A Solos Comeback – Rust Console
MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/rFXZGH3GY3
YFD RUST DISCORD: https://discord.gg/xVRNMSZh
@mclovincaleb on Instagram
@mclovincaleb on Snapchat
@mclovincalebs on Tik Tok
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/mclovincaleb
SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCUeSqzFryqPZ_iIeObV4pA
Background Music – https://www.epidemicsound.com
Thumbnail Creator: https://youtube.com/@RealZOMIBO?si=JearN4zz6AD096lK
コメント (249)
rip gilbert fr
Let me play a wipe with you pls my team left me
Can we play pls I need a comitit team
What’s up bro let’s play a wipe or one v one me I beg Zazi rust yt
Plz do a wipe in a tug boat when the come out

Rip Gilbert
Tut on settings
Rip Gilbet
I love your content took a break from watching rust tho but I will always support u wish we could do a wipe one day
My friends say i sound like you
Gilbert… haha that was so funny bro
48k views in 5 days fell off
There is a glitch in ps where you can change your name for free using credit card and cancelling the payment. If your ps
Thats my irl name wth
Definitely zen
Caleb if your down we have a big group and we were looking if we can jump on one of your community severs
Did he ever go back for his m2 at the water pump
nice video can u help my team raid a 12 player zerg for revenge they offline us
Your fan base is 10 year olds. Congrats.
u make me wanna play vanilla
Last legit rust streamer out here man i salute you sir
Bro I’ve been slacking off on my mclovincaleb
Body shaming??? In 2024
Caleb holds the #1 Rce player title
“not the mace”
I dont know if u use chronus but i think that yes, It is impossible not to move your gun sights while shooting without aiming. If u are legit u are so good but i have my doubts
L9ve the vid keep up the good content
Why is the server pop so low?
Can’t put solo if your not solo
I never played rust and I always wanted to but I feel like there is no way to have fun due to the big groups and clans…do you think I should get it?
I feel like if u pulled up on me you wouldn’t even post the footage
Oil up Caleb
Bro cancel the boar hunt
Obie and Caleb like top 2 rust console content creators they just too good
You need 50k sub asp
W vid. Keep up the hard work
Dylidobagginz worst player ever maybe but couldent take us solo LOL
Eating cocoa pebbles rn
Not sure if you knew but If you Stim your teammate well their down they get up instantly
When cruz got on I started hearing keyboard i’m a fan of McLovin, but maybe I’m tweaking. Sounds like Cruz is xim
I am the goodavacodo kid that came from the tiktok
Day three of begging Caleb to carry me
whats the base design you used?
Let me team with you next wipe
Mclovin Vanity
Even tho obie on Xbox yous should duo like discord call or something would be sick
Whats your com server on rust called?
part 3?
Anyone that’s on PlayStation that wanna team
Rip Gilbert he was a real one
Surely not this time, caleb
… Read more
ur server is actually pretty dead ngl
Mclovincaleb on top
I cant wait for the solo only 2x wipe
Fly high Gilbert
Yo Kingstones meeee no way
Caleb I was in ur discord named as u get no hoes then u changed my name
w vid
Bro nice video u make me play rust more and more
Bro I’ve been using “you sound fat” since og Fortnite days I’ve never heard anyone else use it
Stop talking in game chat if you wanna stay hidden
can you do wipe on Friday bcs every one has school?
Can you give me your settings?
Been waiting for an upload man sick video
Why do u talk in gamechat with that voice that everyone would recognise if they watch you’re videos pretty common sense to not talk in gamechat if u want to play an ominously without ppl knowing it’s you
Walks into rocket….allright good job
Why do you always have a quest active
you should play on motion OH it’s one of the most active servers I’ve played on in a min lot of pvp heli takes constantly and brad takes constantly
Waited for this
Caleb play rust w/ my brother his name is doodoo-butter21
23:24 htf can u shoot that straigth while strafing and moving side to side!?! So crazy :/
15:20 that’s how I be when people kill or take my horses
3:40 had me coughing bro you sound fat is crazy
Dude at 34:05 had 2 stacks of ammo for a Tommy
I would play that server, but I absolutely hate starts unless it’s just tools
Did anyone see at 57:09 “its_Fade-_-“ did he change his name to “XxmonkeyxXFade” or was it a different guy all along?
Currently watching this at 5:13 am after playing rust for 13 hrs
The times when people hurt or do anything to my horses is when they realize who i really am, R.I.P Gilbert he shoukdnt have gone out so early.
Bro said he was gonna drop this vid in a couple days in the last vid
Pls can I join you one wipe my user is nuttybikerz
Wait did you get the base ooooooo

Hey my name is Kingston
always has the best content
Is the dou server up?
Do u play with fans on Xbox
Caleb best legit rce
pt3 raiding snowkids??
Repop duo server
W videos keep up the consistent uploads don’t turn to CoryxKenshin plz like
W video
RIP Gilbert
Love your content bro
Your personal server is dead asf 12ppl
Ain’t no way Jakoby bro they thinking they always ot we played against them last wipe not sure what Serv
I love this guy so much his vids are the best and he is the best player in rust
W mclovincaleb
U are crazy man
Yo love the vids keep it up
Thank you for part 2
Bro why can’t I find a teammate like Caleb my duo lost 3 rockets and our only m2 because he wanted to counter oil with that stuff said it would be easy he died to Tommy
I play rust and the only gun I’m good with is mp5
Gilbert was looking down on them praying on they downfall RIP Gilbert
I know I’m gonna sound like every other person in these comments but I have not had a good wipe in like 4 months and was gonna ask if you could help me.
Server name pls
7 deep raiding 2x2s kinda crazy
Just crazy how annoying you are but for some reason still watch your videos
Gona be a viewer vid soon?
I love u no homo
Bro goes from solo to an 8 man
im just waiting for people to get mad at you for dropping your m2 and not bring it with you to loot when theres prob still like 5 more left
Stop the scripted content
10/10 video
please respond! how do you not get offlined? i get offlined every time i play
Blueprint console edition
Yo can I play a wipe with you
Rip Gilbert
28:13 and 28:34 all the best clips in the vid
Skibidi toilet
How many hours do you have on console? I tried console and its so different from pc lol
Bro waits ages to offline a base
I love your content I hope you will turn a big YouTuber love
Bro dedicates me to get bck to grinding but I always end up quitting now
Caleb needs to invest in a voice changer
28:35 bro my friend does the same stuff I don’t get it you could literally play anything and they play Roblox
28:03 so we’re reenacting jfk
R.I.P Gilbert
How u see in night u use pc monitor?
14:50 bro started reminiscing
Another w from Caleb
I like how he still plays vanilla
4:05 agreed he did sound fat
Calling him fat made me love you more
Anyone tryna play together? (PlayStation)
solos comeback and there is a team mate in the background
I’ve been waiting for this
Day 1 of asking mc lovin caleb to buy me a console
I owner your server all wipe last wipe
I used to live next to the 5 man the only sat on roof and door camped so we moved then got offlined anyway
Another common W
Lmao nice zen
i touch myself to ur vids
Can you Carrie me my ps name is Jroth528
Certified HotCalebSummer CLASSIC
Guys get a gf and it will take you 2 hours to watch this video
Your teamate is annoying
Give us all a controller cam because there is no way you are not zen
No views -4 seconds before upload u fell off
Bro rust so bad now there no point or fun loot is to ez and theres always cheaters
Someone get the power for 200
Rip Gilbert love you caleb
The Dylan’s guy didn’t cage his name you did a s it’s a $ sign
If u stim someone when there downed they get rezzed faster
I love when he gives no spoilers he just gets straight to the action
Base tutorial
Like if bheese curger
Mclovincaleb when u going live again?
Another banger brotha
28:34 is some type shi
rip gilbert
Is there oiling up in the vid if not when is it coming
You make the game playable
been waiting for this shit
I don’t even play Rust no more and I watch you, funny asf
Why is the trio serv gone?
Even I shitted on but w
Play official pls this is day 9 of asking
Such a w vid keep it up
Prove me wrong Caleb is the best RCE player
Ready for a new vid, let yall know how it is
Edit: Fire
Stay legit slayyyyy

help me I’m going insane I’ve been in an airport for the last 30 hours
I’m on that server
Love I caleb
love vid
Prime mclovin would’ve had 10 sextillion views in 30 mins

my siri legit went off at 7:12 lmaoo
I luv u papas
Bro I’ve always been wondering. How do you know when you’re getting offlined all the time. I just don’t get it.
Man, I love this video

My user was TL-Thexieq when ppl were at your base for the giveaway lol
Part 2 Is a W
rip Gilbert
Poor hourse
At 23:47 the third guy Actaully got killed by Bradley get your facts straight
600 views after 18 minutes the fall off hard(this is a satirical joke)
Nah hit the offliner with the yh I’ll take his base spot
552 views in 17 minutes bro fell off
Rip Gilbert
Big up Caleb watching this after getting offlined
Who wanna duo
Best rust console youtuber
I love your videos homie ive started playing solo mainly cause if your content
240 views in 8 mins? Bro fell off
Best solo and legit
I just fell onto a lego wbu
Oh yuhhhh we early on this one
W video I’ve been watching since a year ago
Like if your watching this while Caleb’s server is down
So when are we going to have our first kiss?
Yes finally i wached the likes till 2k on the video twice a day just to know when its and im happy know u are the Best of the Best caleb
Yo Caleb I commented on your last video and now I have 5 subs

Next vid you have 50k
Best Legit Rce
Keep up the work bro proud of how far youve come
It’s a good day when mclovin posts
L video twerp (I liked it)
No views 1 second fell off
I’m eating texas bbq pringles
Bro is a content machine
8th comment
W day when caleb uploads and you catch it early
noti gang fr
always a W
Keep up the great content Caleb
Love you
Hello mclovin! Like this comment? Keep up the vids
Does the best console player reply
W calebington
Daddy Caleb I love you

W caleb
Took your time
Love to play one day
I say this all the time and ill keep sayin it i luv ur vids keep it up bro
W vid
Yooo I’m your fav fan
Wat up my