Mixing Table, Teas, & Berries Guide | Rust Tutorial
This video will cover the mixing table, berries, tea tiers, tea types and their effects, along with the other recipes.
The mixing table offers you a physical advantage within the game, whether through increased health, ore gathering, wood gathering, radiation protection, or looting yield. Teas are often overlooked by players but are insanely easy to craft if you continue to build up a collection of berries. Also, get yourself a mixing table if you plan on crafting gun power or explosives, as it will save you time or resources.
00:00 – Intro
00:11 – Mixing Table
00:44 – Berries
01:48 – Tea Tiers
02:02 – Tea Tiers: Basic Tea
02:12 – Tea Tiers: Advanced Tea
02:22 – Tea Tiers: Pure Tea
02:34 – Tea Types
02:57 – Tea Types: Healing Tea
02:57 – Tea Types: Healing Tea
03:17 – Tea Types: Max Health Tea
03:35 – Tea Types: Ore Tea
03:59 – Tea Types: Wood Tea
04:20 – Tea Types: Scrap Tea
04:54 – Tea Types: Anti-Rad Tea
05:24 – Other Recipes
05:33 – Other Recipes: Low-Grade Fuel
05:51 – Other Recipes: Gun Powder
06:22 – Other Recipes: Explosives
06:47 – Final Notes
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—-Epidemic Sounds—-
1. Fights – AGST
2. Amanecer – El Neon
3. Faded – Ooyy
4. Howling – Lupus Nocte
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust,rust mixing table,rust table,rust lab,rust mixing,rust teas,rust abilities,rust potions,rust beginner,rust guide,rust gun powder,rust explosives,rust crafting,rust building,rust berries,rust healing tea,rust ore tea,rust wood tea,rust max health tea,rust tea guide,rust survival,rust gameplay,rust tips,rust tips for mixing table,rust tips and tricks,Jfarr,Jfarr133,rust info,jaffar,rust,tea,new,2021,rust how to,farming,seeds
コメント (55)
amazing very helpful guide
How many times have you said tea is funny 😂
Jfarr we need to cook
Man I appreciate you
Thank you, this video is so Helpful. I am leaned so much, see you in your next video.
I legit have 10 mixing tables in my compound
I have a journal for just Rust you make note taking so easy thx lots.
As a 2k hour player… I should know this shit.
What’s the point of perfect gene plants? Nothing in this video about it but everyone goes for it on my server
If we can craft ammo on mixing table and explosives, so can we craft 5.56 explosive ammo on it?
Jafarr is the one who knocks!
red berrys where im from are called “salmon berrys”
thank you so much for adding subtitles so i can watch during my lunch breaks 👍👍😎👍
My group and I are all fairly new to Rust, I’ve volunteered to learn how to farm and make teas for us.
Your videos are a lifesaver.
Updated: pure scrap gives 350% more scrap meaning 9 scrap per barrel
what a life saver !!! dude thank you so much for this !! the production is so goooooooooood
Ngl I have all this knowledge already
I just like watching you lol
Such a nice voice and maybe a few tips I didn’t know about
u can craft 5.56 ammo and pistol bullets now
your way better and more helpful than any “pvp 700000069 billion hour player rock to m249 in 5 seconds” type of channel
is this on rust console?
Never used the mixing table. Tempted to try it out now.
Randomly entered super-fast-build-mode towards the end there
Like so many aspects to this game I ignored this mixing table thing but it seems pretty good. Even if just for crafting gun powder and explosives without having to stand in base.
does it last throw death?
super fast build mode start
Great vid!
Worms and grubs can be used in making fertilizer 😛
Tbh i still thought pure teas costing 125 berrys, when did facepunch changed this? Makes teas kinda worth
Since I watched your vids I’m a way better player.
Only need to improve my aim
Holy shit man did you fucking add the table to the game lmao. Great job.
found 3 mixing tables while barrel farming lol and recycled 2 of them
As always, complex yet simple and straightforward explanation with all the information needed… The definition of GUIDE itself 😀 *Thumbs up*
Jfarr can u make a pvp tutorial….like what is the right time to flank or maybe retreat?
do you plan on doing an abandoned military base guide? i know there isnt much to get there but still would be cool to have every single monument documented/tutorial
Can sub torpedos one shot most armoured players?
Can we get a genetics tutorials any time soon?
lovely video, absolutely splendid, riveting even
Let’s go finally was waiting for this vid
Jfarr you seem to be filling the missing ‘Rust university’ hole or the ‘Academy gap’!! VERY PROFESSIONAL!
↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d
#OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
Dear youtube algorithm, may you bless this guy’s channel
Jfar the goat man
What’s your specs on that PC?
It costs 175 to permanently unlock table through tree, buying it in bandit camp is really stupid considering how 80 of that will be spent anyways if you want to learn bed through tree anyway. I almost always just use tech tree to learn bps nowadays since i will not find some things otherwise for too long and how you don’t lose the item.
you’re criminally underrated.
Next video base defense !!! Tips
fun fact : Nothing starts with ‘N’ and end with ‘G’
I went to a beekeeper to get 12 bees. He counted and give me 13 bees. “Sir, you gave me an extra.”
That’s a freebie
nice that jfarr at least appreciates mixing tables. they r so underrated
I was JUST looking for a mixing table guide, the timing is immaculate
You posted a few seconds after I subscribed you.
Don’t even have pc rust but his videos are too good
The most underrated Youtuber
Berry go brrrr
Finally u made the video i was waiting for!
Also u deserve so much more subs and views….ur videos are so polished and easy to understand..never give up posting