Easily Find Where Your ENEMIES Live in Rust! 😈🤣
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Taqs:rust,rust meme,rust trolling,rust pc,rust raid,rust pvp,rust clips,rust shorts,rust gaming,rust tips,rust tricks,rust tips and tricks,rust xbox,rust playstation,rust console,rust gameplay,pine hosting,pine hosting rust,rust server,rust trap base,rust trap,rust exploit,rust facts,facepunch,rust building,rust build
コメント (24)
Does it work on console? 😮
Thats wildly situational because they have to be online but also INSIDE THE BASE AT THAT MOMENT
I did it wrong now there’s 98 clans hunting my ip address down
This is the faster way but u could also just place a bag in a highly populated area act like code raiding then kill yourself on lock so it says who placed it or go in gamechat yell at em see if they respond which they don more timws than you wouls think
I have no enemies
what if theyre not in their base?
Rust CE player are crying silently right now
Or there not home
Or die to code…
I get offlined too much for this to be a thing 😢
Does this work in real life too?
Or just download cheats
Make em enter nickeh 30 customs and tell him to kill everyone mods will raid the base for you xD
Not on console lmao gotta raid till u find
Kill yourself on the code lock if they have one
Im not your enemy dont raid me
Doesn’t work anymore
That’s the unfun way of doing it unless they are a racist or something like that
Dont tell everyone -.-
Is it only if they are online?
Use the code lock until it kills you and read the name of who killed you. Whoever put code on door will be who killed you
This doesn’t work anymore
ok… but how do i raid an meta clan base????