Betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow
Go check out the Grand theft Rust server: Discord: https://discord.gg/47bj8qc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StimpeeYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/st1mpee/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/st1mpee
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/jMSRYnr
Business Enquiries: stimpeeofficial@gmail.com
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Taqs:rust,handcuff,update,rp,roleplay,server,steal,theft,funny,fail,troll,best,worst,city,grand theft rust,solo,helicopter,car,restrain,escort,house,rob,latest,series,stimpee,now,handcuffs,bitter pill to swallow,bitter
コメント (482)
*ominous music intensifies*
5:09 / 5:17
Call police fast.
He has robbed me.
man these grand theft rust videos started so much lol
“Brian, please. This car is a lease.”
“Theres an entire car in an entire helicopter”
Ah so this is the video that sound clip is from
I’m loving the autotune that escorting someone causes
call polis fast
“oh no i’m being stolen”
Congratz Stimpee I’ve never laughed that hard in months I had to pause the video so I could breath hahaha thank you so much. You’re doing epic things!
“lets try it on you to see if it works”
“ohh im dead”
“great it works perfectly”
Dude im cryin and coughing at this sheey
Smoking cones and watching stimpee vids is better than therapy
Just collecting people and locking them in a room together was fecking hilarious, my dude.
The Classic line
the best stimpee video hands down
I laughed so hard watching this.
Stimpee always betrays you always
Is project lazarus worth playing?
4:13 he sounds kinda cool
fun story: I found out I have high blood pressure because I literally passed out laughing when you tipped the helicopter and that guy started saying “no no no no”
He has robbed me call police fast.
“He always betrays them”
I laughed so hard at this that I hit a vocal note I never knew I could do
If stimpee lived in America he would be a psychopath
«Wer is richhard?» famous last words
“Call bolis fass”
Can i fly. Yeahhh lets go
4:00 ,,Oh im dead”
,,Ahhh looks perfectly”
our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our betrayals, especially since they such good content and all…
I love the way you hoard people in your closet
Does anybody know the name of the server
This game is to broken
Why did the starving prisoners not simply feed upon the dead ones? SMDH
I can’t breathe
You know what else is bitter to swallow
Where does this outro music come from?
I had enough of you
This is so funny
How have I missed this video?
2:5o kohvimees means coffee man im estonian xD
3:07 fast fast
The famous call police fast, He has robbed me qoute… Ahhh
I can’t take anymore roleplay vids I’m going to piss myself
gall bolice fast
Call bolice please.
“Can you let us out, sir?”
You have convinced me to join this server and become a serial killer i will keep people in my house for large amounts of time torturing them look out for the PiggaNenis
Can you fly? Absolutely!
Proceeds to drag his body under the helicopter.
“I’m being robbed by that guy in the back”
Fucking hell. That’s some funny shit.
You are a bad person
Helicopter deaths sound like auto tune it’s hilarious 😂😂😂😂
Don’t think I don’t recognize the man in the car
And is a pill…. to *swallow*
4:12 swedish pitch accent + character pitch glitch is very fan helvete
*he, he has robbed me call police plees*
This shit is so fucking funnt had my azz laughing zo fucking loud lmao
“Can I fly?” “Absolutely, let’s go” lol
he has stropped me, call police fast
is this server still exist?
I havent watched your video in a year and now im binging them and Man I havent laughed so hard in a while
i did this and got banned youtuber privilege
Stimpee stole my like call police please
The thumbnail made me think of rape
Help! Im dYyINng
4:20 really got me lmfao
Those delayed cuss word censors tho lol
how do you contain you laughter so well lol
I was in this Video was a ton of fun.
What is name of the server ?
damn is this a copy of grand theft arma?
“Help i’m being kidnapped. Help i’m dead”
call bolice plees
You should kill a cop
Hello hello friendly
Hello hello friendly
You should do a collab with DNSL
The guy at 0:13 sounded like bedbananas
-Can I fly?
-Can you fly? Absolutely.
How much gay porn do you watch to make all of these thumbnails bruh
3:22 U r not funn eye man
The moment that his card number in-game matches your IRL card number ffs
love the Aussie humour 😆
title should be”Serial Killing”
Man, you are such a good Samaritan saving their heli like that
the whole vid is hello hello im friendly
This type of map is so rareˊ0.0ˋ
go ahead and play deadside mate
5min??? NOT ENOUGH
Sorry for what
@ 1:32 i left because i feel like i’ve seen this before…
Play Deadside
Lol he’s like a psychopath kidnapping everyone, I can’t stop laughing
good old stimpeeee
Handcuffs man to his helicopter and takes off.
Oh no I’m dying.
Works perfectly!
Fuck sake, i’m almost dying of laughter at every video STIMPEEEEEEEEE
Police brutality like this is the reason the riots are happening
This video made me laugh, a lot
stomach hurt now
edit: O n ly 5 min ute s
Stimpy more like Simpy
Is that stimpees inner kristian i hear
I love it, when stimpee gets too big and has to find an editor for his thumbnails 😂😂
*oH No i’m bEinG stOLeN*
It’s been a long time that I have not laugh like that on one of your video since forever 🤣😂
this is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen
Can you fly, absolutely!
I hear try hard….
not funny you’re lazy mister
Help I’m DIiIiIed
Where do you get your nice outro music? Sounds *Perfect*
hello hello friendly
From adelaide spit on more Dayz players I wanna see a video on pols reactions omfg please🤣😂
I laughed more than I should’ve this video…
Stimpee doling out wisdom
Where are you where are you I was almost about to piss my pants
who de fack is stimpee, sounds like esshole
man you’re an arsehole
but you’re funny
More of is please.
What is this song at end ?
Man stimp i love your vids ♡♡♡
call polis pls
Call bolease, call bolease.
Lol i was the last one alive in the heli
Why does the “I’m dead” dude in the heli have autotune
Stimpeez role play: Hello friendly friendly , escort, back to home
The way he says “Hello! Hello! Friendly!” as if he’s playing normal rust
“ghuys phlis phast”
Stimpee probs one of the most hilarious blokes I’ve watch
Does anyone else have 0 hours in rust but 30000+ hours of watching rust????
Go hurtworld
Ex-teacher found guilty of kidnapping multiple children and keeping them prisoner for years in small room (for unknown purposes)
“Oh! Iiii’m dead…”
“Works perfectly.”
“Call police please”
What’s a Rust video without at least one heli crash eh? 💯👍🏼
“call police fast… fast…” – things stimpee hears very often
Even if i quit rust. I still enjoy watching it
Sorry for what?
Was that Charborg and BedBananas at the beginning???
cal polis ples
Eh your dayz is better still funny tho
Kidnapping an entire server.
Omg i lowe this XDD
Stimpee does a better job being evil than any movie villain ever will
good video man
never laughed this much
The fact i know the guy from the thumbnail terrifies me
Welcome to Stimpee Leather Dungeon.
hey that was pretty funny stimpee
it’s my birthday today 🙂
Stimpee we need longer videos in these tough times 🙁
please make your vids longer you make my day
Kidnap kids 2020 simulator
I didn’t realise you could put so much custom shit in Rust. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised given it’s the company that made Gmod lol
The house that jack built – ure nutter sycko
I went to check to see if I missed your latest stream and found that they’ve banded you. You’re the only streamer I ever paid out of pocket to support and this is utter bullshit. You’re the best thing on YouTube, if we can support you elsewhere let us know.
4:20 cracked me up for some reason. Where does Stimpeee find them lol
I want to hear more of that OOOOOAAAAAH music. You know the arabian one.
these are hilarious more please
“Hello hello friendly friendly” *Restrain intensifies*
LeT mE gO pLeASe
He is a sociopath that enjoys to agonise.
Crying with joy.. more plz xD
I like how their voices get auto-tuned when you kidnap them
Call Police
“Can i fly?” “Absolutely get on” “wait what the fuck?”
If I ever hear “Friendly Friendly” and it has some australian guy’s voice I know I’m doomed.
how the f did be get handcuffs
The warble distortion in the voice chat towards the end of the video had me dying.
kall bolice pliz
Aw fuck dude I thought I heard you on there I was in the car with duck lmao
Please make longer vids
this is amazing more of it! friendly friendly
One of the funniest stimpee videos yet. i couldn’t stop laughing lol.
Wow, you are so popular having all those people willingly following you into your home.
I nust realize Stimpee is floor gang
Friendly friendly
remember that rust video you made like two years ago with the guy saying “god damn it bobby” and the southern accent that was me just fyi. ill remember that for all my life.
2:45 reminds me of kristian man.
at 0:32 what video is that kid from again?
I was just looking through your thumbnails and never noticed how many of them have someone sucking on something.You are a freak ;).
Alternative title: stimpee becomes danfromsl
Everyone that is a meme god, know that thumbnail.
I got perm banned on this server for starting a race war
Yea, more?
Yeah I am gonna need a copy of your thumbnails for PfP plz and thank you lol
This has no fucking business being as funny as it is but holy shit lolllll
*Powered by PornHub cumunity*
them: can I fly?
Stimpee: So you have chosen death
Just like dayz
Real DanielfromSL vibe
Please make more videos and longer
where’s my gay porn thumbnail?
that was me atticus in the back robbing that kid lmfao, you dropped me in the ocean with like 5 others and we got stuck in a invis wall in the prison lmfao
I just made 20 new friends by using 2 simple steps thank you stimpee
Rate: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Why does everybody sound like they have autotune.
Kol poleez fas, plz
You should try arma GTA, literally same concept but way better implemented. Reborn RP
Truly hilarious
No gay porn thumbnail today yayyy 😂😂😂
Unless he’s the plumber
The way their voice lags when you flew them in the heli had me fucking rolling xD
Least gayest thumbnail I’ve ever seen from you. You need to change it bro.
Oh my god, the rubberbanding voice of people doing bungee jumping in the helicopter is hilarious
Danielfromsl vibes
I like these videos
Foooken stimpee mate
Can you play sub Rosa ?
I love how their voice glitches in the helis
Who sings your outro
funniest shit ive ever seen. im stuck im stuck
I got danielfromsl vibes from this lol
50 hours of content jam packed in 5 mins. more intense then an orgy with a grizzly and a porcupine.
when he escorts them in the heli it makes their vc sound like auto tone
Sometimes i pull on it so hard, i rip the skin.
Is this thumbnail… not gay porn???
Esse está sendo uns dos melhores videos, continue 🙂
Africans be like 4:08
why you always posting gay porn for your thumbnail lmao
* another gay preview*
Me :Oh shit , here we go again
Quality role play man
Kall polish!
Stimpee.. more? (Of this video)
This brings a whole new meaning to being robbed…
call policee
dragging people while in the heli was fucking hilarious
bro about that thumbnail…
Stimpee is a serial killer
Oh, shit I’m sorry.
Yo that’s me in the video
Stimpee is the new Pinochet
2:22 is golden
The house that Brian built.
After the twitch betrayal I guess this is the next big thing.
Is this kristian?
Funny way to spell cock but ok
im not so sure about this thumbnail style, the 1% christian in me is feeling alot of red flags there
Fuh the bolice! Fuh the bolice!
Bruh where do you get your outros
“I’ll try and get you some friends”
Now u know why this role players got so many subs
CaLl PoLiCe
Two words… Slave Camp.
6/4/2020 – Stimpy uploads a video demonstrating the abuse of police power.
Throwing people from helicopters better than Pinochet in the 80’s
im dying of laughter 😂
“Brian, please this car is a LEASE.”
Everyday thousands of people are kidnapped in broad daylight by an Aussie man. They call him, the Muffin Man.
rumour has it that stimpees slaves are still in his house to this day
I love how their voice went to shit when you were flying away
Never commented on Stimpee video… Havent watched him for long…
That voice though, I’d let him “escort” me anytime…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ngHkN26PB4 stimpee this just made me think of you
Friendly friendly
Coll Bolic!
Played this server and it was absolute dog shit.
I wanted more XDDD
god this was so good. i could not stop laughing
Lol what server is this
Holy shit the guy who kept saying call the police had me weak 😂😂
Yeah you can fly… LMAO
I wonder how many people are in the boot of Stimpee’s car right now. IRL.
Hello! Lol friendly
Friendly….stupid slags.
Them: No! No! I’m dYiNg!
fucking killeddddd me
Historical bud!!
Help I’m died
Kall polis
stimpee…i LOVE your videos man, but 5mins? come on brother, your the only one i actually look forward to watching, GIVE ME MORE YOU AUSSIE GREMIN!….please 🙂
If you hear the words “friendly, friendly” you know you’re in for a bad time
2:43 the way he says call police over and over was funny
Luv u Stimpee xo
Call police!
Call police!
Call police please!
Call police!
Please call police!
Help call police!
Call police!
This man scam call police!
Call police!
Yeah uh. dude I don’t think they’re coming.
I think I had the same experience with an “Escort”.
I had no money and tried to flee so she broke my legs..
i got banned
Already looks better than gmod because there’s not some 10 year old kid yelling “FAIL RP FAIL RP!!!”.
Gta got a update??
The sound while they talking restrained mid air is so meme.
Who are you playing with?
Damn a normal thumbnail mark this day
bro your videos are fucking hilarious
40 seconds in and I am already laughing like a maniac
love you man, thanks
kol bolice
lmfaoooo this video is great
Spunk slurper is one name the history books will remember
Does he have a twitch tho?
A fine example of vehicular manslaughter & modern slavery !
This server is hell
I laughed too much, my stomach hurts. Thanks Stimpee!
this car is a lease lmao
What server is that?
Holy shit stimpee, I’ve been loving your videos lately ❤️❤️❤️
Play with Sam
Sorry to hear you got banned from twitch, was it perm or temporary?
When you hear “Hello, friendly friendly” you know betrayal is bout to happen
Call police fast
The warcry of the biggest assholes in any survival game :
“Friendly, friendly!”
I like how everyone you escort via heli sounds like their talking into a fan 🤣
Holy shit just a regular thumbnail for first time in forever
Bullshit Twitch ban. Is in indefinite?
Has stimpee been banned on twitch?
That crunching noice is the best
I can summon this video in one word.
4:13 boy sounds like he’s under water.
Rp with Kristian dady
The guy at 2:40 had me dying lmao😭😭
*Sees thumbnail*
Made my day lmao
Make more of these beechhhhh
what happened to stimpees twtich
Stimpee driving……let that sink in. Content incoming.
Why you bully me?
We need more grand theft rust videos this is GOLDEN
I wish you posted more often, funny stuff man !!
Pinochet Simulator
Low long did it take you to get banned?
Kohvi Mees – Coffe man, lol. greetings from estonia
Call polis, call polis pls, he has robbed me
The distorted screams on the helicopter were fucking hilarious
That was the funniest shit I’ve watched in months. The kid with a robotic voice crying for help as you’re flying without saying a word was fucking hilarious.
Call police please
This is ruining the best education program in the world.. finnish and swedish kids getting kidnapped.. by a demented austrailian man who doesn’t know whats going on at times..
I love these
the rp videos are like a drug to me bring me more
The poor ragdolls falling from the sky got me good. 10/10 RP
The homeless guy “hissing” at the start insta made me burst out laughing
“Can you fly? Absolutely.”
*fall crunch
“What the fuck?”
LOL I fucking lost it 😂
That was fucking funny bro good vid!
Someone left autotune on
Good stuff.
c a l l p o l i c e p l z
I love how their voices are jiggling
It’s finally legal to go on killing sprees I see
Yea you could only get 5 mins worth of content because the SERVER WAS RUBBERBANDING EVERYONE for 3 days..
Bro the immersion is massive on this video
Call police fast, he has robbed me.
I expect “Cal Polis” to be a new sub-sound next time I tune in to the stream-eo, or blikeys will be drawn, and wigs shall be split, Aiden
YouTube made me unsubscribe from my favorite closested gay content creator. Im so sorry stimp bruv
You are a mixed reincarnation of Josef Fritzl and Peter Sutcliffe
“he is scammer run”
4:14 far out, the voices getting messed up by the Doppler effect is so god damn funny.
is this rust what kind of severe is this?
server currently down for maintenance . Great content stimpee <3
My daily dose of stimpee
It’s so easy to ruin someone’s day on this server lmao. Literally made for Stimpee
*Legend has it that poor Rust Soul is still calling for the Police*
May he R.I.P.
I enjoyed the video especially when you shot the kid
When he says friendly friendly, you know you are dead 😀
Usually kidnappers are obsessed with their victims, Stimpee let them starve, don’t know what to think about that really, kinda hot though
Please Kiss My dad on the lips stimp
How do you join this server?
Get Lucas on here
I still want to know where the covers come from at the end
I get a little TOO over excited about your videos if you know what I mean
This thumbnail is highly inappropriate.
Call police he has robbe me
“Oh shit I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what? Our parents taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they’re such a good size and all.”
“I can see that, your parents gave you good advice.”
“It gets bigger when I pull on it.”
” *MMM* ”
“Sometimes, I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin!”
“Well my daddy taught a thing or two, like how not to rip the skin by using someone else’s mouth.”
“Will you show me?”
“I’ll be right happy to!”
4:40 “can I fly?” ….. very poor choice of words
“Col polize!”
“Call the police.”
Hello friendly friendly
“Call bolice pls. Shat up”
-Wet 2020
i was laughing the entire 5 minutes. i don’t know how you maintain your composure with these eastern europeans yelling.
I’m wet again
Stimpee, you HAVE to publish a list of videos you use for your thumbnails (nohomo)
Call policepĺş
My man’s just botta hit 100 mil viewss!!!🔥
“Stealing people in Rust Role-play” hahah
Cobalt? BSG much?
fire vid
The fucking audio distortion on the helicopter kidnapping victims had me in stitches.
“Friendly Friendly”
kål polis
why are they autotuned?
‘Call police quick’
My favorite YouTuber, on par with JFJ
this is such a good video very good work stimpee keep it up
Mhm, more ?
I just watched 5 minutes of people being taken against their will and butchered to death. That’s the stuff.
HAHAHAHAHH nice video
Stimpee it’s so kind of you to adopt so many parentless hobos. Truly an inspiration ♥️
haha yeah man
1:45 George
This is epic
last 🙂
Holy fuck this was funny
This shit is funny as hell
Fucking beautiful
can you make longer vids?
I see Brad McGuire I click
no gay porn thumbnail? how come?
give them all grammy awards, the rp made me cry it was that realistic
How does it feel to be the firts person to dislike the vid
I like cheese you virgin
I love this dude
early squad babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Swallow me?
Why don’t you feed us anymore ya muffin, we’ve been in your house for at least 3 days now
rate if you did a poo today
if this was on dayz it would have turned out completely differently
Rest in Peace Gimpee twitch stream
haha looser!
u banned ???
Stimpee gay ngl
No sound?
You probably had this coming but “You know what else is hard to swallow?”
Dont feed pigeons in rust
0:54 I thought stimpee was gonna do something else, I’m quite disappointed…
Grand theft rust. Like rust players needed another reason to rob and kill each other
Rust has officially gone down hill
Where’s kristian 🙁
Thank you Stimpee
Betrayal is a bitter load to swallow more like it.
Me: sees stimpy has uploaded
*ominous moaning music plays in distance*
RIP Steve Erwin 🐊🐊🐊
Why does he still post his twitch in the description lol
This channel scares me
Please do more of this content. 🙂
I am speed
Finally something to watch, I’ve been bored all days
Edit: Nevermind what i said, what kinda imprisonment fuckery did i stumble upon
Why is the thumnail not gay?
First comment
Yes grandpapi stimpee
nice cocke man
More content pappa OwO
so fresh and so clean
Oooou niiiiiice
Subscribe to modest pelican
am i first ? i hope not cuz im gay then
Call police please