Missions Guide – Best Early Game Loot | Rust Tutorial
In this video, we will cover everything to know about the missions, Including the bandit camp, Outpost, Stables, and the fishing village NPCs along with how to successfully complete each mission. Missions are an easy and excellent way for any player to get tools, armour, components and scrap when starting a new wipe. Hopefully, in the future, more missions will be added and I will make an extended video to cover them all.
00:00 – Intro
00:16 – Overview
01:20 – Banditcamp
01:40 – Lumberjack: Lost Bottles
02:11 – Lumberjack: Collect Vood
02:46 – Lumberjack: Wildlife Cull
03:04 – Miner
03:14 – Outpost
03:24 – Stables
03:42 – Hunter: Boar Hunt
04:00 – Hunter: Deer Hunt
04:14 – Hunter: Vagabond Treasure
04:39 – Stablehand
04:47 – Fishing Village
05:37 – Dive Master: Shark Hunt
06:41 – Dive Master: Underwater Bounty
07:27 – Fisherman
07:40 – Fisherman: Tackle The Day
08:11 – Fisherman: Go Fish
09:40 – Fisherman: Oiled Up
10:18 – Final Notes
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheJfarr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Jfarr
—-Epidemic Sounds—-
1. Changli – Ooyy
2. Amanecer – El Neon
3. BYRD (Ooyy Remix) – Ooyy
4. Faded – Ooyy
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust,rust missions,rust traders,rust npc,rust how to do missions,rust quests,rust fishing village,rust ranch,rust stables,rust outpost,rust bandit camp,rust lumberjack,rust hunter,rust loot,rust guide,rust missions guide,rust tips,jfarr,jaffar,jfarr133,rust how to,Rust early game loot,rust mission loot,rust treasure box
コメント (53)
⚠Updates & Notes⚠
– If you die during the animal hunting missions, the counter will reset and you will need to kill them again.
How do you exit a mission??
I’m lost and need help lol it says I’m not authorized for the box on the ranch treasure
Can these be done every wipe? Or how often?
hello just wondering if I use your video clips or pics for my content?
It’s so cool we just got this on console and it’s such a cool thing
What if the tackle box spawns in somebody’s base?
Can u do this on console rust?
Man I’ve got 700 hours I reckon and I’m watching your videos to help me teach my 2 new mates (we’re over on console) your helping a lot mate thank you. Although we took oil and one of them killed me because he forgot friendly fire was on😂, than all the scientist respawned and they died and I had to take it naked solo without meds (I harvested the bodies for cloth with bone knife) with an M92 and got our kits back😂!
i have question, is the mission repeatble? i mean can i do the mission again even i already done or get the reward from it?
Thanks 👍 ❤️
Shouldn’t it be referenced that missions cost scrap to accept? Or am I confused?
Does it work on console?
jfarr the ‘vagabond treasure ‘ in romanian vagabond means stray . kinda strange
3:20 outpust
Have any new quests been added since this video? Just got back to Rust after over a year of not playing and these seem interesting.
I love the collect vood reference. Go face punch
It is possible to redo completed missions?
I just found out about these! Does anyone know how long it takes before you can do the same mission again? (assuming that you can repeat them)
bruh i took a treasure hunt from the stables and the box wasnt there
Are they on console or no because I can’t find any of them
Excellent Guide, Thanks!
Ngl ranchs treasure hunt quest is fun and op
I put 15 hours into this game and didn’t even realize there were missions 🤣
are they available on console
Great video! I’ll go and do them all 😀
Will you ever do a Q&A?
Such high quality videos and edits. Keep being persistent and I guarantee you will be a huge channel. I just found you after looking up something. Thanks man
Is missions have cooldown?
The best youtuber, and the most underrated. Also will you ever do a Q&A?
First time watching a Jfarr video. I like what I see. Excellent content.
Can you do a part 2 to your electrical guide
Jfar just so you know, you deserve way more views and subs! You have helped me so much and your detailed explanations are excellent. I introduce all my new friends ti rust and your videos help them so much!
Really helpful Jfarr. Thanks!
The video was great as always Jfarr! A dedicated melee weapons guide would be awesome! Or like a food guide on which foods to eat or drop, which are the best and worst. Just som ideas I had. Have a good night Jfarr.
I just want to let you know you helped me out a hell of a lot getting into the game, before even installing i knew all the monuments, component stuff, best puzzles, building, how to get started to end game etc. Everything except for in game pvp, and game sense. now at around 400 hours i’ve learnt the game nearly inside and out all thanks to you. last night a base mate with 1.3K hours thought i had more then him, and that was one of the best compliments i’ve gotten in this game. Thank you! You deserve the most
Great content, very detailed and informative.
Thanks again. This really helps out starter players. Sadly it’s not in console edition
As always, excellent guide video!
Jfarr, You really helped me out when i first started the game.Your explaining is smooth and understandable.I wish everbody knew about you before they start this game.Your channel will get the attention it deserves.Just keep up the good work brother.
was just watching launch site guide lol
Facepunch sould pay you !! No joke
Missions are so underrated. I always do the first two lumberjack missions as soon as I started a wipe
Great editing skills!
This is very usefull for new players! Also what kind of editing app u use to edit ur polished videos?
ty for awesome guide
whats gonna be the next video? food?
I send these to new players to help them out
These are such good guides, so cinematic and informative. Thanks