idiots you wish to dominate,.. THEN You pop it all just after the FOB goes down,… Most (99%) of players don’t check health,.. It’s so more effective and shocking to the defender 😉
Entertaing or “Entertaining” ? 0:22
Hey sebby did u test the satchel on the campervan to break tc?
Is sora ok?
lol ur acc bad
18:05 He asked if you are Chinese😂
when getting into the first compound you went from 85-57 like what how did it do that much damage
“Sebby! Thank you for being my inspiration, bro!” As they raid you with a 9-man. 😂🎉
holy crap the names are starting to go by fast at the end lol
amazing vid but pls the music at 8:40 or so was unbearable 🥲
“we needed to learn some explosives to raid it, and in order to raid it we would need explosives learnt” 👍17:33
Notis were bugged I just got them now why 7 hours later lol 😢either way can’t wait to watch this
nah this was crazy bro love the vids bro!
They were probably bring on all their cheating accounts and getting them auth
Fucking YouTube is destroying all the fun watching videos…6minutes already 5 ads
I had a wipe were I went deep 7 times
Lmao i want to see what happens to their hotel. Great video dude
Sebby is the only one that breaches a compounds core without raiding
reload all the guns to maximize ur ammo count
This was a particularly good video.
Sebby: Let’s make a secret hidden forest base…
Sora: Sebby look I added a long bright staircase going up to our base!
At 40:37 sora wanted to shoot one but seb already killed them
Omggg seby is beckkk I’m a bigg fan seby
0:01 all wipe X_X
this looks scripted asf
Loveeee you sebby keep up the goood work❤
hi Seb idk if you’ll ever read this or respond but. keep up the amazing work brother love the videos and appreciate the hard work you put into the channel. i always love to come home from work late at night and watch a video been on it the past month or two. much love brother
It may be unraidable but is it undeepable
The IlloJuan bag si the best
You can put a code lock on mini’s just like the cars.
Loved the vid as always !!! Sebby OT
if the turrets were down u should have taken the gun outand if u had no room atleast drop it on the ground for more runs
The base that countered and stole the second heli had like a bunker under the ramps
Is Tony Andy? 😂 38:34
Should run a ghosting and theft service where you are payed scrap to ghost items or steal vehicles from bases
0:23 – Entertaing eh? 😛
Whoever is named Cristina is always evil 😂
Wait so in your ad. If you gamble the most the support you with more money☠️ that’s crazy
why did he say dont kill the sleepers with a rocket?
I think they give up and gave the base to other clan members
quite an enjoyable video dawg I love it!
I love you sebby !!!
“Unraidable”? Might as well name it “Please raid me repeatedly. “
Why do most of the rust youtubers put music over the video? Kinda ruins the rust gameplay vibes
How people ain’t using armored doors is beyond me 😂 it’s either 64 explo for each sheet or 250 explo for 1 armored people I are stupid in this game dawg
I had a funny comment, typed it all in caps and just too lazy to type it again
Another amazing video seb
That was a Filipino clan… Can’t say It wasn’t base in the accent…
bro that last part 💀😂😂😂
lol looking for wood to put TC down……but didnt notice TC in box at 41 minutes
Why not just use the tc from the tools box?
Underrated youtuber
Love your vids bro keep up the work
how do you have the Illojuan Sleeping Bag skin please tell me
Awesome wipe Seb!! 😂😂😂
I always wonder .. is nobody sponsoring Rust or are gambling sites just paying that much better?
When I get wood I purposely start clearing out hidden bases in the forest 😂
Sebby the first base that u went deep on, had 2 bunkers and one or them where a pixel bunker base, if u want to see the design i can tell u the base design video
Sebbyk is the best entertaining YouTuber alive every time I see a new vid of his I get so hyped
58 seconds in and I’m cringin gg seb never let us down bro
Anyone else see the tc in the box he destroyed then proceeded to craft new tc lol
No base is unraidable give me 100 rockets and 2 hours gap where owner is sleeping
Shout out to all you rust OGs that gave noobs their first ride in a mini
Great vids. Don’t get c😂cky tho 😉
25:31 bunker
i hate scripted content
SebbyK, yoo thokken neen-jah!
nah that team that raided you are fuckings pussy and sebby still sucks
Thanks for the video SebbyK!!
Been waiting for someone to finally do this awesome!!!! 😊😊😊
Nice video mate
37:56 did you mean andy?
1:04 I wouldn’t raid it because it’s unraidable duh
Love the vids Sebbyk, but please, never… ever… use that bag skins again… lol
Any group over a quad is fucking disgusting in this game
Love watching the eco raids they are so satisfying
“We now needed to learn some explosives to raid it, and in order to raid it, we would need explosives learned” Oh really sebby?
do this base know how to make grilled cheese?
“weird spy from tf2 photo”
Never skipping his videos
I love forestbases just saying
it takes me like 8 days to get a inv of guns
25:16 it’s a bunker most likely (idk just a guess) but the twig half wall under the ramp
My base is called Unraidable II 😉
Why did you craft a TC on the last raid when there was one in the box in front of the old TC?
Look at this story again! ❤ just never disappointing and always fresh. You are definitely the best content creator on rust… even better than willjum 👏👏👏
0:45 did you have a stroke? Are you ok? Blink twice if you need help. I thought you were half asleep. Almost it sounded like an AI for a moment talking.
this cant get more faked then this
When sebbyK uploads 😌
Takes me a couple hours and I will have ak m2
Cheeky breeki iv damkè
I just wish someone like you would get into any of my bases…. I mean you go build a base and you leave so much unprotected… wth are you even building …. if you can’t secure the 2×1 stop playing and go sleep!!!!
To your question in the beginning, it depends. If we play like you do, then not long because you play days in to wipe, and find decayed bases, or eco raid. Id like to see if you could play wipe day. I doubt it would be as easy for you.
Love u from Algeria 🇩🇿
Aloneintaiwan its you?
hahaha filipino enemy
“we need to learn explosives to raid it and to raid it explosives need to be learned.”
Again, a certified Sebby K classic
i love me a bit of camel flange
love you seb keep the good work up
Sebby n Sora the dream team👊
Your moto is “I am ninja”
Does Sorra have a channel?
I’m fairly new to your channel but I’ve been BINGE watching. Love it 🙂 something i haven’t seen you do- when a wood spear breaks you can make it a fresh spear with stone. So just bringing 1 stack of stone doubles your spear inventory. I find it useful anyway. Granted I’m also a bit of a noob, so maybe there’s a reason you don’t do it.
Sebby always finds a way to get rich
24:28 how come you didnt put a tc down after destroying theirs and seal it? i dont play the game so im sure theres a good reason but i often see people doing that… surely it makes it harder for counter raiders & the original owners to get u and get to tthe loot while ur transporting it?
How long does it take me to go from waking up with a rock to fully kitted out? Zero, cause I’ve _NEVER_ gotten to fully kitted out. I fucking suck at open world PvP.
i would of despwrned it all
37:57 who is tony?
lesson learned…
Amazing music👍
quality content
There was a TC in the box before he broke it
I’m 47 minutes late
Is the sponsor legit? I know he’s taken the sponsor but I’ve never heard of them and logging into any site via your steam account is always a bit meh.
But… isn’t Betty a woman’s name ?
4:41 every time you lie face down on that bedroll you get a BJ lol
The funny part I’m not even subscribed been like that for years and do that to many creators and still get it recommended lol which I don’t mind
Love the videos Sebby
Ahh sebbyk…exploiting silly groups…a fine day.
Wanna try a no tech tree only eco raiding for loot challenge
Step 1: spend a shit ton of money on camo skins
When the leader is the liability, only 1 person needs to be lucky.
Another good day bc of sebby posting
another great day when sebby post
Sebby With another Banger oh MAN is this gonna be a danm good day!
Thanks so help full and I am still waiting man please ❤ 😮
9 mins ago
Let’s go Sebby!
Love the cid THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO !!!
Hope you have a good day seb and thank you, now I can watch something while Im in the car (2-3 hours to the destination I’m going)
Love the vids
Watched 19 times best vid ever
That was a great video
Love your videos! I don’t even play Rust. Going back through your vids from years ago too. Great stuff man!
1 min ago
I can verify that this is an instant SebbyK classic
Love it everytime you upload it makes my day
can we all appreciate the work sebby has put into his channel ❤❤
Finally, been waiting for a new uplaod lets gooooo I LOVE YOU SEBBY 🎉🎉
its always a good day when sebby k uploads
Amazing video keep it up
cool beans
Thanks for the video sebby ❤
I. Little late
Keep up with the great work SEBBY
hi seb
46 minute video love to see it
First 😮😮
Yes another grate video ❤
Amazing keep it up
Good vid
nice video my friend