Rust Auto Locker Module | Rust Modular Sorting System | Tutorial
Never Manually Fill Lockers Again!
Find the diagram for this setup here: https://www.rustrician.io/?circuit=54b62bda214547ed8f4c06e5b6055037
コメント (16)
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also conveyor after the drop box might fix that problem
im lost i have everything set up but nothing moves
hI, I used your modular system and it seems that it only pulls ammo / armour from tier 1 and drop boxes when I hook up a conveyor to the tier 2 line. It won’t pull from the boxes in tier 2.
I tried doing this but it isn’t working the clothes aren’t going in the right spot and there is extra stuff going to the lockers
is it better to not daisy chain them? because it will get you the max storage adapters that each conveyer can see faster right? it will also fill them slower too yeah?
hey mate is there any way of taking a rock and torch out of the locker after youve swapped kits?
Has skin issue been fixed?
1 frag in the dropbox, thanks! That’s a sub.
Get rid of the combiners at the start, you don’t need them… why are people doing this. Just concatenate the boxes instead
worth pointing out that you should instead block the “input” inventory slot of dropboxes with an *unstackable* item, such as a 5-cloth burlap glove. great tutorial, tysm!
I ❤😊
Love your modules – keep them coming!
hello, i’ve tried to expand your modular system to having like 10 boxes in tier 1 and 20 in tier 2, but sometimes various errors occurs, like sometimes, it won’t pull from one of the 4 dropboxes, other times it will put metal frags in the starter box (instead of the open core one) while some times it won’t just pull from anywhere (i noticed it changes depending of the building order but i will have to do more researches on this)
i just want to mention that i followed your hot fix too
Nice one!
This series is so hot🔥(and you)❤️