Beta Update! Lots of invites!
PS4 XBOX PS5 Xbox Series X|S
Rust Beta Update for the limited beta is currently going on now until April 12th on the PS4 and Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game will go full release on May 21st of 2021. After the Limited closed Beta Ends the Pre-Order Beta should be sometime in April 2021. When is the Rust Console Edition Pre-Order beta going to start? Rust Console Limited beta has been extended till April 12th 2021. This is the limited Console Beta not to be confused with the Rust Pre-order Beta that will be happening some time in April. Rust Console edition release date has been announced along with the price and beta access plus early access for Rust Console Edition pre-orders on PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X|S. Rust Beta codes/invites will be going out for week 4 of the Rust Console Edition Beta! This is wave 4 of the Rust console edition beta that are going out, check your email address you signed up with, most likely there will be a few phases of codes released thru out the day if it is anything like last week. With the Rust console beta currently going on we now have more information about the Rust console edition Beta release date for the PS4 and Xbox One. We have a Rust Beta console date Limited beta will start March 1st and be for the whole month of March 2021, ending on April 12th 2021. Rust Beta codes are going out now to a few selected people that have signed up for the beta on PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. As the Beta goes on more people will be added to the Rust Beta on PS4 and Xbox. With the Rust console beta happening soon for 2021, We go over what is known right now for the Rust Console Beta. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Beta release timing, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. Official word has come from Double 11 studios about the Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta. They are pushing closer to the actual release of the Rust Beta and the Full Rust release for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. This video talks all about New Rust console info, and how Rust is coming to PS4 and Xbox one. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! This is the most up to date information on the console beta information and rust console information we have right now. Rust Console Beta is happening in 2021 and I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Rust was officially announced for beta and full release of Rust in 2021 and is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One! With the Rust Beta getting close for Xbox One and Playstation 4. When is the Rust Beta coming to console, Rust console Beta for PS4 and the Xbox One. Be the first to play in the Rust Beta for PS4 and Xbox One. Rust Beta for Playstation 4 and Xbox will be coming before the Rust on console release in 2021. Rust has been officially Announced Rust is coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One soon in 2021. Rust is coming to console! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Beta,Rust PS4 Beta,Rust Xbox Beta,Rust Beta Update,Rust Limited Beta,Rust PS4 Beta Code,Rust Xbox Beta Code,Rust PS4 Beta Date,Rust Xbox Beta Date,Rust Console Beta,Rust Pre-Order,Rust Beta Pre-Order,Rust Beta News,Rust Console News,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5,Rust Beta Date,Rust Beta Release Date,Rust Beta PS4,Rust Beta Xbox,Rust Beta Xbox One,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,BoiFriendSquad
コメント (105)
Can I get a code for beta access?
Does anyone know if we can still play on the closed beta version when the next beta opens? Cause I’m still having doubts about the game after playing the beta.
I just pre ordered it on PlayStation will I be getting a code still since I didn’t do it from there website
wait so if i pre ordered rust i get a beta?? (I got in on the beta that’s out rn too)
Is the beta gonna be extended?
People that paid for beta should be able to play it longer then the beta that’s going on rn…. it’s annoying I can’t play and spent 80$ on this game. I signed up for limited beta but I never ever get chosen
I checked I got the code I put it in it says it been redeemed already ???
Dang the beta ends soon and I’ve been waiting for a while and I still haven’t gotten one yet
but it’s not like I’m the only one who haven’t gotten one yet so whatever
my insider won’t let open bc my acc used to be a child one
If I ordered the ultimate for Xbox do I still have to look for a code or will I be able to just play as soon as it comes out?
Hi to any1 who sees this post feel free to post around that I am paying 50$ for a rust code to play early
When can we play the pre-order beta on xbox
code for me ?
Just started playing rust beta and omg i keep getting killed by geared guys even if im really far away thay will chase you down to kill you is there any tips or tricks or am i just getting unlucky i mean other naked dont even go at ya but geared guys omg well hunt u down just for a rock lol i dont mind being killed if i had something on me or am i just being a bitch
Hey man is there a way to upgrade my preorder with out paying a full extra 80 dollars
Jade I finally got enough money to pre order the deluxe to play the beta ( when it’s released), you brought me back to the game thank you
Jade u do know that rust isn’t going to be on new gen consoles
I just checked my email you know what I saw I got a invite to the rust beta on April 9th. And it’s April 11th I’m so mad at myself I basically have one more day till the beta ends.
I never got one…. sucks
Wasn’t they gonna close it down on the 12th. To reopen up another beta?
Yesterday rust console edition give me a mail with the code for versión of ps4 and im so happy to get and its so good for the beta
Obviously have bugs for fix but all its very good
Only not like the people kill me so many fucking times and its like bro I know this is rust but fuck they have a hate for me I respawn and die in the same time
Nah its joke but I die so many times
The beta of game its good
(Sorry my english is not my mqtern language)
When does the beta come out for the deluxe edition
Double eleven sent me codes on March 11 are they still useable ?
If you preorder the deluxe edition can you play the beta then?
How do you get access
when does rust ps4 beta come out
Is the beta still going on?
They change it first was it acces to pre order beta and now there stand acces to glosed beta on the deluxe version an gold edition
On Xbox and wanted to know if I preorder it from the Microsoft store on my console. Will I be able to game share it?
How do I get into beta
Still didnt get a code for xbox
Feels like Xbox has gotten 5% of the total codes.
Still no code
I’m going to link this in the corner… no link ever lol
Rust has nothing on ark this game is way past it time. Time for the devs to maybe rethink about making other games
I’ve been invited and when I installed the beta from The insider program on my Xbox it doesn’t let me launch it it says this game will be launched at a later date and time as if it’s not even existing
My card info isn’t working on the Xbox store for some reason but I wanted to play with my little brother, so getting a code would definitely make my last year before college a little more fun.
Is the pre order beta releasing after April 12ty if so when ??
i got the ps4 key because i play on ps4 redeemed it i cant find it on my libary so can anyone help me? please i really want to play this badly.
I still haven’t gotten shi, I sign up for the beta day one
I just got it this morning

Thank you jade for helping me and telling us of news and for using your time thank you u r the best!
I’ve been watching rust since I was about 8 and I’ve always wanted to play it. The only problem was I play on Xbox and I’ve never gotten a pc. I also only watch your channel for rust info, so I would be the most great full of I could get a code. please
sorry for the people who didn’t get in see ye in a raided compound on the full release
Still didn’t get an invite lmao
My beta is bugged a lot of severs aren’t showing up and I can’t search up for them and filters done work can you pls explain
Come someone please add me on Xbox and play rust with me… Gamertag: N8st I have no friends that play it or want to play it. I’m new to the game just looking to make some new friends.. thank you!
My fad let me get Rust yeß
I need key please I signed up up beginning and still haven’t got one
Me who got 2 so I gave one to my friend
I received a second code, are there more people who got send a second code!?
Over the 5 years I have my ps4. It broke a week before rust was officially confirmed for console. I was super hyped for this game over the 10+ times they announced it for console. Not releasing once in those 5 years.
I always have shit luck
so i got the code and downloaded the beta i don’t see the discord link which is okay but does anyone know, is this beta only in EU servers? i keep lagging out as soon as i load in since the ping is like 150+
My pre order beta just updated on Xbox

So happy to see your channel significantly growing day by day, keep it up jade !
The most anticlimactic beginning ever…Keep it up l ol
They just don’t want me to play man I signed up twice ando
Didn’t get one
Brooooo please need a code
When does it end
My preorder beta updated today, is that normal?
Dude help me get access on xbox pls
Dude when am I gonna get an inv
What is a insider hub app
the beta is a little bit buggy but they are doing a great job at fixing these bugs i just wished they would add a linear camera control type ive played every other fps on it. Amazing vid jade monkey thank you for keeping us updated and helping us with tips and guides.
When is the game gonna drop
Hey jade monkey I got rust in Insiderhub and when I launch the game it says too early I got selected for the limited beta
I’m here when it said 5 mins been uploaded
Yea double eleven emailed me a code then emailed another because I swiped the first one away
Double 11 just doesn’t want me to play
I’m still waiting for a code for XSX
Jade if you still have a code please help me out man :/
When are u live?
Still can’t use it I got email n everything just trys to start pre order version
I got 4 beta codes from double eleven
Got mine game is amazing!
I got beta but can’t play because of preorder
Just per order rust
Can you game share or no
I did but it doesn’t let me download it
I’m backkkk
How do I sign up for beta code
Just checked my insider app and I got the beta let’s goo.
What was the update??
Hi mr
How do I get the invite because they won’t send me a code?
Can I have code I’m eu I love your vids still
Came for the rust console updates stayed for the amazing content
Ps4 na code pls
Early squad, and I want a code so bad
I can’t wait for rust console beta it going to be so much fun!!!!!!!!!!
first i can’t wait for tommorow cause i’m gonna preorder the deluxe and hopefully i get the full game + beta?
Still need a inv
I’m cool